A Adams, A. P., Elected, 676. Ielfwald I of Northumbria, 228
INDEX A Withered, Archbishop of Canterbury, forged Adams, A. P., elected, 676. coins of, 21, 23. iElfwald I of Northumbria, 228. —, provenance of coin of, in B.M.C., —, provenance of coin of, in B.M.C., 42. 40. iEthelbald of Wessex, authenticity of coins Albany, John, Duke of, 657-8. of, 20-21. Alchred of Northumbria, provenance of —, correction to B.M.C., coins of, 57. coins of, in B.M.C., 42. TEthelberht of East Anglia, provenance of Alciston find, 659. coin of, in B.M.C., 41. Aldfrith of Northumbria, provenance of —, authenticity of coins of, 19. coin of, in B.M.C., 42. TEthelberht of Wessex, provenance of coins Alexander III of Scotland, coins of, in of, in B.M.C., 31, 46. Dover hoard, 148, 152, 160-2. TEthelheard, Archbishop of Canterbury, Alfred, forged coins of, 21. provenance of coins of, in B.M.C., 40. —, provenance of coins of, in B.M.C., 31, —, coin of, in Vatican, 450. 46, 57- iEthelred of Mercia, provenance of coins of, —, coin of, found at Dean, 179. in B.M.C., 28, 37. —, halfpennies and third-pennies of, 477. iEthelred II of Northumbria, 231. Allen, C. H., elected, 676. —, provenance of coins of, in B.M.C., 43. ALLEN, D. F., on an ancient British coin iEthelred I of Wessex, provenance of coins from Colchester, 400. of, in B.M.C., 31, 46, 57. —, on a remarkable Celtic coin from iEthelred II of England, provenance of Canterbury, 443. coins of, in B.M.C., 35, 51, 57.
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