A Withered, Archbishop of , forged Adams, A. P., elected, 676. coins of, 21, 23. iElfwald I of , 228. —, provenance of coin of, in B.M.C., —, provenance of coin of, in B.M.C., 42. 40. iEthelbald of , authenticity of coins Albany, John, Duke of, 657-8. of, 20-21. Alchred of Northumbria, provenance of —, correction to B.M.C., coins of, 57. coins of, in B.M.C., 42. TEthelberht of , provenance of Alciston find, 659. coin of, in B.M.C., 41. , provenance of —, authenticity of coins of, 19. coin of, in B.M.C., 42. TEthelberht of Wessex, provenance of coins Alexander III of , coins of, in of, in B.M.C., 31, 46. Dover hoard, 148, 152, 160-2. TEthelheard, , Alfred, forged coins of, 21. provenance of coins of, in B.M.C., 40. —, provenance of coins of, in B.M.C., 31, —, coin of, in Vatican, 450. 46, 57- iEthelred of , provenance of coins of, —, coin of, found at Dean, 179. in B.M.C., 28, 37. —, halfpennies and third-pennies of, 477. iEthelred II of Northumbria, 231. Allen, C. H., elected, 676. —, provenance of coins of, in B.M.C., 43. ALLEN, D. F., on an ancient British coin iEthelred I of Wessex, provenance of coins from Colchester, 400. of, in B.M.C., 31, 46, 57. —, on a remarkable Celtic coin from iEthelred II of England, provenance of Canterbury, 443. coins of, in B.M.C., 35, 51, 57. Alloa colliery, countermark on forged —, Chichester coins of, 62, 535. Spanish dollar, 629. —, The Small Cross Issue and " Crux " type, Ancient British coins, hoard of, at Honing- by R. H. M. Dolley and F. Elmore Jones, ham, 1. 75- —, coin from Colchester, 400. —, Varieties of "Crux" type penny, 83-84. Anderson, M. J., elected, 431. —, Wilton and Salisbury mints of, modified, Anglo-Saxon coins, forgeries among, 18. 84. —, provenances of those in B.M.C., 26. •—, a new mint for, 88. —, sequence of types 1030-50, in. —, Cadbury coins of, 99. —, in the Vatican Library, 449. —, Ilchester coins of, 102. Arabic coins found at Dean, 177. •—Bruton coins of, 103. Archbishops of Canterbury, provenance of —, Stamford mint of, 106. coins of, in B.M.C., 29, 57. —, Hastings coins of, 249. Arkwright, Sir Richard, 621, 637. —, Sudbury and Southwark mints of, 264. Ashby, J. M., exhibits by, 211, 429. •—, mint "set Gothabyrig ", 270. Asherson, Miss E., elected, 673. —, mint " eet Sith(m)estebyrig", 277. Austen, R. L., elected, 431. —, Small "Crux" type of, 509. —, Lewes coins of, 518, 519. B iEthelstan I of East Anglia, provenance of Bagnall, A. E., exhibits by, 213, 218, 429, coins of, in B.M.C., 41. 675- 677- iEthelstan II of East Anglia, provenance of Baldred of Kent, provenance of coins of, in coins of, in B.M.C., 41. B.M.C., 40. iEthelstan of England, coins of, in the Baldwin, A. H., exhibits by, 209, 216, 428, Bossall hoard, 11-15. 430, 672. —, provenance of coins of, in B.M.C., 33, Baldwin, A. H. F., exhibits by, 215, 218, 47- 57- 431, 671. —, Chichester coins of, 62. Baldwin, A. H. & Sons, Ltd., exhibits by, —, coins of, found at Honedon, 181. 672. —, "tet Weardbyrig", mint of, 494. Ballindalloch, 643. •—, Lewes coins of/518. —, countermarked Spanish dollar of, 637. iEthelweard of East Anglia, provenance of Ballingal, N. C., elected, 211. coins of, in B.M.C., 41. Bankers, Institute of, Library, elected, 675. iEthelwulf, provenance of coins of, in Bareford, H. S., elected, 430. B.M.C., 31, 45. Barker, R. H., elected, 211. —, coin of in Vatican Library, 453. Beonna of East Anglia, provenance of coin —, coins of in Middle Temple hoard, 475. of, in B.M.C., 41. B 7054 > X 684 Index Beorhtric, provenance of coin of, in B.M.C., Carter, B. L., elected, 672. 41. Carter, G. E. L., elected, 209. , provenance of coins of, —, exhibits by, 428. in B.M.C., 39. Catrine cotton works, 643. Berhtwulf of Mercia, provenance of coins of, —, countermarked Spanish dollar of, 634. in B.M.C., 39. Ceolnoth, Archbishop of Canterbury, pro- BERESFORD JONES, R. D., on the Oxford venance of coins of, in B.M.C., 40. mint, 1642-6, 604. —, a new type for, 405. Bigley, Dr. Donald, elected, 674. Ceolwulf I of Mercia, provenance of coins of, BLUNT, C. E., exhibits by, 215. in B.M.C., 38. —, and J. D. A. THOMPSON, on Forgery in —, Rochester coins of, 407. the Anglo-Saxon series, 18. Ceolwulf II of Mercia, provenance of coins —, on new type for Archbishop Ceolnoth, of, in B.M.C., 29, 39. 4°5- , coin of, from St. Albans, —, on earliest Rochester coins, 406. 459- —, and R. H. M. DOLLEY on the Anglo- Charles I, Weymouth mint of, 169. Saxon coins in the Vatican Library, 449. —, mint of, 203. —, on The coinage of Ecgbeorht, 467. —, Tower gold of, 330. —, with F. ELMORE JONES on mint "ast —, Oxford gold of, 604. Weardbyrig", 494. Charles II, the gold coinage of, 386. Bolton Percy hoard, 230. Chichester, coins minted at, 62, 536. Booth, William, forger, 424. Cissbury, note on, by M. Daunt, 281. Bossall hoard, 11-17. CLARKE, R. RAINBIRD, A hoard of coins of Bramber, possible mint at, for Stephen, 61. the Iceni from Honingham, 1. Bridgnorth, possible Anglo-Saxon mint at, Cnut, provenance of coins of, in B.M.C., 35, 92, 97- 52, 58. Bridport, Anglo-Saxon mint at, 92. —, Chichester coins of, 64, 535. Briot, Nicolas, 336-57, 609, 617. —, Cadbury coins of, 100. Bristol, possible iEthelred II mint at, 96. —, Ilchester coins of, 102. Catalogue, R. H. M. Dolley —, Bruton coins of, 103. and Mrs. J. S. Strudwick on the proven- —, coin types of, 111. ances of Anglo-Saxon coins in, 26. —, Hastings coins of, 250. Brooks, F., elected, 209. —, Steyning coins of, 260. BROWN, I. D., on the coinage of Elizabeth I, —, "aet Gothabyrig", mint of, 272. 568. —, coins of, in Vatican Library, 455. —, on the Alciston find, 659. —, "Fro" coin of, 505. —, exhibits by, 673, 676. —, Lewes coins of, 523. Brumby, S., elected, 676. Coenwulf of Mercia, provenance of coins of, Bruton, moneyers at, 103. in B.M.C., 28, 38. , provenance of coins of, Colchester and Essex Museum, the Curator, in B.M.C., 29, 39. elected, 673. Bussell, Mrs. M., elected, 431. Collins, Dr. C. L., elected, 431. Buxton, E. V., elected, 212. Congleton treasure trove, 419. Cooper, J. K. D., elected, 676. C CORBITT, J. H., elected, 210. Cadbury, temporary mint at, for jEthel- —, note on Wrekenton gold find, 202. red II and Cnut, 99. Cromford, Derbyshire, countermarked —, moneyers of, 102. Spanish dollar of, 620. Caistor, Lines., possible Anglo-Saxon mint Cuerdale hoard, 481. at, 91. Curran, W. E., elected, 215. Calderwood, Dr. Robert, elected, 218. Cuthred of Kent, provenance of coins of, in Canterbury, a remarkable Celtic coin from, B.M.C., 40. 443- Cynethrith, Queen of Mercia, provenance of —, the Librarian and Curator of the Royal coins of, in B.M.C., 28, 38. Library and Museum, elected, 672. Cark, Lanes., countermarked Spanish dollar D of, 622. Dale, David, 637-9, 643. Carlyon-Britton, Major P. W. P., 485. Danson, E. W., elected, 671. CARLYON-BRITTON, RAYMOND, 650-1. DAUNT, Miss M., note on Cissbury, 281. —, on mule of Henry VIII Tournai groat, —, elected, 429. 203. Dawson, J. O., elected, 676. —, on York sixpences and shillings of Deacon, J. Hunt, elected, 215. Charles I, 203. Dean, Cumberland, note on Saxon and —, exhibits by, 430, 674, 676. Arabic coins found at, 177. Index 685 Dobuni, note on stater of, 175. Dover hoard, 147 —, three silver coins of, 403. " Dunkirk " tokens, 171. —, contemporary forgery of coin of, 404. Dodford, Northants., Philip the Bold quar- E ter-noble found at, 201. Eadberht, Bishop of London, 451. Doggart, J. H., elected, 215. Eadberht of Northumbria, 227. DOLLEY, R. H. M., on A Neglected but —, provenance of coins of, in B.M.C., 42. Vital Yorkshire Hoard, 11. Eadberht Praen of Kent, provenance of —, and Mrs. J. S. STRUDWICK on the pro- coins of, in B.M.C., 39. venances of the Anglo-Saxon coins in the —, new type and moneyer for, 243. B.M.C., 26. Eadgar, 495. —, and F. ELMORE JONES on the Small —, provenance of coins of, in B.M.C., 34, Cross Issue and "Crux" type of iEthel- 50. 57- red II, 75. —, Chichester coins of, 62. —, on a new Anglo-Saxon mint, 88. —, coin of, in Vatican Library, 455. —, on a probable new mint in Shropshire, —, third-pennies of, 490. 92. —, coin of mint "aet Weardbyrig", 495. —, on the emergency mint at Cadbury, 99. —, Lewes coins of, 519. —, on the Dover hoard, 147. Eadmund, provenance of coins of, in B.M.C., —, and R. G. HUGHES on Tremisses of the 33, 48. mint at Quentovic, 176. —, coins of, found at Honedon, 181. —, on a new halfpenny of , 182. —, unpublished coin of, 411. —, on contemporary forgeries of late Saxon —, coins of, in Vatican Library, 454. pence, 185. Eadred, provenance of coins of, in B.M.C., —, note on irregular penny of Stephen, 195. 33, 49, 57- —, note on a nineteenth-century hoard of —, coins of, found at Honedon, 182. Edward pence, 196. —, new halfpenny of, 182. —, note on Dodford treasure trove, 201. —, coins of, in Vatican Library, 454. —, exhibits by, 211, 212, 216, 432, 671, 676. Eadwald of East Anglia, provenance of -—•, on a new type and moneyer for Ead- coin of, in B.M.C., 41. berht Praen, 243. Eadwig, forgeries of coins of, 23, 25. —, on the Sudbury and Southwark mints of —, provenance of coins of, in B.M.C., 34, Jithelred II, 264. 49, 57- —, and F. ELMORE JONES, on mints "ast —, coin of mint "WE", 496. Gothabyrig " and " art Sith(m)estebyrig", Eanbald, Archbishop of York, 231. 270. —, provenance of coins of, in B.M.C., 43. —, on find at Stockbridge Down, 283. Eanred of Northumbria, 231. —, on find of Edward pence at Neath Abbey, —, provenance of coins of, in B.M.C., 42. 294. 555- Eardwulf of Northumbria, provenance of —, on three silver coins of the Dobuni, 403. coins of, in B.M.C., 42. —, on a suspect coin of Edward the Elder, Ecgberht, Archbishop of York, 228. 408. —, provenance of coin of, in B.M.C., 43. —, on an alleged Agnus Dei penny of Ware- Ecgberht of Kent, provenance of coin of, in ham, 412. B.M.C., 39. —, note on Henry IV quarter-noble of —, coin of, in Vatican, 449. Calais, 416. Ecgberht of Wessex, forged coins of, 21. —, noteonTringseventeenth-centurytoken, —, provenance of coins of, in B.M.C., 30, 420. 45- —, with C. E. BLUNT on the Anglo-Saxon —, coin of, in Vatican Library, 453. coins in the Vatican Library, 449. •—, the coinage of, by C. E. Blunt, 467. —, and D. M. METCALF on two coins of Offa , 229. and Charlemagne from St. Albans, 459. —, provenance of coin of, in B.M.C., 42. —, on a penny of , 499. , provenance of coins —, on the mint of "Fro", 504. of, in B.M.C., 35, 54, 58. —, note on the "War Area" find, 650. —, Chichester coins of, 66. —, note on a late-thirteenth-century ster- —, coin types of, in, 118. ling of Namur, 654. —, unpublished mule of, 189. —, note on an unpublished seventeenth- —, Hastings coins of, 253. century token of London, 659. —, Steyning coins of, 261. —, note on a group of coins from Malvern, —, coins of, in the Vatican Library, 456. 662. —, "Fro" coin of, 505. —, his "Some Reflections on Hildebrand —, Lewes coins of, 527. type A of Jithelred II " reviewed, 666. Edward the Elder, provenance of coins of, Doubleday, G. V., exhibits by, 671, 672. in B.M.C., 32, 47, 57. 686 Index Edward the Elder, coins of, found at Dean, GRINSELL, L. V., on a stater of the Dobuni, 180. 175- —, suspect coin of, in B.M., 408. Groats of Edward I in Dover hoard, 149. —, coins of, in Vatican Library, 454. Grover, B. H., exhibits by, 216. Edward the Martyr, provenance of coins of, in B.M.C., 34, 50, 57. H -—, new mint for, 91. Haines, G. C., elected, 214. —, Stamford mint under, 108. Hanham, Sir John, obiit, 214. —, enigmatic penny of, 499. Harold I, provenance of coins of, in B.M.C., —, Lewes coins of, 518. 35. 53. 58. Edward I, 288. —, Chichester coins of, 66. —, coins of, in Dover hoard, 149, 156-60. •—, coin types of, 111. —, coins of, in nineteenth-century Scottish —, Hastings coins of, 253. hoard, 196. —, Steyning coins of, 261. —, coins of, in Neath Abbey finds, 294, 555. —, "aet Gothabyrig" coins of, 275. Edward II, coins of, in nineteenth-century —, coins of, in Vatican Library, 456. Scottish hoard, 196. —, Lewes coins of, 526. —, coins of, in Neath Abbey finds, 294, 555. Harold II, provenance of coins of, in B.M.C., Edward III, new rev. for groat of, 196. 36, 56, 59- Edward V, angel of, 312. —, Chichester coins of, 69. Edward VI, half-sovereign mule of, with —, Hastings coins of, 257. Henry VIII, 658. •—, Steyning coins of, 262. Egan, H., elected, 210. •—, coin of, in Vatican Library, 457. Elizabeth I, I. D. Brown on coinage of, 568. —, Lewes coins of, 531. —, List of coin hoards of, 593. Harthacnut, provenance of coins of, in Erith hoard, 480. B.M.C., 35, 54, 58. —, Chichester coins of, 66. F —, coin types of, 111. Ferguson, J. Douglas, elected, 215. —, Hastings coins of, 253. Forgeries, in the Anglo-Saxon series, 18. —, Steyning coins of, 261. —, Lawrence's papers on, 20. •—, "set Gothabyrig" coins of, 275. —•, contemporary, of late Saxon pence, 185. —, "Fro" coin of, 505. —, contemporary, of William I coins, 190. —, Lewes coins of, 527. •—, contemporary, of coin of Dobuni, 404. Hastings, Anglo-Saxon mint at, 249. —, hoard of, of Bank of England tokens, 423. Hawkins, R. N., exhibits by, 675. —, contemporary Anglo-Saxon, in Vatican Henry I, Chichester coins of, 72. Library, 453. —, Pevensey coins of, 73. Forrer, L. S., " The Art of Collecting Coins " —, Hastings coins of, 259. reviewed, 206. —, Lewes coins of, 533. Foscote, Bucks., treasure trove, 416. —, unpublished penny of, 652. Freeman, J. C., elected, 674. Henry II, Lewes coins of, 535. Freshford, Somerset, "Dunkirk" tokens Henry IV, heavy Calais quarter-noble of, 416. from, 173. Henry VI, nobles of, found at Wrekenton, "Fro", mint of, 504. 202. —, W. J. W. Potter on heavy groats of, 299. G Henry VIII, mule of Tournai groat of, 203. Gaeta, 649. —, the sequence of marks in second coinage Galston, Ayrshire, countermarked Spanish of, 560. dollar of, 627. —, half-sovereign of, mule with Edward VI, Gardner, A. C., elected, 672. 658. Gartner, John, elected, 216. HEPPER, F. N., note on a late-eighteenth- Gentleman's Magazine, 11, 177. century forger's pegged die, 422. Goodacre, Hugh, " Handbook of the Coinage Hereford, The City Museum and Art of the Byzantine Empire" reviewed, 669. Gallery, Librarian, elected, 673. "Gothabyrig", mint "set", 270. Herentals, Belgium, treasure trove, 312. Grant, Professor Michael, elected, 214. Hewitt, K. V., elected, 215. Gresham, Sir Thomas, 575. hoard, 230. GRIERSON, PHILIP, on halfpennies and third- Hill, Sir George, 88. pennies of Alfred, 477. Hodgkinson, P. A., elected, 676. —, on the Eagle crown of James V, 656. Honedon hoard, 180. —, exhibits by, 675. Honingham, hoard of the Iceni found at, 1. GRIFFIN, ARTHUR C„ on the "Dunkirk" Hooper, A. S., elected, 431. tokens, 171. HUGHES, R. G., with R. H. M. DOLLEY on —, elected, 429. Tremisses of the mint of Quentovic, 176. Index 687

1 LINTON, E. C., note on new rev. for Ed- Ianberht, Archbishop of Canterbury, forged ward III groat, 196. coin of, 23. Lismore, T., elected, 427. —, provenance of coins of, in B.M.C., 40. Lister, Major C. W., exhibits by, 674, 677. Iceni, 1, 7, 10. Livingstone, David, 641. Ilchester, moneyers of, 102. Loffet, J. F., elected, 209. Irish coins in Dover hoard, 150, 158. —, exhibits by, 2x0. London, unpublished seventeenth-century J token of, 659. James III of Scotland, 317. Louis IX of France, coins of, in Dover hoard, James IV of Scotland, 318. 162. James V of Scotland, Eagle crown of, 656. Louth, B., elected, 429. John, Chichester coins of, 72. Louth, Lines., 499, 502. JONES, F. ELMORE, with R. H. M. DOLLEY Ludica of Mercia, provenance of coin of, in on the Small Cross Issue and " Crux " type B.M.C., 29, 39. of iEthelred II, 75. LYON, C. S. S., exhibits by, 212. —, note on an unpublished mule of Edward —, his Reappraisal of the Sceatta and Styca the Confessor, 189. Coinage of Northumbria, 227. —, note on the Norman coinage of Wales, 191. M —, exhibits by, 211, 213, 216, 427, 671. McCormick-Goodhart, L., elected, 431. —, with R. H. M. DOLLEY on mints "aet MACDOWALL, D. W., elected, 671. Gothabyrig " and "set Sith(m)estebyrig", —, on Morton (Lines.) token, 421. 270. Mack, Cdr. R. P., 443. —, awarded Sanford Saltus medal, 432, 675. —, exhibits by, 209. —, and C. E. BLUNT on mint "aet Weard- —, note on unpublished Saxon and Norman byrig", 494. coins, 404. —, on Stephen type VII, 537. —, note on unpublished coin of Eadmund, —, on unpublished penny of Henry I, 652. 411. Malvern, R. H. M. Dolley on coins from, 662. Iv Mangakis, D., exhibits by, 216. Kempshall, T. E., elected, 671. MARTIN, Mrs. J. S., note on find at Thwaite, —, exhibits by, 673. 414. KENT, J. P. C., exhibits by, 214, 429, 432, Martin, Sir Richard, 570. 676. G. C. Merriam Company, elected, 428. —, note on Foscote hoard, 416. Merrifield, R., exhibits by, 210. —, note on Congleton hoard, 419. METCALF, D. M„ with R. H. M. DOLLEY on —, note on a South Italian imitation of two coins of Offa and Charlemagne, 459. Anglo-Saxon penny, 649. Methuen and Joyce, woollen manufac- KING, H. H., on the coins of the Sussex turers, 173. mints, 60, 249, 518. Middle Temple hoard, 407, 475. •—, presidential addresses, 220, 680. Missouri University, the Librarian, elected, —, exhibits by, 427, 430, 673. 429. Krolik, P. D., elected, 214. Morton (Lines.), seventeenth-century token, 421. L Laing, W., elected, 431. N —, exhibits by, 432. Namur, late-thirteenth-century sterling of, Lanarkshire, countermarked Spanish dollars 654- of, 635, 644. Napier, D. S., obiit, 427. LASKO, P. E., note on the Dover hoard con- Neath Abbey finds, 294, 555. tainer, 166. Newman, E. P., elected, 676. Lattimore, C. R., elected, 430. Newport, Mon., 96. Lee, E. H., obiit, 216. Newport, Salop., 97. Leeds City Museums, exhibits by, 211. Newport Pagnell, 95. Leeds University, the Librarian, elected, 218. Nichols, D. C., elected, 427. Leicester, Director of Museum and Art North, J. J., elected, 675. Gallery, elected, 429. Northumbria, reappraisal of the Lewes, mint of, 518. coinage of, 227. Liddell, D. G., exhibits by, 218,428,674, 675. Lincoln City and County Museum, Director O of, elected, 215. Offa, forged coins of, 24. Linecar, H. W. A., "Coins" reviewed, 206. —, provenance of coins of, in B.M.C., 28, —, exhibit by, 675. 37- 688 Index Offa, coins of, in Vatican, 450. Rothesay, countermarked Spanish dollar of, —, coin of, from St. Albans, 459- 627. Orbis News Agency, elected, 674. Royal Scottish Museum, Director of, elected, , 231. 212. —, provenance of coins of, in B.M.C., 43. Rye, mint at, under Stephen, 74. Osborne, A. E., elected, 211. Oslo, Director of Universitets Myntkabinett, S elected, 209. Saar, Librarian of the University, elected, Oswald, Adrian, " The Church of St. Berte- 431- lin at Stafford: Excavation Report" re- St. Albans, two coins found at, 459. viewed, 207. St. Eadmund of East Anglia, provenance of Oswald of East Anglia, provenance of coin coins of, in B.M.C., 41. of, in B.M.C., 41. St. Eadmund memorial, provenance of coins Owen, Robert, 638, 645. in B.M.C., 42. Oxford mint of Charles I, 604. —, coins found at Dean, 180. St. Martin, provenance of coins in B.M.C., P 42. Parsons, O. F., exhibits by, 210, 428. St. Peter pence, found in Bossall hoard, 12- "Pax" coins, 131. 14. Peada of Mercia, provenance of coins of, in —, provenance of those in B.M.C., 30, 45. B.M.C., 28, 37. —, found at Dean, 179. PECK, C. W., on three rare Soho pieces, 662. Salmo, Helmer, "Ett par vastfinska silver- Percy main colliery, countermarked Spanish depafynd fran 1000 = talet" reviewed, dollar of, 623. 207. Perthshire, countermarked Spanish dollars Santon Downham hoard, 4-5. of, 636. Scaldwell find, 650. Peterborough, connexion of the Abbot with Sceatta series, reappraisal of, by C. S. S. Stamford mint, 106. Lyon, 227. Pevensey, mint at, 73. SCHNEIDER, H., exhibits by, 213. Philip III of France, coins of, in Dover —, on angel of Edward V in Herentals hoard, 162. treasure trove, 312. Philip IV, of France, dating of his coins, —, on Tower Gold of Charles I, 330. 153- —, on half-sovereign mule Henry VIII/ —, coins of, in Dover hoard, 163-6. Edward VI, 658. Pitchfork, W. H., elected, 214. Scottish banks, countermarks on Spanish Placks, I. H. Stewart on, 317. dollars, 630. Plegmund, Archbishop of Canterbury, pro- SEABY, P. J., 249. venance of coins of, in B.M.C., 40. —, on the sequence of Anglo-Saxon coin Pollard, J. G., elected, 671. types, 1030-50, III. Porteous, J., elected, 218. —, exhibits by, 212, 213, 218, 430, 431, 432, POTTER, W. J. W., elected, 217. 671, 674, 675. —, on Heavy Groats of Henry VI, 299. Seaiy, D. L. F., exhibit by, 674. —, on the sequence of marks on the second University, the Librarian, elected, coinage of Henry VIII, 560. 675- Privy marks, of Henry VIII, 560. SHERLOCK, R. J., on a nineteenth-century —, of Elizabeth I, 569. MS. book on coins, 394. Purvey, P. F., exhibit by, 211. —, on a hoard of forged Bank of England tokens, 423. Shortt, H. de S., elected, 214. Quentovic, Tremisses of, 176. Singleton, nineteenth-century forger, 24. "Sith(m)estebyrig", mint "aet", 277. R Slade, W. W., elected, 671. "Raienalt", coins reading, 11. Smith, P. G., elected, 214. Reading hoard of 1839, 395. Soho mint, 662. Redwulf of Northumbria, 231. Southwark mint of TEthelred II, 264. —, provenance of coins of, in B.M.C., 43. Spink, D. F., exhibits by, 211, 216. Rees, V. F., elected, 211. Spink, J. M., exhibits by, 673. Renfrewshire, countermarked Spanish Spink & Son, Ltd., The Mint Towns of Eng- dollars of, 633. land and Wales, reviewed, 205. Retford, East, countermarked Spanish Stamford, the mint at, and the connexion dollar of, 624. with Peterborough, 106. Rigold, S. E., exhibits by, 671. —, hoard found at, 484. Rochester, earliest coins of, 406. Stead, I. A., elected, 218. —, coins of Ecgbeorht, 473. Stephen, Bramber (?) coins of, 61. Index 689

Stephen, Chichester coins of, 72. Vatican Library, Anglo-Saxon coins in, 449. —, Pevensey coins of, 73. Vernon, Dr. P. H., elected, 427. —, Rye coins of, 74, 535. Viking kings in Northumbria, provenance —, Irregular penny of, 195. of coins of, in B.M.C., 44. —, Hastings coins of, 259. VINCENT, J. R., Unpublished information —, Lewes coins of, 534. upon Charles I Weymouth mints by, 169. —, his type VII, by F. Elmore Jones, 537. Vorley, D. G. D., elected, 428. STEWART, IAN HALLEY, on "The Stamford mint and the connexion with Peter- W borough under iEthelred II", 106. Wainwright, F. F., elected, 217. —, note on a new Norman forger, 190. Wales, Norman coinage of, 191. —, exhibits by, 212, 429, 431, 674. "War Area" find, 650. —, on "The New Plakkis Last Cunyeit" Wareham, alleged "Agnus Dei" penny of, withdrawn 1485, 317. 412. —, on the small "Crux" type of TEthel- Waterfield, P. G„ obiit, 211. red II, 509. " Weardbyrig ", mint "aet", 494. Steyning mint, 260. Weber, F. Parkes, elected, 214. Stockbridge, 92, 283. Wessex Numismatic Society, the Librarian, Stone, A. G., elected, 675. elected, 674. Stone, R. H., elected, 428. Westminster Central Reference Library, STRIDE, H. G., 011 "The Gold Coinage of the City Librarian elected, 674. Charles II", 386. Weymouth, Charles I mint of, 169. —, exhibits by, 430. Whetmore, S. A. H., on issuers of counter- STRUDWICK, Mrs. J. S., with R. H. M. marked Spanish dollars, 620. DOLLEY on the provenances of the Anglo- White, John, nineteenth-century forger, 18. Saxon coins in the B.M.C., 26. Whittingham, R. D., exhibit by, 216. —, note on Saxon and Arabic coins found at Wiglaf of Mercia, provenance of coin of, in Dean, 177. B.M.C., 39. —, note on Saxon coins found at Honedon, Wigmund, Archbishop of York, 231. 180. —, provenance of coins of, in B.M.C., 43. Sudbury mint of iEthelred II, 264. William I, Chichester coins of, 69. Sussex, coins of mints in, by H. H. King, 60, —, Pevensey coins of, 73. 249, 518. —, Peterborough mint under, 107. —, Rhuddlan coin of, 192. T —, Hastings coins of, 257. Taffs, H. W„ obiit, 216. —, Steyning coins of, 262. TAIT, HUGH, note on Foscote hoard con- —, Lewes coins of, 531. tainer, 418. —, coins in "War Area" and Scaldwell TATLER, G. L. V., on the transition between find(s), 650. types I and II of Edward I, 288. William II, Chichester coins of, 71. Teasdill, G., elected, 430. —, Pevensey coins of, 73. Third-pennies, 477. —, Hastings coins of, 258. THOMPSON, J. D. A., with C. E. BLUNT on •—, Steyning coins of, 263. Forgery in the Anglo-Saxon series, 18. —, Lewes coins of, 533. —, exhibit by, 215. Wilson, W. McC., elected, 431. —, his "Inventory of British Coin Hoards, Winchester, coins of Ecgbeorht, 474. 600-1500", reviewed, 425. Winstanley, E. J., exhibits by, 432. Tobermory, countermarked Spanish dollar Wodak, E., elected, 214. of, 626. Wulfhere, Archbishop of York, 231. Tring, seventeenth-century token of, 420. —, provenance of coin of, in B.M.C., 44. , Archbishop of Canterbury, pro- U venance of coins of, in B.M.C., 40. Unruh, Lieut. E. H., elected, 673. Wyley, W. B. M„ elected, 212.