Ecological Land Classification of Mount Revelstoke and Glacie R National Parks, British Columbia
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Environment Environnement Canada Canada Alberta Institute of Pedology University of Alberta Ecological Land Classification of Mount Revelstoke and Glacie r National Parks, British Columbia Vol . I : Integrated Resource Description Editors : P. L . Achuff, W.D. Holland, G.M . Coen, and K. Van Tighem Ecological Land Classificatio n of Mount Revelstoke and Glacie r National Parks, British Columbia Vol . I : Integrated Resource Description Editors: P .L . Achuff, W.D . Holland, G .M . Coen, and K . Van Tighern P .L . Achuff L.W. Gyug D .T. Alla n S.M . Dupuis G .L . Holroyd H .A . Dudynsk y W .S. Taylor K . Van Tighem M.D. Fairbarns B .D . Walker Canadian Wildlife Service W .D . Hollan d Alberta Institute of Pedology Environment Canada Northern Forest Research Centre University of Alberta 1000, 9942 - 108 Street Canadian Forestry Service Edmonton, Alberta Edmonton, Alberta Environment Canad a '1'6G 2E1 T5K 2J5 5320 - 122 Stree t Edmonton, Albert a G.M . Coen T6H 35 5 Alberta Pedology Uni t Agriculture Canada Alberta Institute of Pedolog y 4445 Calgary 'Frail Publication No . M-84-1 1 Edmonton, Alberta 198 4 Tbl-1 5R7 Table of Contents FIGURES - . ._ _ . ._- .-_ .--- .- . .-_ . .-. .- . .---_ .-- . .-- .-_ . .- . ._ . i TABLES - _iü PLATES v Ü ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ABSTRACT xüi CHAPTER l' PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT 1 LOCATION, PHYSIOGRAPHY AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS 1 LOCATION -' '''''''' ''-'--'' ' 1 PHYSIOGRAPHY . .-- .-- . .- ._ .- .-- . .-..- . .---- . 1 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS . .-- .---- . ._ . .-- ._ .-_ .- . 3 CLIMATE .__ ._ . .--- ._ ._ . .- .- . .- --- ._ _ ._ . ._ . ._ . 4 OVERVIEW AND EAST-WEST TRENDS - ._- . ._ . .- .-- . .--- ._ . 4 CLIMATE AND ECOREGIONS --- -- 5 GEOLOGY 9 REGIONAL SETTING --- 9 STRATI GBA9BJC FRAMEWORK . .. .-_- .- .--- .-- . .- .--- . .- .- . ._ . .- . .- . 9 STRUCTURAL FRAMEWORK ''_ . ..' ' ' '''' ' . .' . .'__''''' ' . .'' . _ _ GEOMORPHOLOGY _l0 OVERVIEW -ll UNCONSOLIDATED MINERAL COMPONENT 12 ORGANIC, CONSOLIDATED, AND ICE COMPONENTS 23 CHAPTER lI - SOILS .- . .- . ..--- . ._-. ._ . ._- . .__ ._-_ .- .. .---.__-- . .-- 25 INTRODUCTI ON - .- ._ . ..--- . .__- . .- .--_ .- -- .- . ._-_ .-- 25 METHODS OF SOIL DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS 25 FIELD DESCRIPTION METHODS _-- .--__ ._ . .- ._ . .- .-- . .--- ..-- 25 LABORATORY METHODS --- . ..-- .-._-- .- .-_ .. .. .--25 SOILS AND THEIR DISTRIBUTION -. .-- .- .- . .- . .- .----.--.- ..--- 20 WELL DEVELOPED, WELL DRAINED SOILS 26 WEAKLY DEVELOPED, WELL DRAINED SOILS 28 WETLAND SOILS . .- ._--. .- .-.-_ .- .--_- . .-_ .- .- . .- .%9 EXCEPTIONAL SOILS . .--.--- . .- . ..-- .. .- . .-- . ..- .-- ._---. .30 CHAPTER III - VEGETATION - . ._ ._ .- ..-- - .-_ . .- . .-33 INTRODUCTION AND METHODS - - . .-- .-- . .33 FIELD SAMPLING ._ . ._ -_- .--_ .. .- . .-_-- . .-_ .- . .- . 33 VEGETATION CLASSIFICATION ._- ..-- . .---_ . ._-- .-- . ..-- . .33 E[K%REGICND - ._-_ --_----._-- .- .-- . .. .-_-_ ..- ._ ..---- . .-34 VEGETATION TYPE DESCRIPTIONS - ._- .--_ .-- . .- .--- .- .-- . .- . .-37 CLOSED FOREST VEGETATION TYPES ._ . .--- ._ -_ . ._ .-__-.-- .- .-37 OPEN FOREST VEGETATION TYPES _ .- . .-_ . .- .- .-53 SHRUB VEGETATION TYPES . .--- .- . ._ --- h2 LOW SHRUB-HERB VEGETATION TYPES -- .-_ .-- . ._ ..- .-- .---_ . .-69 HERB-DWARF SHRUB VEGETATION TYPES 70 SUCCESSION AND CLIMAX _ . .- .- .- .---- . .-79 INTRODUCTI ON - . .-- .-- .- . ._ . .- 7g INTERIOR CEDAR-HEMLOCK ECOREGION 81 ENGELMANN SPRUCE-SUBALPINE FIR ECOREGION 81 ALPINE ECOREGION . .- . .--- . .-.----Dl WETLANDS - ._- ._ . .-- . .--- ---- .- . .- .0l SIGNIFICANT FEATURES --- .- .-- . .-- .- .- .-_ . .- ._ .- 82 RARE SPECIES ---- .--_- . .-- . .-- ._ . .- .O% OTHER SIGNIFICANT BOTANICAL FEATURES 82 CHAPTER IV - WILDLIFE --- .---- .- . ._ .---- .- .-- .- . .- ._ . .- .--- .-85 I NTRODUCTION _ .__ . .--- .-- .- . .- .-- .--- .- .- . .--- .- .- D5 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WILDLIFE 85 METHODS . .-- .- .--. .--- . ._---.- .D5 SAMPLING RATIONALE .-_ . ._-- .06 FIELD SAMPLING - . .--- .-.- ._---. .-- .-- .88 ECOLOGICAL INTEGRATION - .-_- . .---_ ._ . .--- . .~__87 SPECIES ASSEMBLAGES .-_ . .----.--- . .---- . .-- . .88 SMALL MAMMAL ASSOCIATIONS _ . .--- .---- .-_- .- .- .89 CHAPTER V - ECOLOGICAL INTEGRATION OF LANDFORMS, SOILS, VEGETATION AND WILDLIFE 109 ECOLOGICAL LAND CLASSIFICATION METHODOLOGY 109 PHILOSOPHICAL PRINCIPLES 109 MAPPING METHODOLOGY 109 ECOLOGICAL (BIOPHYSICAL) LEGEND CORRELATION 113 DESCRIPTION OF ECOSECTIONS/ECOSITES 113 INTRODUCTION 113 AB - ABBOTT ECOSECTION 114 AK - ASULKAN ECOSECTION 117 BU - BALU ECOSECTION 122 CE - CHEOPS ECOSECTION 126 CM - CATAMOUNT ECOSECTION 127 CT - CUTBANK ECOSECTION 130 GF - GRIFFITH ECOSECTION 135 GH - GLACIER HOUSE ECOSECTION 138 HE - HEATHER ECOSECTION 140 HR - HERMIT ECOSECTION 142 JD - JADE ECOŒECTION 148 JN - JONAS ECOSECTION 152 KX - KUSKANAX ECO6ECTION 155 LK - LOOKOUT ECOSECTION 156 LR - LAURETTA ECOSECTION 158 NC - NORDIC ECOSECTION 160 RD - REDOUBT ECOSECTION 166 SN - STONEY ECOŒECTI ON 170 WR - WITCH TOWER ECOSECTION 172 ECOSITE MODIFIERS 173 A - AVALANCHED 173 B - BURNED 174 F - FAILED 174 X - LITHIC 174 MISCELLANEOUS LANDSCAPES 175 CR - COLLUVIAL RUBBLE 175 GL - GLACIER 175 M - RECENT MORAINE 175 R - ROCKLAND 176 RG - ROCK GLACIER 176 T - TALUS 176 WATER BODIES 177 LITERATURE CITED 179 APPENDIX A - PLANTS OF MOUNT REVELSTOKE AND GLACIER NATIONAL PARKS 191 APPENDIX B - ANIMALS OF MOUNT REVELSTOKE AND GLACIER NATIONA L PARKS 213 INTRODUCTION 213 AMPHIBIANS 213 REPTILES 213 BIRDS 213 MAMMALS 216 APPENDIX C - CORRELATION OF MAP UNITS 219 APPENDIX D - PEDON DESCRIPTIONS AND ANALYTICAL DATA 223 APPENDIX E - VEGETATION TYPES OF MOUNT REVELSTOKE AND GLACIE R NATIONAL PARKS 259 CLOSED FOREST VEGETATION TYPES 259 OPEN FOREST VEGETATION TYPES 260 SHRUB VEGETATION TYPES 260 LOW SHRUB-HERB VEGETATION TYPES 261 HERB-DWARF SHRUB VEGETATION TYPES 261 FIGURES Location and drainage systems of Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks 2 Major bedrock groups of Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks 11 Textural variation among selected samples of coarse textured materials 15 Textural variation among selected samples of medium textured materials 16 Textural variation among selected Fluvial material A samples 22 Ecoregions of Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks 35 Legend for landscape schematics 114 Landscape schematic of topographic relationships among AB1 and other Ecosites 115 Landscape schematic of topographic relationships among AK and RD Ecosites 118 Landscape schematic of topographic relationships among BU, HR, JD and othe r Ecosites 123 Landscape schematic of topographic relationships among CT and other Ecosites 131 Landscape schematic of topographic relationships among HR and other Ecosites 144 Landscape schematic of topographic relationships among JD1, JN2 and other Ecosites 152 Landscape schematic of topographic relationships among NC and other Ecosites 162 i TABLES 1 . Temperature (°C) ranges of selected western Canadian stations 5 ' Temperature data (°C) for stations in and near MRNP and GNP 6 3. Mean annual precipitation for stations in and near MRNP and GNP 7 4. Snow depths for stations in and near MRNP and GNP 8 5. Characteristics of modal unconsolidated mineral genetic materials in MRNP and GNP 13 6. Characteristics of Residuum A 14 7. Characteristics of colluvial genetic material units 16 8. Characteristics of morainal genetic material units 18 9. Characteristics of Ice Contact Stratified Drift C 20 10. Characteristics of Glaciofluvial material A 21 11. Characteristics of Fluvial material A 22 12. Characteristics of Eolian material B 23 13. Ecological moisture regime classes 34 14. Stands of the Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir/false azalea (C14) v.t 38 15. Stands of the Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir/tall bilberry/liverwort (C21) v .t 40 16. Stands of the Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir/green alder (C25) y .t 42 17. Stands of the balsam poplar/horsetail (C28) v .t 43 18. Stands of the spruce-aspen-lodgepole pine-(paper birch)/buffaloberry/pine grass (C44 ) 19. Stands of the mountain hemlock-subalpine fir/rhododendron-tall bilberry (C47) v .t 46 20. Stands of the Engelmann spruce-mountain hemlock/rhododendron-tall bilberry (C48) v .t 47 21. Stands of the mountain hemlock-Douglas fir-subalpine fir-Engelmann spruce/rhododen - dron-tall bilberry (C49) v .t 48 22. Stands of the western hemlock-western red cedar/western yew/oak fern (C50) v .t 49 23. Stands of the western red cedar-western hemlock/devil's club/oak fern (C51) v .t 51 24. Stands of the western hemlock-western red cedar-(Douglas fir)/mountain lover (C52 ) v .t 52 25. Stands of the Douglas fir-western red cedar/mountain lover (C53) v .t 54 26. Stands of the Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir/valerian-fleabane (09) y.t 55 27. Stands of the Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir/heather (010) v .t 56 28. Stands of the spruce/Labrador tea/brown moss (011) y .t 58 iii 29. Stands of the aspen-western white pine/mountain lover (015) v.t 59 30. Stands of the subalpine fir-mountain hemlock/heather-luetkea (020) v .t 60 31. Stands of the Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir/rhododendron-tall bilberry (021) v .t 62 32. Stands of the subalpine fir-whitebark pine-(Engelmann spruce)/tall bilberry-heather (022) v .t 63 33. Stands of the Engelmann spruce-black cottonwood/yellow dryad (023) vet 64 34. Stands of the subalpine fir-willow (S2) v.t 65 35. Stands of the green alder/fem (S13) v .t 66 36. Stands of the willow-mountain hemlock-subalpine fir/tall bilberry (S14) v .t 67 37. Stands of the willow (S15) v .t 68 38. Stands of the alder/skunk cabbage (S17) v .t 69 39. Stands of the heather-everlasting (L5) v.t 70 40. Stands of the mountain