St.John's College

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St.John's College .CATALOGUE -OF- St.John's College ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND -FOR THE- Academic Year, 1917-1918 ---- AND ---- :::Prospectus, 1918-1919::: ' Preas of . ..ANNAPOLIS I PUBLISHING CO]l[l'ANY •.. A.nnapolis, Md. 1918. CALENDAR. 1919 1918 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 ... Opening of Session and Reception of Candidates for Admission.. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 ..... Examination for conditioned and unexamined students in Latin and Greek. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 ......... Examination for conditioned and unexamined students in English, History and Science. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. .... Examination for conditioned and unexamined students in Mathe- matics.. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28 ...... Thanksgiving Day. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20 .......... Co=encement of Christmas Vaca~ tion. 1919 TUESDAY, JANUARY 7 .......... Resumption of College Exercises. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3 .......... Second Term begins. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16 ......... Easter Vacation begins 12 mid- day. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23 ......... Easter Vacation terminates at 7.00 P. M. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18 .......... Co=encement Day. 4 CIRCULAR OF ST. JOHN 's COLLEGE. CIRCULAR OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. 5 ORGANIZATION. The charter of St. John's College was granted in, 1784, and the institution opened in 1789. But under another form and name it had been doing its work during nearly a hundred pre- BOARD OF VISITORS AND GOVERNORS. vious years, and is , therefore ' one of the oldest colleges in the· country. At the city of St. Mary's, then the capital of Mary- land, as early as 1671, the Upper House of the General As- PRESIDENT sembly passed an Act ''for founding and erecting a school or (Under the Charter elected annually.) college for the education of youth in learning and virtue.'' Hl:s EXCELLENCY, EMERSON C. HARRINGTON, The Governor of Maryland, This was followed by the Act of 1696, establishing KING WIL- Annapolis, Md., 1917. LIAM'S SCHOOL, which was opened 1701. Here were educated some of the most distinguished sons of Maryland-physicians, lawyers, statesmen, clergymen-and pre-eminent among the PRESIDENT brilliant number was William Pinkney, whose learning and (Pro-tem.) eloquence have a national fame. KING WILLIAM'S SCHOOL HoN. ROBERT MOSS, was, in 1784, merged into St. John's College, which has .thus Annapolis, Md. been connected with the State of Maryland from the early times of colonial history. Francis Scott Key, author of our favorite national ode, and Reverdy Johnson, distinguished as I SECRETARY. J a lawyer and a statesman, are among the alumni, and many L. DOR.SEY GASSAWAY, ESQ., others, scarcely less eminent, could be mentioned. Annapolis, Md., 1891. LOCATION AND ACCESS. (Ex-Officio.) (Ex-Officio.) HoN. PETER J. CAMPBELL, I-IoN. JOHN P. BRISCOE, The college is pleasantly situated at Annapolis, on the President of the Senate, Judge Court of Appeals, banks of the Severn river, a few miles from the Chesapeake Baltimore, Md. Prince Frederick, Md. Bay. Nothing in the country surpasses the picturesque beauty of its situation. The college green is spacious, amply shaded, HON. HERBERT R. WOODEN, HoN. JOHN R. PATTISON, and most attractive to the eye, while the campus, in the rear, Speaker of the House of Delegates, .Judge Court of Appeals, is admirably adapted for sports. Bordering the grounds, Carroll County. Cambridge, Md. '' College Creek, ' ' a branch of the Severn, affords every fa- HoN. A. HUNTER BOYD, HoN. WM. H. THOJ\iAS, cility for swimming and boating. Indeed, the situation com- Chief Judge Court of Appeals, Judge Court of Appeals, bines every advantage desirable for a college. The buildings Cumberland, Md. Westminster, Md. are large, commodious, and well adapted for purposes of both classical and technical education, and accommodate two hun- HON.HENRY STOCKBRIDGE, JR., HoN. ALBERT CONSTABLE, dred and fifty students. .Judge Court of Appeals, Judge Oourt of Appeals, Annapolis has hourly trolley communication with Balti- Baltimore, Ma. Elkton, Ma. more and Washington, daily steamboat connection with thn HoN. N. CHARLES BURKE, HoN. HAMMOND URNER, JR., former city, and telephonic and telegraphic connection with Judge Court of Appeals, Judge Court of Appeals, every part of the country. Towson, Md. Frederick, Md. i i, 6 CIRCULAR OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. CIRCULAR OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. 7 BOARD OF VISITORS AND GOVERNOR'S. STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE (CONTINUED.) BOARD OF VISITORS. GEORGE WELLS, M.D., LOUIS T. CLARKE, Annapolis, Md., 1882. Ellioott City, Md., 1905. BUILDI:NGS AND GROUNDS. MESSRS. Moss, Chairman; WELLS, STEELE, HOPKINS, BRASHEARS, L. DORJSEY GASSAWAY, NEVETT STEELE, DAWKINS, NYDEGGER. Annapolis, Ma., 1891. Annapolis, Md., 1907. FAGULTY AND INSTRUCTION. HoN. JOHN G. ROGE,RS, JOHN L. CHEW, MESSRS. MUNROE, Chairman; CHEW, KEMP, GREEN, RANDALL. Ellioott City, Ma., 1894. Annapolis, Ma., 1908. MILITARY DEPARTMENT AND DISCIPLINE . .TAME8 M. MUNROE, WILLIAM WOODWARD, MESSRS. STOCKETT, Chairman; STEELE, FELDMEYER, Annapolis, Ma., 18?6. New York, N. Y., 1910. BRASHEARS, GASSAWAY. HoN. ROBERT MOSS, BRUNEJR R. ANDERSON, FINANCE. Annapolis, Md., 1897. Baltimore, Ma., 1910. MESSRS. HOPKINS, Chairman; S,TOCKETT, FELDMEYER, WELLS, BELLIS. FRANK H. STOCKETT, HoN. EJMERSON 0. HARRINGTON, DEGREES. Annapolis, Md., 1897. Cambridge, Ma., 1912. MESSRS. GASSAWAY, Chairman; MUNROE, GREEN, ANDERSON, DAWKINS . .TAMES A. FECHTIG, HoN. JOSEPH H. BELLIS, CATALOGUE. New York City, 1899. Annapolis, Md., 1912. MESSRS. FELDMEYER, Chairman; KEMP, CHEW. CHARLES G. FELDMEYER, DANIEL R. RANDALL, LIBRARY. Annapolis, Md:, 1899. Annapolis, Md., 1913. MESSRS. CHEW, Chairman; STEELE, CLARKE. NICHOLAS H. GRE1EN, HoN. WALTER I. DAWKINS, ENDOWMENT. Annapolis, Md., 1901. Baltimore, Md., 1913. MESSRS. WELLS, Chairman; MUNROE, STOCKETT. HARRY .T. HOPKIN8, W. THOMAS KEMP, V ACANCIE:S IN BOARD. Annapolis, Md., 1902. Baltimore, Md., 1914. MESSRS. FELDMEYER, Chairman; MUNROE, STEELE. STEVENSON A. WILLIAMS, .TAMES A. NYDEGGER, PUBLICITY AND SECURING NEW STUDENTS. Bel Air, Md., 1904. Baltimore, Ma., 1915. MESSRS. GREEN, Chairman; CHEW, STEELE, FECHTIG, KEMP. ON THE PART OF THE ALUMNI. MESSRS. Rr'llGELY P. MELVIN, Annapolis, Chairman; WM. C. DEVECMON, Cumberland, Md.; REV. JOHN YELLOTT, Bel Air, Md.; VERNON S. BRADLEY, Cambridge, Md.; PETER P. BLANCHARD, Baltimore, Md.; EDWIN H. BROWN, Centreville, Md.; JOHN BOSLEY, Baltimore, Md.; OSCAR B. COBLENTZ, Frederick, Md.; EDWARD T. CLARK, Emoott City, Md.; RICHARD .T. DUVALL, Annapolis, Md.; .T. VINCENT JAMISON, .TR., Hagerstown, Md.; JOHN F. Munn, LaPlata, Md.; NICHOLAS OREM, Easton, Md.; JOHN S. NEWMAN, Frederick, Md.; WILLIAM STANLEY, Laurel, Md.; AMOS w. WOODCOCK, Salisbury, Md.; WM. 0. SPATES, P.oolesville, Md.; E, CLARK FONTAINE, Roland Park, Baltimore, Md.; JOHN HowARD Fox, Towson, Md.; HENRY C: RUHL, Baltimore, Md.; EDWIN WARFIELD, Baltimore, Md. CIRCULAR OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. 9 8 CIRCULAR OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. THE FACULTY. UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND. THOMAS FELL, M.A., PH.D., LL.D.,' D.C.L................. President Professor of Moral Science. JOHN BROCKWAY RIPPERE, B. A.,M. A ........•. Vice-President GENERAL STATEMENT. (Graduate of Wesleyan University.) Professor of Latin. ST. JbHN's COLLEGE has entered into an affiliation with JOHN B. WHITE, M.A., 11.H.D. the Schools of Law, Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy of the (Graduate of Geneva Oollege.) Professor of Greek and Latin. University of Maryland. BENJAMIN HARRISON WADDELL, M.A., L.H.D. The operation of these working relations is outlined as fol- (Graduate of Washirigto11 and Lee University.) lows: Professor of Mathematics. FIRST. Seniors in St. John's College must do the number ADOLPH SCHUMACHER., PH.D. of hours required work as specified in the schedule (page 35) (Graduate of Gottingen University an·d University of Pennsylvania.) for the Senior class. The remaining hours may be supplied Professor of French and German. by elective studies in the Law School of Maryland University REGINALD H. RIDGELY, B.S,, M.A. as comprised in that school. Upon the satisfactory completion (Graduate of St. Jiohn 's College.) Professor of Biology. of this course the degree of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of SIDNEY S. HANDY, B.A., M.A. Science is conferred upon such students at the end o:f the (Graduate of Columbia University.) year. The Professional Degree may be reached in two years Professor of English. more. Students so electing must continue their formal regis- ISAIAH M. GAYMAN, M.S. tration in the college, though doing part of their work in the (Graduate of Lafayette College) Law School. Professor of Chemistry. SECOND. Students who have completed the Junior year HAROLD BRENTON SCARBOROUGH, ·B.A., M.A. in St.. John's College and who have made an approved choice ( Gradua·te of St. John's Oollege.) of electives, may, if they desire it, do the entire work of the Professor of Drawing and Physics. Senior year in the Medical School of the University. If they CLARENCE WILSON STRYKER, B.A., M.A. successfully complete the work of the first year in the Medical (Graduate of Union College and Columbia University.) Professor of History and Political Economy. School they are graduated with their class with the degree of DUNCAN ELLIOTT, U.S.A. A. B. or B. S. from St. John's College. Captain U. S. Army. By taking advantage of this privilege a man may complete Professor of Military Science and Tactics, and Lecturer on the Undergraduate and Medical courses in seven years. International and Constitutional Law. During three of these years, or until he has completed the THOMAS L. GLADDEN, M.A. work of the Junior class, he is a resident student in St. John's Professor in Latin and Mathematics. College, and for four years he is a resident in the Medical ROSCOE E. GROVE, B.A. School in Baltimore. (Graduate of St. John 's College.) At the end of the fourth year he receives the A. B. degree, Assistant Professor in German and English. and at the end of seven years the M. D. degree, but credit ROLAND HAZARD, from the Medical School cannot be accepted in subjects for Assistant in English. which credit has already been given in the college of Liberal SARAH BERRY. Registrar and Secretary for the President.
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