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NO:lliNATIONS. NOMINATIONS. FJa:ee1tti1.:e nominations received by the Senate March 9, 1921. Executive nominations received 1Jy the Senate March 10, 1921! To BE AssiS'l'ANT SECRETABIES oF THE TREASURY. CoMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. S. Parker Gilbert, jr., of Bloomfield, N. J., to be Assistant Sec­ D. R. Crissinger, of , to be Comptroller of the Om·rency, to retary of the Treasury. fill an existing vacancy. Nicholas Kelley, of , N. Y., to be Assistant Secre­ CoNsULs. tary of the Treasury. The following-named persons for promotion in the Consular Ewing Laporte, of St. Louis, Mo., to be Assistant Secretary of Service of the , as follows: the Treasury. CLASS 3. . To BE BRIGADIER , l\fEDICAL SECTION. Lester :Maynard, of , from consul of class 4 to con­ Charles E. Sawyer, from March 7, 1921. sul of class 3. CLASS 4, Willys R. Peck, of California, from consul of class 5 to con· CONFIRMATION. sui of class 4. Executive nomination confirmed by tlle Senate Ma1·ch 9, 1921. CoNsUL oF CLAss 6. To BE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE NAVY. Charles C. Broy, of , formerly a consul of class 6, to be Assistant Secretary of the Navy! to be a consul of class 6 of the United States of America.

CONFIRM..-\..TIONS. SENATE. Executive norninations con{im~tea by the Senate Ma1·ch 10, 19~1~ ASSIS'J:ANT SECRETARIES OF THE 'J..'REASURY. THURSDAY, March 10, 19~1. S. Pa1·ker Gilbert, jr. Rev. J. J. Muir, D. D., . the Chaplain, offered the f~llowing Nicholas Kelley. prayer: Ewing Laporte. Our Heavenly Fatt.er, for our land we pray this morning, IN THE OFFICERS' RESERVE CORPS OF THE UNITED STATES A. .RMY . for its institutions, for the welfare of its citizenship, for the Charles E. Sawyer to be brigadier general, Medical Section. f.'Uidnnce and direction of its legislation, and we pray that all blessings may be realized, so that we may be in deed and in truth a people whose God is the Lord. \Ve ask it for Thy mime's sake. Amen. .. SENATE. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and ap­ FRIDAY, illarch 11, 19~1 . proved. Rev. J. J. l\fuit·, D. D., the Chaplain, offered the following MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT. prayer: A message in writing from th·e President of the United States was communicated to the Senate by 1\lr. Latta, one ot Our Father, we thank Thee for the sunshine, and we pray the his secretaries. · sunshine may also be in our hearts, and that we may be able to CALL Olf THE ROLL. extend the blessings of life and hope and· cheer to tbose who are in ilistress and sorrow. Direct our ways, we beseech of Mr. SMOOT. 1\lr. President, I suggest tl1e absence of a Thee, so that' we may have Thine acceptance continually. quorum. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. .Amen. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will call the roll. The reading clerk called the roll, and the following Senators The Vice President being absent, the President pro tempore answered to their names : took the chair. Ashurst Hale McNary Stanley On request of Mr. CURTIS, and by unanimous consent, the Borah Harreld Moses Sterling reading of the Journal of yesterday's proceedings was dispensed Broussard Harris Nelson Sutherland with and the Journal was approved. Cameron Heflin New Swanson Caraway .Johnson Nicholson Townsend MESSAGE FROU THE PRESIDENT. Colt Jones, Wasb. Oddie Underwood Culberson Kellogg Overman Walsh, Mass. Sundry messages in writing from the President of the United Cummins Kenyon Penrose Walsh, Mont. States were communicated to the Senate by Mr. Latta, one of his Curtis Keyes Phipps \Varren , Watson, Ga. secretaries. ~~~1st ~~~~ ~~!::g:;~:r Watson, Ind. NEW EDITIO~ OF CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Fletcher La Follette Ransdell Willis Frelinghuysen Lenroot Robinson l\lr. SMOOT. ~Ir. President, I offer the following Senate Gerry Lodge Shortridge resolution and ask for its immediate consideration. Glass McKinlt>y Smoot The resolution ( S. Res. 12) was read, considered by unani­ :Mr. FLETCHER. I wish to announce the una voidable ab­ IDOUS consent, and ngreed to, as follows: - sence of my colleague [Mr. TRAMMELL]. I ask that the an­ Resolved, That an edition of the Congressional Directory for the nouncement may stand for the day. first session of the Sixty-seventh Congress be prepared and published, l\Ir. DIAL. I desire to announce that my colleague [Mr. as provided for in section 73 of the printing act approved January 12, 1895, and that the sum of $800 for compiling, preparing, and indexing S:uiTH] is absent on business of the Senate. I ask that this said edition be paid from the contin~ent fund of the Senate upon an. Juncement may stand for the day. voucher to be approved by the CoDlllllttee to Audit and Control th~ . The VICE PRESIDENT. Fifty-seven Senators, more than a Contingent Expenses of the Senate. quorum, are present. CAPITULATIONS AND CONSULAR INSTITUTIONS. ME::"IIORIAL. l\lr. STERLING submitted the following resolution ( S. Res. l\lr. WILLIS presented a memorial of Dr. J. P. Henahan and 13), which was referred to the Committee on Printing: sundry other citizens of Cleveland, Ohio, remonstrating against Resolved. • That the manuscript entitled " The Ofigln of the Capitu­ lations and of the Consular Institution," by G. Bie Ravndal, American the loaning of money raised through the sale of Liberty bonds to consul general at Constantinople, be printed as a Senate document. Great Britain to be used by her in efforts to suppress the national aspirations of , India, Egypt, and other lands MEMORIALS. in seeking to obtain their freedom, which was referred to the l\lr. GERRY presented a memorial of Kevin Barry Council Committee on Foreign Relations. of the American Association for the Recognition of the Irish Republic, of Central Falls, R. I:, remonstrating against the EXECUTIVE ~ ESSION. shooting of sb: young men in the Cork (Ireland) jail on the l\Ir. LODGE. 1\lr. President, I move that the Senate proceed 28th of February by British military forces in Ireland, which to th~ consideration of executive business. · was referred to the CoiDmittee on Foreign Relations. Tile motion was agreed to, and the Senate proceeded to the l\lr. \VILLIS presented a memorial of Miss Margaret Judge, consideration of executive business. After 38 minutes spent member of the George Washington Parke Custis Council of the in executive session the doors were reopened, an

Government and fa\oring the redemption of promise by the liARIN:::: CORPS. United States of self-determination for small nations, which Brig. Gen. Smedley D. Butler to be a brigadier general in tlle "·as referred to tile Committee on Foreign Relations. 1\Inrine Corps fTom June 4, 1920. PROI'OSED COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC HEALTH. Brig. Gen. Lognn FeJand to be a brigadier general in the Ma­ l\lr. submitted the following notice of an amend­ rine Corps from June 4, 1920. ment of tile rules, which was read : . Brig. Gen. Harry Lee to be a brigadier general in the Marine I desire to give notice that on to-morrow, Murch 12, I shall move to Corps from June 5, 1920. amend Rule XXV ns follows : A.PPOINTMEKTS IN TilE llEGULAI: An:'\n.-. Add at the proper place the following: "A Committee on Public Health and rational Quarantine, to consist CHAPLHN. of 11 Senators." Chaplain John Thomas Axton to be chief of chaplains, witli JosEPH L Fr.ANC11. · tlle rank Of , for a period of four years, beginning July, EXECUTI\E SESSION. 15, 1D~O, with rank from July 15, 1920. l\Ir. LODGE. 1\lr. Pre ident, I moYe that the Senate proceed to the consideration of executiYe business. MILITARY STOREKEEPER. The motion was agreed to, and tile Senate proceeded to the Capt. Chnrles Patrick Daly, military storekeeper, to be mili­ con ideration of executive business. After 40 minutes spent in tary -torekeeper, with tlle rank of , with 1·ank from June executiYe session the doors were reopened and (at 12 o'clock 4, 1920. and 45 minutes p. m.) the Senate ndjonrned until to-morrow, UE"AProrr-~TMENTS IN THE UEour.AR ARMY. Saturdny, March 12, 1921, at 12 o'clock meridian, QUARTElBIASTER CORPS. Charles Walker 1\IcClm·e., L'lte captain (temporat·y lieutenant NOliiNATIONS. colon<>l), Infantry, Regl.llai· Army, to be major, wlth rank from Ma rcl1 3, 1921. 11, 1921. Bxeeutire nominatimts 1·eccit·ea by the Senate Mamlt COAST ABTIT.LERY CORPS. ASSIS'l'.\."'T SECRETARY OF STATE. .James Boyden Crelyo Siske, late econcl lieutenant (tempo­ Freel l\forris Dearino·, of l\lissouri, to be . . istant St>eretary rary first lieutenant), Coast Artillery Corps, Regular Army, to of State. f.>e first lieutenant with rank f1·om March 3, 1921. To nE MEMBERS oF TIIE l NITED STATES TAIUFli' Co:u~rrssm~. 1NFANTRY. 'l'Jtomas 0. Marvin, of Mussachusett ·, to be a member of the Maj. Mile · Knsh Taulbee, Pot·to Rico Uegiment of Infa.ntry. United States Tariff Commission fo1· ibe term expiring Septem­ since rt-til-ed from ac:th'e ·er-vice, to be major, with rnnk from ber o, 1922, vice William Kent, resigned. June 3, 191G. · "\Yilliam S. Culbertson, of Kausas, to be n member of the 0 ·b-orne Cutler ·wood, late seeonc.l lieutenant, InfantrJ·, Regu­ "Cnited States Tariff 1ommis~ion for n term of 12 year·. A lar Army, to b t1rst lieutenant, with.rank from :March 10, 19"21. reappointment. AI'POINT~n:NTs. BY 'l'RANSFEP., JN THE TIEGCr.An AUMY. '.fo n~<: l\fE~mERS OF TDJ,; INTERST.-"TE ColniERCE CoM~nssroN. IGN AT... CORPS. John Jacob E ell. of La Oro -e. Wis., to be a member of the First Lieut. Tasso 'Va

Lieut. Col. Conrad Hammond Lanza, Field Artillery, from l\1aj. Alden Max Graham, Quarterrunster Corps, from Novem- November 1G, 1920. bel· 14, 1920. Lieut. Col. Charles Sidney Haight, Cavah•y, from November l\Iaj. Robert LeRoy Collins, Canaii·y, from November 16, 1920. 17, ]220. l\Iaj. Irvin Lee Hunsaker, Cavalry, from November 16, 1920. Lieut. Col. William Dennison Forsyth, Cavalry, from Novem­ Maj. Clifton Ranney Norton, Field Artillery, from November ber 19, 1920. 17, 1920. Lieut. CoL Fitzhugh Lee, Cavalry, from November 24, 1920. 1\Iaj. Eugene Ju1i.us Ely, Finance Department, from .. ~ovember Lieut. Col. Ralph Brewster Parrott, Infantry, from December 18, 1920. 14, 1920. l\Iaj. Charles Hu ·sell Mayo, Cavalry, from NoYembcr 18, Lieut. Col. Harry Parker Wilbur, Coast Artillery Corps. from 1920. December 23, 1920. Maj. Arthur James I,yncb, Quartermaster Corps, from rro- Lieut. Col. Stanley Hamer Ford, Infantry, from December 25, vember 19, 1920. 1920. 1\faj. Guy Eugene Ruc}{er, Infantry, from November 24, 1920. Lieut. Col. Robert M.aure Brambila, Infantry, from January Maj. Rawson Warren, CaYalry, from November 25, 1920. 6, 1921. . Maj. John Henry Read, jr., Ordnance Department, from No~ Lieut. Col. Elijah Bishop l\lartinda1e, jr,, Coast Artillery vember 26, 1920. Corps, from January 19, 1921. 1\Iaj. Robert Gray Peck, Infantry, from Deceu1bet• 14, 1920. Lieut. Col. John Nicholas Straat, Infantry, from February 1, 1\Iaj. Hobert .Tohn Binford, Infantry, :fl1om December 16, 1920. 1921. 1\Iaj. John Augustus Brockman, Infantry, from December 19, Lieut. Col. Earle \Vllite Tanner, Infantry, from February 1, 1920. 1921. l\Iaj. Charles Conaway Burt, Coast Artillery Cot·ps, from DQ­ Lieut. Col. Henry Slocum \Yagner, Infantry, from February cember 21, 1920. 1, 1921. 1\Jaj, Sheldon Webb Anding, Infantry, from December 22, 1920. Lieut. CoL Frederick Guy Knabeushue, Infantry, from Feb­ Maj. William Gaither )Jurchison, Infantry, from Decembet· 23, ruary 11, 1921. , 1920. 'l'o ue lieutenant colonels. Maj. J-oseph Howard B.u·nard, Quartermaster C01·ps, from l\Iaj. Haymond Silas Pratt, Field Artillery, from July 17, December 25, 1920. 1920. 1\laj. Hodman Butler, Qunrtei'llHlster Corps, 1'I'Olll December llaj. Alfreu .Allen l\Inybnch, Coast Artillery Corps, from July 27, 1920. 17, 1920. Maj. Howard Stanley l\Illlet•, Coast Artillery Ool'ps, from l\1aj. Jerome Gray Pillow, Cavalry, from July 20, 1920. January 6, 1921. l\faj. Ralph Noble Hayden, Quartermaster Corps, from July 1\laj. Cla·rence Linin~et•, C:walry, from Januat·y 19, 1921. 20, 1920. 1\laj. Edward l\Iurray O!Hey, Cavalry, from January 26. 1921. l\Iaj. Alden Farley Brew ter, Field Artillery, ft·om July 24, 1\Jaj. John Cocke, C:nalry, from .January 28, 1921. 1920. Maj. Elvin Henry Wagner, Infantry, from January 29, 1921. :Maj. John Anderson Rerry, Coast Artillery Corps, from July l\Iaj. J0lin Thomas Donnelly, Cavalry, from February 1, 1921. 28, 1920. l\Iaj. William Henry l\Ienges, Finance Department, from Feb- Maj. Leonard Williaul Prunty, Cuvalry, from July 29, 1920. ruary 1, J 921. 1\faj. Gordon Robinson, Oonst ArtiUery Corps, from August Maj. Houuld Earle Fi8ller, Cavalry, from February 1, 1921. 1, 1920. Maj. '.rlwmas 'Vatson Brown, Infantry, from February 2, 1921. l\1aj. Edward Hanison DeArmond, Field Artillery, from l\fnj. Otis Robert Cole, Infantry, f1•om Febt·uury 8, 1921. August 6, 1920. 'J'o be majors. l\laj. Edmund Kenrs!ey Sterling, Cavalry, from August 8, 1920. Capt ThowHs Jo:eph Brady, Flel

Capt. John Franklin Stevens, Cavalry, from September 28, First Lieut. Charles Wesley Ogden, Infantry. 1920. First Lieut. George Leland Eberle, Infantry. Capt. Charles Robert Finley, Coast Artillery Corps, from Oc- First Lieut. Rufus Stanley Ramey~ Cavalry. tober 4, 1920. First Lieut. Douglas Graeme Clark, Coast Artillery Corps. Capt. Vernon Edwin Pricl1ard, Infantry, from October 5, 1920. First Lieut. Marcus Brenneman Bell, Infanhy. Capt. Blackburn Ha11, Cavalry, from October 5, 1920. First Lieut. Louis Joseph Fortier, Fielll Artillery. Capt. Robert Bishop Lorch, Infantry, from October 8, 1920. First Lieut. Henry Pascale, Air Service. Capt. Adlai Howard Gilkeson, Air Service, from October 13, First Lieut. James Bentley Taylor, Cavalry. 1920. First Lieut. George Warner Swift, Infantry. Capt. Gilbert Smith Brownell, Infantry, from October 14, 1920. First Lieut. Remington Orsinget·, Infantry. Capt. Carlton Stickney, Infantry, from October 17, First Lieut. William Stewart Morris, Infantry. 1920. First Lieut. Joseph William Bollenbeck, Infantt·y. Capt. Edward James Dwan, Cavalry, from October 19, 1920. First Lieut. Victor A. Dash, jt·., Field Artillery. Capt. Jesse Beeson Hunt, 11'i'eld Artillery, from October 24, First Lieut. Richard Henry Ballard, Cavalry. 1920. First Li.eut. Leon Chapma:: Dennis, Coast Artillery Cot·ps. Capt. John Ross Mendenhall, Infantry, from October 28, 1920. First Lieut. Charles William Chalker, Infantry. Capt. Norman Randolph, Infantry, from October 31, 1920. First Lieut. James Clay Short, Cavalry. Capt. Joseph Monroe Murphy, Infantry, from November 1, First Lieut. Roy Crawford Moore, Field Artillery. 1920. First Lieut. William Fred Lafrenz, Coast Artillery Corps. Capt. George Edward Stratemeyer, Air Service, from Novem­ First Lieut. Cyrus Joseph Rounds, Infantry. ber 3, 1020. First Lieut. Jolm Deane For ythe, Infantry. Capt. Eustis Lloyd HubiJard, Cavalry, from November 10,1920. First Lieut. Theodore Edward Thomas Haley, Field Artillery. Capt. Frroeric William Bove, Cavalry, from November 13, First Lieut. John Franklin Henner, Field Artillery. 1920. First Lieut. Samuel Louis Alexander, Infantry. Capt. Leroy Hugh "'atson, Infantry, from November 14, 1920. First Lieut. Lawrence Byron 'Vyant, Cavalry. Capt. Karl Hartman Gorman, Cavalry, from November 14, First Lieut. Albet·t DenatTous Johnson, Infantry. 1920. First Lieut. Leslie T. Lathrop, Infantry. Capt. Henry Harold Dabney, Infantry, from November 14, First Lieut. James Black Muir, jr., Coast Artillery Corps. 1920. First Lieut. Lewis Augustine Maury, Cavalry. Capt. John Hamilton Chew , Infantry, from Novem­ First Lieut. l~llmuncl Hathnway Stillman, Coast Artillery ber 14, 1920. Corps. Capt. Arthur Arnim White, Fielll Artillery, from November First Lieut. Robel't Clwpmun Snidow, Coast Artillery Corps. 14, 1920. First Lieut. John Cary Ho,Yard, Infantry. Capt. John Keliher, Field Artillery, from November 16. 1920. First Li.eut. Ralph Bclvlrin Richards, Infantry. Capt. Benjamin Willis Mills, Infantry, from November 16, First Lieut. Ralph Huuson Wooten, ...

l<~ii'st Lieut . .Tn n .,-:; ( '!Hll"l( ::;; LtmFino, Cantlry. First Lieut. Harold Glaucu Holt, Cnn tlry. I•' irst L::eut. '1': a' tl!r } .. thllil::-> :Jadi, Infantry. "· First Lieut. Roy Vernon Morledge, Cavalry. First Lieut. John Cleary Kcrnau. Infantry. First Lieut. Robert Alexis McClure, Infantry. First Lieut. Maxton Hale Flint, Infantry. First Lieut. Francis Brown McCollom, In1anti·y. First Lieut. Howard Jennings Gorman, Infa.nh·y. First Lieut. Joseph Benton Wirt, Infantl·y. First Lieut. Eugene Peter Henry Gempel, Chemical Warfare F~rst Lieut. Graham Roscoe Schweickert, Infuntry. Service. · First Lieut. Charles Gordon Hutchinson, Cavalry. First Lieut. Charles Swett Pettee, Infantry. First Lieut. Chester Paul Dorland, Air Service. First Lieut. Elmer Ellsworth Hagler, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. Archie E. Groff, Cavalry. , First Lieut. Leon Adolph Des Pland, jr., Field .Artillery. First Lieut. George Davis Wiltshire, Cavalry. Fil·st Lieut. John Melville Sanderson, FieW Artillery. First Lieut. Alfonso Frederick Zerbee Cav~lry. First I,ieut. Sidney Hamlet Negrotto, Infantry. First Lieut. Arthur John Wehr, Cav~ry. First Lieut. Gustav Joseph Braun, Infantry. First Lieut. ·wannie Lee Bartley, Infantry. First Lieut. William Henry Egle Holmes, Const Artillery First Lieut. Norman John McMahon, Field A.rtilJery. Corps. F~rst L.ieut. Donald Norris Bartow, Infantry. First Lieut. John Lin

F'irst Lieut. Arthur John l\lcChrystal, Infantry. First Lieut. Samuel Lusker hl<:Cro:skey, Coast Artillery Corps. J.'irst Lieut. l\Ialcomb Fra er Lindsey, Infantry. First Lieut. Arvid Paul Croonquist, Infantry. First Lieut. Jean Elsworth Nelson, Infantry. First Lieut. James Edward Cole, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. Horace Oscar Cushman, Infantry. First Lieut. Oliver Boone Bucher, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Harley Latson, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Clarence Ames Martin, Infantr:r. First Lieut. William l\Iaine Hutson, Infantry. First Lieut. Francis Stuart Swett, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Thomas Maury Galbreath, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. Henning Linden, Infantry. First Lieut. Harry Robert Kilbourne, Ca\alry. First Lieut. Tre\or Washington Swett, Infantry. First Lieut. Thomas Phillips, Infantry. First Lieut. Harry Eugene Dodge, Cavalry. First Lieut. DaYid Henry Finley, Infantry. First Lieut. George Read, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. Clifford Arthur Eastwood, Cavalry. First Lieut. Harold Taylor Brotherton, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Vinton Lee James, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. l\liles Whitney Kresge, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. William Frapklin Campbell, Infantry. First Lieut. Robert Whipple Wilson, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Stuart Cutler, Infantry. First Lieut. Leslie Norman Ross, Infantry. First Lieut. John Reuben Boatwright, Infantry. First Lieut. Ralph de Poi.x: Terrell, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Lester Nelson Allyn, Infantry. First Lieut. 'Yalter Alexander Dumas, I'nfantry. First Lieut. Henry I.ester Barrett, Infantry. First Lieut. Edwin Emerson Keatley, Infantry. First Lieut. Archibald Donald Fisken, Field Artillery. First Lieut. George Worcester Ricker, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Fenton Stratton Jacobs, Cavalry. First Lieut. William Blackburn White, Infantry. First Lieut. Raymond Rollautl Tourtillott, Infantry. First Lieut. George Comfort Parkhurst, Infantry. First Lieut. George Albert Hadd, Infantry. First Lieut . .Don Magruder Scott, Infantry. First Lieut. Joseph Purnell Cromwell, Infantry. First Lieut. James Edward Wharton, Infantey. First Lieut. Bernarld Paul Hoey, Infantry. First Lieut. Stephen Mahon, Fieltl Artillery. First Lieut. Catesby ap Catesby Jones, Cavalry. First Lieut. Kenneth Leeds Holmes-Brown, Ordnance D~ First Lieut. Sanford Dole Ashford, Coast Artillery. partment. First Lieut. William l\lcBlair Garrison, Field Artillery. " i First Lieut. Harvey Ernest Ragland. Field Artillery. First Lieut. Eustace Peabody Strout, Infantry. First Lieut. l\lartin Dunlap Barnclollar, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. "'allace '\illiam Parker, Infantry. First Lieut. Francis Clark Lewis, Infantry. Fir ·t Lieut.. Jame ~ La1rd Craig, CQast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Lewis Simons, Infantry. Fir ·t Lieut. Ray i\1oxey Hare, Infantry. First Lieut. James Harold Day, Infantry. First Lieut. Walter Francis 1\lullins, Infantry. Fil·st Lieut. Charles Jester Davis, Cavaley. First Lieut. Henr~· Lord Page King, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. George William Outland, Ordnance Department. First Lieut. Charles Wllarton, Ca\alry. First Lieut. Hiram Russell Ide, Infantry. First Lieut. Harry William Koster, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. John l\Iead Silkman, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Gletm Howenstein Stough, Corps of Engineers. First IAeut. Loren Archibald Wetherby. Infantry. First Lieut. Charles Ernest Loucks, Coast Artillery Corns. First Lieut.. James Joseph Coghlan, Infantry. First Lieut. '"· Dirk Ynn Ingen, Ca\alry. First Lieut. Bernard Butler iUdlahon, Infantry. First Lieut. HC:'l·bert Ynughan Scanlan, CaYalry. First Lieut. George Edvi'in :E ingarson. Infantry. First Lieut. Alfred James ~1c:J1ullin, Infantry. First Lieut. Stanley Raymond l\lidi:el ·on, Coast Artillery First Lieut. Gerald Leonard Marsh, Infantry. Corps. Fir~t Lieut. George Phillip Seneff, Infantry. First Lieut. James Patrick Kell:r. Field Artillery. First Lieut. Russell Gordon .Ayers, Infantry. First Lie~t. Elwood l\liller Stokes Steward, Infantry. First Lieut. William Allen Wappenstein, Infantry. First Lieut. _Ernest Albert Rudelius, Infantry. Fit· ·t Lieut. Charles Hayden Owens, Infantry. First Lieut. ·william Lee Blanton, Infantry. Fil·st Lieut. Carter Collins, Infantry. First Lieut. Harold Eugene Sturcken, Air Service. First Lieut. Hugh McCauley Cochran, 3d, Coast Artil'iery First Lieut. John Brainard Fidlar, Ordnance Department. Corps. First Lieut. Wilbur Burnette Sumner. Field Artillery. Fir t Lieut. George Edwin Abrams, Infantry. First Lieut. Thomas Brady, jr., Ca\alry. · First Lieut. Clifton Rodas Breckinridge, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. Porter PL·e Wiggins, Infantry. First Lieut. Albert Dickinson Foster, Infantry. First Lieut. Gilbl:'rt Xavier Cheves, Cavalry. First Lieut. Ercil Dale Porter, Infantry. First Lieut. Paul Bncon l\Iatlock, Infantry. First Lieut. Harold .Tack Adams, Signal Corps. First Lieut. William Edward Corkill, F.ield Artillerv. First Lieut. Claude Alfred White, Infantry. First Lieut. John 'l'homas Zellars, Infantry. ' First Lieut. John Franklin Farnsworth, Infantry. First Lieut. Richard Alfred _McClure, Infantry. First Lieut. Paul Jamison Hunt, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Carroll Gowen Riggs, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. \Villiam Booth Yan Auken, Cavalry. First Lieu~. Charles Donald Brown. Field Artillery. First Lieut. Archer Lynn Lerch, Infantry. First Lieut. John Adams Bullard, Infantry. First Lieut. John Arthur Pierce, Infantry. First Lieut. Herbert Towle Perrin, Infantry. First Lieut. Wendell Lapsley Clemenson, Infantry. First I,ieut. Emons Bert Whisner, Infantry. First Lieut. Moses William Pettigrew, Field Artillery. First Lieut. George Wesley Griner, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. Walter Francis Kraus, Coast Artillery Co1·ps. First. Lieut. Douglas Lee Crane, Quartermaster Corps, First Lieut. Charles James Deahl, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. Hugh Tullock Mayberry, Infantry. First Lieut. Frank Macdonald Ogden, Infantry. First Lieut. Wade Carpenter Gatchell, Cavalry. 'First Lieut. Arcadi Gluckman, Infantry. First Lieut. Harry Newton Blue, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Dale :l\Iilton Hoagland, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Frederic Harris Timmet:man, Field Artillery. First Lieut. l\Iaurice 'Yebster Ocheltree, Infantry. First Lieu.t. l\loses McKay Darst, Infantry. First Lieut. Roy Thomas Rouse, Infantry. First Lieut. Harry Staples Robertson, Infantry. First Lieut. han Benson Snell, Infantry. First Lieut. Amos Eugene Carmichael, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Lester l\lartin Kilgarif, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Sarpuel O'Connor Neff, Infantry. First Lieut. James Wilson Rice, Infantry. First Lieut. Philip Edward Bro\\n, Infantry. Fir ·t Lieut. James Polk Gammon, Infantry. First Lieut. A_ndrew Jackson Wynne, Cavalt·y. , Fir.:-t Lieut. James Irving Gibbon, Cavalry. J...,irst Lieut. Olaf Phillips Winning.:tad, Ordnance Department~ First Lieut. Henry Kirke White, Infantry. First Lieut. Winfred Charles Green, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Howard Forrest Long, Cavalry. First Lieut. Marion Irwin Voorhe,s, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Burton Curtis Andrus, Cavalry. Fir~t Lieut. George Arthur Da\is, Infantry. First Lieut. Arthur Henry Besse, Cavalry. First Lieut. George Van Wyck Pope, Infantry. First Lieut. Arthur Lafayette 'Varren, ]"'ield Artillery. First Lieut. George Ellsworth Butler, Infantry. First Lieut. Merritt Halstead Greene, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Edgar Lewis Clewell, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Irwin Lytle Lummis, Infantry. First Lieut. Walter Frnnk Goodman. Cavalry. First Lieut. Ary Clay Berry, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Herbert Fritz Ernst Bultman, Coast Artillery First Lieut. Mark l\lilton Serum, Ordnance Department. Corps. First Lieut. Arthur 'Villiam Gower, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Leon Draper GiblJens. Iofantr)·. Fir ·t Lieut. · John Taylor Lewis, Coast Artillery. Corps. First Lieut. Ralph King Learnard, Fieltl Artillery. Fir t Lieut. Ross Rreckon 'Van·en, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Robert Alexander Kiulocll. Infantry. First Lieut. Walter DnYid Luplow, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Joel Raukin Bumej·, Infantry. 1921. CO~ ... GRESSIONAL RECOl{D-SEX..:\_'fE. 25

Fint Lieut. Wil len I~ ~IL't U l l l' <' ~ · :,;ou:;. C'onst Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Alfreu Prudt>n Kelley, CaYalry. First Lieut. Campbell !\elson .Tat"kson, Infautry. First Lieut. OliYer Fergusou Marston, Field Artillery. Fir!'t Lieut. Homer Cnse, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. EYan Dhu Cnmeron, jr., CaYah~y. First Lieut.. John Henry Gardner, jr., Field Artillery. First Lieut. Clarence Clemons Park. Fiel

First Lieut. Herbert William Schmid, Infantry. First Lieut. George H. Cushman, jr., Field Artillery. First Lieut. Lloyd Leslie Hamilton, Infantry. First Lieut. Lester Abraham Harris, Infantry. First Lieut. Eustace 1\feduro Peixotto, Infantry. First Lieut. \Villiam I.ackey Mays, Infantry. First Lieut. Watson Longan McMorris, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. John Patrick \Velch. Quartermastet· Corps. First Lieut. Arthur Walter Penrose, Infantry. First Lieut. Thomas Almeron Bryant, Ca\alry. First Lieut. Frederick DeCaro, Infantry. First Lieut. Daniel Bernard Cullinane. Cavalry. First Lieut. Armin Ferdinand Herold, Air Service. First Lieut. Llewellyn de,Vaele Tharp, Infantry. First Lieut. Joseph Church, Infantry. First Lieut. Harvey ·watson McHenry, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Clinton Enos Fenters, Infantry. First Lieut. Frank Lenoir Reagan, Infantry. First Lieut. Robert Trisch WiJlkie, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. George Randall \Vells, Infantry. First Lieut. Elmer Royal Block, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Thomas Ernest Campbell, Infantry. First Lieut. Nels Gustaf Sandelin, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. John T. Boyle, Quartermaster Cot·ps. First Lieut. Elmer Sharpe Van Benschoten, Infantry. First Lieut. Peyton Winlock, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Ralph Pollock, jr., Quartermaster Corps._ First Lieut. Clarence Lineberger, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. John Graham Ardon, Infantry. First Lieut. George Mortimer Couper, Infantry. First Lieut. Otto Harwood, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. William Jasper Black, Infantry. . First Lieut. Harold Harrison Barbur, Infantry. First Lieut. Homer H. Beall, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Ellis Warren Butt, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Abraham 1\Iax Lawrance, Infantry. First Lieut. Otho ·williams Budd, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. Frank Thornton Addington, Infantry. First Lieut. Eugene Vincent Bohan, Infantry. First Lieut. Paul Ernest Leiber, Infantry. First Lieut. Carl Christian Andersen, Infantry. First Lieut. William Bernard Lowery, Infantry. First Lieut. Cecil Claude Ray, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. James Francis Strain, Infantry. First Lieut. Charles Davis VoUers, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Albert Earle Matlack, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. John Edward Covington, Infantry. First Lieut. Francis Norton Neville, Quat·tennaster Corps. First Lieut. Clyde Purcell Taylor, Infantry. First Lieut. Francis Curran Browne. Infantry, First Lieut. Willis Earl Simpson, Infantry. First Lieut. Harry Lynn Henkle, Infantry. First Lieut. George Franklin Davis, Infantry. First Lieut. l\1errifield Graham Martling, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Hubbard Errette Dooley, Infantry. First Lieut. Fred Stevens Byerly, Infantry. First Lieut. Roye Pannebecker Gerfen, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Austin Webb Lee, Qu:u1:ermaster Corps. First Lieut. .James Jarlath Kelly, Infantry. First Lieut. Lewis Andrew Pick, Corps of Engineers. :F~irst Lieut. ·wilson Young Stamper, jr., Corps of Engineers. Second Lieut. Oscar Stanley Smith, Infantry. First Lieut. George Harrison Stuts, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Joseph Henry Davidson, Air Service. First Lieut. Gordon Cushing Day, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. John 1\fcDo"·ell, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Charles Jesse Mabbutt, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. \Valter Cox Rathbone, Infantry. First Lieut. Walter Andrewson, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Harry Watson Bolan, Infantry. First Lieut. Ernest August , Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Alfred Clarence George, A.ir Senice. First Lieut. Jolm .Albion Chase, Infantry. First Lieut. George Bagby Campbell, Infantry. First Lieut. James Allen Ryan, Coast .Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Harry l\Iartin Andrews, Quartermaster Corps. Ffrst Lieut. Henry Edward Tisdale, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Chauncey :\IcCullough J. .. yons, Infnntry. First Lieut. Clyde Kelly, Infantry. First Lieut. Edward Phillip Wadden, lnfnntry. First Lieut. Herman Goodwin Halverson, Quartermaster First Lieut. William Yeates, Cavalry. Corps. First Lieut. Paul )filler Ellman, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Leslie Norman Conger, Infantry. First Lieut. John Edwarcl Doyle, Infantry. First Lieut. Thomas Morris Jervey, Infantry. First Lieut. Irvin Henry Zeliff, Cavalry. First Lieut. Thomas Nottingham Williams, Infantry. First Lieut. Ellis Wiswell Hartford, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Albert Joseph Beale, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Paul Jones l\Iathis, Air Service. "' First Lieut. \Villiam John Niederpruem, Infantry. First Lieut. Frank Ellsworth Brokaw, Cavalry. First Lieut. Eugene Nelson Frakes, Infantry. First Lieut. Beverly Allison Sbipp, Infantry. First Lieut. John Russell Young, Infantry. Second Lieut. 'Valter Kendall Wheeler, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. John Marvin Hagens, Infantry. First Lieut. Cbarles Sherwood Gilbert, Infantry. First Lieut. Morris Easton Conable, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Robert Oliver Shoe, Infantry. First Lieut. Robert Stuart Smith, Quartermaster Corps. ll'irst Lieut. Charles Crisp Morg-an, Infantry. First Lieut. Charles Francis Sullivan, Infantry. First Lieut. Ellis Edwanl Haring, Corps of Engineers. Fii·st Lieut. Paul Cassius Berlin, Ca\alry. First Lieut. :Malcolm Everett Craig, Infantry. First Lieut. Edward Avery Austin, Infantry. Second Lieut. Roland Thorse Fenton, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Karl Minnigerode, Infantry. First Lieut. l\Iilton Orme Boone, Quartermaster Corps. Fir t Lieut. Hartwell Newton \Villiallls, Quartermaster Corps. I•'irst Lieut. Perry Edward Taylor, Cavnlry. First Lieut. Harry Wright Hill, Corps of Engineers. ll'irst Lieut. John Samuel Schwab, Infantry. First Lieut. Robert \Vilkin 1\IcBride, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Walter Daugherty 1\lcCord, Infantry. First Lieut. Charles Addison Pursley, Air Service. First Lieut. James Esmond Matthews, Infantry. First Lieut. Bert S. \Vample1·, Infantry. First Lieut. William James Robertson, Infantry. First Lieut. Edmund Fitzgerald Hubbard, Infantry. First Lieut. Harry Jefferson Farner, Infantry. First Lieut. Henry Tureman Allen, jr., Cavalry. Second Lieut. John Lawrence Slade, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Halbert Eli Norton, Quartermaster Corps. Ji""'i rst IAeut. Samuel Lynn Dunlop, Infantry. First Lieut. George Rankin, Infantry. li'ir ~t I.ieut. Charles Sydney Hammond, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Charles Franklin .Johnson, Infantry. First Lieut. Joseph ·wheeler Starkey, Infantry. Seeond Lieut. Carl Herbert Odeen, Quartermaster Corps. li'ir~t Lieut. Harrington Willson Cochran, Coast Artillery First Lieut. James Everett Snider, Cavalt·y. Corps. First Lieut. Adam Richmond, Infantry. First J... ieut. Fred Harry Enckhausen, Infantry. First Lieut. Charles Jackson SnUi"ran, Infantry. First Lieut. Leo .Joseph Dillon, Quartermaster Corps. First I .. ieut. Winfield Orval Shrum, Infantry. First Lieut. Alberto Eugene l\1errm, Cavalry. First Lieut. Paul Roy Guthrie, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Thomas Jefferson Heald, Infantry. First Lieut. Ernest Franklin Dukes, Cavalry. First Lieut. John l\Ierle \Veir, Infantry. First Lieut. Ira Edgar Ryder, Infantry. Second Lieut. Samuel Clifton Cratch, Quartet·master Corps. First Lieut. Herbert Randolph Roberts, Infantry. First Lieut. Hubert \Vard Beyette, Quartermaster Cot·ps. First Lieut. James Roger Kennedy, Infantry. First Lieut. Moore Alexander Shwrt, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Harry Joseph Gaffney, Coast Artillel'y Coq1s. Second Lieut. Evan .Jervis ::\Iorris, Chemical \Varfare Service. First Lieut. Charles Francis Frost Cooper, Infantry. First Lieut. .James l\Ionroe Monis, Infantry. First Lieut. Franlr ·ward, Infantry. li"'irst Heut. Elbridge Colby, InfantTy. First Lieut. Harold Edward Potter, Infantry. First Lieut. Herbert Hatchett Blackweii, Coast Artillery First Lieut. Rufus Boylan, Infantry. Corps. Second Lieut. \Van·en Crouse Hurst, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Richard Adam Knight, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Charles Clinton Griffin, Infantry. First Lieut. Samuel Stafford Wolfe, Infantry. First Lieut. Willard Lapham Smith, Infantry. First Lieut. Cecil OliYer TemplE:'. Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. George Lnke Usher, Ail· Senice. li~irst Lieut. Chester DaYiU -:\!ilto~, Quartermaster Col'ps. 1921. COXGRESSIONAL RECORD-SE~.A.TE. 27

Fir~t Lieut. Ho~· Victor Hickaru, Infantry. First Ueut. Charles Et.lward Richardson, Quartermaster Flr::;t Lieut. ..,\lfl·ed Volckman Ednie, Infantry. Corps. First Lieut. John Wilmar Blue, Infantry. . First Lieut. John Pl1illip Scott, CaYalry. Fir:-;t Lieut. Otto Gresham Trunk, Air Service. First Lieut. Charles August Ross, Infantry. First Lieut. Frank l\lcCormick Kihoof, Infantry. First Lieut. Andrew Christian Tychsen, Infantry. Fir::;t Lieut. Edmund Gerald Stein, Chemical Warfare Service. Second Lieut. George James Burns Fisher, Coast Artil1ery Second Lieut. William Russell F1·ost, Field Artillery. Corps. First Lieut. Freeman Bozeman Daniel, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Edmond Hugh Brown, Infantry. First Lieut. Frederick 'Wilhelm Tell Sterchi, Infantry. First Lieut. Laurence 1\lickel, Infanb·y. First Lieut. Earl LeYerne Lyons, Infantry. Second Lieut. Robert John Wallace, Infantry. First Lieut. Kenneth Smith 'Vallace, Field Artillery. First Lieut. John Swan 1\Ioore, Infantry. Second Lieut. Howard Haines Cloud, Infantry. First Lieut. Henry Earl Hinton, Ordnance Department. First Lieut. Thomas Jefferson Jackson, Infantry. First Lieut. Lo"Yic Pierce Hodnette, Infantry. First Lieut. Clarence. Lloyd l\lidcap, Air Service. First Lieut. ArthurS. Champany, Infantry. First Lieut. Fred l\Iartin Distelhorst, Infantry. · Fil·st Lieut. John Hamilton Cochran, Infantry. Flrst Lieut. Gordon Hall Steele, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Ralph AlfoLso Gibson, Air Ser"Yice. First Lieut. Harry Kuteman Adams, Infantry. Second Lieut. John Benjamin Holmberg, Air Service. First Lieut. Louis \Yilliam Eggers, Infantry. First Lieut. Lloyd William Gooppert, Coast Artillery, Corps. First Lieut. Charlie Anthony Valverde, Infantry. Second Lieut. Henry William Robinson, Infantry. First Lieut. Francis Egan, Infantry. First Lieut. William 1\lichener, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Neil Brown Simms, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Don Norris Holmes, Infantry. First Lieut. Fred !Yan Gilbert, Ordnance Department. First Lieut. Ernest EYerett Boyle, Infantry. First Lieut. John LeYerett Farley, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Latcher Ogle Grice, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Charles William 1\Iays, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. William Millican Randolph, Air Service. Fir t Lieut. .James Carlisle Patterson, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Alexander Jesse l\lac:Nab, Infantry. Second Lieut. John Joseph Nealon, Infantry. First Lieut. Walter Hibbard, Infantry. First Lieut. 1\Iaurice Vernon Patton, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Ralph Leroy Ware, Infantry. First Lieut. Arthur Vanderpool Winton, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Chauncey Aubrey Bennett, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Alexander Hill Cummings, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Brisbane Banks Brown, Infantry. First Lieut. Blaisdell Cain Kennon, Infantry. First Lieut. Charles; Andrew Robin on, Infantry. First Lieut. Leslie Johnathan Cartright, Infantry. Second Lieut. Joe Shurlock Underwood. Quartermaster Corps. Fir t Lieut. Harland Fisher Seeley, Infantry. First Lieut. Albert Charles Gale, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Wallace Chase Steiger, Ca\alry. Second Lieut. Elmer Douglas Campbell, Ca-valry. First Lieut. John Huston Church, Infantry. Second Lieut. Clarence John Blake, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Ining l\Iarion 1\lcL-eod, Infantry. Second Lieut. John Joseph Buckley, Infantry. First Lieut. Franlc Leslie Thompson, Infantry. First Lieut. LeRoy F. Pape, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Harold Baxter Crowell, Infantry. First Lieut. Harry Dennis Furey, InfantQ·. First Lieut. Harold Eugene Eastwood, Ca"Yalry. First Lieut. Charles , Infantry. Second Lieut. Gilbert Taylor Collar, Air Sen·ice. First Lieut. John George Pickard. Infantry. First Lieut. Chester Carlton Westfall, Infantry. Fir ·t Lieut. '"Vinfred Houghton, CaYalry. First Lieut. William Langley Wharton, Infantry. Second Lieut. Richard l\Iathews Sandusky, Infantry. Second Lieut. Henr:v Herbert Cameron, Cavalry. First Lieut. Ernest Francis Boruski, Infantry. Secoud Lieut. William Otis Poindexter, Infantry. First Lieut. Harold :Mays Tague, Infantry. l!"'irst Lieut. Anthony Power Lagorio, Infantry. Second Lieut. John Walker Henson, Infantry. Second Lieut. Andrew Paul Paul ·en, Infantry-. First Lieut. Eugene Arthur Regnier, Ca>alr:r. Second Lieut. Benjamin Franklin Giles, Air Service. Second Lieut. William Grove l\Iurphy, Infantry. l!~ir::;t Lieut. Ernest Clifton Adkins, Infantry. Second Lieut. Preston Wilson Gillette, CaYalry. First Lieut. l\Ioses Fo ·s Co"ley, Infantry. Second Lieut. James Lindley Coman, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Lee Huber, Infantry. First Lieut. Joseph James Canella, Infantry. First Lieut. Arthur Hurd Lee, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Walter Alexander Wood, jr.. Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Lee \arnado Hunnicutt, Infantry. First Lieut. Charles McKinley Kemp. Infantry. First Lieut. Keith Kenneth Jone , Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Howard Avi! Worrell Kates, Infantry. First Lieut. Thomas Green Poland, Infantry. First Lieut. Raymond Cecil Hamilton, Infantry. First Lieut. Caspar Ray Crim, Infantry. Second Lieut. Harold Albert Baumeister, Infantry. First Lieut. Robert Henry Crosby, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Jasper ~Iorris Grows, Infantry. First Lieut. Chester Russell Fouts, Finance Department. First Lieut. Norris Aclron Wimberley, Infantr)·. First Lieut. Thomas Deweese Davis, Infantry. First Lieut. Orlen Nelson Thompson, Infantry. Pirst Lieut. John Ligget Tum_;tall, Finance Department. Second Lieut. Joseph Aloysius St. Loui, Infantt·y. First Lieut. Frank George Rogers, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Joseph Saddler Dougherty, Infantry. Fir ·t Lieut. George Lyman Prindle, Infantry. First Lieut. Richard James Kirkpatrick, Air Senice. Second Lieut. Philip Theodore Quinn, Field Artillet·y. First Lieut. Carey Ephriam Campbell, jr., Infantry. FiL·st Lieut. Leslie Walter Brown, Infantry. First Lieut. Clarence Eeck, Infantry. First Lieut. Tobin Cornelius Rote, Infantry. First Lieut. Ray l\Iilton House, Infantry. First Lieut. Fra er Hale, Ail· Senice. First Lieut. Piene 1\Iallett. Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Isaac Brown 1\layers, Infantry. First Lieut. Owrton Walsh, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Jo··eph English Hall, Air Service. Second Lieut. Clarence Haney Bragg, Infantr)·. Seconu Lieut. John Beall Harvey, Infantry. First Lieut. DeWitt Clinton Smith, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. Owen ~Iet·edith Marshburn, l!~ield Artillery. First Lieut. John Curtis Newton, Infantry. Fir::;t Lieut. Reading Wilkinson. Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Leslie Lancaster Heller, Infantry. Fir!":t Lieut. Nicholas Hamner Cobbs, Finance Department. Second Lieut. Vaughan 1\Iorris Cannon, CaYalry. First Lieut. William Allen Hale, Infantry. Seconu Lieut. 'Vilson Stuart Zimmerman, Infantry. Fir-t Lieut. David Eugene Barnett, Infantry. First Lieut. Graeme Gordon Parks, Infantry. Second I .. ieut. Earle Albie John. on, Infantry. First Lieut. Edwin Paull Ketchum, Corps of Engineers. Fir t Lieut. Edgar Harland Keltner, Infantry. First Lieut. Frank Lee McCoy, Infantry. Fir. t Lieut. Je ·se Andrew llogers, jr., Ordnance Department. First Lieut. George Lucius Blossom, Infantry. Second Lieut. Furman '\alker Hardee, Infantry. Second Lieut. Cyril Clifton Chandler, Infantry. First Lieut. Charlie Campbell McCall, CaYalry. Second Lieut. l!·'recl Harold Norris, Infantry. First Lieut. Robert Quail Whitten, Infantry. First Lieut. Raymond Emanuel Hoffman, Infantry. First Lieut. Benjamin Haw Lowry, Field ArtilleL·y. First Lieut. James Francis Clark Hyde, Corps of Engineers. Fii t Lieut. Charles Peter Lyncll, Infantry. First Lieut. Robert James Kirk, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. Efl"·ard Crew Black, ~<\.ir Sen·ice. First Lieut. James Edward 1\Iendcnhall, Infantry. FirNt Lieut. ·william Burbridge Yancey, Infantry. First Lieut. Leo Alexander Be. .. ette, Infantry. First Lieut. Edwin Bender ·on Quigley. Infantry. First Lieut. Kent Clayton l\Iead, Infanb')". Second Lieut. Raymont.l Leroy Shoemaker, Infantry. Second Lieut. James Wellington Younger, Quartermaster Fir!;t Lieut. Shirley "' iggin ~ Mcilwain, Quartermaster Corps. Corps. 28 CONG-RBt;SION AL llEUOl)D-SEN .. \.T'E. )!A.RCII 11,

First Lieut. Amory Vivion Eliot, Infuntry. First Lieut. George Jacob Gigor, ~Juarterma~ter Corps. First Lieut. James Clarence Reed, Infantry. First Lieut. John ·william Stanley, Infantry. First Lieut. Eugene Ferguson Hinton, Infantry. First Lieut. Clyde Pickett, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Oliver 'Vendell Broberg, Air Service. First Lieut. John Neely Hopkins, Infantry. First Lieut. Clarence Earle Lovejoy, Infanh·y. First Lieut. William Agnew Nowland, Infantry. Second Lieut. Richard Sylvester Gessford, Infantry. First Lieut. Clifton Augustine Pritchett, Infantry. Second Lieut. Benjamin Mills Cranshaw, Infantry. First Lieut. Luke Donald Zech, Infantry. Second Lieut. Curtis Loyd Stafford, Cavalry. First Lieut. Lucian Dalton Bogan, Infantry. Second Lieut. Alexander Garrett Olsen, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Richard Law Hubbell, Ordnance DelJartlTlent. First Lieut. Robert Kaucl1, .Air Service. ll'irst Lieut. Thomas Ralph Miller. Infantry. First Lieut. Arthur Riehl \ViL~on, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Nole Erick Stadig, Infantry. Second Lieut. John 1\Iajor , Field Artillery. First Lieut. Ben-Hur Chastalne, Infantry. ~.., irst Lieut. Basil Vernon Fields, Infantry. First Lieut. Leigh Bell, Infantry. Second Lieut. Bickford Edward Sawyer, Cavalry. First Lieut. George Frederick Spann, Qum·termaster Corps. ll'irst Lieut. Irwin Samuel Dierking, Infantry. Second Lieut. McGregor Snodgl'US , Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Donald Boyer llogers, Field Artillery. : First Lieut. John Herman Knuebel, Infantry. Second Lieut. Clinton Fisk Woolsey, Air Sen·ice. First Lieut. Erie Dorr Fergn on, Infantry. First Lieut. Joseph Bartholomew Conroy, Infantry. First Lieut. Harry Clayton Luck, Infantry.

Second Lieut. William Randolph Watson, Infantry. First Lieut. Robert Harry Tompkins2 Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. George Curtis McFarland, Cou t Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Charles Cameron Lewis, Infantry. First Lieut. Collin Stafford "Iyers, Infantry. First Lieut. Thomas Ralph Ker ·chner, Field A.rtillery. First Lieut. John Peter Neu, Quartermaster Corps. E'irst Lieut. Harry Richardson Simmons, Infantry.

ICir t Lieut. William Herschel 1\Iiddleswal·t, Quartermaster l~'irst Lieut. Kenneth Frederick Hanst1 Infantry, Corps. First Lieut. Walter Harold Root, Infantry. Second Lieut. At•den Cluca. Miller, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Fred ,V. Miller, Infantry. Second Lieut. Frank Sims Mansfield, Infantry. Second Lieut. Arthur Alexander 1\fcClaughry, Infantry. First Lieut. Paul Clarence Spear , Field A.rtillery, Fir t Lieut. Ross Orman Bal

First Lieut. John Cleveland Robinson Hall, Infantry. Second Lieut. Fraset• Rlchardson1 Cavalry. First Lieut. Benton Frank 1\lunday, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Clifford Irving 1\Iann, Cavalry. First Lieut. Joseph Ware \Vllitney, Infantl'y. Second Lieut. Chester Howard Elmes, Infantry. First Lieut. Peter P. Salgado, Infantry. Second Lieut. Jolm Vernon Hart, Air Ser\lce. First Lieut. Hem•y Hockwald, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Richard Hartnett Magee, Air e1.·vice. First Lieut. Frederick LeRoy Blade, Quartermaster Oorps. Second Lieut. Chru·Ies Simp. on Carroll, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Charles Samuel l\foyer, Chemical Warfare Second Lieut. Henry Harold Reily, A.i:r Service. Service. Second Lieut. Samuel De,Vitt Tallmadge, Quartermaster First Lieut. Dennis Coburn Pillsbury, Infantry. Corps. First Lieut. Sidney Lanier Conner, Infantry. Second Lieut. Donald Dakin Lamson, Coa. ·t .Artillery Corps. li'irst Lieut. Joseph James Goffard, Infantry. Second Lieut. Augustus Dawson Sanders, Infantry. First Lieut. A.1•thur Joseph 1\lcShane, Quarterma ·ter Corps. Second Lieut. \Villiam James \Vagonknight, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. l\Iartin A.ckerson, Infm1try. Second Lieut. Cola Edgar Stone, Finance Department. First Lieut. Ilerbert Edwin Featherstone, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Mitchell Franklin Orr, Quartermaster Corps. First Li~ut. Frank Unsworth 1\IcCoskrie, Infantry. Second Lieut. Edward l\filan Taylor, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Edgar Gersham Coursen, jr., Quartermaster Second Lieut. Dayton Dudley 'Vatson, Air Service. CQrps. Second Lieut. Herschel David Baker, meld A.Itillery. First Lieut. Edward William Budy, Infantry. Second Lieut. Herbert Edward Baker, Field A.rtillery. First Lieut. Andrew .Jackson l\1cFarland, Infantry. Second Lieut. Donald. Davicl Fitzgerald, Air Service. First Lieut. 1\.Iyle Douglas Savelle, Infantry. Second Lieut. Ulmont Ogden Cumming, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Rudolf Karl SchLoscpfer, Infantry. Second Lieut. Thomas Standifer Gunby, Field Artillery. 1921. CONGRESSIO ... :r_A_L RECORD-S-EN \.TE. 29.

Second Lieut. Andrew Paul Sullivan, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Jesse Pees Green, Infantry. ·second Lieut. Austin Walrath Martenstein, Air Service. First Lieut. Howard Winthrop Turner, Signal Corps. First Lieut. Louis llada Balvo a, Philippine Scouts. First Lieut. William Audley Tabor, Infantry. First Lieut. John Derby Hoodr Cavalry. First Lieut. Henry Garner Sebastian, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. l\lelvin Reginald Ginn, Quartermaster Coi-ps. First Lieut. Wesley Crowell Brigham, Field Artillery. First Heut. John. Dillard ~odrich, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. William 1\Iajor Goldston, Infantry. · First I.J.eut. Joshua De\er Powers, Infantry. First Lieut. Cyrus Higginson Searcy, Infantr~·. First Lieut. Arthur Vincent Gair, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Leon Edward Norris, Infantry. First Lieut. John Vincil Stark, Infantry. First Lieut. David McAllister Hunter, Infantry. First Lieut. Frank Augustus Keating, Infantry. First Lieut. Ta so Wadsworth Swartz, Infantry. First Lieut. Carlyle Judson Hancock, CaY~lry. First Lieut. Edward William McCaskey, jr., Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Allison Joseph Barnett, InfantrY~ First Lieut. Frederick Irving Eglin, Air Service. First Lieut. George Polld'ck Bush, Signal Corps. First Lieut. Joseph James Pire, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. 'Villiam Settle Evans, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Turner Ransom Sharp, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Walter 1\Ioody Tenney, Infantry. First Lieut. William Joshua Jackson, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Arthur Shelby Levinsohn, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. George Truman Phipps, InfantrJ". First Lieut. Richard Bartholemew Moran, Inbntry. First Lieut. Fred During, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Arthur 0 car ·walsh. Field Artillery. First Lieut. l\Ierle Clitiord Leo11ard, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Harry Lauman Waggoner, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Allan J obnson, Coru;t Arti11ery Corps. First Lieut. 'Valter Herbert Wells, Infantry. First Lieut. Frank Tillot on, Philippine Scouts. First Lieut. LeRoy Lutes, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Jesse Rus ell Bowles, Infantry. First Lieut. William King Harvey, Quarterma ter Corps. . First Lieut. Ban·ett DeTuberville Lambert, Infantry. Fir .~t Lieut. Richard Thomas Edward , Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Ward Currey Goessling, Infantry. First Lieut. \Velcome Porter Waltz, Infanh·y-. First Lieut. Richard Da"V"id Daugllerity, Infantry. Second Lieut. Edwin Hugh Johnson, Infantry. First Lieut. William Ogden .Johnson, Cavalry. First Lieut. James Willi ton Callahan, Philippine Seouts. First Lieut. l\I.iren James Rockwell, Infantry. First Lieut. Russell McKee Herrington, Cavalry. First Lieut. Haro}(l Burton Gibson, Cavalry. First Lieut. Lawrence Aloysius Qulnn, Infantry. First Lieut. Victor Roland Woodruff, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Lewis Abram Pulling~ Cavalry. First Lieut. Gustave Adolph l'.lellanctrton Anderson, Infantry._ First Lieut. Dallas Royce Alfonte, Infantry. First Lieut. William E. Kepner, Infantry. First Lieut. Peter Han en, Quartermaster Corps.' First Lieut. 1\felvin Selmer Willi-amson,. Cavalry. First Lieut. Fred 1\Ia.tth~w Fogle, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. William Gharman Peters, Infantry. First Lieut. Luis Felipe Cianc.hini, Infantry. First Lieut. Robert William Yates, Infantry. First Lieut. Arthur Carroll Water , Field Artiller . Fir t Lieut. ClhuJe :McDonald Parkin, Infantry. First Lieut. Ernest Terrill B:uco, Field Artilley. First Lieut. Dana Caswell Schmahl, Field"Artillerr. First Lieut. Lester Amiel Daugherty, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Frank Petecr Sh·etton. Ca-ralry. First Lieut. Portet~ Pre cott Lowry, Coast Artillery Corps~ First Lieut. Wilbm· Grnmine Doc-kum, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Jerome Jackson Waters, jr.• Field Artillery. First Lieut. Clinton Man field Lneas, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Thomas Grafton Hanson, jr., Quartermaster First Lieut. Jacob Ed\Yard Bechtold, Infantry. Corps. First Lieut. Harry Adamson, lllfantry. First Lieut. Victor EmanueL Domoneclt, Infantry. First Lieut. Harry Burden Berry, Field .drtillery. First Lieut. James Jay Cecil, Cavalry. FiJ.·st Lieut. Steele Wotkyn , Ffeltl Artillery. First Lieut. George Albert Moore, Cavalry. First Lieut. Samuel Gilbert Fairchild, Field ArtilTery. First Lieut. James 1\-ladi ·on Shelton} Ca'>alry. First Lieut. Fmncris Augnstu "'Wooltley, Infantry. .

First Lieut. Antonio .Andres Vazquez, Infantry. First Lieut. ''-rilliam Francis Stromeyer1 Quartermaster First Lieut. Alex Shepherd Quintard, Field Artillery. Corps. First Lieut Forsyth Bacon, Cavalry. Fi.rst Lieut. Leslie Leonard Co-nnett, Infantry. First Lieut. Ralph Leslie Joyner. Field Artillery. First Lieut. Owen RiYers Rhoads, Infantry. First Lieut. Roscoe Stewart Parker, Cavalry. First Lieut. Carl Rus ell Adams, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Norman :Minus, Infantry. First Lieut. Joe L. Ostrander, Infantry. First Lieut. Heywood Shallus Dod

Fir t Lieut. .Charle Royal Lehner, Field Artillery. First Lieut. "'Willard 'Vadsworth Irvine, Coast ArtillerY. First Lieut. Rosser Lee Hunter, Infantry. Corps. First Lieut. Carroll Arthur Powell, Signal Corps. First Lieut. Edmund Cecil Fleming, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Claude Gilbert Benham, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Charles Emerson Boyle, Field Artillery. First Lieut. James Lester Allbright, Infantry. First Lieut. 'Villiam Doughty Evans, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Feodor Otto Schmidt, Infanh·y. First Lieut. Clarence Noble Winston, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. James Francis Btittingham, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Elmer Parks Gosnell, Cavalry. First Lieut. Frank Clide De Langton, Cavalry. First Lieut. William Benjamin Tuttle, Infantry. First Lieut. Oscar Bergstrom Abbott, Infantry. First Lieut. Donald Armpriester Stroh, Infantry. First Lieut. George Seymour 1\IcCullough, Infantry. First Lieut. Charles Henry Parker, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. Carter Roderick McLennan, Cavalry. First Lieut.. Edwin Adolph Henn, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Roderick Alexander Stamey, Infantry. First Lieut. Ashiey Spencer Le Getts, Infantry. First Lieut. Walter Ernest Duvendeck, Infantry. First Lieut. Russell Thomas George, Cavalry. First Lieut. Geoffrey Galwey, Cavalry. First Lieut. Thomas Clyde McCormick, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Roy Sparks, Infantry. First Lieut. Alfred Mynderne Goldman, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Louis Garland Gibney, Cavalry. First Lieut. Erskine Ashley Franklin, Cavalry. · First Lieut. David Seth Doggett, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Arthur Allen Dearing, Chemical Warfare Service. First Lieut. John Frank Gleaves, Infantry. First Lieut. Albert l\1iller Jackson, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Arthur Daniel Ruppel, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Lyle Bishop Chapm::m, Coast Artillery Corps. J Fir t Lieut. Allen Flood Kirk, Infantry. First Lieut. George Raymond Owens, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Thomas Grady Jenkins, Infantry. First Lieut. Andrew Davis Bruce, Infantry. First Lieut. Francis Samuel Bayard Cauthorn, Infantry. First Lieut. Richard Marshall Winii.eld, Infantry. First Lieut. Roy Dayton Burdick, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut.. John Edward Mahet·, Cavalry. First Lieut. Madison Edward Walker, Infantry. First Lieut. Joseph Philip Kohn, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Richard Smith Duncan, Infanh·y. First Lieut. Dallas Loyd Knoll, Quartermaster Corp . . First Lieut. James Ensor Simpson, Cavalry. First Lieut. Philip Armour Helmbold, Infantry. First Lieut. Winthrop Ausley Hollyer, Infantry. First Lieut. llobert Justin Van Buskirk, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Franklin Abrn.ham Green, Infanu·y. :B'irst Lieut. Floyd Emerson Galloway, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. David Haldane Trevor, Field Artillery. Fir t Lieut. John Edwin Selby, CaYalry. Fir t Lieut. Leslie Carlyle Wheat, Infantry. First Lieut. William C1·e.veling Trumbower, Ordnance Det>art~ First Lieut. Lawrence Harold Bixby, Field Artillery. ment. Fir t Lieut. Robert William Norton, Infantry. :B-,irst Lieut. Herh.ert Everett Watkins, Cavalry. First Lieut. Walter Compare Lattimore, Field Artillery. Fir t Lieut. Henry YoNt Lyon, Infantry. First Lieut. Charles James Booth, .Cavalry. First Lieut. RaJllloncl Lovejoy Newton, Cavalry. First Lieut. Claii-e Algernon "'White. ell, Infantry. First Lieut.. To eph Anthony Cistero, Infantry. First Lieut. Russell Hubbard Dixon, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Thomas William Freeman, Infantry. First Lieut. Everett :Marshall Graves, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Paxton Sterrett Campbell, Infantry. First Lieut. \Villiam Tuttle Hamilton, Cavalry. Fir t Lieut.' William Ross Irvin, Cavalry. First Lieut. William Valentine McCreight, Infantry. :B'ir t Lieut. Alfred Lyons Bnylies, Cavalry. First Lieut. Virgil Bell, Infantry. First Lieut. Roy Leo Schuyler, Infantry. First Lieut. William Granville Purdy, Infantry. First Lieut. Charles Torrance McAleer, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Chesley Ray Miller, Infantry. E'irst Lieut. Louis De Laussure Hutson, Infantry. First Lieut. Frederick Francis Duggan, Cavalry. First Lieut. Paul Reuben Wing, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Francis Ray l\fann, Field Artillery. li'irst Lieut. Edward Jedd Roe, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Walter Lee Mitchell, Infantry. First Lieut. Lathan Hunter Collins, Cavalry. First Lieut. Robert Franklin Dark, Infantry. First Lieut. Loren Pr.e ·cot Stewart, Infantry. First Lieut. l\linucan Dabney Cannon, Infantry. First Lieut. Frederick Linwood Topping, Coa. t Artillery First Lieut. Samuel Marshall, Field ArtilJery. Corps. First Lieut. Harry Howard Baird. Cavalry. Fir t Lieut. Nathaniel L. Simmonds, Infantry. First Lieut. Ralph Slate, Infantry. First Lieut. Ralph Burgess Skinner, Cavalry. First Lieut. Nathan Eugene McCluer, Field Artillery. l!~irst Lieut. William Florence O'Donoghue, Infantry. First Lieut. Ernest John, Infantry. First Lieut. Alan Walter Jones, Infantry. First Lieut. Francis Hutchins Waters; Cavalry. First Lieut. Charles S. Brodbent, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. Ralph Marshal Caulkins, Infantry. First Lieut. Myron Weldon Tupper, Field Artillery. lfir t Lieut. William Taylor Bauskett, jr., CaYalry. First Lieut. Stanley Allen Thomson, Infantry. First Lieut. Claudius Leo Lloyd, Infantry. F'irst Lieut. Emery Williamson, Infantry. First Lieut. Francis Gaines Bishop, Infantry. First Lieut. Charles Richard Doran, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Carlisle Barksdale Cox, Cavalry. First Lieut. Candler .Asbury Wilkinson, Cavalry. First Lieut. Joseph Lester Brooks, Infantry. First Lieut. Milton A. Lowenberg, Cavalry. First Lieut. l\loe Neufeld, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Charles Reid Russell, Infantry. First Lieut. Carlos Watkins Bonham, Field Artillery. First Lieut. John Adams Nettinger, Cavalry. First Lieut. Donald Richard McComas, Cavalry. First Lieut. William Byron Wilson, Infantry. First Lieut. Sidney James Cutler, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Carroll Leonard Ellis, Infantry. First Lieut. John James Finnessy, Infantry. First Lieut. Stanley Young Kennedy, Infantry. First Lieut. Charles Wells Jacobson, Cavalry. Fir~t Lieut. William Wil on Belcher, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Richard Fairfax Leahy, Cavalry. First Lieut. George Atalbert Goodyear, Cavah·y. First Lieut. Howard Chesebro ugh Okie, Cavalry. First Lieut. Paul Hou ton Morris, Cavalry. First Lieut. Eddie James Lee, Cavalry. . First Lieut. John Richard Williams, Field Artillery. First Lieut. William Mathew Cline, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. George Ralston Middleton, Field Artillery. Fir t Lieut. Edward Barclay Wharton, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Thomas Henry Shea, jr., Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Frederick Philip Schlandt, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Franklyn Thatcher Lord, Infantry. First Lieut. Lewis Edwaru ~unt, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Guy Douglas Thompson, Cavalry. First Lieut. Charles Henry Ainsworth, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Boyden Kenner Fisher, Infantry. First Lieut. Lessley Eugene Spencer, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. l\Iarlin Clark Martin, Infantry. First Lieut. James Oliver Smithley, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. David Lee• Hooper, Infantry. First Lieut. Henry Hardy Slicer, Coast Artillery Corps. Fir t Lieut. William Louis Morrison, Infantry. First Liept. Edward Sandfol·d Pegram, jr., Corps of Engi- First Lieut. Robert Fuller Blodgett, Field Artillery. neers. First Lieut. Thoma. Raphael Phillip , Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut.· Stanley Gleninger Saulnier, Infantry. First Lieut. Oliver Edward George Trechter, Infantry, First Lieut. Will Hughes Gordon, Infantry. . First Lieut. Charles Stone Reily, Infantry. 1!-,irst Lieut. Thomas Joseph Johnston, Coast ArtHlery Corps. First Lieut. Richard Allen Gordon, Field Artillery. First Lieut. John :1Iarion Rhodes, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. John Lee Autrey, Signal Corps. First Lieut. John James Maher, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Edwin Henry Haskins, Infantry. First Lieut. Rice Warren ·white, Infantry. First Lieut. James Lawrence, Signal Corps. First Lieut. Dudley Blanchard Hm-.;-ard, Infantry. First Lieut. Alfred Carleton Moeller, Coast Artillery Corps. J.921. COrTGRESSIO~:rAL RECORD-REN.t-\.TE. 31 .

First Lieut. Freuerick Lofqui t, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Charles- Allen Ea terbrook, Fielcl Artillery_ First Lieut. Adrin Bruno Smitl1, Coast Art:i1Jery Corps. First Lieut. Herbert .Allyn Myersr Cavalry. Fir t Lieut. Napoleon Boudreau, Coa t Artillery Corps. First Lie-ut. Shelby Cyrus Newman, Cavalry. Seconrt Lieut. "\Villiam Jame BrLcoe, Phillp}line-- Scouts. First Lieut. R11ey Thoburn Holt. Cavalry. First Lieut. Tam Wan1 ~ Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Geo-rge Fridjhof Bloomquist, Infantry. . Fir t Lieut. Herbe-rt "\Yinterburn, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Lloyd Syi\ester Dennis, Philippine Scouts.· First Lieut. Stephen Joseph Idzorek, Air Service. Fu·st Lieut. Ernest E · r, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Clarence LeRoy Strike, Signal Corp&. Ffrst Lieut. Frank Emil Stoner, Infantl-y. Fir. t Ljeut John no coe Holt, Quartermaster- Corps. Fil·st Lieut. Edgar A.rdeen Elkins, Philippine Scouts. Fir t Lieut~ Rolland Edwarcl Sta:fforcl,- Signal e:rt Andrew Blair, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. lUartin Robert Rice, Field Artillery. Fir t Lieut. Robert Lee Hostetler, Infamy. Ftrst Lieut. John Patrict- Ferriter, Signal Co11Js. First Lieut. Jo eph DeGarmo, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Riclrard Kidder Meade-, Cavalry. Second Lieut Yates Dougla Fetterman, Infanh-y-. First Lieut. John Daniel Cook, Philippine Scouts. First Lieut. William Henry Green, Qnartennaster Corps. Second Lieut. Thomas Frecleriek ·wirth, Philippine Scouts. Second Lieut. Robert A. Barth, Philipp-ine Scouts. First Lieu.t. Theodore Bunuy, Infantry. First Lieut. R"JlS. ell Gilbert Barkalow, Fielu Artil1ery. First Lieut. ""\Valter Bender, .>lir Set~tice. First Lieut. Hardy Jack Story, Infantry. First Lieut. Richard Louis Pemberton, Infantry. First Lieut. "\Villiam Frederick Gent, Infantry. Fit· 't Lieut. l\Iaurtce Allen Hockman, Quartermaster Col'PS. First Lieut. Carl William Connell, Air ernce. First Lieut. Edward. James Turgeon, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Lee Gunnels Carson, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Til om a Leavey Cleaver, Coast .Artillery Co-rps. First Lieut. Chambord Henry St. Germain, Infantry. First Lieut. George Corbett Pilkington, Infantry. First Lieut. Hardy Pate Browning, Signal Corp ·. Fi~1: Lieut. .Tame~ Kirker Campbell., Inf'antry. First Lieut. Tho-ma K. Petty, Cavalry. First Lieut. J"o ·eph Loni Bachus, Infantry. Second Lieut. William Earle Reid, Philippine Scouts. First Lieut. Eimer The&dore- Fos , Quartermaster Corp . First Lieut. Jesse William Penn, Infantry. :n'irst Lieut. Valentine Pearsall Foster, Coast Artil1ery Corps. First Lieut. Jacob Her ·chel Lawrence, Infantry. First Lieut. Dtnid Esmond Cleary, Cavalry. Fir t Lieut. John Tee Bozarth, Philippine Scouts. First Lieut. .J&hn Henry Balmat, jr., Quartennaste-r Corps. Second Lieut. Ancil Gatliff Da\is, Philippine Scouts. Fir t Lieut. Harold Dean Woolley, Infantt~y. First Lieut. Martin Luthe1T Kelley, Quartermaster Corp·. li'irst Lieut. William J::une Schaal, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. Samnel Baxter 'Viener, Inf'ant:ry: First Lieut. John William Signer, Ak Sen-ire. Second Lieut. Norris Pete-r "\Yalsl, Field Artillery, First Lieut. Fay Ro s, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Han · Ottzenn, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Forrest Eljwin Collins, In:fa:ntry. Fir t Lieut. John Jay 'Vil ·onr Infantry. First Lieut. Harry LeRoy Bran on, Cavalry. First Lieut. Grover CleTeland Graham, Infantry. First Lieut. Nels Louis Soderho-lm, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. AllgUstine Aloysius- KaDe, Infantry. cond Lieut. Waiter- Scott Arthur, Infantry. Second Lieut. Edgar J'o eph Tnll~y, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. ·Cyril Brans ton Spicer, Infantry. First Lieut. Ray Eugene Quigley-, Phllippine- Sc'Out . First Lieut. Carl Marcu Ulsaker, Infantry. First Lieut. Clarence Frederiek ll.."l.ng; Philippine Scouts. Fu·st Lieut. Gro\er· Cle\""elarul Cleaver, Infantry. Second Lieut. Carl Cooley Burges , Infantcy . . First Lieut. Arthur Henry Rogers, Infantry. First Lieut Frank Roy Broclts"ch.ink, Infantry. Fir. t Lieut. Harry Allen Austin, Infantry. First Lieut. Axel Hawkenson, Infantry. First Lieut. William Alexander Ellis, Infantry. First Lieut. Charle. Washington Latimer-r a-valry. First Lieu l. Sydney Clyde Fergason, Infantry First Lieut. Walter J ee, Infantry. First Lieut. Josiah: Ara ·wallace, Fiehl Arb'llery. Fir t Lieut. Wilbert Vernon Renne1·, Quartel'mas-ter Co1·ps. First Lieut. Charles Perfect, Quartermaster Corps. , First Lieut. Joseph Howard Rustemeyer, Infantry. Fi~'t Lieut. Artl:mr i11ilroy Stork, Quarterm-aste1~ Corps. First Lieut. Elwin Stewart Ferrand, Signal Corps. First Lient... Fayette Furgo Collin~ Cavalry. l!'irst Lieut. Verne Miller-, Infantry. First Lieut. J"arues Truman Kenzie, Cavalry. First Lieut. Thomas Settle Voss, Air SerV-ice. First Lieut. Glenn A. Ros , Quartermaster Corps. Second Lient~ Wilbur Herbert To; rJ , Pbilippi.ne Scouts. First Lieut. Albert 1Uichael Guide-ra, Air Service. Fir t Lieut. Fred Fabri, Cavalry. Fil t Lieut. :llar'k futon Bronson, Qnartennaster Corps. First Lieut. Thomas F.r:auci Craltan, Qllintermaster- orp . First Lieut. Chapman, jr., Infantry. Second Lieut. Ernest A. Fi cber, Quartm:master Corps. Second Lieut. Homer Bebo Battenberg, Infantry. Fir t Lieut Floyd 1\Ioore, Infanti-y. First Lieut. Norman Doud' Finley, Infantry. First Lieut. Harve-y Newton Christman~ Cavalry. First Lieu.t Philip Theodore- Fry, Inta.ntry. First Lieut. Harry Winche. ter Benson, Ca.~alry. Fir t Lieut. Galvin HalC()IDIJ. Burkhead, Signal Corp ·. First Lieut. Charles Gramer, Cavalry. First Lieut. Wilmer Micajah Flinn, Quartermaster Corps. Fil·st Lieut. George Prentice Cummings, Cavalry. First Lieut. Fred Page Andrews, Signal Corps. First Lieut. Charles Winston Burkett, CaT'alry. First Lieut. Bernard Smith, Corps of Engineers. First Lie-ut Clyde Eugene Austin, Cavalry. First Lieut. Donaiu Huckingham Greenwood, Coast Artillery First Lieutr Victo-r Geoffi·ey Husken, Infantry. Corps._ First Lieut. Fred Blackburn Rogers, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Lewis- Charle Beebe-, Infantry. First Lieut. Saxton Berg, Caxalry. First Lieut. Clinton WiTHam Ball, Corps of Engineer·. First Lieut. Cornelius Fran is O'Keefe, Cavnlry. First Lieut. .Julin · Conrad Tin , jr., Air Set'>ice. First Lieut. Harry Mnrtin lUcSwuin, Infnntry. First Lieut. Everett Ernest Brown, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. William Kenahan, Cavalry. First Lieut. Harry Bassett HustO'Il, Quartermaster Corp . Fir t Lieut. Raymond Dr den \Villis-, Infantry. First Lieut. Raymond Edward Vanghan, Air Sernce. Second Lieut. James Pltilif} Lyons, Infantry. First Lieut. Coburn Lee Berry, Coast Artillery Corps. Fir t Lieut. Lloyd Leon R:.u"tey, ~-llr Senice. First Lieut. James A. Sanders, Quartermaster Corps. Fir t Lieut. Ernest Snmu on, Infantry. Fil·st Lieut. Orland: Smith Peabody, Ca\alry. First Lieut. Alfred Steere Knight, Infantry. First Lieut. Benedict Leo Maloney, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Thomas Watwn Hastey, Air Sen·ice. First Lieut. John :Peter NoJan, Infantry. First IJieut. Bert Emory Cooper, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Arthur Theodore Kreb, Qnartermnster Corp ·. First Lieut. Hurley Oram Richardson, Cn.Yalry-. First Lieut. Hany Lee Hagan, Infantry. First Lieut. Richard August Burkle, Quartermastet· Co1·ps. First ·Lieut. Geo-rge DaYid Condren, CaYalry. First Lieut. Alfred Gustaye Kritzl~tnd, Infantry. First Lieut. Gorsuru Crona.nder, Carnlry. Second Lieut. Louis de JuF:~ewicz. Quarterma ter Corps. First Lieut. Harry Burgie Smith, Quartermaster Corp.. Fir t Lieut. Chester John Hirschfelder. Infanh~\. First Lieut. Alfred Foster King, jr., Air Service. First Lieut. l\lorri. Berrnnn.. -\.ir Sernce. • First Lieut. Ernest Coolidge Goding, Infantry.· First Lieut. Riclutrcl F <1yette Fnircllihl. Inf

Fir t Lieut. Jo eph Yincent Couglllin, Infantry. First Lieut. Lloyd Chandler Par on. , Infantry. First Lieut. 1\Iacey Lillard Dill, Infantry. First Lieut. Henry Vaughn Dexter, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Edgar Peter Sorensen, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Hans Ernest Kloepfer, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Edward Julius Renth, Infantry. First Lieut. Edward .Allen Everitt, jr., Cavalry. First Lieut. John Rudolph Kaiser, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. Ted Harold Cawthorne, Infanh·y. First Lieut. James Richard Townsend, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Erwin Adolph Manthey, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. George Head Duff, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Edward Harrah, Infantry. First Lieut. John Henry Harrington, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Henry Bartow Dawson, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Francis Firmin Fainter, Infantry. First Lieut. John William Kelley, Field Artillery. First Lieut. John Wilbert Ramsey, Infantry. First Lieut. Robert William Corrigan, Infantry, Second Lieut. Peter Girardeau Marshall, Infantry. First Lieut. Robert Hughe Lord, Infantry. First Lieut. Robert Oldys, Air Service. First Lieut. Archibald Ross :.McKechnie, Infantry. First Lieut Karol Bronislaw Kozlowski, Philippine Scouts. First Lieut. John Paul Ratay, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Louis Moss Hitchcock, Philippine Scouts. First Lieut. l\Iose Kent Pigman, Infantry. First Lieut. Mateo 1\Iananjaya Capinpin, Philippine Scouts. First Lieut. Claude Tillinghast Porter, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Herbert Foster 1Vilkinson, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Reed Emil Beck, ]field Artillery. Second Lieut. Walter Norman Clinton, Infantry. First Lieut. Norman Norton Rogers, Cavalry. First Lieut. Martin Burtis Dunbar, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Waldo Emerson Ard, Field Artillery, Second ·Lieut. Malcolm Byrne, Cavalry. First Lieut. Harry William l\Iaas, Cavalry. First Lieut. Raymond Charles Blatt, Cavalry. ~..,irst Lieut. Fenton Gay Epling, Coa t Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Fred William Fallin, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Rutherford Loren Herr, Infantry. First Lieut. John Francis Hill, Infantry. First Lieut. Herbert Gray E den, Infantry. Second Lieut. Edward Brigham McKinley, Quartermaster First Lieut. Peter Town,c:;end Coxe, Cavalry. Corps. First Lieut. Francis Henry Boucher, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Charles John Kalberer, Quartermaster Cotps. First Lieut. William Henry Sweet, Cavalry. First Lieut. Floy Lyle Hester, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Louis Gansler, Cavalry. _ First Lieut. Joseph Penderton Glandon, Qu3;rtermaster Corps. First Lieut. Ross Gordon Hoyt, Air Service. Second Lieut. Claude Mitchell Adams, Infantry. First Lieut. William Van Dyke Och , Cavalry. econd Lieut. Walter Patrick O'Brien, Infantry. First Lieut. William Bentley Mayer, Air Service. First Lieut. James Francis Taylor, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Harold Kernan, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Lester Levi Boggs, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Hunter Louis Girault, Infantry. . First Lieut. Calvin Sutton Richards, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Hubert Augustine ~Icl\Iorrow, Coast Artillery First Lieut. John TJlomas Fleming, Quartermaster Corps. Corps. First Lieut. Ira Harry Treest, Signal Corps. First Lieut. George .Albert Jackson, Infantry. First Lieut. Philip Boswell Taliaferro, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Innes Harwood Bodley, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Glenn C. Oppy, Infantry. First Lieut. Lee Louis Elzas, Cavalry. First Lieut. Frank Brevard Hayne, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. Ow~n George Fowler, Cavalry. First Lieut. Thomas Reed Bartlett, Coa t Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Harry Foster, Cavalry. First Lieut. Arthur Pickens, Infantry. First Lieut. .Alexander Carl Strecker, Cavalry. First Lieut. Arthur Drummond Hl:ghes, Quartermaster First Lieut. Wade Hampton Johnson, Cavalry. Corps. First Lieut. Francis 1Val'd Kernan, Infantry. First Lieut. Lewis Evans Reigner, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Dwight Hughes, jr., Cavalry. First Lieut. Oscar Nelson Schierven, Field Artillery. First Lieut. William Robert Stickman,- Cavalry. Fir t Lieut: Harry Ernest Monezes, Infantry. First Lieut. :\Ia.ximilian Clay, Infantry. First Lieut. Levin Arthur Bowland, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Frederick Sandrus Schmitt, Infantry. First Lieut. William Leslie Brown, Infantry. First Lieut. Calvert Hinton Arnold, Signal Corps. Fir t Lieut. Clyde Clarkson Way, Infantry. First Lieut. George Shively Prugh, Infantry. FirNt Lieut. John Ephriam Harrison, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Frederick Meyer Vinsoo, Infantry. First Lieut. William Henry Brady, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Homer Franklin Tate, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. William Gregory Brey, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Harold Montague, Infantry. First Lieut. Don Richman Norris, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Richard Hutchings Johnston, Infantry. First Lieu_t. Ben Butler Blair, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. John Blakaway Cockburn, Infantry. F'irst Lieut. Lawrence Gibson For ythe, Cavalry. First Lieut. Lewis Anderson Page, Infantry. First Lieut. John Alfred Hatfield, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. .Albert Webster Long, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Humphrey Swygart Evans, Quartermaster First Lieut. Cedric Ezra Scheerer, Coast Artillery Corps. Corps. First Lieut. Alexander Oscar Gorder, Infantry. First Lieuf. Jolln Randolph DeVall, Infantry. First Lieut. Geoffrey Marshall, Coast Artillery Corps. l!~irst Lieut. Lewis Frederick Kosch, Field A.rtillery. First Lieut. Percy Custer Fl~ming, Field Artillery. First Lieut. William Richard Maris, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Edward Maynard Fickett, Cavalry. First Lieut. Marion Lyman Young, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Thomas Jennings Guilbeau, Infantry.

. First Lieut. George Irvin Smith1 Cavalry. First Lieut. John Francis Roehm, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Walter Averill Hill, Cavalry. First Lieut. l\1ilo Victor Buchanan, Infantry. First Lieut. Everard Franklin Olsen, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Kearie Lee Berry, Infantry. First Lieut. Irving Devance Offer, Field Artillery. First Lieut. William Elbridge Chickering, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Arthur Francis Doran, Infantry. First Lieut. Nathan David Gordon, Field Artillery. First Lieut. John Benning Sinclair, Infantry. First Lieut. Wilbur Reece l\IcReynolcl ·, Infantry, First Lieut. 1\Ielvin Earl Gillette, Infantry. First Lieut. Howell Redd Han5on, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Oliver Felton Porter, Field Artillery. First Lieut. George Robert Hayman, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Severne Spence MacLaughlin, Infantry. First Lieut. Howard Everett Camp, Field Artillery. First Lieut. 'Villiam Frederic 1\Iarquat, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Gaillard Pinckney, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Willis Aubrey Hedden, Infantry. First Lieut. James Couzens Van Ingen, Cavalry. First Lieut. Allison ·ware Jones, Coast Artillery Corps. lfirst Lieut. Benjamin Franklin O'Connor, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. Godfrey Neil Wyke, Infantry. First Lieut. Fred Currie :Milner, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Howard Herndon Davis, Infantry. First Lieut. Charles Frost Craig, Infanh·y. Second Lieut. George Eitle Hartman, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Lloyd Smith Partridge, Field Artillery. Fir. t Lieut. Oscar Julian Brittle Whitehurst, Infantry. First Lieut. Oscar K. Wolber, Infantry. Second Lieut. Philip Frederick Biehl, Coast Artillery Corps. Fir t Lieut. 1Villiam Tillory Andrew , Coast Artillery -corps. First Lieut. Jame Gasper Devine, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Callie Hmnmond Palmer, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Ralph Eldon Harrington, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Karl Eugene Henion, Infantry, . Fir t Lieut. Richard Bocock Willis, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Harold Whittle Blakeley, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Burton Francis Hood, Infantry. First Lieut. George Etter; Quarterma ter Corps. Second Lieut. Howard Nathaniel Frissell, Infantry. First Lieut. George Orial Clark, Infantry. Second Lieut. Patrick Eugene Shea, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Russell J. Potts, Infantry. Second Lieut.· Edward Samuel Garner, Infanh·y. First Lieut.-William Hoover Craig, Infantry. "7irst Lieut. Earl Elliott Major, Infantry. . First Lieut. Thaddeus Clan•nce Knight, Infantry. 1V21. CONGRESSION.A.L RECORD-SENATE. 33

First Lieut. Ollie William Reed, Infantry. First Lieut. Oscar Dubois 1\Ic:Xeely, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Levi ~lonroe Bricker, Ordnance Department. First Lieut. Parker Gillespie Tenney, Coast Artillery Corps. Fir t Lieut. John Pehrson MacNeill, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Robert Ernest Archibald, Infantry. First Lieut. Louis Wilson Maddox, Infantry. First Lieut. Thomas Jeffries Betts, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. John Clyde Glithero, Infantry, subject" to exam- First Lieut. Buhl Moore, Field Artillery. ination required by law. First Lieut. lUordaunt Verne Turner, Cavalry. First Lieut. James Gaulding Watkins, Field ·Artillery. First Lieut. Norman E. 'Valdron, Cavalry. First Lieut. Christopher Columbus Strawn, Cavalry. First Lieut. Adrian Robert Brian, Infantry. First Lieut. William Fulton Magill, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. Herbert Johnson Burke, Cavalry. First Lieut. Paul Mitchell Arnold, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Burton Loren Lucas, Infantry. First Lieut. Harry Curry, Infantry. First Lieut. Morris Clinton Handwerk, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Robert John Wagoner, Infantry. First Lieut. Walter Russell Ketcham, Infantry. First Lieut. William Edgar Vernon, Infantry. First Lieut. George Stephen w·ear, Infantry, subject to ex­ First Lieut. Sam Williams Anderson, Coast Artillery Corps. amination required by law. First Lieut. Joseph Williams McCall, Infantry. First Lieut. Leo Lawrence Gockel', Cavalry. First Lieut. Thomas Brevard Steel, Infantry. First Lieut. Benjamin Franklin Harmon, Coast Artillery First Lieut. Aifred Joseph DeLorimer, Ca\alry, Corps. First Lieut. Everett Busch, Infantry. First Lieut. Walter Throckmorton Scott, Infantry. First Lieut. John Wilbur Heisse, Infantry. First Lieut. Edwin Wilds Godbold, Cavalry. First Lieut. James Taylor, Infantry. Fir5t Lieut. John Wilson O'Daniel, Infantry. First Lieut. Stewart Darden Hervey, Infantry, subject to ex- First Lieut. John Gilbert White, Field Artillery. amination required by law. Fh·st Lieut. Harry Frank Thompson, Infantry. First Lieut. Frank Joyce Pearson, Infantry. First Lieut. Raymond Carmichael Gibbs, Cavalry. First Lieut. Le ter Thomas Miller, Infantry. First Lieut. Carl l\IcKee Innis, Infantry. First Lieut. Leo Donovan, Infantry. First Lieut. William Henry Allen, Infantry. First Lieut. Joseph Gerald Cole, Coast Artillery Corps. li'irst Lieut. Leo Francis Crane, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Julian Gilliam Hart, Infantry. First Lieut. Jose11h William )lcKenna, Infantry. . First Lieut. HatHlall Thomas Kendrick, Infantry. First Lieut. Raymond Blanton Bottom, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Jarne. Walter Ewing, Cavalry. First Lieut. Alfred Grace Ford, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Percy ::McCay Vernon, Infantry. First Lieut. Henry Terry :\Iorrison, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Clyde Le Gage Walker, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Paul Leon Porter, Infantry. First Lieut. :Milton Whitney, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. Stanley Joseph Grogan, Infantry. First Lieut. Emile James Boyer, Infantry. First Lieut. Rohland Andrew Isket·, Cavalry. First Lieut. Richard. Earl Tallant, Cavalry. First Lieut. Robert Reginald Maxwell, Cavalry. First Lieut. Peter J. Lloyd, Infantry. First Lieut. Leonard Roscoe Crews, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Henry Hale Cheshire, Cavalry. First Lieut. Charles Arthur Horger, Cavalry. First Lieut. Theodore Morton Cornel1, Infantry. First Lieut. Stonewall Jack~on, Infantry. First Lieut. Paul Vincent Kellogg, Infantry. First Lieut. Conrad Grey \YaH, Cavalry. First Lieut. John Sylvester Peters, Cavalry. First Lieut. 'Varner Beard. ley Gates, Infantry. First Lieut. Herbert Ludwell Earnest, Cavalry. First Lieut. Oscar Joseph Neundorfer, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. IYy 'Vinfred Crawford, Infantry. First Lieut. Charlie Edward Hart, Ordnance Department. First Lieut. Charles Spurgeon Harris, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Webster Hamlin Warren, Coast Artillery Corps. First ·Lieut. John Reed Hodge, Infantry. !1 irst Lieut. Ross Berry Smith, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Arthur Richard Walk, Infantry. First Lieut. John Brown Bethea, jr., Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Leslie Egner Toole, Infantry. First Lieut. Thomas Bennett Woodburn, Infantry. First Lieut. Francis ~!urray Brady, Infantry. First Lieut. Charles William Higgins, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Paul Wolcott Rutledge, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Hugh Nathan Herrick, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Eubert Harrison l\la.lone, Infantry. First Lieut. Stanley French Griswold, Infantry. First Lieut~ Ray Tyson :Maddocks, Cavalry. First Lieut. John Thomas Dibrell, Infantry. Fil•st Lieut. James Footville Butler,· Infantry. First Lieut. Edmund Jones Lilly, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. Uichard Nelson Amell, CaYalry. First Lieut. Charles Edward Dissinger, Cavalry. l!'irst Lieut. Thoma Bayne Locke, CaYalry. First Lieut. Thomas Garlot Hannon, Infantry. First Lieut. Truman Morris Martin. Infantry. First Lieut. John Edwin Hull, Infantry. First Lieut. Morris Simpson Daniels, jr., Cavalry. First Lieut. Thomas Francis Bresnahan, Infantry. Fir. t Lieut. Chester Bailey l\lcCoid, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Roger 1\Iarion Still, Infantry. First Lieut. Cecil Leland Rutledge, Infantry. First Lieut. Samuel White, jr., Field Artillery. First Lieut. Theoclore Christian Gerber, Ordnance Depart- First Lieut. Gilman Kimball Crockett, Infantry. ment. First Lieut. William Warren Wertz, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Garth Bly Haddock, Infantry. First Lieut. Thomas Edison Roderick, Infantry. First Lieuf. Lawrence Leonard William l\Ieinzen Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Wallace Alan ::Ueall, Infantry. First Lieut. l\larshall Lawrence Gosserand, Coast Artillery First Lieut. Ray Winfield Harris, Infantry, subject to ex- Corps. amination required by law. :B"irst Lieut. .John Orland Lawrence, Ca.\alry. · First Lieut. Elbert Wilson Lockwood, Infantry. First Lieut. George LeConte Ramsey, Infantry. First Lieut. Evans Read Crowell, Coast A.itillery Corps. Fir t Lieut. John Johnson Albright, Infantry. First Lieut. Robinson Earl Duff, Infantry. Fir. t Lieut. Charles Williamson Glover, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Leon Wilcomb Hilliard, Signal Corps. First Lieut. Robert Jones King, Infantry. First Lieut. Walter Colon Blalock. Infantry. Fir ~ t Lieut. Alexander Adair, Infantry. First Lieut. Hamilton Johnston, Infantry. First Lieut. Grant Alexander Schlieker, Infantry. First Lieut. Raymond Godfrey Lellrnan, Infantry. First Lieut. John Knox Gailey, jr., CaYalry. First Lieut. Irvine Callander Scudder, Infantry. First Lieut. William Grant Hilliard, jr., Infantry. Fir ·t Lieut. James Che ter Bates, Coas.t Al"tillery Corps. First Lieut. All.Jert Cu. bing Cleveland, Coast Artillery Corps. Fir ~ t Lieut. Harry Edmund Pendleton, Cavalry. First Lieut. Leslie Marshall Skerry, Field Artillery. First Lieut. William Claude Briggs, Infantry. First Lieut. Walter Carper Phillips, Infantry. First Lieut. Paul Samuel Beard, Infantry. · First Lieut. Anthony Joseph Touart, Infantry. F'irst Lieut. Edgardo Va quez-Bruno, Infantry. First Lieut. Henry Percy Gray, Infantry. First Lieut. Wright Helm Johnson, Signal Corps. First Lieut. Dan Harold Riner, Infantry. First Lieut. George William Clover, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Robert :Morriss Browning, Infantry. First Lieut. Edwin .Allan Smith, Infantry. First Lieut. .Arthur Edmund Easterbrook, Air Service. First Lieut. Gyles .Merrill, Cavalry. Fir t Lieut. Harry John Collins, Infantry. First Lieut. William Copers Bowie, Cavalry. First Lieut. .James Yan Valkenburgh Shufelt, Cavalry. First Lieut. 'Vilfred Ernest \Villis, Cavalry. First Lieut. Henry Paul Hallowell, Infantry. First Lieut. Floyd C. Harding, Infantry. First Lieut. Hobart Raymond Gay, Cavalry. First Lieut. Rolfe Saunders Sample, Infantry. First Lieut. Rutherford Leon Hammond, Cavalry. First Lieut. .James l\Jontagu ~damson, jr., Cavalry. LXI--3 ·oo rT· ~IVESSIO~T.A_L REOORD-SE.r 1\lARCH 11,

Fil'ftt Hiieut. "fChom[}S ~illlitm Oillll'ad, •Ooru3t Al:tillery -cm.:ps. First Lieut. Paul Thomj)son ·Baker, Infantry. Flirst 1Lieut. .a·cy iLee Sadler, il:ufarttcy. Firs.t !Lieut. Robert Porter Bell, Infa:ntty. Fil· ~·t Lieut. G~ru::ge 1L.uther Nor.row, .iJ:Iifmrtry. F.irst ffAeut. .Hnrold iWJlliam Keller, Infantry. F:ir t Lieut. ·Charles :El\-erhart !Sbll11l.ralie, .!FJeld Artillery. First Lieut. Edwin W..illiam ;Pjburn, lnfantJ:y. First Lieut. F:redectck TWilhelm !Boom, .Conat Artillery 00ll>S. iF.irst JLieut~ :Kenn~th Steddalld Whit:temore, Imantr:y. First Lieut. Joe.Carroll.!Rogers, 'OmTa:lr-y. First Lieut. Mack Morgan Lynch, Infantry. First Lieut. Evan MarShall Sherrl.1l, ~ry. First Lieut tler!1y Vrchlicky Hatejka, Coast Artillery tCorps. First Lieut. James ·~ AmoJd, Jinfant.J:~. First Lieut. Frank Jiluber Parttid_ge, Infantr·F· First Lieut. F'.ra11k .Albert Allen, ·jr., :Co:valry. First Lieut. Fra.riklin Knight Kennedy, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. Jo~eph .Onrso.n .Stephens, Gaast ..A..ctillery 1Cru!ps, First Lieut. .Uer.ald FitzGerald, C.avab:y. !F.irst iLieut. 'BerniD!d .Frm:iklin 'Hurless, ilnfantryA First Lieut. Derril de Saussure Trenholm, Infantry. First Lieut. Guy ·o.rt!h .Kut.'tz,.:Field Arlilleey. First Lieut. Michael Edmond Halloran, Infantry. iF.ii ~ t Lieut. Louis .J"oseph ~Compton, .F.ield .Artillery. First Lieut. Idwa1 Bubert.Edwa.Tds, Air .&m-ice. First Lieut. John Henry Hilldring, i!Iifmrtry. First JLieu:t. :PaUl ;rames Vevia., Infantry. First Lieut. 'Villimn Donalil.Mc-Millin, lnfanti·y. First Lieut. Oar!l 'Julian Dookle.r·, ~ cavalry. ffi'irst ..Lieut. .Arthur Rreck.intidge ·wade, FJeld .Artillery. First Lieut. Milton iHeilfron, Corps ·of Engi~rs. Fir t Lieut. James Gideon Kyle, Infantry. First Lieut. Olin ·Goke Newell, 'Ca-valcy. First Lieut. ...ifrihn Hurst Rodman, .Infantry. First Lieut. James Barclay Smith, Infantry. First Lieut. William Dan :Powell, lnf:antry. First Lieut. Paul :Steele, nfantr:y. Fir. t Lieut. Read W:ipprecht, 'Cavalry. First Lieut. Luther Nathaniel -.John on, .Infa:ntr~·. First Lieut. Ce~n 0tto ·Griffin, Cavall:y. First IT1e11t. :Stanley ~ugustns .Anae:rson, :Infanti·y. Fil'Rt Lieut. William Oharles .Louisell, :Infantry. First Lieut. Robert Emmett Cummings, Infantry. Fir!-'t Lient. rrhomas Wade .H~r:ren, Cavalry. First Lieut. Harry Ff!yette Schoonover, .Fleld Artillru.•y. Fir. ·t Lieut. Alden .Humphrey ·S.e:abm~, Ca:valry. First Lieut. Adrun Jackson Bennett, -Cunst Ar.tillery 1Jorps. First Lieut. Jesse illlckard W:hitt, lnfantr;r-. First Lieut. Louis Simmons i3fielmey, !lnfantt:y. First Lieut. ~VJlliam Emauuel ·.G'oe, iinfantry. l!,irst .!Lieut. William H-eske.tb, ~oast Artillery CoL-ps. First Lieut. .:Donald Broo'ks Hilton, Infantry. First Lieut. James LarMin Dik-.e+.~, ilrfantry, subject to exam- ill'JI'St i..iteu:t. Clarence .AI:thtu Shannon, tCavah·y. ination required .by law. First Lieut. .Alexander 'Bull :Mci~abb, CuvalJ.·y. First Lieut. Ben 'Curtis..McComas, Field ATtillery. First Lteut. ~William .Leonard :Ritter, Infantry. First Lieut. Kenneth Benjamin :Qmm, .Infantry. First Lieut. Robert :Winchell J:lattersoQ, 1nfantn:. I First !Lieut. .1\lauriae Gn.rver ·Stubbs, infanti:y. First Lieut. Ralph 'Edwin .Hill, -!Coast Artillel.'Y G01:ps. First Lieut. Archibald Andrew lFall, .:Infantry. ~irst Lieut. F.ranois Lancaster Christian, :Coast Artillery First Lieut. Frank ::Romalne Schucker, Infantry. Corp·. 1 First Lieut. George St-ewart Warren, Ca\':a1r~. First :Lieut. {Jharles Hem·y ·Sears, .Infantry. . Fii·st Lieut. John Lee Dn:vey, J:nfantry. First Lieut. Walton Whlttingham ·Cox, Cavalry. First Lieut. Ralph Charles Thomas, Cavalry. Fir t Lieut. Druid •Emmet w.heele.t:, Infantry. First Lieut. Joseph \Villinm V:ann, ·Coast Artillery ·Corps. First_Lieut. Charles LRosnil.I fl:.ugton, .Infantry. First Lieut. MHrio 'Oo.rde.r·o, ;Infantry. Fir ·t Lieut. Maitland ·Bottoms, Oua.st Artillet~y :Corps. First Lieut. Henry Oscar Swindler, Infantry. First Lient.l\fichael Jolumn Perret, lnfan~. First Lieut. Haskell Allison, Infantry. Fir-st .Lie.ut. ~Ross Jilnnest Larson, ·Uava:lry. First Lieut. John 1\Iinot· Lile, CmralTy. Fh!st Lieut. ~WJlliam .Robinson Epes, Coast .Artillery Oo1.1>s. !F'mt Lieut. BTuce G1enn (Kirk, -Infantry. First Lieut. Stewm-t t:El,.in lleimel, Infantry. First Lieut. Davis .Jones, :Infantry . ..Fir.st Lieut. .Kendall Jordan :Fielder, J:nfantry. First Lieut. R11Ssell Skinner, In:fantl'J. Fir t Lieut. William.alll'.tlsiDeware, lJnfantry. First Lieut. George Warren [)unn, jT., Coast Artille.r·y Corps. Fit·st !Lieut. .Hugh Donald .Adair, Jnfantcy. First Lieut. Arthur irillinghast .:Huston, 1 Ca,~ry. First Lieut. •Charle Har~crton Stewa1·t, ·Coast Artillery' Fmt lLieut. .J'ohn· .Alex:a:nder Klein, Infantry. Corp ·. Fir t Lieut. Arthur Harold Luse, Ordnance tDe_t3artment. First Lieut. Joseph Robbins :Ril>b, ilnfantr~. First Lieut. Clay.tron Sera ilm Whitehead, Infnntry. First Lieut. Reginald ,Reuben lBaeon, lnfantr·~-. First Lieut. WJJliam Arthur 'Swift, :Infantr·y. Fir t Lieut. Russell Conwell Snyder, Field .l\.:rtillery. First Lieut. Jobn :Edwin Grose, 'lnfnntry. Fir. t Lieut. Da-;vld Broome Yan .Pelt, J:nfantry. First Lieut. Robert Creighton W1·ight, Infantry.. Fir ·t Lieut. Harvey Allan "Tonnesen, lnfantry. First Lieut. Everett Latimer .Rice, Infantry. First Lieut. .Edward ;llll:lllsey ~Bo1land, jr., Coast A:rtillery First Lieut. Lawrence Archie Kurtz, [nfantry. Corps. First Lieut. Danie1 Webster Hickey, j.r., Oonst .Artillery 'Corps. First Lient. ~V:illiam Hubbell E:me.r"Bon, Infantry. First Lieut. :Martin Stevenson Chester, Infantry. Fir t Lieut.

Fir t Lieut. :Melvin Le"\vis Craig, Eield Artillery. First Lieut. William Thombs Kilborn, jr., Quartermaster Fir t Lieut. Elbert Arcularius Nostrand, Infantry. Corps. First Lieut. Samuel Gibson Stewart, CanJry. First Lieut. Frank Harry Scheiner, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Hervey Aldrich TribeLst, Infantry. First Lieut. Carlos Oscar Cooley, Infantry. First Lieut. Robert B1·ooks Ennis, Infantry. First Lieut. Frank Merritt Harshberger, Cavalry. First Lieut. Levie Wilson Foy, Infantry. First Lieut. Leighton E." Worthley, Infantry. Fir"t Lieut. John Cord Blizzard, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. Francis Joseph McNamara, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. ·warren Henry McNaught, Field Artillery! First Lieut. Frank Watts Arnold, Cavalry. First Lieut. Howard Clark, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. . Harrison Sheldon Beecher, Cavalry. First Lieut. Roy Edson Craig, Cavalry. First Lieut. Wesley Wright Price, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Robert Ignatius Stack, Infantry. First Lieut. Erskine Burt HalJey, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Paul \Vilbur Warren, Infantry. First Lieut. Mortimer Clark Addoms, jr., Quartermaster First Lieut. John Huling, jr., Infantry. Corps. First Lieut. Early Edward Walters Duncan, Air Service. First Lieut. Charles Clarke Loughlin, Infantry. First Lieut. Edward 1\farple Daniels, Cavalry, subject to Fir t Lieut. Gill McCook, Cavalry. examination required by law. First Lieut. Gilbert Rieman, Cavalry. First Lieut. Orryl Samuel Robles, Infantry. First Lieut. Percy Adams, Coast Artillery Corps. First Lieut. Philip Richard Upton, Ca-valry. First Lieut. Jefferson :.\Iilford Stewart, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Horace Kelita Heath, Infantry. First Lieut. Howard Kirkbride Dilts, Infantry. First Lieut. Hm:ry Russell Evans, Infantry. First Lieut. Joseph Benjamin Varela, Coast Artillery Corps. Fir t Lieut. Bartholomew Robins DeGraff, Infantry. First Lieut. "\\'alter Floyd Brown, Quartermaster Corps. Fir t Lieut. George LaFranc O'Connor, Infantry. First' Lieut. 1\lanning ·wilfred Spotswood, Quartermaster First Lieut. Harold Napoleon Gilbert, Infantry. Corps. First Lieut. Charles Eugene Rust, Air Ser-vice. First Lieut. George Cook Hollingsworth, Infantry. First Lieut. WillH.tm Albert Collier, Infantry. First Lieut. Joel Franldin Watson, Quartermaster Corps. 'Fir t Lieut. ArcLibald l\Iiles Hixson, Infantry. First Lieut. John Conrad Hutcheson, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Clifford Bert Cole, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Charles Wilshire Older, Quartermaster Corps. Fir t Lieut. Albert Gresham Wing, Infantry. First Lieut. William Downing Wheeler, Air Service. · First Lieut. William Fred Uehm, Infantry. First Lieut. Herbert Wheeler Worcester, Cavalry. Fir t Lieut. Edward Nicholson Fay, Infantry. First Lieut. David Ransom Wolverton, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Donald Thomas Nelson, CavalrY.. First Lieut. George Ray Ford, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Thomas Graves Cherry, Infantry, subject to ex- First Lieut. Frank Gosnell, jr., Field Artillery. amination required by law. First Lieut. John Vincent Ro,Yan, Quartermaster Corps. Fir t Lieut. Richardson Lester Greene, Field Artillery. First Lieut. William Henry Beer··, Infantry. First Lieut. George Clarence Nielson, Infantry. First Lieut. 'Villis Dodge Cronkhite, Quartermaster Corps. Fir t Lieut. Raymond Greenleaf Sherman, Infantry. First Lieut. John Alexander Russell, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Earl Campbe1l Heran, Infantry. First Lieut. Theodore Tyler Barnett, Quartermaster Corps. Fir t Lieut. William John Henry Ryan, Infantry. First Lieut. William Addison Ray, Field ArtHiery. Fir t Lieut. Coleman Ferrell Dri-ver, Infantry. First Lieut. Lloyd Spencer Spooner, Infantry. Fir't Lieut. WalJace William ~1illard, Infantry. First Lieut. Henry Mills Shoemaker, Cavalry. Fil t Lieut. ·walter Wellington von Gremp, Infantry. First Lieut. Harry Tolman Partridge, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Arthur Grady Hutchinson, Infantry. First Lieut. Eugene Erwin Morrow, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Norman Marcus Nelson, Infant-ry. First Lieut. Kinsley Wilcox Slauson, Quartermaster COI1lS. Fir t Lieut. Harvey Lewis Littlefield, Infantry. First Lieut. Fred Tenderholm Neville, Quartermaster Corps. Fir t Lieut. Ronald Lowe Ring, Infantry. First Lieut. James Hugh Conlin, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Alfred Timothy Wright, Infantry. First Lieut. Cyril Wilhelm Van Cortlandt, Quartermaster First Lieut. John Ainsworth Andrews, Infantry. Corps. l!'irst Lieut. George Andrew Lockhart, Infantry. First Lieut. Cornelius Cole Brown, Infantry. Firl!t Lieot. Emerald Clark Robbins, Cm·alry, subject to ex- First Lieut. Joseph Patrick Kelly, Quartermaster Corps. amination required by law. First Lieut. Edgar Kehlor Brockway, Infantry. Fir. t Lieut. James Julian Pirtle, Field Artillery. First Lieut Wallace Earle Hackett, Infantry. Fir ·t Lieut. Alfred Edward Dedicke, Infantry. First Lieut. William Lane Tydings, Infantry. First Lieut. George Frederick 1\lacdonald, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Ernest Klein White, Quartermaster Corps. Fir~t Lieut. Harry Boissonnau1t, Qoarterma ter Corps. Fir. t Lieut. George William West, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Wilbur Ellsworth Bashore, Infantry. First Lieut. Augustus Spencer Harrisou, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Harolu Head, Infantry. First Lieut. Harry Coleman ~nyder, Quartermaster Corps. Fir t Lieut. Walter William Boon, Infantry. First Lieut. Franklin B. Lees, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Hugh -McCord Evans, Infantry. First Lieut. Benton Arthur Doyle, Air Service. Fir t Lieut. Michael Joseph l\Iulcahy, Infantry. First Lieut. George Henry Shea, Cavalry. First Lieut. Harolu Stokely Wright, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Ed,vard John Lewis Russell, Quartermaster Corps. ~'irst Lieut. Lois Che ter Dill, Infantry. First Lieut. Archie Ellsworth Phinney, Infantry. Fir ·t Lieut. Edward James l\laloney, Infantry. First Lieut. Fritz 1\l. Dyer, Infantry. First Lieut. Richard Abram Jones, Infantry. First Lieut. John Nettleton Johnson, jr., Infantry. Fir ·t Lieut. Lloyd Dexter Yates, Infantry. First Lieut. Edward Flagg Sweeney, ·Quartermaster Corp . First Lieut. Hugh Barclay, Infantry. First Lieut. Ralph Reynolds Seger, Quarterma ter Corps. Fir::;t Lieut. Lawrence William Jenkinson. Infantry. First Lieut. Henry Frederick Wu_nder, Infantry. First Lieut. Nelson ~lacy \Valker, Infantry. First Lieut. Taylor Worcester Foreman, Infantry. First Lieut. 1\Iilton Brandt Goodyear, Infantry. First Lieut. Philip Joseph O'Brien, Quarterma~ter Corps. Fir t Lieut. "\Villinm E\Yart Gladstone Graham, Infantry. First Lieut. George Leroy King, Infantry. First Lieut. Jesse Ralston Lippincott, Infantry. . First Lieut. Floyd William FeiTas, Infantry. First I.ieut. Lee Somruen-ille Dillon, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. David Lewis Ruffner, Field Artillery. Fir. t Lieut. Ralph l\lillis, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Charles Challice, jr., Quartermaster Corps. Fir t Lieut. Peter Edward Bermel, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Loyal Moyer Haynes, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Carl Haymond Shaw, Corps of Engineers. ' First Lieut. Cecil John Gridley, Infantry. First Lieut. Theron DeWitt Weaver, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Clyde Lloyd Hyssong, Infantry. First Lieut. Freuerick IPranklyn Frech, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. Cornelius Edward Ryan, Infantry. Fir;~t Lieut . .John Elliott Wood, Corps of Engineers. First Lieut. William Henry Crampton, Infantry. First Lieut. Harry Ray Springer, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. John Henry Ringe, Infantry. First Lieut. William Riley l\laynard, Air Service. First Lieut. Edgar Allen O'Hair, Field Arti1lery. First Lieut. Robert Johnson Van Epps, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Arthur Bee l\lcDaniel, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. Raymond Donaldson Smith, Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Roy Nathan Hagerty, Infantry. Fir t Lieut. William :\Hnni. Pierce, Quarte1·master Corps. Fir:;:' Lieut. Charles Henry :\1oore, jr., Infantry. First Lieut. Arthur Bothwell Proctor, Quarterma&ter Corps. First Lieut. Donald Parker Spalding, Infantry. Fir ·t Lieut. Robert Lee Cox. Ca-valry. First Lieut. \Villiam Arnold Tabor, Cavalry. CONG:RI£S8IONAL RECORD-SENATE. ~l.A.RCH 11,

First Lieut. William N .. KHlinn,. Cavalry: Second Lieut. G1:-ah..'Ull. Perc-y Brotherson, Infantry. First Lieut. Carl Beecher Byrd, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Charles Deans Calley, Fiel

Second Lieut. Walter • Hru.muu.m Carl~Je. Coast Artillery Second Lieut. Guy Clifton Benson, Field Artillery. Corps. Second Lieut. 'Villiam Michael Lanagan, Air Service. Second Lieut. WiUiaru H. Papenfoth, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. George Platt Tourtellot, Air Service. Second Lieut. Harry leon Speck, .A.ir Service. Second Lieut. George Hendricks BeYerley~ .Ail' Service. Secon(l Lieut. Frederick Mercer Hopkins, jr., Air Service. Second Lieut. Harrison Jay Ila.rtman, .Air :Servke. Second Lieut. Rupert Edison StalT~ Coast .A1.ii.Uery Corps. Second Lieut. Walter Kellsey Burgess, Alr Service. Second Lieut. .James Desmond Summers, Coast Artillery Second Lieut. Paul Callfo~ Wilkins, Air Service. Co1·ps. Second Lieut. Gustavus Franzle Chapman, Quartermaster Second. Lieut. George .Edgar Rice, .Air Servi-ce. Corps. Second Lieut. Frank E!lward ·white, Air Serviee. Second Lieut. Arthm· Leslie Thornt<>n, Air Service. Second Lieut. Lowell 'Vhittier Bassett, Air Service. Second Lieut. N,orman Delroy Brophy, Air Service. Second Lieut. Dudley Ely Rowland, Air Service. Second Lieut. Raymo-nd Morrison, Air Service. Second Lieut. Edwnrd 1\lichae.l Powers, .A.ir Service. Second Lieut. Alexander Pearson, jr.., Air Service. Second Lieut. Maurice Edgar Jennings, Chemieal W~rfare Second Lieut. Rupert JulianJ Air Service. Service. Second J,ieut. Graham Mead St. John, Air Service. Second Lieut. Victor Emile Bertrandias. Air Se:nice. Second Lieut. 'Vallace ~rdon Smith, Air Service. Second Lieut. Felix Marcus Alexander, Infantry. Second Lieut. Charles Adam Horn, Air Service. Second Lieut. William Burleigh Clarke, Air Service. Second Lieut. Ployer Peter Hill, Air Servire. Second Lieut. Howell Harrell, Quarte.rm.astet· Corps. Second Lieut. Clarence Chamberlin Wilson, Air Service. First Lieut. Ivan Sanders Curtis, Infantry. Second Lieut. Byron Elihu Gates, Air Service. First Lieut. .Aln Dudley Warnock, Infantry. Second Lieut. Elmer Kar-l Pettibone; Quartermaster Corps. First Lieut. Eugene Nelson Slappey, Infantry. Second Lieut. Wendell Eugene Goodl'icl1~ Air Service. First Lieut. Harwood Christian Bowman, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. 'Villiam Lewis Boyd, Air Service. Second Lieut. Laurence Henry Hanley, Infantry. Second Lieut. Leon Edgar Sharon, .Air Service. Second Lieut. Rosenham Beam, Air Serviee.. Second Lieut. James Houston McWilliams, Field Artillery. First Lieut. Harry McCorry Henderson, Infantry. Second Lieut. James Ferris l\forison, Field Artillery. First Lient Robert Van Kleeek Harris, jr., Infantry. Second Lieut. Oscar Monthan, Air Service. Jj'irst Lieut. Pleas Blair Rogers, Infantry. Second Lieut. ITan Lewis Procter, Air Service. First Lieut. Richard Grant Hunter, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Matthew Ebbert 'Vebber, Chemical ·warfare First Lieut. Hubert Vincent Hopkins, Air Service. Service. First Lieut. Wade 'Voodson Rhein, Coast ~tillery CorllS. Second Lieut. Wilfred Morey Cla1·e, .Air Service. First Lieut. Benton Gribble Shoemaker, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Delmar Hall Dunton, .Air Service. First Lieut. Ben Allen Mason, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Hjalmar Frithijof Carlson, Air Sen'ice. First Lieut. Harry Herman Yotmg, .Air Service. Second Lieut. Orvil Arson Anderson, Air Service. First Lieut. Keitll Bolling Wise, Infantry. Second Lieut. Emile Tisda1e Kennedy, Air Service. First Lieut. Frank Curtis Mellon., Infantry. Second Lieut. Joseph Edwin Virgin, .Air Service. First Lieut. Donald Wilson, .Air Service. Second Lieut. Char1es Reed Evans, .Air Service. Second Lieut. Robert T. Hayes, Infantry. Second Lieut. Hugh Chester Downey, Air Service. First Lieut. Claud Greene Hammond, Infantry. Second Lieut. .Tohn Joseph Powers, Qua.Ttermaster· Corps. First Lieut. James Patrick 1\lom'E:', Infantry. Second Lieut. George William Goddard, Air Service. First Lieut. Albert Eugene Andrews , Infantry. Second Lieut. Jack Greer, Air Service. First Lieut. Dorris Aby HaneR, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Guy Kirksey, Air Service. First Lieut. John Wesley Rodman, Infantry. Second Lieut. Thomas Herbert Chapman, Quartermaster Second Lieut. Frank Austin Heywood. Quartermaster Corps. Corps. First Lieut. John Jacob Bethurum, Infantry. Second Lieut. Robert Franklin Jones, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. William Henry Halstead, Cavn.lry. Second Lieut. Harry Hobson Mills, Air Service. First Lieut. Randolph Gordon, Infantry. Second Lieut. Joseph Lut11er \Valecka, Philippine Scouts. First Lieut. Henry Passant Lewis, Infantry. Second Lieut. Angier Hobbs Foster, Air Service. First Lieut. Glenn AdeU>e1·t Ross, Infantry. Second Lieut. Edwin Sullivan, Air Service. First Lieut. Philip Coleman Clayton, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Carroll Rny Hutchins, Quartermaster Con>S. First Lieut. Ellis Bashore, Cavalry. Second Lieut. John Raym<>nd Drumm, Air Service. First Lieut. Joseph Leonard Tupper, Infantry. Second Lieut. Oliver Kendall Robbins, Air Service. Second Lieut. Edwin Barton Robsio~ Au· Sen·ice. Second Lieut. William Joseph WWte, Air Service. Second Lieut. William Carl Gabriel, Air Service. Second Lieut. .John Fidelis ConneD, Quarterlll1l..ste1· Corps. Second Lieut. .John D. Corkille, Air Service. Second Lieut. Faye Sherman Gullet, Air Service. Second Lieut. Henry Few Sessions, .Air Sen·ice. Second Lieut. John Raglan Glascock, Air Ser\iee. ~econd Lieut. Duval Crump 'Vatkins, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. George Vardeman McPike~ Air Serviee. Second Lieut. Levi L. Beery, Air Service. Second Lieut. Ray L. Owens, Air Service. Second Lieut. Carlton Foster Bond, Air Service. Second Lieut. Henry Leonard Kersb, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Roland Lester Spencer, Air Service. Second Lieut. Lloyd Russell Garrison, Field Artillery. Seconu Lieut. ·willis Clark Conover~ Infantry. Second Lieut. Charles Gage Brenneman, A.ir Service. Second Lieut. Morton McDonald Jones, Cnnury. Second Lieut. Reuben Castor, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Robert MacKenzie Shaw, Infanh·y. Second Lieut. Leland Hudson Barne3, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. John DeForest Barker. Air Service. Second Lieut. Clarence Richard Sutherland, Field ArtiHery. Second Lieut. J"ames Albert Burn:ford., Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Raymond George :Miller, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Frank G1iffin l\1archman, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Clyde Milton Hallam, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Francis Antony McKeen. Infantry. Second Lieut. Nicolas Fosdick Galbraith, Field A.rtillery. Second Lieut. Edwin Johnson, Air S ervice. Second Lieut. \Villiam A. Enos, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Clifford .Augustus Smith, Infantry. Second Lieut. Richard Royall Baker, jr., Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Warren Rice Carter, .A.ir Service. Second Lieut. Norman Joseph Eckert, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Thomas Francis Sbeellnn, Casalry. Second Lieut. Hugh Cort, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. T1..1ad Victor Foster. Air Service. Second Lieut. Benjamin Rhoton Morton. Air Service. Second Lieut. James Bayard Hale.y, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Samuel Oliver Carter, A.ir Se1·vice. Second Lieut. Charles Eugene Schwarz, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Jasper Ewinr.; Brady, jr., Inrnnb·y. Second Lieut. Marshall Eugene Darby, Ordnance Department. Second Lieut. George Good Cressey, Air Sei'vice.. Second Lieut. George Cocke Bland, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Orville L. Stephens, Air Service. Second Lieut. John Cyrus Gates, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Clarence Edgar Crumrine, Air Service. Second Lieut. James Flannery, Air Service. Second Lieut. John Albert Wyatt, Air Service. Second Lieut. Harold Alling McGinnis, Air Service. Second Lieut. George William Snow, .Ait· Service. Second Lieut. Harry Arthur Halverson, Ail· Service. Second Lieut. Morris Langdon Tucker, Air Service. Secoml Lieut. Charles Theodore Shaw, Air· Service. Second Lieut. \Villiam King Moran, Air Service. Second Lieut. 1\Iorton Howard McKinnon, .A.ir Service. Second Lieut. Corley Perry McDn.rmont, .Air Service. Second Lieut. Nathan William Thomas, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Russell Ra.y Cooper, Air Service. Second Lieut. Walter Bernard Hough, Air Service. Second Lieut. Gaylord Leon Phipps, Infantry. Second Lieut. James Caviness Rickner, Infantry. Second Lieut. Henry Guy Woodward, Air Service. 38 CO:NGRESSION.A_L RECORD-SEN1\.TE. 1\lARCH 11,

SecorHl Lieut. Clifford James Moore, Quartermastet· Corps. Second Lieut. Julius Trousdale B{'rry, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. John ·Ross Morgan, Air Service. Second Lieut. Russell Dean Powell, Field Artillet·y. Second Lieut. Pittman ·well l\1ills, Air Service. Second Lieut. Charles Rudolph earlson, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Robert Dudley Moor, Air Service. Second Lleut. 'Villium Clinton McCarthy, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Roscoe Caleb Wriston, Air Service. Second Lieut. Charles Herbert Day, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Charles Edwin Thomas, jr., Air Service. Second Lieut. Thomas Oscar Foreman, Fie](] Artillery. Second Lieut. Frederick Andrew Johnson, Air Service. Second Lieut. Harry Lee 'Vatts, jt•., Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Henry ·william Brandhorst, Infantry. Second Lieut. Townes Dennison, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Leonard Roberts Smith, Infantry. Second Lieut. Harold Engeruu, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Stanley Noble Partridge, Infantry. Second Lieut. Haymond Thomas Joseph Biggins, Field Ar- Second Lieut. John Bigham Crandell, Quartermaster Corps. tillery. Second Lieut. James Burner Jordan, Air Service. Second Lieut. Sidney Cushman Page, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Albin Nace Caldwell, Quartermaster Corps. Second L]eut. DaYid Dick Caldwell, Fielr, Infantry. Sec·ond Lieut. John Wesley Hill, Philippine Scouts. Second Lieut. Yictor Walter Smith, Infantry. Second Lieut. Frederick Brodie Forbes, Infantry. Seconu Lieut. Hobert Clay Beckett, Infantry. Second Lieut. William Augustus "'einberger, Infantry. Second Lieut. Carlisle Clyde Dusenbury, Infantry. Second Lieut. Onie Ray Dilley, Philippine Scouts. Secnnd Lieut. .Jmnes Leland Bolt, Infantry. Second Lieut. Andrew Bruyette Mangum, Philippine Scouts. Seconll Lieut. George Andrew Glover, Infantry. Second J.. ieut. \\.'illiam Ernest Donegan, Infantry. · Second Lieut. John A. Kase, Air Sen-ice. Second Lieut. Herbert Sherman Nettleton, Can1lry. Second Lieut. Theodore Thoma!" Teague, Signal Corps. Second Lieut. Thomas Brooks, Air Service. Second Lieut. Russell Culvert Worthington, Quartermaster Second Lieut. Cyrus Bettis, Air Service. CorpK Second Lieut. Rufus Benjamin Davidson, Air Service. sec1md Lieut. Clifford Elleman. Air Service. Second Lieut. Stanley 1\lilward Umstead, Air Sen·ice. Secourl Lieut. Eugene Yincent Elder, Signal Corps. Second Lieut. Howard Carlton Brandt, Air Servic:. Second Lieut. Carter Weldon Clarke, Signal Corps. Second Lieut. Roland Birnn, Air Sen·ice. Second Lieut. Halph Gor<:ond Lieut. Hay Guy Harris, Air Service. Second Lieut. Edwm·d Yinceut Freeman, Quartermaster St>contl Lieut. Wallace Caldwell Cummings, Air Service. Corps. Second Lieut. James Cole Shively, Air Service. Second Lieut. Kenneth Garrett, Air Service. Second Lieut. Clifford Smith, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. James Joseph Langin, Air Service. Second Lieut. Karl Derby Guenther. AiL· Service. Second Lieut. Norman Crawford Canm, Infantry. ~~cond Lieut. Francis H

Second Lieut. William Daniel Scl1as, Infantry. Second Lieut. W-alter Leo Weib1e, .Coas~ A:rtillet·y Corps. Second Lieut. William Robert Schaefer, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Howard Worcester Trefry, Infantry. Second Lieut. l\Ioses Alexander, Infantry. Second Lieut. Harvey Thomas Morgan, Infant1·y. Second Lieut. James 1\ferrill Robi.ru;on, Co.ast Artillery CQrps. Second Lieut. Cleon Lyle Williams, Infantry. Second Lieut. .Kenneth Edgar Kline, Infantry. Seeond Lieut. Newton Wesley :Tones, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Donald Dewey 1\IeCaskeyJ Infantry. Second Lieut. Willinm James Horrigan, Quarterm-aster Corps. Second Lieut. .AJlen Agee Goodwyn, Infantry. Second Lieut. Kenneth Howe Sanford, Quart€rmaster Corps. Second Lieut. Ralph Elmer .Alexander, Infantry. Second Lieut. !Tan Glen Moorman, Air Serviee. Second Lieut. Frederick Reinhold Undritz, Infantry. Second Lieut. Elden Quincy Faust, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Robert Howard Wylie, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Arthur Ellis Dewey, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Frank Wolle Stout, Infantry. Second Lieut. Edwin Ray .~.:fcReyno1ds, Air Ser-vice. Second Lieut. Francis Emerson Charlton, Infantry. Second Lieut. David Glenn Lingle, Air Service. ' Second Lieut. Charles Drysdale Simmonds, Infantry. Second Lieut. Michael Vincent Gannon, Field .Artillery. Second Lieut Albert Pierso-n, Infantry. Seoond Lieut. Emmett Augustus Niblack, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Sylvian Gaston Kindall, Infantry. Second Lieut. Harry Van Horne Ellis, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Holder, Quartermaster Oorps. Second Lieut. Robert Morris Webster, Air Serviee.. Second Lieut. Joseph Popenjoy Bailey, Air Service. Second Lieut. R-alph Hamilto-n Tate, Chemical Warfare Second Lieut. John 1\feDonough Early, .Air Sen,iee. Service. Second Lieut. Otto Lucratus McDaniel, Field .Arti1leTy. Second Lieut. Ora Edward F.ately, Quartermaster Dorps. Second Lieut. Francis Pat Booker, Air Service. Second Lieut. Frank Harl Curtis, Infantry. Se:eonst Horton, Ait' Service. Seeond L1eut. Frank Blanton Lindley, Infaq:try. Second Lieut. Francis Paul Connelly~ Finance Deparbnent. Seeood Lieut. Carter MariDn Kolb, Infantry. Second Lieut. 01iyer Allen Gottschalk, Air Service. Second Lieut. Harold Almon Cardyne, Infantry. Second Lieut. Harry Joseph Martin, ~ttir Service. Second Lieut. Grover Adlai Su'ID.lllaJ Infantry. Second Lieut. Lawrence Cornwallis Collins, Infantry. Second Lieut. Sam Purswell, Infantry. Second Lieut. Hewitt ·warren Richmond, Coast Artillery Second Li-eut. George J"ackson Rawlins, CaYalry. Corps. Second Lieut. Charles Backes, Infanh·y. Second Lieut. Porter T.ate Gregory, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Kent J'. 1 re1s-on, Infantry. Seconast Artillery Corps. See-o.nd Lieut. Elmer Clifford R1:nger. Fi-eld .A.rtiHery. Second Lieut. Robert Lowry Freernan, Cavalry. Seroud Lieut. Gerald Edgar nanard, Alr Serviee. Second Lieut. Harry I aac Rosen, Qnartermastel· :Oorps. Second Lieut. Phil Cass, Field A.rtillery. Second Lieut. William Chauncey Hutt, Quarterm.aster Corps. Second Lieut. Sigmund Frankl1n Landers, .Air Service. Second Lieut. Arthur Nicholas Ziegler, Infantry. Second Lieut. William Lewis Wheeler, Infantry. Second Lieut. Robert Homer Soule, Infantry. Second Lieut. Lawrence Eugene Heyduek, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Pardoe Martin, Air Service. Second Lieut. Milo Xeil Clark, Air Service. Second Lieut. John Augustus Hunt, Quartermaster Corps. 'Second Llent. Henry Chambers Floyti, Fie-ld Artillery. Second Lieut. Itaymond Rudolph Br-own, .Air Service. Second Lieut. Ernest Antlwny Elwood, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Georg

Second Lieut. ;James Sharp Eldredge, Air Service. Second Lieut. raul Matson1 Fie1d Artillery. Second Lieut. Edwin Charles Lickma:n, Infantry. Second Lieut. Rlldolph Bror Nelson, Quartermaster .COrps. Second Lieut. Patrick Collins, Infantry. Second Lieut. Franklin Harwood Oanlett, Fie1ti .Artillery. Second Lieut. Rudolph George Schmidt, Quartermaster Corps. Seeond Lieut. .•John Hastings Winston, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Harrison William J-ohnson, Infantry. Second Lieut. John D

Second Lieut. Adolphus Rankin McConnell, Air Service. Second Lieut. Ellis Bates, Infantry. Second Lieut. William James Daw, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. George Pryor Johnson, Air Service. Second Lieut. Louis Bernard Saxe, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Clyde Virginius Finter, Air Service. Second Lieut. George DeVere Barnes, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Michael Condon Shea, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Paul Robert Menzies Miller, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Charles John Wynne, Qnarterma ter Corps. Second Lieut. Albert Smith Rice, Infantry. Second Lieut. Holland Spencer Chamness, Infantry. Second Lieut. Charles Ream Jackson, Infantry. Second Lieut. Julian Horace George, Infantry. Second Lieut. Charles Leslie Keerans, jr., Infantry. Second Lieut. Walter Cortland Wagner, Infantry. Second Lieut. Fred Cleveland Fishback, Air Serv-ice. Second Lieut. Anderson Hansell Norton, Cavalry. Second Lieut. George Oliver Roberson, Air Service. Second Lieut. Hanford Nichols Lockwood, jr., Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Kenneth Newton Walker, Air Service. Second Lieut. John Marklla)ll Ferguson, Infantry. Second Lieut. Stanley Hunsicker Hunsicker, Quartermaster Second Lieut. John Calvin Sandlin, Infantry. Corps. Second Lieut. Leslie Eugene Bowman, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Neal Henry McKay, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Horace Benjamin Smith, Infantry. Second Lieut. Oscar Leslie Rogers, Air Service. Second Lieut. Joseph Addison Dubois, Infantry. Second Lieut. Roger Frederic O'Leary, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Barlow 'Vinston, Infantry. Second Lieut. Joseph Allen Physioc, jr., Air Service. Second Lieut. Maurice Rose, Infantry. Second Lieut. Samuel Perham Mills, Air Service. Second Lieut. Chester Morse Willingham, Infantry. Second Lieut. Edgar Theodore Selzer, Air Service. Second Lieut. Gene Russell Mauger, C:IYalry. Second Lieut. ·wnliam Edward Riley, Air Service. Second Lieut. Frank L. Burns, Infantry. Second Lieut. Albert Joseph Lubbe, Signal Corps. Second Lieut. William Burl Johnson, Quarterma~ter Corps. Second Lieut. John Bicknell Luscombe, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Winfield Rose l\lcKay, Infantry. Second Lieut. Charles Harold Howard, Air Service. Second Lieut. James Bernays Lowrey, Infantry. Seco11d Lieut. Edward Alton Hillery, Air Service. Second Lieut. James Harrison Donahue, Infantry. Second Lieut. Hugh Sydney Harpole, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Thomas Patrick Walsb, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Homer William Jones, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Warren Benedict Scanlon, Infantt·y. Second Lieut. Everett Sanford Davis, Air Service. Second Lieut. William Robert Hamby, Can\h·~-. Second Lieut. Frazier Earl Mcintosh, Quartermaster Corps. Seco11d Lieut. Bnclmer Miller Creel, CaYalr~·. Second Lieut. Frederick Irving Patrick, Air Service. Second Lieut. Ralph Andrew Eiler, Field Arti II err. Second Lieut. Donald Reuben Goodrich, Air Service. Second Lieut. Theodore Ernest \oigt, CaYalry. Second Lieut. Jolm Fant Carraway, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Douglas Johnston, Air Senice. Second Lieut. Carl Henry Barrett, Air Service. Second Lieut. Lawrence Pradere Hickey, Air Service. Second Lieut. Francis Hill Kuhn, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Severn Teackle Wallis. jr., Field Artillery. Second Lieut. James Francis Armstrong, Air Service. Second Lieut. Charles l\furra~~ Rees, Infantry. Second Lieut. Carlyle West Graybeal, Air Service. Second Lieut. William May, Infantry. Second Lieut. John Han-ey Wilson, Air Service. Second Lieut. Chester Wright Gates, Quartl:'nnn~ter Corps. Second Lieut. John Daniel O'Connell, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Harold Herbert Fisher, Infantry. Second Lieut. Harold Brand, Air Service. Second Lieut. Silas Warren Robertson, Cm·nlry. Second Lieut. Clyde Harrison Lamb, Infantry. Second Lieut. Donald Van I\iman Bonnett, Infu ntry. Second Lieut. Fred Ross Cowan, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. William Henry Johnson, Infantry. Seeond Lieut. Lester Frank ·watson, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Wiley Hubbard 0'.:\Iohundro, Infantry. Second Lieut. William Edwin Vecqueray, Quartermaster Second Lieut. Edmund Graham West, Quartermaster Corps. Corps. Second Lieut. Trevor Adams, Infantry. f-;econd Lieut. Haynie McCormick, Air Service. Second Lieut. Roger Shaw l\JcCullough, Air Senice. Seeoncl Lieut. Arthur Henry Wolf, Infantry. Second Lieut. Robert Oliver White, Quartermaster Corp;-. Second Lieut. Leonard Yezina, Quartermaster Corps. · Second Lieut. Charles '\\..,.illiam Dietz, Quartermaster Corps. Seeond Lieut. Hartwell Matthew Elder, Quartermaster Corps. Second Li~ut. Sam11eLHowes Baker, Quartel'master Corps. Second Lieut. Housan '\ayne Duncan, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. John Parr Temple, Air Saniee. Second Lieut. Park Holland, Air Sen·ice. Second Lieut. Timothy Sapia Uoach, Infantry. Second Ueut. John Gross, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Juan Luis Oliwr, Infantry. ,_·econtl Lieut. Frank Teeter Caulkins, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Eduardo Andino. Infantry. Second Lieut. Earle Everette Cox, Cavalry. Second Lieut. William Joseph Flood, Air Senice. . 'ec-ond Lieut. Thomas Russell Howard, Infantry. Second Lieut. Lynn Packard Vane, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Samuel James Adams, Infantry. Second Lieut. Lewi · Rinehart Pfoutz Ree ·e, Air Service. Second Lieut. William Henry Webb, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Philip Gilstrap Bruton, Corps of Engineers. Second Lieut. Albert Gillinn Kelly, Infantry. . Second Lieut. Horace Leland Porter, Corps of Engineers. Second Lieut. Wayne 1\Ic,Teigh Pickels, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Carl Gilbert Holmes, Fielu Artillery. Second Lieut. Owen Russell Marriott, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Edwin Forre~t Carey, Air SerYlce. Second Lieut. Frank Joseph Vida, Infantry. Second Lieut. Elmer Warren Miller, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Harold Patrick Hem·y, Infantry. Second Lieut. Guy Malcolm Kinman, Infantry. S€'eond Lieut. Harry 'Yoldren French, Infantry. Second Lieut. Linton Yates Hartman, Coast Artiller~· Corps. Seeond Lieut. Dwight Joseph Canfield, Air Service. Second Lieut. Peter LeToney, Infantry. Seeond Lieut. Emil Marcus Dold, Philippine Scouts. Second Lieut. Robert Louis Renth, Infantry. Sec·ond Lieut. Edward Freeman, Philippine Scouts. Second Lieut. Joseph Cuthbert Dolan, Field Artillery. •:eeond Lieut.. James Wilson Smith, Philippine Scouts. Second Lieut. Bullard, Coast Artillery Corps. Sec-und Lieut. Fred Pierce Van Duzee, Infantry. Second Lieut. William Lincoln Hamilton, CaYalr~·. Second Lieut. Charles Leland Webber, Air Service. Second Lieut. Oscar Non·en Barney, Air Senire. Sec·ond Lieut. Hubert Augustine Shovlin, Air Service. Second Lieut. Thomas Florence l\lcCarthy, Infantry. Second Lieut. Edward Ames La Francis, Infantry. Second Lieut. Roy Henry Speck, Cnvulry. Second Lieut. Arthur Gillette Watson, Air Service. Second Lieut. Charles Augustus Reif, Infantry. Second Lieut. Henry Thomson Burtis, Air Service, Second Lieut. Arthur Kay Lacld, Air Service. Second Lieut. Burns Beall, Infantry. Second Lieut. Charles Steveuson Denny, Coast Artillery Corps. SC'C'llld Lieut. John Bartlett Hess, Infantry. Second Lieut. Otto Montrose I.ow, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Allen Francis Haynes, Infantry. Second Lieut. Benjamin Arthur Thomas, CaYalry. Seeond Lieut. Harold Gaslin Sydenham, Infantry. Second Lieut. Joseph Kenneth Creamer, Infantry. Second Lieut. Hugh Cromer Minter, Air Service. Second Lieut. Leonard Eby Lilley, Infantry. Second Lieut. George Windle Read, jr., Cavalry. Second Lieut. Glenn Earl Carothers, Infantry. Second Lieut. Samuel 'Vilber Stephens, Infantry. Second Lieut. Frank Thomas Madigan, Infantry. Second Lieut. Richard Cohron Lowry, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. John Hilliard Healy, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Albert Edgar Billing, Infantry. Second Lieut. David Francis Finnerty, Infantry. Second Lieut. George Hichard Thompson, Quartermaster Second Lieut. Edward Clay Atkinson, Infantry. Corp!":. Second Lieut. Lloyd Nelson Winters, Infantry. Seeond Lieut. Jess Garnett Boykin, Cavalry. Second Lieut. William 'Vindom Dixon, Air Service. Sec-ond Lieut. Charles Moorman Hurt, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Christian Stephen Anderson, Coast Artillery; SE.>cond Lieut. James Dallace Bender, Infantry. Corps. 1921. CONG-RESSIO:N.£.1\.L RECORD-SENATE. 41

Se,:untl Lieut. Clarence Beaver Lober, Air Service. Second Lieut. Orin Lee DaYillson, Infantry. Sf'c.,rul Lieut. Everett Dudley Yerby, Cavalry. Second Lieut. James Patrick Boland, J.Pield Artillery. •.'eC'onll Lieut. Ralph Jacob 1\Iitchell, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Thomas Francis Hickey, Infantry. S(•( onu Lieut. Russell Raymond Lomlen, Infantry. Second Lieut. Emmett l\fichael Conner, Infantry. Se('oncnnd Lieut. WHiiam Byron \\alters, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Edward Lewis Searl, jr., Air SerYice. S:.cond Lieut. Johr.. Blaney, Air Service. Second Lieut. Lloyd H. Duffin, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Leland I1'ries Strader, Caval11·. Second Lieut. Vincent James Meloy. Air Service. Second Lieut. Percy Waldo Seymour, Infantry. Second Lieut. Cbarle · Egbert Branshaw, Air Sen·ice. Second Lieut. Garland Thomas Rowland, Infantry. Second Lieut. Leigh Wade, Air Service. Second Lieut. Lee Caraway Bizzell, Infantry. Second Lieut. Earle Hayden Tonkin, Air Service. ~eeund Lieut. l\Iarion l\lilton Pharr, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Ivan Leon Foster, Infantry. Seconfl Lieut. ""alter Lee Sherfey. Infantry. Second Lieut. John Hobert Hall, Air Sen-ice. Sec·ond Lieut. James Victor Gagne, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Joseph Ignatius Sullivan, Air Sen-ice. Second Lieut. J ames Courtney Browne, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Ed\vard Whiting Raley, Air Sen·ice. Se<.'ond Lieut. .Tohn Boardman Lord, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Dache McClain Reews, Air Sen·ice. Seeond Lieut. Polk .Johnson Atkinson, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. OliYet· Perry Guthlin, jr., Air Service. oc'ecnnd Lieut. Frank Xorman )1allory, Infantry. Second Lieut. Mark Henry Redman, Air Senice. St-co11d Lieut. Edmund Rucks Shugart, Infantry. Second Lieut. ViTallace Marmaduke Allison, Quartermaster Seconu Liem. "Glmont William Rolly, Infantry. Corps. Second Lieut. Rex Rem·~- Burger, Infantry. Second Lieut. Oscar George Fegan. Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Clarence Turner Davis, Infantry. Second Lieut. Thomas , Infantry. ~t>coml Lieut. Frank Rate Williams, Infantry. Second Lieut. Harvey William Prosser, Air Sen·ice. Sec· .. ncl Lieut. HarYe~· John Thornton, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Eugene Robert Cowles. Infantry. Second Lieut. Harold Jo. eph LaCroix, Infantry. Second Lieut. John Francis Alcure, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Joseph Phillip DonnoYin, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. llobert Yictor Ignico. Air Service. Second Lieut. Andre Leonard Yiolante, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Rutledge Maurice Lawson, Infantry. Seeond Lieut. Leighton Nicol Smith, Cm·alry. Second Lieut. Jacob Marcellus Woodard, Air Service. Seeonu Lieut. Louis Urgel Labine, Infantry. Second Lieut. Harry George Rennagel, Infantry. Second Lieut. 'Yilliam Barmore Sllarp, Infantry. Second Lieut. Dudley Hamilton Woodin, Infantry. Second Lieut. !\!arcus Ellis Jones, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Leland Ross Hewitt, Air SerYice. s-econd Lieut. Harold Patrick Hennessy, Air Service. Second Lieut. Frederick 'Villiam Evans, Air Service. Second Lieut. Yictor Emerson Biehn, Infantry. Second Lieut. Oliver Edward Cound, Quartermastet· Corps. Secnud Lieut. Robert Robin. ·on, Infantry. Second Lieut. Frank LaRue, Infantr~· . Second Lieut. Aubrey Hornsby, Air Service. Second Lieut. Alfred Baxter Baker, Air Sen·ice. Seeond Lieut. Lawrence Lofton Cobb, Infantry. Second Lieut. Fred Cyrus Nelson, Air Service. Second Lieut. William Ravely ::\IcKee, Infantry. Second Lieut. Delbert Emerick Jones, Air Service. Second Lieut. Garnett Hamilton Wilson, CaYalry. Second Lieut. Charles Douglas, Air SerYice. Second Lieut. Francis :S::a vier Oberat, Infantry. Second Lieut. Hugh Albert Bivins, Air Service. Seeond Lieut. Edwin l\Ioore Burnett, Infantry. Second Lieut. Clyde Antono Kuntz, Air Service. Seeond Lieut. Richard Hawley Slider, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Elmer John Bowling, Air Service. Seeou

Second Lieut. John Edwin Upston, Air Service. Second Lieut. Younger Arnold Pitts, Air Senice. SeeonJ Lieut. Reuben Curtis Moffat, Air Service. Second Lieut Howard Zabriskie Bogert, Alr Service. Second Lieut. Paul Langdon Williams, Air Service. Second Lieut. Burnie Raymond Dallas, Air Service. Second Lieut. Thomas Aloysius Hoy, Infantry. Second Lieut. Benjamin Franklin Griffin, Air Service. Second Lieut. Theodore Julius Lindorfi, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Wnrd Fisk Robinson, Air Service. Second Lieut. \Villiam Alex:ander 1\Iarsh, Infantry. Second Lieut. Harry Albert Fudge, Cavalry. Second Lieut. George Thomas Barnes, Quartennaster Corps. Second Lieut. Lyle l\Ieredon Shields, Infanb·y. Second Lieut. Samuel Cust-er Eaton, jr., Air Service. Second Lieut. Harvey .Tam-es Golight1y, Infantry. Second Lieut. Joseph ..John Gutkowski, Infantry. Second Lieut. Charles Hale Downum, ~'lir Service. Second Lieut. Charles Albert 'Welcker, Infantry. Seconc1 Lieut. Thomas Hayden Davies, Infnntry. Second Lieut. Joseph Francis Binford, Chemical Warfare Second Lieut. Lewis A.n{lrus Day, Infantry. Service. Second Lieut. Solomon Bernn.rd Ebert, Air Service. Second Lieut. Harry 'Vesley Bauer, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Claude Weaver Feagin, Quartermaster Col'ps. Second Lieut. Joseph Horace Landrum, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Harry Anton Johnson, Air Senice. Recond Lieut. George Roland McElroy, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Charles William 'Valton, Air Scr\ice. , econd Lieut. Garrett Bruce Slwmber, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Barney McKinney Giles, Air ~en-ice. Heconcl Lieut. John Redmond Thornton, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Roy Travis l\IcL11more, Infantr.r. Second Lieut. Bayard Johnson, Air Service. Second Lieut. Bernard Joseph Toober, Air, 'trdte. Second Lieut. Mortimer Franeis SulliTan, Ca\alry. Second Lieut. .Albert Francis Regenberger, Ah' Sonice. Second Lieut. Eggleston Nes-tley Peach, Infantry. Second Lieut. N-orman Reuben \Vood, Alr 'enic€. Second Lieut. George Lawrence Potter, Infantry. S.eeond Lieut. Wendell Nelsworth Brockley, A\ii' , 'E:'i'\·ke. Second Lieut. Leslie Dillon Carter, Cavalry. Seconcl Lieut. ·william Stephen Fitzpatrick, .\..ir .... en-ice. Second Lieut. Don Riley, Infantry. Second Lieut. l\fax Frank Schneider, Air Sen-:ce. Second Lieut. Pembroke Augustine Brawner, jr., Infantry. Second Lieut. Donald Gardner Stitt, Air SenJre. Second Lieut. Isaac Leonard Kitts, Field Artillery, Second Lieut. Eugene Walter Lewi::;. Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Fred Charles Thomas, Cavalry. Second Lieut. James Brian Edmunus. CavalrY. Second Lieut. Harold Lewis Turner, Infantry. Second Lieut. Osear William Koch, C.rvalry. · Second Lieut. Merrill Deitz Mann, Air Service. Second Lieut. Beis .Toseph Ryland, Si~n-al C rps. Second Lieut. Ezra Rice Frost, jr., Alr Service. Second Lieut. Harold Fnrnsworth Hubbel1, , ignnl Corps. Second Lieut. Maurice Shefatad Hill, Air Service. Second Lieut. Glenn Charles Salislmry, Air Service. Second Lieut. Edgar Andrew Liebbauser, Air Service. Second Lieut. Harold Halph Wells, An· Service. Second Lieut. Charles Lester Morse, Air Service. Second Lieut. Malcolm Stoney Lawton, Air Service. Second Lieut. Albert Carl Foulk, Air Service. Second Lieut. Floyd Albert Lundell, .Air Senice. Second Lieut. Edward Vincent Harbeck,' Air Service. Second Lieut. Jaspe1· Kempa· McDuffie, Air ~er,ice. Second Lieut. Frank Walter Seifert, Air Service. Second Lieut. Ross CorlJett Kirkpatrick, Air ~ervice. Second Lieut. Austin 'Murray Coates, Infantry. Second Lieut. l\Iark Rhey W-oodward, Air Sen·ice. Second Lieut. Edward Ernest HildTeth, .Air Service. Second Lieut. Hov;·ard Knox Ramey, Air Senice. Seconcl Lieut. Courtney Whitney, :Air Se1'Vioe. Second Lieut. 'l'heodo1·e Shafe1.· Van Vegllten, Air Sen·ice. Second Lieut. Phillips Melvill-e, Air Service. Second. Lieut. Lionel H. Dun1ap, Air S~rvice. Second Lieut. John Gordon Williams, Air Senice. Second Lieut. Russell Ralph Fox, .iiT Service. Second Lieut. Kenneth Gatiss Fraser, Air Service. Second Lieut. St~mley Smith, Air Sers·ice. Second Lieut. William Colb Morris, Air Service. Second Lieut. Harold Daniel Smitb, Air "Service. Second Lieut. George William Pardy, Air Seni-ce. Second Lieut. Albert Brill, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Bernard Scott Thompson, Air Service. Second Lieut. Cha.rles Walter Hensey, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Willis Ratcliffe Taylor, Air Service. Second Lieut. Henry ES Yates, Infantry. Second Lieut. Clarence Edward Shankle, Air Service. Second Lieut. H..•tTold Artbtu Daly, Infant-ry. Second Lieut. Donald Lloyd B1·uner, Air Service. Second Lieut John ~illan Pennewill, .Air Service. Second Lieut. Willi11m Joseph Gainey, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. William Henry Buechner, Infantt·y. Sec-ond Lieut. L1oyd Chartley Blaekburn, Air Service. Second Lieut. John William l\Ionahan, .Air Sen·iee. Second Lieut. Leslie Philip Arnold, Air Service. Second Lieut. Ernest Henry Harmon, .Air Service. Second Lieut. :IDdwa.rd Jenkin-s, Infantry. Seconu Lieut. Cortlandt Spencer Johnson, Air Service. Second Lieut. Audrey Baxter Ballard, A1r Ser,ice. Second Lieut. Harold Rentsch River~, Air S niee. Second Lieut. Gerald Edward Grimes, Air 'SeTvice. Second Lieut. Henry ·walter ffimo, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Jobn Hem'Y Gardner, Air Service. Second Lie·ut. Char1es Carl Chauncey, Air Service. Second Lieut. William Campbell GoldsborDugh, Air Service. Second Lieut. Walter Eugene Richards, Air Set-vice. Second Lieut. Louis Ogden Davis, Coast Artillery Dorps. Second Lieut. James Ellsworth A-dams, Air Serv:i{!e. Second Lieut. James Hownrd Smith, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Robert Elmer Selff, Air Service. Second Lieut. Clarence Orner Bell, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Roy Bradford Mosher, Air Service. Second Lieut. Arthur Girard Hamilton, Air Service. Second Lieut. Frederick Eugene Coyne, jr.. Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Charles Mellis Myers, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Li-eut. John 1\Iyer:s McCulloch, Air Sen·iee. Second Lieut. Cyrus Quinton Shelton, 'Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Richard K-emp LeBron. Air SerYice. Second Lieut. Edward Ruffner Wood, Air Service. Second Lieut. Charles Wesley Sullh-a.n, Air Service. Second Lieut. Emil Charles Kiel, Air Service. Second Lieut. Luther Earl Ke-ithly, Qua.l'termaster Corps. Second Lieut. Silas Clearman Hyndsha v, Air Serviee. Second Lieut. Pa-u1 Harter Leech, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Harold Leo George, Air Service. Second Lieut. George Willi-am. Haskins, Air Senice. Second Lieut. Lewis ~l\11ego Dayton, Air Service. Second Lieut. Ernest ~'lrthur DeWitt, Infantry. 1921. CONGRESSIONAL RECOlll)-SEX A'l'E. 43

Second Lieut. Albert Henry Johnson, Infantry. Second Lieut. Robert Henry Yickerr Stackhou ··e, Coast Artil- Second Lieut. Neal Dow I•~ruuklin, Infantry. lery Corps. Second Lieut. Louis Joseph Harant, Infantry. Second Lieut. Joseph Leo LangeYin, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. William Simmons Snllinm, Air Service. Second Lieut. Willard Pierce Larner, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Eugene Cooper Batten, Air Senice. Second Lieut. 'Yilliam Hanly Hill, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Hem·y Joacllim Boettcher, Infantry. Second Lieut. Louis Jacob Claterbos, Col!ps of Engineer-s. Second Lieut. Lonnie Ottis Field, Fieltl Artillery. Second Lieut. Herbert Ralph Pierce, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Stanley Mitchell Ames, Air Service. Second Lieut. Carl Yictor Erickson, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Mel "in B. Asp, Air Service. Secoucl Lieut. Auguste llhu Taylor, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Royal Beard Lea, Air Service. Second Lieut. James Kenneth Mitchell, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Maurice Stewart Kerr, Infantry. Second Lieut. Frank Andre\Y Henning, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. George Clement McDonald, Air Sen·ice. Second Lieut. .James :Malcolm Lewis, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Peter Emanuel Skanse, Air Service. Second Lieut. Donald Eddy Cummings, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Alfred Evans Waller, Air Service. Second Lieut. Barnard Linn Robinson. Corp of Engineer"3. Second Lieut. Clarence Roscoe Maciver, Air Service. Second Lieut. John Robert Cullstou, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Harold Amos Moore, Air Service. Seconq Lieut. James Goodrich Renno, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Malcolm Hebeker Stewart, Aie Sen·ice. Second Lieut. Charle · Steinhart Whitmore, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. John William Benton, Air Service. Second Lieut. James Hobson Stratton, Corp of Eugineers. Second Lieut. John George Shannonllouse, Chemical Warfare Second Lieut. Loper Bailey Lowry, Coast Artillery Corp . .3enire. ~ Second Lieut. Lee Armstead Denson, jr., Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Odas Moon, Air Service. Second Lieut. Ewart Gladstone Plank, Corps of Engineers. Second Lieut. Dean Bryan Bolt, Air Service. Second Lieut. Lawrence Granger Smith, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Arthur George Liggett, Air Service. Second Lieut. Edwanl Haviland Lastayo, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Westside Torkel Larson, ~1\.ir Service. Second Lieut. Ale..~ancler Romesn l\IacMillan, Coast Artillery Second Lieut. Andrew Daniel Hoppins, Infantry. Corps. Second Lieut. Newton Longfellow, Air Service. Second Lieut. Roy 'nnne Barhydt, Infantry. Second Lieut. Fred Evans Woodward, ~1\ir Service. Second Lieut. Lloyd Barnett, Air Service. Second Lieut. George DeGraaf, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. John Arthur Laird, jr., Air Service. Second Lieut.. James Vincent ""alsh, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Bushrod Hoppin, Air Service. Second Lieut. Lathrop Ray Bullene, Coast Artillery Corp-.:. Second Lieut. Charles William Steinmetz, Air Serdce. Second Lieut. Bertram '\"right Randles, CaYalry. Second Lieut. Owen Evans Syruance, Air Service. Second Lieut. James Alexander Samouce, li~ield Artillery. Second Lieut. John Myrddin Davies, Air Service. Second Lieut. \Villiam Wallace Ford, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. William Norris Wllite, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. George Dewey Vanture, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Reuben Dallam Biggs, Air Service. Second Lieut. Charles Barney Harding, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. ·wendell Brown McCoy, Air Sen·ice. Second Lieut. Pastor l\lartelino y Concepcion, Philippine Second Lieut. Francis 'Varren Nunaumacher, Air Service. Scouts. Second Lieut. Laurence Claude, Air Service. Second Lieut. Harry Earl Fishel". Corps of Engtneers. Second Lieut. John Augn ·tus Barksdale, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Donald Sylvester Burns, Corps of Engineers. Second Lieut. Laurence Delmore, Quartermaster Corps. Second Lieut. Donald Jame · Leehey, Corps of Engineers. Second Lieut. Harold Franklyn Rouse, Air Senice. Second Lieut. Carl Edwin Berg, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Herbert Lee Merritt, Philippine Scouts. Second Lieut. Joseph Eugene Harriman, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. IPurmon Arthur Shults, Philippine Scouts. Second Lieut. George Joseph Loupret, Coa&-t Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. ITarry W. Howard, Philipl)ine Scouts. Second Li~lrt. William Souire:· Wood, jr., Field Artillery: Second Lieut. Eustaquio Baclig y Babio, Pllilippine Scouts. Second Lieut. Thomas Arnett Roberts, jr., Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Don Namon Biddinger, Philippine Scouts. Second Lieut. Verne Donald l\ludge, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Morrison Page Chittering, Coast Artillery Corps. To be first lieutenants toith mnl~ fmnt July 2, 1920. Second Lieut. John Loren Goff, Coast Artillery Corp ~ . Second Lieut. James Barlow Cullum, jl'., Uorps of Engineers. Second Ueut. Francis Henry l\forse, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Francis Hudson Oxx, Corps of Engineers. Second Lieut. Edward Macon Edmonson, Field Artillery. ~econd Lieut. Tllomas Henry Stanley, Corps of Engineers. Second Lieut. Ben l\Iiller Campbell, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Donald Greeley White, Corps of Engineers. Second Lieut. William Gordon Holder, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Henry George Lambert, Corps of Engineers. Second Lieut. Halstead Clotwortby Fowler, Coast Artillery Second Lieut. Willjarn Weston Bessell, jr., Corps of Engi- Corps. neers. Second Lieut. Lyman Louis Lernnitzer, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Charles George Holle, Corps of Engineers. Second Lieut. Leslie Burgess Downing, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Charles Sheefe Joslyn, Corps of Engineers. Second Lieut. Wiiliam Ignatius Brady, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Arthur Martin Andrews, Corps of Engineers. Second Lieut. Eugene 1\Iartin Link, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Edward Crosby Harwood, Corps of Engineers. Second Lieut. John Simpson Hastings, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. John Wylie l\loreland, Corps of Engineers. Second Lieut. Charles Rimmler, Coast Artillery Corp::>. Second Lieut. ,,Vayne Stewart Moore, Corps of Engineers. Second Lieut. John States Seybold, Corps of Engineers. Second Lieut. Henry Franklin Hannis, Corps of Engineers. Second Lieut. Cornelius Garrison, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. A.rthur Lee McCullough, Corps of Engineers. Second Lieut. William Harry Bartlett, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Arthur Vinton LimYood .Tames, Corps of Engi- Second Lieut. Donald Breen Herron, Coast Artillery Corps. neers. Second Lieut. Edward Clinton Gillette, jr., Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Edward Albert Routheau, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Russell Owen Smith, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Theodore Temple Knappen, Corps of Engineers. Second Lieut. Freeman Grant Cross, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Godfrey Douglas Adamson, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Rex Yan Den Corput, jr., Field Artillet·y. Second Lieut. 'Wilson Burnett Higgins. Corps of Engineers. Second Lieut. llomer V\'atson Kiefer, Field Artillery. S-econd Lieut. Albert Howell Tanner, jr., Corps of Engineers. Second Lieut. James :Myron 1\Ic~Iillin, Coast Artillery Corp . Second Lieut. William Alter Watson, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Joseph Harris, Coast Artillery Corps. - Second Lieut. Frederic Lord Hayden, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. John George Howard, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Warren Ore ·sman Hutter, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Ford Trimble, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Harold Frank Handy, Field Artillery. #! Second Lieut. Robert Hugh Kreuter, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Richard Clare Partridge, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Laurence 'Vood Bartlett, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Edward John McGaw, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Donald Frank Stace, Coast Artillery Corp··. Second Lieut. Willis l\fcDonald, Third Cavalry. Second Lieut. Earl Henry Blaik, CaYalry. Second Lieut. Harold Thomas Miller, Corps of Engineers. Second Lieut. Reynolds Johnston Burt, jr., Coast Artillery Se('ond Lieut. .John Charles Felli, Field Artillery. Corps. Second Lieut. Volney Archer Poulson, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Edgar Allan Gilbert, jr., Cavalry. Second Lieut. Tyree Rivers Horn, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Leslie Emmett Mabus, Infantry. Second Lieut. William Chamberlaine Coe, Coast Artillery Second Lieut. John Dickerson 2\Iitchell, Coast Artillery Corps. Corps. Second Lieut. Clarence Henry Schabacker, Coast Artillery Second ):..ieut. James Woodrow Clark, Corps of Engineers. Corps. 44 OONGI~ESSIONAL R.ECORD-SENATE. :\I.ARCII 11,

Second Lic"l!t. ~'wart Jackson Strickland, (J()ast Artillery Second Lieut. Gustave Harold Vogel. Coast Artillery Corps. Corps. Second Lieut. Basil Girard Tbayer, Cavalry. • Second Lieut. Fred Labbeus Hamilton, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Edward Joseph Sullivan, Infantry. Second Lieut. Rohert Snyder Ttimble, jr., Coast Artillery Second Lieut. James Perrine Barney, jr., FielJzt. Gainer B1'0wn Jones, Cavatry. Second Lieut. Leland Stuart Smith, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut John Foxball Sturman, jr., Coast Artillery Second Lieut. Francis Selwyn Gay, Coast Artillery Corps. Corps. Second Lieut. Carl Frederick Duffner, Infantry. Second Lieut. Joseph Jacob Billo, Infantry. Second Lieut. Wilburn Vastine Lunn, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Wilbert Engdahl Shallene, Cavah·y. Second Lieut. Millard Pierson, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. George Leo Doolittle, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. F1·ancis Ward Walke1·,. Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieu.t. Robert Francis· Watt.. Infantry. Second Lieut. Harold Oliver Sand, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Clarence Clemens Clendenenr Cavalry. Second Lieut. Cyn1. Drew Pearson, Infantry. Second Lieut. William Carleton McFadden, Coast Artillery Second Lieut. Raymond Hem·y Reeee, Infantry. Corps. Second Lieut. Harlan Thurston McCormick, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Eugene Collum Johnston, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Henry Peter Burgard 2d, Infantry. Seeond Lieut. James Ludweil Lake, jr., Cavulry. Second Lieut. Alexander Gilbert Sand, Field Artillery. Seoond Lieut. Hugh Whitaker Winslow, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Ray Olander Welch, Infantry. Second:: Lieut. James Hess \Valker, Cavalry. Second Lieut. George William Richard Wilson, Infantry. Serond Lieut Claude Eugene Haswell, Infantry. Second Lieut. John Lamont Davidson, Infantry. Second Lieut. Russell Vance Eastman. Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Julian Erskine Raymond, Infantry. Second Lieut. Lyman Lincoln Judge~ Cavalry. Second Lieut. Abraham Sheridan Abel, Infantry. S.econd Lieut. Frank Needham Roberts, Infantry. Second Lieut. George Hennen, Infantry. Second Lieut. Francis Henry Lanahan, jr., Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Charles Porter Amazeen, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Lawrence Edward Schick, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Edward TI1omas Williams, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Courtney Parker Young, Coast Artillery C01-ps. Second Lieut. Frank Thweatt Searey, Infantry. Second Lieut. Hem·y Chester Hine, jr., Cavalry. Second Lieut. George William Bailey, jr., Field Artillery. Se<:ond Lieut. Charles Frede-rick Beattie, In:fantry. Second Lieut. Henry Kirk Williams. jr., Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut- John Donald Robertson, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Alan Lockhart Fulton, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Elias Sanford G1·egory, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Terrence John Tully, Infantry. Second Lieut. William Price Withers, Cavalry. Second Lieut. William McKinley Laumeister, Infantry. Second Lieut. Frederick Robert Pitts, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Paul Clarence Kelly, Infantry. Second Lieut. Sherman Vitus Hasbrouck, Infantry. Second Lieut. Sidney Ginsberg, Infantry.

Second Lieut. Arthur Kenley Hammontl1 Cavalry. Second Lieut. James Miller Rudolph, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Crump Garvin, Infantry. . Second Lieut. William Earl Crist, Infantry. Second Lieut. Mru·tin Charles Casey~ Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. William Roe Brewster, Infantry. Second Lieut. Hamilton Peyton Ellis, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Claude Monroe l\IeQuarrie, Infantry. Second Lieut. Thomas Dresser White, Infantry. Second Lieut. Charles William Smithr Infantry.

Second Lieut. Frederick Mixon Harris1 Infantry. Second Lieut. William Lemuel Mitcllell, Infn.ntry. Sec.ond Lieut. William Wallace 1\IcMilla~ Ca. ·all·y, Second Lieut. Harrison Guinther Travis~ Infantry. Second Lieut. Dwight Acker Rosebaum, Infantry. Second Lieut. Escalus Emmert Elliott, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Kenneth Gilpin Hoge, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Milton Cogswell Shattuck, Infnntry. Second Lieut. James Frederick Wahl, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Joseph Vincent de Paul Dillon, Coast Artillery Second Lieut. Donald Rohe:rt Van Sickler, Field Artillery. Corps. Second Lieut. Richard Candlef Singer, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Francis .Tames Starr, Infantry. Second Lieut. John Henry Hoffecker Hall, Infanh·y. Second Lieut. William Edwru·u Ryan, Infantry. Second Lieut. Aladin James Hart~ Cavalry. Second Lieut. Hayden Adriance Sears, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Powell Paxton Applewhite, Coast Artillery Second Lieut. Newton Jacobs, Infantry. Corps. Second Lieut. John Thomas Lynch, Infantry. Second Lieut. Robert Edwards, Cavalry. Second Lieut. John Black Reybold, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Je:ffe1·son Denman Box, Infantry. Second Lieut. John Raoul Guiteras, Infantry. Second Lieut. William Richter Tomey, Infantry. Second Lieut. William Dickey Long, Infantry. Secund Lieut. Joseph Honore Rousseau~ jr., Coast Artillery Second Lieut. Henry Irvin6 Hodes, CaYalry. Corps. Second Lieut. Clifford Augustine Taney, jr.1 Cavalry. Second Lieut. Lawrence Joseph Cal~:r, Cavall~y. Second Lieut. Paul Earl Tombaugh, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Frederick Seymour Dixon, Infantry. Second Lieut. Harvey Kenneth Greenlaw, Cavah·y. ~econd Lieut. Maurice ·wiley Daniel, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. William Joel Tudor Yancey, Infantry. Second Lieut. Robert Dickerson Durst, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Leon Eugene Lichtenwalter, Infantry. Second Lieut. Alexander Hamilton Perwein, Infantry. Second Lieut. Sidney Rae Hinds, Infantry. Second Lieut. Clovis Ethelbert Byers, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Halley Grey 1\Iaddox, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Tracy Enfield Davis, Infantry. Second Lieut. Snowden Ager, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Osca.r llaymond .Tobnston, Infantry. Second Lieut. Jolm English Nelson, Infantry. Second Lieut. George Andrew Rehm, Caval!·y. Second Lieut. Randolph Burt Wilkinson, Infantry. Second Lieut. Edward Cad Engelhart, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Dean LeRoy Sbarrar. Cavalry. Second Lieut. Charles Whitney West, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. John Talbot Curtis, Infantr:r. Second Lieut. Park Brown Herrick, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. George Hasbrouck Krause, Infantry. Second Lieut. Herbert C~l Renter, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Harold Todd Turnbull, Coast ATtillery Corps. Second Lieut. Hugo Peoples Rush, Infantry. Second Licut~ Belmar William Lystad, Infantry. Second Lieut. Harold Edward Smyser, Infantry. Second Lieut. John 'William Wofford, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Esher Claflin Burkart, Cavnlry. Secoml Lieut. \Vray Bertrand A vera, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. Thomas Eginton Whitehead, Cavalry. Second Lieut. Charles Fox Ivins, Infantry. Second Lieut. Alexander Geurge, Cavalry. Seeonu Lieut. Walter Daniel Buie, Infantry. Second Lieut. Charles Kenon Gailey, jr., Infanb·y. Second Lieut. John Taylor Ward, Cavalry. Second Lieut. :Mortimer Frederick ·wakefield, Field Artillery. Second Lieut. John Elmer Reierson, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Francis Willfam Farrell, Infantry. Second Lieut. Edwal'U Maurice Flesner, jr., Field A1·tillery. Second Lieut. , jr., Infantry. Second Lieut~ Wilmer Brinton Merritt, Coast Artillery Corps. Second Lieut. Harry Clark Wisehart, Coast A1·tmery Corps. To be first lieutenant 'With rank ['rom September 4, 1920. Second Lieut. John Irvin Gregg, jr., Cavalry. Second Lieut. George Huston Bare, Infantry. Second Lieut. John Russent jr., Cavah·y. CORPS OF E."'\GINEERS. Second Lieut. Charles l\forton Adams, jr., Infantry. Ta be captain. Second Lieut. Frank Hoben Blodgett~ Infantry. Second Lieut. John Ferra1 MeBiain, Cavalry. First Lieut. John Harold Voale, Corps of Engineers, :fl:om Second Lieut. Richard Meade Costigan, Field Artillery. June 11, 11)20.. • 1921.~ CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SJ~JNATE . 45

"CAVALRY. First Lieut. Crosby Nicket·son EJl:ott, Infantry, from June To be captains. 14, 1920. First Lieut. Philip Blaine Fryer, Cavalry, from May 29, 1920. First Lieut. William Harold Clark, Infantry, subject to ex­ First Lieut. George Hill Carruth, Cavalry, from June 4, 1920. amination required by law, since retired from active service, First Lieut. Joseph Nlxon Marx, Cavalry, from June 17, 1920. from June 18, 1920. First Lieut. Donald Coe Hawley,- Cavalry, from J"une 18, 1920. First Lieut. Lloyd Davidson Browu, Infautr:r, from June 18, First Lieut. Vernon Lhreau Padgett, Ca-valry, from June 21, 1920. 1920. Fin:.'t Lieut. Roy Carter Hiltou, Infantry, from June- 20, 1920. First lieut. Jay 'Yard MacKelvie, Cavalry, from June 21, First Lieut. Raymond F..dward O'Neill, Infantry, from June 1920. 20, 1920. First Lieut. Francis Trunian Bonsteel, Cavalry, from June 22, First Lieut. Justin Stanley Hemenway, Infantry, from .Tune 1920. 22, 1920. . First Lieut. 'Villiam· Edwin Ba.rett, Cavalry, from June 22, First Lieut. William Almond SbaJy, Infantry, from June 22, 1920. 1920. First Lieut. Frank Nelson, Cavalry, from June 22, 1920. First Lieut.. John Urban Ayotte, Infantry, from June 23, 1920. First Lieut. Herman Frederick Rathjen, Cavalry, fi·om .Tune First Lieut. Charles Heyw-ard BarnwelL jr., Infantry from 22, 1920. J"une 23, 1920. First Lieut. Daniel Joseph Keane, Cavalry, from Jfme 23, 1920. First Lieut. Henry ~- Schwarz, Infantry, from June 25, Fir ·t Lieut. LeRoy Davis, Cavalry, from June 23, 1920. 1920. First Lieut. l\Iax- Donald Holmes, Cavalry, from. .Ttme 24, 1920~ First Lieu.t. Edward Geo-rge Herliby,. Infantry, from June- 26, First Lieut. Frank Henry Barnhart, Cavah·y, from. June 24, 1920. 1920. - First Lieut. Arnold John Funk, Infantry, from .June 27, 1920. · First Lieut. George Edward Harrison, Ca-valry, from June 2£ First Lieut. George 1\farvin Ferris.- Tnfantry, from June 28, 1920. 192-Q. First Lieut. Wesley Jolm 'Vbite, Cavalry, from J'o:ne- 29, 1920. Fir~ Lieut Edwin Loch'"Wood MacLean, Infantry, from June lllrst Lieut. Alton Wright Howard, Cavalry, from .June 29. 29-, 1020. 1920. 1'o be fi'rst lie1tfenant. First Lieut. Rieb:ird Whitney carter,. Cavalry, from June 2~ Second Lieut, 'Vesley Collins De\er, Infantry, from Ju.n.e 4, 1920. 1920. Fir t Lieut. Kenneth Rowntree, Cavalry, from Jnne 30, 1920. EORTO RICO REGTIIlENT OF INFANTRY. First Lieut. George Archibald King, Cavalry, · from J"t111e 30, 1920. To be captains_. First Lieut. Liouel Leopold Meyer; Cavalry, from June '30, First Lieut. Arturo Moreno,_ Porto Rico Regiment of Infantry,_ 1920. from May .20~ 1920. First Lieut. F.rederl~ Harold Le-roy- Ry-de~~ Cavalry, from First Lieut. Carlos l\Ianue-1 Lopez, Po-rto :RiCo Regiment of June ~o. 1926. Infantry, subject to examination required by Law, since retired First Lieut. John Waring Weeks. Cavalty, from June 30-, from active ser\ice, from Jun-e 20, 1920. 1"920. fit·st lieutenants. • First Lieut.- TheOdore- Besson Apga-r, CuVlllry,. from June ~ :J'o be 1920. Second Lieut. Ednard.O' Vazq,uezr.BFuoo-)- Porto RicQ Regiment First Lieut. .Mortimet: Heth Christian, Cavalry, from J"une 30, of Infantry, from A~il 21, 1926. 1920 Second Lieut. VirgU Norbel'to Co-rdero: Porto Rico Regiment First Li.eut. Fabius Busbee Shipp. cavalry, from Jnne 30,1920. of Infantry, from 1\lay 20, 1920. FIEI.D- .&RTILLEBY:. Second Lieut. Mario Cordero, Porto Rico Regiment of In­ farrtry, from .Tune 20, 1920. To be eaptains. First Lieut. Paul Clmrch Harpet·, IPieTd ArtUiery, from June 25, 19-20 .. CONFIRMAT.IDNS. - Fil"st Lieut. ~orge Ross Rede, Field Art:illet'y, mom June 26, 1920. Eiirecuti-r;e namflna:lio:n-8 confirmed ou the. SenaJe March 11,, J921. First Lieut. J'oon Cooper Admns._ Field Artillery; tram June AsSISTANT SECRETABY O"F STATE~ 29, 1920. Fred l\Iorris Dearing to be Assistant Secretary of State~ CO~ST ARTILLERY CORPS. MEMBER OF THE UNITED STA.TES TABIFF CoYMISSIOli­ To. captains~ oc William S. Culbertson to be a member of the United States Fu·st Lieut. Evan. Clouser Seaman, Coast Artillery Corps._ Tariff CGmm.is.sh>u. from June 5, 1920~ AssiSTANT SECRETAitY o:F Aoor.cur.:r't'JBE. Fir t Lieut. Henry Basic:: Behrens, Coast Artillery Corps, from June 19, 1920. Elmer D. Ball to be Assistant Secre-tary of Agriculture. First Lieut. Benjamin Sowering, Coast Artillery Corps, from 00MPTROI.LER OP THE CUBllEN"CY, June 22,. 1920. D. R. Crissinger to be Comptroller of the Cuxrency, First Lieut. Henry Fred Grimm. jr., Ooast Arti:lleey Corp~ from June 24, 1920. UNITED STATES ATTORNEY, -'WES'l'ERN DI.STUICT Oll' ~ First Lieut. Henry Linsert, Coast Artillery Corps, fmm Jnne Walter Lyon to be United States attorney, western district of 25, 1920. - Pennsyhrauia, First Lieut. Donald Langley Dutton, Coast Artillery Corps, from June 26, 1920. UNITED STATES l\1ARsliAL, DISTRICT OF . First Lieut. Leland Adrian MilleiL, Coast Artillery Corps. from \Villiam .J. Ke-ville to be United States marshal, djstrict of June 27, 1920. . 1.\Iassachu.setts. Firsir Lieut. Percy Clayton Hamilton. Coast "Artille-ry Corps, Dl:nEcTOR OF THE UNITED STATES CoAST AI\~ GEODETIC SUR.VEY. from June- 27, 1920. First Lieut. Robert Alexandel~ Laird, Coast Artillecy Co1·ps, Ernest Lester Jones to be Director' of the United States Coast from June 30, 1920. and Geodetic Survey. To be fi;rSt lie-utenant. CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF OnJ:lNANCE, DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY. Second Lieut. Davis Ward Hale, Coast Artillery Oorps, from Charles B. MeVay, jr., to be Chief of the- Bureau of Ordna-uce June 4, 1920. in the Departnrent of tb~ Navy. I~EANTBY. AsSISTANT ~"TAL SURGEON, UNITED- STATES .AVY. 7'o be captains~ Emory ~ Bryant to be an assistant de11tal surgeon in the First Lieu.t, Frank Eugene Haskell, Infantry~ from June 2, Na_yy. 1920~ First Li,eut. Edwin Howard Clark, Infantry~ subj~ to exam­ PASSED AssiSTANT DENTAL SURGEON, UNITED STATES TA.VY. ination required by law., since retired from active service~ from Emory A. Bryant to be a passed assistant dental surgeon in J"une 10, 1920. the Navy.