
··.· .. \ ... 1921. CONGR.ESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE. 19 NO:lliNATIONS. NOMINATIONS. FJa:ee1tti1.:e nominations received by the Senate March 9, 1921. Executive nominations received 1Jy the Senate March 10, 1921! To BE AssiS'l'ANT SECRETABIES oF THE TREASURY. CoMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. S. Parker Gilbert, jr., of Bloomfield, N. J., to be Assistant Sec­ D. R. Crissinger, of Ohio, to be Comptroller of the Om·rency, to retary of the Treasury. fill an existing vacancy. Nicholas Kelley, of New York, N. Y., to be Assistant Secre­ CoNsULs. tary of the Treasury. The following-named persons for promotion in the Consular Ewing Laporte, of St. Louis, Mo., to be Assistant Secretary of Service of the United States, as follows: the Treasury. CLASS 3. To BE BRIGADIER GENERAL, l\fEDICAL SECTION. Lester :Maynard, of California, from consul of class 4 to con­ Charles E. Sawyer, from March 7, 1921. sul of class 3. CLASS 4, Willys R. Peck, of California, from consul of class 5 to con· CONFIRMATION. sui of class 4. Executive nomination confirmed by tlle Senate Ma1·ch 9, 1921. CoNsUL oF CLAss 6. To BE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE NAVY. Charles C. Broy, of Virginia, formerly a consul of class 6, Theodore Roosevelt to be Assistant Secretary of the Navy! to be a consul of class 6 of the United States of America. CONFIRM..-\..TIONS. SENATE. Executive norninations con{im~tea by the Senate Ma1·ch 10, 19~1~ ASSIS'J:ANT SECRETARIES OF THE 'J..'REASURY. THURSDAY, March 10, 19~1. S. Pa1·ker Gilbert, jr. Rev. J. J. Muir, D. D., . the Chaplain, offered the f~llowing Nicholas Kelley. prayer: Ewing Laporte. Our Heavenly Fatt.er, for our land we pray this morning, IN THE OFFICERS' RESERVE CORPS OF THE UNITED STATES A. .RMY . for its institutions, for the welfare of its citizenship, for the Charles E. Sawyer to be brigadier general, Medical Section. f.'Uidnnce and direction of its legislation, and we pray that all blessings may be realized, so that we may be in deed and in truth a people whose God is the Lord. \Ve ask it for Thy mime's sake. Amen. .. SENATE. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and ap­ FRIDAY, illarch 11, 19~1 . proved. Rev. J. J. l\fuit·, D. D., the Chaplain, offered the following MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT. prayer: A message in writing from th·e President of the United States was communicated to the Senate by 1\lr. Latta, one ot Our Father, we thank Thee for the sunshine, and we pray the his secretaries. · sunshine may also be in our hearts, and that we may be able to CALL Olf THE ROLL. extend the blessings of life and hope and· cheer to tbose who are in ilistress and sorrow. Direct our ways, we beseech of Mr. SMOOT. 1\lr. President, I suggest tl1e absence of a Thee, so that' we may have Thine acceptance continually. quorum. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. .Amen. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will call the roll. The reading clerk called the roll, and the following Senators The Vice President being absent, the President pro tempore answered to their names : took the chair. Ashurst Hale McNary Stanley On request of Mr. CURTIS, and by unanimous consent, the Borah Harreld Moses Sterling reading of the Journal of yesterday's proceedings was dispensed Broussard Harris Nelson Sutherland with and the Journal was approved. Cameron Heflin New Swanson Caraway .Johnson Nicholson Townsend MESSAGE FROU THE PRESIDENT. Colt Jones, Wasb. Oddie Underwood Culberson Kellogg Overman Walsh, Mass. Sundry messages in writing from the President of the United Cummins Kenyon Penrose Walsh, Mont. States were communicated to the Senate by Mr. Latta, one of his Curtis Keyes Phipps \Varren , Watson, Ga. secretaries. ~~~1st ~~~~ ~~!::g:;~:r Watson, Ind. NEW EDITIO~ OF CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Fletcher La Follette Ransdell Willis Frelinghuysen Lenroot Robinson l\lr. SMOOT. ~Ir. President, I offer the following Senate Gerry Lodge Shortridge resolution and ask for its immediate consideration. Glass McKinlt>y Smoot The resolution ( S. Res. 12) was read, considered by unani­ :Mr. FLETCHER. I wish to announce the una voidable ab­ IDOUS consent, and ngreed to, as follows: - sence of my colleague [Mr. TRAMMELL]. I ask that the an­ Resolved, That an edition of the Congressional Directory for the nouncement may stand for the day. first session of the Sixty-seventh Congress be prepared and published, l\Ir. DIAL. I desire to announce that my colleague [Mr. as provided for in section 73 of the printing act approved January 12, 1895, and that the sum of $800 for compiling, preparing, and indexing S:uiTH] is absent on business of the Senate. I ask that this said edition be paid from the contin~ent fund of the Senate upon an. Juncement may stand for the day. voucher to be approved by the CoDlllllttee to Audit and Control th~ . The VICE PRESIDENT. Fifty-seven Senators, more than a Contingent Expenses of the Senate. quorum, are present. CAPITULATIONS AND CONSULAR INSTITUTIONS. ME::"IIORIAL. l\lr. STERLING submitted the following resolution ( S. Res. l\lr. WILLIS presented a memorial of Dr. J. P. Henahan and 13), which was referred to the Committee on Printing: sundry other citizens of Cleveland, Ohio, remonstrating against Resolved. • That the manuscript entitled " The Ofigln of the Capitu­ lations and of the Consular Institution," by G. Bie Ravndal, American the loaning of money raised through the sale of Liberty bonds to consul general at Constantinople, be printed as a Senate document. Great Britain to be used by her in efforts to suppress the national aspirations of Ireland, India, Egypt, and other lands MEMORIALS. in seeking to obtain their freedom, which was referred to the l\lr. GERRY presented a memorial of Kevin Barry Council Committee on Foreign Relations. of the American Association for the Recognition of the Irish Republic, of Central Falls, R. I:, remonstrating against the EXECUTIVE ~ ESSION. shooting of sb: young men in the Cork (Ireland) jail on the l\Ir. LODGE. 1\lr. President, I move that the Senate proceed 28th of February by British military forces in Ireland, which to th~ consideration of executive business. · was referred to the CoiDmittee on Foreign Relations. Tile motion was agreed to, and the Senate proceeded to the l\lr. \VILLIS presented a memorial of Miss Margaret Judge, consideration of executive business. After 38 minutes spent member of the George Washington Parke Custis Council of the in executive session the doors were reopened, an<l (at 12 o'clock American Association for Recognition of the Irish Republic, of and 48 minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Columbus, Ohio, and sundry other citizens of Columbus, Ohio, Friday, March 11, 1921, at 12 o'clock meridian. remonstra ting against the treatment of Ireland by. the English 20 COirGRE SIONAL RECORD- E~ATE. llfA.RCH 11, Government and fa\oring the redemption of promise by the liARIN:::: CORPS. United States of self-determination for small nations, which Brig. Gen. Smedley D. Butler to be a brigadier general in tlle "·as referred to tile Committee on Foreign Relations. 1\Inrine Corps fTom June 4, 1920. PROI'OSED COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC HEALTH. Brig. Gen. Lognn FeJand to be a brigadier general in the Ma­ l\lr. FRANCE submitted the following notice of an amend­ rine Corps from June 4, 1920. ment of tile rules, which was read : . Brig. Gen. Harry Lee to be a brigadier general in the Marine I desire to give notice that on to-morrow, Murch 12, I shall move to Corps from June 5, 1920. amend Rule XXV ns follows : A.PPOINTMEKTS IN TilE llEGULAI: An:'\n.-. Add at the proper place the following: "A Committee on Public Health and rational Quarantine, to consist CHAPLHN. of 11 Senators." Chaplain John Thomas Axton to be chief of chaplains, witli JosEPH L Fr.ANC11. · tlle rank Of colonel, for a period of four years, beginning July, EXECUTI\E SESSION. 15, 1D~O, with rank from July 15, 1920. l\Ir. LODGE. 1\lr. Pre ident, I moYe that the Senate proceed to the consideration of executiYe business. MILITARY STOREKEEPER. The motion was agreed to, and tile Senate proceeded to the Capt. Chnrles Patrick Daly, military storekeeper, to be mili­ con ideration of executive business. After 40 minutes spent in tary -torekeeper, with tlle rank of major, with 1·ank from June executiYe session the doors were reopened and (at 12 o'clock 4, 1920. and 45 minutes p. m.) the Senate ndjonrned until to-morrow, UE"AProrr-~TMENTS IN THE UEour.AR ARMY. Saturdny, March 12, 1921, at 12 o'clock meridian, QUARTElBIASTER CORPS. Charles Walker 1\IcClm·e., L'lte captain (temporat·y lieutenant NOliiNATIONS. colon<>l), Infantry, Regl.llai· Army, to be major, wlth rank from Ma rcl1 3, 1921. 11, 1921. Bxeeutire nominatimts 1·eccit·ea by the Senate Mamlt COAST ABTIT.LERY CORPS. ASSIS'l'.\."'T SECRETARY OF STATE. .James Boyden Crelyo Siske, late econcl lieutenant (tempo­ Freel l\forris Dearino·, of l\lissouri, to be . istant St>eretary rary first lieutenant), Coast Artillery Corps, Regular Army, to of State. f.>e first lieutenant with rank f1·om March 3, 1921. To nE MEMBERS oF TIIE l NITED STATES TAIUFli' Co:u~rrssm~. 1NFANTRY. 'l'Jtomas 0. Marvin, of Mussachusett ·, to be a member of the Maj. Mile · Knsh Taulbee, Pot·to Rico Uegiment of Infa.ntry. United States Tariff Commission fo1· ibe term expiring Septem­ since rt-til-ed from ac:th'e ·er-vice, to be major, with rnnk from ber o, 1922, vice William Kent, resigned.
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