DO0 and DOE Aareements

The most recent NWSMs include: Warhead Development, - QY 1979-81, approved by carter, 11 January 1978 Stockpiling, and Retirement fPD-26.1

[ru-:J, devlopment, stockpiling, and retirement of specific FY 1983-87, approved by Reagan, 17 March 1982 nuclear warheads This formal process is highly struc- INSDD-71, tured and includes seven distinct phases A number of kY 1983188, appmved by Reagan, I8 Novembe~ agreements between the DOD or DOE specify the respon- 1982 (NSDD-68). sibilities of the two agencies during these seven phases FY 1984-89, aonraved bv Rewan, 16 Februarv -. Two of the most important agreements date from 1953 1984 [NSDD-?I; * and 1983 The 1953 agreement-titled An Agrmment + FY 1985-90, approved by Reagan, mid-Eebmay Between the AEC and lhe LWD for the Development, Pro- 1985 fNSDD-?L and duction and Standardization of Atomic Weapons, and FY 1986-91, a'iproved by Reagan, 4 March 1986 - .. . - - - .. dated 21 March 19534ivides responsiblities between the two departments As set forth in this Agreement the DOD is responst- Nuclear Weapons Development Guidance ble for the military characteristim, development priority, Biennially, the Defense Nuclear Agency prepares a suitability, and acceptability of nuclear weapons; cus- Nuclear Weapons Development Guidance [NWDG] doc- tody and maintenance of the stockpile; development and ument in coordination with DOE This states quaIitative pmduction of delivery systems and support equipment requirements for the devekopment of nuclear warheads for nuclear weapons; and the training and deployment of It identifies potentiaL qwdlitative requirements for forces for their use DOIJ also directs some nuclew- nuclear weapon systems for which the DOD envisions a effects and vulnerability tests and evaluation programs requirement over thenext ten to fifteen years The NWDG It establishes that assessments, in response to which also contains a number of technological objectives to nuclear weapons are developed guide DOD and DOE mearch and development These The agreement makes DOE responsible for the objectives include, increasing the yield-to-weight ratio of design, development, testing, and production of special a weapon; decrwdsing the use of special nuclear material; nuclear materials for weapons, surveillance and certifi- achieving tailored effects such as enhanced or reduced cation of the technical quality of stockpiled weapom; radiation; and developing better command control and provisioning of limited-life components [e g , tritium); disable techniques for protection against possible terror- and budgeting for the annual appropriation required to ist threats 22 conduct these activities DOD and DOE jointly review the safety, handling, and operating procedures for each Materials Management Plan weapon The separate and joint functions and proce- The Materials Management Plan (MMP] sewes as the dures of each aEencv.. . are defined for each warhead phase annual Department of Energy nuclear materials planning Supplements to the 1953 Agreement further hefine document for producing and using nuclear materials resn~nsi~ilitiesL~ A 1977 suuult~~~~tu~t.A deli~~edtes Phase 2 over the ensuing sixteen-year planning period 23 This activities in more detail requiring a ivkdior Impact Report document is sent to the Office of Ma~dgementand and a Weapon Design and cost ~e~ort"for investigaiing Budget [OMB] as background information for reviewing weaDons desiedmilitarv characteristics trade-offs. iden- the DOE budget The Department of Defense and the tifyLng base1i;e design;, determining the develobment National Security Council also use it for nuclear materi- schedule and reporting nuclear weapon costs and other als planning activities resource requirements ''25 A 1984 supplement delineates The basic input to the MMP is fmm individual more specific DOE and DOD responsibilities during MMPs of DOE field offices The enriched uranium analy- Phase 2, Phase 2A [design definition and cost studies) sis is prepared primarily by the Office of Uranium and Phase 3 20 Enrichment and Assessment The MMP is published A 1983 Memoradum of Understanding reaffirms after issuance of the NWSM 24 DOE and DOD objectives, which are to "provide a safe,

104 Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume 11 4 Warhead Phases

secure, and militarily effective nuckear weapon stock- not progressed to Phase 2A or Phase 3 and recommend to pile, and conduct an awessive research and develop- the USDRE their disposition The USDW then informs ment effort to ensure technological superiority and meet the DOE through the MLC of any changes in Phase 2 future national security needs " Other objectives men- plans tioned are "to improve nuclear weapon stockpile plan- Phase ZA-roint Design Definition ~ngand acquisition"; and "ensure continued high-level and Cost Studies attention to nuclear weapon safety, security, control and After wu~plctiu~a Pl~dse 2 repuri and befure decid- classification "27 ing to request a l'hase 3 nrnieci, the lJSl)l<&l~:also malt Phase laceptDefinition Studies28 reiuest, ihrough the ML~,that DOE join the DOD i& Phase 1 consists of continuing studies by DOE labo- forming a Pmject Officers Group (POG) This group mn- ratories aod offices to develop new ideas for a warhead or ducts a Phase ZA study The DOD request designates a component to warrant a program study Any DOD office military department to provide the lead Project Officer (with the cooperation of other military services and the and includes a projected start date for Phase 3, a pro- DOE, as desired] or the DOE may conduct their own jected IOC for the weapons system, and a proposed pro- Phase I study to define a new nuclear warhcad co~~cept duction schedule The DOE Phase 2A study estimates This studv assists DOE laboraturies and the Lnder Secre- costs, production schedules, options 1t also analyzes tary of ~hfenseResearch and Engineering [USDM] in trade-offs involving safety, security, su~ivabibty,and deriding whether to proceed with a joint Phase 2 study control features for the weapon Cost information is In Phase 1DOE compares the practicability of modifying included in a Weapon Design and Cost Report [WDCR] existing warheads or developing new ones provided by the DOE When a Phase 1 study involves a nuclear warhead Phase 3-Development Engineering Project associated with a major delivery system acquisition, it is Phase 3 launches the wdrhead's development, at a coordinated with the DOE Development Concept Paper DOE weapon laboratory It culminates with a proposed (DCP], a key document in the approval of a weapon sys- warhead design Warhead testing by the labontories is tem conducted throughout ail phases, including Phase 3 A Phase 1 study includes the following information Physics experiments and tests of new weapon design about proposed warhead characteristics and parameters: mncepts, in fact, are conducted independently of the life performance parameters, eansportability. employment cycle,- defined bv the phases, of a particular warhead concepts, delivery techniques, yield andlor effect selec- Based upu~~~t~vu~abluevaluatiun of a Phase 2 or 2A tion, fuzing options, typical targets, safety considera- sturiv, and with aereement of the ILS. the militaw service tions, and command and control requirements desikng a new wirhead requestia ~'hase3 pmj&t to the Phase 2-Joint Feasibility Studies USURE After review within DOD, a Phase 3 request for A Phase 2 study determines the technical Feasibility DOE warhead development is discussed and approved in of developing a nuclear warhead to meet the stated Phase the MLC The same military service is designated to lead 1 requirement The study presents proposed warhead1 the project for the DOD delivery system trade-offs and preferred warhead In some cases, Phase 3 development on two or more designs It lists warhead parameters (rnaximumlmini- warhead candidates continues to resolve uncertainties mum values) and specific requirements such as yield During this Phase all options are identified and evalu- selectability, warhead interchangeability, and command ated These include technological feasibility and risk and control systems A statement of first production unit assessment, costs, nuclear materials availability, test WPU] and initial operational capability (IOC] dates with objectives, and stockpile projections The designated the number of weapons desired is also included military service [see above) designs, develops, and pro- Any military department may submit to the USDH duces those components of the weapon (e g , parachute, for approval a request for a joint Phase 2 study If the bomhcasing, reentry vehicle] that are the responsibility request is approved, the USDRE designates a military of the DOD Issues of design and characteristics of the department as the "cognizant Military Dep.ariment3'to warhead are then coordinated between the DOE and the chair the study and requests formally, through the h&C, DOD at the working level tbrough the POG The lead DOE participation In addition to the ioint Phase 2 report, ~roiectofficer is resuonsible for the warhead throughout- the DOE produces a Major Impact Report [MR] identify- its stockpile kife - ing those aspects of the development, design, testing, and Project Officers, in coordination with the DOE, p!e- production processes perceived as likely determining Dare rewrts definin~the new weauon in terms of M11i- factors in meeting propam objectives The Military iary ~haracte~istici[MCs] and- Stockpile-to-Target Departments annually review Phase 2 studies that have Sequence (STSJ (see page 120]

Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume I1 105 Decisionmakers-White HouseIState

Phase &Production Engineering dinates National Security Council activities In recent Phase 4 covers the adaptation of the design devel- years especially, the National Security Advisor and NSC oped during Phase 3 into a manufacturing system that Staff have become influential in the making of policy can mass produce wdrheads and components Each President since 1947 has used the Council, the of developmental prototypes continues dur- National Security Advisor, and the NSC Staff in ways ing this phase Once the warhead design is approved, t.he refgectine their oreferences and uersonalities The ~olicv basic tooling, layout, and fundamental assembly proce- is formuLtedk part by using stiff structured by re&onil dures are completed or iunctio~~alarias ~irectorsor Special Assistants head Phase 5-Initial Production smaller office dafh that attem~tto coordinate, intewatc, Phase 5 compri~esthe delivery of the first warhead, and centralize issues from othh federal departme& and called the First Production Unit. [FPU] The production agencies Offices with nuclear weapons responsibilities during this phase is limited but increases as the various include Political-Military Affairs, Defense Programs and production facilities come into operation The "final Arms Control, and Intelligence Programs These offices review'' of the warhead design culminates in acceptance prepare studies and reports, coordinate and serve on by the MLC of the warhead, termination of Phase 5 and interagency committees, and write key policy guidance appmval of quantity production In the Nixon and Ford administrations this guidance was Phase 6-Quantity Producth known as National Security Decision Memoranda; in the Durin~Phase 6, the DOE and DOD undertake auan- Carter adminidration Presidential Directives; and in the tit.y produEtion of warheads for the stockpile ~odifia- Reagan administration National Security Decision Direc- tions to the warhead mav also take dace rlurine" Phase 6 tives Pham 7-Retiremeth The most important acquisition policy document Phase 7 begins when a coordinated propam of phys- forwarded to the President through the NSC is the ical removal of warheads from the stockpile begins Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Memorandum Approved by Retirement of ZI warhead [Phase 7) may overlap produc- the President each year, the NWSM authorizes precise tion of a new modification of the same warhead (Phase numbers of warheads to be built, modified, and retired, 6) as well as special nuclear materiai requirements over sbort-, middle-, and long-range periods Other key Presi- dential nuclear weapons-related dmuments include the annual Nuclear Weapon Test Program, the annual Nuclear Weapon Deployment Plan, and the periodic Organizations Nuclear Weapon Employment Policy Office of Management and Budget The Executive Office of the President The Office of Management and Budget coordinates The President makes all final decisions involving and prepares the budget for the entire Executive Branch the acquisition of nuclear weapons Within theExecutive A section of the Office devoted to national security affairs Office of the President two principal bodies-the oversees the Oepartment of Defense budget and the National Security Council [NSC) and the Office of Man- Atomic Enemy Defense Activities portion of the Depart- agement and Budget [OMBI-advise and assist the Presi- ment of ~neri~budget dent They help with major policy and budgetary Office of Science and Technolow Policv decisions involving nuclear weapons and warheads be Science Advisor to the gesideni heads the National Security Council Gffice of Science and Technology Policy This office The National Security Council is the principal Exec- advises the President and the NSC on all scientific mat- utive Branch Forum making policy decisions about ters, including nuclear weapon technologies nuclear weapon acquisition The NSC was created by the National Security Act of 1947 The Act states that '4the function of the ~ouncilshall be to advise the President with resued to the inteeration of domestic. foreien. and Department of State military~oliciesrelating to the national seiurity ;o'as to The Department of State's primary nuclear weapons enable the military services and the other departments responsibility concerns foreign policy implications The and agencies of the Government to cooperate mow effer- Department assesses issues of deployment of weapons tively in matters ~nvolvingilational sccuritv "The Prcsi- abroad, Programs of Cooperation with allies, prolifera- dentlvice President, secritary of State, and Secretary of tion, arms control, and testing The Bureau of Politico- Defense are statutory members The Chairman of the Military A€faiis the key office that represents Depart- Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Director of Central Intelli- ment views on acquisition policy gence advise and attend meetings of the NSC Other offi- The Arms Control and Disarmament Agency also cials-for example, the Secretary of Energy-may attend reviews and analyzes the arms conbol implications of when nuclear weapons acquisition issues are discussed US nuclear weapons during the acquisition process The Assistant to the President for National Security through its annual volume, the Arms Control Impact Affairs, also called the National Security Advisor, coor- Statements 106 Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume I1 Figure 4 2 Depwtrnent of Defense

Department of Defense program evaluation For the entire department [see Figure The decision to acquire nuclear weapons begins 4 31 The Under Secretary of Defense, Research and Engi- with a requirement identified by the Department of neering [USDRE), was established in 1977 as one of two Defense 29 As the principd assistant to the President in third-level deputies to the SECDEF It has responsibility all matters relating to the Department, the Secretary of for the entire range of matters concerning weapon sys- Defense [SECDEF] has "direction, authority and control" tems acquisition, including nuclear weapons 31 over all nuclear weapons-related decisions As the principal advisor to the SECDEF on scientific The major subdivisions within the Department of and technical mattem, the USDm oversees the military Defense are: the Office of the Secretary of Defense: the application of atomic energy, nuclear weapons develop- Joint Chiefs of Staff; the three military departments and ment and acquisition, security, safety, resemh and the military services within those departments; the uni- development (R&D], deployment, employment and fied and specified commands; and the defense agencies targeting, and theater nuclear force modernization The (see Figure 4 2) JU Each reports to the Secretary of USDRE also directs the Assistant to the Secretary of Oefense Defense, [Atomic Energy) [ATSD(AE]] and the Defense Office of the Secretary of Defense Nuclear Agency It plays a major role in the Defense Sys- The Office of the Secretary of Defense [OSD], primar- tems Acquisition Review Council (DSARC), which ily a civilian staff, exercises control over policy develop- advises the SECDEE on major systems acquisjtions ment, planning, resource management, and fiscal and The Under Secretary of Defense, Policy (USD(P))

Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume I1 107 SECRETARY OFDEFENSE




source: OW

re4.3 Office of the Secretary of Defense oversees and coordinates formulation and implementa- nuclear weapons long-range resource planning, tion of DOD planning and policy concerning nuclear including review and drafting of policy, planning weapons 32 As such, he is responsible for nuclear weap- and programming documents on the military ons inntingency and nuclear weapons empliy- applications of nuclear energy; merit euidance to the Ioint Chiefs of Staff and die military. logistics aspects of nuclear stockpile manage- departments ment, including stockpile-to-target sequences; Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Atomic and Energy) The Assistant to the Secretary of Defense technical analyses and support to arms control (Atomic Energy) (ATSD(AE))is the principal staff assis- negotiations tant to the SECDEF for nuclear weapons matters 33 The ATSD(AE) serves under the direction and authority of the More specifically, the ATSD(AE) is responsible for USDRE and as the principal staff assistant for DOD policies, plans, and programs in such areas as nuclear atomic energy matters is chairman of the Military Liaison weapon development and production; military effective- Committee [MLC) to the DOE ASTDIAE) responsibilities ness and nuclear warhead characteristics, reliability, include: security, safety, survivability and endurance; command and control; modernization and status of nuclear materi- supervision of nuclear wepaoos research and als production; foreign nuclear weapons activities and engineering; testing; nuclear weapons accident and incident control

108 Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II measures; and Programs of Cooperation and information Defense Nuclear Agency exchanges with foreign nations The ATSD(AE) also The Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA) is a designated develops policies and procedures for DOD communica- agency of the DOD It provides support to the SECDEF, tions to Congress, as required by the Atomic Energy Act the military services, the JCS, and other DOD compo- Military Liaison Committee The Military Liaison nents in matters concerning nuclear weapons It consoli- Committee (MLC) to the DOE, acting for DOD, is the dates management and control of DOD nuclear weapons point of contact for all nuclear weapons matters "that the development, effects research, and the nuclear testing DOD determines relate to the militam aoplications of program It is the central coordinating agency with the nuclear weapons or nuclear energy "a These matters DOE on matters relating to the research, development, include the development, use, and storage of nuclear production, stockpiling, and testing of nuclear weapons weapons, the allocation of special nuclear materials, DNA operates in four key areas:38 nuclear weapons and military research, and the control of information relating to the manufacture or use of central management of the DOD nuclear weapons nuclear weapons 35 The MLC serves as the formal chan- stockpile, including coordination of specialized nel of communications between DOE and DOD, approves technical publications, standardization and certi- the Military Characteristics (MCs) of nuclear warheads ficatinn inspertions (inspertinns of military units desired by the military services, and transmits Phase 3 havine- res~onsibilities- for assemblin~.maintain- requests to DOE for development engineering ing, or storing nuclear warheads), production, rweaponization") of nuclear warheads composition, allocation, deployment, movement, The Atomic Energy Act established the MLC as con- storage, maintenance, quality assurance and relia- sisting of a chairman appointed by the President and con- bility assessments, reporting procedures and firmed by the Senate, and an equal number of members retirement; from the Army, Navy, and Ail Force Additional ohserv- . management and coordination of DOD nuclear ers from the JCS, DOE, DNA, and Marine Corps also par- weapons testing and nuclear weapons effects ticipate in MLC deliberations (see Table 41) research programs, including underground Traditionally the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense nuclear tests, high explosives tests, simulation [Atomic Energy) chairs the MLC In accordance with Sec- experiments, pulse power machines, radiobi- tion 202 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, ology research, and maintaining the "national the MLC keeps Congress informed on all DOD matters nuclear test readiness program" at Johnston relating to the "development, use, or application of Island; atomic enerev "36 staff advice to the Secretary of Defense, the JCS, Joint chiefs of Staff the military services, the Unified and Specified The Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) Commands, other DOD agencies and non-DOD serves as the orincival advisors to the SECDEF and the agencies, on the effectiveness of nuclear weap- President on dlmilitary matters and specifically the mil- ons, vulnerability to nuclear weapons effects; and itary adequacy of nuclear weapons They state military nuclear-related problems, including strategy and requirements and prepare strategic and joint war plans, tactics for weapons-use, -design, and -targeting as well as short-, middle-, and long-range projections for procedures; and nuclear warhead research and development programs oversees DOD nuclear weapons security, includ- The Organization also supervises the operational aspects ing preparation of the DOD Nuclear Weapons of the Defense Nuclear Agency-composition of the Security Manual, nuclear surety inspections, nuclear stockpile, allocation and deployment of nuclear management of physical security, survivability, weapons to military services and Unified and Specified and security of Theater Nuclear Forces, disable/ Commands, military participation and support of destruct systems, and the Overseas Nuclear Emer- nuclear testing, and frequency and standards of inspec- gency Search Team (ONEST) tions of nuclear capable units and weapons While not a statutory member of the MLC, the JCS sends an observer The DNA is the oldest of the Defense Agencies It (the Assistant Denutv. . Director far Farce Development began as the Manhattan Project in 1942, which in turn and Strategic Plans, 1-5 Directorate (Plansand Policyll so became the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project on 1 that JCS views may be presented 3' The JCS also partici- January 1947, the Defense Atomic Support Agency on 6 pates, either as a member or by coordination, in many May 1959 and DNA on 1July 1971 The Director of DNA formal elements of the weapon system acquisition pro- is a Lieutenant General or Vice Admiral and reports to cess~forexample, development of the Mission Element the USDRE and JCS DNA reports to the JCS for all activi- Needs Statement (MENS) or DSARC deliberations ties relating to operational aspects of the nuclear weap-

37 For missionand funcliuus Bee Ondtiiziitiuamnd Functions of !hslomlChiefs of Staff ICS b A I JH1y ,903, PP 111 S-27-49 3 Defrose Nuclear A~ncvDUD Directive 5105 31 El Nciember1971

Nuclear Weapons Datahook, Volume I1 109 4 Decisionmakers-DODIAir Force

ons stockpile The USDRE supervises DNA activities to the President, SECDEF, and Secretary of the Air Force, relating to nuclear weapons development and effects while supervising and commanding the Air Force research and test programs The ATSDfAE] supervises Under the Chief of Staff, the Deputy Chief of Staff, DNA activities associated with nucfear safely, logistics of Operations, Plans and Readiness (DCSOPS) sets require- nuclear weanons, information management.., and liaison ments for nuclear weapons within the Air Force The with the DOE Director of Plans (AF/XOX] within DCSOPS is the DNA Headquarters are located in Alexandria, Vir- responsible officer for nuclear requirements and one of ginia It operates five major activities for the DOD: two Air Force members of the MLC The Deputy Chief of Staff, Research, Development, and Acquisition the DNA Field Command, Kirtland Air Force (DCSRDA) develops Air Force plans, policies and pro- Base, New Mexico; grams for R&D of weapon systems and directs their exe- the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Insiti- cution The Directorate of Operational Requirements tute [AFRRI), Bethesda, Maryland; (AFIRDQ) within the DCSRDA is the responsible office the Joint Nuclear Accident Coordinating Center for the develn~mentand acouisition of nuclear weanons (JNACC), Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico Tho Uircclor hf the ~irecto1:atcservos as tlte socun'd Air (jointly operated with DOE); 1:nirernemhernf the MI.(: Alsn i~ndnrtheLK;SKUA is the the Joint Atomic Information Exchange Group Suecial Assisldiit fur ICBM Moduniixation and the Son- (JAIEG],Washington, D C ; and c{al Assistant for Strategic Defense Initiative the Enewetak radiological cleanup All matters relating to nuclear safety and security for the Air Force come under command of the Air Force The agency has 1,150 personnel assigned (44% mili- Inspector General (lG) TWOagencies of the IG, the Direc- tary, 56% civilian], including 550 at its Field Command tor of Nuclear Security and the Office of Security Police, at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico perform safety and security missions, with worldwide Military Services responsibilities in these areas The Directorate of Nuclear The military services~theAir Force, Army, Navy, Surety of the Air Force Inspection and Safety Center at and Marine Corps3Q-are the ultimate customers for the Kiriland Air Force Base, New Mexico, inspects nuclear nuclear weapons produced by the DOE They develop units and assures nuclear safety and compliance with requirements for a particular warhead to satisfy the oper- security regulations ational needs and designate its required "Military Char- The functions of research, development, testing, and acteristics " They then fund, manage, and support the nroduction within the Air Force are centralized within DOD-furnished portions of the nuclear warhead in the the Air I'nrr.e Syst~nisCnmmand(AFSCI, with headquar- development stage and take custody of the completed terb a1 Audrewb Air Forc~Baw. hlaiyland Through labo- nuclear weapon upon delivery by DOE During the life of ratories, research centers, and operating divisions, the the nuclear warhead the Services provide logistics sup- AFSC conducts basic research, exploratory and port, transportation, security, and maintenance, under advanced development, and acquisition of Air Force the guidance and standards of the OSD, JCS, and DNA nuclear delivery systems and warhead components The Air Force. The Air Force is the youngest mili- The Air Force Weapons Laboratory, an AFSC tary service and includes the U S strategic aviation and subordinate organization, is the lead Air Force agency for aerospace forces Nuclear warheads currently developed nuclear weapons R&D (see Chapter Two) AFWL func- under Air Force guidances and for Air Force use include tions include: intercontinental ballistic missiles [TITAN 11, MINUTE- MAN lI and 111, MX, Small ICBM), air- and ground- preparation of Phase 1 studies; launched cruise missiles, air-to-surface missiles [SRAM participation with DOE and other DOD agencies and SRAM IT), and nuclear bombs (B28,643, B53, B57, in Phase 2 studies; B61, B83) The Air Force also has primary responsibility origination of Military Characteristics and Stock- for developing and procuring nuclear bombs used by pile-to-Target Sequences for Air Force nuclear Navy and Marine Corps aviation It also serves as custo- warheads; and dian for nuclear bombs allocated to allied Air Forces participation in safety studies, Project Officer The Assistant Secretary of the Air Force ("Research, meetings, Design Review and Acceptance Group Development, andLogistics) is the primary staff officer of [DRAAG] meetings the Secretary of the Air Force responsible for overseeing the development and acquisition of Air Force nuclear Three divisions of AFSC and one office also act as weapons The Chief of Staff of the Air Force is the senior product subcommands: Aeronautical Systems Division, military officer of the department and a member of the Electronics Systems Division, Space Division, ahd the Joint Chiefs of Staff He is the principal Air Force advisor Ballistic Missile Office The Aeronautical Systems Divi-

9 The Cuast Guard ia also a inililury ssezvize 110 Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II sion (ASD), at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, tion munitions (ADMs) are also developed for use by the develops and acquires aircraft and subsystems ASU Marine Corps, and ADMs fur the Navy work includes such programs as B-52 offensive avionics The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Research, and integration of the air-launched cruise missile with Development, and Acquisition) is the Secretary of the the B-52, B-lB, and the Advanced Technology Bomber Army's principal advisor on development and acquisi- [ATB] ("Stealth") The Air Force Wright Aeronautical tion of Army weapon systems The Chief of Staff, through Laboratories of ASD supervises the work of the Air Force his direction over the Army staff (also called the General Ariuiiiu Laburalury, the Flight Dynamics Laboratory. Staff), coordinates Army decisions relating to nuclear and the Air Force Materials Laboratorv All of these work weapons on nuclear weapons components anddelivery systems The Chief of Staff of the Army ranks as the senior Electronic Systems Division (ESD), located at Han- military uffiiei of the ~e~artmentoftho Army He sits

scorn Air Force Base, Massachusetts, manages electron- ~ nt ~ tinder~ the~ ~,~ loint~- Chiets Stntt find isthenrinrinal advisor ics and command andcontrol systems Space Division, at to the President on Army matters, SECDEF, and Secre- Los Angeles Air Force Station, California, manages all tary of the Army Finally, he supervises and commands space-related activities Its Space Technology Center at Army forces Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico supervises the Within the Army staff, the Nuclear and Chemical work of AFWL (described above) and other laboratories Directorate (DAMO-NC) in the Officeof the Deputy Chief Among these are the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, of Staff for Operations and Plans (ODCSOPS] is the "focal Hanscom Air Force Base, Massachusetts, which con- point for nuclear and chemical warfare and NBC ducts research and advanced development in geophys- [Nuclear, Biological, Chemical] matters and shall act as ics, including nuclear modeling for the DNA The Air the principal adviser to the SA [Secretary of the Army], Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory, Edwards Air Force CSA [Chief of Staff of the Army), and ARSTAF [Army Base, California conducts research, and exploratory and Staff] for these matters "11 The Director of DAMO-NC advanced development of rocket propulsion technology, acts for the DCSOPS on most nuclear matters, is one of including work on the MX, air-launched missiles, two Army members on the MLC, and also commands the SRAM, TITAN, and MINUTEMAN US Army Nuclear and Chemical Agency The Ballistic Missile Office, at Norton Air Force Base, California, handles all Air Force design, develop ment, and acquisition of ballistic missile systems, He is responsible for monitoring, coordinating, and including the MX,Small ICBM, and new reentry vehi- integrating Department of the Army efforts in all mat- cles It also operates the Space and Missile Test Organiza- ters involving nuclear and chemical weapon opera- tions and NBC defense including, but not limited to, tion (SAMTO) (see Chapter Two) weapon system and equipment development; weapon The Directorate of Special Weapons of the Air Force system design: reliability, safety, and security; Logistics Command, located at the San Antonio Air employment and deployment policy; nuclear and Logistics Center at Kelly Air Force Base, Texas, provides chemical weapon system operational testing; and day-to-day management and logistics support to the force survivability His responsibilities do not nuclear warheads under the operational control of the include nuclear reactors O2 Air Force '"'10 addition, the Directorate supervises three Air Force Aviation Depot Squadrons These, in turn. operate central nuclear weapons depots and provide The Directorate has broad responsibilities relative to maintenance services at Barksdale Air Force Base, Loui- employment, deployment, operations, training, safety, siana; Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada; and Kirtland Air and arms control policy It coordinates Army views and Force Base, New Mexico positions within the DOD relating to "material needs for The Army. The Department of the Army is DOD's theater nuclear [weapons] 'j43 DAMO-NC compiles Army senior service It is responsible for the support and prepa- contributions to the nonstrategic nuclear forces sections ration of land forces Nuclear warheads currently devel- of key planning documents The Directorate also deter- oped under Army guidance and for Army use include mines Army requirements for nuclear forces and 155mm and 8-inch nuclear artillery projectiles, NIKE- resources, prepares joint DOE-DOD Phase 1 studies, HERCULES surface-to-air missiles, surface-to-surface approves Army nuclear weapons Stockpile-to-Target missiles (HONEST JOHN, LANCE, PERSHING la, PER- documents, and coordinates the Army stockpile reliabil- SHING II), and atomic demolition munitions The Army ity program. In addition, the Directorate is responsible maintains custody of its nuclear warheads used by allied for "developing and expressing Army policy for achiev- forces, including two nuclear weapons [NIKE-HERCU- ngnational weapon BMD [Ballistic Missile Defense] in LES and HONEST JOHN) that are no longer used by U S coordination with the BMD Program Manager and in forces Nuclear artillery projectiles and atomic demoli- consonance with military objectives ""

93 mid p -1 w Ibid

Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II 111 The Army Nuclear and Chemical Agency (ANCA) With headquarters in Alexandria. Virginia, AMC con- (see Chapter Two) is the staff agency of the DCSOPS that trols Army development of nuclear weapons through conducts research and development activities dealing product suhcommands, laboratories, proving grounds, with nuclear weapons It is also responsible for the safety and testing ranges The Deputy Commanding General for and security of nuclear weapons The Director of the Research, Development, and Acquisition also serves as ANCA is also the Director of Strategy Plans and Policy the ExecutiveDirectnr for Chemical and Nuclear Matters within the DCSOPS Like the Air Force Weapons Labora- An AMC Field Office at Kirtland Air Force Base, New tory of the Air Force. ANCA prepares most nuclear war- Mexico performs liaison with the DNA Field Command, head requirements documents (Military Characteristics, AFWL, NWEF, and other nuclear weapons organizations Stockpile-to-Target Sequences), and participates in Pro- in New Mexico gram Officer Groups during warhead development The major subcommand of AMC responsible for Whereas the DCSOPS formulates overall Army nuclear weapons is the Army Armament Munitions end requirements for nuclear weapons, the Deputy Chief of Chemical Command (AMCCOM),headquartered at Rock Staff for Research, Development and Acquisition Island Arsenal, Illinois AMCCOM is the Army manager (DCSRDA) is the principal staff office responsible for and developer of nuclear weapons including nuclear nuclear hardware issues and programs The office artillery, rocket and missile warhead sections, atomic monitors demolition munitions, and fire control systems The Army Armament Research and Development Center, in research, development, testing, evaluation, acquisi- Dover, New Jersey, is the armament R&D arm of AMC- tion, and maintenance engineering of nuclear and COM chemical projectiles, warhead sections, replacement Within AMC, a program, project, or product manager items. delivery systems (less ABM], nuclear cratering is designated to supervise the total development of major and demolition devices, and nuclear, chemical, and weapons systems Currently, there are three managers radiological defensive hardware and equipment 45 involved in the development of nuclear weapons: Joint Tactical Missile Systems (ITACMS),Nuclear Munitions, Within theDCSRDA, the Director of Combat Support and PERSHING Systems [DAMA-CS) is the principal nuclear weapons- The Nuclear Munitions Proiect Office within AMC related staff officer and the second Army member of the has responsibility for life-cycle management of nuclear MLC The Director develops procurement plans and weapons in the custody of the Army Specific responsi- budgets, and provides guidance to materiel developers bilities of the Project Office include: In coordination with DOE, the Director manages Army nuclear warhead programs "from exploratory develop- life-cycle management, to include development, ment through operational system development and procurement, production, product improvement, acquisition phase" and prepares joint DOE-DOD Phase 2 product assurance, safety, stockpile reliability, and Phase 3 studies and projects This Directorate is also integrated logistics support, and new equipment responsible for testing the quality assurance and reliabil- training; ity of Army nuclear warheads serving as lead project officer for Army nuclear As the primary Army staff logistics agent, the Deputy weapon system& Chief of Staff for Logistics [DCSLOG) is responsible for . chairine Phase 2 feasibility studies; developing policy and funding requirements for the chairing Design Review and ~cceptanceGroup maintenance, supply, and logistical aspects of nuclear (DRAAG); warheads, including stockpile surveillance and reliabil- providing chairmen for joint test working groups ity programs In addition, all materiel management of and nuclear weapons subsystems; and Army nuclear weapons, including the custody and * providing the principal Army members for con- accountability of nuclear warheads, repair and supply figuration control groups and Joint Task Groups parts, and nuclear materials falls under the DCSLOG 46 The Chief of Engineers (COE) is also responsible for Other suhcornmands of AMC with nuclear weapons some nuclear matters, including the Army Nuclear resyuiisibilitius include: Power Program, and nuclear reactor research and devel- opment, construction, and operations 47 the Depot Systems Command in Chumbersburg, Army Materiel Command The functions of Pennsylvania, which operates the Army's two research, development, test and evaluation, procurement central nuclear storage and maintenance depots: and production, and logistics support of Army weapons Sierra Army Depot in Herlong, California, and system are under the Army Materiel Command (AMC) 48 Seneca Army Depot in Romulus, New York;

4s CSR.5 I4 p 7 48 AMC was fdythe Army Materiel Developmaiit and Readiness Command 40 CSR S 14 pp 8-9 [DARCOM) which was redesimatedhy MaterielCommd nil 1August 1985 47 CSR 5 14 0 11 112 Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume If 4 Decisionmakers-DODINavylMarine Corps

the Test and Evaluation Command at Aberdeen The Chief of Naval Operations [CNO) is the senior Proving Ground, Maryland, which operates the military officer of the Department of the Navy and a Army testing grounds [see Chapter Two]; and member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff He is the principal the Army Missile Command at Redstone Arsenal. Navy advisor to the President, SECDEF, and Secretary of in Huntsville, Alabama, which manages the the Navy He supervises and commands the Navy and research, development, acquisition, and logistic Marine Corps Under the CNO, the Office of Naval War- support of tactical nuclear missilcs (including fare (OP-095) coordinates doctrine, strategy, and force PRKSIIINC; la fi II. MKl-:-HI-:l<(:lll.l-:S.1'l'Al:M.S. levels, while the Office of Research, Development, Test, LANCE, and HONEST JOHN) and Evaluation (OP-098) coordinates weapons develop- ment The Undersea & Strategic Warfare and Nuclear The laboratories of AMC involved in nuclear weap- Energy Development Division [OP-981) of the Office is the principal Navy hardware staff office involved in the ons work include9 development of nuclear weapons The Director of OP- Army Ballistic Research Laboratory, Aberdeen 981 is one of two Navy members on the MLC The Deputy Chiefs of Naval Operations (DCNOs] act Proving Ground, Maryland, which performs R&D as principal advisors to the CNO with respect to force 00 propulsion dynamics, launch and flight levels and characteristics of weapon systems DCNOs dynamics, warhead dynamics, terminal and responsible for nuclear weapons include: DCNO [Sub- nuclear weapons effects, primary laboratory for marine Warfare) (OP-021; DCNO [Surface Warfare)[OP- design of nuclear artillery; Harry Diamond Laboratories, Adelphi, Maryland 03); DCNO (Air Warfare) [OP-05); and DCNO [Plans, Pol- - icy, and Operations) (OP-06) The Director, Anti-subma- performs R&D on fire control, fuzing (PERSHING rioe Warfare [ASW] and Ocean Surveillance Program 11, 8-inch and 155mnl nuclear artillery projec- [OP-095). also coordinates requirements for ASW weap- tiles), warhead electronics, nuclear wea~nns ons effects; and Within the office of the DCNO [Plans, Policy, and Belvoir R&D Center, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, which Operations) is the Strategic and Theater Nuclear Warfare is resoonsible for uhvsical security and mobility A - Division (OP-651, the main Navy office coordinating equipment operational requirements and plans related to nuclear weanons The Director of the Division is the second Navv The Training and Doctrine Command [TRADOC), member of the MLC He coordinate's Navy r~~iiirempnts headquartered at Fort Monroe, Virginia, trains personnel in fi similnr fashion to the work of the IX;SOPS of the Air to employ nuclear weapons, and develops Army nuclear Force and Army doctrine and requirements The Commandant of the Marine Corps is also a des- The Navy and Marine Corps. The Department of the ignated observer on the MLC His Deputy Chief of Staff Navy includes both the Navy and Marine Corps services for Research, Development and Systems in HQ, Marine Navy nuclear warheads in use or currently being devel- Corps (HQMC] is the principiil staff officer responsible oped include submarine-launched ballistic missiles for acquisition of new systems Marine Corps staff repre- [POSEIDON, TRIDENT I. TRIDENT 111, the TOMAHAWK sentation is found in all Navy organizations which deal sea-launched cruise missile, TERRIER and STANDARD 2 with Marine Corps nuclear weapons surface-to-air missiles, and anti-submarine rockets [SUB- The Naval Weapons Evaluation Facility advises, ROC, ASROC, vertical launch ASROC [VLA), SEA assists, and provides technical support to the CNO on all LANCE ASW Standoff Weapon] Nuclear bombs used by matters related to naval nuclear weapons (see Chapter Navy and Marine Corps aviation components, as well as Two) It conducts feasibility studies on new concepts marine nuclear artillery and atomic demolition muni- and design criteria for future naval nuclear weapons tions, are the primary ievelupment rrtspuitsibility of the (Phase 1 and 2 studies) and prepares Military Character- Air Force and Armv, resoectiv~lv The Navv maintains istics and Stockpile-to-Target- Sequences for new Naval custody of nuclear depthbombs for allied forces nuclear weapons

~llmatters related to research, development, engi- The Chief~ of- ~Naval ~ ~~ Materiel.~. under the CNO.. snnei-A neerine. test and evaluation within the Navv come under vises and commands all Navy research, development, the purview of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy test and evaluation The Office of Naval Materiel consists (Research, Engineering, and Systems) [ASN[R,E&S)], of the five systems commands~AirSystems Command, who operates through four program Directors: Strategic Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Sea Sys- Programs, Air Programs, Surface Programs, and Subma- tems Command. Facilities Engineering Command, and rineIAnti-submarine Programs Supply Systems Command-project management offices

Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II 113 Decisionmakers~DOD/Navy/MarineCorps

I operati- Offices I

Snurre: DOE

Figure 4 4 The Department of Energy

(and Joint project offices), and research and development and mound cruise missiles: and centers and laboratories The Naval Space and Naval Theater Nuclear Warfare Project (PM23): respon- Warfare Systems Command develops all air- and ship- sible for the management of the development, board-delivered nuclear weapons The Naval Sea Sys- procurement, and life-cycle support of theater terns Command is responsible for nuclear weapons safety nuclear warheads studies, and nuclear storage and security Stockpile eval- Under the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Com- uation and reliability management for all Navy and mand. there are a number of R&D centers and laboratories Marine nuclear warheads is provided by the NMC that also perform work related to nuclear weapons and through the Naval Weapons Station, Seal Beach, Califor- delivery systems: nia Currently there are four project offices of the Office . David W Taylor Naval Ships R&D Center, Carder- of Naval Materiel that oversee the life-cycles of nuclear ock, Maryland: RDT&E for naval vehicles, ships, weapons and delivery systems: and logistics; . Naval Ocean Svstems Center, San Diego,-. Califor- Strategic Systems Project Office (PM1): responsi- nia: R&D on ASW nuclear weapons; ble for the development, acquisition, and opera- Naval Surface Weapons Center. Dahlgren, Vu-

tional suii~ortA A of Fleet Ballistic Missile (FBM1 ginia: the principle Navy RDT&E center for sur- systems; face-ship weapon systems, ordnance, mines, and TRIDENT System Project Office (PM2): responsi- strategic systems support including nuclear war- ble for the develoument and de~lovmentof the head fuzing and anti-submarine warfare develop- TRIDENT submarine and missile systems; ment (through its White Oak. Maryland Joint Cruise Missile Project Office fJPM3):respon- laboratory); - sible for the development of all long-range sea Naval Undersea Warfare Engineering Station Key-

50 Naval Mrtmiel Command "D~si~iudtiiinof Theater Nuclear Wadare [TTIW) Project NAVMAT INSTRUCTIONM30 92 24 June 1991 p 1 114 Nuclear Weapons Databook. Volume II Inttlgeme Mceat B-scurcesW1CI mlcand Rwmments T6Cflt*)!Èa 1 me" 1 8menwmo 7 "A- ",#*- "-.on

Figure 4 5 Defense Programs Organization

port, Washington: conducts RDT&E of nuclear- Department of Energy capable ASW weapons through its detachment at The Department of Energy, like other federal depart- Balking Sands, Hawaii; ment&, is iruiinizcd liiuiiirctiicaliy Headquarters and

Naval Underwater Systems Center, Newport, offices~ -~~~~ are located at the Forrpstal Bnilding in Washing- Rhode Island: RDT&E of submarine weapon sys- ton, D C and in Germantown, Maryland g he senior offi- tems; and cial is the Secretary of Energy, who together with his . Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, California: Deputy and Under Secretaries supervises eight Assistant principal Navy RDT&Ecenter for air warfare, mis- Secretaries (see Figure 4 4) Below the assistant level sile systems, cruise missiles, and anti-submarine come Deputy Assistant Secretaries, Office Directors, rockets and missiles Division Directors, and Branch Chiefs The principal office responsible for nuclear warheads is the Assistant The Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal Facility, at Secretary for Defense Programs Indian Head, Maryland, is responsible for joint RDT&E Assistant Secretary Defense Programs and training of explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) and The Assistant Secretary for Defense Programs establishes safe procedures for nuclear warheads within [ASDP] is the principal advisor to the Secretary on the DOD national security matters and the manager of the nuclear

Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II 115 Figure 4 E Military Application weapon program and weapon complex He also manages Weapons Inforn~ation programs for: nuclear materials production, interna- Control access and authorize communication of tional security affairs, safeguards and security, classifica- weapon data in oral or written form; and tion, defense nuclear waste, inertial confinement fusion, Assist the United Kingdom in nuclear weapons and intelligence To help carry out these responsibilities, design, development, and fabrication activities a principal Deputy and four Deputy Assistant Secretaries oversee nine program offices (see Figure 4 5) Weapons Development and Testing Deputy Assistant Secretary for Military Applica- Participate in the development of policy and tion. Within the Office of Military Application(0MA)are guidance on nuclear weapons research, develop- divisions and branches that formulate-plans and policies ment, and testing programs: and and direct the nuclear weapon research, development, Develop, for Presidential approval, guidance to testing, and production programs (see Figure 4 6) The field activities for the conduct of the annual Deputy Assistant Secretary for Military Application also underground testing program and prepare for the serves in a dual capacity as Director of the Office of Mili- ASDP the underground nuclear tests planning tary Application and is responsible for the Officeof Iner- directive tial Fusion By statute the Director of Military Application must be a military officer Systems Safety Some specific responsibilities of the various Serve as the DOE contact with the DOD and the Branches are: Services for all matters concerned with the safety and security of nuclear warheads; and Production Operations Coodinate the development of the joint DODIDOE Direct and monitor nuclear weapon production, Annual Report to the President on Nuclear Weap- modifications, retirement, disposal, quality assur- ons Surety ance, and reliability assessment programs; Develop, publish, distribute, and maintain the The Division of Planning prepares, with the DOD, currency of the DOE Nuclear Weapons Produc- the annual NWSM for Presidential approval, the Nuclear tion and Planning Directive; and Weapon Program Plan, and prepares and distributes A Coordinate MLC matters History of the Nuclear Weapons Stockpile The Division also provides OMA input to nuclear material planning Production Management documents The DOE is represented on the Joint [DODI Develop planning for the design, development, DOE) Atomic Information Exchange Group, which trans- testing, and production of new nuclear weapons mits nuclear weapon information (Restricted DataIFor- and components; merly Restricted Data) to foreign governments - Monitor the weapons complex quality assurance The Officeof Inertial Fusion is responsible for plan- program; ning, developing, coordinating, and supervising the pro- Maintain liaison between DO0 program offices grams for research, development, demonstration, and and DOE laboratories and the warhead nroduc- utilization of laser and particle beam initiated inertial tion complex; and fusion for military and domestic energy application Monitor material sources and availability neces- Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Materials. sary for nuclear warhead production The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Materials

116 Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II Figure 4 7 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Materials oversees two offices-Nuclear Materials, and Defense Deputy Assistant Secretary for Security Affairs. The Waste and Byproducts Management~eachwith three Deputy Assistant Secretary for Security oversees three divisions (see Figure 4 7) Responsibilities of the divi- offices dealing with Classification, International Secur- sions are: ity, and Safeguards and Security (see Figure 4 81

The internotion01 Security Office The Materials Processing Division + Develops and produces the sensors and devices to Manages the processing of production reactor fuel monitor foreign nuclear explosions conducted and targets; underground, in the atmosphere, and in space, Manages tritium production and the recovery of and to monitor compliance with nuclear weapons Pu-238 and transplutonium materials from spe- related treaties; cial reactor targets; and Controls exports of nuclear and energy-related - Develops technology for new and improved materials, equipment, and technology to ensure chemical processing capabilities they are consistent. with U S national security and with nonproliferation policy; and The Production Operations Division . Provides technical and analytical support for Provides program management for the operations DOE'S role in nuclear arms control negotiations, of the production reactors, fuel fabrication facili- policy formulation, and implementation ties, reactor feed plants, and other facilities to produce nuclear materials for warheads; The Office of Safeguards and Security Directs program to develop new and improved Develops measures to protect DOE nuclear war- technology for nuclear materials production; and heads, nuclear materials, facilities, and classified Provides near- and long-term planning with DOD information against theft and sabotage by "ter- and the Planning Division of OMA to develop the rorists, criminals, psychotics, disgruntled annual NWSM employees, and anti-nuclear extremists "51

The Office of Defense Waste and Byproducts Man- The Office of Classification agement is responsible for the storage, transportation, Executes the DOE classification program, devel- and disposal of nuclear wastes generated from the mate- oping criteria for the classification and declassifi- rial production facilities, the naval propulsion reactor cation of Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted and test reactor programs, and the warhead component Data, and National Security Information within facilities Byproduct management includes the use of tri- DOE'S jurisdiction in accordance with require- tium, cesium, krypton, strontium, and noble metals ments of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as recovered from nuclear waste for military and civilian amended, Executive Order 12065 and successor application laws and statutes

51 HAG PY lfl8S.EWDA Part6,p 876 Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II 117 Source: OOE J Figure 4 8 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Security Affairs

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intelligence. In Janu- ary of 1984 the Secretary of Energy decided to upgrade the importance of the intelligence function within DOE and created the post of Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intelligence within Defense Programs The Secretary transferred to him the Division of Intelligence that had been under the Office of International Security Affairs This Deputy Assistant Secretary also acts as DOE'S Senior Intelligence Officer, reporting directly to the Sec- retary (see Figure 4 9) While the Department of Energy has no intelligence- c':gibns-i.ySuuHi gathering functions,52 relying for information on the CIA 1 ~;ra and DOD, it conducts technical analyses of nuclear weapons developments Smiife: DDE Figure 4 9 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intelligence The Division of Weapons Intelligence Identifies the threat to U S weapons from foreign capability; ties include the representation of DOE on other intelli- Determines and assesses the differences between gence and counterintelligence collection related subcommittees and working groups within the Intelli- U S and Soviet weapon design practices Main- gence Community and on selected National Intelligence tains programs to insure that a future Comprehen- sive Test Ban does not place the United States at a Estimate panels disadvantage; Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy Characterizes and assesses past and present Three programs under the Assistant Secretary for . Nuclear Energy (ASNE) are weapon-related The Naval Soviet and Chinese nuclear weapon design tech- Nuclear Propulsion Program [NNPP] is a joint program of nologies and philosophies; and Monitors the Soviet and Chinese weapons com- the DOE and the Department of the Navy The Director of NNPP (is the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations) plex also serves as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Naval Reac- tors (DOE) and Deputy Commander for Nuclear Propul- The Division of Technology Intelligence sion, Naval Sea Systems Command 5.3 Prepares intelligence studies for the purpose of The NNPP commands all matters concerning the developing national estimates regarding nuclear nuclear propulsion of naval ships and submarines This proliferation includes the design, development, and testing of propul- sion plants and reactor cores Development work is car- The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for ried out at Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, Intelligence also represents the DOE on the Signals Intel- Schenectady, New York, and Bettis Atomic Power Labo- ligence [SIGINT),Photographic Intelligence (PHOTINT]. ratory, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, operated for DOE by and Human Intelligence (HUMINT] Committees of the Westinghouse Electric Corporation and General Electric Director of Central Intelligence Additional responsibili- Company respectively The NFS Erwin (Tennessee) plant [see Chapter Three) fabricates naval nuclear fuel

53 Ex&~uUvcOrder 123?3 US liltel1le~~iceActiiJtii~ 53 See Exe~uliveOrder 12344 1 Ftbtuw 1962 In HAS FT 3982 DOT p 10-12 118 Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II Decisionmakers-Congress

The ASNE is also responsible for research in space power systems that would supply prime power for a Table 4 1 number of Strategic Defense Initiative platforms and other systems These applications include multime- Military Liaison Committee gawatt power for non-Nuclear-Driven Directed Energy Weapons [NDEW);space-based radar systems; communi- Chainnadssistant to the Secretary of Defense cations, command, control, and intelligence; cryogenic (Atomic Energy) cooling of non-reactor power sources; tracking systems; Executive Secreuw and sensing systems Specific space power activities Department of Army include: the SF-100 program, whose R&D focus is on a Director. Combat Support Systems, Deputy Chief of 300 kilowatt electric reactor to satisfy onboard space Staff for Research. Development 6 Acquisition electrical power requirements; the Dynamic Isotope iDAMA-CSZ-A1 Power System program, whose R&D focus is on power Director, Nuclear and Chemical Directorate. Deputy systems in the one to ten kilowatt range for a surveillance Chief of Staff for Operations 6 Plans iDAMO-NCI and tracking system; and a multimegawatt power pro- DpnofMany gram, whose R&D focus is on steady state and burst Director, Undersea and Strategic Warfare 6 Nuclear power requirements greater than one megawatt, which Energy Development Division. CNO, Office of could be used for space or ground power applications Research. Development, Test and Evaluation LNOP- SBll The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Uranium Enrich- Director, Strategic 6 Theater Nuclear Warfare ment is responsible for uranium enrichment at the gase- Division, Deputy Chief of Naval Operation, Plans. ous diffusion plants, development of new enrichment Policy and Operations (OP-651 technology, and assessing of U S and foreign uranium Department of the Air Fwce resources Director, Directorate of Operational Requirements, Operations Offices Deputy Chief of Staff Research Development 6 DOE follows a decentralized management approach Acquisition 1AF/BDDl Operations Offices and their subsidiary Area Offices are Director, Directorate of Plans, UepW Chief of Staff charged with ensuring execution of the programs that Plans 6. Operations tAFiXOX1 are, in large measure, defined by the program offices at msswers DOE Headquarters Headquarters' role is to develop pro- Commandant. U S Marine Corps gram goals, formulate plans and budgets, provide man- Director, Defense Nuclear Agency agement and direction, and assure accomplishment The Assistant Deputy Director for Force Development & Operations Offices and other field offices report formally Strategic Plans. J-5 Plans and Policy. Joint Chiefs to the Secretary through the Undersecretary of Staff The establishment of the field office system began Director of Military Application. Deputy Assistant Secretary for Military Application, Assistant with the first General Manager of the Atomic Energy Secretary for Defense Programs, Department of Commission Initially there were Operations Offices at Energy New York, Chicago, Hanford, Santa Fe, and Oak Ridge By 1971 four more had been added- Savannah River, Idaho Falls, Nevada, and San Francisco The New York office was later closed, and the Albuquerque office offices report to the Undersecretary primarily through replaced Santa Fe the Director of the Office of Energy Research The Idaho The Albuquerque Operations Office [ALO) oversees and Richland offices report through the Assistant Secre- plans and schedules for warhead production at all seven tary for Nuclear Energy However, each of these field facilities in the warhead production complex The offices provides support and contract management serv- Nevada Operations Office [NVO) manages the Nevada ices to the ASDP For instance, the San Francisco office Test Site and oversees engineering, construction, and manages the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, logistical'support activities The national laboratories while...... Chicaeo. " manaees- the New Brunswick Laboratorv report directly to the ASDP and the ASDP program direc- in Argonne, Illinois Only three operations office& tors (primarily OMA], while field offices provide their Albuquerque, Nevada, and Savannah River-report contract administration exclusively through the ASDP The Savannah River Operations Office (SRO) is responsible to the ASDP for management oversight of all Congressional Committees Savannah River facilities and laboratories The Oak The Congress exercises its constitutional control Ridge Operations office manages facilities at the Oak over the military forces by the enactment of legislation, Ridge Reservation, the Paducah and Portsmouth Gaseous including that involving appropriations, and by other Diffusion Plants, and the Ferna'ld and Ashtabula Plants actions that are incident to the enactment of legislation, The Chicago, Oak Ridge, and San Francisco Operations such as hearings and investigations Long-established

Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II 119 Decisionrnakers-Congress congressional procedure requires that the appropriation of money be preceded by separate authorizing legisla- Military Characteristics and tion Stockpile-to-Target Sequence. More than half of the commitlees in each house may Military Characteristics The MC report consider legislation of interest to the military services states performance requirements and physical However, the committees with major oversight and legis- characteristics for those parts of a nuclear lative responsibility for nuclear weapons are the House weapon that are the sole responsibility of the and Senate Armed Services Committees and the House DOE to design, develop, certify, and produce and Senate Appropriations Committees and their sub- The report begins as a statement of DOD perfor- committees (sec Table 4 2) A number of other commit- mance objectives [e g ,yield, weight, size, fuzing tees address UOU activities and nuclear weapons. options), and key parameters (physical func- although they have less impact upon acquisition matters tional, environmental, vulnerability, safety, and Tlicy can demand Rcporis and conduct Hearings Among reliability) Preliminary MCs are prepared by the the mure important Senate and House Committees are: requesting military service and included in the Phase 1 report Upon formal acceptance by DOE, Budget; final MCs are included as part of the Phase 3 Energy and Natural ResnurcesIEnergy and Com- study After approval by the MLC, they are pub merce: nuclear materials and nuclear prulifera- tished and distributed by the Defense Nuclear tion; Agency Senate Governmental AffairsIHouse Government StockpiIe-to-Target Sequence STS reports Operations: operations in general, the handling supplement MC by describing the logistical and and sale of property; ouerational concents for the warhead and the Foreign RelationsForeign Affairs: arms control delivery systems These reports also describe the and regional policy; and physical environments through which the science and ~echnolo~~ nuclear warhead will pass STS also defines the logistics involved in moving nuclear warheads to and from the stockpile for quality assurance test- ing, modification and retrofit, and the recycling Table 4 2 and replenishment of "limited life components" Congressional Committees and (e g ,tritium reservoirs) The STS begins in Phase Subcommittees with Direct Nuclear 1 and is continuously reviewed and revised Warhead Acquisition Responsibilities throughout the life of the warhead (1985)

House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense Subcommittee On Energy and Water Development 1DOEI House Committee on Armd Services Subcommittee on Investigation Subcommittee on procurement 6 Military Nuclear Systems 1DOEI Subcommittee on Research and Develo~ment Subcommittee an Seapower & strategic & Critical Materials Senate Committee on Awro~riations. . Sbbconmitcxc on Dctcnsc Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development Senate Committee on Armed Services Subcumm tkn un Defense Acqusi=un Policy Subcommittee on Strategic & Theater N~clearForces lDDE1 Subcommitee on Sea Power and Force Projection

120 Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II

Uranium Mining

Chapter Five - Nuclear Materials Production Technologies and Processes

This chapter describes basic technologies and pro- Uranium ore more than 150 meters below the surface cesses widely used or being perfected to produce nuclear is generally recovered from underground mines These materials, especially in the United States The descrip- mines are worked from vertical or inclined shafts, tions are meant to inform without undue technical depending on depth and geologic conditions As deeper detail 1 The topics covered are uranium mining and mill- deposits are developed, vertical shafts that range in ing, uranium enrichment, production reactor operations, depth to a maximum of about 900 meters are used nuclear fuel processing, and heavy water production The main (production) shafts in modern mines are circular and concrete-lined with inside diameters rane- Uranium Mining and Milling2 ing from 3 to 5 meters Extending out from the main shaft, In the last forty years, uranium has developed from a tunnels called haulage drifts extend horizontally below commodity of minor commercial use to one vital for the ore bodies The drifts, usually 2 5 by 2 7 meters in nuclear weapons and for producing electrical energy cross-section with a 1 percent upward gradient, facilitate Most uranium ores mined in the United States lie in ore removal and mine drainage Finally, openings called sandstone deposits of New Mexico, Wyoming, Colorado. raises are established between the haulage drift and the Texas. Utah, and Arizona Recently the concentration of ore layers Raises provide access for miners, materials, uranium oxide [Ua08) in processed ore has averaged fresh air, exhaust air, and broken ore Raises are generally about 0 12 percent The efficiency of recovery has risen about 1 2 meters in diameter and are steel-lined to a historical high of about 96 percent, from a low of less To facilitate removal, ore bodies are divided into than 90 percent in 1978 Historical trends of processed suitably sized blocks called slopes that can be conve- ore grades, and efficiencies of U30a recovery are shown niently mined First, a network of drifts (tunnels) is in Figure 5 1 developed within the ore body, removing 30 to 35 per- Open pit and underground mines coupted with con- cent of the ore and providing access to the remainder, ventional mills account for most annual uranium wn- which is then extracted The commonly used "stoping" centrate production in the United States (about 70 method, called "modified room-and-pillar," entails a percent in 1983) Uranium is also recovered by solution drift network of 2 meter by 2 meter tunnels called devel- mining (8 percent of capacity, mainly in Texas); noncon- opment drifts These drifts are driven in the ore body to ventional means as a byproduct of the production of produce a series of pillars, 12 meters by 12 meters in phosphoric acid from phosphate rock (in mills along the cross-section Gulf Coast); and by heap leaching (see below) of dumps Ore extraction usually begins from the far end of the and tailings containing low uranium concentrations mine As the pillars are removed, the roof is sometimes allowed to cave in (if the area is not below the water Mining3 table) After blasting, the loose ore is removed to the near- Conventionally, uranium ore is recovered by deep est stope exit There it is hauled along the development underground mining and by open pit mining of surface drifts to vertical raises and gravity fed to the haulage deposits Uranium ore deposits in sandstone generally drifts From there it is transported to the main shaft for occur in layers lying parallel to the host rock beds The hoisting to the surface ore bodies are generally irregular in shape and size, rang- Depending on the concentration of the uranium in ing from small deposits only a few meters in width and the ore, the material is shipped by truck to a mill. usually length to deposits tens of meters thick, hundreds of nearby, or piled up at the mine site for recovery of the meters wide, and thousands of meters long The quantity uranium by heap leaching of ore contained in a deposit ranges from a few hundred tons to several million tons

12S Nuclear Weapons Databook,Volume II Uranium Milling

1 Source Scacistiaal Data Df the Uranium InAistry GAD-100lE33 US DOE Grand Junction Areaoffice 1 January 1983 o 47 Perce-nage of Laon n ore pr-ccesseo annJally at U S u-an um mils [A), and tie pe-centage of the contained U30a thqt IF. rmnverpd fR1

Milling for the acid-leach process or to 200 mesh I0 074mml for In the conventional milling process, uranium is the alkaline-lead, process The ores .ire then wet pound extracted from the crude ore and concentrated into an rlassif~er*!. \with water. . added). . --, with th~..aid . nf. thickeners. intermediate semi-refined product, uranium oxide or screens that size the ore and return coarser particles (U30g,or yellowcake] Milling typically increases the for further grinding Water consumption is reduced by uranium oxide content from 0 1 percent in the ore to 85 recirculating mill solutions; for example, by recycling to 95 percent in the concentrate The remainder of the the clarified effluent from the grinding circuit thickener material [essentially the total mass for low-grade ores) is After grinding, the ore is leached to remove ura- dumped into piles of mill tailings Most of the radioactiv- nium Sulphuric-acid leaching is compatible with sev- ity associated with the ore, consisting primarily of eral chemical concentration and purification processes, radium and its daughter products, goes into tailings including ion exchange, solvent extraction, or a combi- Two conventional processes remove uranium from nation of both The slurry from the grinding operation (50 ore: the acid-leach process and the alkaline-leach pro- to 65 percent solids) is discharged into the leaching cir- cess About 80 percent of the current milling is done by cuit, which consists of several tanks in series Sulfuric sulfuric acid leaching When it is not economical to leach acid is continuously added For US mills, acid con- high-alkaline ores with acid, they are leached with an sumption ranges from 20 to 60 kilograms of sulfuric acid alkaline solution Acid leaching is preferred for ores with per metric ton of ore An oxidant (either NaC103 or 12 percent or less limestone Several mills include cir- Mn02)is also continuously added, with the sulfuric acid, cuits for both processes to dissolve uranium in the ore Iron must be present in Figure 5 2 shows a flow diagram of the process at a the solution for the oxidant to be effective Ore leaching conventional mill that produces U30, and solid and liq- proceeds at atmospheric pressure and slightly above uid waste tailings room temperature Most uranium in the ore is dissolved, The first step of conventional milling is crushing as well as other materials such as uranium daughter and grinding the ore to a grain size suitable for leaching products, iron, and aluminum The leaching time is Ore characteristics and the leaching process dictate the about seven hours natural grain size (Alkaline leaching requires much finer After ore leaching is completed, the pregnant liquor grinding ) Belt feeders convey the ore from the crushing containing the dissolved uranium is removed from the circuit to the grinding circuit Samples are taken along tailings solids in what is called the countercurrent the way for routine laboratory analysis "Rod and ball" decantation (CCD) circuit This operation first sends the mills grind the ore to approximately 28 mesh (0 6Ornm) slurry to hydrocyclones [liquid separators] that separate

Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II 123 Uranium Heap-leaching

uranium ore 1

Crushing and Grinding

Acid and Talmas bra Sodium Chlorate (Tailingssand and slimes (Oxidant] or iiqud wastes] Manganese Oxide

Uranium Solvent Stripping Extraction with NaCISolutcn I I -Lzuranium

Source: Adapted from Drafc Btvinonmental Impact Statement for Standardsforthe Controlof Bwoduct Materials from UraniumOre Processin0 IWA 52-31 1-92-022 U 3 Em Wastxngccn DC March 19831

gure 5 2 Flow diagram for the Acid-Leach Process in uranium mill- from uranium ore is tw leaching with sulfuric acid g The most widely used process for recavenng UBOo[yellowcake) the underflow of coarse sand The sand fraction is subse- Hea~-leaching quently washed in a series of classifiers Overflows from Most mills ¬ designed to process uranium ores the classifiers and the hydrocyclones are combined, and of less than 0 04 percent U3O8 Consequently, uranium is the fine suspended solids (slimes) are washed Sub- often extracted from such ores by a heap-leach process 5 stances called flocculants are added to promote settling Heap-leaching also recovers uranium as a byproduct of of the suspended solids The solids are washed with copper mining and in uranium mining when the ore fresh water and the recycled barren raffinate from thesol- body is so small, or situated so far from milling facilities vent extraction circuit After thorough washing, sand and that shipping the ore to a mill is not economical slime is pumped as a slurry to the tailings ponds Ore to be heap-leached is placed upon a gently following solid-liquid separation in the CCD circuit, sloped, impermeable pad and saturated from above with the uranium is recovered from the leach solution by a leaching solution The impermeable pad is generally a organic solvent extraction The "rich" solvent solution is plastic sheet, although asphalt and concrete have been then stripped of its uranium, and the uranium product used A network of pipes and drain tiles collect the prod- solution is further processed into UgOe (yellowcake) uct (leachate) that percolates to the bottom of the ore piles The percolated leachate is recirculated until the

5 I veryby heap-leacliiq is used for low gmde I0 01 to 003 percent U&] mhnt"mnium -8 124 Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II 5 Uranium Enrichment uranium concentration in the solution reaches 0 06 to 0 1 marine reactors The depleted uranium (the enrichment grams of U308per liter The concentrated solution then plant "tai1s"J is fabricated into components [e g , tam- passes through resin ion-exchange columns for uranium pers) of nuclear warheads and into targets for the pluto- extraction nium production reactors Because of its high density it The most commonly used leaching chemicals are is used in a variety of other military and commercial sulfuric acid and ammonium carbonate solutions When applications including antitank bullets and ballast water from the uranium mine is used in the leaching pro- From World War I1 to the present, a number of very cess, uranium in the mine water is also recovered In an different processes have been developed for enriching efficient operation about 80 percent of the uranium is uranium (and other multi-isotope elements, as well) extracted from the ore Heap-leach piles are commonly Early attempts at separating uranium isotopes employed about 100 meters long, 6 to 8 meters high, with beams the electromagnetic process [the Calution), thermal dif- separating the piles in segments about 20 meters wide fusion, gaseous diffusion, and the gas centrifuge Today, gaseous diffusion and the gas centrihge dominate ura- Chemical Conversion nium enrichment worldwide Both enrich a gaseous feed Conversion refers to processes that occur mainly at of uranium hexafluoride (LIFE)molecules of uranium two stages in the fuel cycle: before uranium enrichment atoms compounded with fluorine Coming into use, with and prior to the fabrication of reactor fuel and targets varying degrees of acceptance, are several other isotope Before enrichment in a gaseous diffusion or gas centri- separation methods: laser isotope separation, plasma fuge plant, uranium ore concentrate (principally U,08) is separation, chemical enrichment, and aerodynamic pro- refined and cnnverted into volatile uranium hexafluo- cesses ride (UFJ feed Before fuel fabrication, the uranium must be converted from a form that reflects its earlier process- Enrichment Concepts ing history [variously, UF6 or the oxides UiOn or UOi or Two of the most important concepts underlying UOf) to one suitable for fuel, usually uranium metal or operation of all enrichment plants are material boionce uranium dioxide (UOa) powder, depending upon cir- and separative work cumstances 6 Material Balance Two commercial processes in the United States con- Uranium is neither created nor destroyed in. the vert uranium ore concentrates to U&; the dry process (at enrichment process Material balance implies that the Metropolis, Illinois) and the wet process (at Gore, Okla- amount of uranium that enters an enrichment plant (as homa) Dry processing involves the reduction of the U30n the feed stream) equals the amount that leaves It leaves ore concentrate to uranium dioxide (UOJ, and fluorina- in two streamsÑon containing enriched product with a tion to uranium hexafluoride (UF6), followed by frac- U-235 concentration greater than the feed, and the other tional distillation of the UFe as a final purification step containing depleted uranium tails with a lesser U-235 The first step of wet processing is chemical solvent concentration Despite shifts in the concentration of the extraction to prepare a high-purity uranium trioxide uranium isotopes (e g U-2351, the amount of each iso- (UOa)feed prior to the reduction, hydrofluorination, and tope entering the plant in the feed equals the amount fluorination steps The DOE-owned feed plant at leaving in the product and tails streams Fernald, Ohio, uses the wet process to convert ore con- Suppose, for example, a customer orders 50,000 kg centrates to UOs and UF4 These are both convertable to of 3 percent enriched uranium [containing 1500 kg UFe at the DOE'S gaseous diffusion plant in Paducah, U-235) and the plant operates with a tails assay of 0 2 Kentucky percent To do its job the plant requires afeed of 274,000 kg of natural uranium (containing about 1950 kg U-235) Uranium Enrichment and, along with the desired product, produces a tails Naturally occurring uranium contains only 0 711 stream containing 224,000 kg depleted uranium (con- percent (by weight) of the fissile isotope U-235 along taining450 kg U-235) The amount of material in and out with 99 3 percent of non-fissile U-238 and trace amounts of the plant balances; that is, feed is equal to product pius of U-234 Enrichment processes concentrate the U-235 toils both for the total amount of uranium (274,000 kg = Enriched uranium is used for a wide range of applica- 50,000 kg + 224,000 kg) and for the amount of U-235 tions Enriched to about 1 percent U-235, it fuels pluto- (1950 kg = 1500 kg + 450 kg) nium production reactors (e g , the N-Reactor);to about 3 The second column of Table 5 1gives the quantity of to 4 percent, it fuels commercial light water power reac- feed needed per kilogram of product for the product tors; to about 20 percent or greater, it fuels research and assays contained in. the first column and for a tails assay test reactors; to about 93 5 percent, it is used in US of 0 2 percent Other situations may be calculated nuclear warheads; and to 97 3 percent, it fuels U S sub- directly 7

6 Sav~~in~hRiver is pl*niimn 14 fabrkate lllchly emic'hed pruducli~nreBCloi fuel [i~m F!P = i+ - xrM~XLI [la% by powdernutalhrm whew + = sssay oflhaprodud weight fraction of 11 235 x, = assay of +hi; fd (normally 00071It weightfradion of U-235 and x. - msyof the ~iscadttail3 wemlil fr~~.Honuf U-235 Nuclear Weapons Databank, Volume 11 I25 Uranium Enrichment

Separative Work Separative work measures the effort expended in Enrichment Stage Diagram separating the feed into product and tails Enrichment demands effort; the lamer the concentration of U-235 in the product and the smaller the concentration in the tails, the greater the effort required The amount of separative work is exoressed auantitativelv in kiloaram separative work units(kg swus or simply SWUsl~heseparative Entering Feed X work performed by an enrichment plant (or smaller -m enrichment unit such as a single gas centrifuge machine) is proportional to the quantity of feed (kilograms) and independent of "assay" (the concentration of U-235) In many plants the capital investment is proportional to the separative work capacity, and the annual operating costs are proportional to the amount of separative work done Enrichment services are sold in dollars per SWU; the X, Y, Z: Fraction of U-235 DOE price to commercial customers in 1984 ranged from $138 to $149 per SWU Figure 5 3 Enrichment stage diagram The separative work used by the enrichment plant may also be determined from Table 5 1 The third col- umn shows that the enrichment of natural uranium to 3 Separation Factor percent at tails assay of 0 2 percent requires 4 306 kg The elementary separation factor of a single stage SWU per kilogram of product Thus the production of measures the degree of separation achieved in the 50,000 kg of 3percent enriched uranium requires about enriched stream relative to the depleted stream In the 215.300 SWU enriched stream the atom fraction of U-235 is equal toy, Similarly, one can determine how much 93 percent the atom fraction of U-238 is 1 - y, and the abundance enriched uranium the customer could have acquired for ratio of U-235 to U-238 is defined as y/(l - y] Similarly, the same number of SWUs According to Table 5 1, in the depleted stream, the abundance ratio is given by z/ 235 55 SWU are expended per kilogram of 93 percent (1 - zj The separation factor of the stage is defined as the product at 0 2 percent tails assay, and 181 605 kg of natu- abundance ratio of the enriched stream divided by the ral uranium feed are required Consequently, the expen- abundance ratio of the depleted stream A separation fac- diture of 215,300 SWUs produces only 914 kg of 93 tor of one means that no separation has occurred For a percent enriched uranium and requires about 166,000 kg separation factor just slightly greater than one (e g, of feed 1 0043, typical of a gaseous diffusion stage), many stages SWU requirements in other situations may be calcu- are usually required to achieve the desired degree of sep- lated directly 8 aration Cascade Enrichment Terminology Because the stage separation factor is usually small, Below, a number of terms commonly used in stages are connected in series to form a cascade in order describing the design, construction, and operation of an to achieve the desired separation of U-235 between the enrichment plant are discussed product (enriched) and tails (depleted) streams Stage The cascade illustrated in Figure 5 4 is "tapered," The basic separating unit in an enrichment plant is a with the number of parallel-connected units in each stage A stage, for example, could be a single porous gase- stage (proportional to the stage capacity) decreasing as ous diffusion barrier, a single gas centrifuge, or a number the product and waste ends are approached The separa- of either connected in parallel An entering stream of nat- tive work capacity of the cascade is the sum of the separa- ural uranium with a U-235 assay x = 0 00711 for, more tive capacities (SWU/yrj of the individual stages generally, uranium with any fraction x of U-235 and 1 - x The gas centrifuge plant designed by Urenco pro- of U-238) divides into two streams leaving the stage: an vides a typical example of an enrichment cascade 9 It is enriched (or heads) stream with a U-235 fraction y and a composed of tens of thousands of identical centrifuge depleted (or toils) stream with fraction z (y is greater machines When these are configured for enriching natu- than x and z is less than x ) (See Figure 5 3 ) ral uranium to 3 percent U-235 with 0 2 percent tails,

a The separative work per unit of product may be computedtrum: ForA-ri~~lHimoflh~~)lormalaesne AEC GcttnousDiffusionPlont Opmtions (OakRidec Operatlond Office Report No ORO-684 19731 Sf - lVl=,l- Vlxtll - lKPlIVln1~VMI 9 L'~EAlotcroational ~uclcidr~uel c-n-le ~vduatlotivolumes [wenna 19801 p 54

126 Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II 5 Uranium Enrichment

Table 5 1 Enriching Services*

0 2 Percent Tails Assay 0 2 Percent Tails Assay Standard Table of Enriching Serulees Standard Table of Enriching Services Feed Component Separative Work Feed Component Separative Work INormail Component i~or&ll Compmncnt Product Assay (kg U Feedlkg U (kg SWU/kg U Pmdirct Assay 1kg U Feedlkg U Ikg SWUIkg U lçltÈ/ U-2351 Product) Product1 Iwt. '"0 U-2353 Product) Product! o ooo o non 2 so 4 697 3 441

5 00 5 50 6 00 7 OD BOO 900 10 00 12 DO 14 00

a The equation for SIP in thecable is basedon the separation of a binary rnixtureÑfo minor isotope correction able 5 Iincorporates such e correction on thesaoar-a- exnmnl~ U-235 and U.238 Natural uranium however cmcainaa third is- U

Source: U S AEC Gaseo^ Diffuaiw Plant Obe^atoos [Oak Ridw OpemLim Office Report No ORUS84 19721 p 37

they are arranged into twelve stages with an overall decreased and fewer kilograms of product would he pro- annual capacity of 1 0 million SWU If the cascade was duced per year reconfigured to produce highly enriched uranium [by Enriching and Stripping Sections increasing the number of stages with fewer centrifuges In Figure 5 4, feed entering near the center of the cas- per stage), the SWU capacity of the cascade would still be cade is enriched to the desired product composition in 1 0 million SWU, but the product flow rate would be the enriching section The stripping section increases the Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II 127 5 Gaseous Diffusion Process

Source: WE

Figure 5 5 Schematic diagram of a diffuse? in a gaseous diffusion plant

all streams that merge together The flow between stages in an ideal cascade is miminum, making for lowest cost of operation At each stage, the streams moving away from the ends of the cascade~thetails stream in the enriching section and the heads stream in the stripping section-are known as reflux (because they flow back toward the center] In an ideal cascade, the ratio of the heads flow rate to feed flow rate at each stage (known as cut theta] is just slightly less than one half Other flow arrangements require different "cuts " The ideal cascade is tapered, and the width of each stage (i e , the number of units) is proportional to the heads flow rate from the stage The cascade is widest at Figure 5 4 Cascade diagram Countercurrent Recycle Cascade the feed point, and as the product end is approached, the U-235 concentration increases and the flow rate drops The separative work performed by an ideal cascade is recovery of U-235 from the feed by decreasing the frac- proportional to the total "interstage flow," the sum of tion of U-235 in the tails The sole purpose of the strip- heads and tails flows emerging from all stages ping section is to reduce the amount of feed required to At startup, an operating cascade must be run without make a given amount of product 10 withdrawal of enriched product for a period of time The number of stages in a cascade depends on the known as the equilibrium time This practice builds up elementary separation factor for each stage This separa- the plant's working inventory of U-235 The period may tion factor may be rewritten as the product of the heads amount to several months of normal production separation factor (the abundance ratio of the enriched stream divided by the abundance ratio of the feed stream) Enrichment Processes and the toils separation factor [the abundanceratio of the Gaseous Diffusion Process feed stream divided by the abundance ratio of the Gaseous diffusion is the technology principally in depleted stream) For example, in a so-called "symmetri- use worldwide for enriching uranium [see Table 5 2) cal gaseous diffusion stage," the heads and tails separa- Each stage of a cascade consists of compressors, heat tion factors are equal, each with a value of 1 0021 As exchangers, and a diffuser that houses membranes In the material moves up through the enriching section, the enrichment process, a feed of UF6 gas is compressed and heads separation factor is compounded This determines flows past the diffuser's porous membrane barrier (see the number of stages needed for the desired enrichment Figure 5 5) Some of the gas molecules contain U-235. Likewise, compounding the tails separation factor in the others contain U-238 The molecules with U-235 pass stripping section reduces the U-235 concentration from preferentially through the membrane micropores to form the feed assay to the desired concentration in the tails, an enriched product Stages have capacities of several thus determining the number of stages in this section thousand SWUs per year, and a plant may consist of sev- Ideal Cascade eral thousand stages The power consumption of a gase- Figure 5 4 shows a countercurrent recycle cascade ous diffusion plant (GDP] is about 2400 kwh/SWU This The tails from each stage feed into the input stream of the is five to twenty times greater than consumption for a gas preceding stage making it a symmetrical cascade This centrifuge plant While gaseous diffusion is an estab- cascade is ideal if the U-235 concentration is the same in lished enrichment technology, most countries construct-

10 Benedict up cit p 652 128 Nuclear Weapons Datebook, Volume If 5 Gaseous Diffusion Process

Table 5 2 Worldwide Uranium Enrichment Capacity: Existing and Planned (in millions of SWUIyrl

Existing Capacity Supplier Proeeas United States Oak Ridge, TN diffusion Paducah. KY diffusion Portsmouth. OH diffusion AVLIS Plant AVLIS Subtotal U S

France Eurodiif diffusion Ccgema laser

West Germany. Netherlands. United Kingdom Urenco centrifuge

Soviet Union domestic ? export diffusion

Japan centrifuge

South Africa helicon

Brazil jet-nozzle centrifuge labaceled

Australia centrifuge

Pakistan centrifuge


a OahRidgeQDPplacerEanstandbyatendafFY IS5 DOEpb119B51I0bnng DA c MudearFue1117 June 13851: 34 Ridge bmk intoservice in 1991 d hardS Spsckmr Nuclear ProlfferBtlm Today Wew Yurk'VHitap Books 19841 b DOE plans to rsplec~ere GDP tpmhably Dt* Ridgal with a plan); bdon AVLIS p 272 ectmolo~~in tfie mid-IQSOs This dent will probably be constmctsd ininGmmsnts witti afinal capacity of 10 minion SWU

Source: Based un sta-t of Robert Kuiak in HSTC Enaw Conaeftrati~nand Power Serial No 98-11 B 21 Octak 1SB3 and 1 Msmh 19B4 0 124 ing or planning new facilities are choosing more energy the barrier is due to their slightly greater mean speed efficient processes than heavier molecules containing U-238 The lighter In a simple gaseous diffusion stage, the porous diffu- molecules strike the barrier at greater frequency and pass sion barrier has micropores 10 nanometers in diameter (1 through more often nm is one billionth of a meter), smaller than the mean The separation factor for a gaseous diffusion stage free path of the molecules About half of the feed gas equals the ratio of the mean speeds of the lighter and passes through the barrier to the low pressure side, where heavier molecules It has the value 1 0043 1-1 This small the gas is slightly richer in U-235 than the feed The separation factor requires, in practice, many stages con- selective passage of U-235-containing molecules through nected in series to form a cascade in order to achieve the

Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II 129 Gas Centrifuge Process

1985, when construction of the Portsmouth GCEP was cancelled in favor of atomic vapor laser isotope separa- tion, it was the leading technology for new IJ S enrich- ment capacity A gas centrifuge machine consists of a long, thin ver- tical cylinder made from strong material (fiberglass, alu- minum, steel, graphite fiber) rotating at high speed about its axis in an evacuated casing Urenco centrifuges are reported to have a peripheral speed of 400 m/s Rotors of the US Set V advanced gas centrifuges (AGC) were designed with high strength materials able to sustain even higher speeds UFi-gas introduced into the cylinder (see Figure 5 7) is set into rotation Centrifugal acceleration increases the outer rim concentration of the heavier U-238 hexafluo- ride molecules relative to the lighter U-235 molecules 12 This radial separation of the uranium isotopes is geatly enhanced by a countercurrent flow induced in the UFO gas along the vertical axis of the rotating cylinder [see Figure 5 7) The effects of the radial separation and the axial flow combine to produce a large isotopic separation along the central axis Depleted uranium is removed from one end of the cylinder and enriched uranium from the other 13 Figure 5 6 Gaseous diffusion stage arrangement in a cascade The "heavy" stream enriched in U-238 moves down- ward near the rim [see Figure 5 7) while the "light" desired degree of enrichment In each stage of a gaseous stream enriched in U-235 moves upward along the cen- tral axis The U-235 gradient induced by this flow diffusion cascade (see Figure 5 6) compressors take par- tially depleted gas from the next higher stage and par- increases upward along the axis The section of the cylin- tially enriched gas from the next lower stage as the feed der above the central feed point serves as an enriching This entering stream is compressed and cooled before section, and UFÃenriched in U-235 is scooped out at the passage through the diffusion barrier top from the light stream The section of the rotating cyl- inder below the feed point is the stripping section, and Gas Centrifuge Process depleted UFy is scooped out at the bottom from the heavy In the centrifuge process a feed of uranium hexafluo- stream ride (UFçgas is enriched in a rapidly rotating cylinder Separation factors of 12 to 1 5 or higher can be Separation of uranium isotopes is brought about by the achieved for the centrifuge 14 While single stage separa- combined effects of a centrifugal force field and counter- current circulation Each stage of a gas centrifuge enrich- tion factors are substantially larger than in a gaseous dif- ment plant consists of one or more high speed machines fusion cascade, the throughput of material is much connected in parallel, with pipes and valves smaller Consequently a large-capacity centrifuge plant The first gram quantities of uranium enriched by gas requires a large number of machines connected in paral- centrifuge were obtained in 1941 at the University of Vir- lel to obtain the necessary flow Furthermore, a single ginia by I W Beams During World War I1 development stage will not suffice; several must be connected to form a was carried out by Westinghouse and Standard Oil of cascade New Jersey, but the project was discontinued in favor of Separative work capacity ranges from 5 SWUIyr for other processes During and after the war, the German European machines to 2.00 SWUIyr for US Set 111 engineer G Zippe devised a simple method of inducing machines at Portsmouth US Set V machines, in countercurrent flow by internal scoops and baffles He advanced stages of development when the Portsmouth produced a small and mechanically simple machine GCEP plant was cancelled in 1985, were designed for Larger and more complex centrifuges were developed by separative work capacities of about 600 SWUIyr Urenco cascades comprise tens of thousands of centrifuges in others The centrifuge process is a mature technology in 0 Europe at the Urenco plant and is coming into increased some twelve stages with overall capacity of 1 to 2 2 mil- lion SWUIyr The first U S processing building at Ports- use in other countries (see Table 5 2) From 1977 until mouth was to have 5760 Set 111 machines with a capacity AVLIS

and the length of the centrifuge Other things being equal, Depleted UF, the separative capacity of a centrifuge is proportional to its length autputLine n 1 Increasing the length and the peripheral speed increases both its separation factor and its separative capacity 16 Strength limitations restrict the peripheral speed to some 400 m/s for aluminum alloy, 500 m/s for glass fiber, and 700 mls for carbon fiber-epoxy resin com- posite Titanium and steel alloys and the composite materials have brought major increases in strength '7 U S advanced gas centrifuge Set V machines (600 SWUI yr) are made of new high strength rotor materials, permit- ting greatly increased rotational speeds A centrifuge rotor may go into resonant vibrations as it spins through critical speeds ("criticals") where the rotational frequency equals the natural frequency of vibration of the rotor As the length (Z)increases, flexural (longitudinal) vibrations become a hazard because the larger the ratio Z/d of rotor length to diameter (dl the smaller the critical speed at which these modes occur Avoidance of flexural resonances can be achieved with Z/d of about 7 and a peripheral speed less than 400 mls using an aluminum, steel, or titanium rotor 19 Subcritical operation with greater length to diameter ratios requires a material with a higher "modulus of flexure '^"The U S Set V machines were probably designed with "criticals" at higher speeds than for Set 111 machines The estimated Zld ratio is about 20 for both Atomic Vanor Laser Isotone Senarafion fAVLISl In the AVLIS enrichrnent~roc~ss,a stream of &a- oium metal vepor feed is irrarliited hy visible light from omanif dve Idwrs tu selerlivelv excite aid ionize U-233 atoms he ions are swept out of the vapor by electric fields into an enriched product stream that is deposited on solid or liquid collectors Technical uncertainties in the development of the AVLIS process are associated with laser reliability at high pulse rate and high energy Centrifuge density, optical propagation of laser pulses in multistage sarm DOE setups, and reliability of the atomic vapor collector sys- tem Power consumption is estimated at 65 kwh/SWU Figure 5 7 Illustration of a Centrifuge Enrichment Stage Natural The AVL1S process is under development in the United UFn feed enters along theaxis of the centrifuge and enriched product States, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Japan, and Israel is withdrawn at the top near the rim In the United States, the AVLIS process is currentlv heine developed at Lawrenc.e livermire National ~aboritor~21 of 1 1 million SWU/yr 15 Power coosumption in a gas An AVLIS ulant mav consist of a sinele., module or a centrifuge plant ranges from 100 to 400 kwh/SWU, sub- multicell array It may be used to enrich natural uranium stantially less than for a gaseous diffusion plant or strip depleted tails According to DOE,the AVLIS pro- The degree of enrichment in a single machine cess can be configured to operate at any tails assay 22 The depends on several factors: the mass difference of the iso- separative capacity of the AVLIS module used by DOE in topes being separated, the peripheral speed of the rotor, its advanced enrichment selection process (1985) was

20 Ihid 21 Nuclear Fuel 112 March 19861: 2 Inthe United Stales the AVUSmocesa was.oriEinallv

. . 22 HSTC Sorial No 93-116 21 Oct<*KT 1903 1 Mainh 1884 p Mft It has also been stated 19 Whitle! Reviews of Modem Physjcs: 78 that thetechno!+., Is desleued lot 0 047 perm+ta1ls;~AC FY I985 nOE Parts p 387 Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II 131 5 AVLIS

The multiple photon process optimizes excitation Autoionizing State and ionization of the U-235 atoms while ionizing the t U-238 atoms by only a negligible amount The atomic I absorption spectrum of uranium atoms in metal vapor is extremely complex with over 300,000 lines at visible wavelengths For many of these lines there is sufficient displacement between the peaks in the U-235 and U-238 photon absorption cross-sections for the corresponding transition (the isotope shift in absorption frequencies is about one part in 50,000) so that the peaks do not over- lap This allows selective photoexcitation of the U-235 atoms by lasers of sufficiently narrow bandwidth (one part in a million) Each step in the ionization process takes advantage of an isotopic shift, so the use of several steps ensures the selectivity of U-235 over U-238 Ground State In the separation chamber positively charged ions, 1 primarily U-235, are diverted from the vapor stream by Level Diagram U-235 Atom an electric field to negatively charged collector plates Tlie un-ionized atoms move beyond the product collec- Figure 5 8 Energy level diagram of U-235 atom showing states tors to tails collectors or to another enrichment cell [see consecutivelyexcited byvisible photons from tunable dyelasers in Figure 5 9) In the LLNL design uranium is to be collected AVLIS process as liquid, but, should liquid collection prove unwork- able, uranium will be recovered as solid Although few 870,000 SWU/yr 23 U-238 atoms are photoionized, a significant amount of In 1985, DOE selected the AVLIS process over the U-238 is collected in the product U-238 ions are created advanced gas centrifuge (AGO) to provide new enrich- by charge exchange collisions with ionized U-235 atoms ment capacity in the mid-1990s and beyond The LLNL and are diverted to the collector plates along with neutral AVLIS process was also selected earlier for the pluto- vapor atoms that are scattered directly to the collectors nium special isotope separation (SIS) program to enrich The uraniumvapor density must not be so high that these plutonium in the isotope Pu-239 effects are anoreciable. - (The under-. limit is about 10 tril- In the LLNL AVLIS processz4 a supersonic beam of lion atomslcm3 ] uranium vapor atoms is produced by bombarding liquid Physical dimensions of the module depend on the uranium metal feed with a beam from an electron gun hot on absor~tioncross-section (photon efficiency! and and is then cooled by expansion The vapor beam enters laser pulse repetition rates ~heserequire collector a separation chamber system into which four distinct dimensions along the vapor beam of some ten centime- wavelengths of visible (red-orange) light from tunable ters and effective optical path lengths along the laser dye lasers is directed The tunable dye lasers are pumped beams of some hundred meters The effective optical by high-repetition-rate copper-vapor lasers that emit path lengths are achieved by reflecting the laser beams ereen light The green light does not degrade the organic through the vapor a number of times, at the possible dye Many stages of copper-vapor laser amplification are expense of degrading the spatial quality of the beam required, and large modularized copper-vapor lasers because of diffraction and inhomogeneities in the index have been tested at Livermore of refraction Atoms of U-235 in the ground state are selectively Research on plutonium laser isotope separation excited by absorption of a sequence of visible photons based on the AVUS process is being conducted at from tunable dye lasers operating at three wavelengths Livermore using the same laser systems that are used for Aia, A,, and A3 (see Figure 5 8) Atoms of U-235 cooled to enriching uranium However, for plutonium enrichment the lowest metastable state are first excited by a fourth the "unwanted" isotopes~Pu-240and Pu-242-are ion- laser of wavelength A,ii and then by light of wavelengths ized and swept out of the vapor beam, while for uranium A2 and k3 In both cases the last photon absorbed puts the enrichment the desired isotope U-235 is ionized by the U-235 atom into an autoionizing excited state that laser light 25 The separator-collector technologies used in quickly decays into an ionized [positively charged) ura- the two applications of AVLIS differ, due to the high tox- nium atom and an electron The total energy suppled to icity of plutonium and to differences in critical mass and each atom is in excess of 6 13 electron volts (eV], the ion- other physical properties of plutonium and uranium ization energy of U-235 DOE plans to operate a special isotope separation (SIS1

23 DOE ProcessEvaluation Board Umnim Rnrichnimit Technology and Asieesineak 15 May :ig63;mprctdiirnf in Mudnor Furl (f 7 June I3S5J: 11 Eixrichnie,n-Nu Easy Pail1 lo Proliferation Nuclear ilnainccritie Inlcr"otio"o1 [April 24 DOE Repcrl uf the Ennsy Reaiureli and Advisory Duaid (ERABi Study Gnmp u lOBdl- 13;Phymm Thy(liity 1973): 17 Advancd Irotope Separation Novcmhcr 1980 p 29 H (heroaftw Study Croup): Lam 25 HAG VY I966 EWDA Part 7 u 676 132 Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II L Figure 5 9 Illustration of the Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation Process

Figure 5 10 Illustration of the Molecular Laser Isotope Separation plant for plutonium enrichment at Hanford in the 1990s Process using the AVLIS process Molecular Vapor Laser Isotope Separation26 carrier gas of nitrogen or argon is first cooled by rapidly In the molecular vapor laser isotope separation pro- expanding it through a nozzle (see Figure 5 10) The cess (MLIS] lasers are used to select molecules contain- supersonic gas which emerges from the nozzle is irradi- ing U-235 from a gas feed of UF, Specifically, fluorine ated by a carbon dioxide (CO,) infrared laser that selec- atoms are selectively photodissociated from UFc mole- tively excites vibratiundl n~udisin inulecules w~~taining cules containing U-235 The resulting enriched stream of L1-235 2" An ultraviolet laser liuht (from H xenon chloride UFs condenses and is filtered out of the gas as a solid excimer laser) is then used todissociate fluorine atoms The MLIS process was developed at Los Alamos from the excited gas molecules, producing an enriched National Laboratory for both uranium and plutonium product stream of UFn that precipitates out of the gas enrichment (the latter using a feed of PuF.,) ~7 Although flow as a fine powder The gas stream is recompressed DOE selected AVLIS technology over MLIS for a future through a diffuser where the UF, powder is filtered out plutonium enrichment plant, MLIS research continues The resulting tails stream of depleted UFs is pumped to on a small scale at LANL and the non-fissile isotopes Pu- another stage for further processing, and the UFs may be 240 and Pu-242 are being separated for weapons refluorinated for further enrichment research Plasma Separation Process Although individual MLIS enrichment units have a In the plasma separation process (PSP) uranium large separation factor, an MLIS enrichment plant is con- metal vapor is ionized and injected into a high vacuum ceived as a staged system to achieve flexibility Compo- chamber containing a uniform axial magnetic field, pro^ nents in a unit include an expansion nozzle, a duced by a superconducting coil (see Figure 5 11) Radi- compressor, and infrared and ultraviolet lasers Techni- ofrequency energy is introduced by an electric field cal uncertainties in MLIS development concern laser superimposed perpendicular to the magnetic field and performance at high repetition rates and high intensity tuned to oscillate at a frequency of 127 kilohertz, the The estimated power consumption of an MLIS plant is "cyclotron resonance frequency" of the U-235 ions In about 77 kwh/SWU the vacuum chamber, U-235 ions selectively absorb the In the MLIS process, the UFp feed together with a radio-frequency energy As a result, their orbits increase

28 UPc molecules have au octahedral structure withtheuranium atom al the center and ibe

Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume I! 133 5 Other Processes

Resonant U+

Depleted in U-235 and Hz

Source: Present Stateand DeveloDment af Separation Nozzle Process KFK2067 Seocemh-1974

Figure 5 12 Cross-section of the Jet Nozzle System

the chemical phases, may include exchange columns, Figure 5 11 IilustratiDn of the Plasma Isotope Separation Process packed towers, mixer settlers, pumps, and piping Chemical enrichment is a maturing technology in diameter until the U-235 ions intersect collector plates France leads in industrial development Demonstration aligned parallel to the magnetic field The product on the on a laboratory scale is occurring in the United States and collector plates is enriched in U-235, while the U-238 Japan The French ion exchange enrichment process, ions, with small diameter orbits, pass through to the tails called Chemex, has moved into the pilot stage with a 11 plate z9 10-scale (1000 SWUIyr] plant scheduled to start up at The success of the PSP is based on a 1 percent differ- Pierrelatte in September 1984 " The Chemex process ence between the cyclotron resonance frequencies at uses trivalent uranium for the aqueous phase, with tetra- which U-235 and U-238ions spiral about the field lines valent uranium in a lighter organic phase Chemex in a uniform magnetic field 30 Components of a PSP exchange is instantaneous and is reported to have a very enrichment unit include an ion source, a superconduct- high separation factor, four times that for other reactions ing magnet, a radio-frequency oscillator, and a collector The French Pierrelatte pilot plant will have "a few" system Power consumption is about 221 kwh/SWU 31 pulse columns 10 meters high and 380 millimeters in PSP has been under development by TRW, Inc since diameter As conceived, a commercial Chemex plant 1976 It was a candidate (along with AVLIS and MLIS) in would have twenty exchange columns per cascade, DOE'S advanced isotope separation program until AVUS arranged in modules of two vertical cascades, with col- was selected in 1982 for further development Currently, umns 25 to 30 meters high and 1 2 to 1 6 cm in diameter TRW's PSP process is being developed by DOE Defense Each cascade would be capable of producing 250.000 Programs to remove "unwanted" uranium-236 land SWUIyr, and an industrial module would have a capacity 11-214anrl11-2181. -.. . that hnilds un in irradiated file1 flurinc of 500,000 SWUIyr operation of the' savannah ~iverproduction reactors A Aerodynamic Processes PSP plant is scheduled to operate at Savannah River in Two aerodynamic processes have been developed to the late 1980s an industrial scale: the Becker jet nozzle process devel- Chemical Enrichment oped at Karlsruhe, West Germany, and the helikon pro- Chemical enrichment of uranium depends on an cess developed in Valindaha, South Africa exchange reaction between two chemical species in two In both the jet nozzle process (see Figure 5 12) and different phases At phase equilibrium there is a differ- the helikon process, a mixture of UFÃgas and hydrogen ence in uranium isotopic composition in the two phases gas flows at high speed in a sharply curved path The One phase may be stationary, or the two phases may resulting centrifugal acceleration partially separates the move in countercurrent flow The separation factor, tighter and heavier uranium isotopes 33 The helikon uses depending on the phases used, ranges from 10013 to an advanced vortex system to separate isotopes 10030 For the Jet nozzle process an enrichment stag- Components of an enrichment unit, depending on single nozzle or several nozzles connected in parallel-

29 W6.W Study Group p 32

W StÂchawd inn; ol "ux3 M movurln a ;dm. meticlid3 d ttMnath 1) >phi r:I. LC! llwriclutiltfrf~~cu~~.t~ii Liu llie-i.~.rts%iuii I - t j2 a 13'BlM ivbeie B .1 o-.awtcui. field lUwr.~Il:.ri ~3-3~niid M it 81 aluit~.~tiidsi .LIJI,IAML 1 Th-- dln os i 3 Â¥>M briireii Ll Ziband -J 235 rr~uills^i lLr l ow3lnt alllrt .::n ,",h*,,

35 Ibld Nuclear Weapons Databaok, Volume II 135 5 Reactor Operations

A Pkit~rnumProduction B Tnbum Production

Beta Decay in 24 Minutes

Neutron Capture Alpha Decay in Less Than I Second Beta Decay in 2 4 Davs

[A) In plutnnium production, a neutron is absorbed in a uranium-238 (El In tritium production, 3 neutron is absorbed in a lithium-6 nucleus nucleus to form uranium-239 which transforms into phtonium-239 to form lithium-? which decays into a tritium nucleus [ti-31 and ar through two betadecays alpha particle [He-41

Figure 5 13 Nuclear processes for Plutonium-239 and Tritium the major isotopic contaminent, Pu-240 The DOE catego- enhance the probability of capture in U-235 or in targets ries are:Je The fuel and target materials may be arranged in the core ill various ways They may, for example, be in separate Plutonium Category Percent PII-240 intermingled assemblies as with HEU fuel drivers and Supergrade [high purity1 2 to 3 depleted uranium Alternatively, each assembly may Weapon-grade less than 7 contain both fuel and target material-for example, Fuel-grade 7 to less than 19 highly enriched uranium and lithium-6, or slightly Reactor-grade 19 or greater enriched uranium alone There are also positions in the core for control rods containing lithium, cadmium, or The plutonium in U S nuclear warheads contains about. boron They can be movedin and out of the core toabsorh 93 percent Pu-239, about 6 5 percent Pu-240, and very excess neutrons and maintain reactor operation or bring small quantities of other plutonium isotopes 37 about shutdown The reactor core may be surrounded by a neutron Plutonium Equivalence reflector often of the same material as the moderator The Savannah River reactors breed tritium in highly heat produced in the core by fission is removed by a cool- enriched lithium-6 target elements, blankets, and control ing system using heavy water, ordinary water, gas, or air rods While the thermal neutron capture cross section of The core and reflector are further surrounded by shield- Li-6 is seventeen times that of U-238, the breeding rates ing to protect personnel from radiation A steel thermal of plutonium and tritium atoms are about the same, lim- shield absorbs ramma ravs and must be cooled Oulsidc ited by neutron availability of about one fission On this the thermal shield a biological shield of concrete absorbs basis, one gram of tritium can be produced in place of 72 neutrons and gamma rays grams of weapon-grade plutonium 38 Thus for simplicity Targets are discharged when the desired product is in accounting overall reactor performance, 1kg of tritium attained When separate HEU fuel assemblies are used is counted as 72 kg of plutonium equivalent Since a they are usually burned until the chain reaction can no number of different isotopes are produced in a variety of longer be sustained In the production of weapon-grade target materials, it is convenient to describe reactor pro- plutonium, the targets must be discharged frequently to ductivity in terms of plutonium equivalent limit the production of unwanted isotope Pu-240 formed by neutron irradiation of Pu-239 Reactor Operations Deuterium [in heavy water) slows down neutrons in A production reactor core consists of a lattice of production reactors more efficiently than moderator assemblies of fuel and target material These are imbed- graphite It requires fewer collisions and less volume to ded in moderator material, either rigid graphite or heavy slow a fast neutron down to thermal energies Conse- water The moderator slows the fast fission neutrons to quently, heavy water moderated reactors are generally

136 Nuclear Weapons Datahook, Volume II 5 Reactor Fundamentals

A Graphite Moderated Reactor' B Heavy Water Reactorb

a magiven for a ~02-cooled~egnox reactor son-. NUS corporation ~eaw~lement ~frrssrtratmns in power Reactors b Data given for anaturd uranium CANDU reactor SND-120-2 May 1977 1- 1- Figure 5 14 Plutonium isotopic composition as a function of fuel exposure more compact than those moderated by graphite The of energy is released Essentially the same thing occurs neutron flux (the number of neutrons crossing a square for nuclei of Pu-239 formed in a production reactor Like centimeter per second) in the heavy water reactor is U-235, Pu-239 is fissionable by slow neutrons The higher, by perhaps an order of magnitude [e g , 1014 energy released is carried away mainly as kinetic energy dcmz-s vs 1013 dcmzs) Heavy water is also much less of the fission fragments, but also by neutrons, gamma likely to capture thermal neutrons than graphite rays, and other particles Most of these products are stopped in the reactor and their energy is converted into Reactor Fundamentals heat The fast neutrons collide with moderator atoms, In the fission of one uranium nucleus, about 2 4 fast losing energy and slowing down in a sequence of elastic neutrons (energy of about 1 MeV) are emitted following collisions In this way fission neutrons become thermal39 the absorption of a slow neutron The nucleus is split with good chances for capture by another U-235 nucleus into two fragments of unequal mass, and about 200 MeV The uranium isotope U-238,although usually present in

Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II 137 Fuel Processina quantity, is not fissionable by slow neutrons conversion ratio that may be slightly greater than unity in To sustain the chain reaction, at least one fission snmecases The lattice siacineh~tw6enfuel elements in neutron must survive the slowing down process and be the Saviiimali River reactors is substuiitiollv loss than for absorbed by another U-235 nuclrub so cis ti causeanother commercial heavy water-moderated reactors fissinn Rpsides sinwine. nther nnssihle fates for fast new A reactor cannot operate before a certain critical trom are (1)leakage from the Lactor; (2)fission of U-238 mass of fissile material has been assembled Leakage and or U-235 atoms by fast neutrons, an extremely small con- absorption of neutrons must be balanced by neutrons tribution in thermal reactors; (3) parasitic capture of neu- emerging from fission The critical mass of assembled trons by the moderator, structural materials, control rods uranium decreases with increasing enrichment and may and fission products; (4)non-fission capture of thermal be reduced by surrounding the core with a reflector The neutrons in U-235 to produce U-236; (5) absorption of ability of a reactor to sustain a chain reaction is measured thermal neutrons in U-238; and (6) absorption of neu- by the neutron multiplication factor, k, the ratio of the trons at intermediate (between fast and thermal) energies number of neutrons produced by fission in any one gen- in U-238 as they slow down eration to the number produced in the preceding genera- The last two processes-(5) and (6)- of singular tion Reactors are designed with k's slightly greater than importance in a plutonium production reactor There, unity to allow growth in the number of neutrons until the about one or more neutrons per fission breed plutonium desired power and flux levels are achieved in the core [or tritium during tritium production with lithium Systematic adjustment of control rods then keeps the targets) This means that about one gram or more of plu- multiplication factor at a value of one The excess reac- tonium is created for each megawatt day of heat gener- tivity (the difference between 1 and k-1) is enhanced by ated in the reactor (since the fission of 105 grams of increasing the amount or enrichment of the fuel It is U-235 generates one megawatt day of heat) The effi- decreased by adding neutron-absorbing target materials ciency of conversion of fissile fuel to plutonium is At startup, the initial reactivity decreases with ternpera- described by the conversion ratio, the number of fissile ture rise and with the formation of the fission product, atoms produced per fissile atom consumed The conver- xenon, a strong neutron absorber 41 sion ratio is usually about 0 8 or greater, since on the The multiplication factor is proportional to the average about 12 thermal neutrons are absorbed in a probability that neutrons, as they slow down, escape cap- U-235 nucleus per fission Some of the fissile atoms con- ture in U-238 resonances But the production of pluto- sumed in a production reactor are plutonium atoms nium (i e , a large conversion ratio! is favored bv a small themselves A slow neutron absorbed in Pu-239 either 'resonance escape probability " These seemingly - produces fission or is captured to form the isotope Pu- ilictiiiii-, ubiectives of tiirli- inultiulicalioii factor and small 240 For every neutron captured, about two neutrons pro- resonance escape probability are best met in a heavy duce fissions In the production of weapon-grade pluto- water-moderated reactor There, excess reactivity is gen- nium, when about 6 percent of the net plutonium is Pu- erally large The objectives are not met so easily in a 240, some 12 percent of the plutonium produced has graphite-moderated, natural uranium-fueled reactor, been fissioned where k is only a few percent greater than unity at best The capture of intermediate energy neutrons while they are slowing down through the "resonance region" of Fuel Processing U-238 is termed resonance capture, an important process Irradiated fuel and targets from production or power for production reactors 40 Enhancing resonance capture reactors are chemically processed mainly for the separa- increases the conversion ratio In power reactor design tion and recovery of fissile uranium and plutonium In the probability of resonance capture is reduced by mak- addition, particular isotopes are recovered for special ing the fuel lattice spacing sufficiently large to suppress applications These include plutonium-238, the fission the reentry of fisson neutrons into the fuel before they products strontium-90, cesium-137, and krypton-85, and have become thermalized the by-product transuranic elements neptunium, amer- The probability of resonance capture also depends icium, curium, and californium on the relative amounts of fertile material (U-238) and Due to the presence of fission products, fuel dis- moderator in the reactor core In a production reactor, charged from a reactor is intensely radioactive Before because of the competition for neutrons, the quantity of processing it is first cooled in ponds for five months to a U-238 must be limited or the chain reaction will be year This permits short-lived isotopes to decay endangered This is particularly true of graphite-mnder- A number of methods have been develoned for ated reactors, where neutrons are also absorbed in the chemically processing irradiated Fuel The most common graphite Heavy water-moderated production reactors, method is the PUREX (Plutonium-URanium-EXtractinn) such as the Savannah River reactors, can have a much process Two early U S methods for separating'pluto- greater resonance capture probability, with a resulting nium and other elements from irradiated fuel-the bis-

138 Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II 5 PUREX Process muth phosphate process and the Redox process-are important historically, but no longer in use Early Methods The bismuth phosphate process was developed dur- ing World War I1 at the Metallurgical Laboratory of the University of Chicago 42 It was used to separate the first microgram quantities of plutonium produced in 1942 in the Washington University [St Louis, Missouri) cyclo- tron The bismuth phosphate process was then devel- oped on an engineering scale and demonstrated at the Oak Ridge X-10 plant in 1944 It was put into full opera- tion at Hanford's B plant in late 1944 to separate pluto- nium from irradiated production reactor fuel At Hanford between December 1944 and February 1956, when the Source: DOE NASAP no c;t Vol 3 p 347 bismuth phosphate process was discontinued, 7000 MT of irradiated fuel (heavy metal) were processed in the B Figure 5 IS Simplified diagram of the PUREX Process plant 43 The bismuth phosphate process recovered pluto- nium, but was unable to separate and recover uranium nium from fission oroducts in irradiated fuel PUREX is a from the fission products This was its most serious dis- solvent extractionprocess Fuel is dissolved in an aquc- advantage The process was used for extracting radioac- ous solution of nitric acid, and the desired chemical elf*- tive substances at low concentration After the irradiated ments are extracted in a series of steps by countercurrent fuel elements containing uranium, plutonium, and fis- flow with an organic solvent sion products were dissolved in nitric acid, bismuth The PUREX process was developed at the Knolls nitrate and sodium, phosphate were added to the solu- Atomic Power Laboratory of General Electric, demon- tion Plutonium phosphate was precipitated, along with strated at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and bismuth phosphate adopted by DuPont for the Savannah River Plant, where The Redox process was the first countercurrent operation began in November 1954 Success there led to extraction process used in the United States for large- the replacement of Rednx by PUREX at Hanford in Janu- scale extraction of plutonium and uranium from irradi- ary 1956 At Hanford 67,000 MT of irradiated fuel were ated fuel Unlike the bismuth phosphate process it could processed using the PUREX method prior to the termina- operate continuously rather than in batches It was devel- tion of PUREX operations in December 1971 45 The plant oped at Argonne National Laboratory and installed at has since been restarted Hanford in late 1951 Between January 1952 and June The PUREX process was also used in the commercial 1966, when the process was discontinued, 19,000 MT of reprocessing plant operated at West Valley, New York irradiated fuel were processed by the Redox method at from 1966 to 1972 It was planned for use in General Hanford Electric's unsuccessful reprocessing plant at Morris, Illi- In the Redox process, plutonium, uranium, and fis- nois and in the uncompleted Allied General Nuclear sion products were recovered and discharged in separate Services reprocessing plant at Barnwell, South Carolina streams Irradiated fuel was dissolved in nitric acid, pro- (see Table 5 3) ducing an aqueous solution of uranyl nitrate, plutonyl Figure 5 15 shows a simplified diagram of the nitrate, and fission product nitrates This was followed PUREX process 4s Irradiated uranium fuel is first dis- by the introduction of an organic solvent, hexone. in solved in nitric acid forming an aqueous solution of ura- which the uranyl and plutonyl nitrates concentrated Fis- nyl nitrate (U02(i-,Q),), tetravalent plutonium nitrate sion product nitrates were left in the aqueous phase In (Pu(NOa),), and fission product nitrates The aqueous three subsequent steps, the fission products were first solution is then fed to the center of a countercurrent sol- removed in the aqueous phase, the plutonium was then vent extraction contactor (Figure 5 15, contactor 1) chemically reduced and removed in the aqueous phase The contactor is fed from the bottom with organic as plutonium nitrate, and finally the uranyl nitrate was solvent tributyl phosphate (TBP)in solution with hydro- transferred back to the aqueous phase carbon dodecane It is fed from the top with dilute nitric acid The uranyl and plutonium nitrates concentrate in PUREX Process the organic solvent along with some fission products PUREX is today the most widely used process for The nitric acid scrub cleans the solvent of fission prod- separating plutonium, uranium, and (sometimes) neptu- ucts, which leave the bottom in an aqueous stream while the plutonium and uranium leave from the top in the

42 Bendid Nuclear Chrininal Enpring,pp 21 458.66 4s hid 4 DOE Hanfcid 1083 a bnefmgbockpr~paredforsitcviiit by ERA StafftotheHanfnrd Reservation 18-19Octobw 1983 46 DOE of the ~~~~~lif~~ti~~~~lmmivnsystems~sses~uit*~tProgram [NASAFI Vol 9

Table 5 3 U.S. Plants Using PUREX

Dates of Capacity Maximum Minimum Plant Owner Operation MTUIyear Wt U-235 Cooling Days Decladdii Military Hanfcrd DOE Chemical

Savannah River [F areal DOE 1954-present 2700 Natural Chemical [H areal DOE 1954-present 15 100 Electrolytic

DOE Chemical & Electrofvcic

Gammercia1 West Valley Nuclear Fuel Shear-leach Service's

Allied General Shem-leach Nuclaar Services

Morrisf General Electric shew-leach

uranium OQIY in 1974 c Estimated ICPP processed 26 a MT M HEU through FY 1384 over a period of mirwtwoyears

Source. Benedict Nucfea~memica1 Eminaerlna o 469 organic stream Sometimes neptunium is also extracted phase When neptunium is extracted, it is further sepa- in the organic stream (e g , at both Savannah River and rated from the uranium by solvent extraction in a second Hanford) uranium cycle, not shown in Figure 5 15 The uranium and plutonium are separated from each The acid Thorex process, a modification of the other in further extraction steps involving valence PUREX process, was developed at Oak Ridge National changes of piutonium The organic stream containing tet- Laboratory to separate thorium and uranium-233 from ravalent plutonium nitrate and uranyl nitrate is fed to fission products in irradiated thorium fuels In all wntactor 2 (Figure 5 15) This second contactor is also respects it is similar to the PUREX process A Thorex pro- fed from the bottom with TBP, and from the top with a cess also can be devised to accommodate separation of dilute nitric acid solution of ferrous sulfumate that plutonium along with thorium and uranium reduces the plutonium to the trivalent state, leaving the uranium in its hexavalent state As a result, the pluto- nium is transferred to the aqueous phase and leaves the Heavy Water Production bottom of the contactor The uranium and neptunium The main heavy water (D20) production process in remain in the organic stream use throughout the world since-the early 1950s has been Finally, the organic stream containing uranyl nitrate the dual-temperature water-hydrogen sulfide exchange is fed to the bottom of contactor 3 The solvent is stripped process, also known as the Girdler-Sulfide (GS) pro- by dilute nitric acid [or water) entering from the top of cess 47 U S production of heavy water in World War It the contactor The separated uranium (and, sometimes, was almost solely by water distillation, but this process is neptunium) then leaves the contactor in the aqueous now generally used in plants only as the final enrichment

140 Nuclear Wea~onsDatabook, Volume II Heavy Water Production


1'" Processing I Fuel Processing Steps The flow diagram summarizes the steps in the processing of irradiated fuel for PUREX and ether solvent extraction processing methods Seeps 1and 2: Spent Fmel Storage The irradiated fuel is cooled in ponds, from five months at a minimum to a year, after removal from the reactor to permit short-lived isotopes to decay Step 3: Chemical or Mechanical Deeladding Aluminum clad metal alloy fuels from production and research reactors may be chemi- call" declad bv dissolvino- the aluminum in an aaueous solution of sodium hydroxide [with sodium nitrate added to Drevent hydrcgen. . evolu- lion1 T7c mntnl tun in l-itn" mrxn v~311 n fic ac d Isfie S:ep 4) Tie ' 7irf nx ' pmcess s ~sed:c remove the zirccnitm cladnc from h-Rea:tor fbel In this process, zirconi~morzircai vy c adcng I5 dissdved in a boiling solution of ammonium fluoride A separate dedaddingstepis not required when electrolytic dissolution innitric acid is used This process dissolves metal fuel along with aluminum, steel, or zirconium cladding It is used at Savannah River and at the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant (see Step 51 Zirconium and steel clad fuel bundles from commercial Dower reactors are cut into short lengths to expose theoxidesof fissionable matsr ale ant f ss on prod-cts fnr dissul.ition n n,t.-ic ncul Tii? prc:Bniirf? n,iy nlsn he ,.wd tnr mntal twl? runr as h -Reactor 1-e' Caseb uvjlwu djviny cricn' uyl roil mycnnnir.? drcl.-irning, incl..ning fiwnn prnrli.nt kryptm ann xnnm aMsome iod ne. carom-14, and tritium, are sent to the off-aas- treatment system for retention or disposal Sfc*b4:Dissolution Mmlfd~ia frnm which en? a'umin-rr claoaing has oeen cne'n cally "ernovea are d ssoieo n rltric acid Met* Lad rr?r.ail cfi.elsa-ee ectro yticaliy d sso veo n iitr c acid Incorrvrerciel power reactors US ngoxice '~elsI JO21 the oxides are eac-hec out of the sheared fuel rodsand dissolved in nitric acid. and the claddina- is dischargedas. waste Theaoueous solution of fission products and fissionable materials is trans'errea to tne so ver: extraction area Seep 5: Solvent Extractimn Lran um. p utcni~mard sorrstimes neD':uni,.m. ?re conccntrnrcn in nn nrgnnic 'w vent If q . 'BP: anc separated from the fission products, which are left in the aaueaus phase The process is carried out in a series of countercurrent extraction contactors which may he either pulse columns or a'bettery of mixer-'sittlers Step 6: Produce Conversion The product streams ere converted to oxide powders, plutonium into PuOp and uranium into DOs or UOz Seep 7: Waste Processing The waste stream containing the fission produces is stored and processed further

Figure 5.16 Flow diagram for nuclear fuel processing step, following initial concentration by the GS process or sole product and natural water is the feed In addition, other processes 48 Through 1980 some 90 percent of D20 there are several "parasitic processes," where heavy production worldwide (including the United States and water is a by-product, usually of a plant producing syn- Canada) utilized the GS process for the initial enrich- thetic ammonia Such plants operate, for example, in ment step and water distillation for final concentration 49 India The GS process and water distillation are the prind- Currently, about a dozen heavy water plants operate pal "self-contained" processes, where heavy water is the or are planned worldwide Since 1982, the world's heavy

Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II 141 GS Process water production capacity has decreased, due to a drop in demand and large existing inventories In early 1982, the Heavy Water Plant at Savannah River, the only U S plant operating, was shut down By 1985, Canada, a major commercial producer, had cut its heavy water pro- duction capacity to 1600 MTIyr from a high of 4000 MTI yr of operating and planned capacity A further reduction of capacity to BOO MTIyr is expected by 1987 51 Heavy water is used as moderator and coolant in the CANDU and other natural uranium-fueled commercial power reactors Heavy water is used in the US nuclear warhead program as the moderator and coolant in Savan- nah River production reactors Deuterium derived from heavy water is an important ingredient of nuclear war- heads, both as solid lithium-6 deuteride and as a gas pi) Deuterium, either mixed with tritium or as lithium deuteride, is an essential ingredient in the fuel proposed for fusion reactors Dual-Temperature Water-Hydrogen Sulfide Exchange (GS Process) The GS process concentrates heavy water [D20)from its natural abundance of about 0 015 percent to between 8 and 15 percent Deuterium is exchanged between deu- terium-rich hydrogen sulfide gas (HgS) and ordinary water to increase the concentration of deuterium in the water The chemical exchange reaction that occurs is

H20 + HDS & HDO + H2S (liquid) (gus) (liquid) (gas]

Enrichment takes place in a series of exchange col- umns In a one-stage, single-temperature water-hydrogen sulfide exchange process, natural water is fed in at the top of a sieve-plate exchange column The water becomes progressively enriched in deuterium as it flows down the column in "countercurrent" contact with upflowing deuterium-enriched hydrogen sulfide gas Heavy water source- DOE product is drawn off the bottom of the column and hydrogen sulfide gas, depleted in deuterium, is drawn off Figure 5 17 Dual-Temperature Water-Hydrogen Sulfide Exchange the top Process In the GS process there are both hot tower and cold tower stages (see Figure 5 171 The cold tower produces overly enriched in deuterium and consequently transfers enriched heavy water product and depleted hydrogen deuterium to the hydrogen sulfide sulfide (as in a one-stage process) In turn, the hot tower In the GS process, the desired enrichment of D20is produces enriched hydrogen sulfide feed ("reflux") for achieved by operating two or three sets of towers in the cold tower by countercurrent flow between some series The Savannah River heavy water plant was con- enriched heavy water drawn from the output of the cold structed with 24 two-stage separating units that operated tower and the depleted hydrogen sulfide received from in parallel, with each unit consisting of a hot tower stage the hot tower The hydrogen sulfide flows back and forth and a cold tower stage between the towers in a closed cycle Because of the higher temperature in the hot tower, the water there is

SO Fmr the US D20iavwilorv aee Table 3 25

142 Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II Water Distillation Process



Figurn 5 18 Production of heavy water by water distillation

Water Distillation Process first two stages are each composed of two-tower units The water distillation process is normally used as an (actually, each stage is several such units connected in inteinediate or final concentration step in heavy water parallel) The last five stages are single towers In stage production At Savannah River, it was originally used as three, for example, water is vaporized in the reboiler and the second step (following the GS prncpss)for i&reasine steam passes upward in the tower through the descend- tlic D..O concrnlritliun fruni 13 5 ucrccnt tu 90 Dcrccnt. ing liquid water Depleted vapor from the top of the col- with final concentration to 99 75 percent by electrolysis' umn is condensed and sent backward to the bottom of the Later the electrolysis step was dropped Now in most last tower in stage 2 Meanwhile water enriched in deute- facilities worldwide employing the GS process, water rium is drawn from the bottom of tower 3 and pumped distillation is the final concentration step, concentrating forward to the top of stage4 By connectingseveral stages D,0 from 8 percent to greater than 99 75 percent in series, a high degree of enrichment is attained in the The water distillation process is based on the fact product that the boiling point of ordinary water is 0 8° lower At the Savannah River Heavy Water Plant, a rework than that of heavy water Thus, water vapor that develops unit of four distillation towers and associated equipment above ordinary liquid is depleted in deuterium, leaving continues to remove water from recycled DaO after its use the remaining liquid slightly enriched 53 in production reactors as reactor coolant and modera- In the eight-stage plant shown in Figure 5 18, the tor 54

53 At thn boiling point of 0niina.y water, the- separati"" factor [the rteute,i,,n to hydrogen ahundanceratio inDieliquiddivided by the¥>umratio m the gas] is equaltoabout 1113 The difff~~ncefr"m 1 no is, "mail hilt aigmfica", M DOE Em'1mmfnial Dcvelorone~lPlan Special Nuclear Materials Production EOP M56 July 1900 p 11-5 Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II 143

Appendix A

Appendix A DOE Contractors Performing Nuclear Weapons Related Work

The research, development, and production of Laboratory work, production schedules, and quanti- nuclear warheads is carried out in government owned, ties to be produced are set by DOE without contract mod- contractor operated (GOCO) facilities (see Nuclear ifications Funding is provided annually and is based not Weapons Databook, Volume 111) Nuclear warheads pro- only upon delivery of a prescribed amount of product or ceed from concept to realization in the GOCO laborato- hardware hut also upon the minimum level of effort that ries and plants In contrast to DOD with its thousands of may be necessary to perform directed work Contracts are contractors and subcontractors producing components negotiated on a fixed fee basis or in a cost-plus-award fee and integrated systems and providing services, the DOE'S basis partnership with the private sector is through a few cor- porations (see Nuclear Weapons Datnbook, Volume 1,for corporate contractors of individual systems) Cantractor; The control of access to 'Restricted Data' [as defined Contract Comwletian Date Desoriptim by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended) is part of AiResearch Manufacturing Co , R6D on gas centrifuge enrich- the rationale for producing weapons in GOCO plants subsidiary of the Garrett Corp ment technology [commercial nu The act classified as Restricted Data all information con- 07/31I84 clear. potential nuclear weapons and naval reactor applicationsi; cerning the design or manufacture of nuclear warheads operates gas centrifuge Pilot As- Another reason was the unique requirements associated sennhly and Balance Facility at with nuclear warhead production Novel capabilities Naval Weapons Station, Seal were required involving new and costly materials where Beach, CA economies of scale in production are not possible Eco- nomic and environmental considerations dictate recov- ery of as many residues as possible from the Allied Corn :see Bendix Kansas City Division) manufacturing processes Production of new warheads depends upon nuclear materials recovered from old war- AT&T Technologies. Inc (see Sandii Ccrp I heads Security requires accountability for these materi- als In many cases, the materials are chemically active or Associated Universities, Inc Operates the Bmokhaven Na- radioactive Their handling necessitates special Bmokhaven Upton, L I .NY tional Laboratories: conducts re- fabrication techniques and safety, health, and environ- 11719 search on inertial confinement mental protection precautions involving unique state-of- 12/31 /B7 fusion, safeguards and waste the-art technology Manufacturing processes require a management [approximately 1 high degree of control, with high reliability require- percent of the BNL effort) ments The nature of the production complex has not Atlantic Richfield Hanford Co , Responsible for fuel reproces- changed significantly in over forty years of weapon pro- Subsidiary of Atlantic Richfield sing, waste management and duction, first by the AEC, then ERDA, and presently by co general support at Hanford Res- DOE The technological sophistication and range of both ervation design requirements and production techniques continu- ously evolves, sometimes dramatically Atomics Internaticnd [see Rackwell Incerivitianal The DOE contracts with corporations and industrial Corn I firms for operation of the GOCO facilities and perfor- mance of such work as DOE specifies The contracts are Babcock 6 Wifcox Co Reactor core development and normally for five years to help assure continuity of opera- Lynchburg. VA 24505 preproduction work for naval re- tion Generally, contractors are expected to operate the numerous contracts through actor program; fabricates naval plants in accordance with the contractor's own industrial 12/31/91 reactor cores practices and experience (with such differences as are dictated by the nature of the products and the use of pub- Batmnco Corporation Construction of the High Explo- lic funds) and to treat the divisions operating the govern- 12/84 sive Machining Facility at the ment plants as if they were divisions of the home Pantex Plant final assembly and corporation retirement of nuclear weapons 146 Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II Appendix A

Contractor; Contractor1 Cowact Cempledm Date Deccripclon Contract Completion Date Description Batella Memorial Institute Operates the Pacific Northwest Computer Sciences Corp Operates ADP and communica- Richland, WA 99352 Laboratory, which conducts re- Las Vegas. NV 89109 tions at DOE facilities in Nevada 09130188 search on defense waste man- 09130189 agement Cornell University Suowrt contractor of hardware Project architect/engineer far . . Bechtel Corporation Ithaca, NY design for pulse p~wertechnolo- Sm Francisco, CA the Waste isolation Pilot Plant gv used by SNLA for inertial con- 941011941 19 (WIPPI in New Memo far stor- finement fusion research and numerous contracts through age of transuranic wastes; man- weapons effects simulation 12/31/87 aging contractor far the Formally Utilized Sites Remedial Action Plan 1FUSRAPl E I dupont de Nemours S. Co Operates Savannah River Plant Aiken, SC 29601 production of plutonium and triti- 09130169 um heavy water and radioiso- Bendix Kansas City Div Operates Kansas City Plants pro- . mpes; loading of tritium reser Allied Corn duces electrical, mechanical, and vcirs for weapons Kansas City. MO 64141 plastic components of nuclear' 12/31I66 weapons EGSG Energy Measurements, Technical contractor at Nevada Inc subsidiary of EGS.G, inc Test Site; responsible for inatru- Utilities and equipment replace- Black S. V~atch [formerly ~dgerton, mentation of nuclear testing [see ment, restoration and upgrade at Overland Park. KS 66212 Germeshausen. and Grier, Inc 1 also Reynolds Electrical and Engi- 12/31I95 Y-12 Las Vegas. NV 89125 nearing Co and EGEG Idaho, 12/31 187 1° I Blount Brothers Carp Radiation hardened integrated Montgomery. AL 36192 circuits facility 0111 8/87 EG6G Idaho. inc . subsidiary of Operating contractor at Idaho EG&G, Inc National Engineering Laboratory Idaho Falls. I0 83461 Basing Engineering and Designs and manufactures gas 09/30/86 Construction Co . subsidiary of centrifuges for GCEP project Boeing Co , Inc (commercial nuclear, potential Seattle. WA 98101 nuclearweapons, and navafl reac Eiectro Nudear. Inc Development of gas centrifuge enrichment technology [commer- 03/03/87 tor applications) cial nuclear applications: potan- tiel nuclear weapons and naval Calculon Corp ADP and telecommunications reactor applications1 Germantown. MD 20767 support 01/02/88 Exxon Nuclear Idaho Co Operated Idaho Chemical Pro- subsidiary of Exxon Nuclear of cessing Plant at INEL until Catalytic. Inc Construction manager for FAST the Exxon Corooration: March 1964 manages Project X Philadelphia, PA Project, Idaho Chemical Pro- Idaho Falls, 1083401 at INEL [ODD reimbursiblel to 10/31/84 cessing Plant 09/30/84 develop a special manufacturing capability

University of California [Board Operates 10s Alamos National FSH Construction Weapons laboratory building con- of Regents) Laboratory, Lawrence Livermare Liwermare, CA 94551 struction at LLNL Berkeley, CA 94720 National Laboratory and Law- Los Alamos. NM 87544 rence Berkeley National Labora- 10/23187 09130187 tory Fenix and Sissan. Inc Engmeers and drills test holes at Las Vegas, NV 89114 the Centel Business Systems Telephone upgrades at NTS, To- 12~1/as Las Vegas, NV 89109 nopah Test Ranga and Las Vegaa fadlities 09130/88 Fluor- Engineers & Construction, A-E desiqn of cancelled GCEP lnc buildings University of Chicago Operates Argonne National Lab- Irvine. CA 92730 Lemant. IL 60439 oretary [ANLl Ap~roximatei~1 09130186 09/30/B8 to 2 of ANL research is funded by the DOE Defense Pro- Gardner Zemke Corporation Upgradiw the electrical service grams m ICF research, safe- Albuquerque, NM at the Pentex Plent; final assem- guards, and defense waste man- 0322185 bly and retirement of nuclear agement weapons Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II 147 Appendix A

Cancraccnrl Conwacwrl Contract Cnmpiethm Date Description Contract Cnmplocinn Date Description Garrett Corporation Manufactures gas centrifuges K L House Construction Co , Construction of simuiatlon tecb Los Angeles, CA 90009 fm GCEP project lcommrcial lnc nology laboratory at Sandia 02128186 nuclwr, potmtial nuclear weap- Albuquerque, NM 871W ons and naval reactor epplica- 12llW85 tionsl Operated the Hanford Woks from 1943 to 1846 KMS Fusion, lnc Fabricates inwtiil fusion Ann Arbor, M148106 taweta, dwdo~s production 12131186 methods, and cmducts resea~ch Geneml Electric Campmy Operates the Pinellas Plant; prn on shortwavelenoth ICF ohwiml ducer of neutron generators fm " . . Saint Petersbwg, FL 33543 orocesses with a smell neodymi- nuclear weapons Operated the 09/30188 um glass lker ICROMAI h sup- Hanfcrd Resawstion from 1946- port- of DOE ICF program et 1964 LLNL

General Electric Company aperatlng contracmr. Naval Re bland Stanford Jr University Opevation of the Stanford Syn- actors Office Knolls Atmic Stmfd, CA chrotron Radiation Laboratwgat Power Labcmtory, Schnectady, 08130187 SIAC New York Lindblad Construction Co Construction at Kansss CQ Kmsas City, MO Plant tiwdyear Aercspaoe Corp , Mmufactwes gas centr~fuges 0411 8/85 wholly medsubsldlary of th for GCEP pmiect lcommercial nuclear, potential nucker map- Gmdyear Tlre mdRubber Research on biological effects of oms and naval reactar awlica- Compmy exposure to fission products Akron, 44309 Uonsl OH Institute 02128186 Albuciuerwe, NM871 23

tioodyear Atamic Corp , wblly Operating contractor for the owned subsidiary af the PortsmouM tiasems Diffusim Martin Marietta Energy Operates lsinca I April 19841 Goodyear Tire and Rubter Plant Svstems, lnc , subsidiarv of Oak Ridge end Paducah Gaseous cmoanv ~irt~nMarietta ~mpor&ion Diffusion Plmts, the Oak Rid~e 09130/89 Y-I2 Plant, and tk Oak Ridge Natimal Labmatory 1Frior con- tractor was Union Carbide Cor- poration - Nuclear Division1 Henfel Webs Canstmction Constrwtion of new assemblv 06/85 beys at the PmtexPhnt; final as- " Designed, constructed, and ow sembly and retiremnt of nuclear Cmpmy, lnc eratm the Pantex Plant; finalas weapons Amarillo, TX 79120 sembly mdretirement ~ nuclear weapons

Hoksand Nerver Pmvide arctitect-enginewing M-K National Co Prmi&s mnstruction manaae Las Vews, NV sewices at Nevada Test Site Idaho Falls, ID 83707 ment .%er+ces at Idaho National 0s130185 1213llE8 Engineering Laboratory iwaState University Operates Ames Laboratarf: con- Monsanto Research hrp, Operates the Mound Faciky, de- Ames, IA EQOII ducts nondestwctive material subsidiary of Mmsanto velopment, pmchctim, and sur- 12131BE evaluations for Defense Pro- Chemical Co veii!ance cf weapon compomnts crams In f ?e fuel prcces..~ng erea Miamisburg, OH 45342 {chemical exnlosivs &tonaton1 12 to 2 Dement of Ames Lab ef- 09130188 Monsanto chemicd CD conduct- ed plutorium research durmg the Manhattan Proiect and manaand John R Sdbv, lnc Constructinn of new detnnmr Clinton Labiratories lniw facility at Lns Alamos, NM ORNLI from I July 1945 to 1948

J A Jones Ccnstrmtion Construction, rnaintmance, and National Distillers and Chemical Fifty percent mnar of RMI. 2nc , Sedoe menagemant at Hanford Corp which manufactures fuel for the Richland. WA production reactors at the Ask 12/31155 tabula Plmt 148 Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume I1 Appendix A

Paqe and Wirtz Construction Fwmr ccnstructiin contractor TRW, lnc Research on the Plasma Separa- co forthe High ExplosivesFaciliiy at Redondo Beech, CA tlon Prmess IPSPI, advanced 05/15/83 Pantex piant [not a mior cow 09130184 sotope separatior process 'or tractor in 19841 urarun Enricnmnc kommerclal Preseomh, lnc Systems support for enrichment nuclear a~~lications:. . uotential Osk Ridgz, TN activities at Oak Ridge nuclear weepms and navel reac- OB130168 tor fuel epplicatimsl and plutmi-

Reedy Creek Utilities Co Contractor for WIPP. transura- Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830 nic weete demmstraticn olant 07/31187 UNC Nuclear Industries Operates the Nreactw and is responsible for N-reactor fuel RevnoMs Electricd end Primipal support cnntractnr op- fabr~cationat Henturd Erg~nmmngC?mpa.iy lrc erating the Nevada Test Site s~bsiaiary0' EGSG, lnc Unhn Carbide Cow Nudear Operates and manages Oak Las Veaas hV6-31 14 Division Ridge mdPaducah facilities Ook Ridge, TN 37830 09130186 RMI Co [formerk Reactive Owns the Astubuia Plant, which Metals, lnc I,owed by National manufactures fuel for the pro- Unlted Nuclear Corp , Nael FaMcstes naval reactor cores Dutillers and Chemical COT ductlon macturs Prociwts DIV and the United States Steel Uncasville, CT 08362 numerous Corp [SO percent 6achl cmtmcts through 03/05/92 Ashtabula, OH 44004 Og130186 Wackenhut Services, lnc Security guard sewices at NTS Las Veges, NV 89114 and SRP University of Rochestm Major suppart 1Moratoi-y for the Aikn, SC Rochester, NY 14823 inertid confinement fffiion [ICFI 12131I86 OElSO187 prwmm

Rmkwull Hanford Ope~atlons, Operating contractor fcr the PU- Westinghmse Electric Corp , Owrates Bettis Atomic Power division of Rockwell lnternatmnat REX ormessino-. olant and other Bettis Atomic Power Lab Labratory; operates the Naval West Miffh fU I5122 Reactor Faclllty at INEL: re- C~P fuel procesgng and waste man- Richland, WA 39352 agement operations at Hanford 09/30/88 search, development, testing, 09/Kl/88 and evaluaion of naval reoctor propulson plunts, technical SUP- po~tcontmctor for the Waste Rockwell International CorD Operates Rocky Flats Plant, lsolotion Pilot Plant CWIPPI, age- Golden, CO; Sante Susana Field Atomic InCematiOnal Div olcg~cd~sposal facliiq for de- Golden, CO 60401 Laboratnries ISSFLI Rockwell fense ruclea~waste 12/30/65 Hanfod Operations owrates PUREX plant University of Nrginia Resewch and deveiopmnt of Rust Engineering Miscellaneous construction ac- 09/30/84 gas centfige enrichment tech 9/30166 tivities at the O& Ridw Reser- nology lcommercial nuclear, pc- vation: mad maintenanm aid tential nuclear weapons and ne- water plant val reactor applicatims)

Sandia Corp , ATST Operates Sandia Laboratories in Weetinghouse Hanford Co Operates th Hanford Engineer- Technolocjas, lnc NM, Livermare, CA, and Tm Richland, WA 99352 lno Develomnt Laboratow Albuquerque, NM87107 nopah, NV IHEDLI; definse nuclear wasti 0!3/30/86 processing development

Stone S Webster Engineering Construction of tk cancdled Westinghnuse Idaho Nuclear Operates the l&ho Chemical C~P GCEP Comoanv, lnc [WINCOI Processino- Plant IICPPI. the Rketon, OH 45661 ldah; ~ails,ID 83401 waste calcinmg facility, the 72/31/68 09130169 Fluorinel Dismlution Process Fa- cilitv IFASTI. mdthe Rover Fd Swnertm S Walberq Co Construction at Rocky Flats p&eesing Facility, all at Idaho Golden, CO 80401 Plant Natimel Endneerhg Laboratory Contractarl con^^ Cmmletimn Dm Dwcripcinn West~nghouseMater~als Operates the Fmd Materials Company of Ohm Production Center, whlch manu- Cm~~nnat~,OH 45239 fact.ures fue4 fop the pmduct~on reactors

Zia Conwany Maintainca, support, and con- Los Alamffi, NM struction contractor at Los 12/31 185 Names National Labormv

150 Nucl~arWeapons Databook, Volume I1 Appendix B Gown U.S. Nuclear Tests: July 1945-31 December 1985

This appendix summarizes known nuclear tests con- detected and renorted bv various scientific institutions ducted by the United States from July 1945 through 31 Between four aid e~eve~suchtests are estimated to have December 1985 It includes tests announced by the occurred in the time period 1980-84 United States and tests not announced by the United Alt U S nuclear tests conducted prior to the signing States but which have been detected by seismic means of the Limited Test Ban Treaty [banning the testing of and made public by other scientific institutions Table nuclew weapons in the atmosphere, in outer space, and B I lists the tests chmnologically Tables B 2 to B 4 sum- in the water) on 5 August 1963 have been publicly marize the tests by type, location, and purpose Table B 5 announced by the U S government An explicit policy to summarizes the tests by year and estimated yield These not announce all tests was adopted by the Reagan admin- tables exclude unannounced tests that have not been istration in 1982 2

Table 8 I Knawn U.S. Nuclear Tests July 1945-31 December 1985

Event Nmhnd Daceb Height of Cmnmellesta l~cn Location Sponsor Type Bursttftl Purpasec field 07-1 6-45 Alamogordo, NM LANL Tuwer 100 WR 19 Kt Little Boy 08-05-45 Hiroshima, Jap LANL B-29 Airdrop 1900=50 Warfare 15 Kc Fat Man 08-09-45 Nagasaki, Japan LANL 6-29 Airdrop 1650233 Warfare 21 Kt

OPEmONCROSSROADS Ooeration CROSSROADS WBS at thet time the la~~mtwamtim n-jlitarvooe~atimever conductedwith 240 ships, 156 eircroft, and 42,000 pemonnel T& Go tests used MT'MAN type bunbs similai-to the one dmpped un Nagasaki TIE purpose of the tests was to determine the effectsnf nudear detanatims on naal ships. planes and cm mimals The first test weapm, shot ABLE, was dropped by a 6-29 rDavete Dream"] on a fleet of move than ninetywssels in Bikini Lagoon and exploded 980 feet shortand 1870 feet left of the target The test weapon in BAKER was encased in a wate~tightsteel caisson suspended b& neath a medium lmding ship mchomd ~nthe ridst of the tarptfleet An idditional deep underwater deto natim, CHARLIE, was planned but was not cmductud Atde 06-32-46 Biklni WNL-CIOD 8-29 Aivdrop 520 WE 23 Kt Baker 07-2&46 Bikini LANL.DDD Underwater -90 WE 23 Kt

OPERMION SANDSTONE Tkthree tests of were tk first proof tests since TRINITY Second generatim warhead design principles were tested using composite cues and levitated cores Ten thousand tw hum dred personnel perticipated X-Ray 04-14-48 Enmetak LANL Twe~ 200 WR 37 Kt Most weapons in the stockpile in early IS48 were Mark-IV of this type Yoke M-30-46 Enewtak LANL Tower 200 WR 49 Kt Zebra 05-14-46 Enewetak LANL Twer 200 WR 18 Kt

Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume I1 151 kntName land Dmtu Height d Cmmemtsl IGCTI beatlnn Spmm6or WW Burst IRI Purpase Yield Operat~onRANGER was the flrst series of atmospheric tests -Id at the Nevada Proving Ground (now NTSI and were the first &vices tested in the United States since TRINITY In November IS50scientists et Lo5 Alamas decided that a series of small nuclee? tests were needed in preparation for the upcominu GREENHOUSE serles ta establish satisfactory design mlteria related to the variation of yield with com- pressim of the fissile material RANGER was a series ofexperimnts invoking devices using a fraction ofa c~~tic~lmass Y'fractionel cN'1 The mncept of a 'fmctional c~ orig;nated in I944durhg the Manhmm Project The White House approved the tests on I1January 1951 ecceleratino the establishment of tk Nevada Prvvir~gGromd Durlng the eleven days a total of five devices wmdraiped from a B-50 bomber All of the devices detonated approwmately I100 to 1400 fetover AMe 01-27-51 NTS LANL 6-50 Airdrop IC60 WR IKt Baker 01-28-57 NTS LANL 6-50 Airdroo 1080 WR 8 Kt Easy 02-01-51 NTS LANL B-50 ~irdrub ioao WR I ~t Bekw-2 02-02-51 NTS LANL 6-50 Airdrop 1100 WR 6 Kt Fox 02-06-51 NTS LANL B-50 Airdrop 1435 WR 22 Kt

0PERATI0NGuEENH0lJsE Two of the GREENHOUSE tffits were thermonuclear experiments Shot GEORGE pmduced the first significant U S thermonuclear reactbn GEORGE was an emeriment us in^ a fiision bomb tu ianite a small qiantitvof deute~iumand t~itiumthat contributed onlye =mill amaunt w &e yield Shot ITEM&% a major contribution ta the development of thermonuclea~weapms It was tk first test of a boasted fission de- vice uslng deuterlum and trltlum shot DOG was pmbably a test of the 66 Fifteen thcusand rdce, swine, and hgsweru used durmg GREENHOUSE to test the lethal~tyrmge of blast, heat and radwacttvlty DW! 0447 51 Enewetak LANL Tow? 300 WR 70 ~t EaV 0‘20- Enewetak LANL Towr 300 WR 47 Kt Probably the 65 George 05.0E-51 Enewatak LANL Tower ZOO WR 225 Kt First thermonuclear ex- perlment Item 05-24-51 Enewetak LANL Tower 200 WR 45 5 Kt Tested prlnclpk of tr~tium hostlng

OPERATION BUSTER-JAMLE The five LANL weepm development tests constituted the BUSTER phase held inocmber adNovmber 1951. the second series held at NTS The objective of the= tests wsto evaluate new devices for pose!- bie inclusion in the stuckoile The two weamk effects tests of the JANGLE ~bsewere meant ti klo determ ne the m .itary dtairty of s~rfaceznd'.rdergpoum nu:lear&tunaticns he first three of eight Des- ert 4mk :mop exerclss were nEl2 curing BUSTCRdANGLE These exercises ME desiwet to exclare the conditioni and tactics of the atomic bittle~eldTk Mk-5 wstested sometime duping-l 951, !misibly dukg BUSTER A prototype of the 68 was tested during BUSTER end rmssibly the 07 Able 10-22-51 NTS LANL Tower 100 WR

OPERATION TUMBLER-SNAPPER Operetion TUMBLER-SNAPPER was a =pies of eight amospheic testsat NTS The purpose of the first ohase, TUMBLER. was to collect information on the effect of the heioht of tu~ton nvermmsure The see< bast overressJre of the owlces used dmng GREENkOLSE16USTER-JANGLEwere lmr thai oped m~dann TOMRI FR wa- ~PSme0 to owest qate the t-easans Tne acc,racv of the GqEENrIOLSEl BUSTER~ANGLEdata was affii-ied. and in sen-wd the TUMBLER 3hots maG a mre camorehensive-... . descrTption of blast phenomena than had bee

152 Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume I1 Appendix B

Event Name (Hid Date Height of Comments1 IGCT1 Location Sponsor TYPÃ Burst (ft) PWCSB Yild used during Shot EASY was rhe first test using beryllium as a temper material Ten thou- sand six hundred 000 personnel participated in Desert Rock IV Able 04-01-52 NTS LANL-OOD 550 Airdrop 793 WE 1 Kt Baker 04-75-52 NTS LANL-DOD 550Airdrop 1109 WE 1 Kt Charlie 04-22-52 NTS LANL-OOD 6-50 Airdrop 3447 WR 31 Kt Dog 05-01-52 NTS LANL-OOD 6-45 AirDrop 1040 WR 19Kt Easy 05-07-52 NTS LANL Tmr 300 WR 12Kt Fox 05-25-52 NTS LAN1 Tower 300 WR 11 Kt George 06-01-52 NTS LANL Tower 300 WR 15Kt How 06-05-52 NTS LANL Tower 300 WR 14 Kt OPERATION IVY Event MIKE was the first test of an experimental thermonuclear device in which a substantial portion of the energy was generated by the fusion of hydrogen isotopes !c used liquid deuterium Event KlNGwas the largest fission weapon ever detonated, presumed to be a prototype of the 618 Super Oralloy bcmb Mike 70-31-62 Enewetak LANL Surface WR 104Mt Experimental thermonu- clear device; produced a crater 6240 feet in diam- eter and 164 feet deep King 11-1552 Enewetak LANL 6-36 Airdrop 1480 WR 503 Kt OPERATION UPSHOT-KNOTHOLE The major purposes of Operation UPSHOT-KNOTHOLE were to test devices for possible Inclusion in the stockpile; to improve military tactics, equipment, and training forthe atomic battlefield; and toenhance civil defense requirements by measuring and assessing blast effects upon dwellings, shelters, automobiles. etcetera Some objectives were to improve the nuclaar weapons used for strategic bomber delivery and those used for tactical battlefield situations, and toestablish milicarydoctrinefor the tactic& use of nucle- ar weaoons The yields ranoed from 1 to 61 Kt and included three eirdroos. seven tower shots, and an ei" I ery fi-i~g >sing a333mk cannon Aoprox mately21 000 000 personnel from the fou-armed se-v ces paticmated n Oesert ROCKV Tie third end fifth tests of the series were LLWSt rst tests slncc bcno established as the second design laboratory the year before These two tests were fizzles Annie 03-17-53 NTS LANL Tower Nancy LANL Tower Ruth LLNL Tower LLNL fizzte of uranium hy- dride core Dixie 04-06-53 NTS LANL 6-50 Airdrop Ray 04-1 1-53 NTS LLNL Tower LLNL fizzle of uranium hy- dride core Badger 04-16-53 NTS LANL Towar Was expected to yield 40 Kt Simon 04-25-53 NTS LANL Tower Predicted yield was 35 Kt Encore 05-08-53 NTS OaD-LANL 550Airdrop Harry 05-19-53 NTS LANL Tower GraMe 05-25-53 NTS OOD-LANL Airburst A 2BOmm 85-ton cannon fired an atomic a-tiflery projectile using the Mk-9 warhead that was deto- nated at a height of 524 feet above Frenchman Flat, NTS The top of the mushroom cloud reached an altitude of 35,000 feet Climax 06-04-53 NTS LANL B-36 Airdrop Probably a test of the B7

Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II 153 Appendix I3

Event Maine land Dam Height of Comments1 IGCTI Lmation Spanir TÈP Burst Iftl Purpose Yield OPERATION CASTLE Operation CASTLE was the culmination in the development of the super, or hydrogen, bomb that began in 1950 The objectives were threefold: first, to fire six or seven experimental thermonucleardevices, Includ- ing proof tests of three emergency capability weapons 1EC14, EC16 and EC171-the test firing of one of these, cresumablv the EC16. was continoent noon the results of the other six testa: second. to obtain diagnostic nformation on these tests necessary to evaluate tneir performance, an0 thiro. to obtain ef- fec:s information on devices n the megaton range The first two snots fired, BRAVO and ROMEO, gave vields considerablv above those exoectid .inst nrior. to actual dptonation and (ed to the conclusion ("hat a lithium deuteride "dry bomb' waspractical for stockpiling purposes Since this type of device was aporecia- bly simpler to use than a liquid deuterium bomb, the Los Alamos test of the EC16 was cancelled and an afternative device inserted in its dace (mbatilv shot NECTAR) The seventh shot of the CASTLE series. ELHO. on LLNL design. WE withdrawn foilowiig the fail'we of KOON Tie tota f ssion yiekl for al tests in thc three year pe-iad 1%2-5d was 37 Mt Device mcknames in parentheses Bravo YShrimp"1 02-38-54 Bikini LANL Surface 7 WR 15 Mt Experimental themnu- dear device using lithium deuteride Produced a crater with a diameter of BOO0 feet and a depth of 240 feet Expected yield 6 Mt lpresumed range 4 to 8 Mtl Romeo ("Runt 1") 03-26-54 Bikini LANL Barge WR 11 Mt Teat of EC14 Expected yield 8 Mt [range 1 5 to 15Mtl Koon ~Morgenstem"1 04-06-54 Bikini LLNL Surface WR 11OKt LLNL fizzle Expected yield 1 5 Mt [range 0 33 to 4 MtJ Union ("Alarm Clock1 04-25-54 Bikini LANL Barge WR 6 9 Mt Expected yield 5 to 10 Mt (range 1 to 1 B Mtl ~ankee("Runt ID 05-04-54 Bikini LANL Barge WR 135Mt Test of EC17 Expected yield 9 5 Mt lrange 7 5 to 15 Mtl Nectar t"Zombie"1 05-13-54 Enewetak LANL Barge WR 1 63 Mt Expected yield 2 ta 3 Mt Irange 1 to 5 Mtl Operation TEAPOT, a series of fourteentests held at NTS,wasauthorized bv President Eisenhower on 30 A..gusL 1.954 Sune ifme tests were for the purpose of exoandmg the variety of Wcucal weapons inrl-d- ng thnse pr rrflri y ilesifned for flefensfv~piirpr

weapons' destructiveness there are defenses against them on the atomic battlefiekl " The thirdshot of the series. TESLA, was LLNL's first successful test. two-and-onehalf years after the establishment of the laboratory Wasn, 02-18-55 NTS LANL B-36 Airdron 762 WE 1 Kt Moth 02-22-55 NTS LANL Tower Tesla 03-01-55 NTS LLNL Tower Predicted vield 2 Kt Turk 03-07-55 NTS LLNL Tower Hornet 03-12-55 NTS LANL Tower Bee 03-22-55 NTS LANL Tower Ess 03-23-55 NTS DOD Crater

154 Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II Appendix B

Event Name tend Date HniQhtOf Comments) IGCT1 Location Sponsor Type Burst Ikl Purpose Yield Purpose was to prepare a subsurface emplacement site for an atomic demoli- tion munition test, em- place the munition, backfill the shaft, end fire the nu- nition It made a crater 290 feat in diameter and 96 feet deep It was prob- ably the low-yield option of the W31 Apple-1 03-29-55 NTS LANL Tower 500 WR 14 Kt Wasp Prime 03-29-55 NTS LANL B-36 Airdroo 737 WR 3 Kt Ha 04-06-55 NTS DOD B-36 ~irdrop 36620 WE 3 Kt Post 04-09-55 NTS LLNL Tower 300 WR 2 Kt Met 04-15-55 NTS LANL-ODD Tower 400 WE 22 Kt Apple2 05-05+5 NTS LANL Tower 500 WR 29 Kt Zucchini 05-15-55 NTS LANL Tower 500 WR 28 Kt OPERATION WIUMMM Oneration WIGWAM was a sinale test conducted auuroximatelv 400 miles southwest of San Dieao, Cali- forma One sf cml', five unaerwiter tests ever hed me VVIGWI~M oevce vraS SuspcndM by caolc fr0ni a towed ..nmmnecl aarce tc i:- cepth of 2UW feet n water that was approximatcy 13.W roct we0 The maior ourmse of WIGWM was ta determine the fatal ranae a deeolv detonated nuclear weaoon would have on asubmarine and on surface ships The weapon usedwas the 87. "Betty' nuclear depth charge Wigwam 05.1 4-55 Pacific DOD Uniterwater -2000 WE 30 Kt North 29 Degrees West 126 Degrees PROJECT 56 Project 56 No 1 11-01-55 NTS LANL Surface SE Zero Project 56 No 2 IPu disper- 1 1-03-55 NTS LANL Surface SE Zero sall Project 56 No 3 IPu disper- 11-05-55 NTS LANL Surface SE No Yield sall Project 56 No 4 IPu disper- 11-18-55 NTS LANL Surface SÂ Very Slight sal) The obiectives of REDWING were to roof test certain weawnsin stockcile or to bestockpiled in the nea- future: to continue developmental research on promising weapons, and to continue long range research on new techniques, ideas and designs The seventeen shoes in the REOWING series of mid-1 956 were pri- marily to test high-yield thermonuclear devices that could not be tested in Nevada All REDWING shots except CHEROKEE tested new weapon developments CHEROKEE was less a scientific experiment and more a demonstration to the worldaf U S ability to drop a hydrogen bomb from a bomber The AEC report- ed that Overation REDWING "oeve" hnDortant information relatina- to develo~ino. - means of reducina- fall-out from weapon firing, weapons far defensive purposes, and new design principles " Of the new weapon types, nine tests were sponsorerd by LANL and seven by LLNL The test shots fired at Enewetak had smalkr vial& than those fired at Bikini Hiah-vield warheads Ifkehl tested at REDWING were LANL'S El W26 IO&~;HOUNODOG). 3WT35 3 75 \te ~~O~~ISNARK.REUSTONSI, ana W4Y 1 4 Mt 11HCH. AT LAS U JUPITER: an2 LLhLs RW27 I~OT~~IH~ULLUSII Lnwrr yinlil wa-lu:aaa pmnaby incuded lhe W4O IWUAHC. LAUHUSSU. W44 1ASHDCJ. and W4b IMAUM. 'ERRIER. LITTLE JOHN1 The tnt~l fission yield for ill REDWING tests was 9 Mt: the total fission yield for tests over 1 Mtwas 8 Mt ~acmsse 05-04-56 Enewetak LANL Surface 17 WR 40 Kt Cherokee 05-20-56 Bikini LANL 6-52 Airit-op 4350 * 150 WR Severel Mt First air drop by United Statesof a thermonuclear weapon~probabiy 636 bomb Zuni 05-27-56 Bikini LLNL Surface 9 WR 35Mt Yuma 05-27-56 Enevwtak LLNL Tower 205 WR

Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume I1 155 Appendix B

Event Name land Date Heighc of Cm~~sl (GCTI Loeacion Sponsor Type Burst tftl Purpose Yield Erie 05-30-56 Enewetak LANL Tower 300 WR Seminole 08-06-58 Enewetak LANL Surface Flathead 06-11-56 Bikini LANL Barge Blackfoot 06-1 1-56 Enewetak LANL Tower Kickapw 06-13-56 Enewetak LLNL Tower Osaoe 06-16-56 Enewetak LANL B-36 Airdrop Inca 06-21-56 Enewetak LLNL Tower Dakota 06-25-56 Bikini LANL Barge Mohawk 07-02-56 Enewetak LLNL Tower Apache 07-08-56 Enewetak L LNL Barga Navajo 07-10-56 Bikini LANL Barge Tewa 07-20-56 Bikini LLNL Barge Produced a crater of 4000 feet diameter and 129 feat depth Huron 07-21-56 Enewetak LANL Barge WR PROJECT 57 Project 57 No 1 (Pu tispar- 04-24-57 Bombing Range, AEC Surface SE Zero sail NV OPERATION PLUMBOB Operation PLUMBOB. the sixth series held at NTS, included twenty-four detonations and six safety exper- iments The series was e~~rcvedbv President Eisenhower on 28 December 1956 The .ourooses . of ='-LMBOH wcrn t.n p-not tcst ccr-cam air de'ense and anti-submar ne warheads schecu ed for Ear y prc- oucliur: tu confiicc detfnnpmnt t.rr>r."int componftnts and rrocc~psthat provided oesiqr iriornstion for thermonuclear devices to be fired in ODereuon HARDTACK I. in~ludinodevices ha& hiaher vield-to-

ex~lorethat mode of teatino Sixteen thousand DOD ~ersonneloarticinatad in Oesert ~ockVll and VIII he Prototype for the ~36warheadfor the TALOS missile was tested and the W34 warhead for the LULU, ASTOR. and HOTPOINT anti-submarine weapons may have been tested during PLUMBOB Bcltzmmn 05-26-57 NTS LANL Tower 500 WR 12 Kt Franklin 06-02-57 NTS LANL Tower 300 WR 140 Tons Lassan 06-05-57 NTS LLNL Balloon 500 WR 0 5 Tons Wilson 06-1B-57 NTS LLNL Balloon 500 WR 10 Kt Priscilla 06-24-57 NTS LANL-OOD Balloon 700 WR 37 Kt Purpose was to study the effects of a nuclear weap- on with a known yield The weapon was drawn from the stockpile DoulombTH 07-01-57 NTS LAN L Surface SE Zero Hwd 07-05-57 NTS LLNL Balloon 1500 WR 74 Kt Diablo 07-15-57 NTS LLNL Tower 500 WR 17 Kt John 07-19-57 MTS ODD Rocket 18500 WE 2 Kt An F-B9J fired a GENIE (AIR-2A1 air-m-air rocket with a W25 warhead The rocket traveled 4240 me- ters in 4 5 seconds after release, before detonat- ing Kepler 07-24-57 NTS LANL Tower 503 WR I0Kt Owens 07-25-57 MTS LLNL Balloon 500 WR 9 7 Kt Pascal-A 07-26-57 NTS LANL Shaft -500 SE Slight First underground test The holo was 485 feet deep and 3 feet in diame- ter Stokes 08-07-57 NTS LANL Balloon 1500 WR I9Kt

156 Nuclear Weapons Databook. Volume II Event Name [and Date Height of Commnntd IGCTI Location Sponsor Typ~ Burst Iff Purpose Yiald Saturn OB-10-57 NTS LLNL Tunnel -100 SE Zero Shasta 13-10-57 N7S LLNL Tower 500 WR 17 Kt Doppler 08-23-57 N'S LANL Balloon 1500 WR 11 Kt Pascal-E 03T7.57 NTS LANL Shaft -500 SE 0 3 Kt Franklin Prime 085'0-57 NTS LANL Balloon 750 WR 4 7 Kt Smoky 08-91-57 NTS LLNL Tower 700 WR 44 Kt Galileo 09-02-67 NTS LANL Tower 500 WR 11 Kt Wheeler 03-06-57 NTS LLNL Balloon 500 WR 197 Tons Coulomb-B 09-06-57 NTS LANL Surface SE 0 3 Kt Laplace 09-08-57 NTS LANL Balloon 750 WR 1 Kt Fizeau 09-14-57 NTS LANL Tower 500 WR 11 Kt Newton 09-16-57 NTS LANL Balloon 1500 WR 12 Kt Rainier 09-13-57 NTS LLNL Tunnel -899 WR 17Kt First detunatim contained underground Seismic waves detected 2300 miles away in Alaska Wtitney 09-33-57 NTS UNL Tower 500 WR 19 Kt Charleston 08-28-57 NTS LLNL Balloon 1500 WR I2Kt Morgan 10-07-57 NTS LLNL Balloon 500 WR B Kt PROJECT 58 LANL Shaft SE Slight LANL Surface SE 0 5 Kt Pascal-C and Coulomb-C were safety bests of two desions beina fired in their final version at HARO- TACK

Venus LLNL Tunnel SE

OPERATION HARDTACK~ I~ Operation HARDTACK i included thirty-five tests, all but thruu of which were at Enewecak and Bikini Planned at atime when pressures were buildina- for a test moratorium, scientists tried to include tests for a: many weapon types as possiok Onginaly each lab ?ad req~estedtwenty bhots and DOD 'MI shuL% HARClACK was oivicted irtc three parts The first was Development tests of warheoo Woes Of whicl -ANL smnso-ed fi'teen and -LhL soonsored hfzeen These tests crobaclv nc udeo the W3H [ATLAS tiF TITAN 11. 641, 643. the W47 (POLARISI. the BlW53 ~~O~~ITITAN111. and BW46 IbombITITAN ll-can- called;, and prototypes for the W56 and W59 warheads for the MINUTEMAN ballistic missiles The sec- ond Dart was two shots sponsored bv DO0 to imorwa the understendinu of the effects of underwater explosions on Navy ships u he third part. also sponsored by 000. included three high-altitude shots to study ballistic missile defense possibilities The tests also provided information on the electromagnetic pulse effect from low yield-bursts on electronic components Yucce 04-28-58 Pacific 000 Untethered BSOOO WE North 12deqrees 37 mh- Helium utus East 163 degrees Balloon 01 minutes Cactus 05-05-58 Enewetak LANL Surface WR 15 KC Fir 05-1 1-56 Bikini LLNL Barge WR Butternut 05-1 1-58 Enewetak LANL Barge WR Koa 05-12-58 Enewetak LANL Surface WR 1 37 Mt Produced a crater 4000 feet in diameter and 171 feet deep Wahw 05-1 6-58 Enewetak 000-LANL Underwater -500 WE Holly 05-20-5s Enewetak LANL Barge WR Nutmeg 05-21-58 Bikini LLNL Barge WR Yellowwood 05-2558 Enewetak LANL Barge WR

Nuclear Weapons Datahook, Volume I1 157 Appendix B

Even Name land Date Height of Cmemsl IGCTI Lwacion spmsw me nurse lfcl Purpose Vield Magnolia 05-26-58 Enewetak LANL Barge Tobacco 05-30-58 Enewetak LANL Barga Sycamore 05-31-5B Bikini LLNL Barga Rose 06-02-58 Enewetak LANL 8arge Umbrella [in lagom 06-08-58 Enewetak DUD Underwater Maple 06-10-58 Bikini LLNL Barge Aspan 06-14-58 Bikini LLNL Barge Walnut 06-14-58 Enewetak LANL Barga Linden 06-1 8-58 Enewetak LANL Barge Redwood 06-27-58 Bikini LLNL Barge Elder 06-27-58 Enewatak LANL Barge Oak 06-26-58 Enewetak LANL Barge 89Mt Possibty tk EW53: pw duced a crater 4400 feet in diamte~and 183 f~t deep Hickory 06-29-5B Bikini LLNL Barge Ssqwia 07-07-58 Enewetak LANL Barge Cedw 074256 Btkinl LLNL Barge Dogwood 0745.58 Enewetd LLNL Barge Poplar 07-12-58 Bikini UNL Barge Scaevda 07-14-56 Enawetak LANL Barge Low Rsonia 07-17-58 Enewetak LANL Baqe Juniper 0722.58 Bikini LLNL Barge Last of twenty-three tests held at Olive 07-22-58 Enewetak LLNL Barge Rne 07-2658 Emwetak LLNL Berie Teak 06-01-58 Johnston 000 Redstone Mt Range The flash of light was vki- Island Area Rocket ble fmm HEWEUI,700 miles aww Quince WOE-58 Enewetak LLNL-DO0 Surface Orange W12-56 hhnston 000 Redsmne Mt Range Island Area Rocket Fig Oa18-50 Enewetak LLNL-DOD Surface Last of forty-three tests held at Erewetak

warheads The ARGUS ooeration was not intended as a test of nuclear weaoons or thew destructiw

mlght Interfere with cornmunicat~msequwmnt and ball~e~cmlss~le Darformance Argus I 06-2738 9uth At(antic OOD Rocket About 300 mile6 altitude South 38 5 degrees, West II 5 depes Argus I1 OEa58 South Atlanuc DOD Rmket About 300 miles aitiiude South 49 5 degrees, West 8 2 degrees Argus Ill 09-06-58 South Atlantfc DO0 Rocket Abmt 300 miles eltitude South 48 5 degrem, West 9 7 degrees

IS8 Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume I1 Appendix B

OPERATION HAUOTACK I1 Operation HARDTACK I1 was a series of thirty-seven tests, the last the United Stetes condwted before adopting a =st moratorium Nineteen of the tests were conducted to evaluate the yield mdefficiency of newly developed nuclear dwicas The other eightem were safety experiments designed to deterfine the etabilitv of nuclear dewcesdurinotransoortation and stmaae After a flurrvof thirteen tests In seven davs et the bnd of Octcber, the lJniGd St&s did not test an& for more thak tl-irty-four monthe Otero 09-1 2-56 NTS LANL Shaft SE 3B Tons Bemalillo 09-17-56 NTS LANL Shaft 15 Tons Eddy (possibly the W471 09-19-58 NTS LANL 6all~on 93 Tons Lma 09.21-59 NTS LANL Shaft I5 Tms Mercury 39-23-56 NTS LLNL Tunnel Slight Valencia 392658 NIS LANL Shaft 2 Tons Mars 39-28-58 NTS LLNL Tunnel 13Tons Mara .39&9-!9tl NTS LANL Balloon 2 Kt C01fex IOU558 NTS LANL Shaft 5 5 Tons Hidalga 104558 NTS LANL Balloon 77 Tons Tamalpais 10.08-5.9 NTS LLNL Tunnel 72 Tons Quay I@-10-58 NTS LANL Tower 73 Tons Lea lU73-58 NTS LANL Belloon 1 4 Kt Neptune IC-7458 NTS LLNL Turnel 115Tore Hamilton IC-75-56 NTS DOD-LLNL Tower I 2 Tons Logm lSl6-58 NTS LLNL Tunnel 5 Kt Dona Ana IDIB-56 NTS LANL Balloon 37 Tms V~ta 30-17-58 NTS LLNL Surface 24 Tms Rio Aviba 10-16-56 NTS LANL Tower 80 Tms San &an 10-20-56 NTS LANL Shaft Zero Socorro 10-22-56 NTS LANL Balloon Wrangell 10-22-58 NTS LLNL 6alloon Rushmore 10-22-59 NTS LLNL Balloon 1853 Tons Dkmn 10-22-58 NTS LLNL Tower Zero Catrun 10-24-56 NTS LAN1 Tower 29 Tons Juno 10-24-58 NTS LLNL Surfaze I 7 Tons Ceres 10-26-58 NTS LLNL Tower 0 7 Tons Sanford 10-26-58 NTS LLNL Balloon 4 9 Kt De Baca 10-26-56 NTS LANL Balloon 2 2 Kt Chavez LANL Tower 0 6 Tore Evans LLNL Tunne 55 Tons Humboldt 10-29353 NTS DOO-LLNL Towar 7 8 Tom Mamma LLNL Tower Zero Santa Fe LANL Ballmn I3 Kt Blanca 70-X-58 NTS LLNL Tunnel 22 Kt Ganvmede LLNL swface Zero Titania LLNL Tower 0 2 Tons


[Number uer fiscal vear I Antler 09-15-67 NTS Tunnel 2 6 Kt Shrew 0s-16-63 NTS Shaft LOW Boomer 10-01-61 NTS Shsft LOW Chena 10-IS61 NTS Tunnel Low Mink 10-29-61 NTS Shaft Low Fisher 12-03-61 NTS Shaft 134Kt Gnme 12-10-61 Carlsbad, NM Shaft 3 Kt Mad 12-13-61 NTS Shaft 0 53 Kt Ringtail 12-17-61 NTS Shaft Low Feather 12-22-61 NTS Tunnel Low Stoat 01-09-62 NTS Shaft 5 IKt Agauti 01-18-62 NTS Shaft 6 4 Kt Dormouse 01-30-62 NTS Shaft Low

Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume tl 15s Appendix B

Stillwater 0248.62 NTS Shaft 3 07 Kt Armad~llo 02-09-62 NTS Shaft 7 IKt Hard Hat 02-15-62 NTS 000 Shaft 5 7 Kt Purpose was ta test the capability cf underground structuras to withstand strong mo: ons genepated by an unaercmun=i nuzlear detonation in hard rock Chinchilla 02-IS62 NTS shaft I9 Kt Codsaw 02-19-62 NTS Shaft LOW Cimarron 02-2362 NTS shaft I190Kt Platypus 02-2462 NTS Shaft LOW Pampas 03-07-62 NTS shaft LOW Danny Boy 03-0562 NTS DOD-LLNL Crater 0 4z Kt Crater diameter 2S5 feet, depth 84 feet,in besalt Ermine 0305-62 NTS shaft LOW

-Brazes ---- 03-08-62 NTS Shaft 84Kt Hognos3 fl3-,~-62 NTS Shaft LOW Hoosic 03-28-62 NTS Shaft 3 40 Kt Chinchilla I1 03-3'-GZ NTS Shaft LOW Dormouse I1 04-05-62 NTS Shaft 106 Kt Passaic 0406-62 NTS Shaft LOW Hudson 04-12-62 NTS Shaft LOW Platte Tunnel I85 Kt Oead Shaft LOW

The 1962 tests in the Christmas and Johnston IsLand areas and elsewhere in th Pacif'kc constituted I These tests were also parC of either Operetion NOUGAT or Operation STORAX deuendino- on whether thev occurred in FY 1962 or FY 1963. rewec~elv Operatim OOMlhlC I was3 5er.E of th~rty-58"atmosphere nuc ear oetanat mshe d at several Paclf- IC Ocean ocatrons 'mm Apri to houamoer 1262 W~tntne four cont~nentaltzsts of OOM8NlC I the= were the last atmffiukric tests conducted bv the United States No longer able ta use tha atolls of Enewetat an0 DI~I~Ithe UilxdSxtes entered m-a ar agreement wltn the Un ted K~ngoo~11oar y 1962 to ~seCnr~stmas stan= for twenty-f~veoftns tests In return tne Brjt sn mreallowe0 to oartlc pace ,n tlw nuclear test urowam- at NTS Another ten tests took olace in the Johnstan Island area Four typ% of tests were carraenn~v t? 1 Abbttwenty devices were detorwted fw weawns oev2loP meit puToses In tbese tests, pmgrms was mode n ruc cm kctno oav that re% Leo 11 am f1cu8L n- creases in the vield-tn-wai~ht ratios, mom efficknt use of nuclew materials, reductim of the fissim COm.

known t~hnolog,; 121 Several stockpiled bombs and warheads were proof tested These weapons had kendesiped after HARDTACK and manufsctured dwlng the moratorium The designs had extrapalat& ta the maximum excent practicable the nuclear wewons tehnnlcgy developed durmg HARDTACK and pre- viom tests Each of the nuclea~wmpcnspmof tested functhed satisFactorilx 131 A third group were five tigh altitude effects tests from the kilotm tn megatan range The FISHBOWL portion of the DOMINIC tests investigated the ability of the intercontinental misiles 5ysteme, the early wamingsystems, and tk command and control svstem ta operate in a nmlear envirmment Some failures occurrd Three THOU rmkets malfunctioned iflight(~luegill, 2 Jme; Starfiih, 19 June; Bluegill Ooubte Prlme, ISOctober1 and hadto be destroyed, withtheirwarheads On 25 JuIylBbefish Prlmla THOU missile blew up on the land? oad on Johnstnn Island, casing extensive damam The nuciem warhead was destrwed bv radio command

siles, End nuclear warheads were teS& unctar realistic conditions Adobe 04-25-62 Christms LANL B-52 Airdrop WR Intermediate Island Area Aztec 04-27S' Christmas LANL B-52 Airdrq WR Intermediate Island Area BbCk 04-2762 NTS Shaft -714 VvU Low

160 Nuclear Weapons Databcok, Volume I1 Appendix 6

Euem Name land Date Hei~h~af Camm-3 iGCTl Lacatien Smnsnr TWE Bunt IftB Purpmse Yield Arkmsas 05-02-62 Chr~stmas LLNL B-52 Airdrop WR Luw Mt Island Araa Quests 05-04-62 Christmas MNL B-52 Airdrop WR Intermediate Island Area Freef8ll Frigate Bird 05-06-62 Pacific LLNL POURIS A2 WR 6CKl Kt The submmlne USS Echn Rocket Ali~l CSSBN-6081, iaunched a PDLARIS mln- sil~ while submerged abmt 155 nm east north- east of Christina$ lslgnd En the Pacific Ocean, North 4 degrees 50 mm- utes, West 149 degrees 25 minutes The warhead travekd about ID20 nm Wwrd the land, detm nating as an arburst The yield of the W47 warhead on the POURfS A2 SLBM was not announced but is estimated to be 600 Kt Shot FRIGATE BIRD was the first and only up- eratima1 test of a U S SSBNlSLBM weapon sys- tem Pam 05-07-62NTS Shaft -648 WR Low Yukon 05-08-62Chrlstmas LLN i B-52 Airdrnp WR Intermediae !6land Ama Parachute Mesilla 0509-62 Christmas MNL PI-52 Aidrop IJVR lnmrmd~ate kladArea Freefall Arikme 0510-52 NTS Shaft WR Law Muskegon 05-1 1 -G2 Christmas LLNL B-52 Airdr~p WR Intermedia& Islwd Area Parachute Swordfish 05-1 1 -62 Pacific DO0 Underwater WE LQW Th@ US5 Agerhdm (DU- 8261 steaming in an are0 about 37fl nm wwt- sout~estof San D~go, California+ North 37 de- grees I4 rntnms. West 124 degree$ I3 minutes, fired an anU-submarine m&et [ASROC) at a tar- ~etraft abuut 4000 yards away The W44 warhead detonated undwwater, producmg a low yield hung other thina~the &st was meant to dekr- mme the efkct of the nu- clear explos~anon the s& nar gear af destroyers and subrnwmes Shot SWORDFISH 1s the last of only five underwater tests Enc~no 05-12-62 Christmas Island Area

Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume I1 qG1 Aardvark 05-12-62 NTS Shaft 4a Kt Swmee 05-14-62 Chr~strnas B-52 Airdrop Intarmediate Islmd Ares Parachute Eel 05-1982 NTS shaft Lm Chetca 05-19-62 Christmas 6-52 Atdrop Intermediate lslmd Aea Pavachme White 05-25-62 NTS Shaft Lw Tanana 05-25-62 Chrtstmas B-52 Airdrop Low Island Area Parachute Nainbe 05-27-62 Cbrdstmas B-$2 firdrop fntermediate Island Area Freefall Raccoon U6-01-62 NTS Shaft Low Packrat 06-06-62 NTS Shaft Low Alma 06-08-62 Chrktms B-52 Airdmp Tntermediate Island A~ea Freefall Trurk~e 06-09-62 Chmstmas 0-52 Airdrop fntermediste lsland Area Parachute Ye50 06-1D-62 Chpj$tmas B-52 Airdmp Low Mt Island Area Freefall Hmrlern 06-1 2-62 Chmstmas €3-Airdrop I nterrnediate Island Area Parachute Ues Muines OB-73-62 NTS Tunnel Low Rtmonada CJ6-7 5-62 Chstma~ E-52 Airdrop lntermdiate Island Area Freefall Dufce R-17-82 Christmas B-52 A~rdrop Intermd~ate lsland Area Freefall P~tit D6-I 9-62 Ch~istmas B-52 Airdrq Low Island Area Psrachuw n~mmI 06-21-62 NTS stleft LOW 0tm1 06-Z2-62Christmas B-52 Airdrup Intermediate Island Area Freefar1 Bighrn 06-27-62 Ch~~stm~s El-52 Aipdmp Mt Range lslmd Area Pmchute Haymaker 00-2742 NTS Shaft 67 Kt Marshmallow 06-28-62 NTS Tunnel Low Pvrp~sewas to stdy eF fects on equipment and materials at .a s~rnulated high altitude Bluestme 06-30-62Chr~stmas LLNL B-52 Airdrop Law Mt Island are^ Parachute Sacramento 06-30-62 NTS Shaft Low OPERKIIOM GTORAX 1688 S~W 07-06-62 NTS AM Kt Excavation experimenk crater 12BO feet rllarrte- ter, 320 feet deep-ther- mmuctear devlm OPERmON DOMIMIC 11 four weapons effects tests at NTS in July of Ig62 co~titutedOperatfon DOM\NlC \I 8nd were a!= part of Operat~onSTORAX Liile Feller !I D747-62 NTS DUD Surfnce 3 WE Low Used a W54 stockpile warhead Starf~shWrne 07-0g-62 Johnston UQD THOR WE 7 4Mt High altitud~450 krn Island Area Rocket Sunset 07-70-62Christmas LANL B-52 Airdrcp WR rntemediate lslmd AM@ Fredafl Parnl~a 07-7 162 Christmas LLNL B-5Z Aidrcp WR LQWMt

162 Nuc!ear Weapons Databoak, Volume It Appendix B

Eumc Name ~II Date Height of C~mmmcsl CGCn Lncatinm Spmnsar TYP~ Bw~stIf14 Pu~pnse 'field Parachute Johnk Boy lpossibiy an 07-11-62 NTS ODD Crater 0 5 tit AOMI Mer~imac 07-13-62 NTS Shaft lntermdiate Small Boy 07-1462 NTS ODD Towr Low Little Feller I W-1742 NTS DDD Swface Low Warhead was a stockpiled W54 IDAW CRCICKETTJ Wichita 07-27-62 NTS Shaft LOW Ymk 08-24-62 NTS shaft LOW Babac 08-24-62 NTS Shaft Low Raritm 09-0632 NTS Shaft LOW Hyrax 09-14-62 NTS Shaft LOW Peba 139-20.62 NTS shaft LDW Allegheny 09-29-62 NTS Shaft LOW Andmsooggin 10-02-62 Johnston LLNL B-52 Airdrop lntxrrnediate Island Area Parachute 10-0562 NTS Shaft 3 0-06.62 Johnston LLNL 552 Alrdrcg Island Area Parachute Roenuke 10-12-62 NTS Shdt Low Wolverine 10-12-62 NTS Shaft Low Charna 10-18-62 Johnston LLNL E-52 A'kdrop Low Mt IsIEnd Area Freefaii Tioga 10-18-62 NTS Shaft Low Eandicmt lm19-62 NTS shaft Low Checkmate thigh altitude- 10-20-62 Johnston DO0 STRYPI Lnw tens of kmsl Island Area Rocket lXM-331 Elwgdl Triple Pnme 10-26-62 Johnston DOD THOU Submewton High altitude: tens of kms Island Area Rocket Santae 10-27-62 NTS Shaft Low Calamity 10.27-62 Johstm LLNL E-52 Airdmp Intermediate Island Area Parachute Hou?atmic I0-30+2 Jobston LLNL 6-52 Airhv MtRangm Island Area Parachute Kingfish 11-0142 Johston DOD THOR Submegatm High altitde: tens of krns Island Arm Rmket Tightrqe [high altitud* 11-04.62 Johnston DOD NIKE LOW tens of kmd lslsnd Ama HERCULES Last !J S atmspheric Rocket test St Lawrence II-Og-62 NTS Shaft LGW Gundi 11-75-62 NTS Shaft LGW Anmmtia 11-27-62 NTS Shaft Low Taunton 12-04432 NTS Shaft LGW Tendrac q2.07-62 NTS Shaft Lm Mad~son 72-1 2-62 NTS Tunre1 Low Nurnbat 12-12-62 NTS %eft L ow Manatee 12-1462 NTS Shaft Low Casselman 02-0363 NTS Shaft Low Acushi 02-63 NTS Shaft Law Ferret 0248-63 NTS Shaft LOW Hatchie 0248-63 NTS Shaft LOW Ch~pmunk 02.15-63 NTS Shaft Low tiaweah 02-21-63 NTS Sheft Low Carmel 02-21-63 NTS Shaft LOW Jerboa 03-01-63 NTS Sh~ft LOW Toyah 03-75-63 NTS Shaft LOW Gerbil 03-29-63 NTS Shaft Low

Nuclear Weapons Databonk, Volume I1 163 Evem Name land Date HeIMc of Comments1 lGCT1 Location Spomsw Tvpe Burstlftl Purpose Yield Ferret Prime 04-.;':-63 hT3 Shaft Low CWPU 04.1 .I-Fi3 NTS shaft LOW Cumberland 04I 1-63 NTS Shaft LOW Kmtmei 0424-63 NTS shaft Low Paisano 04-24-63 NT!3 Shaft Low Gundi Prim 05-03-63 NTS Shaft LOW Double Tracks {Pu dispersal1 05-?5-63 8o&ing Range, Surface Zero NV Harkae Shaft Low Teion Shaft Low Stones 05-22-63 NTS Shaft Intermediate Clean Slate I IPu dispersal1 05-25-63 9omb'mg Range, Surface Zero NV Pleasmt 05-28-63 NTS Shft h Clean Slat0 I1 [Pu depersall 05-31-63 8unMng Range, Swfa~e Zero NV Yuba 06-05-63 NTS Tunnel Low Hucia 06-06-63 NTS Shaft Lw Mehwa 06-06.63 NTS Shaft Low Uem Sbte Ill [Pu d~spersau 06-09.63 Bombing Ran5, Surfaca Zero NV Mataco 06-14-63 NTS Shaft Low Kennebec 06-25-63 NTS Shaft Low Limited Test Ban Treaty signed 5 August 1963 OPERATION NIBLICK l27l Pekm Shaft Low Satsup shaft LOW l

OPERmlOM WHETSTONE (361I be 07-76-64 NTS =aft Carmormt 07-17-64 NTS Shaft Alva 08~19-64NTS Shaft

164 Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume I1 Appendix 6

Ewem Mame land Date Height of Com~sJ IG~~ncaciom Sponsor TVP~ Burst 1fr.I Pmrpnse Vleld Canuasback 08-22-64 NTS Shaft -1469 WR <20 Kt1181 Haddock OE-28-64 NTS Shaft Gwnay 09-g4-64 hT3 Shaft Auk 10.02.64 NTS shaft Par 10-0944 NTS Shaft Barbal 10-q6-64 NTS Shaft Salmon 10-22-64 Uattiesburg, Shaft Oecoupling experiment MS Fcmst IC-31-64 NE Shaft Handcar II-05-6d NTS Shaft Crepe 12-05-64 NTS shaft D"ll 12-05-M NTS Shaft Pawot 12-16-34 NTS Shaft Mudpack 12-16-M NTS 000 Shaft Purpose was to obtain in- formatim concerning ground shock Sulky 12-1 8.64 NTS Shaft Wool 01-14-65 NTS Shaft Cashmere 024465 NTS Shaft Alpaca 02-72-65 NTS Shaft Marlin 02-16-65 NTS Shaft Wishbone 02-18-65 NTS 000-LLNL Shaft Purpose was to study ef- fects on equipment md materials Wegt~i\ 03-03-65 NTS Shaft CUD 03-26-65 NTS Shaft ~e&ml 04-05-65 NTS Shaft Palanquin 04-14-65 ME Water Gum Drw G4-21-65 NTS DO0 Tunnel Purpose was to study ef- fects on equipment and mstedals # 121~440281 04-23-S5 NTS ? 136 96 I75 941 05-07265 NTS Shaft 05-12-65 NTS Shaft Scaup 05-14-65 NTS Shaft Cambric 05-14.65 NTS shaft Twed 05-21-65 NTS Shaft Petrel 06-1 1-65 NTS Shaft Diluted Watms 06-1665 NTS 000-LLNL Shaft Purpose was to study ef- fects on equipmnt and materials Tny Tot 06.17-65 NTS 000 Tunnd Purpose was to obtain in. formatian m ground shxk First known nucle- ar detonatim condu~ted on orockaurfacewithln m underground cmity OPERATION FLINTLOCK 1401 Emnze 07-23.65 NTS Shaft Mauve 08-06-65 NTS Shaft Centaur 08-27-65 NTS Shaft Screamer 09-01-65 NTS shaft Charcoal 09-10-65 NTS Shaft Elkhart 09-17-65 NTS Shaft

Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume I1 165 Appendix B

Event Name land Dam Helgk at Commemtsl IGC~ Location Sponsor Me Burst lltl Purps~ YiM Long Shot 10-29-65 Arnchitka. AK DOD Shaft -2300 VU 80 Kt Seuia 11-12-65 NTS Shaft - 791 WR <20 Kt c&dUroy 12-03-65 NTS Shaft Emerson 12-76-65 NTS Shaft Buff 12-16-65 NTS Shaft Maxwell 01-13-66 NTS Shaft Lampblack 01-18-66 NTS Shaft Dovekie 01-21-66 NTS Shaft Plaid 11 02-03-66 NTS Shaft Rex 02-24-66 NTS Shaft Red Hot 03-05-66 NTS OOD Shaft Purpffie was to study ground shock Finfoot 03-07-66 NTS Shaft Clymer 03-12-66 NTS Shaft Purple 03-18-66 NTS Shaft Templar 03-24-66 NlS ShaFt Lime 04-01-66 NTS Shaft Stut.2 04-06-66 NTS Shaft Tomato 04-07-66 NTS Shaft Ouryea 04-1446 NTS Shaft P'm Stripe 04-25-56 NTS 000 Shaft Purpose was tu study ef- fects on equipment and material Trawller 05a4-66 NTS €ha Cyclamn 0545e6 NTS Shaft Chartreuse 0546Z6 NTS Shaft Tapestry 05-12-66 NTS Shaft Pjranb 05-13.66 NTS Shaft Dumnt 05-19.66 NTS Shaft Discua Thrmver 0527-65 NTS OOD-UNL Shaft Purpose was to study ground chock transmi= sims Pile Driver 0642.66 NTS OOBLANL Tunnel Purpose was to study nu- clear dmtonation effects on mdwgmund struc- tures Tan 06-03-66 NTS Shaft Puce 06-10-66 NTS Shaft Doble Play 06-15-66 NTS DOD-LLNL Tunnel Purpose was ta study ef- fects on equipment and materials Kankakee 06.1566 NTS Shaft Vulcan 06-25-56 NTS Shaft Halfbeak 063W66 NTS Shaft OPERATION -KEY I271 Smon 07-26-66 NTS Shaft novena 08-10-66 NTS Shaft Derringer 09-12-66 NTS Shaft Oaiwi~ 09-23-66 NTS Shaft Newark 0926-65 NTS Shaft Simms 1145-66 NTS Shaft € Kt Aiax 11-11-66 NTS Shaft € Kt Cerise 11-la66 NTS Sh~ft <20 Kt Sterling 12-03-66 Hamiesburg Shaft 360 Tans Deco~lingexpriment MS

166 Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume 11 Appendix I3

Ewent Name land Date Might of Cmmentsl CGCTI Location Sponsor wpm Burat (ftl Pwpose rim New Point 12-13-66 NTS BOD-LLNL Shaft Pwpose wx to study ef- fects m equpment and materials Greelcy 1220M NTS Shaft Nash 01-Is67 NTS Shaft Bourbon 01.2C-67 NTS Shaft Ward 02.0567 NTS Shaft Persimmon 02-22-67 NTS Shaft Agile 02-23-67 NTS Shaft Ri~tIll OS-02-67 NTS Shaft Fawn 04-07-67 NTS Shaft Chocohte 04-21-67 NTS Shaft Effendi 04-27-67 NTS Shaft <20 Kt Mickey 05-10-67 NTS Shaft 20-200 Ktll01 Cornmodom 05-20-67 NTS Shaft Scotch 05-23-67 NTS Shaft Knlckerbmcker 05-26-67 NTS Shaft Switch 06-22-67 NTS Shaft Midi Miit 06-26-67 NTS 000-UL Tunnel Purpose was to swdy d- fects on equipment and matet9als Umber 06.2947 NTS Shaft OPERmlON CROSSTIE (33 Stanley 07-27-67 NTS Shaft # r14:oo 01 01 08-04-67 NTS 137 01 116 151 ? Washer 08-10-67 NTS Shaft Bordeaux 06-18.67 NTS Shaft Door Mist DOD Tunnel Yard shaft Marvel 09-21-67 NTS Shaft 2 2 Kt Zaza 09-27-67 NTS Shaft 20-2WKtll 701 Lanpher 10-18-67 NTS Shaft 2c-200 Kt[1401 Sazerac 10-25-67 NTS Shaft Cobbler 17-08-67 NTS shaft Gasbumy 12-10-67 Farnington. NM Shaft St~lt 12-15-67 NTS shaft Hupmbile 01-18-68 NTS Shaft Established many of the criteria for underg~ound diagmstics still used tw day Staccato 01-I9e8 NTS Shaft Faultless 01-1S68 Cnntra Nevada Shaft Cabriolet 01-26-68 NTS Cratnr # [I5:30:01 01 01-31-68 NTS fZ66s 716 121 ? Knm m-21-68 NTS Shaft Dorsal Fin 02-29-66 NTS DO0 Tunnel BUSY 0312-68 NTS CArea 301 Crater 5 simultaneous detma- tlons Counts as one test Produced ditch 254 feet across, 855 feet IDng and 65 fmt deep Pmnmard 03-14-68 NTS Shaft Stinger 03-22-68 NTS Shaft Milk Sh&e 03-25-68 NTS DO0 Shaft Noor 04-10-68 NTS Shaft

Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume I1 167 Appendix 6

Event Name land Dam Comments1 IGCTI Lacatmn Sponsor Twe ~u&t(ftl ~mwose Yield Shuffle 04-18-68 NTS Shaft -1615 WR 20-200 Kt1251 Scroll 04-23-68 NTS Shaft Boxcar 04-25-68 NTS Shaft # 11 6:00-01 01 05-03-68 NTS 137 00 115 981 ? 05-1 7-68 NTS Shaft Tub 06-06-68 NTS Shaft Rickey 06-15-68 NTS Shaft Chateaugay 06-28-68 NTS Shaft OPERATION BOWLINE 1301 Tanya 07-30-68 NTS Shaft Diana Moon 08-37-68 NTS GOD Shaft Sled 08-29-68 NTS Shaft Noggin 09-06-68 NTS Shaft Knife A 09-72-68 NTS Shaft Stoddard 09-17-68 NTS Shaft Hudson Seal 09-24-68 NTS GOD Tunnel Knife C 10-03-68 NTS Shaft # 114:30:04 01 10-10-68 NTS (36 99 ? # [18:30:04 01 10-31-68 NTS (36 87 ? Crew 11-04-68 NTS Shaft Knife 8 11-15-68 NTS Shaft # 115:30:05 01 11-1 5-66 NTS 137 00 ? Ming Vase 11-20-68 NTS Tunnel Tmderbax 11-22-68 NTS Shaft Schnoner Crater Tvn Shaft i!'iis:~n:oi 01 12-12-68 NTS(3701 116 111 ? Benharn 12-19-68 NTS Shaft Packard 01-15-69 NTS Shaft Wineskin 01-15-69 NTS Shaft VIES 01-30-69 NTS Shaft Cypress 02-1 2-89 NTS Tunnel Barsac 03-20-89 NTS Shaft Coffer 03-21-69 NTS Shaft Thistle 04-30-69 NTS Shaft Elenton 04-30-63 NTS Shaft Purse 05-07-68 NTS Shaft Tarndo 05-27-6B NTS Shaft Tapper 06-12-69 NTS Shaft

OPERATION MANDREL 1431 lldrim 07-16-69 NTS Shaft Hutch 07-16-69 NTS Shaft Spider 08-14-69 NTS Shaft Pliers 08-27-69 MTS Shaft Rulison 09-10-69 Grand Valley, Shaft CO Minute Steak 09-12-69 NTS DOD Shaft Jorum 09-16-69 NTS Shaft Milrow [seismic calibration1 10-02.69 Arnchitka, AK Shaft Pipkin 10-08-69 NTS Shaft Cruet 10-29-69 NTS Shaft Pod 10-29-69 NTS Shaft Calabash 10-29-69 NTS Shaft Scuttle 11-13-69 NTS Shaft PiccaRlli 11-21-69 NTS Shaft Diesel Train 12-05-69 NTS 000 Tunnel Grape A 12-17-69 NTS Shaft Lovage 12-17-69 NTS Shaft

I68 Nuclear Weapons Databank, Volume II Appendix B

Event Name (and Date Height of Cammantsl IGCTI Location Sponsor me Bursc 1W Yield

Tarrine 13-18-69 NTS Shaft - 1500 WR 20-200 KttZSI Fob 01-23-70 NTS Shaft - 675 WR Aio 01-30-70 NTS Shaft - 998 WR rape 8 02-04-70 NTS Shaft -1619 WR Labs 02-05-70 NTS Shaft -1450 WR Diana Mist 02-1 1-70 NTS DOD Tunnel -1310 WE Cumarin 02-25-70 NTS Shaft -1340 WR Yannigan 02-26-70 NTS Shaft - 1287 WR Cvathus 03-06-70 NTS Shaft - 950 WR ~k6bis Shaft - 820 WR Jal Shaft - 988 WR Btiaper 03-23-70 NTS Shaft - 1839 WR Handley 03-26-70 NTS Shaft -3957 WR >IMtt1900 Ktl Snubber 04-21-70 NTS Shaft -1125 WE <20 Kt(6) Can 04-21-70 NTS Shaft -1310 WR 20-200 KH61 Eeebalm 05-01-70 NTS Shaft Hod 05-01-70 NTS Shaft Mint Leaf 0505-70 NTS DO0 Tunnel Diamond Dust 05-12-70 NTS DO0 Tunnel Cornice 05-15-70 NTS Shaft Manzanas 05-21-70 NTS Shaft Morrones 05-21-70 NTS Shaft Hudson Moan 05-26-70 NTS OOD Tunnel Flask 05-26-70 NTS Shaft #112:00:01 01 05-26-70 NTS I37 18 116 061 ? Arnica 06-36-70 NTS Shaft

OPERATION EMERY 1121 Tijaras 10-14-70 NTS Shaft 20-200 Kt1941 # 114:30:01 01 10-26-70 NTS t37 27 115 981 ? ? Abeytas 11-05-70 NTS (36 99 116 051 Shaft 20-200 Ktll II # (1500:Ol 01 11-19-70 NTS ? ? Artesia 12-16-70 NTS Shaft Cream 12-16-70 NTS Shaft Carpetbag 12-17-70 NTS Shaft Bareberry 12-18-70 NTS Shaft Embudo 0646-71 NTS LANL Shaft Laguna 06-23-71 NTS LANL Shaft Harebell 06-24-71 NTS LLNL Shaft Camphor 06-29-71 NTS DO0 Tunnel

OPERATION GROMMET 120) Diamond Mine 07-01-71 NTS DO0 Tunnel Miniata 07-08-71 NTS LLNL Shaft Algodones 08-16-71 NTS LANL Shaft # 114:DO:OO 01 09-22-71 NTS C37 07 115 971 ? Padernal 09-29-71 NTS LANL Shaft Cathay 10-08-71 NTS LLNL Shaft # (14:30:02 01 10.1 4-71 NTS 137 32 1 16 141 ? Cannikin 11-06-71 , AK LLNL Shaft Proof test of W71 war head for SPARTAN ABM missile Diagonal Line 11.E4-71 NTS OOD Shaft # (1 5!45:03 41 11-30-71 NTSl3716116151- - ? 12-14-71 NTS LLNL Shaft 02-03-72 NTS (36 96 115 Ell ? # (21:00:01 01 NTS (36 97 ? Longchamps NTS Shaft Misty North NTS Tunnel

Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume I1 163 Appendix B

Event Name IxiJ Dale Height of Comments1 (GET1 Locatlnn Spnnsar TW Burst lft) Purpose Yield # (14:OO:OZ 01 05-11-72 NTS~372511S111 ? Zinnia 05-17-72 NTS LLNL Shaft Manero 05-19-72 NTS LANL Shaft # [16:30:01 01 05-26-72 NTS (37 12 116 041 ? # (1 8:30:03 01 06-29-72 NTS (37 10 116 211 ?

OPERATION TOGGLE (IS) Diamond Sculls 07-20-72 NTS 000 Tunnel Used full scale SPARTAN missde # [I3:30:01 01 07-25-72 NTS C37 02 118 031 J? Dscum 09-21-72 NTS LANL Shaft Delphinium 09-26-72 NTS LLNL Shaft # (1 5:15:04 01 1 1-09-72 NTS (37 25 1 16 321 ? Flax 12-21-72 NTS LLNL Shaft Miera 03-06-73 NTS LANL Shaft Angus 04-25-73 NTS LANL Shaft StarwDft 04-26-73 NTS Shaft 90 Kt Rio Blanco 05-17-73 R~fle.GO LLNL Shaft Three 33 Kt Three devices fired in a sin- Devices gle emplacement hole at 5840. 6230 and 6890 ft , respectively # {13:30:01 1) 05-24-73 NTS [37 1 B 116 091 ? Dido Queen 06-05-73 NTS DO0 Tunnel Afmendro 06-06-73 NTS LANL Shaft # 11 44459 8) 06-21 -73 NTS (37 08 115 991 ? Portulaca 06-28-73 NTS LLNL Shaft OPERATION ARBOR 181 Husky Ace 10-1 3-73 NTS DOD Tunnel Bernal 11-28-73 NTS LANL Shaft # 11 9:00:07 01 12-12-73 NTS 137 06 116 57) ? Latir 02-27-74 NTS LANL Shaft # [14:14:59 91 05-22-74 NTS (37 06 116 111 7 Fallon 05-23-74 NTS LLNL Shaft # (14:40:00 51 06-06-74 NTS 136 96 116 02) ? Mmg Blade 06-19-74 NTS LANLmOD Tunnel

OPERATION BEDROCK 1181 Threshold Test Ban Trea- ty signed 3 July 1974: submitted to U S Senate for ratification on 29 July 1976 Escabosa 07-10-74 NTS LANL Shaft # (14:OO:Ol 31 07-16-74 NTS 137 10 116 101 ? puye 0514-74 NTS LANL Sheft portmanteau 08-30-74 NTS LLNL Shaft #I14:00:00 3) 09-25-74 NTS (38 97 116 001 ? Stanyen 09-26-74 NTS LLNL Shaft Hybla Fair 10-29-74 NTS DDD Tunnel # 11 3:30:04 21 12-16-74 NTSl3711 1163S) ? Topgallant 02-38-75 NTS Shaft Cabrilla 03-07-75 NTS Shaft Dining Car 04-05-75 NTS DOD Tunnel Edam 04-24-75 NTS Shaft Obar 04-30-75 NTS Shaft Tybo 05-14-75 NTS LLNL Shaft Stilton 06-03-75 NTS LLNL Shaft Mizzen 06-03-75 NTS Shaft

170 Nuclear Weaoons Databook. Volume II Appendix B

Enemt Name land Dote Height of Commentd IGCTI Location Spansnr Tree Burst lfcl Yield Mast 06-19-75 NTS LANL Shaft -2992 WR 200-1000 Kt15201 Camembert 06-26-75 NTS LLNL Shaft -4300 WR

OPERATION ANVIL 119 with TO1 Marsh 09-06-75 NTS LANL Shaft

Husky Pup 10-24-75~- ~ NTS LANUDO0 Tunnel Kasseri 10-26-75 NTS LLNL Shaft # [I5:3000 31 11-18-75 NTS (36 99 116 031 1 Intet LANL Shaft Leyden LLNL Shaft Chlbarta LLNL Shaft Muenster 01-03-76 NTS LLNL Shaft Keelson 02-04-76 NTS LANL Shaft Esmrn 02-0476 NTS LLNL Shaft Fontina LLNL Shaft XKJ 1000 <::6001 Cheshire LLNL Shaft 200.500 KH3501 Estuary 03-09-76 NTS LANL Shaft 200-500 Kt0501 Colby 02-14-76 NTS LLNL Shaft 5UU-1UUO K7'WUl Pool 03-17-76 NTS LANL Shaft 200-500 Ktl50Ol Strait 03-1 7-76 NTS Shaft 200-500 Kt(2OGl Mighty Epic 05-12-76 NTS Don Tunnel <20 Kt Billet 07-27-76 NTS Shaft 20-1 50 Kt Banon 08-26-76 NTS Shaft 20-1 50 Kt

OPERATION FULCRUM 1111 Chevre 11-23-76 NTS LLNL Shaft <20 Kt Redmud 12-08-76 NTS LANL Shaft <20 Kt Asiago 12-21-76 NTH Shaft <20 Kt Rudder 12-28-76 NTS LANL Shaft 20-1 50 Kt Marsilly 04-05-77 NTS LLNL Shaft 20-1 50 Kt Bulkhead 04-27-77 NTS LANL Shaft 20-1 50 Kt Crewline 05-25-77 NTS LANL Shaft 20-1 50 Kt Strake 08-0477 NTS LANL Shaft 20-1 50 Kt Scantling 08-19-77 NTS LANL Shaft 20-1 50 Kt Ebbtide 09-15-77 NTS LANL Shaft € Kt Coulmrniers 09-27-77 NTS LLNL Shaft 20-1 50 Kt

OPERATION CRESSET 1131 Bobstay 10-26-77 NTS LANL Shaft <20 Kt Hybla Gold 1 1-01-77 NTS DOD Tunnel <20 Kt Sandreef 11-09-77 NTS LANL Shaft 20.1 SO Kt Seamount 11-17-77 NTS LANL Shaft <20 Kt Farallones 12-14-77 NTS LLNL Shaft 20-1 50 Kt Camps LLNL Shaft <20 Kt Reblochon LLNL Shaft 20-1 50 Kt # [I5:OO:OO 11 03-16-79 NTS (37 01 116 101 ? ? Iceberg 03-23-76 NTS LANL Shaft 20-1 50 Kt Backbeach 04-1 1-78 NTS LANL Shaft 20-1 50 Kt Fondutfca 04-11-78 NTS LLNL Shaft 20-1 50 Kt Transom 05-10-78 NTS LANL Shaft Zero No nuclear yield; device was destroyed by Hearts detonation on 09-06-79 # I17:OO:OO -01 06-01-76 NTS 137 03 116 041 7 ? # (1 3 59:59 31 07-07-76 NTS I37 10 116 011 ? ? Lowball 07-12-76 NTS UNL Shaft 20-150 Kt Panir 08-31-78 NTS LLNL Shaft 20-1 50 Kt Diablo Hawk 09-13-78 NTS DOD Tunnel <20 Kt Draughts 09-27-76 NTS LANL Shaft 20-1 50 Kt Rummy 09-27-76 NTS LANL Shaft 20-1 50 Kt

Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume I1 171 Appendix B

Event Mamlad Date Height of Comments1 CGCTI Location Sponsor Burst Eft) Purpose Yield OPERATION OUICKSIWER 1181 Ementhal 11-02-70 NTS LLNL Shaft Quarqel 11-18-76 NTS LLNL Shaft # (1 707:29 81 12-01-78 NTS I37 03 116 MI ? Farm 12-16-78 NTS LLNL Shaft Baccarat 01-24-79 NTS LANL Shaft Quhella 02-08-79 NTS Shaft Kloster 02-15-79 NTS LLNL Shaft Memory 03-14-79 NTS Shaft # 11 5:59:59 71 05-1 1-79 NTS (36 96 116 01 ? Pepeto 06-1 1-79 NTS LLNL Shaft Chess 136-20-79 NTS LANL Shaft Faiy 06-28-79 NTS LLNL Shaft Burzet 08-03-79 NTS LLNL Shaft Offshore 08-08-79 NTS LANL Shaft Nessel 08-29-79 NTS LLNL Shaft Hearts 09-06-79 NTS LANL Shaft Detonation destroyed Transom device that did not detonateon 05-10-78 P6ra 09-DS-79 NTS LLNL Shaft Sheepshead 09-26-79 NTS LLNL Shaft

OPERATION TINDERBOX 1161 Backgammon 1 1-29-79 NTS LANL Shaft Azul 12-14-79 NTS LLNL Shaft Detonation destroyed Pe- ninsula device that was damaged during emplace- ment on 10-23-75 The Peninsula device was not tested Tarko 02-28-80 NTS LLNL Shaft Nortio 03-08-80 NTS LLNL Shaft Liptauer 04-03-RO NTS LLNL Shaft Pyramid 04-16-00 NTS LANL Shaft Colwick 13%-26-80 NTS LLNL Shaft Canfield 05-~2-80NTS LANL Shaft Flora 05-22-60 NTS LANL Shaft Kash 06-12-80 NTS LLNL Shaft Huron King 06-24-60 NTS DO0 Shaft Part of an Air Force and National Security Agency proflram to improve the database on nuclear hard- ening design techniques for satellites A vertical line of sight test using a small DSCS 111 prototype Tefi 07-25-80 NTS LLNL Shaft Verdello 07-31-60 NTS LANL Shaft Bonarda 09-35-80 MTS LANL Shaft Ride 09-25-00 NTS LLNL Shaft

DPERAnON GUARDIAN 1181 Dutchess 10-24-60 NTS LANL Shsft Miners Iron 10-31-80 NTS ODD Tunnel A test to evaluate the nu- clear hardness of cmdi- date materials for MX

172 Nuclear Weaoons Databook. Volume II Appendix B

EUHIE Name land Date Height of Cornmenu) fGCTl Location Sponsor Type Burst 1ftI Purpose Yield components such as mc- tor cases, ablative nozzle, propellant and external booster parts The test used 2000 channels of data Dauphin 11-14-60 NTS LLNL Shaft Test associated with de- velopment of a nuclear pumped x-ray laser Serpa 12-17-80 NTS LLNL Shaft Baseball Dl-15-81 NTS LANL Shaft Clairette 02-05-81 NTS LANL Shaft seco 0225-61 NTS LLNL Shaft Vide 04-30-61 NTS LLNL Shaft Aligote 05-29-81 NTS LANL Shaft Harzer OS-OB4-l NTS LLNL Shaft Niza 07-10-81 NTS LLNL Shaft Pireau 07-16-81 NTS LANL Shaft Havarci 0505-81 NTS LLNL Shaft Islay 0527-ai NTS LLNL Shaft Trebbimo 09-04-61 NTS LANL Shaft Cernada 09-2441 NTS LANL Shaft

OPERJtrlON PRAETORIAN 1221 Paliia 10-01-81 NTS LANL Shaft Tilci 11-11-81 NTS LLNL Shaft Rousanne 11-12-81 NTS LANL Shaft Akavi 12-03-81 NTS LLNL Shaft Caboc 12-16-81 NTS Shaft Jornada 01-28-82 NTS LANL Shaft MdbO 02-12-82 NTS LLNL Shaft Hosta 02-12-62 NTS Shaft Tenaja 04-17-62 NTS LANL Shaft Gibne 04-25-62 NTS LLNL Shaft Kryddost 05-06-82 NTS LLNL Shaft Bouschet 05-07-83 NTS LANL Shaft Kestl 06-16-83 NTS LLNL Shaft Nebbiolo 06-24-82 NTS LANL Shaft Monterey 07-29-82 NTS LLNL Shaft Atrisco 08-05-62 NTS LANL Shaft Dueso 06-1 1-62 NTS LLNL Shaft Cerra 05-02-62 NTS LANL Shaft Huron Landmo- 09-23-62 NTS DOD Tunnel Simultaneous with Dia- mond Ace A horizontal line of sight test on MX components It was one of the lamest. most cornofex tests DNA ever did, using 3000 channels of data to assess 400 separate ex- periments Diamond Ace 03-23-82 NTS DO0 Tunnel WE <20 Kt Simultaneous with Huron Landing The first event in the OISTAMT ARBOR SP- ries A joint DNA/DOE test to provide detailed di-

Nuclear Weapons Databank, Volume I1 173 Event Nine land Dace Height of Commentst IGCTI Location Sponsor Type Burst tFt1 Purpose Yield agnostic data of the radia- tion output ofa low-yield nuclear device Friscc 0%2382 NTS LLNL Shaft Burrago 09-29-82 NTS LANL Shaft

OPEUJTION PHALANX 1181 Sayval 11-12-62 NTH LANL Shaft Manceca 12-1042 NTS LLNL Shaft Ccalora 02-1 1-83 NTS LANL Shaft Cheedam 02-1743 NTS LLNL Shaft Cabra 03-26-83 NTS LLNL Shaft Test associated with de- velopment of a nuclear pumped x-ray laser Turquoise 04-74-83 NTS LANL Shaft Armada 04-22-63 NTS LLNL Shaft Crowdie 05-05-63 NTS LLNL Shaft Mini Jade 05-26-83 NTS LANLIDOD Tunnel A test to obtain data to predict ground motion and cratering prediction The test was conducted in a hemispherical cavity hav- hg an eleven meter radi- us Fahada 05-26-83 NTS LANL Shaft Oanablu 06-09-83 NTS LLNL Shaft Labm 08-03-83 NTS LLNL Shaft Sabado 08-1 1-63 NTS LANL Shaft # 11 3:59:59 91 08.2743 NTS 137 19 115 99) ? Chancellnr 09-01-83 NTS LANL Shaft TommeNidnight Zwhyr 09-21-83 NTS LLNUDOD Tunnel The second event in the DISTANT ARBOR series A joint ONAIDOE test to providedata for a low yield test bed # (1 6 2459 71 09-21-83 NTS (37 11 116 041 ? Techado 09-22-83 NTS LANL Shaft

OPERATION NSILEER I161 # (15 5959 2) 12-09-83 NTS [37 02 115 97) ? Romano 12-16-83 NTS LANL Shaft Test associated with ds- velopment of a nuclear numoed, . x-rav laser Gorbes Ol-31-64 NTS LLNL Shaft Midas Mvth/Milwm 02-15-64 NTS LANLIDOO Tunnel The fir& test iia seriesof threa to validate hardness specifications for maior elnments of the ?ifin Tnis fiOH tort I nn nf siwt tffic provided data on the nu- clear hardness of strate- gic reentry systems, spe- cifically the MX's Mark 21 First use of glass strand fiber optics cables, Appendix B

Event Name Id Date Height of Cammental 1GCTl hution Sponsor Twe Burst lkl Purpttse WBid which provide clearer re- ception of data and are se cure from "capping." thus improving the level of se- curity Tartugas 03-01-84 NTS LANL Shaft - 2096 WR 20-150 Kt Aqni 03-31-84 NTS LLNL Shaft - 1050 WR 00Kt Mundo 05-01-84 NTS LANL Shaft -1860 16thUK 20-150Kt à [13:49:59 61 05-02-84 NTS 137 19 116 021 '7 ? ? ? # 115:59:59 31 05-16-84 NTS 137 09 115 991 ? ? 7 ? Caprock 05-3144 NTS LANL Shaft - 1968 WR 20-1 50 Kt Dwro 08-2044 NTS LANL Shaft - 1250 WR 20-1 50 Kt à (1 35959 91 07-12-84 NTS13719116G11 ? ? ? ? Kappeli 07-2544 NTS LLNL Sheft -2099 WR 20-150 Kt Correo [test of WE4 war- 08-02-84 NTS LLNL Shaft -1099 SC <20 Kt head) Dolcettn 08-30-54 NT9 LANL Shaft -1200 WR <20 Kt Breton 09-1 3-84 NTS LLNL Shaft -1584 WH 20-150 Kt

OPERATION GRENADIER 116) Ã (1 8:13:59 31 10-02-84 NTS 137 08 115 99) ? ? ? ? Villita 11-20-84 NTS LANL Shaft ? WR <20 Kt Egmont 12-09-84 NTS LLNL Shaft - 1807 17th UK 20-150Kt Tierra (test of 003 bomb1 12-15-84 NTS LLNL Shaft -2099 SC 20-1 SO Kt # 11B;19:59 71 12-20-84 NTS (38 97 116 001 ? ? ? ? Vaughn 03-15-85 NTS LANL Shaft - 1401 WR 20-150 Kt Cottage 03-23-85 NTS LLNL Shaft - 1689 WR 20-1 50 Kt Test associated with de- velopment of a nuclear pumped x-ray laser Hermosa 12402-85 NTS LANL Shaft -2099 WR 20-150 Kt Misty Rain 04-06-85 NTS LLNWDD Tunnel ? WE <20 Kt The second in a series to validate hardness specrfi- cations A 900fant line of sight test in support of the MX system, specifi- calty the Mk21 reentry ve- hide Also included was a satellite vuherability ex- periment to test its elec- tronics tn a radiation envl- mnrnent Some X-ray laser lethefity testing was also conducted Towanda 05-02-85 NTS LANL Shaft -2168 WR 20-1 50 Kt Salut 06-12-85 NTS LLNL Shaft ? WR 20-150 Kt Ville 06-12-65 NTS LLNL Shaft - 961 WR <20 Kt Maribo 06-26-85 NTS LLNL Shaft - 1250 WR <20 Kt Serena 07-25-85 NTS LLNL Shaft -1958 WR 20-150 Kt Chamita 08-17-85 NTS LANL Shaft - 1089 WR


Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume II 175 Appendix B

Event Name laid Oat43 Height of Comments) --IGCTI Location Sponsor Typà Burst lft) Purpose Yield superhardening silos and the basing of the small ICBM The shot used a very low yield device deto- nated at gmund level in a 22 meter diameter hemi- spherical cavity Diamond Beech 10-09-65 NTS LLNUDOD Tunnel WE <20 Kt Third and final proof test for law yield test bed Rocquefort 10-16-85 NTS LLNL Shaft WR 20-150 Kt Kinibito 12-05-85 NTS LANL Shaft 18th UK 20-150 Kt Goldstme e-26-95 NTS UNL Shaft. WR 20-1 50 Kt Test associated vnth de- velopment of a nuclear pumped X-ray laser

~mtuusfor Table B I

castle ~~~o~tofthe ~ariaoer saw ~e omrations pacific ~~nv~~~~~~~d sonno 1954 carwar-tNO DNA mt-79-c-n455-DNA C~~MBC:~~f~~~i~~~rnit~~t~f~m rest

~ork:Oxford Llniv~rsiwPress 19781: Bruce A Bolt ~uclear~wloe-sna~irrfmuakes- The farced Ves an ~rancisco:W l-l Freeman an6 Compsny 1076J

2wtolOoOKt March 1976: Gurhg e a- of highyield tsvts conducted during this manth tworanges were added and the ZOO to 1ow Kb rwge mas dropped - 203 to 500 Kt - 5w to 1000 Kt since March 1975- On 31 March 197Sthe Soviet Unhand theunited Btatrsagremdto li^çthe mmimum field of mdwamBiJnd tests ta 150Kt The yield ranges now remted .. - Leaa than 20 Kb i7-o ttn..".*u la0 -.L 200 Kll-oil lcbb i;*i;ÈL- OmiroLi~i,DDU.\ C I -Less than 150 Kt . 1c.meuiaw IZO~1003 K~IDonation DDMIMC I -S.VI..-.IJI.. ,~.-.a~'ti~~iieUl,.i murewmZ'J2idl .Megaton Range -Low Megaton (from one to several MU

176 Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume ll Appendix B

Table B 2 Table 3 Known U.S. Nuclear Tests by Type Known U.S. Nuclear Tests by TESTS Location Underground Shaft" 491b Tunnel= 57 Pacific 4 Crater^ 9 Johnstan Island Are* 12 Unknown 43 Enewetakb 43 Subtotal BOO Bikinic 23 Atmospheric Tower= 56 Christmas Island Aread 24 Airdr~pf 52 - 106 Total Pacific Barges 36 Nevada Test Sits 563 Surfaceh 28 (underground] Balloon1 25 Nevada Test Site Rccketl 12 (atmospheric1 Artilleryk 1 - BBS Total Nevada Test Site Subtotal 21 0 Alamagordo, New 1 Underwater 5 Mexico WARFARE Hiroshima, Japan Airdrop 2 Nagasaki. Japan TOTAL 81 7 Carlsbad, New Mexico Hattiesburg, Mississippi Grand Valley, Colorado Rifle, Colorado Farmingmn, New Mexico Central Nevada t A n.i'lil.-tr:1.>,-c<: "appro t-om an a'rcroh Fallon, Nevada 9 A" .C,*.,?<<.. ce P,D ,j?,'?,makc?v m""d,",", .-a Em",eG,.m 0 m -rnnii^e 1 rst -eec n Is54 was :c comnensati? tor :he lac1 71 Bombing Ran~e. ex] ::me l-acifc P-cwio U'o-rc Nevada n A to-iccai Je. cc ciiicec un o' c ose l-> !he Ee-tha a-foCt: 8 A I % ;'Â¥i.?rcrcr froma balloon .'.re (MCIOOCO in We almc&~f'em Amchitka, Alaska -3 1 A nuclear device launched by rocket and exploded in ttie atmobphere I9 Total Thecatetory ih identified BYDOE as airburst referrimtoanexplosionof a nuclear weapon at such a hpluht that che expanding fireball does riot touch South Atlantic 3 the ~arthssurface prior to the time the fineball "eaves its maximum iumi- mity The only airburst event reported tiy DOE however is Event Grablo 81 7 GRAND TOTAL (25 May 1S531 an atomc artillervshelltiredfmm a 250mm cannon

Table B 4 Known U.S. Nuclear Tests by Purpose

d r?r.<,mas :.9,* s a" am, "r; 2 4BTeeS 7,mn d V!U VLC.L"? Warfare 2 mgtei~1200 nm EC rtf an0 s "pt-v w>t nt ha~aA Br tipn possess on ot Weapons Related' 61 3 ws +:L 1ear3?.ices n 1957.53 Weapons Effects 6B Safety Experimentb 33 Plowshare 27 Vela Uniformd 7 Storage-Transportation6 4 Unknown -43 817 TOTAL

~op~icatioriof nuclear explosives hi deve~oppeace~u~uses for atomic energy beween 1961-ig73 a Vela wsts are nwlsar explosions desioned to provide Information so -as to improve the capability of detecting identifying end locating underurn nuclear explosims e Detonat~orcfccmtnnationsdhgti explosives andnuclear materialsdesigiled I study distribLiiicn of nuclearmaterials during accidents ;n -Pal trans- poctatiw and storage c~nfigurrooris Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume I1 177 Appendix 6

Table B 5 Known U.S. Nuclear Tests by Year with Estimated Yields

Year Number" Cuniulatlve Total YiiM (Ktlb Cumulative Yield IKtl

Includes eighteen lcinc U S IUK tests and Hiroshima and Nagasaxi The number of -200tolOOOKt=3OOKt iint U S IUK bests in emch warme mivm h mmntheses During a =ems of highyeto tests condunced during March 1976 cwn ranges -9 added and the 200 to 1000 Kt range was dropped - 200 to 500 KC - 300 Kt -5OOtolOOOKt-75OKt used below The "&followingthe'= =marethe auth~rsescrmares of the aver. Since Ma-ch 1976: age *efd in each ranqe which were used to compute th3 totat muelend ci~muiat,"e On 31 arch 1976 the Soviet union and the United States agreed ti 18mk tw maximum yield of underground tests to 150 Kt, The yield ranges now -reed me: Low uess than 20 Kt) - 6 Kr, Lessthan 20 Kt = 6 Kc - IncamrecTiate 120 to 200 KO-all tests except Ooeration Dominic I = 50 Kt -2Dt6150KE=5OKt IntemdiateI20 to 1000 KtlÑOperatio Dominic I 200 Kt Lessthan150Kt-2OKt - Eubmeoaion (less than are Mt bm more than PO0 Kt1 - 300 Kt The forty-th-ee testsannounced bytha Nationel DefenseReseamhInstitute but not by DOE are assumed CD be less than 20 KClaveraging 6 Kc1 Announced bests with no yield data in 195s and 1958 were calculated frmm yield 1964 through February 1976: daua in tables provided by t/ie AEC in a ~otetm ~ditorsand corr~spcndsntsw~ich - LBSB man 20 Kt - 6 Kt weprovided to the JCAE or 5 May 1959 -20to200Kt= 50Kt Number pre-treaty 333: post-trastty 404

178 Nuclear Wea~onsDatab~ak Volume II