Warhead Development, Stockpiling, and Retirement
DO0 and DOE Aareements The most recent NWSMs include: Warhead Development, - QY 1979-81, approved by carter, 11 January 1978 Stockpiling, and Retirement fPD-26.1 [ru-:J, devlopment, stockpiling, and retirement of specific FY 1983-87, approved by Reagan, 17 March 1982 nuclear warheads This formal process is highly struc- INSDD-71, tured and includes seven distinct phases A number of kY 1983188, appmved by Reagan, I8 Novembe~ agreements between the DOD or DOE specify the respon- 1982 (NSDD-68). sibilities of the two agencies during these seven phases FY 1984-89, aonraved bv Rewan, 16 Februarv -. Two of the most important agreements date from 1953 1984 [NSDD-?I; * and 1983 The 1953 agreement-titled An Agrmment + FY 1985-90, approved by Reagan, mid-Eebmay Between the AEC and lhe LWD for the Development, Pro- 1985 fNSDD-?L and duction and Standardization of Atomic Weapons, and FY 1986-91, a'iproved by Reagan, 4 March 1986 - .. - - - .. dated 21 March 19534ivides responsiblities between the two departments As set forth in this Agreement the DOD is responst- Nuclear Weapons Development Guidance ble for the military characteristim, development priority, Biennially, the Defense Nuclear Agency prepares a suitability, and acceptability of nuclear weapons; cus- Nuclear Weapons Development Guidance [NWDG] doc- tody and maintenance of the stockpile; development and ument in coordination with DOE This states quaIitative pmduction of delivery systems and support equipment requirements for the devekopment of nuclear warheads for nuclear weapons; and the
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