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Contents | Zoom in | Zoom Outfor Navigation Instructions Please Click Here Search Issue | Next Page Contents | Zoom in | Zoom outFor navigation instructions please click here Search Issue | Next Page Contents | Zoom in | Zoom outFor navigation instructions please click here Search Issue | Next Page ABOVE GROUND LEVEL qM qMqM Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page qMqM Qma gs agl THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® ___________ ABOVE GROUND LEVEL qM qMqM Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page qMqM Qma gs agl THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® Contents | Zoom in | Zoom outFor navigation instructions please click here Search Issue | Next Page ____________ Contents | Zoom in | Zoom outFor navigation instructions please click here Search Issue | Next Page ABOVE GROUND LEVEL qM qMqM Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page qMqM Qma gs agl THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® ________________ ABOVE GROUND LEVEL qM qMqM Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page qMqM Qma gs agl THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® ABOVE GROUND LEVEL qM qMqM Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page qMqM Qma gs agl THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® September 2013 Vol. 10, No. 8 contents Tower Market Report 30 4th Annual Tower Market Survey 2013 52 By Jim Fryer 40 Trends and Forecasts for the Wireless and Tower Industries By Clayton Funk, Jason Nicolay and Ryan Carr Features 52 AGL Tower of the Month Photography by Scott Dolash 54 Alignment Solutions Improve Antenna Installation Results By John Vetter 58 New Guidance Permits Union Reps During OSHA’s Inspections By Mark A. Lies II and Kerry M. Mohan 64 Supreme Court Upholds Antenna-siting Shot Clock By Anthony B. Gioffre III, Andrew P. Schriever, Lucia Chiocchio and Ryan Tougias 68 Site and Tower Information Modeling (STIM) By Jiazhu Hu, Ph.D., P.E. DAS and Small Cells Magazine 80 Soon — It’s All IT By Ernest Worthman 82 Small Cells Enable Enterprise-level BYOD/X By Ernest Worthman 88 How Spectrum Conditioning Benefi ts DAS Network Design By Bill Myers and Ted Myers 92 Unifi ed Communications’ Connection to Small Cells AGL (Above Ground Level) is published By Ernest Worthman 11 times a year by Biby Publishing LLC, P.O. Box 2090, Ashburn, VA 20146-2090, and is mailed free to qualifi ed individuals in the United States Departments of America. 4 Editorial Comment — Dumont Telephone By Don Bishop POSTMASTER: Send address change to AGL Circulation Department, 28591 Craig Ave., Menifee, 6 Publisher’s Note — Never Stop Learning CA 92584 By Richard P. Biby, P.E. 8 Buyers Guide — Quick-Guide to Engineering Companies Interested in advertising with AGL’s magazine, website or e-newsletters or sponsoring AGL’s 20 Guest Opinion — Advances in Wireless Technology Enhance Site Design Regional Conference? For information, contact and Deployment for information. By Stephen Banks 24 Regulatory Update — New Missouri Law Limits Antenna Siting Requirements from Local Jurisdictions on the cover By Curtis M. Holland The moon rises behind 99 Product Showcase — Lightning Protection and Surge Suppression a TowerCo tower in Haverhill, Fla., near 10178 Advertiser Index the Atlantic coast, in an image captured in 102 Professional Directory November 2011. Photo by Don Bishop. 3 ABOVE GROUND LEVEL qM qMqM Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page qMqM Qma gs agl THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® ABOVE GROUND LEVEL qM qMqM Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page qMqM Qma gs agl THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® editorial comment ™™ Dumont Telephone $UW'LUHFWRU6FRWW'RODVKSKRWR- 1HWÀL[XVHRXUQHWZRUNEXWZH¶UHQRW JUDSKHGWKHAGL7RZHURIWKH0RQWK JHWWLQJSDLGIRUWKHXVH´KHVDLG SDJH 7KHLPDJHVKRZVDWRZHULQ :KDW.UHJHOVDLGUHPLQGHGPH ,QIUDVWUXFWXUHUHJXODWRU\DQG¿QDQFLDO 3DUNHUVEXUJ,RZDRZQHGE\'XPRQW WKDWFDEOH79FRPSDQLHVXVHGWRUHO\ information for the antenna-siting community 7HOHSKRQH)RXQGHG HQWLUHO\RQVXEVFULEHUIHHVIRUUHYHQXH PUBLISHER/CEO LQDVWKH,QJ- EXWLQFUHDVLQJO\WKH\DUHFKDUJLQJIHHV 5LFKDUG3%LE\3( KDP7RZQVKLS0X- WRRULJLQDWRUVRIFRQWHQWIRUFDUULDJH [email protected]__________ WXDO7HOHSKRQHWKH ,Q$XJXVWDGLVSXWHRYHUIHHVOHGFDEOH EXEC. EDITOR/ASSOC. PUBLISHER FRPSDQ\ SURYLGHV 79SURYLGHU7LPH:DUQHUWREODFNRXW 'RQ%LVKRS ZLUHOHVVWHOHFRPPX- &%6RULJLQDWHGSURJUDPVRQWKH7: [email protected] QLFDWLRQVVHUYLFHLQ FDEOHV\VWHPVLQVHYHUDOFLWLHVOHDYLQJ CONTRIBUTING EDITORS %XWOHU&RXQW\,RZD PLOOLRQFDEOHVXEVFULEHUVZLWKRXW -6KDUSH6PLWK [email protected] ZLWK¿YHWRZHUV DFFHVVWR&%6SURJUDPVYLDFDEOH (UQHVW:RUWKPDQ ³:HKDYHRXURZQ ,WVHHPVIDUIHWFKHGWRWKLQNWKDW [email protected]______________ FHOOXODU QHWZRUN´ ZHEVLWHRSHUDWRUVPLJKWSD\WHOHSKRQH COPY EDITOR 5RJHU .UHJHO WKH FRPSDQLHVWRXVHWKHLUEURDGEDQGQHW- 0DUWKD&ROOLQV FRPSDQ\¶VJHQHUDOPDQDJHUWROGAGL ZRUNVEXW'XPRQW7HOHSKRQHFRXOGXVH ³:H¶UHDI¿OLDWHGZLWKL:LUHOHVVZKLFK WKHPRQH\$OWKRXJKWKHFRPSDQ\KDV ART DIRECTOR 6FRWW'RODVK LVD70RELOH86$SDUWQHU´,RZD:LUH- EHHQDEOHWRRIIHUKLJKVSHHG,QWHUQHWWR [email protected] OHVV6HUYLFHVGRLQJEXVLQHVVDVL:LUH- HYHU\VXEVFULEHUZKRZDQWHGLWDQGDO- ADVERTISING MANAGERS OHVVLVDSDUWQHUVKLSEHWZHHQ70RELOH WKRXJK'XPRQW7HOHSKRQHXSJUDGHGDOO 0HUF\&RQWUHUDV DQG,RZD1HWZRUN6HUYLFHV'XPRQW FDEOH79VHUYLFHWRGLJLWDODQGH[WHQGHG [email protected] 7HOHSKRQHFXVWRPHUVXVLQJFHOOSKRQHV ¿EHUWRWKHKRPHVRIPRVWVXEVFULEHUV 3KLO&RRN [email protected] RXWVLGHWKHFRPSDQ\¶VKRPHQHWZRUN LWIDFHVD¿QDQFLDOFKDOOHQJHZKHQLW 0DU\&DUOLOH DUHDUHFHLYHVHUYLFHIURP70RELOHEXW FRPHVWRXSJUDGLQJLWVFHOOXODUVHUYLFH [email protected] VWLOOSD\WKHLUELOOWR'XPRQW7HOHSKRQH WR*³0\ERDUGLVWDONLQJDERXWWKDW CIRCULATION MANAGER ³6XUYLYLQJLQDQHQYLURQPHQWZLWK ULJKWQRZ´.UHJHOVDLG [email protected] ODUJHSOD\HUVLVLQFUHDVLQJO\GLI¿FXOW´ 'XPRQW7HOHSKRQHKDVDQHLJKW CORPORATE OFFICE .UHJHOVDLG³:LWKWKHUHJXODWLRQVZH PHPEHUERDUGRIGLUHFWRUVDQGHLJKW %LE\3XEOLVKLQJ//& QRZKDYHLWLVGLI¿FXOWWRNHHSFXVWRP- HPSOR\HHV 32%R[ HUVKDSS\ZKLOHPDNLQJHQRXJKPRQH\ $QGQRZ\RXNQRZPRUHWKDQXVXDO $VKEXUQ9$ WRLQYHVWLQQHWZRUNXSJUDGHV´ DERXWWKHFRPSDQ\ZLWKWKHAGL7RZHU .UHJHOVDLGWKDWKLVWRULFDOO\UXUDO RIWKH0RQWK PRESS RELEASES and WHOHSKRQHFRPSDQLHVGHULYHGPXFKRI ADVERTISING MATERIALS [email protected] WKHLUUHYHQXHE\FKDUJLQJRWKHUWHOH- NATE Chairwoman Pat Cipov SKRQHFRPSDQLHVIRUDFFHVVWRWKHLU 6HOHFWHGE\WKHRUJDQL]DWLRQ¶VERDUG STATE WIRELESS ASSOCIATION NEWS 6HQGXSGDWHVDERXWVWDWHZLUHOHVVDVVRFLDWLRQ ODQGOLQHQHWZRUNV³7KH\SDLGE\WKH RIGLUHFWRUV3DW&LSRYKDVEHFRPH PHHWLQJVJROIWRXUQDPHQWVIXQGUDLVHUVDQG PLQXWHWRUXQWUDI¿FRYHUWKHQHWZRUN´ WKH¿UVWZRPDQWRKHDGWKH1DWLRQDO RWKHUHYHQWVWR KHVDLG³7RGD\QRWDVPDQ\SHRSOH $VVRFLDWLRQRI7RZHU(UHFWRUV6KHLV [email protected] XVHORQJGLVWDQFHODQGOLQHVHUYLFH´ SUHVLGHQWRI&LSRY(QWHUSULVHVDWRZHU SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION: AGL 5XUDOWHOHSKRQHFRPSDQLHVDUHSDLGIRU FRQVWUXFWLRQDQGPDLQWHQDQFHFRPSDQ\ $ERYH*URXQG/HYHO LVPDLOHGIUHHWRTXDOL¿HG SHUVRQVLQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVZRUNLQJLQWKH ORQJGLVWDQFHFDOOVWKDWWHUPLQDWHLQWKHLU ZLWKHPSOR\HHV:DWFKIRUAGL¶VLQ- DQWHQQDVLWLQJLQGXVWU\DQGUHODWHGVHUYLFHV VHUYLFHDUHDV WHUYLHZZLWK&LSRYLQWKH2FWREHULVVXH ³9HUL]RQLVXVLQJRXUQHWZRUNIRU &LSRYWDNHVWKHWRSYROXQWHHUOHDGHU- To subscribe online, go to: EURDGEDQGDFFHVV´.UHJHOVDLG%XW VKLSSRVLWLRQLQ1$7(DWDWLPHZKHQID- KHSRLQWHGRXWWKDWHQWLWLHVWKDWSURYLGH WDOLWLHVVWHPPLQJIURPLQMXULHVVXVWDLQHG To subscribe by mail: FRQWHQWWRXVHUVYLDWKH:RUOG:LGH:HE ZKLOHZRUNLQJRQWRZHUVDUHRQWKHULVH AGL&LUFXODWLRQ'HSDUWPHQW &UDLJ$YH RYHUWKH,QWHUQHWGRQRWSD\IRUVXFKXVH :HZLVK&LSRYWKHEHVWLQKHOSLQJ 0HQLIHH&$ ³3URYLGHUVVXFKDV*RRJOH<DKRRDQG 1$7(H[WHQGWUDLQLQJWRDOOWRZHUZRUN- &RS\ULJKW ™ HUVDQGIDOOSURWHFWLRQDZDUHQHVVWRHY- %LE\3XEOLVKLQJ//& By Don Bishop, Executive Editor HU\RQHLQWKHLQGXVWU\LQFOXGLQJFDUULHUV $OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG [email protected]________________ WRZHURZQHUVDQGJHQHUDOFRQWUDFWRUV 4 above ground level ABOVE GROUND LEVEL qM qMqM Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page qMqM Qma gs agl THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® ABOVE GROUND LEVEL qM qMqM Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page qMqM Qma gs agl THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® ______________________ ABOVE GROUND LEVEL qM qMqM Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page qMqM Qma gs agl THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® ABOVE GROUND LEVEL qM qMqM Previous Page | Contents | Zoom in | Zoom out | Front Cover | Search Issue | Next Page qMqM Qma gs agl THE WORLD’S NEWSSTAND® publisher’s note Never Stop Learning Working in Vermont during the past of the deal. My minutes quickly disap- tually coming forward. By the time you year or so has been such fun. And I still peared, although I only placed a couple read about it in The Wall Street Journal, can’t believe I’m just back from England of phone calls in the UK. However, you know the deal is actually already and France where I went for a little R&R the data remained. I was unable to get pretty much done. So who will it be? The with the family. Talk about telecom any customer service help, and I im- usual suspects? American Tower? Crown sticker shock! Taking a CDMA phone mediately tossed the idea of traditional Castle International? It’s probably too from the United States GSM phone calls out the window and big of a deal for SBA Communications, to the United Kingdom scrambled to fi nd a good VoIP client for I would imagine, given what limited un- had a number of really Android. I did, and I was quickly able to derstanding I have of the fi nancial world,
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