Plumbbob Series, 1957, United States

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Plumbbob Series, 1957, United States United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Official Hearing Exhibit NYS000285 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. In the Matter of: Submitted: December 21, 2011 (Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3) c:..\,.~""R REGlI~;. ASLBP #: 07-858-03-LR-BD01 Docket #: 05000247 | 05000286 Exhibit #: NYS000285-00-BD01 Identified: 10/15/2012 •l ~'~0 · . Admitted: 10/15/2012 Withdrawn: ~ .~. ....,,1- 0.... Rejected: Stricken: ? ~ ****il Other: DNA 6005F I 1 United Ststas Atmospheric. iNUIclaat Weapons Tests Nuclear Tes Personn · I Review I), \ KL l ' ,....J'~,j fl~ Prepared by the 0 e'fens,e Nuclear Agency as Executive A 'genc'y for the Department of 'Q,Et'fense Destroy this report when it is no longer needed. Do not return to sender. PLEASE NOTIFY THE DEFENSE NUCLEAR AGENCY, ATTN: STTI, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20305, IF YOUR ADDRESS IS INCORRECT, IF YOU WISH TO BE DELETED FROM THE DISTRIBUTION LIST, OR IF THE ADDRESSEE IS NO LONGER EMPLOYED BY YOUR ORGANIZATION. UNCLASS I FI ED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (W?!en D.t. entered) READ INSTRUCTIONS REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE BEFORE COMPLETING FORM I. REPORT NUMBER r' GOVT ACCESSION NO. l. RECIPIEN T'S CAT ALOG NUMBER DNA 6005F 4. TITLE (and Subtltlo) 5. TYPE OF REPORT 5. PERIOO COVEREO PLUMBBOB SERIES, 1957 Technical Report 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPOAT NUMBEA 2087-79-02 7. AUTHOR(o) 8. CONTRACT OR GRANT NU ... 8ER(0) P.S. Harri s S. Obermi 11 er C. Lowery W.J. Ozeroff DNA 001-78-C-0311 A. Nelson S. E. Weary 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME ANO ADDAESS 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT, PROJECT, TASK JAY COR AREA & WOAK UNIT NUMBERS 205 South Whiting Street Subtask U99QAXMK506-04 Alexandria, Virginia 22304 II. CONTROI..LING OFFICE NAME AND AOORESS 12. REPORT OATE Director 15 September 1981 Defense Nuclear Agency 13. NUMBER OF PAGES Washinqton, D.C. 20305 312 -14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME & AOORESS(II dillorornl lrom Controllln, Ottle.) 15. SECU RITV CLASS. (01 thle ,epot't) UNCLASSIFIED 15 •. OECLASSIFICATION/DOWNGRADING NffiHEOULE 16. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (01 till. Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (01 the .b.ttact ent.r.d In Block 20, If dllierent Irorn Repot't) 18. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES This work sponsored by the Defense Nuclear Agency under RDT&E RMSS Code B350078464 U99QAXMK50604 H2590D. For sale by the National Technical Infor- mation Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161. (Continued) 19. KEV WORDS (Contlnu. on r.v..... Ida Ii n.e •••ery and Idantlfy by block numb.r) AEC Desert Rock NTPR SMOKY AFSWC Fallout PLUMBBOB AFSWP GAll LEO PRISCILLA Atmospheric Nuclear Tests HOOD Radiation Exposure Decontamination Ionizing Radiation Radioactivity 2~. ABSTRACT' ~ _ re~ .- fI ~ ...tId_It,. by block number) This report describes the activities of DOD participants in the atmospheric nuclear test series, Operation PLUMBBOB. The various levels at which DOD personnel participated with the Nevada Test Organization are identified. DOD participants in Desert Rock Exercise Projects are described. The AEC and DOD criteria and procedures for Rad-safe are included. Those projects related to DOD mission activities are described as to purpose, agency. operations, and Rad-safe aspects. FORM DO \ J_73 1473 EDfno.. OF ! pfOV 65 IS OBSOLETE UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSlFICATtOI't OF THIS F'AGE (1J'hen Dat. Entered) UNCLASSIFIED S!:CURITY CL.ASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(lrh.. D.'. Ifnl.ted) 18. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES (Cont.) The Defense Nuclear Agency Action Officer, Major H. L. Reese, USAF, under whom this work was done, wishes to acknowledge the research and editing contribution of numerous reviewers in the military services and other organizations in addition to those writers listed in block 7. UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CL.ASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(Wllen Dat. Enteted) Fact Defense Nuclear Agency Public Affairs Office Washington, D.C. 20305 Subject: Series Operation PLUMBBOB, the sixth series of atmospheric nuclear weapons tests conducted within the continental United States, ted of 24 nuclear detonations and six safety experiments. The series lasted from April 24, to October 7, 1957, and involved about 18,000 DOD personnel participating in observer programs, tactical maneuvers, and scientific and diagnostic studies. The series tested nuclear weapons for possible inclusion in the defense arsenal. The tests were also used to improve military tactics, equipment, and training. The safety experiments were conducted to ensure that no nuclear reaction would occur if the high explosive components of the device were accidentally detonated during storage or transport. Department of Defense Involvement During Operation PLUMBBOB, the activity with the largest DOD participation was Exercise Desert Rock VII and VIII, a program involving members of all armed services. Exercise Desert Rock VII and VIII included training programs, tactical maneuvers, and technical service projects. Training programs generally included lectures and briefings on the effects of nuclear weapons, observation of a nuclear detonation, and a subsequent visit to a display of military equipment exposed to the detonation. At shots HOOD, SMOKY, and GALILEO, maneuvers were conducted to develop tactics applicable to the nuclear battlefield. At HOOD, the Marine Corps conducted a maneuver involving the use of a helicopter airlift and tactical air support. At shot SMOKY, Army troops conducted an airlift assault, and at shot GALILEO, Army troops were tested to determine their psychological reactions to witnessing a nuclear detonation. Technical service projects were designed to test equipment and techniques. In addition to Desert Rock activities, scientific experiments to assess the effects of each nuclear detonation were conducted by four test groups of the Nevada Test Organization The Weapons Effects Test Group was sponsored by Field Command, Armed Forces Special Weapons Project The two AEC weapons development laboratories sponsored the Los Scientific Laboratory and the University of California Radiation Laboratory Test Groups. Finally, the Federal Civil Defense Administration sponsored the Civil Effects Test Group , which evaluated the effectiveness of civil defense measures. Although the Weapons Effects Test Group was the only DOD-sponsored test group, DOD person- nel took part in the experiments of the other three groups. Individuals participating in scientific experiments placed data-collection instruments around the point of detonation in the days and weeks preceding the scheduled nuclear test. They returned to the test area to recover equipment and gather data after the detonation, when the Test Manager had determined that the area was safe for limited access. 1 Support services for both Exercise Desert Rock VII and VIII and the Nevada Test Organization included radiological safety, security, transportation, communi- cations, engineering, and logistics. The Air Force Special Weapons Center (AFSWC) at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, provided aircraft and pilots for preshot security sweeps, cloud sampling, cloud tracking, and aerial radiological surveys conducted for the NTO. During PLUMBBOB, AFSWC also conducted cloud penetration studies for the Weapons Effects Test Group to determine Air Force needs in monitoring the accumulation of radioactive contaminants on aircraft. Safetv Standards and Procedures Exercise Desert Rock VII and VIII, the test groups, and AFSWC each developed its own organization and procedures for ensuring the radiological safety of its members based on the established criteria of the Atomic Energy Commission. The radiological safety plans were developed to minimize operational exposures to ionizing radiation. The safety of Desert Rock VII and VIII participants was the responsibility of the Desert Rock Exercise Director. A maximum radiation exposure limit of 5.0 roentgens in any six-month period was established for Desert Rock troops. Of this exposure, no more than 2.0 roentgens was to be from prompt radiation. Exposure limits for blast pressure and thermal radiation were also established. Based on exposure limits and mode of delivery, minimum distance criteria for positioning Desert Rock troops and observers were established. For a tower shot with a predicted maximum yield of about 10 kilotons, troops in the open were positioned at least 4,000 yards from ground zero. Troops in trenches at such a shot were positioned no closer than 2,600 yards from ground zero. Troops in armored vehicles were positioned no closer than 2,800 yards from ground zero. The Desert Rock Radiological Safety Section implemented procedures for Exercise Desert Rock during PLUMBBOB. The 50th Chemical Platoon supported the Radiological Safety Section by providing materials, equipment, and personnel. The Test Manager was responsible for the safety of all test group personnel at the Nevada Test Site during the operation. The radiological safety criteria for test group personnel was 3.0 roentgens for any 13-week period, and 5.0 roentgens for one calendar year. AFSWC pilots were subject to the same exposure limits as the test groups. radiological safety operations were performed for the Test Manager by AEC personnel. The Air Force Special Weapons Center implemented its own radiological safety procedures. Although the missions of Exercise Desert Rock, NTO, and AFSWC required different types of activities and separate radiation protection plans and staffs, many of the procedures were similar and were performed by two or more of the three radiological safety groups. These procedures included : l Orientation and training preparing radiological
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