Locally Intruded by Late Mesozoic (@93 M.Y.BP) Plutonic Rocks Related Ti the Sierra Nevada Batholith
—-...--...——.—— LA-10428-MS ! CIC-14REPORT COLLECTION C3* Reproduction COPY :,;-.+Z;LJJ I .—.— .n.Tm—. Los Alamos Nationel Laboratory IS operated by the Unlverslty 01 California for the Uruted States Department of Energy undercontiact W-7405 .ENG-36. ,- ~.. ., . ,.. -. ,. .. .— - “- , . .,, i. ,, . .. ,.- . ... ,<.- . ...-;; . .: : . .. ,.:-” ,,,.,, , -; ,. ,. ., , .,-,. .N, u , ,,“~ : “,,; ,’...... .,, .!. ,,,.. , ., . .., .. ... # ,,.. .. ,,. .. ,. .- . “. ,, ‘..,.,.Nevada Test Site Field Trip (iuidebook .-, ,. ,. ,., , ..,,..,,“ :. .,,4,,d. .,}.., , .. “:.,-. ! ————. 1984 .--.—.. -:----s ● H.-: - -r., -. .,% .~hd.? I ..-.— —. .. — . .— —.— —...——— LosAlamosNationalLaboratory LosAllallT10sLosAlamos,NewMexico87545 k AffiitiveActlosa/Equdt)p@UOity fh@oyS?S This work was supported by the US Department of Energy, Waste Management Program/Nevada Operations Ofiiee and Los Alamos Weapons Development Pro- gram/Test Operations. Edited by Glenda Ponder, ESSDivision DISCLAIMER Thisreport waspreparedas an accountof work sponsoredby an agencyof the LhdtedStatesCoverrrment. Neitherthe UnitedStates Governmentnor any agencythereof, nor any of their employees,makesany warranty,expressor irnpIied,or assumesany Iegatliabilityor responsibilityfor the accuracy,wmpletenesa, or usefutncasof any information,apparatus,product, or processdisclosed,or representsthat i!ausewould not infringeprivatelyownedrights. Reference hereinto any specificcommercialproduct, process,or serviceby trade name,trademark,manufacturer,or otherwise,doesnot newaaarilywnatitute or Irssplyits
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