Bedford Institu te of Oceanography 2007 in Review Change of address notices, requests for copies, and other correspondence regarding this publication should be sent to: The Editor, BIO 2007 in Review Bedford Institute of Oceanography P.O. Box 1006 Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Canada B2Y 4A2 E-mail address:
[email protected] Cover Photos © courtesy of Neil MacKinnon These photos were taken in 2007 during an oceanographic expedition in the Barrow Strait aboard the CCGS DesGroseilliers . The mission was part of the ongoing Arctic flow-through research: Canadian Archipelago Throughflow Study – Barrow Strait. On August 4, the team had just finished sampling water with Niskin bottles and a CTD* when this iceberg drifted close to their line. Back cover photo: Jim Hamilton, a scientist in Ocean Physics, in DFO’s Ocean Sciences Division at BIO, aboard the launch as it approaches the iceberg * A CTD is an instrument that measures the conductivity, temperature, and depth of water in a continuous profile. This CTD is also fitted with a device that measures fluorescent particles in the water. The photographer, Neil MacKinnon, is a Mechanical Technician in Ocean Physics, Ocean Sciences Division of DFO, at BIO. © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2008 Cat. No. Fs75-104/2007E ISBN: 978-0-662-48070-9 ISSN: 1499-9951 PDF: Cat. No. Fs75-104/2007E-PDF ISBN: 978-0-662-48077-8 Aussi disponible en français Editor: Judith Ryan Editorial team: Pat Dennis, Carolyn Harvie, Judith Ryan Photographs: BIO Technographics, the authors, and individuals/agencies credited Published by: Natural Resources Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada Bedford Institute of Oceanography 1 Challenger Drive, P.O.