Index A abdominal diastisis, 121 abdominal muscles, 27–28, 35–36, 121–122 ACTH (), 70 acupuncture to induce labor, 76 for pain relief, 110–111 adrenaline, 54 alcohol intake, prenatal, 9–12 alcohol levels in breastmilk, 198–200 allergies, childhood, 15–16 allergies, food, 160, 210–211 amniotic fluid, 12 anal fissures, postpartum, 118 anesthesia during , 78–79, 112–115 aneuploidy, 31 arometherapy, during labor, 112 asthma, 93 attachment parenting, 182–183

B babies. see infants, newborns Babinski reflex, 152 baby blues, 116–117 babywearing, 161 bathing, after rupture of membranes, 80 Beckett, Virginia, 100, 118–119 belly buttons, 162–163 beta-endorphins, 51, 106 bibirubin levels, 103 biodegradable diapers, 213–215 birth month, effects of, 234–237 birth order, effects on personality, 223–225 birth weight, 26–27, 83 birthmarks, 157 body clock (circadian rhythms), 63 bonding, maternal-infant, 89–91 breastfeeding, 184–193 after cesarean section, 90, 91–92 benefits of, 187–191 challenges of, 159–160 on demand, 185–187 and fertility, 250–252 and formula supplementation, 192–193 maternal benefits of, 191 mechanism of suckling, 184–185 newborn instinct for, 149–150 and release, 46 and sagging breasts post-breastfeeding, 123–126 scheduling of, 185–187 and skin-to-skin contact, 147–149 breastmilk alcohol content of, 198–200 composition of, 200–201 fat content of, 186–187 flavor of, 197–198 in males, 201–202 and maternal diet, 197–198 breasts, postpartum, 123–125 Brédart, Serge, 133 breech position, 79–80 bromelain (in pineapple, to induce labor), 74–75

C c-section. see cesarean section caffeine content of food and drink, 15 caffeine intake in , 14 Capaldi, Elizabeth, 206 caregivers, infant influence of, 232–233 selection criteria for, 233–234 castor oil, to induce labor, 74 catecholamines (stress ), in newborns, 131 cesarean section, 78 and breastfeeding, 91–92 compared to vaginal birth, 86–93 elective, 86 infant health following, 92–93 cheese, soft, and risk of listeriosis, 17–18 childcare, 231–234 Christenfeld, Nicholas, 133 circadian rhythms, 63 classical music, 58–59 Clearfield, Melissa, 243 cloth diapers, 212–213 co-sleeping, 177–179 Cochrane Collaboration aromatherapy during labor, 112 background of, xx bottle and cup feeding, 197 caffeine consumption, 14 diapers, 213 epidurals, 113–114 exercise, 34 formula composition, 195 hands and knees position to rotate baby, 79–80 homeopathy, 76 hypnosis for pain relief, 111 labor pain, 108–109 membrane sweep, 77 morning sickness, 8 perineal massage, 100 TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), 110 umbilical cord clamping, 103 Cole, Tim, 155 colic, infant, 157–161 consciousness, in infant in utero, 50–52 constipation, postpartum, 117–118 controlled crying, 179–182 cord clamping, 102–103 cortisol (stress hormone) in fathers, 49 in infants in daycare, 231 and maternal-infant bonding, 181 prenatal effects of maternal stress, 42–43, 51 couvade syndrome, 44–45 cravings during pregnancy for food, 3–4 and gender prediction, 21 unusual, 4–6 CRH (hormone), and start of labor, 70 crying it out, 179–182 cup feeding, 196–197

D Davis, Barbara L., 239–240 daycare, infant, 231–234 DeCasper, Anthony James, 134 Degani, Shiman, 53 Demerol (for pain relief during labor), 114–115 depression, postpartum, 116–117 Dettling, Andrea, 231 DHA (omega-3 fatty acid), 29 DHEA (hormone), and start of labor, 70 diapers, 212–218 cloth v. disposable, 212–213 eco-friendly, 213–215 and infant feces, 215–218 DiPietro, Janet, 19, 43, 53, 54–55 disposable diapers, 212–215 dominant genes, 60–61 doxylamine (antihistamine medication), and morning sickness, 8 dream feeds, 176 dreams, in utero, 61–62 due dates, 71, 72–73

E ECV (external cephalic version), 80 Edelman, David, 51 Elliott, Maria, 39, 121 emotions, maternal, effects on fetal development, 54–55 epidural pain medication, 78–79, 112–114 episiotomy, 99–100 estrogen and morning sickness, 8 and melanin levels, 23–24 and nesting instinct, 45 in fathers, 49 and postpartum depression, 117 Evers, Anneli Stavreus, 249 exercise during pregnancy, 34–35 for abdominal muscles, 35–36 post-birth, 121–122 external cephalic version, 80 eye color of newborns, 143

F FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome), 9, 11 fatty acids in formula, 194 fecal incontinence. see incontinence feces, infant. see poop, infant Feldman, Ruth, 47–48, 48–49 fertility, 249–253 fetal activity, 52–54, 63 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, 9, 11 fetal cells present in mother, 126–127 fetal development awareness of maternal moods, 54–55 awareness of pain, 50–51 circadian rhythms, 63 consciousness, 50–52 dreams, 61–62 fingerprints, 63–65 learning, 55–58 memory, 57–58 movement, 52–54, 63 senses, 56 sleep, 56, 61–62 taste buds, 12–13 yawning, 62 fetal heart rate, 20–21 fingerprints, fetal development of, 63–65 Flaxman, Samuel, 7 Fleming, Alison, 145 focal feeds, 176 fontanelles, newborns, 168–169 food cravings, 3–4 and gender prediction, 21 unusual, 4–6 Ford, Gina, 182 forgetfulness during pregnancy, 40–41 formula feeding, 192–196 formula, composition, 193–196 fragrance of newborns, 145–146 France, postpartum care, 120–121 French, Robert, 133 functional lactose overload, 159–160 fussiness, infant, 157–161

G galactorrhea, 201 Gammill, Hilary, 127 gastroesophageal reflux, 159 Gaulin, Steve, 28–29 Geddes, Donna, 184 Gellatly, Corry, 255 Gendell, Adam, 214 gender of baby influencing factors, 253–258 maternal intuition of, 21 prediction of, 19–22 Genesee, Fred, 247–248 genetic mutation, 60 genetics, 59–61 geophagia, 5 Gibson, Leigh, 4–5 ginger (for morning sickness), 8 Goldstein, Michael, 242 Gopnik, Alison, 140, 241 Gotu kola (herb to prevent stretch marks), 26 grasp reflex, 151 Gray, Ronald, 251 Green, Jordan, 240 growth charts, 153–156

H Hamer, Russell, 141–142 Hartshorne, Joshua, 224 Hausner, Helene, 198 HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), 7–8, 20 Hepper, Peter, 57, 59, 62 Hill, Emily, 133 Hogg, Tracy, 162 Holmes, Alison, 196 home birth, 94–96 homeopathy, to induce labor, 76 hot tub use in pregnancy, 29 Hung, Kristina, 92 hypnosis, for pain relief during labor, 111 hypoallergenic formula, 195

I implantation of embryo, 22 incontinence, 37–38, 88, 121 induction of labor, 72–79 do-it-yourself, 73–76 medical, 72, 78 infant growth, 153–156 infant weaning, 203–208 infant weight gain, 153–156 infants calorie intake, 209–210 colic, 157–161 communication, 240–243 eating habits, 208–209 food allergies, 210–211 gender, 253–258 language development, 228, 238–246 memory, 227–230 personality, 222–226 self-recognition, 221–222 social interactions, 226–227 spitting up, 159 infection risk, after rupture of membranes, 80 infertility, secondary, 251–253 IQ (intelligence quotient), effect of birth order, 225 iron deficiency, in newborn, 103 Ismail, Saad Ramzi, 22 IVF (in vitro fertilization), 259 Izard, Véronique, 137

J Jacuzzi use in pregnancy, 29 jaundice, 103

K Kallen, Caleb, 250 Kanazawa, Satoshi, 255 kegel exercises, 37–39, 120, 122 Kent, Jacqueline, 186 Khan, Henry, 64–65 Kleinman, Ronald, 190–191 Kramer, Michael, 189, 191 Kristensen, Petter, 225 Kuhl, Patricia, 246

L labor anesthesia during, 114–115 beginning of, 69–71 induction of, 72–79 length of, 84–85 medical induction, 72 pain, 81–82, 104–106 pain perception, 107–108 pain, alternative remedies, 108–109 positions for, 96–97 pushing, 85, 97–98 second stage, 97–100 squatting, 97–98 stages, 84–85 walking during, 96–97 lactation. see breastfeeding lactose intolerance, 160–161 lactose-free formula, 195 Langercrantz, Hugo, 50 language acquisition, 238–248 babbling, 240–242 comprehension, 238–239 cross-cultural, 245–246 and maternal language, 244–245 and physical activity, 243–244 pre-linguistic communication, 242–243 second language acquisition, 246–248 vocalization, 239–242 Lassek, William, 28–29 learning, in utero, 55–58 Levy, Rebecca, 71 Liedloff, Jean, 182 linea nigra, 23 listeriosis, 17–18 Liszkowski, Ulf, 242 Littleton, Heather, 43

M male reactions to fatherhood, 48–49 male reactions to pregnancy, 44–45 mask of pregnancy, 24 massage, for pain relief during labor, 110 massage, perineal, 100–101 maternal behavior after birth, 46–48 maternal emotions during pregnancy, 54–55 melanin, 23–24 Meltzoff, Andrew, 136, 230 Melzack, Ronald, 105–106 membrane sweep, 76–77 memory during pregnancy, 40–41 memory, development in utero, 57–58 Menella, Julie, 12–13, 199–200, 205 Menon-Johansson, Praveen, 53 miscarriage, 31–33 moles, 157 month of birth, effects of, 234–237 morning sickness, 6–8, 13–14, 20 Moro reflex, 150–151 Mozart Effect, 58–59 mucus plug, 30 multiple . see twins Murase, Jenny, 25 mutations, genetic, 60

N Naegele's Rule, 72 Nathanson, Vivian, 10–11 nausea in pregnancy. see morning sickness navels (belly buttons), 162–163 nesting instinct, 45–46 newborns abilities, 133–141 appearance, 132–133 birth weight, 26–27, 83 birthmarks, 157 daily routines, 182–183 emotions, 221 empathy of, 139–140 eye color, 143 feeding, 161–162 fontanelles, 168–169 hair, 166–168 healing from injury, 163–164 initiation of breathing, 143–145 nipple confusion, 196–197 pacifiers, 169–170 perceptions of birth experience, 131–132 recognition of faces, 135–136 recognition of language, 138–139 recognition of mother, 134–135 recognition of movement and distance, 137–138 recognition of music, 140–141 recognition of numbers, 136–137 recognition of smells, 135 recognition of sounds, 134 reflexes, 150–152 sense of smell, 149–150 sleep patterns, 171–179 sleeping arrangements, 177–179 smell of, 145–146 soothing of, 146–149, 161–162, 169–170 teething, 164–166 temperament, 219–221 temperature regulation, 168 tooth development, 170 visual ability, 141–143 nipple confusion, 196–197 nipple stimulation, to induce labor, 75 noradrenaline, 51 nucleotides in formula, 195 nutrient deficiencies, 5 nutritional intake during pregnancy, 16–17

O O'Brien, Patrick, 10 Odent, Michel, 89 oligosaccharides in formula, 194–195 omega-3 fatty acids and brain growth, 29 oxytocin and breastfeeding, 200 effects on newborns, 132 and maternal-infant bonding, 90, 148 and memory formation, 108 and nesting instinct, 45–46 in new fathers, 49 and uterine contractions, 70

P pacifiers, 169–170, 197 pagophagia, 5 pain in labor, 81–82, 104–106 alternative remedies for, 108–109 perception of, 107–108 pain, awareness of in utero, 50–51 peanuts, and allergies, 15 Peiper, Albrecht, 57 pelvic floor exercises, 37–39, 120, 122 Penders, John, 217–218 perineal massage, 100–101 Petitto, Laura-Ann, 241, 246–247 pica, 5–6 pineapple (to induce labor), 74–75 placenta, 70, 148 poop, infant, 215–218 bacteria, 217–218 odor, 216–217 Porter, Richard, 146 positions for labor, 96–97 postpartum abdominal diastisis, 121 abdominal muscles, 121–122 bonding, maternal-infant, 89–91 breasts, 123–125 constipation, 117–118 depression, 116–117 exercise, 121–122 fertility, 249–250 maternal behavior, 46–48 recovery, 88–89 sex life, 87, 123, 150 stitches, 119–120 weight loss, 125–126 postpartum care in France, 120–121 postpartum depression, 47–48 postpartum depression in fathers, 44–45 prebiotics in formula, 194–195 preeclampsia, 127 pregnancy alcohol consumption, 9–12 body temperature, 29 center of gravity, 23 due dates, 71, 72–73 exercise, 34–35 food cravings, 3–4, 21 food cravings, unusual, 4–6 forgetfulness, 40–41 hot tubs, 29 Jacuzzi use, 29 length of, 72–73 morning sickness, 6–8, 13–14, 20 nutritional intake, 16–17 sauna use, 29 sex during, 30–31 stress, 42–43 stretch marks, 24–26 trauma during, 42–43 weight gain, 16, 28 premature birth, 63 Prendergast, Stephanie, 28, 122 probiotics in formula, 195 duriung pregnancy, 8 and fertility, 249–250 and melanin levels, 23–24 and nesting instinct, 45 and postpartum depression, 117 prolactin, 44, 45–46, 48, 201 proximal parenting, 182–183 pushing (second stage of labor), 85

R raspberry leaf tea, 73 recessive genes, 60–61 recovery, postpartum, 88–89 red raspberry leaf tea, 73 reflexes, in newborns, 150–152 Regan, Lesley, 31–32 relaxation techniques during labor, 111–112 relaxin, 25, 27 REM sleep, 56, 62 research, evaluation of, xix–xxi Rinker, Brian, 124–125 risk, evaluation of, xx–xxi Robinson, Louis, 151 rooting reflex, 151 Rovee-Collier, Carolyn, 229–230 ruptured membranes, 80

S Sacher, Julia, 117 Sánchez, Cristina, 201 Satin, Andrew, 27, 35 sauna use in pregnancy, 29 Schaal, Benoist, 149–150 schizophrenia, risk of linked to birth month, 235 SECC (Study of Early Child Care), 232–233 second stage of labor (pushing), 85, 97–100 episiotomy v. risk of tearing, 99–100 sex during pregnancy, 30–31 sex, postpartum, 123, 150 sex, to induce labor, 75 sexuality, effects of birth on, 87 Shamas, Victor, 21 Sherman, Paul, 7 Shetler, Donald, 58 Shettles Method (to influence baby's gender), 257 Shinohara, Kazuyuki, 54 SIDS, 169, 177–178, 190, 192 Simethicone (medication used for infant colic), 158 Sinkkonen, Aki, 163 skin-to-skin contact after birth, 91–92, 146–149 Slater, Alan, 226 sleep in utero, 56, 61–62 sleep patterns of newborns, 171–179 sleeping through the night, 173–177 soft spots (fontanelles), 168–169 solid foods, introduction, 203–206 Song, Jae Young, 244 Sørenson, Henrik Toft, 20 soy formula, 195 speech, maternal to infant, 244–245 spider veins, 24 spitting up, 159 squatting, during second stage, 97–98 St. James-Roberts, Ian, 53, 182 startle reflex, 150–151 Stear, Philip, 81, 82, 99–100 stepping reflex, 152 stitches, postpartum, 119–120 stress during pregnancy, 42–43 stretch marks, 24–26 suprechiasmic nucleus, 171–172 surfactant, 70, 144 swaddling, 162 swimming reflex, 152 Syntocinon (synthetic oxytocin), 74, 78 Syzmanski, Linda, 37

T taste buds, fetal development, 12–13 teething, 164–166 TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), 110 testosterone, 44, 48–49 tonic neck reflex, 151–152 trauma during pregnancy, 42–43 Trofolastin (cream for stretch mark prevention), 25 Turgis, James, 120 twins, 225–226, 259–260

U umbilical cord clamping, 102–103 urinary incontinence. see incontinence

V vaginal birth, compared to cesarean birth, 86–93 Valeggia, Claudia, 252 varicose veins, 24 vitamin B6 and morning sickness, 8 vitamin C and stretch marks, 26

W Wake, Melissa, 165 walking during labor, 96–97 Walusinski, Olivier, 62 water birth, 109–110 water breaking, 80 Wax, Joseph, 88, 94–95 weaning, 203–208 weaning, infant-led, 206–208 weight gain during pregnancy, 16, 28 weight loss postpartum, 125–126 Whitcome, Katherine, 23 Winkler, István, 140 Wynn, Karen, 227

X X chromosome, 8, 61

Y yawning in utero, 62 yoga, during labor, 111–112

Z Zak, Paul, 90 Ziegler, Ekhard, 154, 216