L&C Plants at Academy

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L&C Plants at Academy PLANTS COLLECTED IN MONTANA DURING THE LEWIS & CLARK EXPEDITION and housed in the LEWIS & CLARK HERBARIUM at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia DATE SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME COLLECTED PLACE COLLECTED Atriplex gardneri (A. nuttallii) Gardner’s saltbush July 20, 1806 Lewis: below forks of Marias River, Toole County Balsamorhiza sagittata arrow-leaf balsamroot July 7, 1806 Lewis: Lewis & Clark Pass, Lewis & Clark County Dalea (Petalostemon) purpurea purple prairie clover July 22, 1806 Lewis: Camp Disappointment, Cut Bank Creek, Glacier County Dasiphora (Potentilla) fruticosa shrubby cinquefoil July 6, 1806 Lewis: “Prairie of the Knobs”, Ovando Valley, Powell County Elaeagnus commutata American silverberry July 6, 1806 Lewis: “Prairie of the Knobs”, Ovando Valley, Powell County Euphorbia marginata snow-on-the-mountain July 28, 1806 Clark: along the Yellowstone River, Rosebud County Gaillardia aristata blanket flower July 7, 1806 Lewis: west of Lewis & Clark Pass, Powell-Lewis & Clark Co. Hesperostipa (Stipa) comata needle-and-thread grass July 8, 1806 Lewis: between the Dearborn and Sun Rivers, Lewis & Clark County, or Clark: Beaverhead River, Beaverhead County Hordeum jubatum foxtail barley July 12, 1806 Lewis: on White Bear Island, Missouri River, Cascade County Iris missouriensis Rocky Mountain iris July 5 or 6, 1806 Lewis: “Prairie of the Knobs”, Ovando Valley, Powell County Juniperus communis var. depressa common juniper July 7, 1806 Lewis: Lewis & Clark Pass, Lewis & Clark County, or Clark: Gibbons Pass area, Ravalli-Beaverhead County line Lewisia rediviva bitterroot July 1 or 2, 1806 Lewis: along Lolo Creek near Traveler’s Rest, Missoula County Linum lewisii Lewis’s blue flax July 9, 1806 Lewis: vicinity of Sun River, Lewis & Clark-Cascade County, or Clark: Camp Fortunate, Beaverhead County Lonicera involucrata twin-berry honeysuckle July 7, 1806 Lewis: along Blackfoot River, Lewis & Clark County, or Clark: Big Hole Valley, Beaverhead County Lupinus argenteus silvery lupine July 7, 1806 Lewis: along Blackfoot River to Lewis & Clark Pass, Lewis & Clark County Lupinus sericeus silky lupine July 7, 1806 Lewis: possibly along Blackfoot River west of Lewis & Clark Pass, Lewis & Clark County Mimulus guttatus common monkeyflower July 4, 1806 Lewis: Blackfoot River, Missoula County Oenothera cespitosa gumbo evening primrose July 17, 1806 Lewis: Great Falls area, Cascade County Orthocarpus tenuifolius thin-leaved owl clover July 1 or 2, 1806 Lewis: Bitterroot Valley near Traveler’s Rest, Missoula County Oxytropis besseyi Bessey’s locoweed July 6, 1806 Lewis: along the Blackfoot River, Powell County Pedicularis cystopteridifolia fern-leaf lousewort July 6, 1806 Lewis: along the Blackfoot River, Powell County DATE SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME COLLECTED PLACE COLLECTED Pedicularis groenlandica elephanthead pedicularis July 6, 1806 Lewis: along the Blackfoot River, Powell County Philadelphus lewisii Lewis’s mockorange; syringa July 4, 1806 Lewis: along the Clark Fork River, Missoula County Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa black cottonwood July 1 or 2, 1806 Lewis: Bitterroot River near Traveler’s Rest, Missoula County Purshia tridentata bitterbrush July 6, 1806 Lewis: “Prairie of the Knobs”, Ovando Valley, Powell County Ribes aureum golden currant July 29, 1805 Lewis: vicinity of Three Forks, Gallatin County Sarcobatus vermiculatus greasewood July 20, 1806 Lewis: probably along Marias River, Toole County Sedum stenopetalum yellow stonecrop July 1 or 2, 1806 Lewis: vicinity of Traveler’s Rest, Missoula County Sphaeralcea coccinea scarlet globemallow July 20, 1806 Lewis: along Marias River, Toole County Trifolium microcephalum littlehead clover July 1 or 2, 1806 Lewis: Bitterroot Valley near Traveler’s Rest, Missoula County Zigadenus elegans mountain death camas July 7, 1806 Lewis: Blackfoot River west of Lewis & Clark Pass, Lewis & Clark County LEWIS & CLARK PLANTS PROBABLY COLLECTED IN MONTANA BUT LOST Allium textile textile onion date unknown upper Missouri River Angelica sp., probably A. dawsonii Dawson’s angelica September 3, 1805 the label is extant; flowering material gathered on Lost Trail Pass on the Idaho-Montana border, Missoula County Mimulus lewisii Lewis’s monkeyflower August 12, 1805 probably on Trail Creek ascending Lemhi Pass, Beaverhead County Phyllodoce empetriformis red mountain heather date unknown mountains of Idaho or in the Bitterroot Mountains, Montana Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus common snowberry maybe Aug. 13, 1805 journals remark on the fruit; may have collected seeds/specimen or: July, 1806 or: Lewis on the Missouri River Symphoricarpos occidentalis Western snowberry maybe August, 1806 between Mussellshell River and South Dakota-Nebraska line SOURCES: Moulton, Gary E., Editor. 1999. Herbarium of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, The Journals of the Lewis & Clark Expedition, Volume 12. University of Nebraska Press, Lin- coln and London. Reveal, James L., Gary E. Moulton, and Alfred E. Schuyler. 1999. The Lewis and Clark Collections of Vascular Plants: Names, Types, and Comments. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 149: 1-64. Spamer, Earle E. and Richard M. McCourt. 2002. The Lewis & Clark Herbarium Academy of Natural Sciences Digital Imagery Study Set. The Academy of Natural Sciences Special Publication 19, Philadelphia, PA. © 2003 Montana Native Plant Society. For reprint information contact the Editors at: [email protected] .
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