winter.lungau. at

Hans Fuchs, T +43 (0)676 7622302 (0)676 +43 T Fuchs, Hans consequences. ©2021 Ferienregion Salzburger Lungau Salzburger Ferienregion ©2021 consequences.

expressed permission of the publisher. No liability is accepted for errors, inaccuracies, changes and related related and changes inaccuracies, errors, for accepted is liability No publisher. the of permission expressed

15.00 day per Price

€ €

All prices incl. VAT. Duplication, as well as storage in electronic data-processing equipment, requires the the requires equipment, data-processing electronic in storage as well as Duplication, VAT. incl. prices All

• Never leave the designated trails. designated the leave Never •

Other Pictures: Salzburger Lungau Lungau Salzburger Pictures: Other

can be found online at at online found be can

Panorama: Tarifverbund Lungau - Katschberg - Obertauern - Katschberg - Lungau Tarifverbund Panorama:

• Skiers involved in accidents must present some form of official I.D.! official of form some present must accidents in involved Skiers •

enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. air. fresh and sunshine the enjoy

Oberweissburg to and 20 No.

Other brochures from ´s Lungau region Lungau Salzburg´s from brochures Other

Photo Credits: Title Photo: Salzburger Lungau Lungau Salzburger Photo: Title Credits: Photo Info:

, option to branch off onto winter hiking path hiking winter onto off branch to option , (city) Michael St.

sleds for toddlers. This is a great way for youngsters to join mom and dad as they they as dad and mom join to youngsters for way great a is This toddlers. for sleds to render assistance as necessary. as assistance render to Print: Samson Druck, Druck, Samson Print:

along the main road to connection connection to road main the along () Schellgaden to (city)

Design: Die Medienwerkstatt GmbH, GmbH, Medienwerkstatt Die Design: obliged are skiers other accident, an of event the In •

also offers the rental of of rental the offers also Weißpriach children, smaller with families for Especially

The „LungauCard Winter“ is available from 1 December until 1 week after Easter. after week 1 until December 1 from available is Winter“ „LungauCard The

Description: Muhr from transportation, public by served cleared, flat, sunny, T +43 (0)6477 8988, F -20, [email protected], [email protected], -20, F 8988, (0)6477 +43 T

stores everywhere (only German). (only everywhere stores

• If standing still or in the event of a fall – get off the track without delay. without track the off get – fall a of event the in or still standing If • Cross-Country Skiing with Small Children Small with Skiing Cross-Country Publisher: Ferienregion Lungau, Rotkreuzgasse 100, A-5582 St. Michael, Michael, St. A-5582 100, Rotkreuzgasse Lungau, Ferienregion Publisher: Refreshment Opportunities: Opportunities: Refreshment in the towns and alongside the trail the alongside and towns the in

fices in the Salzburg’s Lungau, as well as quality book book quality as well as Lungau, Salzburg’s the in fices

CREDITS Time on Trail: Trail: on Time Length: 1 - 6 hrs. 6 - 1 km 25

terrain, visibility and the number of people on the trail. the on people of number the and visibility terrain, the

- of tourist regional and local all at available handling,

Oberbayrdorf, Triegen, Unterbayrdorf, , Unternberg, Unterbayrdorf, Triegen, Oberbayrdorf,

from December to April. to December from

10.00 excl. postage & & postage excl. 10.00 guide: per Price tour”. “on

• Speed – especially when skiing downhill – should be appropriate to your ability, ability, your to appropriate be should – downhill skiing when especially – Speed •


Muhr, St. Michael-Au, St. Margarethen, Margarethen, St. Michael-Au, St. Muhr,

whole family during the winter season season winter the during family whole

cal transparent cover, allowing you to take it with you you with it take to you allowing cover, transparent cal

Difficulty: easy

the right. Skiers who are climbing a hill must yield to those coming down. coming those to yield must hill a climbing are who Skiers right. the can expect a variety of benefits for the the for benefits of variety a expect can

- practi a incl. removed, individually be can pages the

[email protected], [email protected],

• Be kind to the environment. the to kind Be •

• When skiers encounter each other coming in opposite directions, always keep to to keep always directions, opposite in coming other each encounter skiers When •

LungauCard Winter, Lungau guests guests Lungau Winter, LungauCard Trail - Muhr to Tamsweg to Muhr - Trail Mur routes amongst the mountains of the Lungau. Each of of Each Lungau. the of mountains the amongst routes

T +43 (0)664 4228083 (0)664 +43 T 22

• No liability is accepted for accidents of whatever nature. whatever of accidents for accepted is liability No •

selec-ted, precisely described ski tours and freeride freeride and tours ski described precisely selec-ted, with all of its advantages. With the the With advantages. its of all with

Liftstrasse Aineck Aineck Liftstrasse keep your poles tight to your body. your to tight poles your keep [email protected]

• Cross roads and ski slopes with care. with slopes ski and roads Cross •

In this handy ring binder, you will find 28 carefully carefully 28 find will you binder, ring handy this In

Experience winter in Salzburg‘s Lungau Lungau Salzburg‘s in winter Experience

Lungau Aktiv Firn Sepp Firn Aktiv Lungau

T +43 (0)4734 29900-13 (0)4734 +43 T

skiers, approaching or overtaken being overtaking, When •

Snowshoe rental at info point St. Margarethen. St. point info at rental Snowshoe ther conditions dictate. conditions ther

Lungau Ski-Touring Guide: Ski-Touring Lungau

variety: variety: St. Margarethen: St.

Katschberghöhe 37 Katschberghöhe Description:

“Leisnitz” (rivulet) “Leisnitz” the of banks the along uphill, moderately to flat - wea and need as trails the on out be may machines grooming that aware Be •

himself or others. or himself

One card, one winter, incomparable incomparable winter, one card, One

FRESCH:UP Skischule Erwin Resch Resch Erwin Skischule FRESCH:UP

Refreshment Opportunities: Opportunities: Refreshment Zallerwirt, Löckerwirt, Schlögelberger (inns) Schlögelberger Löckerwirt, Zallerwirt, • Trails are not inspected at the end of the day. the of end the at inspected not are Trails •

endangering without so do to able is he unless passing, are who those

Gnadenalm, T +43 (0)6456 7462 7462 (0)6456 +43 T Gnadenalm,

Time on Trail: Trail: on Time Length: 1 hr. 30 min. 30 hr. 1 km 5 • You may only enter the trails while wearing cross-country skis. cross-country wearing while trails the enter only may You •

• Overtake to the left or right. The skier in front is not obliged to yield the track to to track the yield to obliged not is front in skier The right. or left the to Overtake •

Grillitsch & Partner & Grillitsch Start: ) Löckerwirt (at center town the in stone water office to find out which trails dogs are permitted on. on. permitted are dogs trails which out find to office

LungauCard Winter LungauCard

CSA – Cross-Country & Outdoor Station Station Outdoor & Cross-Country – CSA [email protected] Difficulty: Dogs are generally not allowed not generally are Dogs intermediate intermediate on cross-country ski trails. Stop in at the tourist tourist the at in Stop trails. ski cross-country on • right-hand track. right-hand

offices in the Salzburg’s Lungau. Salzburg’s the in offices


• Please pay attention to avalanche danger notices. danger avalanche to attention pay Please •

T +43 (0)664 2123021 (0)664 +43 T

trails occasionally run next to each other). Groups, please ski in single file on the the on file single in ski please Groups, other). each to next run occasionally trails

“Wasserweg Leisnitz” – St. Margarethen (Water Trail) (Water Margarethen St. – Leisnitz” “Wasserweg

tourist regional and local at charge of free Available

Warning Notices Warning


T +43 (0)6477 71060 71060 (0)6477 +43 T

• Each double track constitutes a single trail unit. Keep to the right (even if several several if (even right the to Keep unit. trail single a constitutes track double Each • schools, ski rentals, free ski bus and snow info phone. info snow and bus ski free rentals, ski schools,

Sonnenbahn Sonnenbahn T +43 (0)664 3187110 (0)664 +43 T

map with description of the ski areas, ski and snowboard snowboard and ski areas, ski the of description with map

direction must be adhered to. adhered be must direction

Poststraße 408 and valley station station valley and 408 Poststraße schaften - MarcDaLena - schaften Cases: Special number: +43 (0)662 8042-2170 (0)662 +43 112

the A10 motorway) and return and motorway) A10 the

region, LUNGO region (incl. Obertauern), panorama ski ski panorama Obertauern), (incl. region LUNGO region,

skiing prescribed the and obeyed be must signs or signals markings, Obey •

Schischule St. Michael, Karl Pellikan Karl Michael, St. Schischule - Sportwissen für Institut - Werk Sport parallel to to parallel (districts, Fell – Oberweißburg hr.), 1 ca. districts, (all 

Avalanche Warning Service/ Warning Avalanche emergency European


ski Lungau the for prices ski-pass with map Folding

Description: , easy uphills easy , (hut) Hintergnadenalm the to out loop hiking Description Stages: Stages: Description

St. Michael – St. Egidi, St. Egidi – Dasl, Dasl – Oberweißburg Oberweißburg – Dasl Dasl, – Egidi St. Egidi, St. – Michael St.

as to not endanger or harm others. harm or endanger not to as Emergency Physician: Physician: Emergency (audio message) (audio 141 4797113

Info SkiLungau: Info

- Refresh desired the of times opening the about trip your to prior inquire Please

Refreshment Opportunities: Opportunities: Refreshment

Blasiwirt, Neuhauserstadl, Weltcupstüberl (all inns) (all Weltcupstüberl Neuhauserstadl, Blasiwirt,

Refreshment Opportunities: Opportunities: Refreshment Obertauern Obertauern of center town the or , (hut) Gnadenalm way a such in behave must skier cross-country Each • Avalanche Warning Service: Service: Warning Avalanche Rescue: Mountain +43 (0)662 1588 (0)662 +43 140 right-hand side on a small hill, Weißpriach 36, T +43 (0)6473 7054 or +43 (0)664 (0)664 +43 or 7054 (0)6473 +43 T 36, Weißpriach hill, small a on side right-hand

Trail: on Time Length: 1 - 5 hrs. 5 - 1 loop km 16 ca. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Time on Trail: Trail: on Time Length: 2 - 3 hrs. 3 - 2 km 10

Information & Registration: & Information

on the the on Weißpriach to km 2.5 ca. Gappmayer: Matthias

advice: health Telephone Police: 1450 133

• You may only enter the trails while wearing cross-country skis. cross-country wearing while trails the enter only may You •

Start: St. Michael (city) Michael St. in pool swimming

. (maximum slope 5%) slope (maximum . Sonnenbahn station mountain the to bahn

T +43 (0)664 3930001 (0)664 +43 T T +43 (0)650 9500135 (0)650 +43 T

Start: Gnadenalm / Obertauern / Gnadenalm

Wooden Toys and Turnery Pieces Turnery and Toys Wooden

Red Cross/Ambulance Rescue: Rescue: Cross/Ambulance Red Brigade: Fire 144 144 122


easy, intermediate intermediate easy,

● ●

Gerichtsplatz / Bergnest / Gerichtsplatz Lintsching 223, T +43 (0)6473 7197 (0)6473 +43 T 223, Lintsching


Grosseck- station mountain the from trail hiking winter Prepared office to find out which trails dogs are permitted on. permitted are dogs trails which out find to office

Weißpriach Difficulty: challenging intermediate, easy,

● ● ●

fices in the Salzburg’s Lungau. Salzburg’s the in fices

Emergency Numbers Emergency

Otto’s Ski & Snowboardschule & Ski Otto’s Lungauer Langlaufschule / Albert Eßl Albert / Langlaufschule Lungauer

Dogs are generally not allowed not generally are Dogs Parking:

on cross-country ski trails. Stop in at the tourist tourist the at in Stop trails. ski cross-country on • Lift parking place parking Lift St. Michael to Fell to Michael St.

- of tourist regional and local at charge of free Available


Gnadenalm Hiking Tour Hiking Gnadenalm

St. Michael / Katschberg: / Michael St. :

+43 (0)664 5470609, [email protected], [email protected], 5470609, (0)664 +43

Refreshment Opportunities: Opportunities: Refreshment Peterbaueralm (hut), Panorama Alm (inn) Alm Panorama (hut), Peterbaueralm


Rules for use of the cross-country ski trails ski cross-country the of use for Rules

number directory, restaurant directory and much more! much and directory restaurant directory, number

Information & Registration for Special Tours: Special for Registration & Information

T +43 (0)6474 305 or or 305 (0)6474 +43 T

Time on Trail: Trail: on Time Length: 1 hr. 1 km 3 Cross-Country schools (with reservation) reservation) (with schools Cross-Country

about Lungau region, Tips for families and groups, phone phone groups, and families for Tips region, Lungau about


nicely cleared footpath through the forest, little traffic little forest, the through footpath cleared nicely and 2 p.m. 2 and


mountain station Grosseck-Speiereck station mountain and things to do, excursions, customs and information information and customs excursions, do, to things and

Important – not gritted or salted in winter! in salted or gritted not – Important

Refreshment Opportunities: Opportunities: Refreshment Twengerhof (hotel), Landhotel Postgut (hotel) (hotel) Postgut Landhotel (hotel), Twengerhof

Museum tours at winter 2021/22 (16.12.2021 – 30.04.2022, Mon closed) daily 11 a.m. a.m. 11 daily closed) Mon 30.04.2022, – (16.12.2021 2021/22 winter at tours Museum

General Information General

Difficulty: easy easy

riences, ski resorts, cross-country skiing, touring, sights sights touring, skiing, cross-country resorts, ski riences,

● (chapel) Frimlkapelle the to uphill steadily point, this from – (hill) Time on Trail: Trail: on Time Length: 1 hr. 30 min. 30 hr. 1 km 4

Schloss Moosham (Castle) Moosham Schloss

Cross-Country Information Cross-Country

- expe outdoor active for opportunities example: for

Start: bridge, travel there by ski shuttle or post bus post or shuttle ski by there travel bridge, (river) Taurach “Mitterberg” “Mitterberg” of direction the in bridge the cross (restaurant)

Unternberg Hiking Path Grosseck-Speiereck Path Hiking


A to Z with all important information for your vacation, vacation, your for information important all with Z to A

Difficulty: intermediate intermediate ● Die Stub´n Stub´n Die at , (district) Pichl to there from continuing , (district)

Salzburg’s Lungau Region in Summer and Winter from from Winter and Summer in Region Lungau Salzburg’s

Information: Sportzentrumweg 2, T +43 (0)6474 2312-0, 2312-0, (0)6474 +43 T 2, Sportzentrumweg


Althofen Althofen to (street) “Heldenallee” the via (city) Mariapfarr from

Lantschfeldweg – – Lantschfeldweg

Meine Zeit im Salzburger Lungau Infos von A bis Z: bis A von Infos Lungau Salzburger im Zeit Meine 19 Please note: Please back to the start. the to back Pfarrbühel via and Bruckdorf to area) (farming

24.12.2021 – closed closed – 24.12.2021

Refreshment Opportunities: Opportunities: Refreshment town center center town

hrs.) offering occasional refreshment opportunities. refreshment occasional offering hrs.) suited. There is also a rest stop on site! on stop rest a also is There suited. Hours: Indoor pool: daily 10 a.m. - 9 p.m., Sauna: daily 2 - 9 p.m., mixed Sauna Sauna mixed p.m., 9 - 2 daily Sauna: p.m., 9 - a.m. 10 daily pool: Indoor Hours:

Feldgasse the via then , Nessiteich the to (Longa) Sagpichl

Trail: on Time

ca. 2 hrs. 2 ca.

[email protected], [email protected],

BadeINSEL almost completely flat and for the experienced cross-country skier too warm up well well up warm too skier cross-country experienced the for and flat completely almost

through the valley. Also along the ski trail you will find a winter hiking path (2-3 (2-3 path hiking winter a find will you trail ski the along Also valley. the through Description: flat, cleared flat,


, , Ulnötz via Mariapfarr from app; an including boards info 11

here is an overview of Salzburg’s Lungau region’s 2021/22 winter brochures. winter 2021/22 region’s Lungau Salzburg’s of overview an is here


8 km 8

Katschberghöhe 37, T +43 (0)4734 29900 (0)4734 +43 T 37, Katschberghöhe


Time on Trail: Trail: on Time Length: A snow-guarantee trail for beginners, pleasure runners and professionals. The trail is is trail The professionals. and runners pleasure beginners, for trail snow-guarantee A 1 hr. hr. 1 km 2 ca.

The cross-country trail leads in parts alongside the Longa, which meanders meanders which Longa, the alongside parts in leads trail cross-country The Hans Fuchs, T +43 (0)676 7622302 (0)676 +43 T Fuchs, Hans Time on Trail: Trail: on Time Length: 2 hrs. 2 km 6

ching snow. And so that you know what to expect on and off the ski slopes and trails, trails, and slopes ski the off and on expect to what know you that so And snow. ching

Start: Mariapfarr of center town

Erwin Resch (cross-country skis only) skis (cross-country Resch Erwin

Start: car park, travel there by post bus or car car or bus post by there travel park, car Ludlalm

(children’s cross-country sleds only) sleds cross-country (children’s

- crun and air mountain beneficial a of combination unbeatable an awaits hikers winter Start: Mariapfarr

Point: Access Glashütte (district) Glashütte / lift Petersbründl station valley

Difficulty: challenging challenging

FRESCH:UP Ski und Sportzentrum und Ski FRESCH:UP T +43 (0)4734 630, 630, (0)4734 +43 T

parking place Fanning place parking Difficulty:

easy easy

Weißpriach: Weißpriach:

sunniest region in and therefore skiers, ski tourers, cross-country skiers and and skiers cross-country tourers, ski skiers, therefore and Austria in region sunniest

Difficulty: easy easy

● Length:

1,3 km classic & skating, loop skating, & classic km 1,3

Katschberghöhe 30 Katschberghöhe

Point: Access

town center Weißpriach – parking place P1 (at the football field), football the (at P1 place parking – Weißpriach center town

Mariapfarr to the Frimlkapelle (chapel) (chapel) Frimlkapelle the to Mariapfarr the as known well is region Lungau The enthusiasts. sports winter for conditions

Tamsweg / Prebersee Prebersee / Tamsweg

Elevation: 32 1000 – 1050 m 1050 – 1000

The.Cage – Sports- and leisure center leisure and Sports- – The.Cage T +43 (0)664 4139518, 4139518, (0)664 +43 T 17

Katschberg, T +43 (0)4734 470 (0)4734 +43 T Katschberg,

Soil-Culture-Path - Mariapfarr - Soil-Culture-Path


13 km classic & skating incl. winterhikingpath incl. skating & classic km 13

Salzburg’s Lungau offers, at an average elevation of 1000 m above sea level, perfect perfect level, sea above m 1000 of elevation average an at offers, Lungau Salzburg’s


(biathlon, school, rental, snowshoe rental) snowshoe rental, school, (biathlon, Difficulty: Difficulty: easy easy

Marktstrasse 3, T +43 (0)6477 8246 (0)6477 +43 T 3, Marktstrasse

Lots of sun and even more snow: this is Salzburg‘s Lungau region in winter. The The winter. in region Lungau Salzburg‘s is this snow: more even and sun of Lots Elevation:

1099 m m 1099 T +43 (0)676 7607072 (0)676 +43 T

Langlaufschule Gnadenalm Langlaufschule

Sport Friedrich Sport 2000 rent a sport a rent 2000 Sport Friedrich Sport

and from the Messnerbrücke via the bike path as far as Gritschbühel. as far as path bike the via Messnerbrücke the from and

Hintering to Kendlbruck (district) the path is not cleared. cleared. not is path the (district) Kendlbruck to Hintering

- with snowmaking coverage snowmaking with -

Petersbründl Trail Trail Petersbründl

Kaltbachstraße 3 Kaltbachstraße

Difficulty: Difficulty: intermediate intermediate

31 31

. Miesdorf via is option Another . Mariapfarr of

St. Michael / Katschberg: / Michael St.

T +43 (0)6456 7351, 7351, (0)6456 +43 T

Description: from (district), Hintering to path bicycle the along path cleared option – from the town center along the banks of the Zederhausbach Zederhausbach the of banks the along center town the from – option

Kegelbahn mit Stüberl „s 9erl“ (skittle alley) (skittle 9erl“ „s Stüberl mit Kegelbahn

in the direction direction the in Stockerfeld via and left a make then m, 500 ahead

Gnadenalm, Fam. Habersatter Fam. Gnadenalm, Landgasthof Weilharter (inn & hotels) & (inn Weilharter Landgasthof

Trail Weißpriach Weißpriach Trail

point. Additional point. And even more winter… winter… more even And

able! 17 17

St. Margarethen 73, T +43 (0)6476 812 (0)6476 +43 T 73, Margarethen St.

[email protected], [email protected],

Refreshment Opportunities: Refreshment (only toboggan rentals & toboggan taxi) toboggan & rentals toboggan (only Café „Zum Burgblick“, Gasthof Durigon, Gasthof Burgblick“, „Zum Café

, downriver, cross the railroad tracks, straight tracks, railroad the cross downriver, , Leitensiedlung the to

farmhouses and via Anger, finally returning to your original starting starting original your to returning finally Anger, via and


- avail are opportunities Refreshment Alps. the in anywhere conditions snow reliable

Kaltbachstraße 668/3a Kaltbachstraße


Time on Trail: on Time Length:

1 hr. 20 min. 20 hr. 1 km 4


, then continue left continue then , Althofen to Heldenallee the via Mariapfarr from

t raveled road to a small part of town known as Dorf, past old old past Dorf, as known town of part small a to road raveled

(Nordic-walking poles and snowshoe rental rental snowshoe and poles (Nordic-walking

most the of some boasts Trail Gnadenalm The shuttle! ski the on reachable Also My Gym Fitnessstudio Gym My

. (district)

Start: village of Madling of village

Time on Trail: Trail: on Time Length: 1 hr. 20 min. 20 hr. 1 km 4

St. Margarethen Tourist Office Tourist Margarethen St.


From the town center, immediately after the fire station take the little little the take station fire the after immediately center, town the From

(no rental of Nordic-walking poles) Nordic-walking of rental (no

St. Michael St.

Difficulty: easy easy

Neusess-Moos Neusess-Moos to further and Mauterndorf” Trail “Airfield the to Westwards

● Gnadenalm (hut) Gnadenalm the above Radstadt),

Start: Refreshment Opportunities: Opportunities: Refreshment Mariapfarr Kirchenwirt, Jägerwirt (inn`s) Jägerwirt Kirchenwirt,

Point: Access

(coming from from (coming Obertauern before just north the to km 4 ca.

Mur Hiking Path “Myths & Legends” – – Legends” & “Myths Path Hiking Mur

Information: T +43 (0)6476 313 (0)6476 +43 T, Length: Time on Trail: Trail: on Time ca. 4 km km 4 ca. ca. 2 hrs. (entire route with additional option) additional with route (entire hrs. 2 ca. 16 Difficulty:

easy easy

Access Points: Points: Access T +43 (0)6472 20044-60 (0)6472 +43 T Flugplatz Mauterndorf (airfield), Neusess-Moos (district) Neusess-Moos (airfield), Mauterndorf Flugplatz von A bis Z” (only German/English). (only Z” bis A von ●

Length: 20 km classic & skating, biathlon biathlon skating, & classic km 20

Arrival for wildlife feedings no later than 3 p.m. at Berggasthof Schlögelberger Schlögelberger Berggasthof at p.m. 3 than later no feedings wildlife for Arrival Hotel Edelweiss, T +43 (0)6456 7270 (0)6456 +43 T Edelweiss, Hotel


Rest Sport GmbH Sport Rest of center the in market

More Information can be found in the brochure “Meine Zeit im Salzburger Lungau Infos Infos Lungau Salzburger im Zeit “Meine brochure the in found be can Information More

(Steindorf-Moos - Mauterndorf - Neusess-Moos) - Mauterndorf - (Steindorf-Moos

Elevation: Hiking Path Heldenallee - Mariapfarr - Heldenallee Path Hiking 1350 m 1350

T +43 (0)6456 20211 (0)6456 +43 T Wildlife Feedings at the “Wildlife Park Schlögelberger” (Zoo) Schlögelberger” Park “Wildlife the at Feedings Wildlife

46 Difficulty:

easy easy

Length: [email protected], [email protected],

5 km classic & skating skating & classic km 5

Description: village road, little traffic little road, village

Stützpunkt Obertauern Stützpunkt

Difficulty: Difficulty: St. Margarethen St. easy, intermediate, challenging challenging intermediate, easy,

Liftstrasse Aineck, T +43 (0)664 4228083 4228083 (0)664 +43 T Aineck, Liftstrasse

Elevation: Information: T +43 (0)664 1613877, [email protected], [email protected], 1613877, (0)664 +43 T Information: 1050 - 1122 m 1122 - 1050

Refreshment Opportunities: Refreshment Mesnerwirt (inn), Gasthof Jedl (inn) Jedl Gasthof (inn), Mesnerwirt

Ski center Zehnerkar, T +43 (0)6456 20072 (0)6456 +43 T Zehnerkar, center Ski

Zederhaus Winter Hiking Path Path Hiking Winter Zederhaus


(cross-country skis only) skis (cross-country

Gnadenalm Trail Gnadenalm

. Lignitztal beautiful into and Tiergraben the through

Heli Troger Heli Difficulty: Difficulty: easy easy Time on Trail: on Time Length:

45 min. min. 45 km 3 Kirchengasse 7, T +43 (0)6474 6655 21 6655 (0)6474 +43 T 7, Kirchengasse 30 30

Lungau Aktiv Firn Sepp Sepp Firn Aktiv Lungau

Lungauring – St. Michael St. – Lungauring Description: , cross the road by the bridge, continue upriver upriver continue bridge, the by road the cross , Zankwarn in

Intersport Frühstückl Intersport

Start: town center town

St. Margarethen: St. Taurach Trail Mauterndorf Mauterndorf Trail Taurach

Hours & Information: Information: & Hours T +43 (0)6472 7426, 7426, (0)6472 +43 T Castle, Mauterndorf

classic. , then a little-travelled gravel road and back to the start the to back and road gravel little-travelled a then , Longa

Tamsweg / Obertauern: / Tamsweg 16 16

Time on Trail: Trail: on Time Length:

3 hrs. 3 km 12,5 Difficulty: intermediate intermediate ●

Burg Mauterndorf (Castle) Mauterndorf Burg

“Denkmalhof Maurergut” in Gries. Right in the town center circa 2 km skating and and skating km 2 circa center town the in Right Gries. in Maurergut” “Denkmalhof


the over m 100 after (chapel), “Seekreuzkapelle” the to trail flat

Start: Zankwarn

[email protected], [email protected],

Information: T +43 (0)664 75418866, [email protected], [email protected], 75418866, (0)664 +43 T Information:

Muhr to Jedl Jedl to Muhr Mauterndorf

14 Refreshment Opportunity: Opportunity: Refreshment Dicktlerhütte (hut) Dicktlerhütte

, crossing the street and continuing to the turn-around point at the museum museum the at point turn-around the to continuing and street the crossing , (farm)

T +43 (0)6472 20044 (0)6472 +43 T

Gasthof Andlwirt in St. Andrä. St. in Andlwirt Gasthof at trail the nearby nity .at – and Muhr and Thomatal – .at WINTERFAHRTRAINING Difficulty: intermediate intermediate

Murtalstraße 641, T +43 (0)6477 20271 (0)6477 +43 T 641, Murtalstraße

Time on Trail: Trail: on Time Length: 30 – 45 min. 45 – 30 km 4

Moserbauer Moserbauer the to (rivulet) “Zederhausbach” the alongside downhill Gently . (area)

Valley station ski center 416 center ski station Valley

- opportu Refreshment . Andrä St. to back leads it then , (district) Lintsching wards

Sportfex GmbH Sportfex


Hiking Path Tiergrabenweg to Lignitz - Mariapfarr - Lignitz to Tiergrabenweg Path Hiking

Rest Sport GmbH GmbH Sport Rest

Start: , end of the paved road paved the of end , (district) Hinterweißpriach

“Schiefergraben” “Schiefergraben” the to terrain undulating easy, via Anger – Dorf of community

Description: 45 Steindorf (district) Steindorf to possible also traffic, little cleared,

- to loops several in (rivulet) “Taurach” and (railway) “Taurachbahn” the Follows Pfarr-, Wallfahrts- und Stille Nacht-Museum Nacht-Museum Stille und Wallfahrts- Pfarr-,

Information: T +43 (0)664 5453776, [email protected], [email protected], 5453776, (0)664 +43 T Information:

[email protected], [email protected],

Difficulty: easy easy

from the the from (city) Zederhaus (Naturparkgemeinde) of Community Park Nature the In ●

[email protected], [email protected], Gasthof Hainererhof (inn) Hainererhof Gasthof

Erwin Korbuly Erwin

T +43 (0)6472 20044-50 (0)6472 +43 T

Point: Access Taurachbahn (railway) at St. Andrä (village) Andrä St. at (railway) Taurachbahn the for stop the

Markt 54, T +43 (0)6472 7363 (0)6472 +43 T 54, Markt

Refreshment Opportunities: Refreshment

Gasthof Jacklbauer, Jacklbauer, Gasthof center, town

fire department fire Winterfahrpark Stegergut – Thomatal – Stegergut Winterfahrpark

Valley station Sonnenbahn station Valley path runs along the cross-country skating trail. skating cross-country the along runs path Seekreuz Tour – Weißpriach – Tour Seekreuz

Information: Sonnenweg 600, T +43 (0)6473 20020, [email protected], [email protected], 20020, (0)6473 +43 T 600, Sonnenweg

30 Sport Pichler GmbH Pichler Sport

Length: Time on Trail: on Time Length: 4,7 km classic & 7,2 km skating km 7,2 & classic km 4,7

1 hr. 1 km 4

Center, T +43 (0)6472 20044-40 (0)6472 +43 T Center, at the Moserbauer and town center across at the at across center town and Moserbauer the at – Rothenwand Winter driving training: driving Winter


flat, maintained, no traffic, climbs slightly in parts. This winter hiking winter This parts. in slightly climbs traffic, no maintained, flat, 31.12.: sauna closes at 6 p.m. 6 at closes sauna 31.12.:


Start: church St. Gertrauden St. church


1044 - 1080 m m 1080 - 1044 Rest Sport GmbH GmbH Sport Rest

Access Points: Points: Access – at the Schieferbauer the at – Bruckdorf Bartlbauer, the at – Dorf

Please note: Please 24.12.: sauna and wellness facilities are closed, closed, are facilities wellness and sauna 24.12.: Refreshment Opportunities: Opportunities: Refreshment

Longa Stubn (inn), Dicktlerhütte (hut) Dicktlerhütte (inn), Stubn Longa


Difficulty: intermediate intermediate

Difficulty: Difficulty:

easy, intermediate intermediate easy,


[email protected], [email protected], 8 km classic, of which 7 km are tracked for skating for tracked are km 7 which of classic, km 8

[email protected], [email protected], last admission: 8.30 p.m., admission 14 years and older! and years 14 admission p.m., 8.30 admission: last

Time on Trail: Trail: on Time Length: 2-3 hrs. 2-3 km 13

out across out Frimlkapelle Frimlkapelle the to continue and (valley) “Murtal” the

Bruckdorf 113, T +43 (0)6473 8206 (0)6473 +43 T 113, Bruckdorf

T +43 (0)664 3930001 (0)664 +43 T Fanningberg to St. Gertrauden St. to Fanningberg Information & Registration: Registration: & Information Elevation:

Josef Baier, T +43 (0)650 5550903, 5550903, (0)650 +43 T Baier, Josef daily from 2 - 9.30 p.m. mixed sauna mixed p.m. 9.30 - 2 from daily

1205 m 1205

Start: town center – parking place P1 (at the football field), parking place Fanning place parking field), football the (at P1 place parking – center town

Taurach Trail St. Andrä Andrä St. Trail Taurach


little little , beautiful views views beautiful , (farm) Frimlhof the to uphill sunny, traffic),

9 9

Sport Pichler GmbH Pichler Sport

Gerichtsplatz / Bergnest / Gerichtsplatz

village hall / 3rd floor 3rd / hall village Hours: from early December until middle of April: of middle until December early from Hours:

Difficulty: Difficulty:

easy, intermediate intermediate easy,

Difficulty: easy easy

Description: road (very road Mitterberg the onto left a make east, the to out head

Mariapfarr: Otto´s Schischule (cross-country skis only) skis (cross-country Schischule Otto´s

Vital- und Wellnesscenter SAMSUNN (Spa) SAMSUNN Wellnesscenter und Vital- Kodak History Camera Museum Camera History Kodak

Zederhaus Trail Zederhaus

Refreshment Opportunities: Opportunities: Refreshment Unternberg center town Description: flat, cleared, little traffic little cleared, flat,

Hiking Path Weißpriach Path Hiking . (Moarhofersiedlung) trail the of start the to park car (district) Unterdorf the Mariapfarr Zederhaus 28 28


Time on Trail: Trail: on Time Length: Refreshment Opportunities: Refreshment ca. 1 hr. (not incl. the return leg) return the incl. (not hr. 1 ca. km 3 town center town

Cross-country skis, Nordic-walking poles and toboggans toboggans and poles Nordic-walking skis, Cross-country

but a pleasant resting place). It is about a 50 m walk from from walk m 50 a about is It place). resting pleasant a but staffed, not , hut ( hütte

also a wonderful hiking path (3 hrs.) along the trail. the along hrs.) (3 path hiking wonderful a also Time on Trail: on Time Length: 1 hr. 30 min. 30 hr. 1 km 4 Start: Unternberg (city) Unternberg in square village

- Assendl the at ends trail This . preserve) nature valley (upper sachtal”

Gruben district

youth hostel. There is is There hostel. youth Tauernhof the past loop a in returning more, once uphill ily Start: airfield or the town center of Mauterndorf of center town the or airfield Difficulty: intermediate intermediate

Other Recreational Activities Recreational Other - Les Hinteres “Landschaftsschutzgebiet the through visit) a worth much very is

or or Thomatal towards downwards slightly then and uphill slightly Difficulty: - stead then beginning, the at Flat skiers! experienced for trail mountain Challenging easy easy

From the car park, take the trail above the parish church (site of a cemetery that that cemetery a of (site church parish the above trail the take park, car the From

Mitterberg Hike - Unternberg - Hike Mitterberg

Description: , first ca. 200 m 200 ca. first , Thomatalerweg old the over Pichlern from starting 29

Point: Access Zehnerkarparkplatz P2 (parkingplace P2) (parkingplace P2 Zehnerkarparkplatz

St. Gertrauden and Begöriach and Gertrauden St.

Rentals & Service & Rentals

Time on Trail: Trail: on Time Length:

ca. 20 min. 20 ca. km 1

Access Point: Point: Access (Lessach - Vorderdorf, districts) Vorderdorf, - (Lessach lifts ski the serving park car Length: 6 km classic & skating & classic km 6

Mauterndorf Winter Hiking Path – Steindorf, Steindorf, – Path Hiking Winter Mauterndorf Start:


Length: 8,7 km classic & skating & classic km 8,7 Elevation: 1590 - 1740 m 1740 - 1590 11

(castle, museum opening times as posted) as times opening museum (castle,

Difficulty: easy easy

Difficulty: Difficulty: Elevation: intermediate, challenging challenging intermediate, 1208 - 1241 m 1241 - 1208

“Schloss Moosham” “Schloss to climb brief a with concluding , Voidersdorf

Difficulty: Difficulty:

easy, intermediate intermediate easy, Description: to Flatschach and Stranach districts the via trail flat traffic, little

Path Hiking Winter Bettlmandltauern - Margarethen St.

Description: flat, cleared, little traffic little cleared, flat,

World Cup Trail Cup World


27 27

Refreshment Opportunities: Opportunities: Refreshment Unternberg, Gasthof Mooswirt (inn) Mooswirt Gasthof Unternberg, of center town Refreshment Opportunities: Refreshment town center town

Romantic Trail Lessach Trail Romantic

8 8

Time on Trail: Trail: on Time Length: ca. 1 hr. (not incl. the return leg) leg) return the incl. (not hr. 1 ca. km 3 ca. Time on Trail: on Time Length: 20 min. 20 km 1 hiking path (2,5 hrs.) along the trail. the along hrs.) (2,5 path hiking

St. Margarethen St. to or Oberbayrdorf

Start: Start: Flugplatz Mauterndorf (airfield) Mauterndorf Flugplatz Unternberg in square village nature sanctuary and ends with an exhilarating downhill. There is also a wonderful wonderful a also is There downhill. exhilarating an with ends and sanctuary nature

country ski-tracks with 1,5 km per round. per km 1,5 with ski-tracks country

Difficulty: easy easy

to the golf course and pass along the Mur (river) back to back (river) Mur the along pass and course golf the to Saumoos Difficulty: easy easy ●

● Hundsfeldmoor the across out leads trail this of part sunniest beautiful, most The

there are also along the left hand side of the stream 2 cross- 2 stream the of side hand left the along also are there Göriach-Winkl At trail. (farm, holiday home) go further via via further go home) holiday (farm, Wiesenbauer to continue then

Mauterndorf Airfield to Begöriach to Airfield Mauterndorf

“Schloss Moosham” “Schloss Points: Access Obertauern Sportcenter Obertauern 10


(district), (district), Oberbayrdorf towards square village the from starting . Numerous access points along this this along points access Numerous . (district) Wassering in point access the reach

Length: 6 km classic & skating & classic km 6

Time on Trail: Trail: on Time Length: . After a short, steep stage, you will will you stage, steep short, a After . (district) Vordergöriach as far as valley the of ca. 1 hr. 1 ca. km 4,9 Unternberg via Flatschach to Castle Castle to Flatschach via Unternberg



1740 - 1800 m 1800 - 1740

Description: Austria’s first self-guided Sun Path. Sun self-guided first Austria’s

. On the eastern side of the valley, you now head towards the mouth mouth the towards head now you valley, the of side eastern the On . (hut) eralm Start: village center village

Difficulty: intermediate, challenging challenging intermediate,

Refreshment Opportunities: Refreshment Mariapfarr Mariapfarr of center town

- Ed the at point turn-around the reach you km, 3,5 After . preserve) nature valley Difficulty: easy easy ●

Description: Description:

Trail: on Time Hundsfeld Trail Hundsfeld (rivulet) (rivulet) “Thomatalerbach” the of banks the along piece a flat, ca. 1 hr. 30 min. 30 hr. 1 ca.

“Landschaftsschutzgebiet Göriachtal” (Göriach (Göriach Göriachtal” “Landschaftsschutzgebiet the to (rivulet) “Göriachbach” the

26 26

St. Margarethen - Saumoosrunde Winter Hiking Path Hiking Winter Saumoosrunde - Margarethen St.

Time on Trail: on Time

Length: Length: 25 min. 25 4 km 4 42 . Alongside Alongside . (district) Hintergöriach of direction the in north heading uphill Gently

Length: Length: Start: 1,2 km 1,2 able for sun-loving occasional skiers and beginners. beginners. and skiers occasional sun-loving for able information board in the town center town the in board information

Access Points: Points: Access

, at the village hall hall village the at , (district) Wassering at Göriach Start: Start: Difficulty: - suit Particularly . Nockberge the of as well as , (mountains) Schladminger and Thomatal (community center) (community Thomatal easy easy ●

Description: easy walking-tour to the Speiereckhütte (hut) Speiereckhütte the to walking-tour easy


8 km classic and two rounds with 1,5 km skating per round round per skating km 1,5 with rounds two and classic km 8

Niedere Radstädter, the of peaks the of views panoramic beautiful affords trail This Difficulty: Difficulty: easy

● ●

“Sonnenlehrpfad” Mariapfarr (Sun Path) (Sun Mariapfarr “Sonnenlehrpfad”

Refreshment Opportunitiy: Refreshment Panoramaalm (inn), Speiereckhütte (hut) Speiereckhütte (inn), Panoramaalm


Elevation: 1180 - 1250 m m 1250 - 1180

[email protected] Points: Access

Flugplatz Mauterndorf (airfield),Steindorf-Moos (district) (airfield),Steindorf-Moos Mauterndorf Flugplatz

: Trail on Time Length: ca. 30 min. 30 ca. km 2 ca. Bussalauern tour – Thomatal – tour Bussalauern


Difficulty: Difficulty: easy, intermediate intermediate easy,

Length: 3 km classic & skating & classic km 3

F +43 (0)6477 8988 – 20 20 – 8988 (0)6477 +43 F


mountain station - 8 man Gondola man 8 - station mountain

Description: Description: flat, not cleared, little traffic traffic little cleared, not flat,

are in winter 2021/22 not usable or not in operation. in not or usable not 2021/22 winter in are

Elevation: 1122 m 1122

Winkel Trail Göriach Trail Winkel

T +43 (0)6477 8988 (0)6477 +43 T : Difficulty easy easy

● 7 7

Time on Trail: on Time Length:

ca. 2 hrs. 2 ca. km 6

Difficulty: Difficulty: easy easy direction of Bundschuh or Rosanin. Rosanin. or Bundschuh of direction

The missing numbers in the cross-country skiing, nordic walking & winter hiking trails and toboggan runs runs toboggan and trails hiking winter & walking nordic skiing, cross-country the in numbers missing The

A-5582 Michael A-5582


info point by the church the by point info

Winterwanderweg Grosseck - Mauterndorf - Grosseck Winterwanderweg

designated for hikers!) Through sparse pine forests, either in the in either forests, pine sparse Through hikers!) for designated


Airfield Trail Mauterndorf Mauterndorf Trail Airfield Valley trails (Depending on the snow situation) snow the on (Depending trails Valley

Rotkreuzgasse 100 Rotkreuzgasse Difficulty:

24 24 easy easy

● Description: via the alpine cross-country ski trails (please only use the trail the use only (please trails ski cross-country alpine the via

Ferienregion Salzburger Lungau Salzburger Ferienregion

Trail: on Time ca. 3 – 5 hrs. 5 – 3 ca.

Culture Trail: Thurnschall Ruins - Lessach Lessach - Ruins Thurnschall Trail: Culture

Non-challenging, flat trail for casual skiers and beginners. beginners. and skiers casual for trail flat Non-challenging,

Refreshments! 5

Snowshoes recommended Snowshoes

Length: 13 km 13

Description: romantic toboggan run through high forest high through run toboggan romantic

and Fam. Landschützer (accomodations), St. Wolfgang Wolfgang St. (accomodations), Landschützer Fam. and Important: Not cleared! Not Important: Eßlalm (hut) (hut) Eßlalm the at point turn-around the Please inquire prior to your trip about the opening times of the desired desired the of times opening the about trip your to prior inquire Please


Schönfeld car park, Dr. Josef-Mehrlhütte Dr. park, car Schönfeld

Refreshment Opportunity: Opportunity: Refreshment

Gasthof Jägerwirt (inn) Jägerwirt Gasthof

Biathlon, daily illuminated round loop (ca. 800 m) from 4 – 9 pm. 9 – 4 from m) 800 (ca. loop round illuminated daily Biathlon,

Access Points: Points: Access , access between Lungauer Bärensuiten Bärensuiten Lungauer between access , (district) Begöriach and further to further and (valley) Rosanintal the to countryside winter snowy

Description: easy uphill, groomed, no traffic no groomed, uphill, easy

Difficulty: Difficulty: easy, intermediate, challenging challenging intermediate, easy,

● ● ●

Drop in Elevation: Elevation: in Drop 200 m 200

. . (area) Valley Lignitz upper the into further ski to possible be may it ditions, Length: 1.5 km classic & skating & classic km 1.5 Description: a flat path leads through leads path flat a (hut) Josef-Mehrlhütte Dr. the from Refreshment Opportunity: Refreshment , T +43 (0)664 4107513 (0)664 +43 T , (hut) Wildbachhütte

Refreshment Opportunities: Opportunities: Refreshment Almstüberl (hut) Almstüberl

Winter hiking paths in Schönfeld – Thomatal Thomatal – Schönfeld in paths hiking Winter

con- snow on Depending pros. and skiers casual beginners, for trail high Snowy Elevation: Start: 1122 - 1142 m 1142 - 1122 Schieferbauer (farm) Schieferbauer the to close park car Refreshment Opportunitiy: Refreshment Dr. Josef-Mehrlhütte (hut) Josef-Mehrlhütte Dr. Trail: on Time 1) 2 hrs. 30 min. or 2) 1 hr. 30 min. one way one min. 30 hr. 1 2) or min. 30 hrs. 2 1) 25

Drop in Elevation: Elevation: in Drop Difficulty: Difficulty: 140 m 140 easy easy

Time on Trail: Trail: on Time Length:

ca. 50 min. 50 ca. km 2 Length: Length: 1) 4.5 km or 2) 2.5 km km 2.5 2) or km 4.5 1) Length: 500 m 500

Point: Access Lignitz (district) Lignitz

Start: Dr. Josef-Mehrlhütte (hut) (hut) Josef-Mehrlhütte Dr. the at park car

Wildbachhütte (hut), Purgger-Gut (farm) Purgger-Gut (hut), Wildbachhütte the for park car 2)


Almstüberl (hut) Almstüberl

Begöriach Trail Trail Begöriach


7 km classic & skating, loop skating, & classic km 7 risk. own your at Use treated. nor

Zederhaus Toboggan Run Run Toboggan Zederhaus 23 23


7 easy easy Start:

1) car park for the ski lift (Trail 8) 8) (Trail lift ski the for park car 1)

Length: 1 km 1 Elevation: road. Half of this hiking path is neither cleared neither is path hiking this of Half road. Bundschuh the of

1330 - 1400 m 1400 - 1330


intermediate intermediate

Ample refreshment opportunities in the villages along the way! the along villages the in opportunities refreshment Ample

Thomatal – Rosanintal to Eßlalm Winter Hiking Path Path Hiking Winter Eßlalm to Rosanintal – Thomatal


to the crossroads the to (rivulet) “Bundschuhbach” the of banks the along

Difficulty: Difficulty: easy, intermediate intermediate easy,


above sea level sea above

Schönfeld - Toboggan Run to the Schilcher hut hut Schilcher the to Run Toboggan - Schönfeld

. . (area) “Postalm” the of direction the in valley romantic the through you taking and

Wildbachhütte – Lessach – Wildbachhütte 19 Time on Trail: Trail: on Time Length:

3 hrs. 3 km 10


with snowmaking coverage snowmaking with


ca. 40 min. on foot to the starting point at 1850 m 1850 at point starting the to foot on min. 40 ca.

Loop, a trail protected from the wind wind the from protected trail a Loop, (area) “Lantschfeld” the of beginning the is This

Start: Gruben - Kocherbauer (farm) Kocherbauer - Gruben

Important – not gritted or salted in winter! in salted or gritted not – Important

+43 (0)664 3376678 3376678 (0)664 +43 . . (city) Tweng to (area) Au” “Twenger the via countryside charming very through Trail


easy easy

– – ●

High Trail Lignitz Lignitz Trail High

16.50 senior 16.50 16.50/youth, 10.00/child, 18.00/adult,

€ € € €

14 14 back to the start the to back (valley) “Lignitztal”

own risk. own . . (chapel) Annakapelle the to (rivulet) “Taurach” the alongside terrain Undulating Toboggan Rental: Rental: Toboggan

, T +43 (0)4734 291 and and 291 (0)4734 +43 T , (hut) Gamskogelhütte

note: Please

ride coaster roller Gondola: man 8 price

“Höllweg” - Thomatal Thomatal - “Höllweg” , from there via the the via there from , Kobaltsattel”(area) “ the to lane forestry

Chapel). This winter-hiking path is not cleared or treated. Use at your your at Use treated. or cleared not is path winter-hiking This Chapel).


Floodlighting: Floodlighting: Tue & Sat - 10 p.m. p.m. 10 - Sat & Tue timber yards timber Lantschfeld

Description: following the following (district) Pirka via ascending - (district) Zankwarn

the Hansal Hansal the

straight in the direction of the Winklweg (as far as as far (as Winklweg the of direction the in straight

ambitions. Suitable for all ages! all for Suitable ambitions.

(daily 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.) p.m.) 4 - a.m. 9 (daily

Access Points: Points: Access , , (farm) Franznbauer Tweng: center, ski Mauterndorf

Katschberg Pass Katschberg the on restaurants

Park possibility: Park where you can either branch branch either can you where off to the sledding hill or continue continue or hill sledding the to off car park car Örmoos

. Skating track for cross-country skiers with more athletic athletic more with skiers cross-country for track Skating . (rivulet) “Feisterbach”


Toboggan Rentals: Rentals: Toboggan 12 km classic & skating skating & classic km 12

horse-drawn sleigh rides are also possible possible also are rides sleigh horse-drawn

Gondola man 8 - station mountain

of the Göriachbach. After approximately 1 km you will reach a fork, fork, a reach will you km 1 approximately After Göriachbach. the of Refreshment Opportunities: Opportunities: Refreshment Time on Trail: Trail: on Time Length: and other and Stamperl Pizzeria , (hut) Gamskogelhütte ca. 3 hrs. 3 ca. km 14

. Return along the right side of the the of side right the along Return . ) itself inn the to up trail side (inn, Preberhof

Elevation: Description: 1180 - 1300 m 1300 - 1180 , , (hut) Pritzhütte the to (road) Gontalweg at Pass Katschberg

Description: From Gasthof Lacknerhof, the hiking path leads along the left side side left the along leads path hiking the Lacknerhof, Gasthof From

Start: Zankwarn

Refreshment Opportunities: Opportunities: Refreshment Speiereckhütte (hut), Panoramaalm (inn) Panoramaalm (hut), Speiereckhütte Drop in Elevation: Elevation: in Drop

200 m m 200

Gasthof Gasthof the of front in point Turn-around pastures. alpine and meadows dulating

Difficulty: Difficulty: Refreshment Opportunities: Opportunities: Refreshment Refreshment Opportunities: Opportunities: Refreshment intermediate easy,

Pritzhütte (hut) Pritzhütte , (hotel) Bacher Alpengasthof Gasthof Lacknerhof (inn) Lacknerhof Gasthof

Difficulty: intermediate


Pizzeria Stamperl, Katschberg Stamperl, Pizzeria the over m 80 ca. Drop in Elevation: Elevation: in Drop 120 m 120

- un easy, through direction easterly an in continues , (lake) “Prebersee” the Around Time on Trail: Trail: on Time Length: Time on Trail: Trail: on Time Length: Further Information Further 2 hrs. hrs. 2 km 8 45 min. one way one min. 45 way one km 3 ca.

Hammer-/Twenger-/Lantschfeld Trail Hammer-/Twenger-/Lantschfeld

Mariapfarr – Kobaltsattel Winter Hiking Path Path Hiking Winter Kobaltsattel – Mariapfarr Length:

1.8 km 1.8

22 22 Start: Speiereckhütte (hut) Speiereckhütte

39 Start: Start: , travel there by ski bus ski by there travel , Pass Katschberg Gasthof Lacknerhof (inn) Lacknerhof Gasthof

Point: Access Ludlalm, P1, P2, P3 P2, P1, Ludlalm,

Difficulty: Difficulty: intermediate intermediate easy

● ●

Length: km 1 ca. Katschberg – Gamskogel Toboggan Run Run Toboggan Gamskogel – Katschberg

Length: 8 km double-tracked classic, 6 km skating skating km 6 classic, double-tracked km 8 6

. . Unternberg

Important – not gritted or salted in winter! in salted or gritted not – Important

Pritzhütte Gontal – Katschberg – Gontal Pritzhütte Path Hiking Winter Göriach

Elevation: 1450 - 1500 m 1500 - 1450

and and Margarethen St. in opportunities Refreshment . “Mur” River the of side right

1 23 Mauterndorf – Grosseck Toboggan Run Toboggan Grosseck – Mauterndorf


(ca. 30 min.) min.) 30 (ca. “Lignitztal” the to path the along

Difficulty: Difficulty: easy, intermediate intermediate easy, Bacher Reisen, T +43 (0)6477 8111 (0)6477 +43 T Reisen, Bacher you will have to switch from the left to the the to left the from switch to have will you (district) Neustatt in bridge the at views,

the same route to our original starting point, OR: continue continue OR: point, starting original our to route same the

with beautiful beautiful with (area) “Murmäander” the along partially flat, predominantly and Sunny


or bus post by car, own your with reachable groomed, machine

High Trail Preber Trail High

(hut, beautiful lookout point) – return via return – point) lookout beautiful (hut, Wielandhütte the as

10 10

available by arrangement, T +43 (0)664 3436342 (0)664 +43 T arrangement, by available

Unternberg, Neggerndorf (districts) Neggerndorf Unternberg,

Refreshment Opportunity: Opportunity: Refreshment T +43 (0)6477 7527 (0)6477 +43 T (inn), Weltcup-Stüberl

turn right – slight climb to the south along the mountainside as far as mountainside the along south the to climb slight – right turn

Active winters

Points: Access Moosham, Pischelsdorf, Unterbayrdorf, Margarethen, St. on season and weather conditions), sleds are are sleds conditions), weather and season on

Drop in Elevation: Elevation: in Drop 200 m 200


– – “Lignitztal”(area) towards – available) (parking Wielandhof



6.5 km classic & skating & classic km 6.5

(5 km, ploughed forestry road, dependant dependant road, forestry ploughed km, (5 (hut) hütte”

Start: mountain station – Petersbründl ski-lift Petersbründl – station mountain Time on Trail: Trail: on Time Length: ca. 50 min. 50 ca. km 2.5

in Salzburg‘s Lungau region 2021/22 Stage: St. Margarethen - Unternberg - Neggerndorf - Unternberg - Margarethen St. Stage: , continue to Sameralm and then then and Sameralm to continue , (road) “Bundschuhlandstrasse” the at crossing

Start: note: Please Lignitztal at Wielandhof “Südwiener the near begins run toboggan natural a Length: 1.5 km km 1.5

, easy, undulating, out to the the to out undulating, easy, , (rivulet) “Feldseitenbach” the of banks the Along

Difficulty: Valley with numerous refreshment opportunities. refreshment numerous with Valley “Mur” the along trail flat Sunny, intermediate intermediate

Toboggan Rentals & Taxi: Taxi: & Rentals Toboggan T +43 (0)6456 7351 (0)6456 +43 T Gnadenalm, Habersatter, Fam.

St. Michael – Petersbründl Toboggan Run Toboggan Petersbründl – Michael St.

5 Points: Access Oberbayrdorf, St. Margarethen (districts) Margarethen St. Oberbayrdorf, course, Golf Stranach,

Point: Access

car park car (city) Schönfeld

Mariapfarr – Lignitz Winter Hiking Path Path Hiking Winter Lignitz – Mariapfarr

Refreshment Opportunity: Opportunity: Refreshment Gnadenalm

38 Length: 5.5 km classic & skating & classic km 5.5 Length: 10 km classic & skating & classic km 10

Drop in Elevation: Elevation: in Drop ca. 50 m 50 ca. Description: machine groomed, reachable with your own car or by post bus bus post by or car own your with reachable groomed, machine Stage: St. Michael - St. Margarethen St. - Michael St. Stage: Elevation: 1600 - 1730 m 1730 - 1600

Description: cleared, little traffic little cleared, Toboggan Rental: Toboggan Ludlalm (inn) Ludlalm

Difficulty: Difficulty: Start: easy, intermediate intermediate easy,

Gnadenalm (hut) Gnadenalm the above Obertauern of north km 4 ca.

Points: Access with refreshment opportunity refreshment with Glashütte and Stranach

Refreshment Opportunities: Refreshment Café “Zum Burgblick” “Zum Café

Drop in Elevation: Elevation: in Drop 350 m 350

Length: 1.5 km km 1.5

High Trail Schönfeld – Bundschuh – Schönfeld Trail High

Length: 3.5 km classic & skating & classic km 3.5

3 3

Time on Trail: on Time Length:

ca. 1 hr. 1 ca. km 2.5


Ludlalm the at park car

Stage: Glashütte - Stranach - Glashütte Stage:

Start: village hall village Gnadenalm Toboggan Run (also night-sledding) (also Run Toboggan Gnadenalm

15 Length:

2.5 km km 2.5

valley bottom. Very suitable for beginners! for suitable Very bottom. valley (city) Schönfeld the in Tour Difficulty: intermediate intermediate ● with gourmet tastes. gourmet with

Tamsweg – Preber Toboggan Run Toboggan Preber – Tamsweg

Several refreshment points along the way, perfect for sun-worshippers and those those and sun-worshippers for perfect way, the along points refreshment Several


Macheiner Path – Ramingstein Ramingstein – Path Macheiner Toboggan Rental: Rental: Toboggan T +43 (0)6471 207 207 (0)6471 +43 T , Edler Josef

Point: Access

family- and youth guest house Schönfeld house guest youth and family- the of front in 36

Points: Access Stranach , Hall) Events (Special Michael St. Höf, Unterweißburg,

Length: 2 km loop, skating & classic & skating loop, km 2

Refreshment Opportunities: Opportunities: Refreshment Landhotel Postgut, Hotel Twengerhof (hotels) Twengerhof Hotel Postgut, Landhotel


3 km classic & skating & classic km 3 “Schlaumi” accompany you along the way! way! the along you accompany “Schlaumi”

Elevation: 1730 m 1730

Description: cleared, little traffic little cleared, Drop in Elevation: Elevation: in Drop 50 m 50

Stage: Unterweißburg - St. Michael St. - Unterweißburg Stage:

Important: Important: Especially child-friendly since “Jakobi” and and “Jakobi” since child-friendly Especially

Difficulty: Difficulty: easy easy

Refreshment Opportunity: Opportunity: Refreshment

Landgasthof Weilharter (inn) Weilharter Landgasthof

Start: (Franzenbauerfeld) town in “Full-Moon Tours”! Tours”! “Full-Moon

daily: Christmas holidays), T +43 (0)664 4107513 (0)664 +43 T holidays), Christmas daily:

Time on Trail: on Time Length:

ca. 1 hr. 30 min. 30 hr. 1 ca. km 3.5

High Trail Schönfeld - Kasmandl - Schönfeld Trail High

Easy, short climbs and downhills, refreshment stops in all towns. Highly recommended: recommended: Highly towns. all in stops refreshment downhills, and climbs short Easy, 2 2

Length: m 400 Refreshment & Toboggan rental: rental: Toboggan & Refreshment (hut, opening times: Fri – Mon, Mon, – Fri times: opening (hut, Wildbachhütte

Start: Kendlbruck of village

Points: Access

Fell, Oberweißburg, Unterweißburg Oberweißburg, Fell,

Drop in Elevation: Elevation: in Drop 368 m 368

Difficulty: intermediate intermediate

Tweng Toboggan Run with Floodlighting with Run Toboggan Tweng


6 km classic & skating & classic km 6

the return promises an extended downhill experience. downhill extended an promises return the 13


(farm), for Wildbachhütte (hut) Wildbachhütte for (farm), Purgger-Gut the at park car

Stage: Fell - Oberweißburg - Unterweißburg Unterweißburg - Oberweißburg - Fell Stage:

Mitterberg Path – Ramingstein – Path Mitterberg

perfect conditions, out as far as the Rosaninsee at the foot of the Königstuhl, while while Königstuhl, the of foot the at Rosaninsee the as far as out conditions, perfect


Length: km 2.5

The cross-country ski trail leads across hilly terrain up to the Rosaninalm and, in in and, Rosaninalm the to up terrain hilly across leads trail ski cross-country The . . (area) “Murmäander” charming the Alongside Rest Sport GmbH, T +43 (0)6472 20044 20044 (0)6472 +43 T GmbH, Sport Rest

Lessach Toboggan Run Toboggan Lessach

Access Points: Points: Access

Muhr, Hemerach, Schellgaden, Unterweißburg Schellgaden, Hemerach, Muhr,

2 Toboggan Rentals: Rentals: Toboggan Sport Pichler, T +43 (0)6472 7363 7363 (0)6472 +43 T Pichler, Sport

, cleared and paved and cleared , (area)

Point: Access Dr. Josef-Mehrlhütte (hut) Josef-Mehrlhütte Dr. the near turn-off (area) Rosanin

Length: Length:

10 km classic & skating & classic km 10


Karneralm the to road forest the along (city) Ramingstein from Refreshment Opportunities: Opportunities: Refreshment

in the town center town the in


8 km classic & skating skating & classic km 8

Stage: Muhr - Unterweißburg - Muhr Stage:

Floodlighting: Floodlighting: high season - daily, off-peak season - Tue, Thu and Sat until 9.30 pm 9.30 until Sat and Thu Tue, - season off-peak daily, - season high

Refreshment Opportunities: Opportunities: Refreshment Ramingstein, Karneralm (hut) Karneralm Ramingstein, of center town

Elevation: Elevation: 1730 - 2050 m m 2050 - 1730

Drop in Elevation: Elevation: in Drop 25 m 25

Refreshment Opportunities: Opportunities: Refreshment Gasthof Lacknerhof (inn) Lacknerhof Gasthof

Time on Trail: Trail: on Time Length: ca. 2 hrs. 2 ca. km 9

Length: Length: 31 km 31

Difficulty: Difficulty:

easy, intermediate, challenging challenging intermediate, easy,

Start: below the castle the below

Start: Göriach Göriach of outskirts Start: Ramingstein of center town

Elevation: Elevation:

1025 - 1124 m 1124 - 1025

High Trail Schönfeld – Rosanin – Schönfeld Trail High

Length: m 300 1 1 Difficulty: intermediate easy, Length: m 200 Difficulty: easy easy ● ● ●

Murtal Trail Murtal

Ramingstein to Karneralm to Ramingstein

Mauterndorf Toboggan Run with Floodlighting Floodlighting with Run Toboggan Mauterndorf Floodlighting with Hill Sledding – Hintergöriach

High Trails (snow guarantee) guarantee) (snow Trails High 34 10 1 19 Cross-country trails 19 Winter hiking paths

Nordic-walking trails

Cross-Country ski trails ski Cross-Country Nordic-walking & Winter-hiking paths Winter-hiking & Nordic-walking Natural toboggan runs runs Toboggan towards Salzburg, Munich, Vienna to Obertauern, Untertauern, Salzburg



with snow- making coverage

with snow- making coverage


to , Graz

with snow- making coverage

SkiLungau 1.000 to 2.400 m from Grosseck-Speiereck, Katschberg, Fanningberg to Obertauern Legend

Ski-Pass Ski-Pass Motorway i Infopoint/ eas! Tourist Office ungau Ski Ar Federal road Bus stop ree bus usage toR allEE Lski-buses F With the F Secondary road Car park without with Obertauern Obertauern Railway Access Points Refreshments not cleared in winter Rental company & Lungau border service Hohe Tauern Cross-country National Park skiing school Motorway Public toilet entrance/exit 11 Skating Ski Trail

Main towns 11 Classic Ski Trail Lifts 11 Winter-Hiking Paths Abbey/Church 11 Toboggan Run

1 : 55 000 (1cm = 550 m) 550 m 0 1,1 2,2 3,3 km

Designed by GrafexDesign under agreement with the Lungau Region ©shared copyright by Ferienregion Lungau/GrafexDesign. Data Sources: SAGIS, TAGIS, ÖBf AG, Salzburg AG & Wenger-Oehn, Ed.Hölzel, WIGeoGIS, Geospace, BEV, KAGIS, GIS-STMK.

to Villach