Puerto Rico Highways and Transportation Authority
REOFFERING-NOT A NEW ISSUE BOOK-ENTRY ONLY $297,945,000 Puerto Rico Highways and Transportation Authority $253,670,000 Highway Revenue Refunding Bonds (Series AA) Consisting of $188,395,000 Series AA-1 Bonds $65,275,000 Series AA-2 Bonds $44,275,000 Transportation Revenue Refunding Bonds (Series H) Original Issue Date: April 29, 2003 Conversion Date: July 1, 2010 The Series AA Bonds and the Series H Bonds (collectively, the “Reoffered Bonds”) are subject to tender on July 1, 2010 (the “Conversion Date”), on which date the interest rate mode on the Reoffered Bonds shall be converted from the Term Rate Mode to the Fixed Rate Mode. The Series AA Bonds, consisting of $188,395,000 aggregate principal amount of Series AA-1 Bonds and $65,275,000 aggregate principal amount of Series AA-2 Bonds, the outstanding bonds of the Puerto Rico Highways and Transportation Authority (the “Authority”) previously issued under Resolution No. 68-18 adopted by the Authority on June 13, 1968, as amended (the “1968 Resolution”), and any additional refunding bonds that the Authority may from time to time issue under the 1968 Resolution (collectively, the “Highway Revenue Bonds”) are payable from, and are secured by a pledge of, certain revenues of the Authority, which include: (i) all current gasoline taxes, a portion of the current gas oil and diesel oil taxes, and a portion of the current motor vehicle license fees allocated to the Authority by the Commonwealth; (ii) all toll revenues of the Authority’s traffic facilities financed with Highway Revenue Bonds and any extensions and improvements thereto; and (iii) certain investment earnings (collectively, the “1968 Resolution Revenues”).
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