The Eagle 1878 (Michaelmas)
DECEMBER, � i 6.� TH,E EAGLE. �. A MAGAZINE SUPPORTED BY MEMBERS OF ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. �rintc� �nIJ!mihcl's .crnr!l. <!tonfmts: PA.OK The Public Schools: Hailcybury 321 Water. Lilies 333 Luminous Trees 334 The Babes in the Wood; or, the Norfolk Tragedy 340 A Voyage to Ltlsitania 354 Our Chronicle (Miclzae1l11as 7e",,,, 1878) 366 St. John's College Chapel Services 376 �u1tlhribge: AND SON, TRINITY W. METCALFE STREET. 1878. LIsrr OF SUBSORIBERS. of the .lfastel·�, of Arts (continued), Fellows College and th. Members of 'he Oommittea. Memba," of th_ Oommitte Waee, D.A. M.A. 11.A. (-) Denotes (t) Lale e. IV-ilson. Rev. W. tWilkins, H., I.., M.A. A. S., THE LL.�1. THB l!.lW. TrIE MASTER, D.D. t Wace, F.C., �r.A.., 'Vatson, Rev. Frederic, tWilson,J. M., M.A. P'resident. Rev. M.A. 'I REVEltBNll JOHN SPIeER \VOOD, D.D., \Valton. Rev. T. 1., \Vatson, Frank, �1.A.. Wilson, "iV. L., and n.A. �I.A. F.1I01D$ of the "'ebu, R., Wilson, "tV. S., M.A: Collpge }.�aste1·s of A"ls: "iVard, J. '1'., It. 1I.,1oLA. R M.A. Rev. Rev. t M.A. tAbbott, ev. E. A., Freeman, A., Warren, )i.A. Whitaker, Rev. G. \Viseman, Rev. H.J., , �!.A., M.A., Miller, Prof. W. 1I 0., )1.K. M.A. Adams, Prof. \V. G . F.B.A,B. �L '[:r:"'., \Vatkins, Rev.J., \Vhiteh'..ll·st, Rev.J., �[.A. "iVood, Rev. W. S., . J. [LL.M. l\1orshead, A. ' M.A.
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