The Mineral Industry of Russia in 2010
2010 Minerals Yearbook RUSSIA U.S. Department of the Interior October 2012 U.S. Geological Survey THE MINERAL INDUSTRY OF RUSSIA By Elena Safirova Russia was one of the world’s leading mineral-producing Of Russia’s total spending on geologic prospecting, 80.8% countries. In 2010, Russia was ranked among the world’s went into exploration for oil and gas, 9% into exploration for leading producers or was a leading regional producer of such precious metals, and 1.9% into exploration for diamond. In mineral commodities as aluminum, arsenic, asbestos, bauxite, terms of the sources of financing, 70.4% of exploration spending boron, cadmium, cement, coal, cobalt, copper, diamond, was financed by the mineral industry, 16.7% came from fluorspar, gold, iron ore, lime, magnesium compounds and domestic and foreign investors, and 8.2% was contributed from metals, mica (flake, scrap, and sheet), natural gas, nickel, the Federal budget (Federal’naya Sluzhba Gosudarstvennoy nitrogen, oil shale, palladium, peat, petroleum, phosphate, pig Statistiki, 2011b). iron, platinum, potash, rhenium, silicon, steel, sulfur, titanium sponge, tungsten, and vanadium (Angulo, 2012; Apodaca; Government Policies and Programs 2012a–c; Bray, 2012a, b; Brooks, 2012; Corathers, 2012; Edelstein, 2012; Fenton, 2012; Gambogi, 2012; George, In 2009, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia 2012; Jasinski, 2012a, b; Jorgenson, 2012; Kramer, 2012a, b; announced a new program “Strategy for Development of the Kuck, 2012; Loferski, 2012; Miller, 2012a, b; Olson, 2012; Metallurgical Industry for the Period through 2020.” The Polyak, 2012a, b; Shedd, 2012a, b; Tolcin, 2012; van Oss, 2012; new strategy emphasizes metallurgy as one of the sectors of Virta, 2012; Willett, 2012).
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