CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1284 HON
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E1284 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 20, 2005 eight years serving the community. Mr. John- Fleet, and he directed the Joint Staff’s Crisis if the suggested reforms are not met, would son is now dedicated to the general practice Action Team for Desert Shield and Desert allow the United States to work with other na- of law and holds an office at 26 Court Street. Storm. Admiral Clark’s first flag assignment tions to achieve true reform. He remains particularly active in several orga- was at the U.S. Transportation Command There are numerous problems with this bill. nizations, including the Bedford Stuyvesant where he was director of both Plans and Pol- Perhaps the most ridiculous is the mandating Lions Club, Brooklyn Bar Association, Phi icy and Financial Management and Analysis. of the withholding of 50 percent of our dues to Alpha Delta Legal Fraternity, 100 Black Men While he was commanding the Carl Vinson the U.N. by giving inadequate flexibility to the of New York, and Comus Social Club. Battle Group, he deployed to the Arabian Gulf Secretary of State. The bill, in effect, man- Mr. Speaker, I believe that it is incumbent and served as Deputy Commander, Joint Task dates a withholding of U.S. dues by imposing on this body to recognize the achievements Force Southwest Asia. He also served as the an unrealistically long list of 38 reforms, a and selfless service of Mr. Johnson as he con- Deputy Chief of Staff, United States Atlantic number of which are virtually impossible to tinues to offer his talents and philanthropic Fleet; the Director of Operations and subse- achieve in such a short period of time. services for the betterment of the community. quently Director of the Joint Staff. He became In my estimation, given that our country has Mr. Speaker, may our country continue to the 27th Chief of Naval Operations on July 21, been, and remains to be, the single largest benefit from the civic actions of altruistic com- 2000. contributor to the U.N., that we should not at- munity leaders such as Mr. Vincent Johnson. Admiral Clark’s awards and decorations in- tempt to simply strong arm the organization f clude the Defense Distinguished Service with threats or sanctions merely to achieve the Medal (three awards), the Distinguished Serv- types of reforms we deem necessary. In fact, PERSONAL EXPLANATION ice Medal (two awards), the Legion of Merit in 2002, our contributions to the U.N. totaled (three awards), the Defense Meritorious Serv- more than $3.0 billion, a total which included HON. ROBERT E. ANDREWS ice Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal (four over $5 million in assessed contributions to OF NEW JERSEY awards), the Navy Commendation Medal, and their regular budget and U.N. affiliated agen- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES various service and campaign awards. cies; about $750 million in assessed contribu- tions to U.N. peacekeeping activities; about Monday, June 20, 2005 Admiral Vern Clark has shown the highest level of commitment and devotion to his coun- $50 million for war crimes tribunals; and about Mr. ANDREWS. Mr. Speaker, I missed nine try. Today we recognize him for his unwaver- $1.7 billion in voluntary contributions to U.N.- votes on June 17th, 2005 because I was at- ing patriotism and dedication to both his pro- affiliated organizations and programs. To reit- tending my daughter’s graduation from ele- fession and the American people. erate, I simply do not think that unilaterally mentary school. Had I been present I would Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring Ad- withholding funds from the United Nations is a have voted ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall Nos. 274, 275, miral Vern Clark, the 27th Chief of Naval Op- good way to achieve real reform of the organi- 276, 277, 278 and 281. I would have voted erations, on his retirement from the United zation, and if I had been able to be here ‘‘no’’ on rollcall Nos. 279, 280 and 282. States Navy. today, I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on the Lan- f f tos-Shays Substitute, and ‘‘no’’ on overall pas- sage of the Hyde bill. RECOGNIZING ADMIRAL VERN HENRY J. HYDE UNITED NATIONS f CLARK, CHIEF OF NAVAL OPER- REFORM ACT OF 2005 ATIONS, FOR HIS SERVICE AND IN RECOGNITION OF CHIEF RON DEDICATION SPEECH OF ACE FOR HIS 30 YEARS OF SERV- HON. CORRINE BROWN ICE TO THE CONCORD POLICE DEPARTMENT HON. J. RANDY FORBES OF FLORIDA OF VIRGINIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, June 17, 2005 HON. GEORGE MILLER Monday, June 20, 2005 OF CALIFORNIA The House in Committee of the Whole IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. FORBES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in House on the State of the Union had under recognition of Admiral Vern Clark, Chief of consideration the bill (H.R. 2745) to reform Monday, June 20, 2005 Naval Operations, for his loyal service to the the United Nations, and for other purposes: Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. Mr. United States of America. Ms. CORRINE BROWN of Florida. Mr. Speaker, my colleague, Mrs. TAUSCHER and I, Admiral Clark’s dedication and loyalty to the Speaker, I stand in wholehearted opposition to rise to pay tribute to Chief Ron Ace who is re- advancement of our naval service and the Na- this outrageous Republican bill, which requires tiring from the City of Concord Police Depart- tion as a whole is to be highly commended. the Secretary of State to press for numerous ment after 30 years of serving the residents of Admiral Clark’s devotion to duty has re- reforms at the United Nations (UN) including Concord and the entire region. flected the highest standards of the military budgeting, oversight and accountability, Ron Ace began his career in public service profession through a number of command and peacekeeping, and human rights. H.R. 2745, even before his work with the Concord Police staff positions. He served aboard the destroy- which requires the Secretary of State to with- Department when he served in the U.S. Ma- ers USS John W. Weeks and the USS Gear- hold 50 percent of U.S. assessed contributions rine Corps from 1967 to 1971. As a Marine, ing. As a Lieutenant, he commanded the USS to the regular budget of the U.N., if the Sec- he served a tour of duty in Viet Nam in 1969, Grand Rapids. He also commanded the USS retary is unable to certify that the reforms attached to a Huey Gunship helicopter squad- McCloy, USS Spruance, the Atlantic Fleet’s called for by this bill have been met, is simply ron as a door-gunner. Anti-Submarine Warfare Training Center, De- unacceptable. Chief Ace began his distinguished career stroyer Squadron Seventeen, and Destroyer The United Nations, which is based in our with the City of Concord Police Department in Squadron Five. After being selected for flag country, in New York City, was created in 1975, having previously served as a Deputy rank, he commanded the Carl Vinson Battle 1947 by the United Nations Participation Act, Sheriff with Alameda County. In 1985, Ron Group/Cruiser Destroyer Group Three, the with a mission of assisting the President and Ace was promoted to Police Sergeant. Ten Second Fleet, and the United States Atlantic the Department of State in conducting United years later he became a Lieutenant, and in Fleet. Ashore, he served as Special Assistant States policy at the United Nations. 1998, he was promoted to Captain. to the Director of the Systems Analysis Divi- Along with my Democratic colleagues, I In 1999, Ron Ace was promoted to Police sion in the Office of the Chief of Naval Oper- wholeheartedly believe in the goals of the Chief for the City of Concord. As Chief, he has ations. He later served as the Administrative United Nations, yet I do believe there is some been instrumental in helping the Police De- Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Naval Oper- need for reforming the organization. The idea partment become recognized throughout the ations and as the Administrative Assistant to that our country can just unilaterally withhold country as a model law enforcement agency. the Deputy Chief on Naval Operations. He 50 percent of what we owe to the U.N. and During his tenure, Chief Ace helped to de- then served as the Administrative Aide to the then veto any new or expanded peacekeeping velop and advance the Department’s gener- Vice Chief of Naval Operations. He also operations is not good politics, and does not alist model of community policing. This ap- served as Head of the Cruiser-Destroyer Com- serve our national interest by any means. I do proach has worked to support collaboration bat Systems Requirements Section and Force however; strongly believe that the Lantos- among police officers, residents, and civic Anti-Submarine Warfare Officer for the Com- Shays substitute, which, if passed, would em- leaders to ensure the safety of residents and mander, Naval Surface Force, U.S. Atlantic power the Secretary of State to withhold funds the individuals who work to protect the City. VerDate Aug 04 2004 06:30 Jun 21, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20JN8.014 E20PT1.