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16540 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 19, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RETIREMENT OF ADMIRAL VERN Anti-Submarine Warfare Officer for the Com- knowledging African descendants of the trans- CLARK mander, Naval Surface Force, U.S. Atlantic atlantic slave trade in all of the Americas, and Fleet, and he directed the Joint Staffs Crisis the third was H. Res. 364—commending the HON. IKE SKELTON Action Team for Desert Shield and Desert continuing improvement in relations between OF MISSOURI Storm. Admiral Clark has also served as the the United States and the Republic of India. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Director of both Plans and Policy (J5) and Fi- I respectfully request that it be entered into the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD that if present, I Tuesday, July 19, 2005 nancial Management and Analysis (J8) at the U.S. Transportation Command; Deputy and would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on these rollcall Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, it gives me Chief of Staff, United States Atlantic Fleet; the votes. great pleasure to rise today in order to recog- Director of Operations (J3) and subsequently f nize and honor one of Missouri’s favorite sons, Director of the Joint Staff. RECOGNIZING DR. DENNIS J. Admiral Vern Clark, United States Navy, our His tenure as Chief of Naval Operations has GALLIGANI, PH.D. 27th Chief of Naval Operations, as he pre- been underscored by remarkable strength and pares to turn over the helm of the United a clear vision for the future. Anticipating the States Navy to his successor. tremendous challenges of the rapidly changing HON. HILDA L. SOLIS Admiral Clark, the longest serving Chief of post-Cold War strategic environment, he set a OF CALIFORNIA Naval Operations since Admiral Arleigh Burke course for deep and fundamental trans- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES held that office nearly 45 years ago, has ren- formation, enhancing the readiness and re- Tuesday, July 19, 2005 dered distinguished service to the government sponsiveness of the Navy. His relentless pur- Ms. SOLIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- of the United States and, in my view, ranks suit of excellence and willingness to not only ognize and congratulate Dr. Dennis J. among the most superb of a long line of out- embrace change, but to lead it, were key fac- Galligani, Ph.D. for his valuable and tireless standing Navy leaders. tors in shaping the most powerful maritime dedication to California’s education system Born in Iowa and raised in the great states force in our history; a force that is built upon and community. Dr. Galligani has served the of Missouri, Nebraska and Illinois, Admiral a solid foundation of the growing and thriving University of California with distinction, humil- Clark is a graduate of Evangel College and young Americans who have flourished under ity, and humanity for the last 30 years at both holds a Master’s Degree in Business Adminis- Admiral Clark’s leadership. An unwavering the Irvine campus and at the system’s admin- tration from the University of Arkansas. Like sense of duty, the highest ideals of honor, and istrative office. The goal of educational equal- so many of his predecessors from our Nation’s a profound devotion to country have charac- ity and equity has been the driving force in Dr. heartland, Admiral Clark determined to go terized this man’s service. And I think he Galligani’s efforts to ensure inclusiveness in down to the sea in ships; a determination that would be the first to tell you that those long admissions, financial aid, and student serv- has ultimately redounded to the eminent ad- years of service would not have been possible ices. vantage of the country that he has served so without the unwavering support of his wife, Dr. Galligani was an early advocate for col- well for more than 36 years. From the Cold Connie. She has devoted her life to her hus- laborative approaches to addressing edu- War to the War on Terrorism, his enduring band, to her family and to the men and cational issues through his enduring support contributions to the Navy and the Nation, women of the Navy family. She has traveled for, and commitment to, the California Student along with his wise, discerning military judg- by his side for these many years visiting the Opportunity and Access Program, Cal-SOAP, ment mark his long career. Fleet. Her sacrifice and devotion have served and the Mathematics, Engineering, Science Upon earning his commission in August of as an example and inspiration for others, and Achievement, MESA, Program. Dr. Galligani 1968, Admiral Clark served aboard the de- we will miss them both. represented the University of California for stroyers USS John W. Weeks (DD 701) and With these words before the House of Rep- several years as a member and chair of the USS Gearing (DD 710). As a Lieutenant, the resentatives, I seek to recognize Admiral Clark Advisory Board to the California Academic Navy saw fit to give him his first command, for his superior leadership and unswerving loy- Partnership Program, CAPP, whose goal is ‘‘to USS Grand Rapids (PG 98), and he has been alty to the Navy and to this great Nation. In develop cooperative efforts to improve the in command at every opportunity thereafter, the time-honored tradition of the naval service, academic quality of public secondary schools including command of USS McCloy (FF 1038), I now ask you to join me in wishing Vern and with the objective of improving the preparation USS Spruance (DD 963), the Atlantic Fleet’s Connie Clark ‘‘fair winds and following seas’’ of all students for college.’’ Anti-Submarine Warfare Training Center, De- as they continue their extraordinary journey The California Gaining Early Awareness and stroyer Squadron Seventeen, and Destroyer through life together, and to thank them both Readiness for Undergraduate Programs, Squadron Five. After being selected for flag for service so faithfully rendered. GEAR UP, has benefited from the leadership rank, Admiral Clark commanded the Carl Vin- of Dr. Galligani as its first Principal Investi- f son Battle Group/Cruiser Destroyer Group gator and his steady stewardship of this pro- Three, the Second Fleet, and the United PERSONAL EXPLANATION gram on behalf of the Governor and his Cali- States Atlantic Fleet. All told, Admiral Clark fornia Education Round Table colleagues. Dr. has spent more than half his commissioned HON. JIM GIBBONS Galligani has nurtured young educational pro- service doing what he does best, leading the OF NEVADA fessionals, especially those from Latino, Afri- men and women who have, in his exceptional IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES can-American, and Native American families, words, ‘‘volunteered to wear the cloth of the to assume leadership roles in academics and nation.’’ Tuesday, July 19, 2005 their communities. Ashore, Admiral Clark has served as Spe- Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to I learned the importance of integrity, com- cial Assistant to the Director of the Systems explain how I would have voted on July 18, petence, and commitment from Dr. Galligani Analysis Division in the Office of the Chief of 2005 during rollcall vote No. 380, No. 381, while I was Director of the South Coast Cal- Naval Operations, the Administrative Assistant and No. 382 during the first session of the SOAP Program and on the CAPP Advisory to the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Sur- 109th Congress. The first vote was on Res. Board. Dr. Galligani’s mentoring contributed to face Warfare) and as the Administrative Aide 328—recognizing the 25th anniversary of the my professional development and desire to to the Vice Chief of Naval Operations. He workers’ strikes in Poland in 1980 that led to assume both an advocacy and leadership role served as Head of the Cruiser-Destroyer Com- the establishment of the Solidarity Trade with respect to enhancing the academic prep- bat Systems Requirements Section and Force Union, the second was H. Con. Res. 175—ac- aration of all students for college. I commend ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:08 Feb 16, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00215 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK12\N0-SSN\BR19JY05.DAT BR19JY05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.