ORIGINAL ARTICLE The Sabians of Harran’s Impact on the Islamic Medicine: From Third Century to the Fifth AH 97 Abstract Reza Afsharisadr1 Various factors have been involved in the growth and flourishing of Mohammadali Chelongar2 Medicine as one of the most important sciences in Islamic civilization. Mostafa Pirmoradian3 The transfer of the Chaldean and Greek Medicine tradition to Islamic 1- PhD student, department of history, Medicine by the Sabians of Harran can be regarded as an essential ele- Faculty of Literature and Humanity, Uni- ment in its development in Islamic civilization. The present study seeks vercity of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran 2- Professor, department of history, Fac- to investigate the influence of Sabians of Harran on Islamic Medicine ulty of Literature and Humanity, Univer- and explore the areas which provided the grounds for the Sabians of city of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran 3- Assistant Professor, department of his- Harranon Islamic Medicine. It is also an attempt to find out how they tory, Faculty of Literature and Humanity, influenced the progress of Medicine in Islamic civilization. A descrip- Univercity of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran tive-analytical method was adopted on early sources and later studies to answer the research questions. The research results indicated that in the Correspondence: Mohammadali Chelongar first place, factors such as the Chaldean Medicine tradition, the culture Professor, department of history, Faculty and Medicine of Greek, the transfer of the Harran Scoole Medicine in of Literature and Humanity, Univercity Baghdad were the causes of the flourishing of Islamic Medicine. Then, of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
[email protected] the caliphs and other officials’ treatment through doctors’ examinations had contribution to the establishment and administration of hospitals, while influencing the process of medical sciences in Baghdad and other Citation: parts of the Muslim world, thereby helping the development of this sci- Afsharisadr R, Chelongar M, ence in Islamic civilization.