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Nov. 3, 1964 HAJIME NAKAMURA STEEL FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE CEMENTATION Filed Jan. 4, 1962 5 Sheets-Sheet 1 ‘T1 .1 4.5 ‘ .01on DEPTH,CEMENTATIONmm N in 0.5 - CEMENTATION TIME,HR. INVENTOR HAJIME NAKAMURA BY ATTORNEY Nov. 3, 1964 HAJIME NAKAMURA 3,155,549‘ STEEL FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE CEMENTATION Filed Jan. 4, 1962 5 Sheets-Sheet 2 Nov. 3, 1964 HAJIME NAKAMURA 3,155,549 STEEL FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE CEMENTATION Filed Jan. 4, 1962 5 Sheets-Sheet 3 0.09 ETMIA 0,08 °\° Z a‘ 0.07 T 0.06 //’ 0.05 0 200 400 600 800 i000 I200 ——> TEMPERATURE, °C °'-—-*" Carbon steel A for high tempicementmion in case of 900 ’ which is given solid curburizoiion util30°Cfor8hours '———' Alloy-steel Ffor high ‘temp. oememuiion in case of which 800 - ,°r‘°“°\ is given solid curburizciion o1 “00°C for8hours / \\ / \o 1~———¢ Commercial curbon-s1eel S|5CK foreementu?oninoase 700 -' ‘\ \ of which isgiven solidoubu'lzuiion ot950°Cfor8hours 600 ){ICKERSHARDNESS.Hv——> 500 - 400 ' 300 ' , _--.A-_A ___________ __I,_ 200 ' 100 I i J . i . O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DEPTH FROM THE CEMENTATION SURFACE,mm —> INVENTOR HAJIME NAKAMURA BY ATTORNEY Nov. 3, 1964 HAJIME NAKAMURA 3,155,549 STEEL FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE CEMENTATION Filed Jan. 4, 1962 5 Sheets-Sheet 4 x100 Carbon steel f. high-temp. Commercial carbon steel 1:. cementation (A) cementation (8150K) 1100°0 x 8 hrs cementation 1100°C x 8 hrs cementation ?ypo-eutectoid-part austenite ?ypo-eutectoid-part auatenite crystal grain: crystal grains AS'I'M grain size Ho. 8 ASEM grain size lb. 1 FIG. IO FIG. ll , x100 Carbon steel 1‘. high-temp. Conner-c111 caron steel 2. cementation (A) comentation (3150K) 1100°C x 8 hrs. cenentation‘ 1100°6 x 8 hrs cementation Central-part ferrite crystal Central-part ferrite crystal ins grain: rain size no. 8 ASTM grain size No. 3.5 “ INVENNR. HAJIME NAKAMIRA BY {,7 4159/41 Attorneys NOV- 3, 1964 HAJIME NAKAMURA 3,155,549 STEEL FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE CEMENTATION Filed Jan. 4, 1962 7 ~\ 5 Sheets-Sheet 5 FIG. l3 211400 xhOO Alloy steel f. hi h-temp. Commercial alloy steel 1‘. cementation (8% cementation (SOP-1) 1100°C x 8 hrs cementation 1100°C x 8 hrs cementation Hyper-eutectoid-part austenite Hyper-eutectoid-part auatenite crystal grains crystal grains ASTM grain size No. 9 ASTM grviain size No. 1 INVENTOR. HAJIHE NAKAMURA BY Attorneys 3,155,549 United States Patent 0 ice Patented Nov. 3, 19%4 1 2 nitride is effective to prevent the growth of the austenite 3,155 549 grains during cementation at a high temperature, after STEEL FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE CEMENTATION many experiments that had been done on various case Hajime Nakamnra, Tokyo-to, Japan, assignor to Ishrkawa hardening steels in quest of one that yields no growth of jima-Harima Jukogyo Kabushiki Kaisha, Tokyo-to, crystal grains and no other defects at the time of cementa Japan, a company of Japan tion at high temperature; and this invention relates to Filed Jan. 4, 1962, Ser. No. 164,290 Claims priority, application Japan, Mar. 11, E961, the steel for high temperature cementation, the composi 36/ 8,485 tion of which includes 0.05-0.25% carbon, 0.15-0.40% 4 Claims. (Cl. 148-39) silicon, less than 1.00% manganese, and may contain, 10 beside these, one or more of 1-4.5% nickel, 0.4—2.5% The present invention relates to a steel for high tem chrome, 0.l0-1.0% molybdenum, and contains more than perature cementation. 0.04% precipitated aluminum nitride and ODS-0.001% Though there is a tendency that the required condi dissolved metallic aluminum. tions of material become more strict and deeper cementa The accompanying drawings explain and illustrate the tion is being sought with the recent improvement of 15 inventive steel for high temperature cementation. performance and durability 'of the machine elements in FIGURE 1 shows the relation between the depth, the the ‘?eld of mechanical engineering, by the standard temperature and the time of cementation for case-harden process of cementation of the present day which cements ing steel by a solid carburizer. FIGURE 2 shows the under 950° C. of cementation temperature it takes such relations between precipitated aluminum nitride con long hours and needs so great an increase of the amount tained in the steel and the austenite grain size when the of work and invites so great a delay of work in 'order standard cementation (925° C.><8 hours) and the high to get a deeper cementation that it is considered to be temperature cementation (1l00° C.><8 hours) are given quite impossible to get the necessary deeper cementation to various case hardening steel. FIGURE 3 shows the by the present technique vof cementation. relation between the ferrite grain size and the precipitated As the certain depth of cementation can be got by 25 aluminum nitride when the same cementation processes selecting the time and temperature properly when the are given as in the case shown in FIGURE 2. FIGURE same process of cementation is given to the same material, ~», 4 shows the solubility curve of the aluminum nitride the time of cementation may be short, if the temperature contained in the case hardening steel. FIGURE 5 shows of cementation is high. For example, to get the same the change of the austenite grain size when high tempera cementation depth as that which is obtained by 8 hours’ 30 ture cementation steel of this invention and the com cementation at 925° 'C,, it takes only 1.5 hours, if the mercial steels for cementation are cemented for 8 hours cementation is given at ll00° C. But when the cementa at various temperatures of cementation. FIGURE 6 tion is given at such high temperature, in case of present shows the change of the ferrite grain size due to the case hardening steel the crystal grains become so coarse same cementation processes as in FIGURE 5. FIGURE that it becomes remarkably brittle, and therefore the 35 7 shows the distribution of hardness in the high tem cementation at such high temperature has been infeasible. perature cementation steels of this invention and in the As is seen in FIGURE 1, however, it is evident how commercial cementation steel at the end of 8 hours’ the cementation at high temperature is pro?table, and cementation at various temperatures, followed by the as the longer the cementation time become the more primary quenching from 930° C., the secondary quench saturated tends to be the depth of cementation, there is 40 ing from 800° C., and tempering at 180° C. in that order. FIGURES 8 to 13 are microphotographs that show the no adequate Way other than the cementation at high tem different degrees of growth of the austenite grains and perature in order to get deeper cementation. Therefore, the ferrite grains that are seen when the high temperature if the case hardening steel can be got that yields no cementation steels ‘of this invention and the commercial coarse crystal grains and yields no other defects when 45 cementation steels are cemented at high temperature. the cementation is given to it at high temperature, many In Table 1 are shown the chemical compositions of problems that have not been solved yet could be solved some of the steels for cementation that were used in the by a single e?ort. experiments in the course of this invention. This invention was predicated on the discovery that a S15CK, SCM21, SNC22, SNCM23 in the table repre steel with a structure containing precipitated aluminum 50 sent the steels for cementation that are currently popular. Table 1.—Chemical Compositions of Various Steels for Cementation T esled (Percent) Material Mark C Si Mn P S N 1 Cr M0 Cu Carbon steel for high temperature cementation- A _________ __ 0.15 0.25 0. 61 Do __________________________________ __ B _________ __ 0.07 0.31 0. 65 D0 0 _ _ 0.09 0.25 0.82 Do _ D 0.08 0. 21 0.85 Commercial carbon steel for cementation ____ __ 8150K ____ _. 0.14 0.33 0. 44 Alloy steel for high temperature cementation- _. 0. 19 0. 35 0.82 Do _________________________________ ._ A 0.12 0.32 0. 59 Do____ _____________________________ .. 0.14 0.33 0.64 Commercial alloy steel for cementation _______ __ SCM 0.15 0. 21 0.68 Do _________________________________ _. 0.16 0.81 0.55 Do ________________________________ __ SNCM23..- 0.18 0.26 0.67 3,155,549 Table 1.——Clzemieal Compositions of Various Steels for Cemeizmtiolr Tested (Percent)—-C0ntinucd Total oi Material Marl: Total N AlN A1203 Metal- Ti. Zr. Be. nitrides, Remarks Al lie Al except AlN Carbon steel for high temperature A _________ __ 0.104 0.036 0.096 0.009 cementation. D0 ____________________________ __ B _________ -_ 0.006 0.017 0.0025 0.007 0.001 Be. 0.12 10.022 Do 0-- 0. 00 0.021 0.016 0. 008 . '. TitisAadded 0 . D0 ____________________________ _- D _________ __ 0.11 0.036 0.056 0.021 Zrtis added 0 1 . Cgn‘ltmercialcarhon steel for cemen- $150K ____ _. 0.031 0.010 0.020 0.008 a 10H. Alloy steel for high temperature cc- E _________ .. 0.115 0.037 0.107 0.014 mentation. o F- _. 0. 095 0. 034 0. 092 0.011 D0 ____________________________ __ G _________ _- 0.100 0.038 0.107 0.011 Clgnmercialalloy steel ior eementa- SCM21.__.. 0.005 0.008 0.003 0.004 on.