OLD TESTAMENT, ARABIC VERSIONS of THE. the Earliest Arabic Translations of Books of the Old Testament Date to the Middle Ages
(CE:1827b-1836a) OLD TESTAMENT, ARABIC VERSIONS OF THE. The earliest Arabic translations of books of the Old Testament date to the Middle Ages. There are extant medieval manuscripts of the books of Chronicles, Ezra, Joshua, Judges, Nehemiah, the Pentabeuch, and Ruth. Books of Chronicles The Arabic versions of the two books of Chronicles have not been the object of special study. G. Graf does not give a list of the manuscripts, but simply mentions some of them in passing when speaking of the books of Kings. At the present stage of research, classification is provisional. In the sixth chapter of the Lamp of the Darkness, composed by Abu al-Barakat IBN KABAR between 1300 and 1320, there are two mentions of these books. They are called Kitab Fadalat al-Muluk, which renders the Greek paralipomena well, and they are divided into two books. The brief descriptions given in the manuscript catalogs suggest that the Copts were acquainted with at least six different Arabic versions of Chronicles. Version of the Polyglot Bibles. The oldest manuscript of this version (National Library, Paris, Arabe 23) was copied in Egypt at the beginning of the fourteenth century. Folios 168v-87v give the text of 1 Chronicles and 2 Chronicles 1:1-35:11. The end of the manuscript—2 Chronicles 35:12-36:23—was found at Copenhagen (Arabic 76, fols. 3r-4r). Three other manuscripts appear to contain this same version. In chronological order, they are: (1) National Library, Paris, Arabe 1 (A.D. 1585), fols. 168v-195v; (2) Coptic Patriarchate, Cairo, Bible 38 (fols.
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