Environmental Protection Agency (Epa)

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Environmental Protection Agency (Epa) Friday April 25, 1997 Part XXII Environmental Protection Agency Semiannual Regulatory Agenda federal register 22295 VerDate 23-APR-97 16:26 Apr 24, 1997 Jkt 173997 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4717 Sfmt 4717 E:\FR\FM\ADV88.020 adv880 22296 Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 80 / Friday, April 25, 1997 / Unified Agenda ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA) EPA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION generally applicable mandates may these dates are estimates only and AGENCY prove ineffective or inefficient in a should not be construed as an absolute specific application. Agency commitment to act on or by the 40 CFR Ch. I How the Agenda Is Organized date shown. [FRL-5803-9] Each agenda entry includes the title, We also seek to enhance public legal authority, CFR reference, legal participation in the development of Semiannual Regulatory Agenda deadline, abstract, and timetable. Each proposed rules by potentially affected AGENCY: Environmental Protection entry also indicates the categories of stakeholders. We therefore invite Agency. small entities and levels of government expressions of interest to be directed to the contact person listed for each rule. ACTION: Semiannual regulatory agenda. that may be subject to any requirement being proposed in rulemaking and III. Long-Term Actions whether the Agency plans to prepare a This section includes actions with SUMMARY: The regulatory agenda is a Regulatory Flexibility Analysis under publication dates beyond the next 12 semiannual publication which lists the the Regulatory Flexibility Act. In months. We will continue to work with Environmental Protection Agency's addition, we indicate whether an entry interested stakeholders to develop (EPA) current and projected regulations, is part of the Reinventing Government relevant information to support these reviews of existing regulations, and any effort. Lastly, the agenda includes an rules. actions that have been completed or agency contact person for each entry. withdrawn since the November 29, IV. Completed Actions The agenda is organized by statute 1996, publication. We encourage public and then ordered by statutory authority This section contains actions that participation in developing these within each statute. Entries within each appeared in the previous agenda but regulations. statute are divided into five categories: which we are deleting because they are ADDRESSES: To be placed on the agenda (1) Prerule, (2) proposed rule, (3) final completed or are no longer under mailing list, either write to rule, (4) long-term actions (i.e., actions consideration for rulemaking. If an USEPA/NCEPI at PO Box 42419, under preparation that will not be action appears in the completed section, Cincinnati, Ohio 45242, or fax your published until after the 1-year horizon it will not appear in future agendas, request to (513) 489-8695. You may call for this agenda), and (5) completed unless we decide to initiate action 1-800-490-9198 for confirmation that actions (i.e., actions that EPA is deleting again, in which case it will appear as a your request was received. from the agenda because the Agency has new entry. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If completed, withdrawn, or postponed Regulatory Flexibility Act you have suggestions to improve this them indefinitely). Detailed information The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) publication, comments on rules that on each of these categories is presented requires that an agency prepare a · may substantially impact small entities, below. A bullet ( ) preceding an entry Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for any or need general information about the indicates that this is the first time an rule subject to notice and comment agenda, contact Angela Suber, Office of action appears in the agenda. rulemaking requirements, unless the Regulatory Management and I. Prerulemakings Agency certifies that the rule will not Information, Regulatory Management Prerulemaking actions are intended to have a ``significant economic impact on Division (2136), EPA, 401 M Street SW., determine whether to initiate a substantial number of small entities'' Washington, DC 20460, (202) 260-7205. rulemaking. Prerulemakings may (i.e., small governments, small If you need substantive information include anything that influences or businesses, and small nonprofit about a particular entry, the name, leads to rulemaking, such as advance organizations). A Regulatory Flexibility address, and telephone number of the notices of proposed rulemaking, Analysis must identify the extent to agency contact who is most familiar significant studies or analyses of the which small entities will be subject to with the subject matter is listed for each possible need for regulatory action, the rule's requirements, as well as any action. requests for public comment on the significant alternatives to the rule which SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: need for regulatory action, or important accomplish the objectives of applicable preregulatory policy proposals. statutes and which minimize any Regulatory Priorities and Schedules significant economic impacts on small EPA is devoting its best efforts toward II. Proposed and Final Rules entities. In the agenda, we have full protection of human health and the This section includes EPA rulemaking identified those rules that will, if environment and remains fully actions that are within a year of promulgated, impose any requirements committed to reinventing its regulations proposal or promulgation. The listings, on any small entities by indicating in to provide greater environmental however, generally exclude (a) the ``Small Entities Affected'' section protection at less cost. EPA continues to specialized categories of actions (e.g., the category of small entities that will be make efforts to reduce paperwork EPA approvals of State plans and other subject to the rule requirements. The burden, to develop common-sense actions that do not apply nationally) agenda also indicates in the ``Analysis'' regulatory actions, and to delete or and (b) routine actions (e.g., pesticide section whether we expect to prepare a modify burdensome regulations tolerances and minor amendments to Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for a currently in place. We also give priority existing rules). There is no legal particular rule because currently to initiatives that offer novel solutions significance to the inadvertent omission available information indicates that the to real environmental problems posed of an item from the listing. The agenda rule will likely have a significant by an industry or locality when shows dates for actions on each entry; adverse economic impact on a VerDate 23-APR-97 16:26 Apr 24, 1997 Jkt 173997 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 1254 Sfmt 1254 E:\FR\FM\ADV88.020 adv880 Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 80 / Friday, April 25, 1997 / Unified Agenda 22297 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA) EPA substantial number of small entities. We This regulation controls volatile 4. Lead Phasedown (Revision) (Clean invite public comment on our organic compound emissions from Air Act, section 211, 42 U.S.C. 7545). assessment of those rules which are industrial surface coating operations for In 1995, this rule was reviewed and likely to warrant a Regulatory Flexibility large appliances. It applies to each was judged to still be necessary to Analysis because of the extent of their prime coat or top coat operation. The maintain the ban on lead in gasoline. potential impact on small entities. (See ``affected facility'' is application However, the rule's recordkeeping and ``Environmental Protection Agency station(s), flashoff area, and curing oven. reporting requirements were found to be Index to Entries That May Affect Small In 1996, this rule was reviewed and no longer necessary due to Congress' Entities'' at the end of this document. It found to be necessary to achieve application of a statutory ban on lead in also lists the regulatory actions we reductions in volatile organic gasoline. These recordkeeping and believe result in regulatory requirements compound emissions needed to help reporting requirements were repealed by on small businesses, small States attain the National Ambient Air final rule on 2/2/96, 61 FR 3872. governmental jurisdictions, or small Quality Standard for Ozone. As part of nonprofit organizations.) that review, it was found that the 5. Importation of Motor Vehicles and Section 610 of the RFA requires that recordkeeping and reporting burden Motor Vehicle Engines (Revision) (Clean an agency review within 10 years of could be reduced by reducing the Air Act, section 203, 42 U.S.C. 7522). promulgation those regulations it has frequency of reporting from quarterly to This rule was first reviewed in 1993 issued that have or will have a semiannually, without compromising in response to an industry petition and significant economic impact on a the rule's effectiveness. This was done has been reviewed periodically since substantial number of small entities. by final rule on 9/11/96, 61 FR 47840. then to reduce the burden and expense Section 610 requires that, in reviewing 2. NSPS: Industrial Surface Coating: of certifying and testing imported these rules to minimize any significant Metal Furniture (Clean Air Act, section vehicles. The overall rule was found to economic impact on a substantial 111, 42 U.S.C. 7411). be necessary to assure that Federal number of small entities, the agency standards on motor vehicle pollution consider the following factors: This regulation establishes emission continue to be met. The Agency standards for volatile organic 1) The continued
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