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Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

11-7-1891 Santa Fe Daily New Mexican, 11-07-1891 New Mexican Printing Company

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Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing Company. "Santa Fe Daily New Mexican, 11-07-1891." (1891). sfnm_news/3228

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public in the weekly organ of the iron OF REV. DR, CHAPELLE, Tho importance) ot BRIEF WIRINGS:- - trade. It is to the effect that knives, keeping tlie blood in a blue a condition la BLAIE" - drills, scythes and sickles nspnine sme Report of the imposing Cmmu) pare BROTHERS, S color U lor any icnssm oi time inevare at the ISrtltinioro Cathedral universally known, SPITZ, left in the sun. The ertye then and yet tliero are ON sharp OIHclatillB Clergy. DEALERS IN EVERYTHING. Gold and Silver SHE KHAN SILVER. disappears and the tool is rendered abper very tew peoplo who lutely useless until it is retemporcd. A Tne Baltimore contain elaborate Iiavo perfectly pure BU View or a Veto-Fr- ee Sliver Hie Is- effect bus been exer- papers Wood. The taint ot scrofula, salt rlicuni, or Goods, CToihiiijr, Glo es, sue in similarly prejudicial on the ceremonies the Dry Hoots, Shoes, H.its, Hardware, JEWELRY the Presidential Campaign. cised by moonlight. Among oilier ex- reports attending other foul humor Is licroclitcd and transmitted Harness, GlassAvarc, (Inns, Pistols, Ainmuni PINE FILIGREE made month consecration of Rev. Dr. Chupello, coad- for generations, causing untold suffering, and (''.invar, periments during the past Granite-wars-, Nov. 7. In in- ordi- we accumulate and of dis- - tion, 'tin ware, "Willow and Wooden ware, Jew- Cleveland, Ohio, an was one that demonstrated that an jutor archbishop of Santa Fa, which took also poison germs terview Senator John Sherman says: cross-cu- t saw had been unt of easo from the air we elry, AVateliCi , Cloeks, Silverware, Hooks, Toys, Diamonds, Watches, Clods and Silverware. nary put place at the cathedral in that city on Stationery "We have won a great victory. In in a siuglo lo the II M the food 31 usieal Bhape night by exposure last. The sa:red edifice was breathe, Instruments, Notions, Trunks, Valises, Carpets, many respects, it is but an endorsement, light of the mco.i. Sunday wo cat, or tore and Factory, or of of the decorated for wo Hugs, Hlankets, Hones, Quilts. Jla Malta eprMent4lo. niii Second National Basfe echo, the fight 1875, upon superbly the occasion and the drink, of Qnod. Next dour "Welcome to a Jiishop. n o li n financial question. President Hayes and repreieiitt.tive members tf the American t g for the Standard Machine, the best myself then made an issue for an honest Kansas Citv, Kits., Nov. 7. Bishop Agents Sewing Doug of Catholic cinrgy were in attendance. 01 clusively in the World. Attention to Mail Diaisfl Setthi ad Watch Repairing Promptly and Efficiaatly dollar and this election, in our common- Fink, of this diocese, taken, possession than tlie positive Special Orders. wealth, only shows that the people of his new quarters in this city this evening, the cerenionv the Sun s:iys ; power of Hood's Sarsaparilla over all diseases - - this state are true to the best elements of and the Catholics of the diocese have Cardinal liihbona was tho uonswrntor of tho blood. This medicine, when fairly San Francisco St Santa Fe, N. M. aU life. Greenbacks and free silver mean arranged to make the event a memora- and was also of the pontificial tried, does expel every trace of scrofula or A. T. CRIGC the same thing and, for the second time ble one. The bishop will arrive on a hudi mass. Archbishop Salpointe, of salt rheum, removes the taint which causes in our political history, the state of Ohio special train from Leavenworth, and will Fe, to whom the new bishop is catarrh, neutralizes all Whol.ial. ft Retail Dealer! la has spoken and decided that question, so be met at the depot by nearly the coadjutor, was one cf the assistants to the the acidify and cures far as they can. Catholics of Wyandotte county. An im- ladinal, while Bishop J.J. Keane, of rheumatism, drives '1 do not mean to Bay that the larilT mense procession will escort Mm to his Wbeelinu. n the other. Hev. Thomas out tho germs of 1 has not played an important part in the new and palaliul Episcopal residence at S. Lee, the present of the cathed- malaria, blood poi- n.t MTIOIfilL BANK name. This campaign teaches many use- 12th street and Sandusky avenue, w hero ral, but w ho been appointed to suc- soning, etc. It also Furniture, in- Crockery ful lessons. In the first place, so far as an informal red ption will ut once be ceed I'.ishi p Chapelle at St. Matthew's vitalizes and en the Republican party is concerned, this augurated. 'Ihe mayor, members of the church, in Washington, was the assistant riches the blood, thus overcoming that tired result in Ohio tixes the silver question cily council and citizens without distinc- priest. The deacons of honor were Kev. feeling, and building up the wholo system or - AND GLASSWARE. as one of the issues of the next presi tion of creed will participate m the Dennis O'Callaghan, of St. Augustine's, Thousands testify to tho superiority of Hood's dential contest, and decides it, so far Boston, and Kev. l'eter Manning, of Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier. Full Infor- as this state is concerned. I am con Anarchist, to JWnvl. Md, Father O'Callaghan mation and statements of cures sent free. vinced a free bill will be was a of santa Fe, New Mexico? Becond band (roods bought or that coinage Chicago, Nov. 7. On Wednesday next classmate Bishop Chapelle the w hich assembles wt en were for taken in for new, passnd by congress four will have elapsed August they preparing the priest- exchange in December 1. 1 also believe that sue years and' was auc- Spies, 1'arBons and their asHociiites met hood, Father Maiit.'.ig associated or will sell at public a bill as will be framed will be vetoed with w was r of Jo- by their death upon the scaffold in the coun- him hen he past St. tion. President Harrison, ihis will naturally for their in the terrible seph's church, on Barre street, in this of next ty jail complicity Designated Depository cf tha United States. make free silver the feature the massacre of Ha market To- city. The deacons of the mass were Rev. in it will be the Square. of presidential fight fact, morrow that memorable will be ap- Joseph Barre, the present pastor St. UNDERTAKER. issue upon which there are day Sarsaparilla leading observed by the members of Joseph's church, in this city, and Rev. Soldbyalldrucidsts. vast differences of in both propriately Win. L. of St. ;i;slxforg5. Prepared only opinion the large element in this city that sym- Jordan, pastor Bridget's by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. parties. w views church, at Canton, who was also a fellow-stude- A LOT OF NEW BABY CARRIAGES. pathize ith the enunciated by the FNE "It is exactly like the tariff' local con executed and who have never erased with Dr. Chapelle. Bishop Cha- 100 Doses One Dollar PEDRO President and men, PEREA, ditions interests govern the senti to bemoan their fate. pelle had as his chaplains, Rev. Thomas ment and action. I doubt very much Kerviek and Kev. Augustus Williams, whether trie Democracy in national con A Disastrous Drought. formerly assistants at St. Matthew's Notice. T. B. CAT ROM, Vice Pesident vention will for 1 . con- proclaim free coinage, Columbth, j d , Nov. 7. There is no church. The chaplains to Archbishop Notice is hereby given to all parties If should, there would be no other for were Rev. cerned to no due A. T. Bank they more prospect rain than there was Salpointe Joseph Mackin, pas-to-i pay money Grigg - - National of & The Second ieeiij significance in the next cam two months ago, and everybody views of St. Raul's church, in Washington, Co., undertakers, to A. T. Grigg or an; R.J. PALE ft. Cashier paign. The financial battle that we have the situation with alarm. Wells, streams ni one lime assistant at m. iiaunew s, other person except myself until further fought in Ohio will then be transferred to and ponds are completely dry in this sec- and Rev. James Donahue. Bishop Keane notice. Thomas P. Gahi.k. MEXICO. the nation, and a contest, such as we tion, and, since the oil's, nothing like this had as hia chaplains Rev. John lioland, Santa Fe, N. M., Oct. 211, 1891. OF NEW have never seen, will be the result. Tariff has been known. Tne worst aspect oi of W'oodberry, and Rev. 1'. M. Tandy, of will be but not the vital prominent, point the damage is to wheat and meadows. In New York. The minor positions, such as Nobody can be troubled with constipa- IF1 - oi contest." inland like cross-bearer- croz and SJlTTA. IE . IfcTIEW MEXICO many towns, Charleston, thunil'er, tion or piles if they take Simmons Liver J A Doomed Banker. water is being sold. were assigned to the seminarians. Alter the muss the consecration service Regulator. Nuw Nov. 7. A London dis 1 L SPIEGELBERG President. York. California Fruit Shipment bishop-elec- t ft was begun. The was pre- If patch says: The home secretary has San Nov. 7. Geneial if Leather and Francisco, Agent sented tlie to the Findings a by assisting bishops Furnished rooms by the day, week or lifll outfox declined to E. A. Vice J. D. Cashier. grant temporary suspension Smooth, of the Southern 1'acilic, says the the cardinal. The bishop-elec- t FISKE, President, Proudfit, of , month ; brick house, clean beds, quiet in the case Frank E. Du Bedat, for indications are that there will be o,0U0 uncovered his head while of the Dublin stock Ex- answering place, at 25, 3o and 00 cents. Olinger 3 !3'1 n f Lad!.' merly president carloails ot oranges to haul out ot the (he consecrator to his block. tw,iir,i h: i Ht who a few was signify respect, Jasofiue Widmaur. propts. Utilltlrau't Ftae Sho.jsi nlo the M idiam ad tilt change, and days ago state during the coming season. Last but the consecrator sat on his throne - Chfit tc 1e. I would attention M sentenced to eight years penal servitude season there were 3,55a carloads shipped. with hia head covered with his miter. rr) espetiil W' lA Ur'sl WALRITR BrtOtt, bo upon his plea of guilty to an indictment This season 3,500 cars of green fruit have After the the litanies KJ t:t. Kip B! administering oath, lor men who da hcirr wort and need .oft REASER charging him with having committed been shipped. were recited while the new knelt b' of bishop CO. Borvtcefttta leather, w'tb bttas breaches the banking laws and to with the miter on his head. The senior PATTERSON &" lieavy, IN-- a of A TALK ON CLIMATOLOGY. tlal, triple solus ul stauuard screw DKALEKS having defrauded number people of assistant tlie (astral sums oi was to bishop again presented Orders by mall prooiptlj mtpndcrt to. large money, it sought bishop-elec- t to the consecrator, and the have the who was at one P. 0. Box 143, P4. Opinion of a Disinterested Investigator apostolic commission was read to him. LIYEBY Santa Fe, 1 time a millionaire, confined In the citv Santa Fe's Veculitr Features as This document came from the and for a of six months in order pope, jail period a Health Kesort. was read by Rev. Alphonsus Magnien, GRAIN, -:- P0TAT0ES that he might be accessible for the settle of St. Marv's seminarv. The oath was FEED ment of affairs of estates and - the various Mr. W. K. state for then taken while the. candidate interests which have been entrusted to Hunter, attorney knelt,,- :AJJD: in the cardinal said : his This however Kankakee county, III., has arrived here and, Latin, "it charge. clemency, behooves a bishop to judge, interpret., was refused by the home secretary and with his family, and after lie sees the and confirm." Bedat will be taken to the convict consecrate, ordain, baptize Lumber and Materials. prison latter comfortably quartered for the win- TIub simple statement of the duties and Building to of tlie was all was SALE STABLE! Soil! ter, he returns his home. Mr. Hunter powers episcopacy that A Crank Doctor's Method. said have occasion to said. At the end of the first verse of the lane yesterday; "I had Warehouse and Office i) SiiBLBYViLLE,Ind.,Nov. 7. An "Veni Creator" the new bishop was -- :- ft!. unique investigate the subject of the climatic ad- anointed with tho chrism. Tlie Upper San Francisco St., Gasper Ortiz avenue, f Santa M. remedy lor consumption, which dial blessing OF YORK. Fe, vantages of the various points claiming of the crozier and gloves concluded ill NEy ring, I lenges the attention! of the medical fra if will recognition as health resorts in Colorado the consecration ceremonies. ternity, and, proven efficacious, An followed ales made of Carriages, Riding Horses, rival the famous Dr. Koch's and and New Mexico, and after in- eloquent sermon by Bishop lymph personal J. rector of Uni- Live Stock and Vehicles. Board and Care the notorious' Brown-Sequard- 's elixir of and research a J. Keane, the Catholic & SON. spection covering period at of Horses at reasonable rate SOL. LOWITZKI life, is being teBted in this A ol two 1 have no in de- versity Washington. city. young years, hesitancy Bi and Dr. will General for New lady of this city, who, for some time, has claring that Santa Fe leads them all. This diop Salpointe Chapelle JoM .! Co., Agents ESTABI.ISUKD 1878. nut return to Santa e until the Sclofii Mexico been Buttering from rjulnaonary affection, city possesses advantages in this matter t aflei and Arizona. golden of Kendrick at I has begun, under the direction of her its own. Its location and sur jubilee Archbishop peculiarly St. December aud will be The results of medical advisor, a systematic dieting, roundings are such as to give it an ideal Louis, 10, then the pollrleo noir maturing ehow that the EQUITABLE of 1. Tar in of consisting of dog meat, which is to be her climate all the year rouud. I say this accompanied by Archbishop Riordan, advance any other Ufa Insurance Company, Feed San of Exchange Hotel, Livery and Stables exclusive diet, until the efficacy of the advisedly, because 1 am aw are that certain trancieco; Bishop Watz, Denver, Ifyoa wish an illustration of tho rpsults on those policies .end and of Tucson. yonr remedy shall have been thoroughly test health seekers have an idea tint localities Bishop Bougarde, name, addris. r.nd date of birth to J. W. SCVIOfXELU CO., Santa Fe. ed. A lat, bealthy Newfoundland pup where zero is occasionally reached are too N. H anJ it '.vIj! teccivo prompt attention Town. THE EQUITABLE RECORD. Southeast cor. Plaza. Best Stock of Horses and Carriages in was butchered, and will be served regu cold for the best results on disease ; but larly at her meals. this is a very superficial view to take of it. SANTA FE, - - X. M. HACKS PROMPTLY FUKNISHKD. 1 believe the best scientific minds who t'roverhs Willi Assurance Applications- - Snnshlne and As Ye Suw, So shall Ye Also Heart. Central'! located, Entirety Refilled, Don't fall 1o visit 1 KSVQVK INDIAN VILLAGE; three hours on the rounn Edged Tools. have looked into this subject have attentiun to travelers oyer the ciMint Careful driven London, Noy. 7. A remarkable dis- long since concluded that a cool, dry, trip. Sptclal outlining j. It you make a in a furnished on applicafi, n. covery and one of great interest to persons pure atmosphere is the best, and deposit savings TEEMS REASONABLE. SANTA N. M. using edged tools, has been made by a my own investigations has shown me that bank, aud die in a few years, your family Lower San Francisco St., FE, w A.. prominent cutler of Sheffield, and is made a certain per ceutage of cold eather is will get the amount deposited, with a lit Special Rates by the Week, W. MOKElifZIB, absolutely necessary, alien, too, I bud tle interest added. If sow a that the wind and duet is a draw back you premium great on a life policy, it will be no heavv bur to localities, to Bay of the J.T. FORSHA, Prop. many nothing den, even if you live to old age, while, if : malarial tendencies the lower 18&S : 1890 existing in do not live, will a In fea- you your family reap valley regions. Santa Fe these rich return from tures are absent in a marked the assurance, degree; the The fervent and man is mountains shelter the in diligent pre surrounding city for all things. Gas and "August winter and temper tne breezes in summer. pared 1 Flu'nbing, the will 1 am that Santa Fe's climatic great "Equitable" protect your H. mmmm surprised and estate. are not more family EiE advantages widely heralded. Cat'l on W. S.diofield & is a to suffer- J. Co., the gen- Ml run v Steam It debt you people here owe eral for full information. Fitting. Flower" the world over to advertise agent, ing humanity STAAB. How ? He the about climate and its does he feel feels truth your blue, a deep, dark, unfading, effect upon disease. mss3s to eternal blue, and he The New Mexican is pleased give publicity to Mr. Hunter's remarks be amtv makes feel same ikfoktbb joikkx o everybody the way cause they verify that which has repeat- August Flower the Remedy. edly been written for these columns, aud if they will encourage our people to con ABE. feels How does he feel? He a tinue to advertise this splendid heritage headache, generally dull and con- of nature, then will good come out of MEN'S FURNISHER. stant, but sometimes excruciating then), both for the welfare of Santa Fe n August Flower the Remedy. and thousands of suffering human beings all over the world. It is the truth that Clothing and Shirts Made to Order. How does he feel? He feels a Santa Fe asks to be proclaimed. This NEW COLORADO eneral Merchandi se violent or of city stands ready with facts and figures San Franelscc St. - - Santa Fe, N, M, hiccoughing jumping aud testimonials of remarkable climatic CTILTO- - the stomach after a meal, raising MOET03ST, cures to claim Bhe for bitter-tastin- prove every puts g matter or what he has ward. eaten or drunk August Flower the Remedy. 18 Pounds of Blood MERCHANT Is about the nature allows to an COMMISSION How quantity MIDLAND HOTELS 8AN FRANCISCO STREET. does he feel? He feels adult person. It is of the utmost import- the gradual decay of vital power ; ance that the blood should be kept as he feels miserable, melancholy, pure as possible. By its remarkable cures CITY, MO. and Merchandise Broker. and for and of scrofula, salt rheum, etc., Huod's hopeless, longs death has claim to be Flower Rem- proven its the peace August the best blood punner. THE ONLY FIKE-PRO- HOTEL IN edy. BY THE SACK THE CITY. of Choice New Mexico Fruit. JB Shipper EaWgwtMd Moit Complete Btoek of doner;! vch&adlne For a general family cathartic w e con How does he feel ? He feels so SEPRESENTiN- C- Carried te the Entire 8outhwet. fidently recommend Hood's Fills. They Centrally located; convenient to all cable full after a meal that he can - eating should be in every home medicine chest. lines, business h oilmen and places ot J. ). MILLER, 1'ueblo, Colo. ALLEN BROS. A CO., Lot An(el.- hardly walk August Flower the amusements 1'nder Its new manage PER Remedy. Book binding to the Queens taste and ment the lion ho has been put In the Oflice opposite PUiza; Wareroom West San Francisco St., G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, at American prices at the New Mexican HUNDRED most tho rough order throughout aud is under the New U. S. A. book every department cartful Woodbury, Jersey, bindery. surreilance of competent men. SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO NEW THE COMING COUNTRY The Mesilla Valley its Garden Spot! 66 TJEEOSr ?9

Choice Irrigated Lands (Improved and Unimproved) attractively platted; for ale on long: time with low interest. WARRANTY DEEDS GIVEN'. Wi Ite for Illustrated folderj giving fall particulars,

J. K. LIVINGSTON. fV9, General Agent, RIO CRAI CO.. Las Cruces. N. mmm, ' " -, - """T ,, ..,i aiiiwiiiwliwHiiawwMw.'!ww rfww.wrijMa)lMiiIM,,,a mm., .h..,.. ...,BetttV

PETTI ENVY. .a.a B e p m b bib b m in mn mini1 wnim w mim Tne Daily New Mexican Tub U. S. navy department instruc tions, to the commander of the Baltimore

at the time this vessel was ordered to - v- Do know that a littlo is MEXICAN PRINTING CO. k- - -- f M you cough a dangerous r THE MAXWELL LAND GRANT i By NEW - i proceed to Chilian waters and protect thing? Are you aware that it often fastens on i.- j new lungs and far too often runs into and ;'j Mexican American interests, have been Consumption the published us Second Class matter at the euds iu Death? People suffering from Asthma. fEutcrpcl in full, and show bow at daata Fe Post Office. they utterly Bronchitis, Pneumonia and Consumption will all s variance with the facts is the charge of tell you tiiat j, ESTABLISHED IN 1863. OK SUBSCRIPTION. the Chilian the RATES and English press that "IT STARTED WITH A GOLD.' : Bally, per week, by carrier j Americans on the Baltimore served as Farm Lands! Daily, per month, by carrier J j Can afford to Can trifle r mouth, by mail. spies for Balmaceda. The instructions you neglect it? you Dully, per mail with so serious a matter ? Are aware 0 The Daily, three mouth, by ' are exceptionally clear and explicit, on you that DITCHES. six mouths, by mail wj UNDER IRRIGATING Daily, lu VV Daily, oue year, by mail the point of preserving the strictest neu- oldest, best, mouth iDR. ACKER'S EfiCLISH REMEDY Weekly, per between the forces and ? Colds is 4. Weekly, per quarter , trality contending for Coughs, and Consumption beyond question tho greatest of nil1" most reliable an mouths " .Modern ? will iu one Weeekly, per six m it is simply iinpossiblo that Capt. Schley Rompdies It stop a Cough night. It will check a Cold in ? Weokly, per year j? a day. It will prevent Croup, relievo Asthma and cure if taken P Choice Mountain and Lands Hie Foot In New could have disregarded them. Their pub- Consumption Valley near tvongest paper in time, " You can't afford to bo without it." A 25 cent bottle may savo you ft lication at will serve I All cou tracts aud bills lor advertising payable this opportune time P$t00 in Doctor's bills may save your life Ask your druggist for it, or write Mexico. Publishes Associated monthly. to show our cousins that a ? to W. II. Hooker & Co., 40 West Broadway, Now York, tor book. for English great t Press All communications intended publication E;:!:.-,- ..! .M.B dispatches, territorial news, the the wri er 's nan e and deal of petty envy too often dictates the n :. Kg ma. must be accompanied by IIFor tale A. C. FOH as au evidence by Ireland, Jr. SALE much-vaunte- lllllllllll ddress-u- ot lor puhlicatiou-b- ut course of the d supreme court decisions, and should be addressed to the English press faith, aud should odftor. Letters pertaining to business when speaking of the United States and the laws enacted the to H by S addressed our institutions. at an unprecedented rate unc!er the Notice ing for Publication. late 28th legisla- Mclvinley law. In September, 1800, our Homestead 3774. THE LIES OF THE SILVER CITY SENTINEL. news-aTTi- exports were $08,0!i3,139. New Mexican is the oldest Lanu Office at Santa Fe, N. M. ) tive It is seut to every Post A moat vw!mitimiummuamm New Mexico. few ago editor Blowan Blabb, of 1891. 1 aud grow-- days October 7, Oflce iu the Territory and has a law In the last month of and pro- the Silver the audi- September, 1801, Notice is that the follow eirculatiou among tho intelligent City Sentinel, charged first of of hereby given of the southwest. the year the operation the law, mg named settler has filed notice of his gressive people tor and treasurer of the territory with v e sold to other nations merchandise intention to make final proof in stinnort discriminating against the charitable worth $82,587,807. of his claim, and that said proof w ill be 7. at Silver and with THE:-- BEST:-- SATURDAY, ISOVKMIiER City favoring made before the register and receiver at : : ADVERTISING :: MEDIUM others, specially these iu Santa Fe, in the New York Press. he, N. M., on Nov. 20. 18SM. viz d John W. Cook for the b and matter of apportioning the fuuda appio-priate- nwj na child in this is entitled sw sec 15 r 11 e. Every territory for all iliese institutions. This Wants to he Nought o IT and That Right 4, 2, tp n, The to a Gxed minimum of Eninh education ; He names the following witnesses to charge, as are all others that come from lllillilj. ins not mui'li at this time how The demands prove continuous residence upon and New Mexi- it matters very that are malicious and Enterprise, also, that cultivation ot saia is obtained. source, wholly some be by the terri- ana, viz: this is obtained as long as it explanation given James F. of : false, indeed, knowingly false. torial officials of the Fox, Cerrillos. N. M. I can Com- to the children of New peculiar manipula- N. Chandler Cow of Printing It must be given It is a well known fact that so far but tion of finances which has made certain Stoue, les, Glorieta, N. M. ; M. R. of lg Mexico. olliciuls and creditors Stone, Cerrillos. N. M. pany fully prepared to th) per cent of the appropriations have speculators preferred to of the Before Sen- Any person who desires protest territory. the Southwest me do all kinds of and com- Commis- been available, this for two reasons; one tinel is with the Santa Fe auainsi allowance ot sucti proof, or legal Tub story that Penitentiary through gang who knows of substantial want to is incomplete collections and the other of public the and any reason, mercial rates sioner John K. J)e Mier does not plunderers, press the under the law and of work at the lowest and of of southern New Mexico will the regulations the Frank Chaves as superin- the dishonesty Democratic collectors. people be interior succeed Col. J. united in to the methods of department, why such proof to the satisfaction of The record sliowa that the same opposition should not be will patrons. tendent of the peuitenliary is a fake; the exactly that Silver allowed, be given an of taxes collected and unscrupulous aggregation. at the above mentioned time Six new steam New Mexican has it upon good authority apportionment paid City Sentinel. opportunity presses in has been made lor all the charitable and place to e the witnesses that he does. of said claimant, and to offer evidence in are kept constant- institutions iu the territory; it also shows Uncle Samuel to rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. law lias worked that the have will lie Obliged Salt ly In mo The Australian ballot following sums been paid Her. A. L. MoimisoN, Register. well indeed during tho recent elec- out so far to the several institutions: tion. very The little South American republic in the Btate of New York, Grant at Silver tions except Couuty hospital, City, which is attracting so much attention just of s and there the kvt itself, on account $1 ,iU0 ; of Mercy hospital, Silver now on account of her saucy attitude Governor Hill's opposition to it, is a very City, $1,100; Ladies Relief society, Lus toward Uncle Sam, is well named, appa- In the of the A COMPLETE BINDERY weak one. The Australian system of Vegas, $1,500; St. Vincent's hospital, Sau- - rently. language country, DEPARTMENT the name is "Chile," which is Spanish . lor the lrriRHnon of the and between Raton insures and independence tu Fe, $3,0o5, or about 00 per cent of the WELTMER prairies valleys and Springer one voting honesty for pepper, and the Chilanos certainly MindrtMl miles of larxeirrisratinpr have been or in must ere five iu each case. is canals built, are and is the system that entire appropriation There show themselves very peppery. But 3Q0K, STATIONERY AND course of construction, with water for acres These lands whether take their name from with 75,000 of land. Com- years are over prevail throughout this now to the credit of the Beveral institu they the perpetual water rights will be sold cheap and on the easy terms of ten character of the or the aiuiiiHl with 7 cent anion. tions named 10 per cent more in each country, country payments, per interest. first-cla- ss takes its name from the character of the In addition to the iibove there are acres of land for plete, fund, which may be raised by collections if she 1,400,000 sale, the people, doesnt go easy her big consisting mainly of agricultural lands. It is announced that in Mississippi and into the territorial uncle will bo to salt Brook ews The climate is bindery payments treasury obliged her. Depot! unsurpassed, and alfalfa, grain and fruit of all kinds erow to of railroad Standard-Union- . state ticket, contesting three to probably 12 per cent within tho next lyn perfection and in abundance. with the what- The T. & S. F. commissioners, had no opposition few days. A., railroad and the D.( T. 4 Fort Worth railroad cross this COMPLETE STOCK OF property, and other roads will soon follow. and of ever. Nothing very new in this; political These Ruling binding figures prove conclusively that Judge Morrison's Those wishinu to view the lands can secure rates on the shotgun policy aud Magulfloeut Speeches. special the railroads, and record, and all assassiiiatiiins, the charges made by Blowau Biabb, of Hon. A. L. Morrison has made a num- will have a rebate also on the same if they should 160 acres or more of land. bank, railroad, descrip ballot frauds for twen- SCHOOL BOOKS, buy the tissue practiced the Southwest Sentinel, are absolutely ber of magnificent speeches in Ohio tions of blank work. the Democratic the Board of Thorough ty years iu that Btate by false. They were made, as are all the during the grand campaign just closed Adopted by command and iu the thprA Ifn iu rpirarrluri nu rTin if lha mnul Deeds and best of Oligarchy there in other charges now made by that 6heet Education. Warranty Given workmanship earnest and euective in the fill f saddle are but their legitimate speakers For nAft font Am a.vniu fr. con-stant- ly bearing and the one run by tho fine old angelic and tus nave been material kept of a fair country services in Headquaters for School Supplies fruit. Even the semblance personage, Ross, from sheer malice and great demand in that state for years. in blotted out r.lm nrnn-- Itnti lection has been completely because these people must wallow in Tins vpjir Ohi nnid tirpafpr The Maxwell Land Grant Co. in that state. falsehood and slime. tribute to his ability aud achievements view. than to any other speaker. And as the R A TOIfcT, UNTIE W The records of the auditor and treas- lias to to MEXICO, A button employ- jiume always something say L pearl factory giving urer of this territory are open everyday remind his hearers that he hails from New to has been estab ment out) people just to the inspection of any respectable citi Mexico, we are largely benefited by bis ADDRESS the in nrpspnl. tnllr in hplutlf nf nnr cnmmnn fished iu Puiladelphia; employes zen. Whoever desires to post himself this will receive four times the country. Raton Range. SOL. SPIEGELBERG. The Yost factory upon the actual state of the finances of Machine. received button operatives Writing wages by pearl the territory can easily do so. But men in Tnese are some of the direct The Australian Ihe New and Standard. Mexican n. m. Europe. of the stamp of E litor Bluwan Blabb, of Itallot. Higher Printing - sank Fe, results of the Mclviuley bill. I'earl but- The result in Ohio is more than a Con, the Silver City Southwest Sentinel, do not of Mr. Yost (the inventor ef the two othei Republicanism, it is the of world-wide- h tons are 20 per cent cheaper this year than triumph CLOTHING & GENT typewriters whose use is has care to know the truth; their weapons and at the ballot this heretofore iu the intelligence integrity perfected machine upon simplified they have been history are lies aud slander. tiox. Ihe Australian ballot svstem was ideas. of the aBd NO RIBBON. DIRECT PRINTING; PKR country. thoroughly tested at this election, in MAKENT the cities of the dtate of Ohio its ALIGNMENT. Exhaustively tes EDITORIAL COMMENTS. larger FURNISHINGS. fed and Guaranteed as to SI'KED, Strength The first number of the Chicago Even- results were beyond even the expectations and MANIFOLDING POWER. New Mexican. of the most ardent advocates of this sys Unprecedented introduction! 8000 adopted, ing Trees has reached the Wants Boodle for Ceasing Yelping. the first year. tem of It was found that bribe A It is a new Independent iu politics. voting. GLOVES. L. paper, It is not a party issue. It is a question taking was almost a failure. The use of HATS, CAPS 0. EVAN3, Gen'l Agt, DenysT. The number before us will more of to ail compare good government, fair parsons money at the polls was entirely aban L. A. FEEET, Ter. Agt, Albuquer- favorable with issue of and all sections, with special privileges to doned. striker and ward than any Sunday Ihe bummer ALSO COMPLETE LINE OF BOYS CLD ML N. M. none. The Santa Fe must was que, the great metropolitan dailies. Iu fact it gang go. conspicuously absent and those other Sliver Uity Sentinel. influences which rtake the is a marvel as to size, typographical ap- ordinarily American polls a stench in the presence CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER AND NEW MEXICAN PRINTING CO, Local of its con- Agt. BREWING GO. pearance and the character A of decency were but not re-- CAPACITY Victory for American Ideas and Pro- universally PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. tents. We presume there is room for an gress. grettully miBsed. 1 same of BARRELS paper iu Chicago. A for the of tie condition things prevailed PROPRIETORS 150,000 Independent victory policy protection in Nebraska and a and encouragement of home industries in large Republican gain WW PEK ANNUM W over last year's vote is the result. The 07 iA . n Ohio, and a victory for honesty in dealing TIES breweci exclusively or Honemian... Hope Tub New York hotel men, regardless Australian ballot is the most I v with in is undoubtedly HER 1 uno all Kansas, pretty good for the HOUSE ' ra'.TvaAB " s oeieciea voioraao Barley. of politics, worked and voted against Sen of American ideas aud intelligent and unbiased ballot that was party progress. cast this veur Bottled Beer a ator Fassett because the World's fair is to Kansas Journal. and the fact that under its pilserjer Specialty City iulluence were ar Academy of a The New York hotel Republicans victorious, ADOLPH J. ZANO, General Manager. be held in Chicago. gues much for its future. That a fair bal- Silver New Mexico. men as well as the New York politicians Wages In Great Britain and the United lot has been needed in America has long City, States. Our of might as well understand that this is been unquestioned ; that such a ballot has Lady Lights just The of the common laborer are been in a and that there are other wages found the Australian ballot sys great country nearly twice as large iu the United States tem seems evident from the fact that the COMU'CTKD BY THE of have to say sections it, that something as they are in Great Britain, and it is the Renublicans were almost signally victor- KAMMERICH & HUDSON - - and want something and will have it be- purpose of the Republicans to keep them ious under its workings. Shall it be the SISTERS OF L0RETT0, Props sides New York, politics or no politics. so, while the Democratic policy is to adopt universal system of America or not? the British standard for SANTA FK, NEW MEX. Bolid south do not run this country. Kausas City Journal. New York aud the t. a while. Hi XT this country yet Board an I uition per Annum, $20Q FERNOLINE The McKluley Bill at Work fn the Bolid SHEEP DIP. v A WORD TO THE DISTRICT J0DGES. South. FEED AND Uutlc, nn'l s In An TRANSFER. Wello-Farg- o the three months forty-nin- e I'ali:tiiu I'Hvte Extraot obtained from The Express company During jjHst I its cotton and woolen mills have been - uniMies, fxtra hurei'S, tho Yellow Pino its extortions aud continues Till ion Tree. f. KUSh ""d keeps up established in People- of ele. t Dfty Scholar, from S'J w V FIn"he, Tex,, at Mj. lowest the southern states. This Qld -- of law of the ; w hat to &5, to .v...,-, i,u Also eari-- nn Tr.,.M- - Violation the territory is oue of the natural beneficent results ol acaordinic Grade. j i,ora. Bus!-- Thn b on ness and deal iu Hay anil Grain. is the matter with the several judges of ttie policy which those nit Annul Session glus tho protective against J. V. S. is the only Barsap&rilla that old ol M of states vote each elec- fir.t ny of September. the district courts calling the attention solidly at recurring feeble should take, as the mineral WHICH IS THE G. tion. Such is the of people potash Fi.r full Particulars Apply to W. several to this matter? strength prejudice. which is In other that we know ' DUDROW the grand juries Denver Sun. overy Sarsaparilla UO'l IIEIS FKANCISCA I.AMV, This is respectfully referred to the judges of, Is under certain conditions known to be Superior. CHEAPEST DIP? J. V. S. o the is of ihe district courts in the territory emaciating. contrary purely It Would be Best for the l'eople of North vcsetablo and stimulates digestion and creates Notice tho following actual results: of New Mexico. If the law upon Carolina, Should tills J'rove True. now blood, the very thing or old, delicate or Cost of FERNOLINE SHKKP DIP for 10,000 sheep, t wo dippings, 8200.00 Lime and for two 127.00 the statute book is invalid, let it so of North Ca- broken down people. It builds them up and Sulphur dippings, Evart, Diflerenco in first cost, . , , , 7:.00 be if it is unconstitutional, rolina, is of the opinion that the tight" prolongs their lives. A case in point; ...... declared; 10,000 ranee slioon dinned in FEKNOLINIS SHEEP DIP between the Alliance aud the produced let it be so Baid. But let the laws Democracy Mrs. Belden an estimable and elderly lady ot 45,532 lbs. of wool, at 18 cents per ll., , S8.19S.7C iu will be so 10,000 in Lime 40,010 at cents that slate bitter next year 610 Mason St,, 8. F. was for months so dipped und Sulphur produced lbs., n upon the 6tatute be carried out while will declining per lb 7,103.?? that the Republicans stand a good as to alarm her It there. of rapidly seriously family. got Dilfcrencn l,O01.00 - they are chance carrying it. Cleveland Leader. o bad that she was afflicted with -:- -- finally fainting Deducting difference in first cost of Dip, 73;00 The : - " pells. Blie writes: While In that dangerous alamo ACTUAL SAVING MY USE OF SHEEP , . San mm I'EKNOLIS'E DIP, 81,018.09 MORE ROPE AND LESS RED TAPE. Too Much Personal Even and condition I saw some ot the testimonials coo Felipe Getting Mr. R. M. Johnson, Lone Rock, Gilliam Co., "The action of FERNOLINE on the Part of the J.V. 8. and sent for a bottle. That marked Ovepon, says: Tub of New England have long meddling eernlng Neatly Furnisliotl Hccrno. vitr on tliu wool and the slicep themselves is oenenctai, ana it is moreover very conve- ALBUQUERQUE. N. M. people the I lost flesh nientau.r.jrto use." abili- lioard; Tliut'a the turning point regained my and for their astute financial Mr. E. Coleman. Montcll. : " does not onlv been noted Status. strength and have not felt so well in years." J. Uvalde Co.. , savs FERNOLINE DIP kill the scab but softens and the trrowtll of "the wool, and 1 can also recommend it for Banker ot the Maverick was two Mrs. Celden Is Droiiioles ty and Potter, Col. J. Francisco Chaves, for some That years ago and well screw worms. TJia Hotel in and and still J. V. S. M. Leading Nev Mexico bank has just demonstrated it by failing time past warden of the New Mexico hearty taking . J. Gougli, Pra. If your dealer does not keep FERNOLINE SHEEP DIP, ask him to write to for $8,000,000 while doing business on penitentiary, tendered his resignation last If you ore old or feeble and want to be built up. Mt lUIHOtHKKT. and it was The 3ANTA MEXICO. FERNOLINE CHEMICAL CO. capital btock of $400,000. Such occur- Tuesday accepted. colonel FE, NEW TRlrTl.V VIKST CLASS. l is better fitted for than he is for Ask for TOUKISTS' UKA IU(IA BTEKS too often politics hca-- l rences come to light entirely a SUuntoA at tlic of 'I' iIkco 18 Broadway, New York running penal institution on business ; these times and would seem to suggest Raton bt., ttouth of the CuthctU-ai- the principles. Range. s Hotel Coaoh and in al- Vegetable tOi'i-l- N Carriage Waiting at All Traiua. that bank examiners be ouly 1totl 'or nml A COPY OF government O nieu. lowed more rope and less red tipe. The Joy traveling Utt "How to make MONEY How the AlcKloley Bill Works. Sarsaparilla aocoimnodiilio s. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR owes it to itself and the peo- SHEEP" FAMILIES AND government We can add the evidence of September Host modem, most effective, largest bottle, with rates Iu )ttrti a tH Ui3 iy r n mailed free to address LARGE PARTIES. ple to afford better protection in such to that of in of the fact Same price, 11.00, six for 16.00, itlal Will bo any August proof that )(. Mogulnr rates, 01.0V ituj. upon application. cases. our exports of merchandise are develop For sale by A. C. Ireland, Jr. ii 2.80 to $3.00 per day G. W. MEYLEKT PfOpf

mK3" "TP XT1 m Mmmtm tmmtti mmtamumt. Utitaa stXHsBHsl nun iQ OO 3 "V j$k. Xj Xj HHj "X" I THE GREAT NEW MEXICO ! jfrV 4 f, .ir TSIf9 Jf Tof 1000 Miles Hearer all Eastern Markets than California. The canal system of the PECOS IRRIGATION ASD IMPROVEMENT COMPANY coven 300,000 acres of MAGNIFICENT LAND In this 3IATCIILESS LOCALITY, The land Is all PUBLIC DOMAIN and enterable at the Government price, of $1.25 -- ONE DOLLAR AND TWENTY-FIV- E CENTS PER ACRE f ' ; .as Pre-empti- on gl under the Is chocolate-colore- d, lime-ston- Cither Desert Act, Timber Culture, or Homestead Lavs. The soil a rich, sandy loam, from six to twenty leet d underlaid by e. In It Is a Mme-ston- e IN RICHNESS p, fact region UNSURPASSED by the famous Cumberland Valley. With au altitude of 3.500 feet above sea level, It has A CLIMATE WONDERFULLY EQUABLE AND HEALTHY I No snows; no Northers: n no no t 1 lampness; malaria; consumption PURE, and ABUNDAN WATER; so here produces five cuttings of alfalfa the vear, and two crops of grain; wheat, oats and barley boln harvented In June and corn then n same land Heine cut in the Autumn. planted the For further particulars, atiOres, ."THE PECOS .nttlCATION AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY." Eddy, Eddy County, Nw Mexico. El 0 AN OPPORTUNITY. TA paper that would execute this in- tc- - dicated would - - The Daily New Mexican SANTA FE. "treat" create for itself a GAIN furore of enthusiasm, and could runup EL PASO Ihe list world ROUTE." largest subscription that the The for to the has ever known. RKADAIiLti PAKAGKAPHS Few Faota for the General Informa- Question Transportation ONE POUND World's Fair. in the hands of one of the great polit- ical would con- A lond Town to liiHe In. tion of Tomista and Sight-See- n organizations, the "treat" stitute an understandable : resident- 10 proof that that S S a Atlantic Constitution Old KllmlZ-1- ft g:sj Visiting the IiHS Sarah Winter Kelteg on the Ques party was the friend nf the people. This ie a line town for a newspaper. The A Day. tion. Reproducing the Exhibitors Saisau Winteb Kei.uxjq. last editor we liad showed how a man A GAIK OF A POUND A DAY IN THE CASE Throughout the Country. First-clae- and CIFIC. OF A MAN WHO HAS BECOME CAPITAL CITY OF NEW MEXICO. and g could rise here. "ALL cheap job printing U g RUN Ho DOWN," AND HAS BEGUN TO TAKE binding at the New Mexican company's New editor did? THAT ?. s s REMARKABLE FLESH PRODUCER, To the Editor of the New Mexican. the of the kind in 5 Old reaideit Yes, ho went up like establishment; .largest ?s :7 LI OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Las Vegas. Nov. 4. Unless the New Mexico. skyrocket. achievement should be out of all New editor How did he manage it? propor C SCOTT'S TKERITOBJAL. tion to the the Columbian The ent Route opportunity, For Biirorior Between Old resident Easy enough. He just work in tho lino of book Popular l- will - e Exposition prove tho most command call ot of- os 3 sat on a kea of gunpowder by a red hot Delegate in Congress binding tho :!ew Mission . . S Anthost Joskpb event in all earth's stove. Governor L. BuAbriT.D Prince ing peaceful epochs fice Ordora by nail given prompt atten- PULSION Secretary V. M. Thomis it will constitute the culmination in tha 2 9- - Solicitor General Edward L. bktj.ett tion. SI'S L1 nitrous Failure! Aaditor Dkmktrio Pkrez wonderful series of bloodless and beneli 8 ff f! Treasurer K. J. I'ai.em g - It is v, ith of regret that we announce feelings OF C9RE COO LIVER OIL WITH AdJntaHt General W. B. Klkti hbr cient conquests which have characterized ff T. r1. claim and deeds for sale or v the failure of heists of people troubled with in Seo'y Bureau of Immigration Mx Frost Quit warranty to Lime & TT. ft. tho progress of our country. Concerning Mitt efficient means Rypophosphites of Soda Int. Rev. A. g. . i. action of the kidneys to tuke Collector ,L. Hughes at tne New Mexican office. Territorial Liberian F. F. Pinc printing renew their activity. This failure is most disas is nothing unusual. this feat the resourcefulness of tho great republic " for a wreck of the them has been performed over and ovur 5 5 s trous, complete organs her energy, daring and splendid auucegBes, 1 selves must eventuate if timely are not again. Palatable as milk. JUDICIARY. S s s Ohlol the oi too earth will receive au taken to their secretive function ou by physicians. soi.d by Justice Supreme Court Jab. OBrizn peoples Druggists. Avoid all Associate Justice 1st district K. P. Sunns leseon a lm-d- of and Hostetter' substitutions and object supremely impressive. SHORT ITNH TV) N FAY J " s s activity regularity. imitations. Associate Justice 2d district W. D. Lkk OKl.r.ANS, 'I" to stomach Bitters renews both, and prevents ultl And those sovereigns, the states, will be lsii to mate and 1'ntnl disHHIcr. As it is one of t lit Associate Justice 8d district J. R. McKie usiness Favorite ihe north. :isf ml umitfiAnat Directory. .1.31 A N SMCI-i'IN- functions of the kidneys to siraiu from the Presldine Justice 4th OBriew be brought face to face, in friendly emu I'ALArn s a district Jar. I OAlfSdafly blood, in its passage through them, immiriiie Associate Jusilc 0th district A. A. Freeman and there will be made a - U twy ii y,i. miis an1 Kt. nroereiuivB of orousv. and U. U. lation, quaint- I .1 Iiilliis, Worth and rheumatism gout Patronize the New Mexican for all District Attorney K. A. Kinks I iim.; nb.o JfiiiKhnil mid N-- au early impetus Is all the mure needful to be U. 8 Marshal Tjuniia Konkro ances over which tho moss of strangeness Oilcans without or lueilec IS TV. Solid FA given to their operations when tardy sorts of fine and cheap job printing ; larg Clerk Supreme Court II akky S. clancy ATTORN TS AT LA chan.yc! Traius, Paso to urn. The unmeuieateJ stimuli oi commerce in can never grow. St. Louis! First-clas- s not answer this Use the Hitters for est and best and book Equipment' purpoi-- printing binding LAND DEPARTMENT. To those forttiuates who may be able to John P. Victory. dyspepsia, malaria, constipation and billious- establishment in the territory. U.S. General Kdwaud F. Hobaet d Ii. Catron. Surveyor study at leisure the great, many-Bide- Tho. SUFTE U. 8. Land Register A. L. .Morrison II. 1.. Waldo, CCPJfiECTSON. AND DENVER A RIO Receiver Public Moneys W m. JL Buuubh to the re ANTA FB BOUTUERN Falslfled the Return. display, especially eager, curious, Edward I,. BartleU-K- . COS. The Wabash. OP-S- ee QBANDK RAILWAY Washington Star : William, sho said at EDUCATIUNAL. cepttve young, it will pass the college cur- A. Flake. that yonr tickets read in Texas fnrlflc Railway, For mapa, West Shortest line to Whv, the is the most desir time tables, rate and all Scenic Route of the and did home "Wabash" Board or Eut riculum in broadening, suggesting, inspir- of ticket, itquii.-- Information, call on or addreM Colorado ana Denver, vuiu. breakfast, wbut time you get able for all east. Tjerritobial cation, Oeo.W, Kuaobel. any the ticket agents. Pneblo, springs route, points ing Ingenuity, the inventive sense ; the di- K. K. Twltehell last night? 1st. You can tickets Gov. L. BmnroKD Prince, I'rof. Hir m Had-- Moll No. 1 and 2 Daily except purchase through Kl.IAS vino thirst to know all will receive powerful Max. frroMt. H. PLATT. D and Kxpress who for all eastern LKY, S. STOVKB, AMADO CHAVEZ, l'KOK. P. p. pot Ticket Act. El Texas. Half past 11, replied the husband, points, at anv cuDon ticket J. SCHNEIDER. impulsion. In csp.icial degree will the Geo. liill Howard. E. L. I Paso, Sunday. omce over SARCEMT, Cunert is actively interested in politics. in the west, this line, taking Supt. of Public Instruction AmadoCijavks noble sentiment of patriotism be quick Agent. your choice of routes to the Missouri riv ened in the American heart. A A- - 8:10 Rm Lv with a grand 6 30 pm . Santa Fe.N.M.... I'm very sorry, she said Bigh, er. DENTISTS. B. W. rScCULLOUCH, Lv 4:20 Kspanola 10:10 am lire of sympathy Bill be kindled, sweep & oil 1:20 but I have 2d. You HISTORICAL. Cen Ticket Tex 1:15 pm D.... Servlletta. ..D pm can't help Buspecting that you can bo either bv the wav of ot cast fas Agt Dallas, 4:40 ing the liHlung village the ocean, I). W. Itlanley. 1:15 am ...Antonlto.Colo... pm been falsifying the returns. umaha, or Kansas City, at your pleasure Banto Fe, the city of the Faith of the of the the 8:S0 am Alamosa 6:v6 pm Holy mining camp Sierras, negro aa. from either of those Bt. am Salida 10:40 pm points you Francis, is the capital of New Mexico, cabin of the Savannahs, the communal SUKVBrOKS. 12:05 am Pueblo 8:8" m His Last Request. can have your choice of five distinct Then will be am trade center, sanilary undarclK'pisuupal see. l'nelilo, the Indian tepee. it 10:40 pm .Colorado Springs. 4:4; Indianapolis Journal: I'd like to ask routes, as follows. realized that even the "arid even 7 am Denver 7:;0 am Ar An Indian jiieblo had existed on t lie site region," Wm. White. Mo. 2d d 7:40 am Via, the Admiral air line.which is the the cactus 9:20 am Kansas City, just one small favor, said Erysipelas Jake, to tiie 15th Its name was thai upMiliing desolation, anil 9:00 am ... .St. Louis. 6:45 am short line of the east. previous contury. even those ias tegis iot 1 1. before I'm swung off. sime grown "plains," great mm, 4 00 2d d. Colo.... 8:30 am Lv Via, St. Louis, where close connections but it had been abandoned of - BANKS. Ar pm Denver, agglomerations sterility, the indeposa- is itURtcd on Lv 10.80 111. 2d d 6:30 am Ar what is it? the leader of is made with all eastern and loni before Coromido's time. The Spanish tr!? r,!pi,v m, II",1 ?"mm!7 rM0,rt f the jontliorn slope ol the Snta Fe rang, pm Chicago, Well, growled southeastern ble can be made to the J".1)? a" "1"v",'" "I fuel Colo .... 1:00 am i.v routes. town of Santa Fe was founded in liit'o, it is mountains, yield Fir (it Nallonil Rank. I., J """!' a."" "early 7,iv, above tbe loa. The loiii Ar 24, am ....Pueblo, the committee. tne U man ,Viri'l '"'in very warm to and are cele. 12 23 Salida 6:20 am Ar vigilance therefore the second oldest seitie- - good, the uselul, ueauniui, is BecoiMl Rational Bank. or entirely cold, widely pm Via, the Worlds fair some Furopean Lie iTa ''UU Kll(n,umUsm a11 ol chronic XI am Leadville 8:0 am Lv wish stand me on a Chicago, city, mo but SJuSig itai lie, uuer od "'""'' dt.ea... Lv V:4i I you'd whisky times called ''the windv uientsmi extant in Uniteil otates. in enough importunate. Ar 24 am ... Pueblo, Colo 10:00 am Lv bar'l 'stead of this flour bar'l. I'd like to city." 1804 came the iirst venturesome Amerirun Every nation will be at the great cos- 10:00 Salida 6:00 am . Via, Toledo, Ohio's great inland citv. trader tlie forerunner of t lie line ol tume and in court vesture. INSl'KANCK AGKNTi. pm 5:30 great assemblage, 10:00 an Grand Jo pm die as a Kentuckian and a gentleman, connecting at that place with the lake merchants who have made tiatlic over the A far fraternal will be 7:15 Salt Utah 7:40 am reaching feeling & pm Lake, City, to shore last trains for the east. Bauta Fe world-wid- in its eelebi itv. J. W. Scholleld Co., Fire and Life. Lv 6:40 pm Ogden 9:10 am Ar seem' its I've got go. stimulated, yet it will be forceably felt Ar 5:30 pm 2d Ogdeu 9:15 am Lv Via, Detroit, Michlgans prettiest and THE CLIMATE the world's old state is wiped day Ar that out, Lv 6:00 am sail Fraucisoo, 2d day 7:45 pm Happy Hoosiers. most beautiful city, where eastern lines the old battle cries there connect of New Mexico is considered the finest on silenced, that MERCHANTS. General fnight and ticket office under the Win. Timmous, postmaster of Idaville closely. lias come the promised new earth in of where all infor- oi tne above the continent. The high altitude insures Capital Hotel, corner plaza, Ind., writes; "Electric Bitters lias done aii, named points are which stroug emphasis is placed on mation respecting through freight and ticket reached, direct, only bv the Wabash and dryness and purity (especially arlapted to A. Staab, WholeRHlA Merchandise. be and tick- more for me than all other medicines things unseen lifo, the Keaner Itros. rat. will cheerf Hlly given through direct no from of com fruitage, fruitage ets so d. Free elegant new chair cars from Santa combined, for that bad feeling arising from by other line running the the permanent cure pulmonary of the soul. Pullman west. Fe to Alamosa. Through sleepers Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, plaints, as hundreds will be witness,) and A building seating 10,000, in Chicago's tiROCKRIRg. between P.ieblo, Leadville and ogden. passen- Ask, for your tickets bv the wav of this for Pullman at Ala larmer and stockman, ol same place, by traveling from to point almost any heart will furnish the arena where the gers Denver take sleepers ol point C. I., liiuhou. mosa or Derma aecureu i. savs: Electric outers to De tne line, and accept them by no other. desired may be enjoyed. The will discuss K. Sanaa nnipp. mud v temperature world's great specialists art, II. No. J. T. tlKLH, Gen. Supt. e run the finest trains on earth. A altitude of some the in Cartwrlght btst Kidney and Liver medicine, made of principal' points music ; latior and ; bold but a cold fact. the is as follows: science, capital peace me feel like a new man." J. W. Gard- assertion, Write me territory Santa Fe, 7,017; and war; the problems of economies and for etc. Costilla, Tierra Ulo-riet- ner, hardware mprchant, same town, rates, maps, 7,774; Amarilla, 7,455; of luimanitv. HARDWARE. M. 7,5S7 ; (i,050 ; (i.452 ; IMectric fitters is tne C. Hamfson, General Agent, Taos, Vegas, tne Columbian will be says: pist tning O. L. Cimarron, 6,4M); Bernalillo, 5,704; Albu- Yes, expotuiou CLOSING OF MAILS. for a man who i3 all run down and don't Allen, Trveling Agent. a beueficient W. A. McKeuile querque, 4,918 ; Socorro, 4,035 ; Las Crures, momentous, achievement, A. M. p. ii care whether he lives or dies: he found 1227, 17th street, Denver, Colo. E. D. 7:30 7:80 3,844; Silver Cily, 5,040; Ft. Stanton, 5.MJ0. and will, beyond doubt, be worth all that Fran. Mall tloslng going east new and felt Man arrives from east 7:2o 100 strength, good appetite just The mean temperature at tho government it may cost, in direct income and in indi- Fc Southern 6.30 like he had a new lease on life. 5U Santa for tlio as Hall arrives over Santa Only station at Fe, vears named rect beneficent outcome. Regarding it DRUGGISTS. THE MONTEZUMA HOTEL cts. a at C. M. Creamer's FMTEKNAL 0KDEES. was as follows : 1874, 4S.0 degree ; 1875, 48.0 frr a national bottle, drug ni standpoint, ail American IMio-ni- degrees; 1870,48.1; 1877. 48.3; 1878, (Formerly Hotel) store. 47.0; citizens will be sharers in the dividends. a MONTEZUMA LOIICK. Xn 1. A. V A A. M which slmws an extra- Is commodious and massive structure of utonc the riti(M watpring plape hotel west of th 1S70,0.0; 1880,40.0; Hut at nearer view, are the hHS is Meets nn the first of each month. dis- who, special A. C. Ireland, Jr. Alleglia ie. It every coDvonifiice, aurl ti!,y.antlv fm tiisheil and supplletl. A Female Monday ordinary uniformity. For tubercular The ami Hotel are loca c.l ou a of nuiin Diplomat. SANTA FK CHAPTER. No. 1, K. A. Ma beiif tieiaries? Springs branch the line of the Santa Fe Route, six eases the death rate in New Mexico is the miles from tho towu of Lmb Vena", Now is auS Texas Sifting: Wife Do you believe sous. Meets on the eecoud Monday of each The answer, as in all like eases, is,. Mexico; mTejiiMe hy tele graph, telephone, PROFESSIONAL CARDS, in ii. lowest in the union, the ratio being as fonrpasseiifer trains per day, Itlaextet sivrlyuse.l a a r, siine and UtthiiiK place bvtrascontinental favored the HOTELS. as, well as class-e- of that dreams come true? S NT A FE COMMANPERY. No. 1 New Eniriand, i!5: Minnesota. 14: "the minority; moneyed poo tourists, by all rest, rletiMirc, and hcalih seekers from every part ol tha uiKliis Templar. Meets on the fourth Mundav Southern States, and New Mexico, 3. pie ; the people of leisure ; the well people country. Husband Nonsense; dreams are more 0; Knund-tri- tickets to Las Vegas Hot ou taie at ail nstatlous. Round oi racn moiiTii. the traveling Ihe eight-seers- Palace Hotel. Springs coupe trirj tlbkett AT DI8TANCK8. people; Exchange- Hotel. from Bauta Fe, (i. ATTORNEYS LAW. likely tc go by contraries. SANTA FK LODGE OF PERFECTION, Aside from the people in and near Chica No. I, 14th dearee A. A. S. It. Meats ou the third Santa Fe is distant from Kansas Citv 809 Alnino Hotel. Wife a of relief) That takes f.....i...... f i. ...- -, k onlv the well-to-d- o can for a Fe. (with sigh miles; from Denver odtS miles; from Trini- go, hope Huia AKAUISE LODGE. No. 2. I. O. O F. vision of the wonderful even MAX load off my mind. I dreamed last night dad, 216, miles; from Albuijuerijue, 85 display, FKOST, Meets every Thursday evening, j. D. 1'roudflt. rates and hotel Thinner House, Sliver City. Attorney at Law, Santa Fe, New Mexico. that I asked vou for $50 to get me a (i. : J. T. N whall, secretary. miles, from Deming, 310 ; from lil 1'aso, thotvh transportation Montezuma Hotel, I.flH Vegas Hot Springs. AZTLAN No. it, I. O. O. Meets 340 from Los 1,032 should be deeply cut. The remote, Kan Felipe Hotel, Albuquerque. and refused to let me have the l.ODGii, ft miles; Angeles, miles; prices dress you every rruiiiy niclit. from San Francisco, 1,281 miles. the bick, the halt, the poor, the ignorant K. SANTA FK LODGE, No. 2, K. of I. Meets RALPH TWITCHKIX, money. tlrst ami third Wenneuiavs. ELEVATIONS. ly indifferent, the overwhelming majority at Law block, Santa Fe, of who our JEWELERS. Attorney Spiegelberg GERM VNIA LODGE, No. 5, K. of I'. Meets The base of tho monument in the grand American citizens, elect rul New Mexico. Bueklen'a Arnica Salve. m and 4tn w ho Tuesdays. plaza is, according to latest corrected meas- ers, who light our battles, build our NKW MEXICO DIVISION, No. 1, Uniform w S. Snitz. The best Salve in the world for cuts, urements, 7,019.5 feet above the level of the roads, who raise our food, ho make onr OKO. W. khuk K. ot V. Meets first Wednesday in each KNAKBIL, iruisos, sores, ulcers, salt meuin, iever momli. sea; Bald mountain, toward the northwest clothes these will tun to be brought en Office In the Sena Building, Palace Avenue. C AMERICA. UARFKNTEIiS. The chilblains THOMC KNIGHTS OF and at the extreme northern end of the with the seance where Value the Best hands, great and Titles a specialty. jores, tetter, chapped Meets seooud rapport Pi Collections searching ana - Thursdav in the month. Santa Fe is 12,001 feel above sea Kind and divinities of O oriis. and all sliin eruptions, posi- SANTA No. 23 G. U. O. F. mountains, guardians the na FE LODGE, ,7, 0. Lake to the A.WInsor. ively cures piles, or no pay required. It Meets first and third Thursdays. level; 1'eak, the right (where tion are to be invoked. The deep thrills, LEVI STRAUSS & CO'S CO L. BAKTJ KTT, 12,0-1- KDWARD GOLDEN LOUGH. Nil. A. O. U. W. Meets Santa Fe creek has its source), is feet of over guaranteeu to give peneci buubiuuuuu, 8, the enthusiasm, the passion patriotism, r-- Santa New Mexico. Office seeunil a .d ; the divide ; Lawyer, Fe, ar relunilert. rnoe cents oer every fourth Wednesdays. high (Tesuque road) 7,171 the. broadening horizon, the stirring seuond National Hank. money CARLKTON IM1ST. No. 3, G. A. R meel Fria, 6,480 ; (west) 0,025 hope, MISCELLANEOUS. sale C. M. Creamer's. Augua Cineguilla, ideals are not for that al- box. For at first and third Wednesdays of each mouth. La Baiada, 5.514; mouth of Santa Fe creek the redeeminir ckbrated tn left-ou- chiB", the oppcfWetcd HENRY L. WALDO, (north ol rena lilanca), 5,22.; ways submerged poor A. T. Grlgg, Furniture, elc. In lie's au Anglomaniac. Oh not for that powerful J, Weltoter, Hook Store. Attorney at Law. Will practice the several (highest point), 10,008; Flni-he- Kreu-ili- : I Co., Brewery. courts ol the territory. Prompt atteutl given Detroit Free Press Dolly thought Placers, 6,801; Los Cerrillos ni'junta.'n class the independent poor. O. rtlioe Merchant OVERALLS AND SPRING BOTTOM PANTS to all business mirusted to his care. feet in W'.th J. Htiltnmaru, your name was Frederic II. Oosliq.. Now MANHOOD RESTORED, (south), 5,584 height. a phenominiil opportunity, pro- 1'atterfl- n & Co. Livery Htable. " vided at a cost by an C. CoHl write it Frederic Goslin "SANATIVO the POINTS OF 1NTKKI ST. princely W.nudrott Team, T. F. CONWAY, you simply. Wonderful fapanlbli it seems an infinite that and Lumber. Enjoy a National Reputation. be- - Is sold with u There are some forty various points of tax, pity evry of Our of Attorney tnd Couuselor at Law, Silver Cltj Go9lin Yahs. I dropped the II Remedy, man who to make this of Academy l.udy I.fgV.t. erf New Mexico. Prompt attention given to ah WrittenGuaraiitee more or less historic UieTest in and about helps greatest Sol. .Sii('gellerg, GentN Furnisher. intrusted to our care. Practice In all cauBe that's English, doncherknow. to cure all Nervous Din the ancient citv. nations should fail of being by JullUN II. I.erden, Gent FurulHlier. o business eases, such as Weu k John CoimnlMHiou Merchant. IX, the courts ol the territory. of lirulu The adobe palace stands on tbesuot where this beautiful, majestic, supreme expres- Morton, Advice to AlotHtra. Memory. Ibs ISIhIii ItroR., MerchmltNe. Po w e r, H e ad ac h e, the old Spanish had been erected sion of man's attainment the & A. Man- palace prophecy hoi. Lou iukt So,,, Livery Stable. It. Flaunt, Mrs. Winslow'e Soothing Byrup should Wakefulness, Loat after 1005. That ancient structure of of Attorney and counselor at Law, P. 0. Box hood, Nervousness, Las- shortly high achievement. Every child the are waa m W.-'SA- N "F," bauta Fe, N. M., practices in supreme ana always be used when children cutting situde, all drains and ilestroyeu 1080, and the present one great republic should see the marvelous FRANCISCO. CAL,iT5f at- Before Sl After Use. long of of the was constructed all district courts of New Mexico. Special teeth. It relieves the little sufferer at power between 1097and 1710. monument which commemorates the put- tention to mining and Spauisn and Mex- Photographed from life. Generative Organs, in The chapel of bail Miguel was built be given once ; it produces natural, quiet sleep by either sex. caused by upon the of that strange new ican land grant litigation. e tween 1030 and 1080. In tho latter ting stage tne cnuu irom ana tue ui-tl- youthful lndescretions, or the excessive years "The drama of a new w hich relieving pain, uae or which the Indians it. restored in plav, world," cherub awakes as as a button." of tobacco, opium, stimulants, ultimately destroyed Fully of 181W "bright lead to InQrmlty, Consumption and Insanity. Put up 1711, it had previously, and after 1003. been commemorates the opening a new ft ia verv to taste, n soothes In convenient form to carry In the vest pocket. Price to 1IIOS, B. CATRON, pleasant 5 the in earth the curiosity, the enterprise, the all $1 a package, or 6 for 5. With every order we give only Spanish chapel SantaFe. it Law and Solicitor In Chancery, the child, softens the gum, allays pain, a still remains the oldest in use in benevolence of mankind a as Attorney at and written guarantee to cure or refund the church discovery Q Santa Fe, New Mexico. Practice In all the relieves wind, regulates the bowels, money. Sent by mail to any address. Circular free. New Mexico. remarkable and as would be to- MAR If this stirring W Courts in the Territory. Mention pa.ner. Address, walls i n s the best Kiiown reineny ior aiarrnuss, Office for V. 8. A The of the old cathedral date imrl day, the discovery of a passage to the or MADRID CHEMICAL CO., Branch from Harper's Magazine. Q tn bether arising from teething other 358 Dmrborn Strcpt. CHICAGO. TI.L. 1622; but the ediliee proper is from the morning star. erf o oses. Twenty-fiv- e cents a bottle. FOR SALE IN SANTA FE, N. M., BY past century. I half believe that it would in the end, B JOHN P. TICTORY, C. M. Creamer. S. W. Corner Plaza, utner points or Interest to the tourist are: Court House pay our nation to make it possible for all Attorney at Law. Office in County Bad. The Historical Society's rooms; the "(Jari-ta,- W ill lu the several Courts of the Ter- I'retty its people to study their country, (heir ILLUSTRATED. practice e. : the military Quarter: ehanel and ceme I H ritory and the U. B. Land oflice at Santa New York Herald Enpec The doc indeed, as it will be formulated at to and Mexican tery of Our Lady of the U.sary ; the church planet, Examination of titles Spanish it wouldn't take but a breath to the Columbian exposition. The railroads O Grants, Mines, and other realty, carefully and tor says museum at the new cathedral, the arch- in lor Mines se- : could well nfl'ord to furnish the poor this --3 promptly attended to. Patents carry me off. A Million Dollars. bishop's garden church oi Our l.adv nf None Genuine Mark. cured. Guadalupe with its rare old works of art; indicated outing, or inning, ami gain by without Our Trade Mrs. Enpec The breath you brought the soldiers' The will celebrate the fourth 52! Would not tempt the busy, monument, monument to the the generous behavior, and help America magazine Q GEO. HILL HOWARD, home last night was strong enough. bustling, brainy American Pioneer Path-Finde- Kit Carsen, erected by to the of being the broadest centenary of the discovery of America by W BEST SEWING I BEST FINISH ! BEST FIT I N. to with the A. K. 3 Attorney and Com sellor at Law, Santa Fe, part priceless theO. of New Mexico; St. Vincent's of spirit, the most generous, the most its thtoni?h articles giving a M. Associated with Jeffries & Earle, H17 F St., Dr.Aoker'a Pill. treasure of good healtb, hospital. Conducted hv Mih Sistrr ,,f f'lniritw more English can pre- of nations. thorough exposition than has hith N. 11. 0. attention which he gain and In- princely MATERIALS! W., Washington, Special sick and the Orphans' industrial school ; the erto of recent unprece-dpnte- d BEST to before the local laud court, the Are active, effective and pure. For serve by the use of those ilut if this appears an iinbopable been made the given business Effective dian training school; Li ueto and land office, court of private land claims, headache, disordered stomach, loss of ap Safe, Kure, aid Academy there is that, to my development of our country, and erf general court of the Uufalllng the chapel of Our Lady of present The kind made by White Labor. the court of claims and the supreme bad and biliousness, Liht. which seems of ex- especially in the ttreat west. Particular only Castellauo y dara ateucion petite, complexion thought practicable United states. Habla either in CHINESE The eight-see- r here may als(. take a vehicle w iil also to a cucstiones de n.ercede y reclamos. they have never been equaled, ecution by the government, or by a syn- attention be given dramatic especial , Remedies, with both Hou. J. P. Jont-s- U. S. Benate; Gen. or aDroau. Vegetable and enjoy a day's outing pleasure dicate ol of American Keierences: uierica with which and The various of interests wealthy philanthropists. episodes history. s Wm. 8 Kosecrans, Wahhlugton, D. U.; Simon theRreS prolit. spots of of held ot the next war will Hon. R. C. Mccormick, to be visited are in In these days advanced otitic, ihe European in Sterne, esq., New York; Lee Brothers Tesuque puchln, taking of be described in a series of on the New York: Hon. John Wasson, California; Pablo Surprised. Wing the divide en route M'ln'wncnt in camera clubs, photographic marvels, papers For Sale : j rock, up Everywhere M esq, I hear Danube "From the Black Forest to the Baca, esq., Las Vegas, N.M.; William "ir, Indianapolis Journal Mudge picturesque Santa cunon; the Aztec min- ol spectacular achievements, it might be 0. C. sneedlly and oermanentlv ie Black Bitselow and F. Washington, that Timming's girl has induced him to cure every form of Nervous, Chronic, Private eral springs; Nambe pueblo; Agua Fria vil- - possible to reproduce iu free exhibitions Sea," by Ponltuey Hexual I). illustrated Mr. Millet and and I)ieeusts, Lost Manhood, Seminal ige; the turquoise mines ; place ol theassas everywhere throughout the land, the Millet, by give up his cigars. Weiknc-s- , Krror of and Youth, Urinary, Kidney nation ol tiovernor l'ercz ; win ..lOelonso most features of the World's Alfred Parsons. Articles also will be I Diseases of and important H'mh That's more than I.lver troubles, the Heart, Lungs or the ancient clill'ilw'-ll'-i's- on Ital- WILLIAM. WHITE. Yabsley Diseases of the Blood or 8kin, Disenses pueblo, ly'ind fair. With plan with fiffort given the German, Austrian and Throat, the Kio ian T. V. 8. Deputy Suiveyor and U. S. Deputy Mineral any of the boys could ever do. of the Stomach and Bowels, Rheumatism, Neu- ij'r.oidc. well organized, all the people of our armies, illustrated by deThulstrup. Surveyor. ralgia, Paralysis, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Syph- TliK cuv or SANTA FB be given the Mr. W. D. llowells will contribute a lands. Furnishes " Gleet, ami all weaknesses end country mi;ht opportunity Locations rrade upou public Guarauteed Cure. ilis, Gonorrhea, see free of new novel, "A World of char- TAKEAPILL. information relative to Spanish and Mexican diseases of anv organ of the body. making a steady modern growth ; ha to by optical appliances, cost, Chance," a to Hobb'3 Are Bost ou Earth. Office in couuty court bouse, Suu-t- We authorize our advertised druggist Lit K WING'S remedies ure where all other the most notable of tho This acteristically American. Especial promi- the land grants. for now a population of 8,000, and lias every exposition. Fe, N. M. sell Dr. King's New Discovery Con means fail. Consultation and examination free, scheme need not interfere ith the pro- nence w ill be given to short stories, w hich tnis and only a small sum of the remedies. Call for assurance of becoming a beautiful modern will be B. sumption, Coughs and colds, upou f enclos- fessional exhibitors, since contributed by T. II. DR. HOBB'S are afllicted with a consultation, or write symptoms uliy, Her are liberal and - stereoptican ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR condition. If you ing stamp for reply. city. people enterpris- and their instruments could be en- Davis, A. Conan Doyle, Margaret Deland, and Throat or to foster they LITTLE D. W. MANLEY, CoUKh. Cold or any Lung, 'jig, and stand ready and encourage gaged for the execution of the plan. Miss Woolson and other prominent Chest trouble, and will use this remedy LEE WING BROTHERS, any legitimate undertaking having for its The instrument makers, the press, the writers. Vegetable Pills as directed, giving it a fair trial, and ex object the of and the features will be 1543 Larimer St.. DENVER COLO. building up improvement railroads, the postal department, express Among literary Act (fpntly yet promptly on DBIsTTIST.Over C. SI. Orilmar'l Drug Btora. perience no benefit, you may return the of the place. Among the present needs of could be for personal reminiscences of Nathaniel lil V Kit, KtllNEYAud Santa and for which liberal bonuses in companies depended upon HOW ELM. dittuellinflt Head OFFICE HOURB. - - atom, 3 to 4 bottle ana nave your mouey reiuuuou. Fe, low rates, work and appliances, while Hawthorne, by his college class mate and arhc, Feren and Cold or lands could be life-lon- el ennui sr We could not make this oner did we not cash undoubtedly secured, the exhibitors would free g friend, Horatio Bridge, and a ii the lyBtem thor be mentioned a factory; a everywhere get oiiKhly and they cure habit know that Dr. King's New Discovery may canning entertainment from the local authorities personal memoir of the Brownings, by ii a I constipation. They ar never wool scouring plant and a tannery. Skilled HUfcar coated, do not could be relied on. It disappoints. ! labor of all kinds is in demand at of the town visited, be furnished free Anne Thackeray Kitchie. very small, easy to take,cripfana C. M. $500 Reward good nrn .Mtahl. if. Trial bottle free at Creamer's drug of is hall for the exhibition and free adver- in nnl WE will the above reward for cane of Lire wages. The cost living reasonable, and pills vfnl. Perfcrt dlrestion follows their ow, store. Large size 50 cts. and 1,00. pay any real both inside and is iln-- nltftolutt'ly rurp l k headache, and arerooom Complaint, Dynpepsta, Bick Headache, indigestion. Coit property, suburban, tising. ANTONIO WINSDOR niciidt-- li For sale free-to-a- lr udiiis phyisiclaiia. by druirgiita Btlf ation or CostiTenesi we cannot cure with West'f steadily advancing in value. This "treat," the national HAKPEK'S PERIODICALS. tn. ny man; a, ot a vlul or 5 ior l.UO. Addrew Liver Pil 1b, w ben the directions are strict Talking Shop. Vegetable might provide, or each state HOBB'S MEDICINE San FrtncUeo, Ctl. complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and nevei government CO, Piojs, 111. Journal : First burglar-B- een to satisfaction. Coated. Large boxes for its own traders. Chiraro. Indianapolis (ail give Sugar might manage HARrER'8 MAGAZINE, Year 4 00 containing SO Pills, 85 cents. Beware of counterfeit A syndicate could accomplish it. A per DON'T TAKE out west, haven't you? and imitations. The prenulne manufactured only HARPER'S WEKKLY, " 4 00 ILL. small from each mil- Second Yea. Did a cracking XiiE JOHN C. WEST COMPANY, CHICAGO, subscription HARPER'S BAZAR, " 4 00 Health is burglar lionaire of the country would insure the Wealth! too. For Hale by A. C. Ireland, Jr. HARPERS YOUXO PEOt'I.K " 2 00 Medicines that pretend to do the business, "iV St! success of this free festival. Since Chi- J Is r n I R Postage free to all subscribers in the auiUt-nuui.E.m- re is to such harvest of The ef' VS0 U cago reap magnificent work lili!Uli.U;!1 United and Mexico. FIQ-URING- , from the fair, why would it not be in States, Canada, CLOSE of IffSfSfSt most B?warc of Into 'ons. fects wljVJV U Jj -- v order for her "to treat?" Isn't there '' them are worse some great heart, with generous purse, to to Hobb's Nerve Tonic Pills than the diseasesBijkythey pretend thus write bis name on millions of Amer- The volume of the magazine begin with ican hearts? Thousands of these hearts for cure.There is hut one permanent cure CURE InsoinTnlsTnTrilMandPh ill-- if 1 1 the numbers June and December of MODERN METHODS, A have never known the of a for contagious blood poison, and that Vital Exhaustion, Pain I yet meaning each year. When no time is specified, YOURSELF! "treat" ungrudgingly given. will with the number to be found in Iftroubled with Gonorrheal II((IffI 1 1 subscriptions begin Dr. E. O. West's Nerve and Drain is (Cure Bli, LixK aadsr the I "Great heart's treat" for the of Treatment, 01eet,Whltes,Spermatorrhol II 1 1 poor; current at the time receipt of order. guaranteed spocltlc for hysteria, dizziness, And is the ner-vo- it only or any unnatural dischanrfcukl L'UeMslKlthtr Sx. "Great heart's university" for the rich. Bound volumes of Harper's magazine for tits, nervous neuralgia, headache, medicine that will your druggist for a bottle ol Which? in SKILLED MECHANICS prostration caused by the use of alcohol or It cures In three years back, neat cloth binding, Vi'itbefnlnes-- raetital Big G. a fowriiva for depression, soft destroy the effects of without the aid or Let Mr. Rockefeller give the treat will be Sent by mail, post-pai- on receipt e:iinzof the brain resulting in insanity ana permanently publicity oft HOBB'S NERVE TONIC PILLS to POISONING. doctor. and New York state ; swiftly other rich men of $3.00 volume. Cloth for Usiling misery, decay and death, premature MEBCtBIAL AND POTASH per cases, old acre, loss of iu guaranteed not to stricture. MAKES NKW HIALTHT BLOOD and THE CEVEBRATJt would to their feet for their states. 50 cents each barrenness, power either ske, The Universal American Cure. RESTORES THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. get binding, by mail, post- involuntary !o5xes and spermatorrhoea caused It is a purely vegetable remedy, Thoy brtna the rosy of Health to the sal & One of the great religious denomina- by over exertion of the brain, or ova? Manufactured by cheek. If tintare Smith lessen paid. low you sufrerlDgfrom Derange- in post-offic- e Indulgence. Each box contains one month's and it is the ment of Blood unfit! s'rtperfect. tions, already planted every hamlet, Remittances should be maid by entirely i '.rmless, yet The Evans Chemical Co. thl Nerves, Impnre or Pant .j...., trrs'uient; Jl a box or six boxes for 5, sent B7 Krrori, you should at once take UK. HOBB'S HiJuNKIV ALED FOB might give to the people this "day off" order or to avoid of mail ou of CINCINNATI, o. NERVE TONIC money draft, preraid receipt price. most blood purifier ever PILLS, the ttreat Lire ACCORAtT, DUKAUILITY. and do good work. A loss. WIS potent U.S. Renewer, as they will enrich your Blood and missionary great CtFAKANTBE SIX BOXES strengthen your Nerves. Price, SO oents a vlaX WORKMANSHIP. SAKtlf paper had the enterprise and humanity are not to copy this adver- on To cure any case. With each order discovered. For sale by druggists or sent by mail. CONVENIENCE In LOADING Newspapers Plans and specifications fiirnlslifd ap received to )and to send aa to seek for Living-to- n as for six bones, with Id, we ) expedition tisement without the express order of Correspondence Solicited. accompanied will Book OB Blood ana Skin DbeWH HOBB'S MEDICINE Btwanof cheap iron imitation. plication. m ml the purchaser oar written to CO., rnr And ; for some sent a &BroB. guarantee Proprietors, Illustrated Catlnfrue Price List ts another, purpose, Harper OFFICE the money If the treatment does not efleet SPECIFIC AUn m3V & N. M. THE SWIFT CO., For sale by A. C. Ireland, Jr. AN MANOiaOO. OAL. 0HI0A90, ILl J)IITM & IMsON, Mas. woman living around the world. Address: Habper Broi., New York. Lowtr Trisse Street Santa Fe, vcure. Guarantees lssnod only by A. O. Iralau r.. druit, sol went. Bant Fe. N. II. DEATH'S SAD CALL liio Daily New Mexican Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 18S9.

E. N, Reader's Injuries Terminate Fa- SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7. y tally Sudden Summons of a Much Beloved Citizen of J. 8. Candelario, Santa Fe. z PAWfy BROKER Sows Heooi d or Ilia Busy Life Sad F. p BllYB. Sells, Kints find Kxrhmws Secon.l Hand GoimIs. All are I'nrd'ally invited to of an Untimely Mishap Mrs. call and see mo before fc'olug elsewhere. Keaser Notified. rv f 4'iV an Low it Sun Francisco Street CO f E. N. Reaser is dead. The accident ABSOLUTELY FUME UJ which h fell him night before last termi- nated fatally at 8:30 this morning. There O are not many people in Santa Fe and tended strictly to his own business; was large audience will greet the Athletic vicinity who will hear this announcement a man of splendid energy, full of modern club's dram alic entertainment w hich takes H place at the court house 011 Monday even- without experiencing the kpenest sorrow. enterprise ; had faith in the future of his V) ing. Mr. Owen, under w hose direction this A FATAL FALL. adopted home and showed it bv his con- charming picture of New England life is An detailed in these columns last even- stant devotion to everything calculated to presented, is an actor of ability. He has Ul V t , ji hitC'Al redound to t lie ot the w (i ing, Mr. Reaser's injuries resulted from a good community. taken tbe pari of leading actor ith Lillian No subscription paper ever left his hands celeb- t fall a Lewis, the Knalfys and other etage through trap door at bis commission w ithout his ; bis acts of signature ohari'y rities. Tbe following named comprise house on Don Gaspar iv,jnue. Before were numerous. A generous impulse al the cast: Walter Onen, llwin Judkins, o reiiring for the night it w as his custom to ways spoke to tbe poor, the needy and the Geo. A. Johnson, J. K. Morrison, Edwin unfortunate from his He o look over his premises to ascertain if all generous eyes. Andrews, Arthur Seligtimn, Jake Levy, was a valuable citizen ; a true man ; a Maude I!. Mamie Hattie was as it should be. some mischance Keller, Morrison, Hy model husband. Wheelock, Jessie Moore. Q w.wBstermtti 2 door used for and Mr. Reaser was 40 of a na the trap bwering hay e.irs age, Dr. It. C. of N. o of New His business HutchiLson, Treuton, grain to ihe basement of the building bad tive York. earlv who has Mr. H. B. life was in the of the L, leoi vititiiig ORKIKG PEOPLE been left and in back in the spent employ freight Hersey for the past few weeks, was called 1 open, walking departments of several railroads. He had can take Simmons U home rather suddenly to uttend to busi- dark about o'clock to see that the rear resided at various times at Hust- Liver Chicago, ness interests requiring his personal x Ilcjnilator doors were locked he fell through this ings, Neb., Muskogee, I. T., and at and left on this aud Hust- attention, morning's without loss of time or dan- opening to the basement floor, a distance Colo., and at Chicago train. Th doctor is more he made a fortune than delighted from of feet below. For a man of ordi- ings handling grain. with our climate and will return ger exposure. It eight Reverses came and found him a D. & It. prohably in about six weeks. The two winters takes the place of a doctor nary flesh aud activity this would not G. stalion agent at Antonito twelve years lat he spent in Florida and the preceding and costly prescriptions likely have produced dangerous results ago. Thence lie came to Santa Fe eight winter in aud was Italy Fypt but considers and is therefore the medi- but Mr. Reaser had long suffered from an years since and but just recovering this climate to ever his wealth when stricken down bv dea'li. superior any he has cine to bo old wound, occasioned by a broken leg enjoyed. He can be relied upon to speak kept in the His estate is worth probably $13,000. His HISTORIC SAN MIGUEL CHAPEL. News is scarce in some received in runaw a good word for New Mexico's climate :Fi:R,.A.3srz;. household to he extremely quar a ay accident some three com- given upon life was insured in the Equitable while east. id. 1ST. IMI. tz indication of ters, evidently, else some of the alleged years ago, and this, coupled w ith his pany for $5,000. Mr. Reaser's brothers FE, any approach- of llesh and tho shock of the fall, A rehearsal of the war When Was it Built? Som" Interesting newspapers of New Mexico would not weight reside in Chicago and one of them is an very interesting ing sickness. It contains rendered his serious. He was concert to be given by Carieton G. Data Prof. Ad. P. Itumlelier injuries inventor of note and has realized a post,. by devote quite so much time and space to large l. -- nfii ... . no dangerous ingredients made unconscious by the fall, and fortune from his labors. t, 1., tuua pmue xiiuruuuy evening ui discussing the Nkw Mexican's use of the w hen he did his of mind hall. The for the but is purely vegetable, The early history of the chapel of San regain presence The details for the funeral can not be Gray's preparations English language. It's "alright," how- found himself unable to rise. From about announced until Mrs. Reaser arrives. entertainment which is to be given next gentle yet thorough in its Miyiinl ia hut little known so fur, most of 9 4 he are ever, for w hen it comes to "news" tbe until o'clock yesterday morning Thursday evening progressing nicely. and can bo from 17th re- to The ladies action, given tho dccumciits the century laid there si niggling regain his feet "Whosaid Hood's Thou- following have been ap Nkw Mexican leads Isn't it so, gentle and it was not until a Sarsaparilla?" pointed as members of the refresh- s with safety and the most maining yet in the archives of Sevilla and passing policeman sands of people, who know it to be the reader? HEARD HIS GROANS ment committee, and they are results to TImb much seems certain : That best blood and tonic medicine. requested HOTEL Spain. purifier satisfactory any Th special attention of Santa Feans to attend a meeting of the committee to of in the 1030, the did notexist. that relief came. He was removed to be regardless age. year chapel and of New Mexicans is called held this Saturday evening, at Gray's !erson There is an ollicial of Santa generally his bed room in the building, occupied SATUltMAY SHALL TALK. hall, at 7:30 o'clock. The wives and no equal. Try it. description to the advertisement of the Midland i-t Vila Fe from that period in our possession, temporarily during the absence of his daughters of the members of the post t. hotel at Kansas The hotel is one of are invited to be also all com- it City. wife and until his new home could be T. B. is in present, J which proves the fact. Neither did Hon. Catron Albuquerque rades of G. A. METFOROLOCICAL. the finest between the Atlantic and Paci to tbe R.: Mrs. Hudson, exist in lliSli, according to the docu- finished, and Dr. Ilarroun was called on legal business. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. O'rrCK CF OW8KRVRB, fic ; the table service is and Berger, Weltmer, Forsha, ments relative to discussions unsurpassed Will his brother-i- n Hon. A. Staab is in Taos ; he is First RUMSEY Simtii Kc. N. II, 1891.) the then attend him. Hall, county Mrs. Knaebel, Mrs. Mrs. JI., Xv. of entire Davis, Garland, pending between the custody of St. Paul the appointments the building law, was constantly by his side and ren expected to rtturn eafly next week. Mrs. Blanchard, Miss Nettie Denton. 6 of New Mexico and the of the are aud The Midland dered assistance to minister to his jf f governor very elegant cobv. every Mrs. N. B. Lauglilin and little daughter Dr. F. W. Seward, of Goshen, N. Y., & S t 2 2 province. But in 1080 itcertainly existed of of wants. His collar-bon- e was fractured by are from Dallas. 5 S- deserves the patronage the people expected home shortly and Mr. F. P. of are 2 - and have been built be- and Dr. Skinner, Oswego, ?9 must, therefore, the accident Ilarroun thought Mr. J. D. busiuess of guests at the Palace. Dr. Seward is the Glass. BURNHAM. o H J Ctr as 1030 and 1GS0. was called the the southwest. had also but Hughes, manager tween It internal injuries resulted, the New is in the southern sent out the S 32 of San and was es- on tfie governor a are nesh and the Mexican, part climatological expert by "Hermitage Miguel," Repairs palace the patient's surplus great of American Health Resort association to the :. 'is:..-,- - Mi 21 42 NU (dirndls dedicated to the services whole left side territory. t 7'.;. L3f 6 a m .8 pecially religious progressing nicely; the brick cornice now nain he suffered about the review the field covered Dre. !M 17 Clmidls of the'Mexican and Indian servants of the difficult to determine the full ex Mrs. W. S. Ilarroun has been quite lately by being put on w ill add greatly to the looks made it Danter and Roberts whose to the rovimnin Tmniioraturo Spanish inhabitants of Santa Fe, the tent of the injuries. Early in the day Dr. sick for the past week, but is much im reports Minimum Temve-atur- o of the were this brick cornice association were so favorable to Santa Fe, W of whom were scattered building; was called in consultation. It proved Tntl Pretdnilatiou dwellings through Longwill Mr. Skinner is an invalid friend who ac- H. B. Herrky. Observer. the tielda which at that time occupied the continued along the entire rear portion of w as not considered, however, that the in The Methodists have secured the serv BantaFe Hew Mexico. s the doctor on bis is inrU'-ate- inavvreelable companies trip; he a Note T iie ipitation south side of the Santa Fe river. When the it would be well for the were ices of Miss Nellie Gunn for their choir . building, juries seriously dangerous, although nephew of fhos. Piatt, of New-York- the Indians from Galisteo, San Marcos, and for the of it. the physicians considered it rather for the winter. The Pecos attacked Santa Fe on the 13th building appearance often of the gentlemen have been south aud gravely and spoke possibility Judge A. L. Morrison is now in Chi as far as El Paso and over of San Foster, the weather piophet, predicted of internal stopped yester- August, 1080, they occupied Miguel complications. Yesterday cago on a visit to his son residing there at Dr. is a church without with a storm for Colorado and the under the effectof the day Albuquerque. Seward not meeting any opposi- afternoon, repeated and is expected home in a few days. to New and tion at and its bell in deliance the stranger Mexijo's climate first, rang clouds that hover over the region north hypodermic injections patient Dr. Geo. S. a dentist whose will be sure to render favor- to the The of tho latter Slayton, pretty a very Spaniards. sally of this indicate that it got in on time. BECAME PARTIALLY DELIRIOUS home is in arrived last able Sixteen was drove the assailants from the and city Philadelphia, report. years ago he an chapel ia here to fifth and demanded that Mr. Hall loosen the and will a or two here invalid, and a ranch in finally routed them. Two afterward, It partly cloudy day, the night spend year purchasing sheep days in search of renewed Colfax county he came nut and resided pFii however, the Indians become day in thirty-eigh- t on which any clouds bandages on his arm. Naturally he was having there until his threatened trouble was iachine Comp'y masters of the entire south side of the of he in Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clancy are pre lung Albuquerque Foundry at all appeared. This is a climatic record a very positive disposition and cured. route Dr. set tire to the and paring to remove to Albuquerqne ; they completely En south river, they hermitage that is when one considers sisted so to call in Seward met his old W. R. P. all the wood work was which extraordinary earnestly, threatening nave rented a residence alreaoy in the friend, Hon. S. Secretary and Treasurer. consumed, and make La off hall, caused the roof to fall in. de Var- that snow haa already fallen this season his workmen from the vard latter p'ace. The removal will take place Dorsey, at Junta and stopped some Diego to have a visit at Mr. .Western lili Uluu.J gas used afler a few as at Kansas City, Denver, Washington City them loosen the painful bands, that Mr, before the end ol this month. days delightful it, making repairs, Dorsey 's mountain home. Tho visitors IfUK AND liKASS CASTINGS, (IKE, COAL AM) LUUBKK CARS, SHA a church his tirstand second terms Ohio and South Hall finally did loosen them somewhat, W. L. the during and throughout Virginia, Widireyer, formerly signal bring a letter to the of the of In San Miguel was and sent immediately for tbe attending service oflicer of lias located secretary FULLKY-- , government. fact, Dakota. Santa Fe, 1 ING, G KATES) BARS, ISAISItIT METALS, COLtMN the church for Santa Fe until nbvsicians. They came and said no uear Lane and lioaru 01 ratie from Dr. T. C. Duncan, parish Worth, Juno county, F'la., ot the American Health Resort about 1710. Its restoration dates from Services in the Methodist Episcopal harm had been done, but found Mr a local he will in president AND HiON FRONTS FOR BUILDINGS. paper says engage pine association, and are cour- 1710, and was performed by order of the church, lower San Francisco street, to Reaser in such condition that one or ttie apple farming. they receiving XVAEXiE IsTO. 31. other remained with him until 10 o'clock teous attentions at the hands of Sauta Fe TIMS' governor Marques de la Penuela. It is morrow, is as follows: Preaching at 11 Mrs. M. Grunsfeld, mother of the REPAIRS ON MINING AND MILL MACHINERY A SPECIALTY. almost that the remains of last niyht. At that hour he fe 1 into citizens generally. likely, certain, a. m. and 7 :30 m. ; Sabbath school at Messrs. Grunsfeld, of Sauta Fe and Al- del who mur- p. neaceful sleep. 1891. Fray Juan Jesus, had been will arrive here next week on In eflect Sunday, April 26, 10 a. m. ; Junior League at 3 p. in. ; Ep Mr. Hall remained with him all buquerque, Nobody will suffer with liver or kidney dered at san Diego del Jemez (the hot night her first trip to this country from the EASTWARD. on 10th of as worth at 6 :30 and he for more disease if take Simmons Liver WKBTWAEI). spriutis) the August, 1080, League prayer meeting p, slept apparently restlully Fatherland. Mr. Alfred Grunsfeld escorts they Regu Albuquerque, New Mexico. STATIONS. well as the of de him-se.- f than six hours, and seemed to be getting 2. NO. 4. body Diego Vargas in. Topic for evening preaching services her out from New York. lator BO. 8. NO. 1 NO. on At 7 :30 o'clock this (died 1704 ) were buried in Ihe chapel is I am a Methodist." Visitors nicely. morning of "Why Mr. Hall went to Ernest Wedding cards have been received in 1:40 a it:40 a i,v. . Albuquerque Ar li;:::0a H:2i)a Sau Miguel. Ad. F. Bandeliku. breakfast, leaving To counteract the desire for strong ti:0f" 10(8.") p and travelers are welcome to all the aud another about the the city announcing the wedding of Mrs. 7:60" 9:,tH' Commse Herlov, employe drink 8:11" 10:18' Wimtftte u:2ii" l(i:io" C. to watch the sick man's bed un iiva A. Wellman, formerly of this city take Simmons Liver Regulator. ' S:U.h" 9::w" services. Seats free. I. Mills, pastor. place by 8:45" 10:n0 .( allup. til 8 o re and many years connected with the Ra- - 1 .. KOUN'l) AltOUT TOWN. he returned. About clock he 10:82" :rn p ...Kavajn Springs 1:27" '"." Nelson Lewis, who has so long held mona Indian to Mr. L. a 1:4V! P turned and found Mr. Reaser in school, Parker, Y 11:47" Holbrook :" of great pain Agents-B- DECREE U.S. COURT 1:10 SO Winslow 4:30" down the responsible position local at of p 4: l:5ja and gasping for breath. He was uncon wealthy orange orchardist, Anaheim, We are manu- B:4E'' 7:21 Flaestnft 0" a::io" Coucert in the at 3:30 proclaimed the original aud only 7:0 " plaza manager of the Western Union Telegraph cious and the flesh about the left side of Cal. facturers of the Now is 15:4fi"i Williams 12:, p "Hygeia Corsets." your FISC CO. afternoon. rune to smu terms 10 HEB BREWING . 4:15" 10:if, a ior western uorset 7:57" ll:.V . .Frtucntt Junction retires from that ollice in about his abdomen and chest was purple and Jonathan M. Staples and Isaac Staples, uo.,Bt. company, LiOUl", MO. MAircF'AVXVKBKa OP 9:45" 2:00 ....FeairtHprings,... 2:00" 8:25" Deeds in and Spanish for sale mottled. The were hurriedly uncle and nephew of Wm. M. Berger, 11:31" 4:40 Kiiicuimi 11:81" C:iu" English ten days. He has been stationed here for physiciana summoned but death came and at left for California on after Milk Punch at 10 cts Colora- - l:i5 a 8:00 Tbe Needles :10" 3:10" at the Nkw Mexican printing oflice. of four and has made a first, Wednesday, glass, 10:17 6:82" l::ti a upwards years 8 a few moments before the arrival of a week of most 8:48" ...... Fenner All kinds of of the blanks :3J, having enjoyed the mag- do saloon B:ii0" Bagdad 4:10" U:20p justice peace friends here who regret his was nificent climate ever in " 12:fflp 1:40" S:27" great many Drs. Ilarroun and Longwill, lite they experienced, 8:M UiiKtett for sule at the Nkw Mexican printing of- is The internal sustained Santa Fe. will return to Pure Beer! '8:1a 4:30 Barstow 12:30 p 8:0op departure. He a man of fine business extinct. injuries They again Strictly Lager 7:20 Ar Lv 9:40 a fice. the fall had terminated sometime iiere before to Mojave capacity, of the strictest honesty and in- by fatally. spend returning r. 1 fftr abso- SOME SAD DETAILS. their eastern homes. Street sprinkling is becoming an tegrity, and wherever he may pitch his At 9 o'c'ock the body was turned over Cards were received by the New Mexi lute necessity ; but that does not seem to in of CONNECTIONS. tent future the good wishes many y WATERS. to Undertaker Grigg to be embalmed and can announcing the marriage of FINEST MINERAL make any dillerence to the msyor and the friends will follow. Mr. A . F. for all Eusebio Chacon and Miss Sophia ALBUQUERQUE T. & Railway of the council. kept until Mrs. Reaser can arrive home points east and aoutu. part city The Albuquerque Citizen speaks in high Barela, to take place at Barela, near Trin- 6. of D. & R. G. ; Tins absence of tbe young wife is a pe- on Mr. is President Jeffrey, the praise of the St. Vincent's sanitarium of idad, the 8th inst. Chacon an PRESCOTT JUNCTION Prescott & Arizona sad feature about the whole sor and inter- aud fres President Otto Mears, of the Eio Grande institution was culiarly accomplished young attorney Central railway, for Fort Whipple SaiitaFe. This worthy for U. S. court. The IS THE BEST PLACE cott. aud a of narrow rowful affair. She left a month ago on preter the laud fair Southern, party gauge established here after a careful canvass of bride is the of State In Sunt a Fe to all Kindt or visit to her mother at daughter Senator ltuy BABSTOW California Southern railway for Lp! railroad oflicials will arrive hereon Wed climatic held in the and pleasure Lamont, of Colorado. of Staple and Fancy southern uall the entire west, and Mr. Reaser was Barela, May every joy Angles, Sau Uiego and other next. Mo., straining every life attend them. foruia points. nesday its success has been marked. Scarcely a point to complete and have .ready their At the Palace : Harvey Young, Den w Mr. Ollie Moore, connected Plaza new her return about the formerly Restaurant! OJAVE Southern Pacific for San Francisco, day passes that applicants ho seek the home before GROCERIES California Geo. F. P, The announcement of her with the Trinidad daily press and for two Sacramento and northern points. ver; Slayton, Philadelphia; benefits of this climate for their health holidays. At Lowest Prlo-s- . F. W. Seward. M. D. husband's death will prove a great shock years past a trusted aud faithful attache Skinner, Oswego; are not turned as the sanitarium is in- away, to her and it is feared will produce serious of the New Mexican, traveling in the Tho Seneca of MEALS AT ALL H0UKS DAT 0E NIGHT. SH0ET N. Y. ; S. V. San Fran l?rand Canned Goshen, Wright, now and has been for months over- to terests of tbe and as - Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars. results. It was deemed advisable not paper serving latterly Goods, better to be bad-T- ry cisco; C. A. Robinson, Socorro, N. M. is of accident foreman of the job department, leaves nothing- crowded with guests. It expected that telegraph the fact the even, tin-in- . 0EDEES A SPECIALTY. M. Eerardiuelli returned from the south for Mrs. Reaser is Bubject to heart trouble here to take the city editorship 5o change Is made by sleeping car paesengern the capacity of the institution will be mid ( or which of undue of a new afternoon daily to be started at A Presli Stock of between San Francisco Kansas ity, this morning. His firm bus just received develops under occasions Crackers, San and Los Angeles and UUcago. increased next spring. excitement. a .letter was Ogden City, Utah. He is a young man Conf'ee & liiego the contract to do the stone at a .Accordingly tionery, Cigars Tobacco. X. A. work, Spurions dimes and dollars are said to sent detailing the accident and this will of splendid ability and has a bright future MULLER, Prop'r. w Fresh bruits and Vegetables a The Grand of the Colorado cost of $41,000, on the new block which ne in the mountain not reach her till This morn in his chosen profession. The best ishes plentiful Rocky region of about the New Mexican specialty. the Nicolas Armijo estate is to erect at now. The dollar are Bald to ing Mr. Hall wired his uncle simply everybody go Heretofore Inaccessible to tourists, can easily jdst pieces the must be for with Mr. Moore. The celebrated Hesston Cream- this via Peach Albuquerque. saying family prepared be reached by taking line, hear date of 1890 and 1889. They are bad news and later the sad message of Fom the manner in which The Mes Mutter nice. Springs, and a stase ride thence of but twenty C. A. Robinson, sheriff of Socorro new and but have two defects easi- ery Always three miles. This canon is the grandest and bright death was sent to Mrs. Reaser's uncle. senger box sheet is being marked at Mr. col- defected hand- Chas. L. Bishop. most wonderful of nature's work, county aud one of the strictest tax ly by persons habitually The Borrowing wife will prohably reach A. F. fcpiegelberg's, it is evident that a silver One ia the counter- lectors in the land, is here y on ling coin. that here Tuesday and it is thought the remains feit is in aud the other is Stop Gf at Flagstaff territorial officials. He light weight, will be taken to Missouri for burial. business with the detected in the feeling of the surface to treasurer A TRUE MAN. Do Write Much? And hunt bear, deer and wild turkey In tho turned ove' the the which seema to be greasy to the touch, ae a9t WnV NOT V8E A magnifireiit pine f rests of tbe San Francisce of Good for Socorro there was in its com- E. N. Reaser was beloved by nearly or visit the ancient ruins of the neat sum $10,703.00. though quicksilver REMINGTON STANDARD TYPEWRITER? mountains; position. everybody in this community. He at- - county. Agricultural College of New Rlexico, Finest and fastest writing imichino nmiIc....Fnr 15 yours tho standard and constantly lm and Clif Dwellers. Santa Fe's orchards and are proving.... lUU.OuG In umu. ...Wrlto I'nr eittulomn-an- testimonials. Ceve gardens t"Flno linen paper and typewriter nuppliea. We make no charge for furnishing Stenographer! of & COLO; T. R. Gabel, General, Supt. still yielding bountifully fruits notwith WYCK0FF, SEAMANS BENEDICT, 1639 Champa Street, DENVER, vv. A Bihsrll, Gen. Pass. Agt the late season. Raspberries, F. T. Bkbet, Geu. Agt,, Albuquerque, N. M. standing plums, peaches and pears are yet to be seen in all their clustering beauty, and as Las Cruces, N. M. for the harvest is now at its BUSINESS NOTICES. apples, just height. It is an established fact that On account of and improve- WANTS. repairs ments being made in the interior of the A the only natural flavors in the FIRST TERM OPENED SEPTEMBER I, 1890. A girl to cook and do general Presbyterian chare 'i there will be no ses- GRUNSFELD, LINDHEIM & CO. WANTED Apply to Mrs. K. J. l'aleu, Palace Avenue. sion of the Sunday school and no service market are Dr. Price's De- Sunday, November 8. The Tuition in College Depaitment, FREE. In Preparatory, $5 per TO KENT. is licious pastor, Rev. Geo. G. Smith, expected FACT Flavoring Extracts. term, $15 per year. will O RENT One nicely furnished front room here by the 22d, when he resume bis Mrs uau. Each flavor is T with or without board. Apply to ministerial work. made from the DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE THE Capt. John Ajers received instructions billious-nes- s true fruit, free from ethers, poisonous oils and Nobody can have dyspepsia or this morning to turn over the old Fort strong, if take Simmons Liver Regula- reservation to Hon. ibey Marcy military rank taste. They are natural flavors, obtained by a tor. Amado Chaves. Mr. Chaves will take Collegn well equipped with strong faculty. Chemical, philoso- Kelley Island Sweet Catawba $1.50 per charge of the property next Monday. new process, which gives the most delicate and grate- phical aud botanical apparatus with transits, levels Daily Arrival of the Latest Novelties in gallon at Colorado saloon. Thus the historic old Fort passes away and a good library. from the hands of the war department, ful taste. Insist upon having Dr. Priced. Substitutes Fine McBrayer 'whisky at Colorado sa- possibly forever. loon. At the Exchange: James Blonger, are often recommended because they afford a better Notice. Cerrillos; A. R. Harshaw, Chicago; Ben profit. Thos. P. Gable is no longer in my em- Oakland, Cerrillos; Chas. H. Thayer, full on busi- Catalogue containing information, application. ploy as manager of my undertaking Las Vegas; N. E. Fuller, Maryland; ness, and is not authorized to receive any Sidney Williams, Denver; Morris Wol money or give any receipts for money on &Winter Goods, Shaw and Fall account of any bill due for undertaking. gemuth, Tularosa; John wife, HIRAM HADLEY, President. A. T. Griqo. Ft. Sumner ; Mrs. C. F. Easley, Cerrillos. Santa Fe, N. M., Oct. 28, 1891. A. IFtELAim Jr., CRIPTION- IST.