The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus THE NOTRE DAME ArLl^m 7f-M'%'C' -^5 •t-:'4v>*" c v^isst-.-r'N, .fe^?& i*" A \*.- •^M'^^T^J^i A^^.S& v f^^;^?yj' »• ,c: Mo5/ i?er. John F. O'Hara, C.S.C., D.D. Vol. 18 FEBRUARY, 1940 CONSECRAflON CEREMONIES IN SACRED HEART CHURCH The Notre Dame Alumnus This maguzir.e is published monthly from October to June. Inclusive (except January), by the Universitj- of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. Entered as second cl.iss matter October 1, 1939, at the Postoffice, Notre Dame, Indiana, under the act of August 24, 1912. Member of the American Alumni Council and of the National Catholic Alumni Federation. JA.MES E. ARMSTRONG, 75. Editor; WILLIAM R. DOOLEY. '26, Managing Editor Vol. 18. FEBRUARY, 1940 No. 4 Bishop O'Hara Is Consecrated Titular Bishop of Milasa, Auxiliary of the Army and Navy Diocese, Notre Dame's Former Prefect of Re ligion, and Former President, Launched in New Career Father .John O'Hura, C.S.C, '11, has ance of a study of commercial relations of Chicago, Archbishop-designate Moses been a history-maker at Notre Dame with other countries. The College of Kiley of Milwaukee, and Archbishop from his undergraduate days. Impatient Commerce in 1920 was a result of his Louis Mathias of Madras, India. Present of delay and red tape, imbued with a zeal; ho was its first dean. also were three -A.bbots, forty Monsign- vitality to keep pace with his ciuick mind ori, hundreds of priests, including su he finished his college work in three Elsewhere in this issue there is a periors of religious orders, numerous years.