!,.■ ro o 2 : —i t f i - a ? m g )p m In Colorado Springs Summer Mass o c r «=» Schedule Given r- —«cr> Corpus Chrisfi Procession June 16 O A schedule of Sunday Masses DENVER CATHO in churches and missions The annual Corpus Christ! the Perpetual Adoration. It Ample parking facilities are Mt. St. brands is reachedjtjjroughout the Archdiocese of' available on the spacious cam­ procession for the faithful of the forms a natural locale of beauty from Colorado Springs by driv-! Denver is printed for the con-i Colorado Springs area will be for this public devotion to the pus. .All Catholic organizations mg■ „ either tu on the Denver Free-1 jvenience ^ of the faithful on f page! a . held Sunday, June 16, at 4 p.m. Corpus Christi — the Body of are invited to participate. a s on the grounds of the Francis­ Christ. The Boy Scouts and the Cub I way four miles north, and turn-j Readers are asked to clip and' can Sisters’ motherhouse, Mt. A brief sermon by P'ather Scouts of Catholic troops of t h e jqj. tjn-ge miles at the|save this schedule for reference.! REGISTER St. Francis, Woodmen Valley. O’Connor will be followed by area will march in uniform. .Al-1 interchange! Pastors are invited to send in i Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations This procession, which was adoration of the Blessed Sacra­ tar boys from the various par- „n.u changes and corrections in the ment at the two altars to be ishes will serve in the proces-|or driving north via 30th i dropped last year because of the Mass schedule. THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1963 DENVER, COLORADO VOL. LVIl No. 44 construction of the new chapel, erected on the grounds. Bene­ S io n . 1 street or the Mesa road. will be the solemnization of the diction will be given in the new Feast of Corpus Christ! (June chapel. 13). Father (Col.) Stephen J. DURING THE PROCESSION O’Connor, C.SS.R., chaplain at to these altars, the congregation the United States Air P'orce will sing Eucharistic hymns and academy, will deliver the ser­ recite the Rosary. Benediction Huge Crowd PuysTribute to Pope mon. is given at each altar. The setting for the procession Members of Colorado Springs is in the foothill, on the grounds Council 582, Knights of (jolum- of the motherhouse of the Poor bus, will arrange the ushering Archdiocese Joins Sisters of St. Francis Seraph of details. World in Mourning Three From Archdiocese Death of John XXIII Become Papal Volunteers An impressive tribute to Pope John XXIII was giv­ (See Picture on page 2.) At El Cayo they will be liv­ en by a throng of nearly 1,000 persons, including a num­ Three June graduates of Re­ ing together in a two-bedroom ber of non-Catholics, at a Solemn Pontifical Requiem gis college, Denver, left June home. Mass in the Cathedral, Denver, June 7. Archbishop 12 as Papal Volunteers, among Although the three men will Urban J. Vehr presided at the ceremony. More than the first from the Archdiocese be representing the Missouri 70 Monsignori and priests, 30 Sisters, seminarians, and of Denver, on assignments that province in the Jesuit missions, for the next year will probably they may rightfuily be caiied hundreds of faithful were in attendance. Earlier the same day, thousands of the faithful attended Re­ make them the lowest salaried Papai Voiunteers under the quiem Masses offered in each church of the archdiocese. The members of their graduation PAVLA program (Papal Volun­ class. teers for Latin America). (Cathedral Mass was a culminating tribute to “ Good Pope John,’ ’ Michael Amman, Ted Horrell PAVLA was established to im­ in which the soiemn, beautifui rites of the Church were intoned and Larry Stegall will serve plement an appeal of the Pon­ from sanctuary. Auxiliary Bishop David M. Maloney was cele­ for a year as lay teaching mis­ tifical Commission for Latin brant of the Mass. sionaries at El Cayo, British .America, issued in 1960, for lay Honduras, a Jesuit mission. volunteers to assist the Church ARCHBISHOP VEHR noted in his sermon that the “ Church in They agree the $28 per month in Latin countries. Denver grieves at the passing of a great Pontiff.” He called Pope salary may well be overshad­ The expanding needs of a John a symbol of the “ the spirit of love and meekness” who stood owed by other benefits. “ The population that doubles in one out as a “ true leader of those who would save mankind from the teaching experience,’’ they ad­ generation, the mounting chal- forces of hate and destruction.” mit, “ will be invaluable and at (Turn to Page 2) “The Holy Father,” Archbishop Vehr stressed, “was a leader the same time we will be doing seasoned by countless battles with the realities of the world — in something for the Church.’’ his varied roles of indigent man, battling soldier, diligent priest, Michael is the son of Mrs. zealous chaplain, wise diplomat, and good Shepherd. He showed Margaret Amman of St. Cath­ Masses to Honor above all else the characteristics that we expect in the Vicar of erine’s parish, Denver; Ted’s ‘Register’ Founder Christ. He was truly Christlike.” parents are Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Symbolizing the mourning of the Church at the death of Pope Horrell of Sts. Peter and Paul The third anniversary of the John, the Cathedral was draped in black at the center of the sanc­ parish, Wheatridge; and Larry death of the Rt. Rev. tuary. Black wreaths were hung on each pillar. .A draped cata­ is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Smith, founding edit­ falque representing the bier of Pope John rested in the center Wayne A. Stegall of Mt. Car­ or of the Register, will be ob­ aisle In front of the Communion rail. mel parish, Denver. served at two Requiem High They are going from Denver Masses. Monsignor Smith died ADDING DIGNITY TO the impressive ceremony was the mag­ to El Cayo in a 1959 model June 15, 1960. nificent singing of the Cathedral vested choir, directed by the three-quarter ton pickup truck, On Thursday, June 20, at 7:45 Very Reverend Monsignor Richard Hiester, archdiocesan director donated by Mr. and Mrs. Hor­ a.m., the Rt. Rev. Monsignor rell. They expect to arrive in Gregory Smith, P.A., V.G., a The full text of Archbishop Vehr’s sermon is printed on p. 5. time for the opening of school brother of the late editor, will of­ Related stories of Pope John are on page 2, section 2. Pictorial there on July 2. fer a Requiem High Mass in St. highlights of the archdiocese’s tribute are on page 8. Francis de Sales’ church, Den­ THE LAY MISSIONERS will ver. Clergy and the faithful are of music. The choir sang portions of the Requiem Mass by Perosi teach on the secondary (col­ invited to attend. Five Absolutions Over Catafalque and portions of a special Requiem composed by Allen Hobbs, Ca­ lege) level in a diocesan school. The Rt. Rev. Monsignor John and the Rt. Rev. Gregory Smith, P.A., V.G.; Wil­ thedral organist. The Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus pro­ Each of them will be teach­ B. Cavanagh, editor of the Reg­ Five absolutions were performed over the catafalque rep­ liam M. Higgins, pastor of St. Philomena’s, Denver; and Wal­ vided an honor guard in the processional and recessional. ing different subjects ranging ister, will offer an Anniversary resenting the bier of Pope John XXIII, following Solemn Ponti­ ter J. Canavan, Cathedral . Nearly 1,000 persons thronged The center front of the Cathedral was filled by Monsigiiori, from science, Latin, history, Requiem High Mass June 15 at fical Requiem Mass in the Cathedral, Denver, June 7. Arch­ ■the Cathedral in an impressive tribute to the late Pope John and psychology. .All will teach 7 a.m. in the Holy Ghost con­ bishop Vehr presided at the Mass offered by Auxiliary Bishop priests, and Sisters. Hundreds of working fathers, as well as doc­ religion classes. vent chapel, Denver. David M. Maloney. Other absolutions were given by the Bishop XXIII. tors, lawyers, and other professional men, took time out from their daily duties to attend the Mass. Mothers and children were To Elect New Pope conspicuous in the congregation. I Archbishop Vehr said that Pope John is hailed by many as the “ Pope of Unity.” It seems the Pontiff was ever conscious, the Archbishop noted, of his Divine Master’s prayer for unity. Even at his coronation, the Holy Father spoke of One Fold and One Largest Conclave Expected Shepherd: “ This is the missionary problem in all its vastness and beauty. This is the solicitude of the Roman Pontificate, the pri­ Vatican City — The con-1 elected is expected to be tend and vote. The conclave The attendance at the forth­ mary one, though not the only one.” clave at which a successor the largest in history, with opens Wednesday, June 19. coming conclave will contrast to Pope John XXIII will be [82 Cardinals eligible to at- Since membership in the Col­ with that of the 1958 conclave, OFFICERS OF THE MASS were the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Elmer when only 51 Cardinals were J. Kolka, archdiocesan director of Catholic Charities, , and j lege of Cardinals is the highest present at the election of Pope ! ever (the previous high being 76 the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Bernard J. Cullen, pastor of St. Louis’ parish, Englewood, subdeacon. The Very Rev. John J. Danagher, i under the 16th century Pope John, 261st Pontiff. C. M., rector of St. Thomas’ seminary, Denver, was assistant Election of a Pope [Generosity, Charity Hailed SIXTY-TWO Cardinals at­ priest. tended the 1939 conclave, when Chaplains to .Archbishop Vehr were the Rt. Rev. Monsignor OLLOWING THE DEATH of Pope Clement IV in In Nursery's Annual Report Trw««"> *o implore Pius XII was elected, and there John B. Cavanagh, editor and business manager of the Register, 1268, it i.s said. 17 Cardinals assembled at Viterbo, # I RiAccinaBlessing a on h CAnclavcConclave (Turn to Page 2) (Turn to Page 3) in the past year, according to not far from in Central , to elect a suc­ Women’s organizations have The annuai triduum in honor the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Elmer cessor. VvTic'i two and one-half years had passed and given some $2,100 in gifts to In­ of the Sacred Heart to be held J. Kolka, archdiocesan director the Cardinal.'- were still deadlocked, the exasperated fant of Prague nursery, Denver, in the Cathedral, Denver, will of Catholic Charities, at the an­ magistrates of the city shut the Cardinals up in the Episcopal implore the blessings of God nual dinner meeting of the Seminarians Start Dynamic Program residence, closing all exits. When the electors still procras­ upon the conclave of Cardinals tinated, the magistrates next removed the roof of the residence board of directors June 6. to open in Vatican City June and reduced the rations of the Cardinals to bread and water. Gifts included such items as 19 and choose a successor to Finally the Cardinals came to an agreement, and elected clothing, sheets, blankets, and Pope John XXIII. To Explain Life, Activity at Seminary Gregory X. It had takpn two years, nine months, and two days. toys. Triduum services are sched­ This program is being spon­ FATHER THOMAS M. Feely, The meeting was conducted by uled June 19, 20, and 21 at 5:30 Two seminarians are spend­ sored by the Colorado State C.M., of the St. Thomas semin­ THIS WAS THE FIRST CONCLAVE (so-called from the Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, pres­ p.m. The Rt. Rev. Monsignor ing part of their summer vaca­ Council of the Knights of Co­ ary faculty, directed the pre­ Latin cum, with, and clavis, key, a place that can be securely ident of the board of directors, Walter J. Canavan, Cathedral tion presenting an unusual in­ lumbus in cooperation with the paration of the program. closed). The 79th conclave to elect a Pope will choose the suc­ who called for the annual re­ rector, will deliver the sermons. formation program aimed at local councils. The seminarians’ tour began cessor of John XXIII. ports of several chairmen. .All the faithful are invited. groups of teenagers and adults in 11 Colorado towns. June 8 and will extend to June The first act of Gregor;, x (1271-76), who was finally elected “ Approximately 80 volunteer Towns to be visited are 22. Meetings are held in parish Kennith Brin, a second year Brighton, Craig, Steamboat after the long stalemate in v'lterbo, was to set up the conclave women from the metropolitan halls with attendance being ar­ theologian, and Roger Mollison. Springs, Gunnison, Salida, Chey­ as an institution for the election of a new Pope. In the Apostolic area gave 7,450 hours of service Gregory XIII), attendance at ranged by pastors. Constitution Ubi Periculum, he directed a 10-day waiting period the conclave is certain to set a a fourth year theologian, are enne Wells, Lamar, LaJunta, during the past year,’’ stated delivering an illustrated series Afternoon sessions are re­ before beginning the elections, during which nine Requiem Mass­ Mrs. George Young, who is in record. Lafayette, Ft. Morgan, and Ster­ served for high school students es were to be offered for the deceased Pontiff, and laid down of talks describing life in St. ling. charge of obtaining volunteer The only Prince of the Church Thomas’ seminary, Denver. in each area. Evening sessions measures for insuring the security, secrecy, and speed of the services to aid in the morning who probably will not attend is are slated for adults. election. Colored slides depicting sem­ The State K. of C. Council routines of the nursery. Cardinal Joszef Mindszenty, inary grounds and activities, as purchased the slide projector Other parishes and councils But the new rules were not easily adopted. The first con­ Catharine Maloney, corres­ Primate of Hungary, who is in well as question and answer per­ and slides and is alsb providing wishing to aid in the promotion clave after the death of Gregory X lasted only one day, the ponding secretary, reported 337 refuge in the U.S. legation at iods, are being utilized in an traveling expenses for the sem­ of this program in their area second but seven. But Pope John X X suspended the rigid rules (Turn to Page 3) Budapest. effort to give a comprehensive inarians. Local K. of C. coun­ may contact Gene Steinke, state of the conclave and the lengthy elections resumed. Michael C. Newman view of a future priest’s train­ cils are contributing housing deputy of the K. of C. at 278 ing. and board. S. Williams street, Denver, 9. THEN OCCURRED one of the in.cidents which brighten the history of the Papal succession. The 12 Cardinals who had met at Perugia to elect i new Pope ballotP'^ for two years and three Convert's Gift months without succe^='’ Then th^y bnally hit upon a com­ Extremists in U.S., Africa promise candidate. ® sainuy li.iiedictint hermit, Pietro di Mur- In Thanksgiving rone. Thus it was t ® delegation of three ecclesiastical digni­ Blamed for Racial Strife Assists Burse taries, accompan'®'* .by a crowd of momijs and laity, as­ Twelve donors-, including a cended wild Mt. Majella to tell the hermit i^f his unanimous By Paul H. Hallett or .Afrikaans attitude toward the native as the convert, gave $163 the past week selection • Pop ^ and to beg him to accept th e honor. Pietro, “ Race relations in the U.S. suffer from ex­ hewer of wood and drawer of water for the to the St. Jude burse for the after 'praying to God for guidance, accepted with- tears. tremist elements in the same way as they do White man, and the Black Nationalist wants training of future priests to push A great throng, estimated at 200,000 flocked a,bout the new in Rhodesia. The extremists in Rhodesia have complete political control In the country, re­ the burse total to $1,013.36. P ope, who proceeded to .Aquila for his coronation huinibly riding made the problems of integration far worse by gardless of how prepared he is to assume it. In addition, the Holy Name a donkey. As Pope Celestine V he restored the rigorous rules of their agitation. There is no segregation in Rhodesia, New­ society of St. John the Evan­ the as one of his first acts, an unpopular »move “ When color comes into a question, reason man expiained. The university, the schools, and gelist’s parish, Denver, gave $17 with the Cardinals. He had been consecrated Bishop and crowm- flies out of the door and emotion and prejudice the business piaces are ail integrated. In the toward its burse. (Turn to Page 2, Section 2) th.ke over. If we had not had extremist pres­ Pariiament, 15 of the 25 opposition party are Donors to St. Jude’s burse in­ sures, we could have shown the world that Black. clude: Denver, A Convert, in partnersihip between races is possible. We shall “ We do not believe in ‘one man, one vote,’ thanksgiving, $10; Leadville, try to do so'.” Mrs. A. M., $2; Denver, M.S.D., Michael C. Newman, director of the Public but voting is open to anyone with education or ♦ ♦ • earning ability,” he said. $5; Denver, Mrs. F.F.F., $5; Inside the Register Information office of the Rhodesia government, Denver, H.E.C., $5; St. Vincent de Paul Men—25,982 active members of gave this description in a visit to the Register. Lakewood, Mrs. P.J.K., $5; He has been in th e U.S. the past two months “ THE HIGH EDUCATIONAL level of this 4.659 U.S. parish conferences, s e e ...... sec. 2, p. 2 Southern African country is due almost entirely Arvada, Mr. and Mrs. M.J.D., in the service of h.'s government. $6; Denver, M.M., in thanks­ Lawyers Note—Modern Penal Code proposal for Newman, a journa-list in his own country to mission effort,” the Rhodesian official pointed out. giving, $15; Colorado Springs, 50 states and abortion feature, see ...... p.4 and the editor of a gov ernment periodical dis­ Mrs. G. C., $5; Akron, Anony­ tributed to a miilion rea-ders, was fascinated “ The government fully subsidizes mission Laymen Leaders— appeal issued in all lands schools, and the result is that 95 per cent of mous, $10; Colorado Springs, by the size of the “ Register’’ plant and the Seminarians on the Go Mrs. C.A.L., $5; and the for spiritual revolution, see ...... sec. 2, p. 1 quality of the newspapers it puts out. “ I never children of school age are in school. Where else in Africa can you beat that record? Seminarians Kennith Brin (at left) and Roger Mollison Priests’ Mothers’ club, St. Phil­ Pre-Cana Conference—offers engaged couples an saw anything like it,’’ he exclaimed admiring- omena’s parish, Denver, $90. “ You have had three centuries to develop pack a slide projector, film screen, and other equipment into unusual opportunity, see ...... p . 5 iy. “ It must be the greatest thing of its kind in the world. It must be wondei-ful to combine your country; we have had less than 70 years. the trunk of their car before starting on a two-week visit to DONATIONS TO the seminary Classified Ads ...... p. 20 Obituaries p. 18 journaiism with Catholicism.” My mother, born in 1895, was one of the first 11 Colorado towns. Their goal is to tell the tremendous story burse should be sent to the Most Editorials ...... p . 4 Real Estate ...... p. 1< White children born in the country. Given time, Entertainment ...... p . io School Activities ...... p. 11 of St. Thomas’ seminary, Denver, to all high school students Reverend Urban J. Vehr, Arch­ Instruction ...... sec. 2. p. 1 Sports p. 14 THE EXTREMISTS of whom Nevvman spoke, the moderate forces that make for democratic and adults. Colored slides depict life at the seminary, ranging bishop of Denver, Chancery of­ Men's Events ...... p. is Women's News ...... pp. 6-Z he assured, are both White and Black. change could win. But if the extreme national­ from prayer. Mass, studies, sports, dramatic activities, and fice, 1536 Logan street, Denver These Whites, he said, retain ths colonial ists take over, everything will be ruined.” a variety of other events. 3, Colo. Page Two The Denver Catholic Register Thursday, June 13, 1963 Three From Archdiocese After ‘A Lot of Praying’ Paralysis Ends for Ft. Carson Youth Become Papal Volunteers (Continued From Page 1) terious paralysis that promises And somehow, despite an op­ resentative in the archdiocese- “ I did a lot of praying,” says lenge of Communism, and the to make medical history. eration to remove an abscess information concerning the pro­ 17-year-old Mike Tracy of Ft. shortage of priests and reli­ Carson, Colorado Springs, after Today Mike is working at a from the full length of his spine gram may be directed to him a two-month ordeal with a mys- summer job as cashier in the Ft. the youth managed to complete gious pointed up problems fac­ at 13835 E. 13th avenue, Aurora Carson Officers club. But early his credits for graduation from ing the Church and the people 8, Colo. in April when he was rushed to Fountain — Ft. Carson high in Latin America and the need The Denver Catholic Fitzsimons General hospital, school. for organizations such as PAVLA. Representation Register Denver, his physicians held lit­ tle hope for his recovery — or MIKE IS a member of one of The three graduates^ the first Published Weekly by The even for his life. the prominent Catholic families from Regis to go into lay mis­ From U.S. Is Catholic Press Society, Inc., on the Army post. sionary work under the PAVLA Throughout the anxiety and the 938 Bannock Street, Denver. His father. Major Donald Tra­ program, were “ signed” by Fa­ suffering that followed, Mike Largest Ever Subscription: $4.00 Per Year. cy, Carson’s adjutant general, ther Leo Weber, S.J., a native kept with him a relic of Blessed Entered as Second Class credits his son’s rapid recovery of Denver, who serves as dioc­ Washington — The five U.S. Elizabeth Seton from El Pomar Matter at the Post Office, to prayers, to the “ wonderful esan superintendent of schoois Cardinals attending the con­ retreat house in Colorado Denver, Colo. treatment” received in two at Belize. clave for the election of a new Springs. Army hospitals, and to the Their interest in lay mission­ Pope will form the largest rep­ youth’s own determination to re­ ary work was first aroused resentation this country has ever cover. through one of the simplest had at a Papal election. forms of advertising — a poster They are Cardinals Francis One of Mike’s physicians at LsiBAiAKr, T e B o c k h o r s t a C o . placed on a bulletin board at Spellman of New York, James Fitzsimons commented that he Regis. Francis McIntyre of Los An­ had never before seen the rare 825-0241 1130 PUBLIC SERVICE BLDG. geles, Albert Meyer of Chicago, case take the course it did. A WITH THE HELP of two Re­ Joseph E. Ritter of St. Louis, physical therapist calls Mike gis Jesuit faculty members. Fa­ and Richard Cushing of Boston. I \ ^ K M n € U t C C his first “ miracle case.” ther Thomas J. Casey, S.J., Only two U.S. prelates — The 17-year-old became ill moderator of the men’s sodal­ Cardinals Spellman and Mc­ early in April and was paralyzed ity, and Father Richard F. Intyre — were present for the from a disease diagnosed as epi­ Bocklage, S.J., missionary pro­ conclave at which John XXIII dural abscess of the spine. The gram representative, they made was elected in 1958. A third. apparent cause was a blood in­ Honduras Missioners further investigation of the pro­ Cardinal Edward Mooney of fection, traced to an infection on gram. Detroit, died in Rome the day before the last conclave opened. his ankle, perhaps caused by the Father Thomas J. Casey, S.J., sodality gall, all 1963 graduates, who left June 12 for “ We like to help people,” the chafing of a track shoe. moderator at Regis College, Denver, talks over a year’s volunteer assignment as lay teach- three youths concluded. “ By go­ ing out as lay missionaries this A week later young Tracy was last-minute arrangements with (left to right) ing missionaries in the British Honduras. CONCRETE is our way of extending help. in surgery at Fitzsimons. The Michael Amman, Ted Horrell and Larry Ste- If we don’t send teachers, the INCINERATORS operation to remove the abscess Communists will.” • BIRD BATHS on his spine took 191 stitches to In some cases volunteers re­ • STEEL CLOTHES-LINE POLES close. ceive financial support from a • SPLASH BLOCKS HERBERT W. LEIBMAN GERALD J. HENCMANN GERARD R. • PARKING LOT AND TCBOCKHORST. CPCU On April 25 he was removed Largest Conclave Is Expected sponsoring organization or DRIVEWAY CURBING from the critical list, and the home parish. The St. Cather­ • WHEEL STOPS next day resumed studying with ine’s Altar and Rosary society WE. 6-2383 two tutors assigned by the State and the Rt. Rev. Monsignor City and FHA Approved Board of Education. For Election of Pope in Rome Delisle A. Lemieux, pastor, are Early in May he received per­ lending such support to Amman. COPELAND FREE DENTISTRY mission to attend his senior (Continued From Page 1) weight of the duty they are to who was elected unanimously on Father Francis J. Syrianey, ENTERPRISES prom in a wheelchair. On May undertake from Archbishop Am- the third ballot. Beginning June 24 applicants to practice dentistry were 52 at the 1922 conclave for pastor of St. Pius X parish, 904 S. Lipan St. 18 he was graduated to crutches the election of Pius XI. leto Tondini, Secretary of Aurora, serves as PAVLA rep­ in the state of Colorado will be examined by the INDIVIDUAL cells for the and a week later to a cane. The opening date for the con­ Briefs to Princes. Colorado state board of dental examiners. Cardinals are now being set up clave was set at a meeting of The discourse will follow a AT THE BEGINNING of June in the walled-up Vatican .area 32 Cardinals within a few days Mass of the Holy Ghost cele­ If you will come to the Hettinger Dental Supply Com­ he was put on outpatient status set aside for the conclave. after Pope John’ s death. brated by Cardinal Eugene Tis- pany, 120 West 10th Avenue, Denver, Colorado, be­ at the Ft. Carson U.S. Army hos­ The so-called calls are simple law provides that a conclave serant. Dean of the College of tween the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday pital. He returns three days a but comfortably fitted apart­ must start between 15 and 18 Cardinals. through Saturday, from now through June 22nd (we week for supervised physical ments usually inhabited by of­ days after the death of a Pon­ Afterward the Cardinals will will also be open Sunday until noon, June 16th), we training. ficers of the Palatine Guards tiff. be virtually cut off from the will take X-rays of your teeth at no cost whatsoever! The high school athlete and and Papal Gendarmes. journalist has one of the service Because of the unusually large world until they have elected a If your X-rays divulge any work the dentists taking new Pope. Balloting is expected The total number of persons academies as his first choice for number of participants, the con­ the examination can use, you will receive some excel­ college. But his past two months’ to begin on June 20. entering the conclave area lent dentistry, also at no cost to you. clave may last as long as a will be about 300. They will in­ experience has made physical THE CONSENSUS of studied therapy a close second choice. week, according to some observ­ clude, besides the Cardinals and There will be no Children’s dentistry, extractions, den­ opinion in Rome is that the elec­ ers. their personal attendants, the tures or bridge work done at this board. It will con­ tion of the new Pope will be secretary of the conclave (Arch­ sist of fillings only. All X-rays most be taken by June News Deadlino! With balloting scheduled four wide open, not merely because bishop Francesco Carpino), sev­ 22nd. The deadline for news times daily (twice in the morn­ the Cardinals number 82 — the eral doctors, a surgeon, a bar­ ing and twice in the afternoon). largest group ever to elect a Free Parking For Your Convenience stories and pictures to appear ber, cooks, waiters, and valets. in the “ Denver Catholic Reg­ Cardinals chose Pope John on Pontiff — but because of the All will live in total isolation ister” is Monday at 5 p.m. the 11th ballot, Pius XII on the great preponderance of non- until the election of the new HETTINGER DENTAL SUPPLY COMPANY Correspondents are asked to ■third, and Pius XI on the 14th. Italian Cardinals. Pope is completed. *and sundry other worthwhile purposes Denver, Colorado have their material at the To many, however, the big 120 West 10th Avenue On the morning of June 19, Cardinals will be allowed to “ Register” office at this time prior to entering into conclave, question Is not what the nation­ take only one personal attendant TA. 5-1227 to assure publication in the the Cardinals will get a formal ality of the new Holy Father with them when they enter the m o m m T following Thursday issue. reminder of the solemnity an^ will be, but whether he will be conclave on June 19 to elect a a liberal, a conservative, or a ...fo r you, is our business. Money to build a patio moderate. successor to Pope John XXIII. or buy a convertible. Money to take a vacation or This ruling has been made be­ There does not seem to be furnish a bedroom. Money, available right now among the papabili — persons cause of the limited space with­ the quick, confidential, low-cost ANB way! To in the conclave area and the ex­ popularly fancied for the Pa­ .make the easy arrangements, just stop in or pacy or considered eminently ceptionally great number of Cardinals — 82 — who are eli­ otce fitt^ for it — any candidate phone our Installment Loan Department. The gible to take part in it. likely to meet with the same money you need can usually be ready in less prompt acceptance as Pius XII, Normally, according to con­ than an hour! clave regulations. Cardinals would be allowed two attendants AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK New Pope and even a third in cases Drltt-ln Banking I 'Free In-bank Parking / 17th and Stout / C H 4-S9H where a nurse is required. Each of the Cardinals will be To Decide sworn to observe strict secrecy. On Council Rome — With the death of Pope John XXIII, the was officially suspended, as Canon Law re­ The Newest quires, pending a decision of his successor whether it should be resumed. If precedent holds true, the in Outdoor Statuary! Council, if reconvened, would Joseph E. Bona still be known as Vatican II. This was the case with the Coun­ THE cil of Trent which lasted 18 years, counting interruptions. SYMBOL OF Hopes that the Second Vatican Council would be resumed were QUALITY voiced by Monsignor Fausto Val- lainc, head of the Council’s press Grace, beauty and longerlasting office, although he said there was a strong possibility that it with New PERMALIFE! might be interrupted for more than a year, or else reconvened in a new form by the next Pon­ New . . . now yours — a traditional devotional tiff. statuary, executed in the United States with Authoritative Vatican opinion American know-how using Fibreglas. Amazing is that, out of respect for Pope R . Paul Horan C. W. Jackson Gene E . Steinko strength coupled with light weight, in high-im- John’s final wishes, and in def­ pact Fibreglas produces this long-lasting statue. erence to the considerable ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI Easily and quickly installed by one person. amount of work already accom­ Height 42 inches plished by the Council Fathers, Sufficient hollow space in the base to permit the Council will hold its second filling with gravel insures a sturdy permanent in­ session in September as sched­ uled. stallation. They indicated the session might be limited to the “ brief­ Permalife est” study of the schemas al­ These statues each bearing the Sar” ready worked out by the various Myro mark of quality, are in a tan wood'"^® Council Commissions for final finish or matt white finish. Also available i n P®'"' approval of the Council. manent care-free gloss-white finish w h rfe the HOPES THAT the Second Vat­ white color is impregnated and sealed into the ican Council will “ continue the Fibreglas. Immediately available are ” O^r Lady A . J . Coniglio Raymond B. Harris Paul T. Wilkie great work of Pope John XXIII” were voiced by Cardinal Eugene of Grace” and "Immaculate Concep^'ion in 38 Tisserant, dean of the Sacred size, as well as "St. Francis of Ar^sisi in 42 size. , prior to the All finishes. 5 foot statues- also available. Ped­ At Olingers a family has the greatest possible choice in loca­ first meeting of the General Con­ gregation of Cardinals to plan estals and shell wate'-'casins for all statues also tion, cost and convenience. for the conclave to elect a new available. Strong, Permalife statuary by SanMyro Pope. is easily and- quickly installed in Church, Con­ At Olingers, also, the family can choose from our experienced vent, Scho ol, Hospital, Home or Garde i — In­ Serra Convention doors or outdoors. SEE THEM NOW. Catholic staff, the largest Catholic mortuary staff in the area, to Speakers Listed San Francisco —The official Also assist them. program of the 21st annual con­ vention of Serra International IMMACULATE CONCEPTION was announced by Emile Ma­ Height 38 inches LADY OF GRACE 16TH AT BOULDER loney, general chairman of the Height 38 inches convention, scheduled here July SPEER BLVD. AT SHERMAN 7-8-9-10. Principal clergy speakers in­ Charge Accounts Invited E. COLFAX AT MAGNOLIA clude: Archbishop Joseph T. 2775 SO. BROADWAY (ENGLEWOOD) McGucken of San Francisc.j; NEIGHBORHOOD ^ MORTUARIES Auxiliary Bishop Reginald Jrjhn Delargey of Auckland, ’New CLARKE'S CHURCH GOODS Glendale 5-3663 Zealand, and Cardinal J ames Francis McIntyre, Arch'oishop 1633 Tremont Place TAbor 5-3789 Serving Denver’s Families Since 1890 I of Los Angelas. TViursday, June 13, 1963 The Denver Catholic Register Page Three Generosity, Charity Told at Nursery (Continued From Page 1) I tribute to Mrs. Horace Crowfoot, old Collins, Mr. Myles Dolan, legos, Miss Gertrude Graef, Mrs recording secretary; Miss Cath­ thank-you notes sent out and a president of the board, Mary Dr. Thomas A. Duggan, Mrs. L. A. Higgins, Mrs. John Mur­ arine Maloney, corresponding total of 583 communications dur­ Nadorff, treasurer, and Mrs. Virginia McHugh, Mrs. Lito Gal­ taugh, Mrs. Valen Jones, Mrs. secretary; and Mary Nadorff, ing the past year. Cletus Koester, recording sec­ legos, Miss Lee Matties, Miss James B. Kenney, Mrs. Joseph treasurer. retary. Mary Ellen Miller, Mr. Edward Martin, and Mrs. Thomas Mor­ Mrs. L. A. Higgins thanked Members of the nominating the members of the board who “ Our wee ones are the most Rowland, and Miss Margaret rissey. committee were Mrs. Rose Car­ had contributed generously to beautiful babies,” she added, Sullivan. Officers of the board are the the drive of the needlework “ and they are kept looking very For life membership: Mrs. L. Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, presi­ pinella, chairman; Mrs. Lito guild. The guild collected more nice with the latest haircuts A. Higgins and Mrs. James B. dent; Mrs. Horace W. Crowfoot, Gallegos, Mrs. Joseph Martin, than 500 pieces of infant wear given by the operators from the Kenney. first vice president; Mrs. the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Elmer in the drive. Hollywood Beauty salon.” Executive committee: Mrs. George Young, second vice J. Kolka, and the Very Rev. Work of volunteers includes Mrs. Fletcher thanked the Jerry Carpinella, Mrs. Lito Gal­ president; Mrs. Cletus Koester, Monsignor William J. Monahan. feeding, bathing and dressing girls from Loretto Heights col­ the babies, in addition to the lege, Colorado Women’s college, love and affection they bestow and girls of almost all the pa­ upon the 40 infants who occupy rochial high schools in the Den­ the shining white cribs of the ver area who come regularly to nursery. the nursery to help care for the Archbishop Vchr commented infants. on the “ tremendous service ren­ She paid tribute to “ our junior dered by these women who have Red Cross Volunteens — repre­ averaged close to 100 hours of senting many different relig­ service during the past year.” ions — and our close group of Archbishop Vehr, in asking for regular volunteers. the report of Mrs. Margaret She thanked several groups Fletcher, R.N., nurse supervisor who donate their services and of the nursery, queried, “ How Dr. Thomas A. Dugan and Dr. long have you served the nur­ George S. Paxton. sery?” Mrs. Fletcher replied, “ Not nearly long enough — only THE AVERAGE CENSUS at 16 years!” the nursery is 40 babies. N ew Home lor Cubans During the period from Octo­ ber, 1962, to March, 1963, there Just getting settled in their new home in the family. The Guajardos are, from left, THERE ARE TIMES when was a total of 113 babies ad­ Denver are the five members of the Ricardo Margarita, 4; Mr. Guajardo, his wife, Jose- this world seems a rather ter­ mitted to the nursery, and dur­ Guajardo family, Cuban exiles who arrived fina, holding 11 month-old Juan; and Luis, 7. rifying place,” Mrs. Fletcher ing this same period there in the city June 10. In back is the Rt. Rev. Mrs. Guajardo has a sister living in Denver, said. “ But then I pause and were 118 babies dismissed from Monsignor Elmer J. Kolka, archdiocesan di­ Mrs. Vlctorino Pantaleon, who arrived with think about God’s wee ones at the nursery. Of this number, 109 rector of Catholic Charities, who sponsored her family on April 26. the nursery, and I think of all the wonderful people whose time were placed in adoptive homes. and efforts have made possible These figures are representa­ this home. tive of the rapid turnover tak­ Interfaith Cooperation Gives Cuban Family “ I think about names that ing place at the nursery, mak­ represent time and much work ing it possible to cut down the for our wee ones: Mrs. T. A. waiting time for adoptive par­ Cosgriff, Mrs. John Murtaugh, ents. New Home and Freedom in Archdiocese Mrs. L. A. Higgins, Mrs. Kenny, The meeting closed with the Mrs. Lito Gallegos, Mrs. John report of the nominating com ­ Interfaith cooperation between sponsor the family for resettle­ were the Pantaleon’s son, Ar- Morrisey are some of the many mittee, given by Joseph Martin. the arohdiocesan Catholic Char­ ment in Denver. naldo, who was recently dis­ women who worked hard to get The following slate were unan­ ities and Charles Lowry Allen, He rented a duplex for the charged after serving with the the nursery started back in imously accepted by those pres­ a non-Catholic, brought the Cu­ family at 240 Clayton street and, U.S. Army, and a cousin, Jorge 1947, and this particular location ent: ban family of Jose Menchero a with the help of dozens of Caballes, both of whom will live was established in August of For board membership — refuge in Denver from the ty­ friends, furnished it for the with the Pantaleon family. 1954.” three years — expiring in 1966: One W ay fo Danse ranny of their Red-dominated Cubans. He also lined up a job Mr. Guajardo and young Pan­ Mrs. Fletcher paid special Mrs. Jerry Carpinella, M. Har­ the left. The Archbishop presided at the hoard homeland. tor Mr. Menchero at the Denver taleon and Caballes are looking Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, (at left), presi­ meeting June 6. Mrs. Margaret Fletcher, Country club. for employment in the Denver dent of the board of directors of Infant of The Mencheros were one of R.N., supervisor of the home, reported that area. In his native Cuba, Mr. Prague nursery, and Auxiliary Bishop David two Cuban families to arrive in With Mr. and Mrs. Menchero Archdiocese Joins M. Maloney, admire the evidently healthy ap­ in the five-month period from October, 1962, Guajardo worked in a shoe fac­ the archdiocese the past week came their daughter, Laura pearance of two lively tots at the Denver to March, 1963, some 109 infants were placed tory and operated a bottling ma­ under the auspices of Catholic Maria, 6, and three sons, Caesar nursery. Note the dancing pose of the lad at in adoptive homes. Charities. 5; Jose Armondo, 4; and Jose chine in a brewery. In Tribute to Pope Gabriel, three months. The family escaped from (Continued From Page 1) The other family was that of Cuba just before the crisis the and the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Anthony G. Elzi, pastor of Corpus Maryknollers Plan Ricardo Guajardo, who arrived BEHIND THEM in Cuba the past October. They are living Christ! church, Colorado Springs. The Very Rev. Monsignor with his wife and three children Japan Student Center family left two prosperous rice at 2222 Elmira street, Aurora. George R. Evans, Vice Chancellor, and Father John Cotter, As­ on June 10. Still looking for sponsors in SEE... farms, a cattle ranch, and all sistant Chancellor, were masters of ceremonies. Muroran, Japan — U.S. Mary- their personal belongings except the archdiocese are two Cuban Following the Mass, Arcdibishop Vehr and Bishop Maloney led MR. ALLEN’S interest in the knoll Fathers plan to start a what they could pack into three couples with daughters at the in performing two of five absolutions over the catafalque. The oth­ Mencheros dates to 1924, when THE 25th ANNUAL suitcases. Queen of Heaven orphanage. ers were given by the Rt. Rev. Monsignors Gregory Smith, P.A., student dormitory-center to ac­ he was in the sugar business in The Guajardo family'came to V.G.; William M. Higgins, pastor of St. Philomena’s parish, Den­ commodate 50 students here Cuba. Thpre he became friends the city under Monsignor Kol- HOPING TO establish homes ver; and Walter J. Canavan, Cathedral rector. near the campus of Muroran with Mrs. Menchero’s parents. and to reunite their families in Archbishop Vehr appealed for prayers of the faithful to assist ka’s personal sponsorship, to technical university, one of Ja­ When Mr. and Mrs. Menchero join relatives already in the city. Denver are Mr. and Mrs. Eleu- the Sacred College of Cardinals in electing a successor to Pope John, the 262nd in the direct line of succession from St. Peter, pan’s leading engineering and their four children escaped Mrs. Guajardo’s sister, Mrs. terio Morales and Mrs. Avelino to Miami three months ago, Mr. Romero. the first Pope, designated by Christ Himself. schools. SALUTE Olga Pantaleon, arrived in Den­ Their daughters, Maria Elena .^lien’s friends wrote him from ver with her husband and family Morales and Maria Christina Cuba to ask him to help the on April 26. Romero, were sent from Cuba family. With Mr. Guajardo came his Area Pupils CLASSROOM-PROVEN more than a year ago to escape Mr. Allen contacted the Rt. wife, Josefina, and three chil­ Communist indoctrination and Rev. Monsignor Elmer J. Kolka, dren, Luis, 7; Margarita, 4; and TO have since been under the care To Seek U.S. archdiocesan director of Cath­ Juan, 11 months. of the archdiocesan Charities of­ TEMAC olic Charities, and offered to Also arriving with the family fice. The refugee situation in the Orator Title Program Learning Called “The First Real In­ Miami, Fla., area remains criti­ Five students from Catholic novation in Teaching Since The Invention of Needy Children Attend cal with more than 109,000 exiles high schools in the archdiocese AMERICA still concentrated in the vicinity, wUl compete with the top young Printing” according to Monsignor Kolka. orators of the U.S. for awards Summer Camp Sessions For Information DU STADIUM Parish organizations and other at the national tournament of Vacations for some 440 under­ Benevolent foundation, and the groups interested in sponsoring the National Forensic league CALL GLEN WALKER WE 6-2301 a family of the refugees in the privileged children will be offer­ Mile High United Fund. (NFL) in Houston, Tex., June July 4th, 7:30 P. M. ed at Camp Santa Maria near Boys and girls are recom­ Denver area are urged to con­ 23-28. mended for the camp by schools tact the Catholic Charities of­ Grant, which opened for its 34th The students, two from Regis A GREAT SHOW and local social agencies. fice at AC 2-3825. season June 10. high school and three from Mul­ This year the camp will be Also needed are employment Vacations for the youngsters len high school, Denver, will be For the Whole Family! open for 10 weeks. Mass will be opportunities for some ot the THERE MUST BE are provided under the auspices accompanied to the tournament offered at the camp each Sun­ Cubans already in the city. Any­ by Frank Sierra, speech instruc­ of the archdiocesan Catholic day at 9 a.m. until the Labor one who can help them find work Tickets Now on Sale At tor at Mullen high. Charities, Frank Tettemer rep­ day week end. The camp will is asked to contact the Chari­ resenting the May M. Dower close this year on Aug. 10. ties office. BOTH OF the Regis high A REASON! AMERICAN LEGION speakers, Greg Long and Jim Kenney, will be contestants in 1370 Broadway the original oratory events. Representing Mullen high will be the debate team of Gene Kot- ALL SEATS tenstette and Art Lingle. The 368 Cars Sold third MuUen student, Paul Kane, ONLY $ was elected a delegate to the National Student congress. Since March 17 RESERVED 1 The five youths qualified for the national tournament at the Box S e a t s ______$1.50 regional NFL meet April 5-6 at Colorado State college, Greeley. 1S63 Rice university in Houston will GORGEOUS FIREWORKS be the host school for the na­ tional tournament. AERIAL ACTS - PARADE - CLOWNS - The firms listed here deserve to be remembered when you are distributing your patronage in the PAGEANTRY different lines of business.

C ^ a tlio ilc . . .

Catholic ownership and staff is not the sole qualification Camp Santa Maria Swimming Pool The newly renovated swimming pool is a mer vacation for some 440 children who other­ of o Catholic mortuary, but further, o strict adherence to the main feature this year at Camp Santa Maria, wise would be deprived of this opportunity. near Grant. Operated under the auspices of Some $8,000 was expended in renovating the moral and ethical obligations of the Faith. These obligations the archdiocesan Catholic Charities, the camp swimming pool, according to the Very Rev. opened for its 34th season June 10 and will Monsignor William J. Monahan, associate di­ remain open for 10 weeks to provide a sum­ rector of Catholic Charities. govern us in service, cost and ceremony — assuring you of the utmost sympathy and reverence in the core of your loved ones. Six Area Priests to Study Jesuit Planning Expansion of Couijiseling at Catholic U. Street Apostolate Six priests, assistants at six parishes in the archdiocese, will Stuttgart, Germany — Fa­ undertake postgraduate courses in counseling and guidance this ther Johannes Leppich, S.J., summer at the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. leader of the Catholic Street Apostolate movement, an­ 'The priests serve as counselors in high schools of the Archdio­ nounced that he will establish cese. Their j continuing studies lead toward a master’s degree in pioneer teams of his Action JMmmm A fertu arm .Im . their special field of high school guidance. 365 in most metropolitan cen­ ters of the world. They are Fathers Leo Kennedy, St. Mary’s, Colorado Springs; The name of the movement, Richard Hanifen, Cathedral; Leo R. Horrigan, Holy Family par­ HLA-G IC E TI-IA X j which has an estimated mem­ ish; Leonaijd G. Urban, St. Philomena’s; Raymond Jones, St. bership of 20,000 in seven Francis de Sales’ ; and Lawrence St. Peter, St. John the Evan­ countries, is derived from the gelist’s, all of Denver. pledge asked of its members: J . EMMETT NOONAN - DIRECTOR The six-week course starts July 1 and ends Aug. 9. They will re­ To read the Bible, meditate, side at the jPallottine Fathers’ house near the campus of the Cath­ and act as Christians 365 days 2406 FEDERAL BLVD. 433-6575 olic universiity. a year. -tr

Mosf Notable Accomplishment IT MUST BE accepted that a new suggestions; willing to consider ad­ wave of free discussion, both pro and justment this side of defined dogma. REGISTER con, concerning many traditional Typical of Protestant reactions are Church practices was encouraged in the comments of the Rev. John C. the reign of Pope John more than at Bennent, dean of the Union Theologi­ any other time in the past 100 years. cal Seminary: “ In the recent past the The announcement of the Council it­ Roman Church was often compared self initiated the discussions, and fol­ with Protestantism, particularly with lowing a slow beginning in 1959, these the National Council of Churches and have gained momentum over the past the World Council of Churches. No Simple Courage four years. Within the Church, in the such contrasts can now be made By Frank Scully Council interim period, serious talk re­ (since the Pope’s encyclical on peace) THOUGH PROTOCOL demands “ either good or garding the functions to be performed and there will be a better chance for nothing of the dead” even those who loved him most by the laity, the exact value of more cooperation between Catholics a n d could hardly have expected the overwhelming trib­ vernacular in the Mass, and concern non-Roman ecumenical movements on utes which were poured on the late Pope John XXIII of the Church in the growing popula­ Cold War issues. from all corners of the world. They came from all faiths and from those of no faith at all. tion problem have been brought into Radio, television, and press never worked harder sharp focus. All such discussions add “ SINCE AMERICAN Catholicism to put these tributes into some recognizable forms. to the vitality of the Church and will has given spiritual support to the kind As skilled and usually as impersonal as undertakers reach maturity when finally pro­ of anti-Communism that Pope John in handling crises involving death, many reporters grammed by the Council’s final procla­ opposes, his influence may have a pro­ nevertheless felt the enor- mations. found effect on the Church in this mous emotional strain of " ^ country, and through it on the quality breaking this news. Some BUT PROBABLY most significant of American life. Indeed, one may cracked under it. * of the increased open discussions has hope that he will also spur the leader­ One of the first who did I I ______/ _ been the reaction of those outside the ship of our Protestant churches to do was over CBS radio with- flQ ClvQn S Church. Many now see the Church in fresh thinking and to give more sig­ in minutes after the ^ ■ a new light possibly hidden to their nificant guidance than they have been Pope’s death. His name S Q f l f Q eyes beforehand. We predict that giving concerning the whole range of was missed in the rush of many will be far more inclined to international issues discussed in the getting him on t h e air. ’ listen to the Church following the encyclical.’’ When he reached the end there was an enormous Council’s close now that they have Pope John’s effect on the non-Cath- sigh and the sound effects of some one collapsing been convinced that she is in reality olic world will go down in history as over a mike. He was laboring toward the end and a teacher, still staunch but open to his greatest achievement. could hardly finish the last sentence. All the networks did themselves proud and though these are physical media incapable in them­ selves of any feeling all of them seemed to register 'Model' Penal Code, Abortion the shock of this loss. PERHAPS the most touching of their recapitula­ In the latest issue of the American if adopted by American law, would put tions was the scene where His Holiness went to visit Bar Association Journal, Louis B. the U.S. exactly in the position of Japan, prisoners in a Roman jail and shyly explained “ You Schwartz, professor of Law at the Uni­ Sweden, or the Soviet Union, with their couldn’t come to see me, so I came to see you.” Then versity of Pennsylvania Law School, millions of uninhibited child-murders he petted several prisoners on the head giving them gives a sympathetic introduction to the annually. his blessing. Model Penal Code, a proposal to The campaign for legalized abortion Like all public figures he sometimes grew weary simplify and reform the laws of the 50 has been greatly furthered by of photographers. He said there were 14 recognized states. sentimental magazine articles and tele­ works of mercy, but he thought a I5th should be The most objectionable feature in vision shows, which more or less open­ added, that of “ enduring annoying people.” He was this Model Code has to do with abortion, ly suggest that the murder of the child very fond of photographers, but he was fond, too, which is at present penalized in most within the mother’s womb is the only of a little peace, and he got very little of that, be­ states except where the operation is reasonable solution to her “ predica­ cause, as has been well said of him, “ he always had necessary to prevent the mother’s death ment.” time for people.” or, perhaps, the serious impairment of Though thousands of abortions are ONE BISHOP over KOGO told of His Holiness her health. illegally performed each year, to lega­ asking if he might have a picture taken with the The Model Penal Code so enlarges lize them would greatly increase their Bishop “ to remind me of these happy memories.” the reasons for legal abortion as prac­ number. In Japan, which does not pre­ Even Christ in His time was not as universally tically to remove it from the category tend to be a Christian nation, more loved as Pope John XXIII in the last four years. of crime. It makes the preservation of than a million signatures have been What does that prove? Well, for one thing that truth the mother’s mental health a justifica­ collected for the illegalization of abor­ takes a long time to be liked because Pope John tion for the kiiling of the child within her tions, which have greatly damaged the didn’t express any truth his Savior didn’t say before body, and, as if this cause were not moral and physical health of the na­ him. flexible enough, adds that abortion tion and which has fastened on the coun­ That there were people who didn’t believe the shall be permitted where, in the opinion try a noisome vested interest. Home Pope had all the answers, that in fact they had them of physicians, there is “ a substantial Let the legal profession, which is and he didn’t, cannot be denied. Still people like risk that the child would be bom with a sworn especially to protect the lives of Khrushchev admired him, wanted to meet him—one grave physical or mental defect or the defenseless, learn a lesson from more proof that he got further through love and un­ where pregnancy resulted from rape, the predicament of a country in which 'Pope of Goodness' derstanding than those who practiced hate and mis­ incest, or other felonious intercourse.” the bars on this crime have been let By Joseph P. Kiefer Papal isolation and his “ open door” understanding. This part of the Model Penal code, down. SO MANY VIRTUES were wrapped policies, the world loved him for what THOUGH MILLIONS outside his faith under­ up in the person of Pope John XXIII he was—a simple and humble man of stood him, a vast number of Catholics never under­ that no single title can ever do justice peasant stock who extended his arms stood this Pope. He was out to heal old wounds and to his memory. to every creature. bring back millions of prodigal sons. He knew that Vatican Envoy Looms Again Many call him the “ Pope of Peace,” applying what Christ preached and, what is more to and he was surely a man of peace, not TO THE POOR he readily admitted the point, practiced, would stagger many of the faith­ only during his reign as Supreme Pon­ that he, too, once was poor—so poor, in NOT UNNATURALLY, C. L. dure without practical co-opera­ ful who thought the Gospels were beautiful stories tiff, but also during his years as Apos­ fact, that his mother had to take up a of a bygone day, not something to apply to a world Sulzberger, an editor of the New tion with its moral forces. tolic Nuncio to several nations. His last collection among her neighbors to send half run by crazed revolutionaries. York Times, took U.S. representa­ and most fa- him off -to the seminary. He often re­ He even took a name, one of the loveliest in Bible tion at the Vatican as the topic for IT HAPPENS that the Pope is mous ency- called that he had to walk several history, one which had fallen in disrepute among c 1 i c a 1 , miles to school and removed his shoes his column of June 3, before the the only single man in the world Popes back in the 15th century and gave it a glory Profiles “Peace on on the way so as to save the leather. such as it has not enjoyed since St. John, the beloved Pope’s death had been announced. who represents a moral force on Earth,” will Angelo Roncalli never sought any Apostle who wrote one of the Gospels. He said he took After all, what man of today has which not only Catholics but all and remain as a worldly or ecclesiastical honors. In the it because it was his father’s name, but there must ever had a greater moral influence men of good will can agree. ■1^ , master- divine scheme of things they were have been a lot of Popes between 1415 and 1958 whose over the world than had the Pope Sulzberger notes that Catholic­ thrust upon him. He accepted each as a fathers were named John and they didn’t dare touch Perspectives p-- cross rather than a reward for per­ of Goodness and Peace? ism’s “political image,” Christian the name after three fought for the chair of Peter be­ racial, inter­ sonal accomplishments. tween 1408 and 1419. Baldassare Cossa, the dethroned Sulzberger approached the ob­ Democracy, has a powerful hold in national, and inter-ideological conflict. John XXIII died in Florence in 1419, and John as a vious utility of a U.S. Vatican en­ all six countries of the European It has been reported that there was one NO POPE IN HISTORY ever suc­ Papal title died with him for 500 years. voy by noting that John XXIII Common Market. And in the Com­ suffering which overshadowed his phys­ ceeded more in fulfilling the words of The mystic force which God released through the “ audaciously sought to extend his munist orbit those lands where an ical agonies during his final hours — St. Paul to be “ all things to all men.” late Pontiff in his last two encyclicals keeps reverber­ t h e awareness that his “ children” The tributes that have poured into moral influence beyond the limits independent spirit is most marked ating through the world. Fortified by the universal would become embroiled in another Vatican City from the mighty and the praise these writings have received their implemen­ of the Roman creed, to impress are often those with large Catholic war. lowly on every continent of the world tation can save the world from its own weapons of upon all humans—Catholic, non- populations.” are a powerful eulogy to his goodness. universal destruction. Catholic, and unbeliever—the es­ To this we might add that the THE DECEASED PONTIFF has When elected to the Papacy in 1958, Angelo Roncalli responded: “ I will be sential need for peace.” only good hope of warding off been called the “ Pope of Unity,” a title well deserved, for no successor of Pe­ called John.” Then, explaining his Peace is what we all need, and Communism in South America is ter strove more valiantly to bring back choice of the name, he said to the Col­ what better man to plead for it the strengthening of Christian De­ to Mother Church the children or­ lege of Cardinals who had chosen him: 'Operation Smash' than the representative of half a mocratic governments, such as that phaned by the divisions of Christen­ By G. J. Gustafson, S.S. billion people scattered over the which lately manifested its dom. Unity was perhaps uppermost in “ THE NAME JOHN is dear to me EVERY NATION is entitled to the right of self- his thoughts and prayers throughout because it is the name of my father. It face of the world? strength in Chile. determination except those nations that are not en­ his brief reign. His final prayer as he is dear because it is the title of the titled to the right of self-determination. Let us add, In our history, the U.S. govern­ We join with Sulzberger in say­ humble parish church where we re­ hovered between life and death was: before you beat us to it, that this is a perfectly silly ment has always sought the advice ing that it is time that Washington “ Ut omnes unum sint” —that all might ceived Baptism. . . . It is the name statement. be one! which, in the long series of Roman and co-operation of spiritual lead­ acknowledges the need for formal So a partial statement is usually framed to the ers. The White House Conference contacts with the Papal govern­ The one title that seems to embrace Pontiffs, has been most used. . . . We his qualities and virtues the most is have preferred to shield the smallness effect that all nations , , _ on Youth is one notable example. ment. Diplomatic recognition is not that of “ Pope of Goodness.” Men of of our own name behind this magnifi­ have the right of self-de­ The Prayer Breakfasts at the the same thing as a religious con­ every faith and national origin referred cent succession.” termination. But possib­ Ponder White House are another. Our de­ cordat; it is a material matter. The to him as “ Good Pope John,” and as That name was never buried amid ly in invisible in k is such he will always be remembered. the greatness of other Pontiffs. In less mocracy has always realized that practical importance of Vatican scrawled “ except those physical force and political pres­ While some of the staid old members than five years it achieved its own and representation is simply a fact of of the were shocked at sanctity and universal greatness as nations which we ex­ sure are only two sides to govern­ international life, of which Pope his informality and his disregard for few, if any, in the long line of succes­ clude.” People acknowl­ ment, that our republic cannot en­ John’s death should remind us. tradition, his lifting of the barriers of sors of Peter have ever attained. edge this first half as a Print noble expression of free­ iiiimiMiMKimiitiHiimi dom, ignore the record of - the U.N. and glow all over at their obviously demo­ cratic spirit. A perfect example of wjiat Sir Arnold AND THEN A Little Nonsense Now and Then Lunn once called “ FIF” — a “ funny inner feeling.” Did you ever happen to By James M. Shea chants of jargon. Not in my experience, MY P^RIEND the classics scholar in But let us, as A1 Smith used to say, look at the notice that when a man an­ MAYBE I’ve been lucky, but I at any rate. whom humor keeps breaking out is record. Then you will understand why the front line swers the telephone, he correspondents for AP, UPI, and Renters protested haven’t found educators to be as hu­ IN OUR TOWN, the most hilarious ex­ thoroughly at ease in the ancient learn­ reaches for a pencil, and a changes between teacher and student against U.N. “ censorship and duplicity. morless as Bishop John Wright of ing, and, therefore, capable of laughing woman grabs a chair. Pittsburgh makes them out to be. occur in the classes of a Greek and at the odd behavior of his intellectual U.N. TROOPS were first placed in JCatanga on the ^ In one of the season’s more interest­ Latin scholar, well known for his re­ condition that local authorities consent. The authori­ search and writings on the early Chris­ ancestors as well as at their jokes and ing commencement addresses, t h e puns. And his humane education helps ties of Katanga were rapidly ignored and assaulted, A sign of modern times: ______Bishop de­ tian Fathers. “ What do you mean you him see the humor of the words and ac­ figuratively and literally. plored what Discussions of intellectual life in need a new car?” asked the tions of his contemporaries, also. Philippa Schulyer, one of our leading Negro he described America and in the Church often are pianists, wrote a frightening tale with'the aid of wit­ father visiting his son at col­ “ devoid of a touch of humor,” Bishop lege. “ Look at those old cars On as a certain If more columnists and editorial nesses and victims on just what happened in her ex­ in the parking lot.” T U ^ I I „ r. “ deadly ear- Wright observed, but the humorlessness writers, and more authors of books pose Who Killed the Congo? In this sh^ told the story “ But, Dad,” the boy said, I m G f l O m © nestness” in sometimes is the mark not of educators and lectures on education, were at of the massacre of Kongola. To date, jthis has never “ those belong to the faculty.” ^ many of the in these discussions but of columnists home in human history they perhaps been investigated by competent authorities. and editorial writers. would be less inclined to view the Dag Hammarskjold till the end of his life claimed 4 4 4^ Scene Ameri­ Lack of humor is likely to be the re­ present so grimly or take themselves that the fighting in Elizabethville wa^ purely defen­ It has happened! c a n educa­ flection of a lack of sureness. The man and their words with such complete sive. This is still the official line. It i;) interesting to A mother was entertaining tion. To him, the authors of these who is confident and serene in his reli­ and appalling seriousness. learn from O’Brien himself that the Code name was the small son of a friend. works display “ an appalling absence of gion, for example, is perfectly capable “ Operation Smash.” “ Are you sure you can cut any trace whatever of a sense of hu­ of treating it lightly. The man who in­ The Bishop is right, of course, in you own meat. Tommy?” she mor.” sists always upon taking everything warning us against educators who are Rt. Rev. Matthew J. Smith, Pl.D. asked. Perhaps his criticism fits those who connected with his religion with utter devoid of humor. Add my warning, Founding Editor, Register System of Catholic Newspapers “ Oh, yes, thanks,” answer- then, against writers of editorials and 1913-1960 ad the child politely. “ I’ve of- write such books. But the real educa­ seriousness is one who hasn’t taken it thn had it as tough as this at tors, the teachers, don’t deserve to be seriously enough to be perfectly at home columns who are invariably grave, in­ home.” bracketed with the humorless mer­ in it variably grim. The Denver Catholic Register Page Five Registorials Pre-Cana Sessions Slated At Center on June 16-21 Interfaith Talks Father John B’. Slattery, as­ the cost of lunch Sunday, re­ sistant of Our Lady of Lour­ freshments each evening, and des parish, will direct the pre- materials given the couples. Re­ Cana conference scheduled June servations may be made by call­ Are Proceeding 16-21 in the pre-Cana center. ing FL 5-8154. Fifth avenue and Josephine By Paul H. Hallett he argued with Scotch ten­ street, Denver. acity for his view of the state A splendid instance of the The first session will begin as an entity that was not sim­ at 1:15 p.m. Sunday, June 16, good that may be done ply the sum of the individuals through interfaith discussions with Father Slattery speaking under it, but with a person­ on the preparation of couples was afforded last Saturday ality of its own, to which cor­ night (June 8) by the Max for a holy and happy marriage. porate loyalty is owed. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hegar- Goldberg TV show, which was Having a personality, the given over to a talk that last­ ty and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas state, like individual persons, Kerwin will discuss the domes­ ed from 9:30 until midnight. has a duty to worship God. tic issues of marriage June 17 The theme was the impli­ Therefore, argued Dr. Mac- at 7:45 p.m. cation of two decisions the I n t 0 s h, nondenominational On June 19 at 7:45 p.m.. Dr. Supreme Court is expected to prayers, like that struck down Hugh Albers and Dr. Joseph give this month on Bible read­ by the Vitale decision of last ing and the recitation of the year, should have a place in McCloskey will speak on the Lord’s Prayer in public public schools. physical aspects of married life. schools. Final Peace Father Slattery will speak MR. STEINHAUSER and Dressed in Pontifical robes, his hands folded over a cruci­ World leaders, hailing his efforts for peace and Christian unity, again June 21 and will award THIS WRITER had the Rabbi Hammer objected to fix, Pope John XXIII lies in state in the Papal apartment of mourned his passing as did common people everywhere. In all certificates to couples who have honor to be on 8 panel with the Regents’ Prayer on the the Vatican Palace. Pope John, one of the most universally walks of life, he was called “a good man.” attended all the sessions. T. Raber Taylor, one of the ground that it constituted an admired Pontiffs in history, was the 261st successor of St. Peter. A registration fee of $5 covers Rev. John F. Slattery outstanding lawyers in Colo­ establishment of religion and rado, whose proffes-sional abil­ was an unwarranted invasion Arthbishop Says at Funeral ity is matched by his apos­ of the state in matters that tolic zeal. should be within the province Mr. Taylor is | president of of religious parents. the Denver St. Vincent de They were on good ground Pope W as True Leader Under Christ Paul Conference and has done when they pointed to the piti­ Following is the text of the sermon given by Archbishop outstanding work as a lectur­ ful insufficiency of any reli­ Pope John seemed to have had a dual nature in which the Urban J. Vehr at the Solemn Pontifical Requiem Mass in the er on the legal aspects of gious exercises the public simplicity of a peasant is combined with the finesse and culture Elmer Gerken, Cathedral, Denver, June 7 for Pope John XXIII. medicine and as a student of school has allowed or could of a diplomat and the dynamic drive of an administrator. He Church-State relationships. allow. was, apparently, as much at home amongst rural people as he RELIGIOUS ARTICLES Other members of great All agreed that there was YESTERDAY (June 6) in the city of Rome occurred the sol­ was with the dignified and urbane heads of state who visited ability were Sheldon Stein- much that could be done by emn obsequies of our Holy Father, Pope John XXIII. The Church him frequently. hauser, the director of the of Denver grieves the passing of a great Pontiff. Since the good the public schools in connec­ POPE JOHN WAS the third of 13 children and the first son CHURCH SUPPLIES Denver Anti - Defamation Lord called him to Himself, our priests and people, with millions tion with the major religious of the family. He gave his whole life to the Church from his league, a young man of great of fellow Catholics around the world, have been remembering him denominations in promoting earliest years. It is said that very few of his immediate relatives intelligence andl good will, released time and shared time at the altar in their Holy Masses, Holy Communions, and prayer­ were present at his ordination to the sacred priesthood in Rome SUMMER STORE HOURS who has a religious zeal for course. ful supplications. This solemn service in our Cathedral church in 1904 because they could not afford the train passage. the promotion of good rela­ Nor was anyone opposed to today is the tribute of prayer and petition of the Archdiocese of He immediately gained the confidence of his superiors. He 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday, tions among ethnic and re­ making it easier for parents Denver for the soul of the Vicar of Christ in eternity. was secretary to his Bishop for 10 years and professor of Church (T ligious groups in Denver; 9 a.m. to 12 Noon Saturdays. to send their children to pa­ Pope John XXIII, all seem to agree, was one who sym­ history at his native Bergamo seminary; Archbishop and first Rabbi Robert Hammer of rochial schools, for example, bolized the spirit of love and meekness and stands out as a true Apostolic Delegate to Bulgaria for nine years; Apostolic Delegate Rodef Shalom Synagogue, Dr. by tax exemptions for edu­ leader of those who would save mankind from the forces of to Greece and Turkey for 10 years; Papal Nuncio to France for Philip Linn, assistant dean of cation. hate and destruction. seven years; Papal Legate to the Marian Year Congress in 1120 B roadw ay K E . 4-8233 + the Denver university college He was a leader seasoned by countless battles with the Beirut, Lebanon; of the underground Basilica at of law, and Dr. William Mac­ NOBODY ON the Max Gold­ realities of the world — in his varied roles of indigent man, Lourdes on the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of St. Berna- j YOUR OPPORTUNITY intosh, an assistant at Mont- berg show tried to humiliate battling soldier, diligent priest, zealous chaplain, wise diplomat, dette; Patriarch of Venice for six years; and as the Vicar ofj view Presbyterian church. anyone else. All contributed and good Shepherd. He showed above all else the characteristics Christ, elected Pope John XXIII on Oct. 28, 1958, almost five TO RECEIVE something to the enlighten­ that we expect in the Vicar of Christ. He was truly Christlike. years ago. DR. MacINT(iSH was to ment of all. POPE JOHN BELONGED to a solid farming stock. His He was ordained priest just short of 60 years. What a mag-i me the surprise panelist of The phone calls received Nazareth was the little village of Sotto il Monte, a village near nificent almost phenomenal record of accomplishments of our FREE DENTAL WORK the group. Born in Scotland, amply demonstrated the pop­ deceased Holy Father for the Church and for souls! May the! Applicants to practice dentistry in the State of Colorado where the i Presbyterian ularity and utility of this type Bergamo, in northern Italy. “ We were poor but happy,’ ’ he once said. “ We did not good Lord grant him eternal rest. will be examined by Colorado State Board of Examiners Church is established, he did of discussion bearing upon re­ realize that we lacked anything, and in truth, we did not. Ours The Sacred College of Cardinals will shortly elect another week of June 23rd. not share the separationist ligion and public policy. was a dignified and happy poverty.’’ On another occasion he Supreme Pontiff for the Church — the 262nd in the direct line thinking that to many of his We think it will grow more If you will come to the Bridges Dental Supply Com­ added: “ Our family was rich in the gifts of heaven.” of succession from St. Peter, the First Pope, designated by pany, 1370 Tremont, any day now through Sun., June co-religionists in America has popular with the ever increas­ Christ Himself. While we offer our prayers and supplications to bectme a dogma. ing trend toward freer com­ This humility of origin was to leave its stamp upon him. 23rd, your teeth will be X-rayed at no cost to you “ True greatness,” he observed, “ is simply the feeling of God heaven for Pope John XXIII, may we ask God's blessing upon his Though against all coer­ munications among people of successor in the See of Peter. whatever. If your X-rays show any work, that the cion of any religious group. all religious persuasions. in things.” Ever before him were the words of the Master, “ Learn of Me for I am meek and humble of heart.” To this, What an awesome and almost insuperable burden to place dentists taking the examinations can use, you will he owes his great love tor the simple people amongst whom upon the shoulders of any human being, but the Providence of receive some excellent dentistry FREE OF CHARGE. God will provide strength and the vision necessary to carry on he was always happy. We will be open Saturdays, June 8th, 15th, and 22nd, Fr. Nic[iolas Walsh the work of the Master in His Church. It is Christ’s promise of .'U his coronation as Pope, he urged that we “ pray to Our and Sunday, June 16th. Lord for the Pope with the intention of obtaining for him the continuity and perpetuity to His Church, “ The gates of hell shall To Mark Silver Jubilee exercise of perfection in meekness and humility.” “ Many rich never prevail against it.” Hours 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Father Nicholas Walsh, a bro­ assistant at Blessed Sacrament graces will follow from this rich exercise,” he added, “ and the WHAT A SUBLIME, uncountable treasury of Masses, Holy FREE OF CHARGE ther of Father Michael Walsh, parish, Denver, will celebrate continuation of the eminent spiritual work of the Father of all Communions, and fervent prayers ascend to the throne of God Fillings Only! No bridgework. No Plates the 25th anniversary of ordina­ the Faithful will render an immense service, also to the entire from the half billion of his loving and devoted spiritual children Colo. Springs Youth tion to the priesthood June 16 at social order in the temporal and earthly fields.” throughout the world for our beloved Pope John. May the great NO CHILDREN UNDER 17 YEARS In Oblate Novitiate a Mass of Thanksgiving. High Priest, whose Vicar he was on earth, speed his soul to HIS CHRISTLIKE SPIRIT manifested itself wherever he went eternal rest. Dan Trainor, son of Mr. and Father Walsh, pastor of St. on his official duties in Bulgaria, in Turkey and Greece, in BRIDGES DENTAL SUPPLY CO. May I take this occasion to express our gratitude and ap- Mrs. Orville Trainor of Colo­ James’ parish, Mississippi City, 1370 TREMONT, DENVER, COLORADO rado Springs, entered St. Peter’s Miss., was assistant pastor of Paris, in Vraice. no^nio ! preciation to the daily press, and the various local radio and TV As Cardinal Roncalli, in present ng u-hnUi the stations for their full and sympathetic coverage of the last illness novitiate in Sarita, Tex., June Our Lady of Lourdes parish, Venice, he said: “ Behold the man behold the priest, behold the I Phone 222-0813 3. Denver, 1950-55. He was chaplain shepherd.” And he continued: “ A little man, a humble priest, I------...... He began studies for the of Mt. St. Vincent’s Home for but above all a shepherd. Do not look upon your Patriarch as a priesthood in the congregation Boys, Denver, 1946-50. man of politics, as a diplomat; look for the shepherd of souls.” The two priests are sons of Our deceased Holy Father had always been keenly alive to Mrs. Edward Walsh and the late the basic importance of the virtue of charity. In St. Peter’s W iM oL SuidiL Mr. Walsh of Waterford, Ireland, Chair, he personified the spirit of charity to all the world. He The Mississippi City pastor desired, as he expressed it, “ to be a true and sincere friend of all the nations,” with the result that he is hailed far and SUN DAY, JU N E 16. — Second Sun­ has just completed the building day after Pentecost (red vestments). of a grade school and convent wide as the Pope of Unity. Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed; Preface of for his parish. The school will It seems that he was ever conscious of his Divine Master’s the Trinity. prayer for Unity. “ Not for these only do I pray, but for those MONDAY, JUNE 17. — St. Gregory be staffed by Sisters of Mercy Barbarigo, Bishop-Confessor (white). from Birr, Offaly, Ireland. also who through Thy word are to believe in Me, that they may Mass from the Common of a Bishop- be one in Us, and that the world may believe that Thou hast Confessor; Gloria; Oration Proper; no Creed; Common Preface. Englewood Girl sent Me.” . j TUESDAY, JUNE 18. — St. Ephraem At his coronation, he spoke of One Fold and' One Shepherd. of Syria, Confessor-Doctor (white). “ This is the missionary problem in all its vastness and beauty. Mass from the Common of a Doctor; Mokes First Vows Gloria; Oration Proper; Commemora- This is the solicitude of the Roman Pontificate, the primary one, tit.n, in Low Mass only, of St. Mark Patricia Kotinek, daughter of though not the only one.” and M arcelllanus; no Creed; Common Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kotinek Preface, AT THE AGE OF EIGHTY, Pope John surprised the world WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19. — St. Juli­ of All Souls’ parish, Engle­ ana Falconleri, Virgin (white). Mass wood, made her first profession by issuing a call for a General Council, which he later de­ from the Common of Virgin not a Mar­ scribed as “ a solemn celebration of the Union of Christ and His tyr; Gloria; Oration Proper; Commemo­ of vows and received the veil ration, In Low Mass only, of Sts. of the Sisters of Loretto at the Church.” Gervase and Protase; no Creed; Pre­ novitiate in Nerinx, Ky., May 31. In the long history of Christianity, there had been but 20 face Common. Dan Trainor such councils — epochal events of great importance in the life TH U RSD A Y, JU N E 20. — St. Silver!- The novice was given the us, Pope-Martyr (red). Mass from the of the Church, but events of such magnitude that the very thought of the Missionary Oblates of name of Sister Mary Cecilia. Mr. Common of a Supreme Pontiff; Gloria, should weary a leader endowed with youth and vigor. no Creed; Common Preface. Or: Mass and Mrs. Kotinek and their chil­ Mary Immaculate six years ago Historians will recall that at an age when many men are of the Second Sunday after Pentecost at St. Anthonys junior semin­ dren and Father Francis J. (green). Mass Proper; no Gloria; Com­ expected to retire from public life Pope John XXIII announced memoration, In Low Mass only, of St. ary, San Antonio, Tex. Kappes, pastor of All Souls’ par­ that he would convoke an Ecumenical Council, the first such Silverius; no Creed; Common Preface. After a year at the novitiate, ish, witnessed the ceremony. (Votive or Requiem Mass permitted) V-S', he will attend Our Lady of the council since 1870. F R ID A Y , JU N E 21. — Most Sacred Sister Cecilia attended St. He created 40 Cardinals, raising the number of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (white). Mass Proper; Shows major seminary at Pass Mary’s grade school, Colorado College of Cardinals to 85, the highest in history; canonized five Gloria; Creed; Preface Proper. Christian, Miss., for three years Springs, and was graduated from saints, proclaimed several beatifications, officiated at number­ SATURDAY, JUNE 22.-St. Paullnus, of philosophy and then return Bishop Confessor (W hite), Mass. Grant school, Littleton, in 1958, less of Bishops, issued five encyclicals, letters of Proper; G loria; no Creed; Common to San Antonio for his final four and Littleton high school in 1962. great consequence; named the first Negro and Japanese Car­ Preface. years of theology at De Maz- A/iSSION INTENTION FOR JUNE She entered the Loretto Sisters’ dinals held countless public and private audiences, and appointed F a r East enod scholasticate. novitiate in September, 1962. a Vatican Secretary of State for the first time in 14 years All APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER INTENTION FOR JUNE TOM CORRIGAN this, above and beyond the grinding daily duties and obliga­ Public Morality Register System of Catholic Newspapers tions of his sacred office. ' But thousands of people not so much Interested in statistics ...is the only candidate for Mayor who has come forward President Most Rev. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D. will remember his cordial, friendly smile, his sense of humor and Editor and Business M g r.------Msgr. John B. (Javanagh, Ph.D. with a positive program of progress for Denver. Associate Business M anager___ Rev. Daniel J. Flaherty, M.A. ability to laugh, his surprise visits to the poor, the sick, and Associate Editors -Linus M. Riordan, Ph.D.; Paul H. Hallett, the imprisoned, his engaging manner of breaking Papal protocol, Liitt.D. and his readiness to substitute praise for censure. JUNE 16, 1963 He has shown the courage to speak frankly and with con­ Editorial W riter------Very Rev. John B. Ebel If you ask people who had an audience with Pope John to II Sunday After Pentecost Advertising D irector------John J. Murphy sum up their ; impressions_____ »:»»» In in o a few ,,T/\rac words, thov they wnllld would sflv. say, “ He Kiowa, St. Anne’s viction on every major problem facing Denver. is so natural.” ______Kremmling, St. Peter’s The Denver Catholic Register Tom Currigan will be a working mayor—an executive who Social Injustices will point Denver the right way! Published Weekly by FOR DENVER AUDITOR Till? CATHOLIC PRESS SOCiETY, (Inc.) Business of All, HE IS QUALIFIED BY EXPERIENCE... eight 938 Bannock Street, Denver 1, Colo. Governor Says CHARLES D. Telephone, KEystone 4 4205 P.O. Box 1620 years as your city auditor. Providence, R. I. — Social injustice and human oppression Subscription: $4.00 per year. are everyone’s business no mat­ Canada, $5.50 a year per subscription. ter where it happens, Gov. John HE IS QUALIFIED BY EDUCATION... a cum Foreign countries, including Philippines, $7.00 a year. N. Dempsey of Connecticut told 425 Providence college seniors BYRNE Thursday, June 13, 1963 12 at commencement exercises laude university graduate in political science. here. EXPERIENCED: The Governor said he recent­ Member of: City Club, American Legion, Adult Education Council, Latin American Edu­ OFFICIAL: ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER ly “ felt compelled to express my • Two elected terms cational Foundation, Footprinters, American Society for Public Administration. The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial official and personal dismay lo State Legislature approval. We confirm it as the official publication of a fellow governor over a heart­ MEMBER CHRIST THE KING PARISH the archdiocese. Whatever appears in its columns over • Four years in rending outbreak of racial vio­ Municipal Administration GRADUATE, NOTRE DAME UNIVERSITY the signature of the Ordinary or those of the Officials lence within his state. of our Curia is hereby declared official. “ His reply, in effect, was • Native Denverite We hope The Register will be read in every home ‘Mind your own business.’ Well • Veteran of the archdiocese. it so happens that humanity is WORK FOR and MELP ELECT : We urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate my business and must be my • The candidate with a taste in the children of the archdiocese for the reading business, even as it is and must Accounting experience of The Register. be you business,” Dempsey OM CURRIGAN'NiaVilR 9^ URBAN J. VEHR said. He added this philosophy Member Christ the King Parish Paid fpr by Volunteers for Currigan for Mayor, Phones 825-1267 L. Robert Aaron.-Loren *Doty. Johnny Dee, Chairme Feast of St. Francis de Sales Archbishop of Denver is contained in the Pacem in (Pd. Pol. Adv.) Jan. 29, I960. Terris encyclical of Pope John XXIII. Page Six The Denver Catholic Register Thursday, June 13, 1963 Donna Lee Struck bride of William Gary Edwards Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Avoy of St. iHtM* to WOMEN Philomena’s parish, Denver, St. Philomena’s church, Den­ maid of honor, Bridesmaids, wed to Denn/'s R. Floyd have announced the engagement ver, was the scene June 7, of were Manguerite Struck and of their daughter, Carol Ann the wedding of Donna Lee Mary Cecelia Struck, sisters of the Blessed Sacrament church, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Avoy, to Cadet Richard Wall Struck to William Gary Ed­ bride. Michael Edwards, Denver, was the seen a Sat­ Blair J. Kittleson, Denver. Durbin of the U.S. Air Force wards. The bride is the daugh­ brother of the bridegroom, was urday, June 8, for a beautiful The bridegroom is the son of Academy. He is the son of Mr. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. best man. Attendants were Jerry double-ring ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Roy Floyd, Den­ and Mrs. T. C. Durbin of St. Ellison and John Bryant. ver. Louis, Mo. The engagement was Following the ceremony a Archbishop Urban J. Vehr announced formally at the ring reception was held in the home of Denver officiated at the dance at the academy June 3. of the bride. exchange of vows prior to a Miss Avoy was graduated from The couple plan to make their Nuptial Mass, which was of­ St. Philomena’s grade school home in Ruidoso, N. Mex. fered by the Rt. Rev. Monsi­ and East high school, Denver. gnor John B. Cavanagh. The wedding is planned for June Miss Kristina Kittleson, of 1964 following Cadet Durbin’s sister of the bride, was maid graduation. of honor. Michael Floyd, brother of the bridegroom, S i 4 f J served as best man. On Mixing Paint When mixing paint, always STUDIO A RECEPTION followed in start with a large quantity of the garden at the home of the the lighter color, adding just a PORTRAIT bride’s parents. bit of the darker. You can al­ PHOTOGRAPHY by The couple plan to make ways add more, but you can’t EDWARD A. DE CROCE their home in Denver. take it out. 4655 E. COLFAX FRemont 7-6601 By Catholic Women Press Club Court St. Theresa Installation DENVER 20, COLO, Catholic Daughters of America, Court St. Dorsey, lecturer; Mrs. J. H. Striibaiim, out­ Mrs. William G. Edwards Mrs. Dennis R. Floyd Theresa 980, Sterling, held formal installation going monitor; Mrs. James Harrigan, histori­ Cripple Creek bus tour of officers recently in Hagus Hall. Assisting an; seated are Mrs. Walter Wernsman, organ­ Struck, Denver. The bridegroom which Virginia Reuss Kittle- with the ceremony were Miss Catharine Ma­ ist; Mrs. Raymond Tetsell, grand regent; Miss maid of honor. Bridesmaids T o son became the bride of Den­ loney, state regent of Littleton, and Mrs. Mary Maloney and Mrs. Rohan, Mrs. J. D. Clark, is the son of Mr, and Mrs. nis Roy Floyd. The bride is g e t t h e to be enjoyable outing Rohan, district deputy of Denver. The offi­ vice regent; and Mrs. William Truitt, treas­ Dwight Edwards, Denver. urer. A covered dish dinner preceded the The Rev. Leonard Urban of­ fo r cial staff includes, back row, left to right, The Colorado Catholic Wom­ INFORMATION about the trip Mrs. Frank Ebbers, prophetess; Mrs. A. E. meeting with Miss Margaret Degenhart, and ficiated at the double-ring rite. DRY CLEANING Miss Kathleen Struck was AND LAUNDRY en’s Press Club will sponsor a can be obtained by calling Mrs. Groeger and Mrs. Toby Michieli, trustees; Mmes. Joseph Habercoon, Maurice Lewis, TRADE C a ll bus trip for its members and Grace Remke at BE 7-2682. Cost Mrs. Don DalPonte, financial secretary; Miss Edger Tunison, James Harrigan, and Louis friends on Saturday, June 22. of the entire tour is $9.50. Lunch­ Margaret Degenhart, sentinel; Mrs. James Helbert as hostesses. Dance, parly slated for your present car­ C A S C A D i : The tour will leave Denver about eon and show tickets are in­ by Paramount club 8 a.m., stop at Colorado Springs cluded. go to the dealer who T A b o r 5*6370 In Colorado Springs The Paramount social club for a coffee break, and will ar­ This is the fifth consecutive will hold a dance and card rive in Cripple Creek in time for year of the press club has spon­ party on P’riday, June 14, in NEEDS Wall a luncheon at the renowned Im­ sored bus trips to points of in­ El Pomar plans retreats for summer the V.F.W. Hall, 1545 South to perial Hotel. terest in Colorado. The project USED Wall CARPETS Broadway, Denver, starting al Early in the afternoon the was begun as the group's con­ El Pomar Retreat House, from St. Louis, Dallas - Fort Weekend retreats for lay- 8:30 p.m. Music will be fur­ CARS Room Size tour members will visit points of tribution to the “ Rush to the Colorado Springs is ready for Worth, Omaha, Des Moines. women will resume June 28. nished by the Speechley Trio. and Smaller interest in the immediate area Rockies” celebration of 1959 and RUfeS its annual summer season She pointed out that the women Many summer visitors return Refreshments will be served by Largest selections in the City. and will be guests at the mati­ has been continued because of which draws women from as of Pueblo are becoming very every year or two, bringing the hospitality committee com­ every room nee performance of this season’s popular demand. U THE BIG A/ far as New Jersey for week­ active in the retreat movement. friends to enjoy Colorado posed of Mrs. Amelia Desmond, Furniture in the house melodrama given by the Impe­ end of spiritual refreshment Springs’ beautiful summer Miss Marie Medina, Jack Mot­ Open Monday and Wednesday Evenings rial Players. The current show The Sisters of Charity of Cin­ Till 8:30 P.M. combined with a Colorado vaca­ weather and the peaceful El ley and Harold Rohr. A short is My Partner or A Rose With Bathing a Pet cinnati, 0.; Colorado, and New tion. Pomar atmosphere. meeting will precede the event, a Broken Stem, and will be A wad of steel wool placed in will fill the former Pen­ Davidson at which final decisions will be E.M.W. followed by the olio. The bus the drain opening of a bathtub Sister Mary Eudora, El Po­ rose home to capacity with 60 Those who come from outside Colorado, said Sister Eudora, made on the dates of the sum­ where cash talks will arrive back in Denver by will keep hair from clogging the mar director, expects 20 to 30 in each of two groups for week- 2141 So. BroadwaV drain when bathing a pet. women from Chicago, a few long retreats in June. This reli usually are taking a vacation mer outings. SHerman 4-2754 7 o ’clock. WE NEED GOOD USED CARSl guests from New Jersey. 10 gious order staffs El Pomar. of two weeks or longer and re­ Reservations may still be ob­ main in the region or state to tained for the annual day of Our Used Car Inventory MUST be increased to meet the demand! So Specialists in Party Paslries Sacred Heart Program complete it. recollection to be held at St. — we CAN and WILL give top trade! “ The Sublime Figure” is the Weekend retreats begin on Scholastic’s church, Erie, on MARY ANNE Sunday, June 23. Cost including Dealing At Davidson Is Different! topic of discussion by the Rev. Friday evening and close on And the difference Is SERVICE . . . breakfast and dinner is $4 per BAKERES Aloysius J. Boland of St. Louis Sunday afternoon. Information CONTINUING service makes CON­ on the Sacred Heart Program is available by writing to: El person". Reservations are need­ TINUING customers — and WE are All Butter Sunday, June 16, on KBTV, Pomar Retreat House, 1661 ed and may be obtained, not SERVICE-MINDED! We display- the later than 6 p.m., Saturday, Delco Circle of Service*— proudly! CAKES Channel 9, Denver at 10:30 a.m. Mesa avenue, Colorado Springs, In Colorado Springs, the same Colo. June 15, by calling Mrs. Irene 2555 So. Colorado Blvd. for Norton, SP 7-9026, or Mr.s W eddings day, on KKTV, Channel 11, at SK 6-8336 • Open Evenings and Desmond, FL ,5-5444. P a rtie s 9 a.m., the Rev. John I. Hoch- Engaged Call ban, S.J., of Toronto, Ontario, 623 S. Broadway - PE. 3[6929 will speak on “ The Secret Mrs. Rex H. Thomas of Gol­ 33 W. Girard, Englewood. SU M 06S Source of Power.” den has announced the engage­ 25 Broadway — SP 7*7413 ment of her daughter, Rexann Christophers on TV Marie, to Jan A. Chapel, son of Mr. and Mrs, Anthony A. Cha­ STOP! “ Give Youth Their Due” is pel, Lakewood Distinctive discussed by columnist Eugene Miss Thomas is your Leaky roof ... Gilbert and Father .Tames M. the daughter of Keller, M.M., on the Christoph­ the late Rex H. C A LL US Portraits ers program Sunday, June 16, Thomas. The at 9:45 a.m. on KOA-TV, Chan­ bride-elect is a You are cordially _ in­ Junior C. D. of A. Contest Winner vited to see our nel 4, Denver, and KOAA-TV, graduate of Ca- KITTLE — THEISEN ROOFING CO. traiture in Biacl; Channel 5, Colorado Springs. t h e d r a 1 high White, Oils and Direct Pictured above are members of the Junior Jeanne Swanke, Holy Family grade school; 15910 E. Colfax Aurora, Colorado Color. Catholic Daughters of America who were Judith Dageford of Boulder; Mary Cleo Mc- school and at­ Flavor Your Tea chosen winners in the poetry contest spon­ Eliott, St. Dominic’s; and Theresa Ann Ma­ tended Loretto Re-roofing and Repairs Phone 364-5294 Faingold Studios sored by Court St. Rita, Denver. Back row, rine, St. Catherine’s. Not present at the time Heights college, Shingles — Siding If no answer, Phone Denver. Her fi- Flavor your tea yourself by left to right, are Carmen Radcliff, Cathedral the picture was taken is Kathy Robinson of Slate — Tile 364-1856 adding a few pieces of dried high; Ida Mae MacDonald, St. Dominic’s; St. Catherine’s. ance is a grad- m I ss Thomas orange rind to the tea in your uate of Jefferson high school I'.M rjw vw w jvw .m v canister. and attended Colorado State college. The couple plan a July Court St. Rita to honor winners 6 wedding. OLIVER'S I of poetry contest at June 13 meet Meat Market & iM im -At its final meeting of the sea­ by the court and open to all Kipp; and Trustees, Mrs. Mary “ Serving Denver Since 1923 With Quality Meats” son, Thursday, June 13, St. junior members. After reading Carr, Mrs. Mary Schenic, and BAKERIES Rita Court 625, Catholic Daugh­ their poems the girls will be Miss Florence Lamensky. CHOICE STEAKS - ROASTS ORDER ters of America, will honor the presented with gifts by the sen­ A social hour honoring the Home of Fine Pastries Fresh Poultry Fish nine members of the junior ior court. new officers will climax the eve­ 66 So. Broadway court who won in the recent Three of the nine junior mem­ ning. Mrs. Anna Limacher, as­ 753 So. University 9 Professional AAeat Cutters to Serve You poetry contest. The meeting will bers went on to win the state­ sisted by three members, will 1530 Colorado Blvd. 2410 East 3rd Ave. Phone PE. 3-4629 1312 E. 6th Ave. begin at 7:45 p.m. in the club wide contest and their poems have charge of refreshments. house. have been submitted to the Na­ The winners will be intro­ tional C.D. of A. poetry contest duced by Irene Bickett, chair­ headquarters. man of the contest sponsored Paula Plamondon of Holy Family grade school won a sec­ We take better care of your clothes* ond place in group two; Joanne Parko of Cathedral high school won a third place in the high My Wife's school group, and Theresa Ann > ♦ Marine of St. Catherine’s school won third place in the youngest group. THE MEETING will be called Saving Money to order by Miss Isabelle Mc­ IN ADDITION TO Namara, grand regent. Plans for summer activities will be discussed and voted upon. Mem­ Now At Her bers are reminded that only one OUR REGULAR more weekend is available to volunteer to work at Our Lady the most in DRY CIEANIN6 of the Rockies Camp, prior to PROFESSIONAL Safeway Store opening day, Saturday, June 22. Outstanding money for the spring benefit, camp and due.s GENUINE ROCKY assessments, should be turned QUALITY MOUNTAIN. Caught over to the outgoing officers at and dressed daily and rushed to stores well this meeting. iced in special contain­ The installation of new offic DRY CLEANING CAREFULLY PRESSED ers. SERVE on FA- ii ers will also take place, with the Fresh Trout THER’S DAY. Save 8 9 ' following officers being installer' 44c Per Lb. by the state district deputy, We Offer for Your Convenience THICK RANCH Mrs. Nell Button, of Sterling: . CUDA­ Mrs. Grace Remke, grand re­ HY’S Gold Coin , gent; Miss Magdelyn Hughes, Brand. Selected *'ID . vice regent; prophetess, Mrs. ★ SHIRT LAUNDRY SERVICE— Center Deep Anna McLean; historian. Miss Sliced— Bacon ' ------oiiiuivt; Smoked Slices. Pkg. 8 7 Monica Tucker; lecturer, Mrs. Eileen Conry; financial secre­ ★ COIN-OP MACHINE ‘‘CLEAN & STEAM^^ AT 25c LB. BEL- tary, Mrs. Estamae Marine; AIR 22-oz. treasurer. Miss Rose Hatten- ★ CUSrO/\4 ALTERATIONS FROZ dorf; monitor, Miss Margaret Blue berry Pies Pkg. 5 9 Lynch; sentinel, Mrs. Pauline Dougherty: organist, Mrs. Alice ir ONE HOUR SERVICE— NO EXTRA CHARGE NO. 1 WALDORF BRAND 10-lb. 226 E. 13th Ave. 1490 Carr 5915 So. University An All- Dr. James P. Gray Red Potatoes Purpose Bag 4 5 Arvada Square Shopping Center Colfax at Pierce 518 E. Colfax 1Potato OPTOMETRIST Colo. Blvd. at Evans 7130 No. Federal 38th & Benton Last Day to Register We Give Gold Bond Stamps Eyes Examined Irving & W. Alameda 34th & Downing 73 E. Belleview Sat., June 15 Visual Care IN COLORADO SPRINGS For Big 213 Colo. Bldg. Westinghouse L I S A F E W A Y 1615 Calif. 317 So. Nevada Venetian Village Food Bank Shopping Center Dishwasher For Appointment Call: We reserve the right to limit quantities. None sold to TA. 5-8883 WE REFUSE TO OPEN ON SUNDAYS Giveaway dealers. Prices good in Denver and Suburbs thru Sat' urday, June 15, 1963. Archbishop Vehr fo be honored guest Thursday, June 13, 1963 The Denver Catholic Register Page Seven lntB^eef* to W O M EN at reception of Tabernacle Society

Archbishop Urban J,J. Vehr will linens, altar vessels, and all tees are: Registration,Registratio Miss be the honored guest at the 53rd necessities required by mission Clara Courtney and Miss May annual reception of the Taber­ churches and needy churches Mohan, .^ rcliLiiliop ’d G uitcl nacle society of the Archdiocese in the archdiocese. Assisting, Mrs. Weckbaugh, Mmes. T. A. Cosgriff, Oscar THE RECEPTION June 14 During the summer general urer; Nicki Bacone, publicity. MaJo, Etienne Perenyi, J. J. will be an opportunity for wom­ meeting, attending membership Other members are Dolly Kar- Torpey, John J. Sullivan, Fred en interested in the work of the of the guild re-ejlected Virginia sick, Sherri Libonati, and Char­ Gushurst, Robert 0. Shearer, Collins, presidentt Margaret Ho­ lotte Lewis. society to become familiar with Louis McMahon, T. J. Morris­ gan, vice president; Ann Bren­ its accomplishments. sey, John Akolt, A. E. Seep, ner, secretary; and Josephine QUEEN of Peace circle will Handmade vestments, altar Harry Zook, J. Leonard Swigert, Ipsen, treasurer. | Also approved meet June 19 in the new home linens, as well as the old gold A. E. Murchie, Emmett Dwyer, was a motion td add $1,000 to of Mary Hannon. Emogene and silver collected during the and Grant Wimbush, and Miss the guild’s burseL About 130 at­ Tomsic will entertain Holy Cross year will be on display. Eva Walsh; tended the dinner meeting, and circle on June 17. St. Christo­ Donations for the old gold col­ Old gold: Mrs. L. A. Higgins, attractive prizes i were awarded pher circle will sponsor a din­ lection as well as old coins and Mrs. J. Morgan Cline, Mrs. L.E. to Evelyn Miller, Clella Barry, ner June 20 in The Fort, St. cut glass pieces may be brought Waters, and Mrs. Joseph Gib­ and Dolores DeAndrea. Morrision. to the tea. bons; Chairman Pall Heaton and St. Dominic’s circle meeting Mrs. T. Raber Taylor is gen­ Silver offering: Mmes. Leo Charlene Burke announced two will be June 18 in Barbara Reil­ eral chairman for the tea. She Leager, Louis Erhard, T. H. will be assisted by Mrs. Lorren Kevil, and Clarence Harrer; more new circles. Membership ly’s home. New officers are: D. Griffen. Dues: Mrs. George Schwartz of St. Philothea’s are Shirley President, Cissie Schneider; In the receiving line will be and Miss Catherine Mohan; Vidger, president; Margie vice president, Joan Saba; sec­ Mrs. Weckbaugh, Mrs. Robert Vestment committee: Mrs. Newr Arthbishop’s Guild Circle Moore, secretary; Maurine Mul- retary, Jan Hanrahan; and J. McGlone, president of Taber­ Elizabeth Salmon, chairman, treasurer, Pat Di Paolo. queen, publicity; Maureen nacle society; Mrs. Paul Fitz­ and Miss Abbie Flath, Co-chair­ Pictured above are members of St. Girard’s chairman; Gina Fiorella, secretary; Rose Ma- Mary Kay O’Donnell will be gerald, and Mrs. Joseph J. man; circle, newest unit of the Archbishop’s Guild, rie Plumber; back row, Madeline Adams, Yo- Dunst, treasurer; and Connie hostess for St. Michael circle Walsh. Linen committee: Mrs. A. J. Denver, at a recent meeting. Left to right, landa Martinez, June Valentine, and Nanette Balliett, project chairman. Of­ on June 20. Betty Markey will Rev. John Cotter Bonino, chairman, and Mrs. front row, are Paula Vessa, president; Mar- Yannacito. The guild welcomes the member- ficers of Pope John XXIII cir­ entertain St. Anthony circle on MEMBERS OF the commit­ Howard Nielsen, co-chairman. lene Moore, Rose Marie Lombardi, layette ship of new circles. cle are Mary Ann Woodward, June 20. Our Lady of Perpetual of Denver in the home of Mrs. president; Phyllis Graebing, Help circle will meet June 20 Ella Weckbaugh, 1701 E. Cedar secretary; Joan! Moran, treas­ in the home of Betty Wendling. Avenue, Denver, June 14 from 2 to 4 p.m. Mother-baby care classes offered Auxiliary Bishop David M. WALSH, GILL & S/I/IITH A vote for Maloney and Father John Cot­ ter, Assistant Chancellor and by Red Cross nursing services n G u r o r s spiritual moderator of the so­ 1 ciety, will be present. Hubert M. Safran Denver Red Cross Nursing nurses will include the latest REGISTRATION will open The society extends an in­ Est. 1864 Services is scheduling two medically approved methods this week for the evening vitation to all priests and to all summer mother-baby care of baby care. Bathing, baby classes to be held Tuesday Peter J. Walsh, Managing Partner IS a women interested in helping in classes at chapter headquar­ clothes, feeding, formula and Thursday evenings from the works of the organziation to ters, 170 Steele street, Den­ preparation, childhood dis­ 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. beginning 1010 GUARANTY DIRECT attend the reception. ver. eases and baby cries will be July 11. LINE One of the oldest societies in BANK BLDG. DENVER MA 3-7245 Instruction by registered included. The afternoon classes, the archidocese, the Tabernacle to which will be held Mondays group was founded in 1911 and Wednesdays from 1:30 to City through the encouragement of Council 3:30 p.m., will start on July the late Rt. Rev. Monsignor Oxford U. scholarship 8. Hugh L. McMenamin, rector of from INSTRUCTORS will be the Cathedral. District 2 Miss Janet Morton, R.N., Red Holly Meat Market Its main purpose is to supply given Franciscan nun Cross nurse instructor, and Mrs. 'Thomas Hendricks, 3381 Holly — Phone 333-7264 Wife Sister Marilyn Doiron, former school, Colorado Springs, in R.N., Red Cross volunteer in­ teacher in Our Lady of Lourdes 1950. structor. (NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT) school, Denver, and St. Mary She earned her bachelor of TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR COMMUNITY: Magdalene’s school, Edgewater, arts degree from the College of Voice of Firestone has been awarded a summer St. Joseph on the Rio Grande, Tenor Richard Tucker, bari­ SpsjduxU^m^ in J>M&h T^lsud Cjui& • Barnutn • Fort Logan scholarship to Oxford univer­ Albuquerque, N.M. She has a tone Jerome Hines, and soprano sity, England. She is a member master of arts degree from Mary Costa will be the soloists with • Bear Valley • Harvey Park of the Poor Sisters of St. Fordham university. on the Voice of Firestone pro­ Francis Seraph. * Brentwood * Marlee-Garfield Sister Marilyn will return to gram Sunday, June 16, at 9 p.m. '‘disdiaJbk CtCi ” diom si TU ladsi S nuA nqsi Following the close of the on KBTV, Channel 9, Denver, •Centeitinial Estates • Westwood the States in late August. She June term at Fordham univer­ and KRDO-TV, Channel 13, Col­ Free Delivery with orders over $5 sity, New York, she is to re­ has been assigned to head the orado Springs. JUNE 18 VOTE FOR English department in the Col­ A PACKAGE of paper ceive her doctorate. Then she spoons In your medicine cab­ will fly by jet to England. lege of St. Joseph on the Rio HUBERT “ HUB” M. SAFRAN inet will assure you of having Grande. BEAUTIFUL The Ideal Candidate for City Council DISTRICT 2 a clean one there when you SISTER MARILYN attended Sponsortd by Attorntys for Safran need it for medicines, and Cathedral grade school in Mika Morrissty/ Chairman Engaged also keep your good silver Gallup, N.M. and was graduated CAMP spoons unstained. from St. Joseph’s Convent high Mrs. Margaret Love of Den­ ver has announced the engage­ ment of her daughter, Mary ST. MALO Margaret Maryknoll nun returns Love, to Rich- COLORADOfoTEXAS are Hopkins, THE MOST INEXPENSIVE son of Mr. and CAMP IN THE ROCKY to Philippine mission Mrs. D. M. every state. There are also Sis­ Maryknoll Sister Elizabeth Hopkins MOUNTAIN AREA” Cecile, the former Geraldine ters from the Orient and Latin of Scottsbluff, Salmon of Holy Family parish, America. Neb. Miss Accommodates 120 boys The Congregation was found­ Denver, returned to her mission Love is a grad­ ed in 1912 by Mother Mary Jo­ post in the Philippine Islands uate of Holy Located in Allenspark, Colo., seph Rogers of Jamaica Plain, June 2 after a leave of absence Family high Mass., under the direction of just a short drive from Denver in the U.S. school, Den- Sister Elizabeth entered the Father (later Bishop) James A. Walsh. At the same time the Miss Lov« ver, and of the Maryknoll Sisters in 1948 after Hollywood Beauty college, Den­ OPEN TO BOYS a year at Loretto Heights col­ Maryknoll Fathers were organ­ ized for a like purpose. ver. Her fiance attended Fre­ FROM 9 TO 16 YEARS lege, Denver. mont college in Nebraska. The For five years, after gradua­ The Sisters conduct missions in Africa, Asia, Latin America, wedding is scheduled for July tion from high school, she join­ 13. ed an all-girl orchestra under and the Pacific Islands. 1 to 8 WEEKS— JUNE 23-AUG. 17 In the United States, they work among Chinese, Japanese, Fresh Sponges Tuition $40 Per Week — Includes Everything Negroes, and Mexicans. There Household sponges will stay Tuition payable in advance or upon arrival at Camp are more than 1,600 Maryknoll fresh if you soak them in cold Enjoy the comfort, convenience and Sisters. salt water occasionally. CAMP COUNSELORS ARE SEMINARIANS economy of dependable Zephyr travel! FROM ST. THOMAS SEMINARY, DENVER, COLO. You'll ride in real luxury . . . enjoy sparkling refresh­ Mass Is offered for the campers in the Camp’s lovely chapel, and every provision is ments and freshly-prepared meals in the cheery diner- Denver woman assisting made for the boys’ spiritual as well as physical welfare lounge. You may choose varied sleeping accommoda­ Inquiries concerning camping periods and facilities may be addressed to Monsignor tions — roomettes, bedrooms, compartments, reclining Richard Hiester, 1501 Pennsylvania St., Denver 3, Colo. chair-coach seat. concert ballet company Remember — it's the Zephyr for fine, fast, Mrs. Bernard E. Foster is or­ tivities of Denver, Mrs. Foster economical travel between Colorado and Texas. ganizing a telephone committee said, especially since the com­ of mothers of members of the pany’s policy is to present danc­ Texas Train One-Way Colorado Concert Ballet to in­ ers from Denver in company Zephyr No. 7 Coach form them of the company’s with professional dancers. Fares concert ballet to be presented ...... 12:45 pm 8:00 pm This year’s concert, Mrs. Fos­ Lv. Denvor...... June 21, 22, and 23 at the Bon- $14.15 ter pointed out, is choreographed Ar. Amarillo...... 11:19 pm 8:15 am fils Theater, Denver. $24.37 and staged by Fernand Nault, Ar. Fort Worth..... 3:30 pm Mrs. Foster, the former Lucille 4:40 pm $25.40 Sister Elizabeth Cecile guest director, who is ballet Ar. Dallas...... Brush, has choreographed and master of the American Ballet Ar. Houston*...... 9:25 pm $32.99 Joy Cayler, and toured the directed dancing for the Denver Theater. He will be accompan­ *vla conv8ni{Bnt connecting streamliner. Orient as part of a USO team. Grand Opera for many years. ied by guest artists from na­ After first profession, Sister In assisting the Colorado Con­ tionally known companies and was assigned to the Philippines cert Ballet, a regional, non-profit will set three ballets, “ The in 1952. ballet company, she will be Sleeping Beauty,’’ act one; Information • Reservations * Tickets working closely with a former There the Maryknoll Sisters “ Carmina Burana,” and the COLORADO & SOUTHERN RAILWAY Buflin^ton student and her star pupil, Lilian grand pas de deux from “ Ray- City TIckot Offic* * 17th and Champa staff 13 schools in both the large Covillo, who is one of the di­ monda.’’ Tickets at $2 and $3 534-1123 Route cities and in the provinces, a rectors of the company. are available at the ballet com­ hospital for the families of sugar The young company represents pany’s box office, 3210 E. Col­ fax, Denver. FASTC&S FR EIG H T cane workers, a Maryknoll Sis a step forward in the cultural ac­ ters’ novitiate for Oriental girls, FASTEST SERVICE TO ALL MARKETS and they do extensive catechet­ ROUTE VIA BURLINGTON LINES ical work. Colorado and Southern Roilway ^Loug^litd C^ooL a Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad THE MARYKNOLL SISTERS Fort Worth and Denver Railway are American women dedicated to God in Catholic mission work. By Julie Lorene 1-4 teaspoon salt CoolbiHg ^/(og/tam They come from practically For a salad with lots of eye Dash pepper and appetite appeal, “ Canta­ Cut cantaloupe into 4 thick loupe Holiday Salad’’ is one for rings, saving end slices. Scoop the books. Husky cantaloupe out seeds and trim off rind; ar­ Qi/(^g 9 tkoagl/i I S rings are topped with a mixture range one ring on each of 4 of diced cantaloupe, tomato greens-garnished salad plates wedges and chopped green pep­ Pare slices and dice fruit FOOD DEMONSTRATIOIVS...MOVIES... per and parsley, then served Cut tomatoes into wedges Tha Home Economists of Public Service Company’s Home Service Center will start their 18th annual free tummet with an oU-vinegar dressing. Combine diced melon with to Cantaloupes are a calorie-coun­ matoes, green pepper and pars cooking program on Monday, June 10. This year there will be two series of identical programs. The first will end on ter’s delight — only 35 to 40 ley; mix lightly. Spoon onto can Friday, duly 5. The second will begin on Monday. July 15 and continue through Friday, August 9. Programs will be held f U l p from 2:00 P.M. to 3:15 P.M. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons and from 9:30 A.M.to 10:45 A.M. calories in the average half­ taloupe rings. Combine remain­ shell. ing ingredients; mix well and on Thursday mornings In the Home Service Center of the Public Service Company Building at 55015th Street All girls age 9 through 13 are cordially invited to attend one day each weak for one or the other of tho lerlet of CANTALOUPE drizzle over salads. Serve at 9 'Sweet & Sour' once. Makes 4 servings. four-week programe. HOLIDAY SALAD For reservations and Information call 244-7511, Ext. 7179, or write: 1 large California cantaloupe Fruit Flavors Assorted Twofold Purpose Public Service Company of Colorado Salad greens Home Service Center also in your favorite flavor! 2 large tomatoes The purpose of traffic laws is P. O. Box 840, Denver 1, Colorado Available at: 2 tablespoons finely chopped twofold, reminds the State Pa­ ASSOCIATED KING SOOPERS green pepper trol. First, to facilitate the GROCERS PUBLIC SERVICE COMPAIVY OF COLORADO SAFEWAY STORES 1 tablespoon finely chopped movement of vehicles and MILLER SUPER MARKETS THRIFTWAY parsley pedestrians; and, second, to an investor-owned utility—on the move 13 tablespoons salad oil protect the lives and property llVz tablespoons wine vinegar of those affected by traffic. Page Eight The Denver Catholic Register Thursday, June 13, 1963 Locede f ^ a u 6 ^mpr'eSdlue ^rlLute to f^ o p e ^ o L n xxm

Requiescat in Pace A solemn Archbishop Urban J. Vehr sprln- tifical Requiem Mass offered in the Cathedral, kies holy water on the black-draped catafalque Denver, June 7 for the repose of the soul of representing the bier of Pope John XXIII. the Holy Father. The Archbishop presided at the Solemn Pon-

Faithful Throng Cathedral Nearly 1,000 worshipers thronged the Cathedral of the Im- offered by Auxiliary Bishop David M. Maloney. .Note the cata- maculate Conception, Deliver, June 7 for the Solemn Pontifical falque in the center aisle, representing the bier of Pope John, Requiem Mass offered for Pope John XXIII. Archbishop Urban and the black symbols of mourning above the sanctuary and on J. Vehr (seated at the Episcopal throne) presided at the Mass, the pillars in the Cathedral.

Symbol of World's Mourning Draped in black, a catafalque stands in the middle aisle Urban J. Vehr, who presided at the Solemn Pontifical Requiem of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Denver, to sym- Mass offered June 7 in the Cathedral for the Holy Father. Auxil- Faithful Pray for Pope holize the grief of Catholics and non-CathoUcs alike over the loss ary Bishop David M. Maloney, celebrant of the Mass, is seated Mourning the loss of a father and a friend Cathedral for the Solemn Pontifical Requiem of one of the great Pontiffs of history. Pope John XXIII. Seated at right, are some of the more than 1,000 persons, in Mass June 7. on the Episcopal throne of the Cathedral at left is Archbishop eluding many non-Catholics, who filled the

Absolution for Beloved Pontiff Final Tribute to Christ's Vicar Giving one of the five absolutions following the Solemn Pontifical Re­ Paying a final tribute to Christ’s Vicar on earth and their John XXIII. Behind the priests are representatives of religious quiem Mass in the Cathedral for Pope John XXIII is Auxiliary Bishop David brother in the divine priesthood, the clergy of the Archdiocese communities of women and members of the laity who came to M. Maloney, the celebrant of the Mass. The black-draped catafalque represented of Denver stand in silent tribute at the Solemn Pontifical Re- the Cathedral for the Mass June 7. the bier of the Holy Father. quiem Mass in the Cathedrai for the late Holy Father, Pope Thursday, June 13, 1963 The Denver Catholic Register Page Nine

Schedule of Masses Birth Control Drivo On Sundays in Summer in the Regis College Golfers Is Colled ‘Satanic’ Port of Spain, Trinidad — Ploy in NCAA Tourney Archbishop Patrick F. Ryan, Denver Archdiocese O.P., of Port of Spain has said (As a service to Its readers/ "The A S P E N : Sr. M ary's — 7 and 9 a.m. Denver Catholic Register" prints the'^uj_T. st. Mary's — 9 a.m Three Regis college golfers sion, Kan. that the Planned Parenthood as­ Summer Mass Schedule for the Arch- ’ sociation’s campaign here now BAILEY; Sacred Heart Chapel—9 a.m. are participating in the NCAA Regis is one of 22 schools rep­ diocese of Denver. Clip and save this has a “ new and Satanic aspect.’’ schedule for future reference.) BA SA LT; St. Vincent's — 10:30 a.m. college division national golf resented in this first national (Pastors are asked to send in changes BOULDER: Sacred Heart of Jesus .'\rchbishop Ryan said he was and corrections.) Church, 2323 14th Street — 6, 7:30, 8:30, tournament this week at Spring- golf tourney for the NCAA col- referring to the “ door-to-dohr DENVER 9 ;^ , and 10:30 a.m ., and 12:15 and CATHEDRAL, E. Colfax Avenue and 7 ^.m. field, Mo. ege division. canvassing by the emissaries of Logan Street — Sundays, 6, 7, 8, 9, BOULDER: St. Thomas Aquinas' Chapel, They are Chuck Chalberg. The 10 low scorers in the 72- this association, who encour­ 10, and 11:30 a.m ., 12:30 and 6:30 p.m .; 898 14th Street — 7, 8, 9:30, and 11 holy days, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11:30 a.m ., a.m ., 12:30 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. .senior from Bainerd, Minn.; lole medal play will be eligible age married couples to have all and 12:15 and 6:30 p.m .; first Fridays, BOULDER (South): Sacred Heart of the joys of wedded life without to enter the NCAA university 6, 7, and 7:45 a.m ., and 5:30 p.m .; week M ary Church — 8 and 10 a.m. Tom Figge, junior from Daven­ any of its responsibilities.’’ In days, 6:30, 7, and 7:45 a.m B R E C K E N R ID G E : St. M ary's, second port, la., and Mark Whitaker, division tournament, June 16-20, A L L SAIN TS', W. Harvard Avenue and and fourth Sundays, 8 a.m ., June 1 to two cases, he said, the associa­ S. Federal Boulevard — 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Sept. 1. sophomore from Shawnee Mis­ at Wichita, tion’s agents were Catholics. and 11:30 a.m ., and 12:30 and 6:30 p.m. R IG G S D A LE : St. Joseph's — second A L L SOULS', 435 Penwood Circle, Engle­ and fifth Sundays, 9:30 a.m ,* fourth wood, 6:30, 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. and i Sunday, 7 a.m. 12:15 p.m. BRUSH: St. M ary's — 7 and 10 a.m. ANNUNCIATION, E. 36th Avenue and tRiGHTON: St. Augustine's, 112 S. Sixth Humboldt Street — 7, 8:30, 9:30, and Avenue — 6, 7:30, 9, and 10:30 a.m. 10:45 a .m .; 12 noon. and 12 noon BLESSED SACRAMENT, Eudora Street BUFFALO CREEK: St. Elizabeth's — 10 and Montview Boulevard — 7, 8, 9:30, a.m . (through September). BASEBALL and 10:45 a.m ., 12 noon, and 5:30 p.m. BURLINGTON: St. Catherine's — 7 and CHRIST THE KING, E. Eighth Avenue 8:30 a.m. and Elm Street — 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 a m., and 12:15 and 5:15 p.m. CALHAN, St. Michael's, 1st, 3rd, and 5th CURE D'ARS, E. 32nd Avenue at Dahlia Sundays, 8:30 a.m and 2nd and 4th Street — 6, 7, 8, 10, and 11:30 a.m ., and Sundays, 11:30 a.m . 7 p.m. CAMP ST. MALO: Allenspark — June, Ju ly and August, 7:30 and 10 a.m. EXCURSION GUARDIAN ANGELS', 1843 W. 52nd Avenue — 7, 8:30, 10, and 11:30 a.m. CAMP SANTA M A R IA : (Nine miles above SPONSORED BY: Mount Carmel Fathers' Club TRAN SPO RTATIO N: Union Pacific Railroad — De­ HOLY F A M ILY , W. 44th Avenue and Bailey) 10:00 a.m . (through Labor Day). PURPOSE: Support Education and Ath­ luxe coaches C A SC A D E: Holy Rosary Chapel — July Utica Street — 5:45, 7:30, 9, 10 and 11 letic Program TRANSPORTATION IN a.m ., and 12:15 and 6 p.m. 1 through Sept. 3; 8 and 10 a.m. WHEN: July 13th and 14th, 1963 CASTLE ROCK: St. Francis of Assisi's KANSAS CITY: Bus Service — Kansas City HOLY GHOST, 19th and California WHERE; Kansas City, Missouri, and Transit Streets — 6, 7, 8:15, 9:15, 10:15, and — 7 and 11 a.m. return C E N T R A L C IT Y : St. M ary's of the As­ ACCOMMODATIONS: Hotel President, Nth and Bal­ 11:15 a.m ., and 12:15 and 7 p.m. Music Makers Kansas City Athletics vs. timore — Saturday upon ar­ HOLY ROSARY, 4672 Pearl Street — 6, sumption — 10:30 a.m CHEYENNE WELLS: Sacred Heart — 7 Cleveland, July 13th, 1:30 rival until after the game 8 and 10 a.m. Selected to play in the third annual Denver p.m. Sunday. Minimum, 2 people MOST PR EC IO U S BLOOD, S. Colorado and 11 a.m. garet Getz, Deborah Smyth, Patrieia Tasto, C R A IG : St Michael's — 6:30, 8, and 10 Kansas City Athletics vs. New per room. Boulevard and E . Miff—7, 8, 9, 10 Metropolitan piano festival May 12 in the City and Gloria Saltz; third row, Nancy Gisler, York (2), Ju ly Nth, 1:30 11 a.m ., and 12 noon; holy days, 6:15, a.m . p.m. B A S E B A LL T IC K E T S : Single game — Saturday after­ CRIPPLE CREEK: St. Peter's — June Auditorium theater are these pupils at St. Pamela Young, Patricia Canavan, Patricia 7, 8, and 9 a.m . and 5:15 and 6 p.m. DEPARTURE: noon 30 through Sept. 1, 9 a.m. Vincent de Paul’s school, Denver. All music Denver Union Station, Friday, Double Header ~ Sunday aft­ MOTHER OF GOD, Speer Boulevard at Ryan, Ann, Mary, and Karen Van Meter; Ju ly 12th, 7:30 p.m. I ogan Street — 6:30, 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, CROOK: St. Peter's 8 a.m . on second ernoon and fourth Sundays; 10 a.m. on first, students of Sister M. Genevieve, they are, Regina Sedar, Linda Soran, and Marie Mc­ ARRIVAL: Kansas City Union Station, 10:30, and 11:30 a.m . and 12:30 p.m. COST: S40.00 per person. Your ticket NOTRE DAME PARISH, S. Sheridan third, and fifth Sundays (May to Octo­ from left, first row, James G. Moore, Jr., Carty. Also selected from the school to play Saturday, Ju ly 13th, 9:00 ber). a.m. includes: Transportation, Boulevard and W. Harvey Place — 7, 8, Janies McCarty, and Ted Coates; second in the festival was Claire O’Farrell. hotel accommodations, base­ 9, 10, and 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. DEER TRAIL: St. Joseph's Church — DEPARTURE: Kansas City Union Station, first Sunday, 11:30 a.m .; third and row. Michele Giiibcrteau, Cheryl Walsh, Mar­ ball tickets and bus trans­ OUR LADY OF GRACE, 2645 E. 48th Sunday, Ju ly Nth, 7:00 p.m. portation in Kansas City. Avenue — 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 a.m ., and fifth Sundays, 7:30 a.m . ARRIVAL: Denver Union Station, Monday, Breakfasts on the train in­ 12:15 p.m E A G L E , 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays, 7 July 15th, 5:30 a.m. cluded. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE, 3601 Kala- a .m .; 2nd and 4th Sundays, 11 a.m. math street — 8, 9:30, and 11 a.m. EAST LAKE: Our Lady of Sorrows Mis­ Note to Anglers: Watch KRMA June 13 OUR LA D Y OF LO U RD ES, S. Logan sion — 8:30 a.m. Street at Miff — 6:30, 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, EATO N : St. Michael's — 11 a.m. Tom Lynch, .superintendent of life” on KRM.VTV, Channel C. The program will include films; Fill out the following reservation. Make check payable to: Mt. Carmel Fathers’ Club. and 11 a.m ., and 12:15 p.m. ■=RIE: St. Scholastica's — 8:30 and 10 Denver. showing the best places to take OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, 3549 a.m. Colorado’s warm water fisher­ NAME ...... Navajo Street — 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 E S T E S P A R K ; Our Lady of the Moun­ ies, joins host Keith Hay in a Hay will show films on warm children fishing. The final five а . m ., 12 noon. tains — June and September, 6:30, 9, water fishing. He and Lynch minutes of the show will be de­ ADDRESS ...... OUR LADY OF VICTORY, 1904 W. 12th and 11 a.m .; Ju ly and August, 6:30, 8, discussion of warm water Avenue — 9:30 a.m. 9:15, and 10:30 a.m ., 12 noon, and 7 will discuss the best bait to use voted to phone call questions. \ NAME OF RESERVATIONS ...... $...... OUR LADY OF VISITATION, 2600 W. p.m. Aug. 15, same as Sundays in fishing at 7:30 p.m. Thursday. and where to go to catch bass, Hay will answer viewers’ ques­ 66th Street — 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. August. June 13 during “ Colorado Wild­ crappie and perch. Return to: Mt. Carmel Church — 3549 Navajo Street — Denver 11, Colorado. P R ESEN T A T IO N , W. Seventh Avenue and E V E R G R E E N : Christ the King — 8, 10, tions during this period. Julian Street — 6, 7, 8, 9:30, 10:30 and and 11 a.m . (through Labor Day week 11:30 a.m. end). SACRED HEART, 28th and Larimer (A IR P L A Y : St Joseph's Second and Streets — 6:30, 7:30, 9, and 10:30 a.m. fourth Sundays, 10 a.m. June 1 to and 12 noon. Sept. 1. ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA's, S. Newton F L A G L E R : St. M ary's — 9 a.m. Street and W. Ohio — 6, 7:30, 9, 10:30, F LE M IN G : St. Peter's — 7 and 9 a.m . and 12 noon, and 5:30 p.m .; holy days, FORT COLLINS: Holy Family Church — б, 7, 8, and 9 a.m . and 5:30 p.m. 8 and 10 a.m ., and 7 p.m. ST. C A JETA N 'S, 1156 Ninth Street — FO R T CO LLIN S; St. Joseph's — 6, 7:30, 6.30, 8:30, and 10:30 a.m ., and 12:15 8: j 0, 9:30, and 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. FO RT LU PTO N : St. William 's — 7:30 ST. CATHERINE'S, 4200 Federal Boule­ and 10:30 a.m. vard — 6, 7, 8, 9, 10:15, and 11:15 FO RT MORGAN: St. Helena's — 6:30, а . m , and 12:15 and 5:30 p.m. 8, and 9:30 a.m ST. DOMINIC'S, W. 29th Avenue and Fed­ F R E D E R IC K : St. Theresa's — 7 and 10 d.m. and ^ p.m. iiiiiy iilliiiiig ’f eral Boulevard — 5:30, 7:30, 9, 10, and II a.m ., 12 noon. FOUNTAIN: St. Joseph's - 9 a.m. ST. ELIZABETH'S, Curtis and 11th GEORGETOWN: Our Lady of Lourdes— Streets — 6, 8, 9:15, and 11 a.m ., and 8 a.m. 12:15 p.m. GILCREST: Sacred Heart — 6 p.m. ST. FRANCIS DE SALES', Alameda GLENWOOD SPRIN G S: St. Stephen's—6, Avenue and S. Sherman Street — 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 a.m. 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 a.m ., and 12 noon. GRAND LAKE, St. Anne's Church — Also 6 p.m. on holy days. June, 7 and 11:30 a.m .; July and Aug­ ST. IGNATIUS LOYOLA'S. E 23rd Ave­ ust, 7, 9, and 11:30 a.m ; September, 7 nue and York Street — 6, 7, 8:30, and and 11:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m ., 12 noon, and 5:30 p.m. GRAND VALLEY: St. Brendan's Church ST. JAMES', 1284 Newport Street—6, — First and third Sundays, 11:30 a.m. 7:15, 8:30, 9:45, and 11 a.m ., and GREELEY: Our Lady of Peace Church 12:15 and 7:30 p.m. — 6:30, 8 and 11 a.m ., and 7 p.m. ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST'S, E. G R E E L E Y : St. Peter's — 6, 7, 8:15; Seventh Avenue and Elizabeth Street — 9:30, 11 a.m . and 5:45 p.m. б, 7:30, 9, and 10:30 a.m ., and 12 noon. G R O V E R : St. M ary's — First Sunday, ST. JOSEPH'S (Polish), 517 E. 46th Ave­ 9:30 a .m .; third Sunday, 7 a.m. nue — 6, 8:30, and 10:30 a.m. HAXTUN: Christ the King — June 1 t^ ST. JOSEPH'S (Redemptorist), Sixth Ave­ Sept 1, 8:15 a.m . i nue and Galapago Street — 6, 7, 8:30, HOLYOKE: St. Patrick's — June 1 to '0, and 11:30 a.m. Sept. 1, 6:30 and 9 a.m. Silent Volet ST. LEO THE GREAT'S, 908 10th Street HUDSON: St. Isidore's Church — 10:30 — 8:30 and 11:30 a.m. a.m., June to* September. "Mr. Jeeves" silent valet will pay for ST. MARY MAGDALEN'S, W. 28th Ave­ HUGO: St. Anthony of Padua's Church ... like a variety nue and Zenobia Street — 6:15, 7:15, — first Sunday and second Sunday, itself many times over in fast morn­ 8:30, and 10 a.m ., and 12 noon. /:30 a.m.; third, fourth, and fifth Sun­ ST. PATRICK'S, 3325 Pecos Street — 7, days, 11:30 a.m. ing starts. Lightweight and compact, 9, and 10:30 a.m ., and 12 noon. DAHO SPRINGS: St. Paul's — 9 a.m. of gifts for folds for easy storage. Full length oT. PHILOMENA'S, E. 14th Avenue and and (Ju ly and August) 5:30 p.m. Detroit Street — 6, 7, 8:15, 9:30, and LIFF: St. Catherine's — 8 a.m on first, coat hanger. Rack for keeping 11 a.m ., and 12:15 and 5 p.m. third, and fifth Sundays; 10 a.m. on creases in trousers. ST. ROSE OF LIM A 'S, 1320 W. Nevada second and fourth Sundays. Place — 6, 8, 9, and 10 a.m ., and 12 JOHNSTOWN: St. John's — 8 a.m. 0 variety of noon. JU L E S B U R G : St. Anthony's — 7 and ST. VINCENT DE PAUL'S, E. Arizona 9 a.m. and S. University Boulevard—6:45, 8, K E E N E S B U R G ; Holy Fam ily Church 9 9:30. and 11 a.m ., and 12:15 p.m. holy а. m. June to September. 5 . 9 9 days, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 a.m. and KIOW A: St Ann's — 9 a.m. FATHERS! 7:.30 p.m. KIT CARSON: St. Augustine's — 9 a.m. SUBURBAN KREMMLING: St Peter's — 9 a.m. ARVADA: St. Anne's, 160 Grant Place — L A F A Y E T T E : Immaculate Conception — 6, /, 8, 9, 9:30, 10, 11, and 11:15 a.m., 7, 8:30, and 10 a.m. and 12:15 and 5:30 p.m. LEADVILLE: Annunciation Church — AU RO RA: Sr. Pius Tenth, 13th Place 6:30, 8, and 10 a.m. an.i Y psI Street—6:30, 7:30, 9, and L E A D V IL L E ; St. Joseph's — 6:30, 8, and 10:30 a.m . and 12 noon. 10 a m., holy days, 7 and 9 a.m. and Sport AURORA: St. Therese's, E. 13th and 7 p.m. Kenton — 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11:15 a.m ., 'IIMON: Our Lady of Victory Church Ice c.nd 12;lo and 5:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. Shirts BROOMFIELD: Nativity of Our Lord — I LONGMONT: St. John the Baptist's — Bucket 8, 9:30, and 11 a.m б, 7, 8, 9, and 10 a.m ., and 7 p.m. COMMERCE CITY: St. Catherine's - 6, LO U IS V IL L E : St. Louis' — 6:30, 8, and 7:30, 9, and 10:30 a.m ., and 12 noon and 10 a.m Beautiful all cotton Hand hammered 5 p.m. LO VELA N D : St. John the Evangelist's, aluminum with vac­ E A G L E : St. M ary's — 1st, 3rd, and 5th 1515 Hilltop drive — 7, 9, and 10:30 a.m. sport shirts with short Sundays, ? a.m .; 2nd and 4th Sundays, MANITOU SPRINGS: Our Lady of Per­ uum wall and fiber­ sleeves. Wash and 11 a.m. petual Help Chapel — July 1 through glass inner lining. ENGLEW O OD: All Souls', 4400 S. Logan Sept. 3; 7 and 9 a.m. s, Street — 6:30, 8, 9:30, 11, and M ATHESON, St. Agnes', 1st, 3rd, and wear. In stripes or Keeps ice cubes for 2:15 p.m, 5th Sundays, 11:30 a.m .; and 2nd and solids. ENG LEW O OD: St. Louis', 3300 S. Sher­ 4lh Sundays, 8:30 a.m. hours. man Street—6, 7, 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. M EA D : Guardian Angels' — 8:30 a.m. and 12 noon and 5 p.m. M E E K E R : Holy Fam ily — 10:30 a.m. FO RT LOGAN: Holy Name, 3995 S. Irv­ MINTURN: St. Patrick's — 9 a.m. ing Street — June 2 through Sept. 29, MONUMENT: St. Peter's — 9 a.m. 1 .9 8 /, 9, and 10:30 a .m .; holy days, 7 and NEDERLAND: St. Rita's Chapel — June, 2 . 0 0 each 9 a.m ., and 7:30 p.m. 8 a .m .; July and August, 8 and 9 a.m. G O LD EN : St. Joseph's, at 7, 8, 10, and N EW C A STLE: Precious Blood — 2nd, 11 a.m. 4th, and 5th Sundays, 11:30 a.m. LAKEW O OD: Our Lady of Fatima — 7, OAKCREEK: St. Martin's — 10 a.m. 8:30, 10, and 11:30 a.m. P E E T Z : Sacred Heart Church — 7:30 LAKEW O OD: St. Bernadette's, 7240 W. and 9:30 a.m. 12rh Avenue — 6, 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, and PLATTEVILLE; St. Nicholas of Myra's 11:30 a m., and 12 noon. — 9 a.m. L IT T IE T O N : St. M ary's — 6, 7, 8, 9, RA.MAH: Sacred Heart — 10 a.m. 10:15. and 11:30 a.m ., and 12:30 p.m. R A N G E LY : St Ignatius' — 7 and 8 a.m N O RTH G LEN : Le Roy school, 11 a.m. R E D C L IF F : Our Lady of Mt. Carmel — Robinson and 12*15 p.m. 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays, 10:30 a.m .; OUR LADY OF THE VISITATION: 2nd and 4th Sundays, 7:30 a.m. Adams County, two blocks east of Fed­ RED FEATHER LAKES CHAPEL: 4 2000 eral Boulevard at 65th Avenue — 8:30 p.m. on June 9, June 23, July 7, July 21, and 10:30 a.m. Aug. 4, Aug. 18, and Sept. 1. THORNTON: Holy Cross Church, 2761 Eppinger Boulevard — 5:45, 7, 8:15, RIFLE: St. Mary's — 9 a.m. ROG GEN: Sacred Heart Church (South w Shaver 9:30, 11 a.m ., and 12:15 p.m. W E L B Y : Assumption — 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 Roggen) 7 a.m June to September. Efficient, self sharp­ SILT: Sacred Heart — 7 a.m.; holy days, Liqueur Glasses a.m ., 12 noon, and 7 p.m. ening shaver. Adjust­ W ESTM IN STER : Holy Trinity — 6, 7, 7 a.m. Sal of six assorfeet colored whiskey or SNOWMASS: St. Benedict's Monastery — 8:15, 9:30, and 10:45 a.m ., 12 noon, and liqueur glasses, packaged in gift box. able circular head to 5:30 p.m. No public Masses. W H EAT R ID G E : Sts. Peter and Paul's STEA M BO AT SPRIN G S: Holy Name — Etched designs on each glass 98' set suit any skin or beard. — 6:30, 8, 9, 10, and 11 a.m ., and 12 8 a.m. and 5 pm . noon. S T E R L IN G : St. Anthony's — 6, 7, 8, 9, COLORADO SPRINGS and 10 a.m. CORPUS CHRISTI, Jackson at Cascade STONEHAM : St. John's — first, second, I | h — 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 a.m ., and and fifth Sundays, 7:30 a .m .; third and 5 .9 9 12:15 p.m. fourth Sundays, 9 30 a.m. DIVINE REDEEMER, 1520 Cache La STR a SBURG: St. Gertrude's Church — Poudre — 6:30, 8, 9:30, and 11 a.m. second Sunday, 11:30 a .m .; fourth Sun- Electric and 12:15 and 5 p.m. da*.', 7:30 a.m. HOLY FAMILY (Security Village) — 7, ffRATTON: St. Charles Borromeo's — 7 9, and 11 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Charcoal HOLY T R IN IT Y — 7, 9, and 11 a.m. UPERIOR: St Benedict's — 5 p.m. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE, 109 E. WALDEN; St. Ignatius' — 12 noon in Costilla — 8 and 11 a.m ., and 7 p.m. July and August. Lighter ST PA U L'S, Broadmoor — 7, 8:30, 10, W ELDO N A: St. Francis of Assisi's - anc 12 noon 8.15 a.m. "Chic" Vibrator SACRED H E A R T , 2026 W. Colorado Ave­ W IGGINS: Our Lady of Lourdes — 8:15 nue—6:30, 8, 9, 10, and 11:30 a.m. and a.m. Heavy duty massager to give Dad professional 7 p.m. Holy days, 6:30, and 10 a.m. WOODLAND P A R K : Our Lady of the and 7 p.m. Woods — July and August, 7 and 11 massages. The Machine's power gives your hand ST. MARY'S, 22 W. Kiowa Street — 6, a.m. 7, 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m ., and 12:10 and W R A Y : St. Andrew's — 7:30 and 9:30 amazing know-how. 5 p m . a m. OTHER CHURCHES YU M A: St John's — 7:30 and 9 a.m. Odorless, safe, AKRON, St. Joseph's — 7:30 and 9:30 (Pastors are asked to report any fast w ay to a.m. changes or corrections) 4 . 9 8 light charcoal. Derby Awards Given Scouts (St. Catherine’s Parish, Denver) 2nd Mike Kincaid, and 3rd Rich­ The annual Cub Scout Pine- ard Litzau; wood Derby was held in the par­ Class A consolation, 1st Andy ish gymnasium May 5. Martelon, 2nd Gary VanHouten. and 3rd Tom Haberman; The following boys received I Class B consolation, 1st awards. |Danny Krebs, 2nd Mike Keb- M W £ / ? £ m e ENTIRE FAMILY CAN SMOP-AND SAVE.' Class A, 1st Eddie DiMatteo, erle, and 3rd Pat Anderson: 2nd David Shugart, and 3rd, Class C consolation, 1st Paul Steve Fobes; Jarvis, 2nd Mike Vanderburg, ★ IVY-K SHOPPING CENTER ★ KING SOOPERS CENTENNIAL ★ ALAMEDA SHOPPING CENTER Robert Litzau; Class B, 1st Tim Bergin, 2nd 64th and Kearney 5050 So. Federal, Littleton West Alameda and Zuni Class D consolation, 1st Jeff Ray Borga, and 3rd Billy Rohr; Jarvis, 2nd Mike Vanderburg, ★ WESTMINSTER PLAZA ★ DAHLIA SHOPPING CENTER MONTVIEW PLAZA SHOPPING CTR. Class C, 1st Eddie O’Conner, and 3rd David Huck; 9395 East Montview, Aurora 2nd Michael Nuce, and 3rd Ron­ Design winners, 1st Tom Hab­ 74th and Irving 33rd and Dahlia nie Rohr; erman, 2nd Ronnie Rohr, and Class D, 1st Dennis Lovelace, 3rd Billy Rohr. Page Ten The Denver Catholic Register Thursday, June 13, 1963 “Conlemperaiy Approach” on TV June 16, 23 tl/CtoKloSwfiHir Educating the Child in Religion No Smog Today in LA. A discussion .and demonstra­ psychology. Participants are the for women, and, of late years, tion of the (jontemporary Cath­ Most Rev. G. Emmett Carter, in avant garde catechetical homeless boys that appeared in MURRAY BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. on KLZ-TV, Channel 7, Den­ the “ Register National Edition” ■raE DISCUSSIONS were con­ MOVIES ver, at 9:30 a-m. Appearing last fall. Mrs. DePatie is presi­ ducted in the atmosphere of the With with him in a discussion on SPRINGS I ■ ■ ■ Robert M.—Paul V.—M. T . Murray ■ ■ ■ ■ dent of the guild which seeks utmost cordiality. Hallett, Tay­ legion of Decency “ Automation: Its Problems” support for Rancho San Antonio. lor, and Macintosh generally Ratings will be representatives of the Jewish and Protestant faiths. M cD w iQ ldb AND NOW, getting ready to wing back Denver way, a gentle thought remains: There are O n h ^ e c o rd Following are Legion of Decency Audio Official Talks ratings of motion pictures currently RESORT many persons in the press, mo showing in first run Denver and Colo­ tion picture and television in­ rado Springs Theaters. With Pay-TV Prexy dustry on the west coast who A-1: Unobjectionable for A 380 ACRE MOUNTAIN PLAYGROUND are doing an admirable job, sin­ General Patronage Solmon Sagall, president of Eldorado Springs, Colo. HI. 2-8659 cerely and intelligently, for you, How the West Nutty Professor the Teleglobe Co., was in Den­ the audience. Was Won M r. Hobbs Takes Tam m y and Doctor A Vacation ver recently for conferences Gathering of Gay Purree with Gerald Bartell, Pay-TV Eagles Phantom Planet president and local represent­ COLORADO SHOE CO. Longest Day List of Adrian STOP...at the Golden Arches Messenger atives. New Location A-2; Unobjectionable for Adults, Sagall, who invented and per­ 3103 E. Colfax Young Adults fected the electronic system E. Colfax & Pennsylvania Lawrence of Diary of Madman 355-1991 Arabia Yellow Canary which will air Pay-TV in Den­ Hiking & Climbing Boots David and Lisa Assignment Outer ver, experimented on the Tele­ J . Hans Wittman To Kill a Space globe and other electronic sys­ Alameda Center 4215 W. Colfax Mockingbird Duel of Titans Mutiny on Bounty Call Me Bwana tems for many years in Britain THE SCORE for the film Day of Triffids before coming to this country., “ To Kill a Mockingbird” is as A-3; Unobjectionable for Adults charmng, dignified, and real The Trial Wrong Arm of as the motion picture itself. Critic's Choice The Law Composer - conductor Elmer Hud Spencer's Mountain B : Objectionable In Part for All Bernstein exercised great feel­ NEWS The Stripper In Cool of Day ing in writing this beautiful Main Attraction Island of Love music, which is available on a :ieopatra \untie Marne disc from Ava Records. It is Separately Classified Mondo Cane fZrst fast, freouenU and accur* a delightful and exciting lis­ Ota,,, with the largest news STAGE GUIDE tening experience, filled with staff in the IVesf# and with 75 taste and subtlety, and highly There's Always Trial by Jury, Juliet# Adults Fam ily correspondents throughout the recommended. HMS Pinafore and RockyMountaIn and High Plains states, KOA gets you complete, ELLA SINGS BROADWAY (Verve 4059): If further proof were needed fyst coverage of international, that E lla Fitzgerald can handle a bal> nathnai, regional,andlocal news. lad/ this might be the album to select. This collection of 12 songs represents T H £ music of Rodgers and Hammerstein/ KOA Lerner and Loewe, Adler and Ross/ Presented by SV ¥ IM M (N 6- Radio News and Frank Loesser. As sung by this HUMBLE P o o i_ — fine artist/ the songs would make 5:45 p.m. OIL any composer happy. The album Is a Following are film s to appear on Mon., Wed., delight throughout and another Import­ COMPANY Denver and Colorado Springs TV sta­ and F ri. ant addition for the Fitzgerald collector. tions this week. Tim e and station should GREAT MOVIE THEMES (MGM bo consulted by the viewer. Legion of NEW CAMP FOR TRAILERS 4112): Here Is the Rome Symphony or­ Decency ratings are: A-1# family; A-2# chestra giving a full-bodied treatment adults and adolescents; A-3# adults only; vOm of fTMl tJtm ♦latloM under the batons of Miklos Rozsa and B# partly (rt>jectionable for a ll; C.# Con­ FISHING - PICNIC AREA - HORSES Carlo Savina to 10 themes of films demned. Ratings have been checked from the past 10 or 15 years. While against listings found in "T V Guide" a feW/ "King of Kings" and “Quo magazine. Vadis" are undistinguished/ the album SATURDAY# JUNE IS BOOKINGS FOR PRIVATE GROUPS Is worth the price alone for the Inclusion Flight For Freedom, B; Prince and of the rarely heard# but beautiful 'Ma­ Pauper# A-1; Flam e and Arrow, A-2; 856 KC/S6.M 6 WATTS CALL HI. 2-8659 dam Bovary Waltz" and "Lydia Waltz." Enem y From Space# A-1; Checkers# GREATEST NAMES IN JAZZ (Verve A-1; Beneath the 12-MIIe Reef# A-1; P R 2-3): This three-record collection Is Paris Does Strange Things, B; Thieves' quite a package for the jazz fancier. Highway# B ; She's Working Her Way The selections are widely representa­ Thru College# B ; The Las Vegas Story, tive of the 26 artists included. Where B ; Viva Zapata# A-2; Humoresque# B ; else could you get such musicians in one Flash# A-2; Day at the Races# A-2; package as Stan Getz# Gerry Mulligan, Carwiing Eye# A-2. Dizzy Gillespie/ Charlier Parker# George SUNDAY# JUNE 16 Sheaing Quintet# Lionel Hampton# Teddy Queen of Outer Space# B ; Call Out Wilson# Woody Herman# Johnn Hodges# Marines# B ; Tarzan and Slave G irl, These here are Spencers and this here is a picture about ’em and these here and Roy Eldridge and many others. The A-2; Belle Starr# A-1; Devil's Disciple# I'm Voting for recording Is first-rate. Producer Jim A-2; Jazz Singer, A-1; Sangaree# B ; this here is just about the most wonderful movie you ever saw! It’s mostly about Davis has turned out an extraordinary illegal# A-2; My G irl Tlsa# A-1. set. MONDAY# JUNE 17 that big boy on the right, and the summer he found a girl on Spencer’s Mountain. Maid of Salem# A-2; David Harum, A-1; Deep Waters# A-1; Sylvia Scarlet# B ; Story of Seabiscuit# A-1; Tarzan and Slave Girl# A-2; Heaven Knows# Mr. Allison, A-1; Lady Without a Passport# RM CURRIGAN STARTING OPEN 11 A.M. HEAR A-2; All Baba and 40 Thieves# A-1. 1 TUESDAY# JUNE 18 Parson of Panamint# A-2; Everything Happens at Night, A-1; International for m ayor WEDNESDAY ASK and LEARN Settlement, A-1; Valley of the Sun# A-1; Five Star Final# A-3; AM Baba and 40 Thieves# A-1; Three Sailors and G irl, JUNE 19 A D E M DAVES PRODUCTION On KOA Radio B ; Song of India# A-1. Because I know he is a man who will ACT only WEDNESDAY# JUNE 19 10:20 Every Sunday Eve­ Angel# B ; It Happened In Florida, on VERIFIED FACTS. A-2; Iron Curtain# A-1; Step Lively# ning. Questions on reli­ A-2; Cassidy of Bar 20# A-1; Song of gion submitted by the ra­ India# A-1; Member of the Wedding, I urge all my friends and constituents to join me dio audience answered on A-2; Saint Joan# A-2; Invisible Woman# the archdiocesan broad­ B. in electing TOM CURRIGAN OUR NEXT MAYOR. THURSDAY# JUNE 20 cast. Lady Has Plans# B ; Michael Shayne# Detective# A-2; Suez# A-2; Johnny Angel# Sincerely, Booklet on Catholic A-2; C ry Wolf# B ; Invisible Woman# The bursting-with-life best-eeUer is on the screen! Church available free of B ; Hit the Ice# A-1; Close to My Heart, A-2; Cover G irl, A-2. cost to all inquiries. FRIDAY# JUNE 21 Joe Barry HENRY MAUREEN Co-starring Mroduclng Morocco, B ; Caught, B ; House on WRITE TO 92nd Street# A-1; Hell's Outpost, B ; They lONDAITHARA JAMES MacARTHUR •DONALD CRISP -WALIYCOX • MIMSY FARMER Drive By Night# B ; Cover Girl# A-2; Councilman, District No. 7 Based on the novel by EARt lUMNIR, Jr. Written for the screen and Directed by DEUCR OWES- Music by Mai Steiner Ask and Learn, Station Terror In the Haunted House, A-2; G irl Member, St. Francis de Sales KOA, Denver 2, Colorado Most Likely# A-1; Mad Magician# A-2; TECHIIKXllOR* PMI*l/S0H» ffKStted byWARNER BROS; Springfield Rifle# A-1; Devil Commands# (Pd. Pol. Adv.) B ; Frenchman's Creek# B. Thursday, June 13, T963 The Denver Cathofic Register Page Eleven CYO Programs

Leadville—The CYO held an open meeting Thursday evening, Cictetiee June 6, for prospective members just graduated from St. Mary’s school. Plans were formulated at this meeting for the first social of the summer on June 11. This social included a day of swim­ Great Books Supporters ming and a picnic held at the Mt. Princeton Hot Springs near Buena Vista. To Attend Potiuck Dinner The St. Louis, Englewood, CYO will sponsor a miniature golf A potiuck dinner will be held j program in the U.S. in the party Saturday, June 22, at the Mountain View golf course in at 6 p.m. Tuesday, June 18, at I Louisville parochial school sys- Englewood city park. tern in 1957. Loretto Heights college for i On June 2 the St. Rose of Lima CYO, Denver, held a members of the Junior Great Also planning to attend the graduation dance for the eighth grade pupils of the parish Books program executive board dinner and take part with Mon­ school. and for all parish chairmen and signor Pitt in the informal dis­ New officers elected at the meeting are Mark Christiasen, their husbands or wives. cussion to follow are the Very John Ryan president; Linda Hamilton, vice president; Stephie Foote, Rev. Monsignor William H. secretary; and Mike McGuire, treasurer. The guest of honor at the Jones, archdiocesan superinten­ Cathedral High The CYO will sponsor a miniature golf booth at tJie parish event, according to Mrs. Thom­ dent of schools; Sister Carmen- bazaar. as Fitzpatrick, now serving her cita, archdiocesan curriculum Junior Awarded Planned as summer social activities for CYO members are second term as coordinator of consultant; and Sister Francis attendance at a dance June 25 at Lowry Air Force base, a the archdiocesan JGB program, Eileen, supervisor of the Sisters Science Grant swimming party in July, and a hike and picnic at Elmandale will be the Rt. Rev. Monsignor of Loretto. ranch Aug. 15. ____ Felix N. Pitt, secretary of the John Ryan, a junior at Cathe­ Louisville, Ky., Catholic School Monsignor Pitt will be in Den­ CUNNINGHAM ver to conduct the Supervisor’s dral High School. Denver, was Happy Days? FOR DIAMOND SETTING board. DIAMONDS - JEW ELRY Workshop at Loretto Heights awarded a grant of $300 by the Good weather brings pleasant WATCHES - GIFTS - CRYSTAL MONSIGNOR PITT inaugur college June 17-21. National Science Foundation to driving, but it also brings the CHINA - SILVER deadly hazard of heavier traf­ CUNNINGHAM JEW ELRY ated the first junior Great Books attend the Summer Science- Watch & Jewelry Repair fic and high speed. Take it easy Guaranteed Service Math institute June 18-Au,g. 3 at F L 5-1435 and stay alert, advises the 4918 E. Colfax at Elm Area Girl Receives Notre Dame university. State Patrol. DENVER. COLORADO Degree in Wisconsin John, was head of his class for the last two years with a At the 109th commencement 3.95 average for 1962-63. 25 D ay exercises of St. Clara academy in Sinsinawa, Wis., June 6, HE LETTERED in basketball Mediterranean Cruise Yolanda Horgan, daughter of Books for Africa Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Horgan, 1005 this year, is an active member DEPARTING SEPT. 18 Jackson street, Denver, was of National Honor society and Hard at work on 747 books collected at Mt. Crusade, Carol Kichler, left, and Gale Stano. among the 28 graduates. RATES FROM $535 NEW YORK-NEW YORK Carmel high school, Denver, to provide an ed­ The girls helped to sort out the books and to of .the Junior Classical league Interesting Air-Sea Combinations Also Possible ucational boost for boys and girls in far-off identify each of them as coming from the Miss Horgan, a member of the and speech club. Kenya, British East Africa, are two members Denver school. National Honor society, was a As a freshman, John was of the Mt. Carmel Catholic Students Mission finalist in the national merit elected president of the class. LINDQUIST scholarship competition. In his sophomore year he was From The High SchooSs a senator in Student Council, TRAVEL SERVICE She had been active in drama­ and next year he will be treas­ WESTERN FEDERAL SAVINGS tics and literary circles during urer of student council. BUILDING her four years at St. Clara’s 718 17th St.r Denver 2, Colo. Mt. Carmel Students Collect and was editor-in-chief of this The firms listed here deserve Telephone 825-7175 year’s Sinsinawa, school publi­ to be remembered when you are cation. distributing your patronage in 1 Hour Free Parking La ShelTs, 1725 California St. 747 Books for Africans Mrs. Thomas Fitzpatrick the different lines of business. (Mt. Carmel High School, the Achievers Exchange bank, First Communion and to in­ Denver) sponsored by the Exchange struct older children who do not Some time this summer three bank. His award was presented attend the mission schools at crates containing 747 books will by C. Robert Taylor, vice presi­ Holy Rosary in Pine Ridge or arrive in the port of Mombasa, dent of the CPA chapter and a St. Francis’ Mission in St. Fran­ Kenya, to aid the education partner in the CPA firm of Auld cis, South Dakota. of African students, thanks to and Taylor. The missions are under the the efforts of Catholic Students direction of Jesuit Fathers of MISS CIN.A, a junior, was Mission Crusade members at the Wisconsin province. A per­ named President of the Year for Mt. Carmel. manent staff of Sisters of St. her wor! vs head of Sypco, Francis of Marycrest and of The “ Books for Africa’’ pro­ counsellr .iy Speidel Newspa­ Jesuit Fathers, Scholastics, ject began early in March un­ pers, Inc. Her company also der the direction of Sister was presented the Company of and Brothers maintain the two Indian mission schools. Mary Celeste, faculty sponsor the Year award by Mayor Har­ of the CSMC. As the books were ry W. Hoth of Colorado Springs. collected several of the students Miss Cina the past year re­ TEACHING in Allen, S. D., collaborated in classifying them ceived the Secretary of the Year under the direction of Sister and inserting labels identifying award. She is the daughter of Marie Therese were three sen­ them as coming from Mt. Car­ Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Cina. iors: Sheila Delaney, Jackie Cur­ mel high. ran, and Mary Jo Reinert; at MISS GRIZZLE was awarded Kyle, S. D., with Sister Geral­ Other members of the CSMC a $100 JA program cash schol­ dine, two sophomores, Marcia constructed crates out of lumber arship. She is a member of Lindeman and Barbara Zar- donated by Matt Volk, the fa­ '^TRIKO, counselled by the lengo; at Wamblee, S. D., with ther of Toni Volk, one of the Pikes Peak Ad club. A senior Sister Annette, Sharon Delaney students. at St. Mary’s^ she is the daugh­ and Shirley Cianclo; and at Ard­ A total of $35 In weekly pledg­ ter of Maj. and Mrs. Howard more, Neb. (outside the Pine es donated by the youths was Grizzle. Ridge reservation), two seniors, spent to purchase paperbacks Mary Buchholz and Marianne Dick Batterton has been an hon­ to add to the collection. 16 Marycrest Girls Luethy. Finally the books, totaling 966 To Instruct Undiamis est, dedicated and capable Mayor of pounds in weight, were packed (Marycrest High School, ON THE ROSEBUD reserva­ in the crates and sent off to Denver) tion, of which St. Francis’ mis­ Mombasa on their way to two Onto the Sioux Indian reserva­ sion is activity center, were Denver. He has been Mayor of all schools in Holy Family mission, tions of Pine Ridge and Rosebud Betsy Kaiser, Judy Kolb, and Thika, Kenya, British East Af­ in South Dakota, where for Susan Blue at Wood, S.D., with rica. more than three-quarters of a Sister Antoinette; and at White the citizens. He deserves the sup­ century the Jesuit “ Blackrobes” River, S. D., with Sister Anne, ONE OF THE schools at the and the Franciscan Sisters of were Jean Reardon and Judy port of all the citizens. We support mission is classified as an Asian Marycrest have planted the Heit, all juniors. Jeanne Do­ school because most of the stu­ Word of God, 16 Marycrest menico and Ann Trumble, both dent body is composed of chil­ high school girls arrived June sophomores helped. at St. Dick Batterton and urge all of our dren of mixed races — Goans, 2 to assist in the catechetical Francis’ mission. Indians, and Seychellois. There instruction. Following their week of mis­ are 170 pupils In the elementary Accompanied by Franciscan sionary work, the Marycrest fellow citizens to cast their votes for grades and 80 in the secondary. Sisters, these girls spent the students spent some time sight­ The other school, for Africans, week helping to prepare young seeing in South Dakota before Dick Batterton and the continuation has students ranging from the warriors and maidens for their returning to Denver June 12. primary grades through the eighth grade. The native lan­ of Good Government for Denver. guage is Kikuyu, but the chil­ dren also study English and Swahili. The books requested were well-written novels, biographies, histories, and works that will improve the students’ mastery of English and their knowledge John P. Akolt John Fleming Kelly of the rest of the world. Robert E. .Barnard Thomas J. Kirwin Eddie Bohn Clem N. Kohl THE IMPETUS for the cam­ paign came from a statement Dan Brown George E. McCaddon by Cardinal Laurian Rugamb- Francis W. Brown Francis E. McCave wa, Africa’s first native Car­ Alva A. Brainard Thomas E. McCarthy dinal, who said: “ By sending books to Africa, you will be do­ Geo. Brugger J. K. Malo ing a missionary apostolate of Kenneth A. Carter John R. Moran high merit, and you will at the Roy Cass John R. Moran, Jr. same time make a great spirit­ ual and moral contribution to Leo Chavez Joseph W. Morrisey the rise of Africa.” Fred Dickerson William L. Rice Directions for the drive came Ray Dryer Mrs. Mary Riger from John Oesterle of St. Mein- rad’s seminary, St. Meinrad, William Dwyer Donald W. Roe Ind., the chairman of the Books Ed Egloff Harry Rollick for Africa committee. James L. Eitmiller Edward M. Rowland 3 Students Honored William S. Falkenburg John T. Stoddard, Jr. In Coiorado Springs Dewey Flint John J. Sullivan John J. Flynn, Jr. Leo Sullivan (St. Mary’s High School, Louis Francisco John F. Sweeney Colorado Springs) To the Altar of Goef Three students at St. Mary’s Kerwin H. Fulton Mrs. Sewell Thomas Father William Heavey, S.J., assistant pastor of St. Ignatius took top honors at the eighth John S. Hamilton Joseph A. Uhl annual Future Unlimited ban­ Loyola’s Parish, Denver, blesses the servers identification quet May 23 for the Junior bracelets for Albert Howard, left, and Frank Benavidez in the L. Douglas Hoyt H. G. “Jack” Wilkins Achievement program in the parish church after the solemn reception of thirty-eight boys Col. Daniel F. Kearns John B. Wogan, Jr. into the Knights of the Altar. Pikes Peak region. (U.S. Air Force, Ret.) Ben Wright Receiving awards at the ban­ quet honoring the area’s teen­ age businessmen and business.- women were Ronald W. Mesch, Tony Cina, and Helen Grizzle. SnCHS-LflUJLOR YOUNG MESCH, the master 1 5 4 - 3 LARIMER ST. - 8 3 0 1 7 t h ST. of ceremonies at the banquet and a three-year JA member, DEmER won the Treasurer of the Year ENGRAVED award, sponsored by the Colo­ rado Springs chapter of the Col­ orado Society of CPAs, and a PLASTIC BE SURE TO VOTE BATTERTON $100 JA program cash scholar­ ship. SIGNS & DESK PLATES The son of Mr. and Mrs. W. BATTERTON FOR MAYOR COMMITTEE F. Mesch and a senior at St. BRONZ'E TABL'ETS 910 FIFTEENTH STREET ROBERT E. LEE CHAIRMAN Mary’s, he served as auditor of TELEPHONE 266-0803 Page Twelve The Denver Catholic Register Thursday, June 6, 1963 Wiggins Altar Unit Offers Prayers for Pope John

(Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, and Dorothy Rogers, president, Wiggins) led the prayers. The meeting of the Altar and NoHtk. DeMvelL Neuja The Dominican Sisters will Rosary society June 3 was open­ ed with a Rosary for the repose conduct a religious vacation fit Wliecffridge of the soul of Pope John XXIII. school for the first communi­ Father James Ahern, pastor. cants and for other pupils be­ Stamp Drive to Aid Parish Projects ginning June 17. Anne and Ma­ Altar Society rie Westhoff volunteered to help (Sts. Peter and Paul’s Parish, ing 10 points per book to the Girls interested in joining this the Sisters and to arrange hot Wheatridge) Key and Sword group. auxiiiary are asked to place Installs Officers lunches .for them during their Parishioners are reminded o These certificates are to he their names on the clipboard in stay. the trading stamp program directed to Mrs. Ray Valente, the vestibule of the church. In W estm inster adopted by the Key and Sword 3715 Harlan street, Wheatridge, Additional information may (Holy Trinity Parish, THE MEMBERS of the so­ society. Points obtained will be chairman. be obtained by calling Mrs. Westminster) ciety will serve a breakfast for used by the PTA for school and A card must be presented to Jules DeSalvo, 422-3921. The last Altar and Rosary the first communicants and their playground projects. the Frontier and Red Stamp re­ society meeting until September families in the church base­ Gold Bond, Pioneer, or Mor demption centers. These cards THE MEMBERS of the so­ was held June 11 in the parish ment. Valu stamp book covers can be will be available in the vestibule ciety will receive Communion in hall. New officers for the com­ exchanged at the redemption of the church. Further inquiries the 8 o’clock Mass Sunday, June ing year were installed. Father Ahern installed new centers for a certificate credit- may be directed to Mrs. Val­ 16. They are: President, M. officers of the society at a din­ ente, 4-0184. Census Takers af Lunch Sperlak; vice president; Chris ner in the Colonial house in The following young men from Assistant Pastor DiGiallonardo; secretary, Maria Ft. Morgan. The officers are FAMILY the parish received first honors Taking a respite from the exacting detail turning to the convent for lunch, they find a McNulty; treasurer, Mary Jo Dorothy Rogers, president; Ma­ at the graduation exercises at of census work in St. Anne’s parish, Arvada, haven under the sky for their noontime meal, Jenson; and corresponding sec- ine Westhoff, vice president; FUN! Regis high school June 1: Terry To Be Honored are four of the five Carmelite Sisters engaged Left to right are Mother Anne Mary and Sis- retary, Jackie Elio. Bertha Meyer, secretary; and (Holy Family Parish, Denver) in the project. Rather than lose time by re- ters Andrea, Joan of Arc, and Ansella. At the bazaar in the West­ Margaret Beauprez, treasurer. NEW Zaremba and James Capra, jun­ iors, and Michael I.aConte, A reception will be held from minster Plaza on June 13, 14, NEWLY ORDAINED Father sophomore. 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday, June 16, Getting Varied Responses and 15 the Holy Name society PLAYER PIANOS THE ALTAR and Rosary So­ in the high school cafeteria, to and the Altar and Rosary so­ John R. Lechman celebrated his ciety is planning to form a jun­ honor Father Patrick Kennedy, ciety will have a joint booth second High Mass in Wiggins Sunday, June 2. While he was ior auxiliary open to high school assistant pastor, who has been featuring a toss ball game. still a seminarian, he spent the girls who would like to learn assigned as pastor of St. An­ Carmelites Taking Census past several summers working about altar care and to perform thony’s parish, Hugo, and mis­ A FREE skating party is to sions. be given June 17 at Rollerama with the Spanish-speaking peo­ other duties in caring for the ple of the area. church. Father Kennedy will begin tor all students who partici­ his new assignment on June 21. For St. Anne's in Arvada pated in the May Crowning this Father John Sliemers has past month. Parishioners who COLQUITT’S been appointed as the new as­ I By Phil Ritter and continue until 5:30 or 5:45 mower and said, “ I’m not in­ can chaperone are to call Art TAILORING sistant pastor for this parish. “ Are you a witch?” p.m. terested in anything you’re sell­ Cito, HA 9-8746, or Mrs. Lee Family Shoe Store Hardly the sort of question to There are both satisfaction ing.” Matthews, HA 9-6793. and Shoe Repair Shop BY ask a nun who calls on you at and disappointment in census Mother Mary observed that From June 12 to July 7 the THE ST. LAWRENCE circle 72nd & Lowell Blvd. will hold a card party and your home! But five Carmelite work. Sometimes the Sisters Arvada is one of the more credit union treasurer, Harold Sisters living in Arvada are C 0 L . luncheon at 12:30 p.m. Thurs­ find a family that is interested friendly cities she has taken a Fronapfel, will not be at his used to such queries. day, June 20, in the high in the Church but afraid to ask census in. There are pockets of residence. Deposits may be anti-Catholicism, but the over­ made on Sunday mornings at OF LAKESIDE I school cafeteria. There will be The Sisters are from Scotts anyone about it. table prizes and 50 special bluff. Neb., and they are taking Others express an interes.t to whelming majority of people the credit union office, east GL. 5-2538 prizes. Tickets may be pur­ a census of all homes in St. return to the Church they once are very friendly. A census. entrance to the school. SATRIANO MUSIC CO Mother Mary noted, can only Lakeside Shopping Center chased at the door. Anne’s parish, Arvada, which knew. Still others agree to have Free Parking has a population of 31,000. their children baptized, a duty help to improve the relationship BROTHERS 1321 Lincoln Calling on all homes in a par they may have postponed for between churches. STORE FDR MEN ish means Just that — every several years. JANITOR 1332 Broadway - CH. 4-45561 Novena Masses home, more than 6,000, within Then there are those whose WHEN THE Sisters find a SERVICE the parish boundaries. faces betray the fact that they Catholic home, they ask what To Begin Sunday Catholic apostolic organizations Rug and Upholstery To many of the non-Cathollc were once practicing Catholics Shampooing (St. Anne’s Parish, Arvada) people whom the nuns call on but who deny any knowledge of the members belong to. Only a The novena of Masses for fa­ they are strange looking, and Catholicism. small percentage belong to any Complete House thers will begin Sunday, June sometimes frightening persons. After years of census-taking, organizations at all. Cleaning 16, Father’s day. Cards for the Some youngsters really do won­ the Sisters quickly spot such “ Right there, I think, is a Floor Waxing and novena should be turned in by der whether they are witches. evasiveness. Such persons are great weakness among oui "Your Number ftrYlAM" Polishing Saturday, June 15. But the truth is they are recorded as non-Catholics. (jatholic people,” Mother Mary- An early summer retreat for anything but that. The young­ said. G L . 5 - 4 3 2 3 Walls and Windows the women of the parish will ster who asked whether they ASSISTING MOTHER Anne But she quickly pointed out Washed be held June 28-30. Alice Phibbs, ire angels is probably closer Mary are Sisters Ansella, Pas- that, in her opinion, there are 3030 UJ.4<4^AVE. Expert - Dependable Il.\ 4-2678, is handling reserva­ to the truth. nualita. Joan of Arc, and An­ not enough active, apostolic Insured tions. The Sisters’ reason for taking drea. When the Sisters call at organizations in the Church. Call Us for Free Estimates a census is simple. It gives a home, they always ask at “ There is a great need,” she G L . 5 5754 and G L . 5 8289 FATHER WILFRED Thiesen. great glory to God and pro­ least one question: “ Are there said, “ for new life in our Cath­ 2836 W. 44th Ave. O.S.B., has returned to the par­ motes His kingdom on earth. any baptized Catholics living in olic organizations. We need a ish for the summer from St. There are more than 1,500 fam­ this home?” different approach to 20th cen­ John’s university, Collegeville, ilies on the parish records, and If the answer is no, that is tury problems.” WEISS BAKERY Minn. more than 4,000 persons attend the end of the interview unless The Sisters are about half New residents in the parish 10 Sunday Masses. the party indicates a desire to through with the census in St. OLD-FASHIONED SALT are asked to call at the rectory continue the conversation. Anne’ s. When they finish their and to register as parishioners. FIVE SISTERS, headed by Sometimes the Sisters ask about survey in about four weeks, RISING BREAD — EVERY TUESDAY Mother Anne Mary, came to a neighbor who is not home, they will compile the results Arvada in mid-May at the re­ and that often prompts a con­ and present them to Father Four Stores to Serve You 8 B | ^ ' quest of Father James Rasby, versation. Rasby. 4024 Tennyson ...... GL. 5-1937 pastor of St. Anne’s parish. He Not everyone knows that a As Mother Mary observed, 5850 W. 38th Ave...... HA. 4-1366 arranged for the census. The census is being taken. One old taking a census is only a small Lakeside Center ...... GE. 3-1703 these Sisters, customarily serve as man in Arvada was working in part of the work. Calling back 1480 Carr St...... BE. 7-1604 catechetical workers in nine his yard, when the Sisters on the families with problems western Nebraska communities. ■a"ed on him. is the real reason for the cen­ WASINGER^S and Taking a census is not easy He evidently did not hear one sus. This part of the task falls Dr. Kevin Gleason work. The Sisters generally ring Sister’s question, because he to Father Rasby and his assist- ELECTRIC STORE Optometrist their fir't doorbell brforr 9 a m turned hark toward his lawn — save!! Sales, Repairs, Service HArrison 2-1970 and Wiring Materials 6160 W. 38th Ave. 3156 West 38th A />. Wheat Ridge, Colo. JOHNNIE HARPER G Lendale 5-8946 FORD NORTH DENVER LIQUOR STORE USED CARS Domestic and Imported CONSISTENTLY $100 WINE AND LIQUORS TO $300 BELOW THE Cold Beer — Mixes — Pop DENVER MARKET! Your Friendly Liquor Store 455-4723 0 1961 TEMPEST Edith and Carmine Lombardi, Prop. TWO DOOR $1195 3007 W. 44th Ave. at Federal Deluxe trim , 3-speed, radio, heat­ On Federal at West 44th Ave. on the Corner er, white sidewalls. (3-1289A) NEXT TO SHANNON’S BARBER SHOP 1962 THUNDERBIRD CL: ^ 4 HARDTOP $3395 Full power, crulsomatic, radio, Formica Counter Tops w heater, 2-tone, white sidewalls. {3-1569A) NORTH Ceramic Wall Tile I960 FALCON $995 Vinyl & Linoleum Flooring , ' * <4,1 * V .4 2-door, deluxe trim , radio, heater, standard shift. (3-1294A) DENVER LINOLEUM AND 1956 FORD STATION WAGON $595 TILE SERVICE, INC. Park Lane, Fordomatic, power OPTICAL steering, power brakes, radio, Dispensing Opticians Free Estimates—Guaranteed How many times do heater, white sidewalls. Nice! Installation (3-437TB) DeWAYNE INGRAM 1962 CHEVROLET 3500 Lipan Street GL 5-7327 you get out of your IMPALA Record Class Graduated at Heights 4022 Tennyson Street John K.. LaGuardia CONVERTIBLE $2295 A record number of 135 seniors received college, and more than 1,100 parents and GRand 7-5759 Member Mt. Carmel Parish V-8, standard shift, radio, heater, easy chair to answer white sidewalls. (3-1315A) their degrees from Archbishop Urban J. Vehr friends of the graduates attended the cere­ (above) at the 42nd annual commencement monies in the May Bonfils Stanton Center of If, for any reason, you’re not exercises at Loretto Heights college, Denver, Performing Arts. Standing at the right is the the phone each week? completely satisfied, you can May 30. Sister M. Cecille (at left), vice presi­ Rt. Rev. Monsignor Gregory Smith, P.A..V.G. return within 24 hours of pur­ dent for academic affairs at the Heights, and William E. Walsh, chairman of the advisory REMODELING chase and get your money back. Sister Frances Marie, college president, assist committee of the New York City board of edu­ Instead of jumping up each time the phone DRIVE A LITTLE... the Archbishop at the conferral. Auxiliary cation, gave the commencement address. Fa­ Bishop David M. Maloney, a number of Mon­ ther Robert Greenslade, college chaplain, was rings—just reach! An inexpensive extension SAVE A LOT! signori and priests, faculty members at the master of ceremonies. CIRBO CONST. CO. phone in the living room helps save your Altar Society Sets Meeting in Lakewood GR. 7-2736 evenings for the relaxation you need. < Jeh^ nnie (St. Bernadette’s Parish, schemes. The meeting will be The weekly games party will 4405 W. 43RD AT TENNYSON To order, call us H i v i p / n Lakewood) held at 8 p.m. in the church be held on Friday evening in A special bonus will be given basement. the school basement following or ask a telephone serviceman. to the Altar and Rosary society The semi-monthly duplicate devotions. Refreshments are OVER 15 YRS. IN DENVER AREA for every member present at bridge party will be held on available. the meeting Thursday eve­ Friday, June 14, at 11:30 a.m. ning, June 13. MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE 0 in the church basement. Admis­ The program will feature tips sion is 75 cents per person. on interior decorating and color DAILY MASSES are held dur­ ing the summer at 6:15 a.m. b u yin g a car ? ? ? and at 7 a.m. Edgewater PTA The Wise Owl Says . . . Installs Officers If can be a pleasure if purchased (St. Mary Magdalene’s Parish, with a low cost Edgewater) North Denver Bank Auto Loan The new officers of the PTA were installed by Mrs. George E. McCaddon, former president let US help you "into" your new car of the Catholic Parent-Teacher league, at a meeting in May. CALL us AT 433-6781 The officers are Mrs. Emma Gherardini, president; Mrs. Catherine Dionisio, vice presi­ dent; Mrs. Mary Di Francia, secretary; Mrs. Esther Di Ju­ D o r t h d m ;r B a r k lio, corresponding secretary, •'\A/ccTWEST 38TH^oTLJ AVENUE A\/r.kinc vV. a AT JULIAN STREET Mrs. Dorothy Travis, treasurer; MEMBER F.D.I.C. Mrs. Rose Taddonio, historian; and Mrs. Dougherty, auditor. PTA Officers Installed Thursday, June 13, 1963 The Denver Catholic Register Page Thirteen At Final Meeting of Year iParish Reception to Honor

(St. Peter’s Parish, Greeley) and Mrs. Paul Pink, ways and means committee chairmen. Fr. Gabel, Assistant Pastor The PTA concluded the year (Presentation Parish, Denver) with the installation of officers THE PROGRAM at the meet­ sored by the Holy Name society as a family night program. Sam at a meeting Monday evening, ing June 3 was presented by The parish societies will hold a reception in the cafeteria from Sandos, HNS president, said tick­ June 3. the second grade pupils and their teacher, Mrs. Sue Dow, 17 to 9 p.m. Monday, June 17, to ets will be sold at the door at Mrs. Earl Lewis of St. John’s Robert Paterson, acting cub- honor Father Emmanuel Gabel, 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for children. Refreshments will parish. Longmont, installed the master for Pack 204, reviewed jwho has been named pastor of the activities of the scouts; and jSt. John’s parish, Stoneham, and be available. following officers: president, Gary Lewis, an Eagle Scout missions. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patterson; BOYS OF the parish and their from Longmont, gave a talk on Father Gabel has been assist­ vice president, Mr. and Mrs. “ Benefits of Scouting.’’ Chief parents will be guests at a mov­ Jim Beetham; secretary, Mr. ant pastor of this parish since ing picture in the parish hall at Earl Towning honored den 1959, He will begin his new as­ and Mrs. Ernest Delgado; audi­ mothers, committeemen, and 7:15 p.m. Friday, June 14. The tor, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mil­ signment in Stoneham June 21. program is being sponsored by the cubmaster. He also present­ Further information on the re­ ler; treasurer, Mr. and Mrs. ed the pack charter to Mrs. the Catholic Youth Recreation Kenneth Wittstock; historian, ception can be obtained by call­ association. Robert Patterson, PTA presi­ ing the credit union office or Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Markley; dent. and public relations, Mr. and Prom Queen Mrs. Marcella Lindeman, WE Sudden Slop Mrs. Joe Torney. 4-6683. THE MEMBERS of the safety Queen of St. Joseph’s hos­ The impact from driving a The most recent events spon­ patrol also received awards and pital School of Nursing is A TROUPE from radio station car into a stationary object at sored by the group were the certificates for their work. Mary Marilyn Kohles of Denver. KTLN will stage an “ Oldtime 60 miles per hour is just as school carnival and a dance, Schumann has been in charge Marilyn was crowned queen Vaudeville Review’’ in the par­ severe as if you were to drive both under the direction of Mr. of the group. at the junior-senior prom at ish Saturday, June 22. off the roof of a 10-story build­ Prom College to Marine Corps Pinehurst country club. The program is being spon­ ing. Taking their oaths of loyalty to the U.S. as rines are, from left, Jerome J. Doherty, John Colorado Springs School new members of the Marine corps are three E. Greiten, and Earl L. Gallipeau. The cere­ VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! members of the graduation class at Regis mony followed the college commencement ex­ Graduates 32 Students college, Denver. Administering the oath, at ercises June 3 in the Regis fieldhoiise. E le c t...... Victor B. (Sacred Heart Parish, Monte Fryt, who was granted a left, is Capt. Patrick Gallagher. The new Ma­ Colorado Springs) scholarship to the Holy Cross To Honor Our Lady At graduation exercises June abbey school. Canon City. 3, 32 students received diplomas CLOSING EXERCISES were GRANDY and were awarded honors for held for the other grades of the Novena to Be Held in Leadville Parish attendance, merit, and scholar­ school on June 4 in the school Denver City Auditor ship. hall when Father John Gibbons, the candidate with knowledge, experience and proven (Annunciation Parish, until 1950, teaching science and ing and first rehearsal June Among these were: Runner-up O.M.I., assistant pastor, gave ability to legally safeguard City expenditures. mathematics. In 1950 Father for the fall concert planned by in K. of C. competitive scholar­ out the perfect attendance and Leadville) — Volunteers for Grandy — Fischer returned to parish work ship, Francis Tyler; St. Mary’s honor pins. ■A solemn novena in honor of the parish choir. .A number of Christian J. Allison John H. Murphy in Louisiana, Missouri, and Cal­ singers, including several non- scholarships — girls, Cynthia The Sisters attended their Our I.ady of the Miraculous Delia Chavez Douglas McHendrie ifornia, and in 1962 he joined Catholics, will augment the reg­ Renkel; boys, Gary Dreiling; Medal will begin on Sunday, annual retreat beginning June Nathan H. Creamer Richard L. Ott the Vincentian Fathers Miracu­ ular choir. Father Nelson scholarship. Dr, EcJward J . Delehanty Edward M. Plass June 16. The novena is to bej 5, after which they will attend lous Medal Novena band. Albert J . Gouid Maurice Reuler conducted by the Rev. Fred J.| The group, under the direc-! awarded by the PTA, Francis school at Mt. St. Scholastica's tion of Father Hambiin will per-1 Tyler; Sister Emma Marie college in .Atchison, Kans. James L. Hartman Roy R. Romer Fischer, C.M. It will close on| Robert Holton A SOLEMN MASS of Requiem form Dubois’ “ Seven Last!scholarship given by Mr. and Sisters at Benet Hill will con­ R. Dale Tooley Monday, June 24. I Eugene J . Madcten Charles C. Vigil was offered on June 7 for the Words,’ ’ folk songs, and selec-|Mrs. Angelo Christopher, Kathie duct classes in reading and mu­ Roland L. Mapelll Father Fischer, a native of late Pope John XXIII, with the tions from Broadway musical I Vidmar. sic during the summer both at VICTOR B. GRANDY Allegra Saunders and Mike Schwartz^ CO'Chmn. Terre Haute, Ind., was ordain­ Rev. James B. Hamblin, pastor, comedies. Special honor was given to Benet and at Sacred Heart. ed to the priesthood on May 29, as celebrant. Nearly 200 parish­ 1930, and has done parish work ioners assisted at the Mass. The throughout the Midwest since sanctuary has been draped in that time. mourning for the late Pontiff. He was on the faculties at DePaul academy and the Uni­ FIFTY-FIVE PERSONS at­ versity of Chicago from 1937 tended the organizational meet- 90,600 DENVER VOTERS Mass to Be Celebrated In Honor of Sacred Heart (Sacred Heart Parish, Denver) thanks for the cancelled stamps that have been sent to the Do­ A SOLEMN MASS will be minican Sisters in the missions. celebrated in honor of the Sac­ The following pupils received red Heart at 10:30 a.m. June general excellence awards the 16. The Mass was requested by past week: AGREE IT’S TIME FOR the women of the League of the Sacred Heart for those who Grade 8A David Rivera, who contribute. will attend Regis high school; A breakfast will be served in 8B, Ronnie Garcia, who will at­ the Little Flower center after tend Cathedral high school; 7, Mass. Theresa Marumoto; 6, Ralph Mrs. William Baca expresses Martinez; 5A, Theresa Maes; I her gratitude to those who col­ 5B, Maria Montez. lected used Christmas cards to Grade 4, Mary Dowd; 3A, A CHANGE be sent to Father James Mc- Theresa Martinez; 3B, Connie Shane, S.J., for his mission Cardenas; 2A, Sandy Marumoto; work in the Honduras. Mrs. 2B, Marcia Trujillo; lA, Joseph Betty Lucero also expresses Tuna; and IB, Sharon Moreno. DENVER NEEDS A MAYOR WHO IS STRONG-DECISIVE-CAPABLE DENVER NEEDS

Scholarship Winners Congratulations are offered by Father Barry J. Wogan, TOM right, back row, pastor of St. Rose of Lima’s parish, Denver, to members of the school’s graduation class who were awarded scholarships to Catholic high schools. The award winners are, from left, Thomas Leyba, who will attend Regis high school; Stanley Lewis, Cathedral high; -Ann Marie Connor, St. Francis CORRIGAN de Sales’ ; and Patrick McDonough, Mullen high. They were among the 45 boys and girls who received diplomas in gradua­ tion ceremonies at the 10 a.m. Mass June 2. Currigan cares about the problems of Denver, and Tom Currigan has enunciated a bold and vigorous St. Rose of Lima Parish he will do something about them. 10-polnt program for the progress of Denver. This is a vibrant, forward-looking program of ACTION! Schedules Bazaar June 14 Tom Currigan is a leader...a man who can act with (St. Rose of Lima Parish, lowing officers at the meeting Denver) June 6: Mrs, Warren Foote, dispatch...a man who l 0 7 3 only, and not for regular antlered he’s a native of Cuba, although teams will be limited to five in elk hunting. 1 making his home now in Miami, basketball, nine in baseball and The entire area within heavy '58 BUICK Roadmaster 75 Fia. The youngsters found out 11 in football, at least until such Convertible, Genuine Leath­ black lines on accompanying map, that they have much in com­ both shaded and white sections, is time as a team uses more than er Seats, Radio, Heater, open for antlered elk hunting dur­ mon with him. Many of them that number on the field or Dyna-Flow Transmission, ing regular big game season. are from families of Cuban ref­ court at one time. Power Steering, Power Brakes, Power Windows, 6 Areas shown with crosshatch ugees, who like Pascual, decid­ ed to relocate rather than live Way Seats, Good Vinyl Top lines, and areas of state not shown THIS IS the type of team - « c e o r J , , , 5 on map, are closed to all elk hunt­ under the Castro regime. we’ll promote 100 per cent, with ing at all times, except for small Some day Camilo and his pictures, appropriate writeups pre-season permit hunt in Clold and enough fancy adjectives to Springs area in extreme north­ friends hope to return to their ’56 OLDS 88, 4 door Sedan, western comer of state, homes in Cuba under much hap­ fill at least a couple of pages Radio, Heater, Hydromatic, Veither residents nor out-of- pier circumstances than when in any proud parent’s scrapbook. New Seat Covers,>. White vvmic Side Wall state hunters are required to they left. Now’s the time to give it Tires ...... $395 employ licensed guides to hunt His visit over, Pascual joined some serious thought. It’ll in­ elk or deer in Colorado his Minnesota teammates for volve a couple hours of work at The 9,810 hunter’s choice and the Monday night exhibition the start of each season check­ special permits are issued to hunt­ game which the Twins won, 8-7. ing out the grades of the ers who make application and whose names are selected in an athletes on every school’s Denver’s open lottery FIVE OF HIS admirers from roster. It’ll take a few minutes Fifteen per cent of these per­ Mt. St. Vincent’s were on hand at season’s end. EXCLUSIVE mits are reserved for non-resi­ at the game, guests of El Cir- We sorta think some of the dent hunters. culo Cubano, mostly Cuban ref­ students might even think it’s Downtown Each hunter must apply for a ugees who are living and work­ worthwhile. specific permit area, and his appli­ ing in Denver. sH * cation will be considered only in Pascual didn’t pitch — ace Buick the lottery for that area. ELSEWHERE ON this page hurlers seldom are used in ex­ Deadline for applications for are pictures and a story about special elk permits is 6 p.m. hibitions, and the Twins are Dealer! (MST) 'Tues.. Aug. 20, at the making a strong bid for the Camilo Pascual’s visit to Denver Game and Pish Dept.. 6060 Broad­ American league pennant. orphanages. The fellow who I way. Denver 16. Colo. The public But it was a great night for handled the arrangements, ten­ lottery will be held Thursday. Aug. the five boys and their El Cir- dered the invitation to Pascual 29. beginning at 8:30 a.m.. at the culo Cubano friends and a won­ For Over Game and Pish Dept.. 6060 Broad­ and then wouldn’t let us give way. Denver Colorado. derful day for all the folks at 39 Years.., Mt. St. Vincent’s and Queen of him credit is deserving of a RESIDENTS Heaven. public pat on the back. Well, 1 Buy youi elk license. 2. Study Pete, we’re sure the Sisters and Denver’s the 1963 elk permit map and select the kids won’t forget it. area in which you make application sis * sis for permit 3 License holder must Vincent DePaul LEADING complete and mail application. 4. Nine Wins State THE CORRECTED Air Force Successful applicants will be noti­ academy basketball schedule Buick fied by mail early in September, and Jp. P«*mk Crewn for 1963-64 lists three Catholic permits will be mailed to them at a foes, all to be played in succes-| Dealer! later date. 5 Unsuccessful appli­ St. Vincent de Paul is the state cants wiil also be notified. Junior Parochial varsity division Sion. The Falcons will be host toj NON-RESIDENTS baseball champion. Regis Feb. 8, entertain St. Mi­ 1. Get application by writing The south Denver team won chael’s of Santa Fe Feb. 12 and Shaded end white oreas open tor regular license elk hunting, White areas also coded tor designated permit elk hunting. Crosshatched Game and Fish Office, 6060 Broad­ the title last Wednesday with a then invade Marquette Feb. 15. areas closed to all elk hunting. way Denver 16. 2. Fill out applica­ 5-4 triumph over the southern Oh, how Eddie Hickey should be DE tion completely, and return with pointing for the Cadets when AA. Part 6, & 7 W. of Laramie River-.Cowdry ______Colorado standardbearer, Divine HUNTER'S CHOICE ELK PERMITS 250 $50—no cash or personal checks. they get to Milwaukee. The AFA 777 Lincoln St. BB. 17 Eost of Hgwy #125______Owl M f n ______30 Redeemer of Colorado Springs. PERMIT GAME UNIT AREA NUMBER OF 3. Successful applicants will re­ scored major upset wins over Open Evenings *til 9 DESCRIPTIONS DESCRIPTION PERMITS CC. 43 ______Roaring Fork ______200 ceive a license and a hunter’s Pat Payton was winning pitch­ AREA the Warriors on Colorado soil in A. 14 Elk River ______350 EE. 52 ______No. Fork Gunnison 30 choice or special permit. Unsuc­ er in the contest played at City C 15, & 27 No. Hgwy #11 Yampa 150 LL. 5 ______Slater ______50 cessful applicants will receive a li­ Park. 1961 and again in 1963. D. 16 No. of Pine Creek & Hgwy #14 MM. 18 ______-Troublesome______250 cense good only for antlered elk Big blow for the victors was 6 West of Stote Hgwy #127----West Side ______80 NN. 6 6 ______-Lake Fork Gunnison 300 during the regular season in open a homer by Tommy Angerer, 00. 53 & 63 ______Smith F o rk ______E. 23 & 24 ______M eeker------______500 150 elk areas. Mt. Carmel of Denver had F. 36, & 27 So. of Hgwy #11------Piney ------______300 PP. S part of 16 & W part of 17. -Grizzley 230 NO HUNTER MAY KILL MORE OCT. 26 - NOV. 3: won the Junior Parochial midg­ ONE pickup for DIRECT service ______250 THAN ONE ELK IN COLORADO G. 28 & 37 ______Middle Pork et division crown with a 5-0 con­ I. 44 & 47 ______Frying Pan ______500 T. 20 ______-Estes Park 150 DURING THE 1963 SEASON, UN­ j_ 54 ______Sopinero ______350 V 50 West of US 285 Hgwy.. __South Park (Antlered)__ 100 DER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. quest of Sacred Heart of Colo­ K. 55 ______Taylor River ______500 (Antlerless)-. 60 rado Springs the previous Sun­ to both L. 65 — ______Alpine ______250 Z 8, and N half of 19 Also day. 7 East of Laramie River ______Poudre______200 M. 67 & 68 ------. Saguache ______500 Colorado N. 70, 71, 73 N.E of Dolores River DD 46 West of US 285 Hgwy______B ailey______50 and Hgwys 160 & 184, E. of 80 Dolores . ______350 HH. 50 East of Hgwy. #77______Tarryoll ___ (Antlered)____100 No Reason for Death coasts O. 74, N. of 160______Hermoso ______350 (Antlerless)__ 50 Game & Fi?h Regardless of your reason for p 7 S ______Animos . ______400 JJ. 48, 49, 56 ______Upper Arkansas______50 speeding, says the State Patrol, KK. 58 & 59 In Pikes Peek Area. Pikes Peak . . . ______100 Q. 77 & Ja S . ___ _Pogoso Springs------1000 a resulting accident is none the R. 76, 79 & 80- _Rio Grande (Ant'less Only) 1000 SS. 69, 84, 90 ..Wet Mtn Valley ______30 Department DENVER CHICAGO TRUCKING C0„ INC. ELK PRESEASON OCT. 12-16: less fatal, injury none the less S. 81 _Conejos ------250 ______150 Y. N.W. Part of Gome Unit 2_ -Cold Springs (Antlered) 50 HARRY WOODWARD, Director serious, and property damage 45th & Jackson • Denver • Phone Dudley 8-4567 W. 26, & 25 No. Sweetwater Creek-Toponas _ 6060 Broadway, Denver 16 X. 33, 34, & 25 So. Sweetwater Ck_GIenwood ______100 (Antierless)- 50 none the less costly. Strong Voice Says ‘Now Is Time to Aet^ Thursefoy, June 73, 7963 The Denver Cathofic Register Page Fifteen looking at Council Elects Dr« Bach Grand Knight Rising Incidence of Crime Concern things . . . At a meeting Tuesday, June reer in Columbianism was grand knight; Stanley Wiruth, 4, of St. Mary’s Council 3340, crowned by his election in 1959 chancellor; Leonard Sobas, By Lon Heoly Knights of Columbus, Dr. Earl to the highest office in the state treasurer; Bill Jeffers, financial C. Bach was elected grand of Colorado. He served the state secretary; Arthur LeBlanc, re­ Of District 6 Councilman Candidate PROBLEMS IN PINKAMINK knight of the Englewood-Little- council as state deputy for two corder; Leo Clifford, advocate; Yesterday, my neighbor. Old ton Council for a one-year term consecutive terms. Luis Garcia, warden; Saleim By C. J. Zecha forceful beliefs of James B. he’ll put some of his definite arguable fact remains, how­ Grandpa Suttle said; “ Years starting July 1. Bowlus, Bill SchmelUng, Ber­ The rising incidence of as­ Kenney, Jr., a candidate for ideas on what he’d like to ac­ ever, that support and attention ago, there was a feller back in DR. BACH has been a mem­ nard Deneke, guards. Dr. Bach is professor of saults and child molestation in city councilman in District 6 in complish to work. must be given in the right direc­ my hometown of Pinkamink, ber of St. Mary’s councii for Joseph H. McNamarra, the speech and drama at Loretto the residential areas of Denver next week’s runoff election. “ We have an excellent police tion. In his job as a construction Ind., with a foul mouth and he more than 11 years and brings outgoing grand knight, was Heights college, Denver, as has. certainly not bypassed the force,” said Kenney, 41, lifetime engineer, Kenney, a member of often cursed and used obscene to this council his experience elected to a three-year term as well as executive director of the attention of the Denver police KENNEY is not only an Denver resident and executive St. John the Evangelist’s par­ language. All the parents kept and dedication to the order. a trustee of the Council. May Bonfils Stanton Center of force, but more support is earnest and energetic man, but of a major highway and bridge ish, Denver, has been keenly their children away from him. He will be assisted in his new The council will hold the elec­ Performing Arts. needed on the part of the citizen­ one whose interest in Denver is construction firm, “ but more observant of city government. Finally, this unfortunate char­ duties by the following elected tion of the home association of­ ry and of public officials to curb not confined to the future. He support is needed for the pro­ acter died and the parents His long and successful ca­ officers; Joseph Schiel, deputy ficers at its meeting on July 2. these crimes. believes in what is happening tection of our citizens, especial­ ANOTHER AREA of his at­ breathed sighs of relief, thinking This is one of the strong and at present and, if elected, says ly children and women.” tention has been focused on the their troubles were pretty well streets and viaducts. “ I feel over. But, their sighs turned out One of the areas of which strongly,” he said, “ that as a to be rather short.” Kenney is concerned is the Vote for member of tbe council my neighborhood park situation. “ Why? What happened?” said knowledge of street construc- “ Our confidence must be dem­ I. OJ \visk^ to ME N onstrated to the police force in “ Well,” said Gramp, “ just this matter,” he said as he the Council Candidate about that very same time, the promised his support in helping community organized the Vil­ the police department solve lage Players and they started these problems. “ We should presenting some of these real­ have set up some established in District 6 istic, sophisticated, direct-from- guide as to the number of men New York type of plays in Pink­ needed on the force.” amink.” who initiated demands Kenney’s words came on the heel of statement issued this week by J. Edgar Hoover of the Federal Bureau of Investi­ Chas. Byrne for stronger police gation. Hoover reported that the nation’s rapidly rising crime rate shows no sign of abating Running for surveillance in residential and the year 1963 is well on its way toward being the worst in history. City Auditor areas to stem the Hoover said that initial com­ pilation of Uniform Crime Sta­ One of the leaders in the suc­ tistics for the first three months cessful fight against the birth rising incidence of child of 1963 show a seven per cent control bill in the past session increase in the crime rate over of the Colorado Legislature, the comparable period of 1962 James B. Kenny, Jr. State Representative Charles molestations and assaults! which, in turn, was the worst D. Byrne is a candidate for city year in the nation’s history. tion, repair and maintenance, auditor in the Denver runoff and experience in this field can election next week. KENNEY’S IDEAS and hopes be utilized to the benefit of the of supporting the Denver police people of the city of Denver.” department in cracking down Kenney served as a navy BYRNE, a native Denverite, crime against the individual pilot during World War II. He is a member of a pioneer fam­ ily that first came to Colorado JAMES B. KENNEYjr. coincides with a section of attended St. John’s grade school Hoover’s report that is., in a and Regis high school, Denver, more than 100 years ago. Mar­ MEMBER OF ST. JOHN’S PARISH way, a bit consoling. Hoover and received his engineering ried, his wife Dorothy and four pointed out that the nation’s education at Colorado School of daughters live at 75 South Jas­ Dolice have been successful in Mines and the University of mine Street. • Married, father of • Construction firm executive, President at Air Asademy bringing about a slight reduc­ Colorado. Previous to serving two expert in street construction tion in crimes against the per­ He has served on the advisory 7 children. President John F. Kennedy took time from his tight elected terms in the State Legis­ son. Murders, he said, have committee of the Colorado In­ and maintenance. schedule June 5 to tour the unique Air Force Academy lature, the Denver accountant dropped one per cent; forcible dustrial Commission and on was clerk and recorder and has • Graduate of Regis High School. • Has served both city and Chapel. Here he is shown in the nave of the academy’s rapes, two per cent; and aggra­ municipal affairs committees chapel with academy superintendent Maj. Gen. Robert H. four years of municipal admin­ Registered engineer, state government in many vated assaults, three per cent. concerned with construction of istration experience. Warren’s aide, Maj. Gordon Culver. At this point the chapel public works projects. engineering education, Colo., capacities. A more detailed analysis of roof soars more than 95 feet above the floor. Repairs on the One of his first pledges as a The Byrne family are mem­ the figures, the FBI chief said, School of Mines and U. of Colo. • Member Colorado Society of building are delaying its opening for use by Catholics, Prot­ member of city council was the bers of Christ the King parish, showed that street robberies, Engineers. Past Pres. Colorado estants, and Jews in their respective chapels. protection of real estate values Denver. Byrne has been a mem­ which have been a particular • Native of Denver, resident Contractors Ass'n. Past Pres. by insisting that the integrity of ber of the Knights of Colum­ target of law enforcement agen­ of district 6 for 34 years. Colo. Construction League. the zoning code be upheld, es­ bus Bowling League the past cies, have declined two per (Pd. Pol. Adv.) President Kennedy Spots pecially in District 6. four years. cent. House burglaries after nightfall, however, he added, 30 Cheering Franciscans rose by nine per cent and com­ COLORADO 1963 REGUUR DEER HUNTING - AREAS, DATES AND LIMITS mercial building robberies in­ A welcoming delegation of Sister Colette said the Mt creased by eight per cent. black robes from Mt. St. Fran­ St. Francis bus was placed just Although the crime rate, as cis, near Colorado Springs, near­ off Interstate 25 and the “ Wel­ a whole, is still much lower in come JFK” banner unfurled. rural areas than in large met­ ly stopped President John F. The banner had been prepared Kennedy’s motorcade leaving ropolitan centers. Hoover said, for an aerial greeting since the the gap is narrowing year by the Air Force academy Com­ Franciscan mother house is just year. mencement June 5 when the south of the U. S. Air Force Kenney, a professional regis­ Academy. commander-in-chief spotted the tered engineer, has been a resi­ 30 cheering Franciscans. Helicopters such as the one dent of District 6 for more than which airlifted President Ken­ 30 years. As the fattier of seven Sister M. Collette, dean of nedy from Peterson Field to the children, he is gravely con­ studies at the mother house who academy had been putting over cerned with the problems of organized the group of Sisters, the school for several days and neighborhood park crimes and novices and postulants, isn’t the Sisters thought the President curtailment of offenses. sure what JFK shouted at the might just set down to see who “ I know I’m not alone in this religious, but whatever it was, was welcoming him and to in­ “ It was quite a thrill,” she said. concern,” he said, “ but one spect the new chapel there. thing I do know is that we need IN THE BEST Boston tradi­ The Sisters are inviting every­ a strong voice to constantly call tion, the President appeared to one to take part in their annual for support and help in this some spectators to be prepar­ Corpus Christ! procession next matter — andi we need it right ing to stop, get out, and meet Sunday, June 16, at 4 p.m. and now.” the Sisters. Because of his tight visit the chapel. Hundreds from Kenney is the first to laud the schedule, however, he settled for the Pikes Peak region join the police department for its efforts a pause in the trip. procession each year. in combatting crime. The un­

Recipients ot Honorary Degrees Pictured here are University of Colorado Very Rev. Richard Francis Ryan, S.J., presi­ president, Quigg Newton, center, and four re­ dent of Regis college, Denver; Newton, Ches­ cipients of honorary doctorates at the univer­ ter H. Alter, chancellor of Denver University, sity’s 125th commencement Friday, June 7. and Louis Benezet, recently retired president Left to right are Harold R. Keables, English of Colorado college, Colorado Springs. teacher in Denver’s South high school; the

LICENSE FEES T he license fees you pay help pro­ East Slope Deer Opening October 26, Western Slope October 19 I'm Voting for vide your good hunting this year, and guarantee good hunting for all If you have a favorite deer hunt­ partment, 6060 Broadway, Denver. after sunset. It is illegal to shoot 130 yards, are Illegal for bunting true sportsmen in future years. Li­ ing area, you will find it in one of If there is any question about any from any highway, hunt with a ve­ big game in Colorado. cense fees for Colorado residents are the numbered sections (large cir­ detail of limits, licensing, areas, hicle, or hunt on private property AH bonus deer — all deer taken $10 for elk, $7.50 for deer, $5 for sec­ cles) of the map above. The code and so forth, your request to the without the owner’s permission. other than your first — require a ond deer, and $5 for bear. License shows the dates of the regular sea­ department wiU be given immedi­ Hunting big game with dogs is ille­ Second Deer license. TOM CURRIGAN fees for non-residents are $50 for elk, son, the type of hunt for each area, ate and helpful attention. gal except for bear during the spe­ MAJOR DEER SEASON $40 for deer, $7.50 for second deer and area descriptions by game Minimum age for big game hunt­ cial bear season. Be sure to check Regular deer hunting areas are and $10 for bear. Resident means a management units (small circles). ing is 18, except that children 14 reglations as to legality of weapons: shown on the map above in large for m ayor U. S. citizen with a fixed and perma­ More detailed information is given to 18 may hunt if accompanied at M-1 carbines, full-automatic rifles, circled numbers, coded in series nent home in Colorado for not less in the special colored map being all times by a licensed adult. Such shotguns (except 20-gauge or larger from 101 to 108. Small circle num­ than 6 months immediately preced­ prepared by the Game and Fish children must have appropriate li­ firing single idug), rifles holding bers are the regular established Because I know he is a man who will ACT only ing the date of the application for Department, which will soon be censes, and are subject to the same more than 6 rounils, steel cs: hard- Game Management Units. Hunting license. available at any licensing agency, regulations and bag limits as adults. pointed bullets, or bullets of less areas ordinarily—but not always— on VERIFIED FACTS. or will be sent to you if you file a HUNTING HOURS, WEAPONS than 70 grains weight, cross-bows, follow Game Management Unit REGIONAL GAME & FISH reijuest—a post card will do—with Hunting hours are from one half mechanical bows or bows incapable boundaries. National parks (shad­ I urge all my friends and constituents to join me MANAGERS and OFFICES the Colorado Game and Fish De­ hour before sunrise to one half hour of casting a hunting arrow at least ed) are closed to all hunting. in electing TOM CURRIGAN OUR NEXT MAYOR. Regional Managers, and their office addresses, are: Sincerely, Northeast: Richard Teague, }17 West Prospect, Fort Collins. Colorado Game & Fish Department Southeast: Carl Welsh, 1904 North Joe Barry Circle Dr., Colorado Springs. HARRY WOODWARD, Director 6060 Broadway, Denver 16, Colo. Northwest: Robert Evans, 21} Petro­ Councilman, District No. 7 leum Bldg., Grand Junction. Commissioners: Porker Sooter, President, Alamosa; Melvem Renfrew, Vice President, Delto; Roy Member, St. Francis de Sales Southwest: C. E. Till, 209 North Eckles, Lomor; Bob Hendricks, Burlington; Morsholl Hughes, Norwood; Augustus Honn, Denver; (Pd. Pol. Adv.) Townsend, Montrose. Ronald H. Strohle, Fort Collins, Williom August, Brush; C M. Fumeoux, Walden; Orest Gerboz, Aspen. ruge Sixteen TVie Denver Catholic Register Thursday, June 13, 1963 Enthusiastic Leaders Behind Success of Jr. Great Books Program

By Mary Lou Munroe j ing course, as other leaders. Sion group. Perhaps the school chairman; another chairman in discerning the tenor of the One hundred seventy-two cer-| They must be willing to forego principal has asked the pros­ was director of a large USO discussion. | titled adult leaders this year I the standard teaching practices, pective leader to participate in club in World War II. A reasonable balance should! are volunteering their services! and use exclusively the Socratic the program. Many leaders Six husband-wife teams are be maintained in the discussions! in the Archdiocesan Junior i method of questioning. have had. children in Junior Junior Great Books leaders. between logical and emotional Great Books program. The lead­ The leader’s value is propor­ Great Books; they know, first THE EDUCATIONAL back­ content. This balance can be ers are lay people, not profes­ tional to his skill in working accomplished only if the lead hand, the value of such a unique ground of the leaders is equally sional educators. Junior Great within the established frame­ ers keep one ear tuned to what learning process. varied. Twelve leaders have Books is not work. is actually being said, and the All leaders arc busy, active master degrees, two have their a teaching TWO LEADERS are always people, but each has volun­ other tuned to what is being program in doctorate. used in discussion groups. Be teered his time so that gifted More than 70 leaders are col- left unsaid — what is implied content or — what is just beneath the sides the obvious advantage of children may have the oppor­ lete graduates, several of whom technique. dual insight and thought, this tunity and the atmosphere to were graduated with honors, surface, and can be reached by Many the intuitive probing of the seeming duplication of effort is think creatively. three with Phi Beta Kappa keys. teachers and leaders. former WHO ARE the Junior Great •\n additional 45 leaders have attended college, the remainder Anyone who is interested in teachers, it (This is the fijth in a series Books leaders? What are their working in Junior Great Books is true, are discussion leaders backgrounds? They represent a are high school graduates. One of articles on the Junior mother of three completed high should realize that background in this extra-curricular pro­ Great Books program being cross section of the populace, and previous experience are gram, To be qualified, however, with many diverse professions school at the age of 30 by at­ conducted in archdiocesan tending Opportunity school. not the most important qualifi­ they have taken the same train­ schools. The articles in the represented. They may be at­ cations. A genuine interest in torneys, accountants, engineers, It is interesting to note that series appear once each in such a heterogeneous group people and the willingness to TRY month.) jet pilots, or teachers. But most learn and use the Socratic meth­ of them are mothers. the leaders have many traits and interests in common. .411 the od are the essential criteria for Statistics show that the lead­ Junior Great Books leaders. actually an effectual means of ers have an average of five leaders enjoy people, especially young people. All like to read, Successful “ leading” is a mat­ j eliminating the authority figure children. One mother has 12 ter of continued growth. of the classroom. children, ranging in age from and all have an appreciation otj I The students quickly learn toj 22 to five years. It is not un­ reading as the basis of a child’s' Fiesta Dishes - Open Stock education. All should have open 3— Ail Souls (Englewood) I accept the two leaders as common for the leader to be Gifts - Hardware - Paint minds, patience, adaptability, trained adults whose duty it is the mother of six, seven, or 4790 S. WA^NGTON Glass - Toys and a sense of humor. Large 3 bedroom, full-finished basement. to stimulate thinking and probe eight children. Pipe Threading The role of the leaders is a Many extras. Will trade for 2 bedroom — not to teach. Why do these already busy with garage in Our Lady of Lourdes Window Shades - Key subtle one — their presence is parish. How are Junior Great Books persons assume additional re­ Duplicating sensed rather than noted. Re­ WHEN BUYING OR SELLING leaders recruited? They may sponsibilities? They want to. FOR FAST FREE APPRAISAL maining deliberately unob­ C A LL YOUR Open Friday & Monday Eves. have heard or read about the They believe in Junior Great 32 Broadway PE. 3-2940 trusive, they do not dominate CATHOLIC REALTY FIRM program, or viewed a discus- Books. The work is most re­ warding. the thinking of the group. WILSON & WILSON The Number by the Parish Four discussion leaders are on -A leader should be receptive 2896 So. Broadway and sympathetic to the thoughts SU 1-6671 YOUR the staff of the United States Heading Over Each Ad Is Air Force academy. One of the and feelings of young people aware that these students are 6^Blessed Sacrament first leaders in the archdiocesan the Key to its location on program was also one of the capable of thinking for them LAST TIME OFFERED selves. H o M E M A K E R ’ S j first five “ Waves” to enlist in BY OWNER He does not expect too much, the Map. World War II. Very roomy English style bungalow, 3 PARISH neither does he settle for too Department | Another leader served over­ bdrms. on 1st fliDor. 2 baths, finished seas three years in the Army little. Junior Great Books is de- basement. Double garage. Lovely land­ signed to make the superior scaping, Near Blessed Sacrament and Paironize These Reliable and Friendly Firms | nurse corp; four other nurses are in the program. A former child “ stretch.” Machebeuf. 1727 Ivanhoe. 333-4813. Open faiiii radio actress who studied at the THE LEADER should have Sunday 11 to 5 or by appointment. Royal Academy in London is a the ability to establish good REAL ESTATE GUIDE 6— Blessed Sacrament discussion leader and parish rapport and must be perceptive MACHEBEUF 26^St. Catherine 44— St. Rose of Lima 46— St. Vincent de Paul ^ g l a s s Bacon & Schramm Must sell quickly! 4 bedrooms, 5090 MEADE VIRGINIA VILLAGE Composition Roofing 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, 2-car ga­ CUTE Tile Roofing 3 year old, 2 bedroom brick. Liv­ BY OWNER rage. Big rooms. Modern elec­ ing room-dining room combina­ 2 bedroom frame, attached gar­ Roof Repairing tric kitchen. Nice corner site. tion. Large kitchen plus full fin­ 4 bedroom bi-level. FH A appraised at age, aluminum siding, water $17,000. 1220 S. Honey Way. $700 down. MIRRORS 4020 Brighton Blvd. Call Sunday or after. ished 2 bedroom basement. 2 1517 Cheyenne Place TA 5-5251 car garage, fenced, landscaped. softener. Near bus and church. $120 per month P .l.T .I. Terrific storage. CH. 4-6568 ^PEX REALTY FR. 7-0938 (Colfax at Broadway) Assume large loan. Call Greene 851 S. Shoshone. WE. 4-7203. Sundeck. Patio. Fence. Attached garage. 6— Blessed Sacrament HA. 4-9696. See anytime. SK 6-1698 46—-St. Vincent cie Paui 46i— St. Vincent de Paul BUILDING AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE ’A BLK. TO CHURCH 28^—St. Deminic AND SCHOOL BY OWNER B Y OW NER Polishing and Scrubbing Machines—Com­ Sharp 3 bedroom brick with separate WE NEED Attractive simulated stone, 4 bdrms., 2 mercial Vacuums — Power Sweepers, Sim­ dining room and half basement. $15,000. 1257 S. COLUMBINE in full finished basement. IV2 baths. W/w plicity Garden Tractors and Snow Re­ FHA. $450 down. $106 monthly payments. NORTH DENVER, WHEAT- moval Equipment, Power Sprayers, and Call Joe Plank, DE. 3-8015 (20EU) RIDGE and LAKEWOOD Immediate possession lovely living room, carpeting, drapes. Electric kitchen. Large Janitorial Supplies. LISTINGS. dinette, wall-to-wall carpeting. 2 bed­ rec. room, new furnace. Outside base­ SALES CO. 534-5141 Denver 1736-44 Blake St. PLEASE CALL KATHLEEN rooms main floor and in f.f. basement. ment entrance. Alsco storm windows. 1V2 MOORE Large recreation room, 2 fireplaces. car garage. On No. 5 bus line. By ap­ 2234 S. Colo. Blvd. MORAN with LAIRD REALTY Large covered patio. Garage and car­ pointment, After 4:30 weekdays. 777-7748. 8- Cure d’Ars 3126 LOWELL BLVD. port. 1355 So. Clayton. 477-8307 or 455-3650 24— SI. Anthany (Westwaad) GOLD CROSS PRODUCTS, INC. G.I., NOTHING DOWN “Accredited Purveyors to the Catholic Clergy” Religious Cdusalion Topis 3 bedroom, English brick with full-finish­ 31— St. James ed basement. This very sharp home JANITORIAL & SANITARY SUPPLIES Three experts discuss modern religious education on Look priced at only $16,500 with only $122 a REDUCED $2,500 1421 • 16th Street — CH 4-8775 or CH 4-2598 Up And Live, Sunday, June 16, at 8:30-9 a.m., on KLZ-TV, month payments. Call Joe Plank, DE. DENVER 2, COLORADO 3-8015. Charming 2-Story Brick Channel 7, Denver. Left to right are Sister Maria de la Cruz, Cape Cod (D d j i I , T W a s l . William J. Reedy, and Bishop G. Emmett Carter. The mod­ MOORE OPEN SUNDAY P.M. erator (back to camera) is John B. Mannion, executive secre­ 2234 S. Colo. Blvd. SK. 6-3610 Owner transferred Los Angeles. Featured tary of the National Catholic Liturgical Conference. in Denver Post "Design For Living." 3 HINKLE BROTHERS HOMES ELDER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY bedrooms. Full bath, two V2 baths. Liv­ 11— Holy Family ing room, fireplace, dining room. TV-Bed- GUY M. ELDER & SONS room. Kitchen eating space. Double ga­ rage, F .F . basement, including Polyne­ W. Louisiana and Allison 3-BEDROOM sian room. Beautiful landscaping. Corner Industrial and Commercial Building 3 lots. 2290 Leyden, F L . 5-2016. Living room, dining room, kitchen. Den 175 Vallejo St. PEarl 3-8930 South of Alameda High School with fireplace. New all wool carpeting. Excellent location. 31— St. James 935-6104 Office: 6759 W. Mississippi 985-5331 FOR A P PM T. C A LL 433-7049 FOR LEASE No dealers or agents Electrical Contracting & Repairing Unfurnished, 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom. Double garage, wall- 14— Mast Preciaus Blaad to-wall carpeting, drapes. Fam­ STROHMINGER 5 BEDROOM ily room. 8 blocks from St. 2529 S. IVANHOE PLACE James. C^adtie *W)ooJi ESTATES. INC. Electric Co. Big buy for big fam ily. Priced to sell 322-1985 LIMITED OFFER at $36,500- All the luxuries of a $50,000 home. Call Kenneth Lull for appoint­ The Alpine $ 795 ment or information. P Y . 4-1284. 32^—St. Jahn the One-Acre Site ______$ 895 Licensed and Bonded MONTE CARROLL Evangelist Total _ _ _ _ $1690 Member National Electrical Contractors Ass’n. REALTOR THE ALPINE As low as $100.00 down, $29 month. 2<1 Fllmore F L . 5-U31 GROWING FAMILY? —all parts precision cut _ I . in our heavily 1178 Stout St. AC. 2-5733 and numbered — as­ Free Fishing stocked pond. 14— Mast Preciaus Blaad 6 bedrooms, Wa baths, living room, for­ sembles In 2 or 3 days — Directions: Take Hwy. 40 to the E l Rancho, mal dining room, kitchen with eating heavyweight lumber used turn left on the Evergreen Road to Bergen throughout — thick ply­ Park, then west on the Squaw Pass Road NEAR EVANS AND D.U. space, 2-car garage, front drive. Work­ wood floor and roof pan­ (No. 103) to Beautiful 5RRVIHG THE ENTIRE METROPOLITAN AREA Brick 2-story, 3 or 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, shop or storage space. Choice location. els — attractive red cedar "Castlewood Estates" 30 ft. living room, formal dining room, Close to trans. and shopping. shingle roof — Just 24 miles on paved roads, 30 minutes. main floor utility room. Basement and Approx, erection costs Come on up today! lENNIE LENNOX ' EA . 2-2240 y . "Gfl-IHIBESr garare. Newly carpeted. Call Gladys $200.00. ' Weekdays Sat., Sun.-Holidays Graduation at Marysrest Rehrn, RA. 2-5873. Phone 733-0991 112-277-0073 tffTIfNNOX" A solemn moment comes for Jacqueline Curran, a grad­ CADE REALTOR 37^—St. Mary (Littleton) uate of Marycrest high school, Denver, as she receives her SH. 4-3103 diploma from Auxiliary Bishop David M. Maloney at the 6873 S. PRINCE WAY \\ // school’ s commencement exercises June 1. Jacqueline was one 23— St. Anne (Arvada) One-half acre with 1580 sq. ft. brick ranch. 3 large bedrooms, DUNTON “Y ou m ay already of 28 girls who received their diplomas at the Marycrest • w n h alf o f a year-rou n d CHECK THESE HOMES FOR electric kitchen, family room. •ir con dition in g ayctem . If- ceremonies. FUS you n ow have central forctd LARGE FAMILIES ^ block to school and church. air h eatin g » ate u i and h n d 5- bedroom, 2 levels, 2,600 sq. HAVE OTHER LOVELY HOMES REAL ESTATE SALESMEN ISTlM A nS IN ST. M ARY PARISH AUTHORIZED Speed is Costly ft. 3 baths. Beautiful view. WHEN BUYING OR SELLING Excellent opportunity for licensed career salesmen who DEALER FOR Speeding can save only a Large family room. Family FOR FAST APPRAISAL are real prjtducers and determined to make high earn­ DAY and style electric kitchen. $24,950. C A LL YOUR NIGHT little time, reminds the State CATHOLIC REALTY FIRM ings. Every facility offered in our large modern office. Patrol, and it can lose a life — 3 bedrooms up and 3 more in WILSON & WILSON GUARANTEED perhaps your own. The minute PHONE PARNELL QUINN FOR RESIDENTIAL . COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL completely finished basement. 2896 So. Broadway S E R V IC E ON 24 HOUR SERVICE you gain could never replace 2 baths. Lovely large lot in es­ SU 1-6671 255-5451 A L L M A K ES your loss if you had an acci­ tablished neighborhood. $24,500. DIAL dent. Call Mrs. Swedlund. 421-3142. Dunton Realtor SU 1-4494 AD KIN S R E A L T Y 422-1425 37— St. Mary (Littletan)

24— St. Anthany % ACRE (Westwaad) EATlNfi/&(AIR CONDITIONING Co. < All utilities in. Next to new St. Mary N EW GRESHAM $150.00 DOWN Church. By owner. $5,800. \\ 2 bedroom J , M. close to shopping. | 3901 So. Kaiamath DUNTON" counter-top Fenced back yard. Range and refrigera­ SALES FRANK WATERS, Pres. ENGINEERING tor. Payment $99.25 P.l.T.I. | 5U. 1-8251 THE MONTH OF JUNE IS AN EXCELLENT MONTH TO la v a to ry DUNKLEE REALTY CO. ! 37— St. Mary (Littleton) SELL YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU PLAN TO SELL — NOW by K o hler 1925 Broadway Realtor] KE 4-5171 6 BEDROOM IS THE TIME! PHONE DUNTON IMMEDIATELY FOR AN Two baths, oversize garage; 3 carpeted VISIT YOUR Moderately priced, the bedrooms, living room, fam ily room. All ESTIMATE OF VALUE. 25— St. Bernadette electric kitchen. Offering immediate pos­ enameled iron Gresham is a (Lakeweed) session and priced for quick sale. Locat­ beauty. It comes complete ed at 7191 S. Elati. 255-5451 CATHOLIC LIBRARY Call Lloyd Mansfield, 755-0726 with angle-mount fittings, 5 BEDROOM5! MOORE DUNTON REALTOR specially designed. Gracious fam ily living In Lakewood Rltr. 300 E. Speer PE. 3-5511 Country Club area. 765 Crescent Lane. Luxuriously decorated Irving room. For­ Choose from six colorful mal dining room. Complete electric kit­ 41 ^ Sts. Peter and Paul ALL PARISHES WELCOME .... chen, paneled fam ily room, recreation (Wheatridge) pastels — each compatible room, 3 fireplaces, 4 baths, plus unfinish­ with a variety of decorating ed basement level. Double garage, cov­ 3615 NEWLAND OPEN n A.M. TO 3 P.M. ered patio, fenced yard, sprinkling sys­ ideas. tem. Will sacrifice $49,500. No down G .I.—$450 down FH A. Pay $81.25 CLOSED MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS ^ Quality Plumbing P .l.T .I. Attractive 2 bedroom brick, at­ GRULL REALTOR 238-1241 tached garage. Fenced. 1 bl(3ck to No. Specializing in OPEN SUNDAY 10 A.M. TO 2 P.M. For 13 car line, immediate possession. C^aii Jo r ^pace and Heating Repairs 25— St. Bernadette * Insurance (Lakewood) ACE REALTY CO. Free Browsing 4421 Tejon Realtor 477-5252 DOUBLE-DARE Membership Fee $1 Per Year . . . SLATTERY * Surety Bonds You to find more value for your money 41^—Sts. Peter and Paul than 6575 W. 10th PI. offers. Across from J n D l id ^Section Lakewood Country Club, brand new (Wheatridge) CALI brick 4 bedroom, 3 ceram ic tile baths & COMPANY with adjoining dressing rooms, all m ir­ BY OWNER Access to thousands of dollars rored walls. 3,500 sq. ft. of luxury liv­ Plumbing and Heating Paul T. McGrady ing in this attractive bl-level. AM electric 15 year brick, 4-bedroom, 2 Contractors kitchen with dishwasher, disposer, vent baths; attached garage. Lovely Of Catholic Literature fan, colored fixtures. 2-zone hot water fenced yard with trees and 181 VALLEJO ST. VAN SCHAACK & CO. heating system. Built to sell for $45,000 KE 4-4205 but now priced at $38,000 for quick sale. shrubs. Low taxes. 2 blocks to 625 19th St. Next to Holy Ghost Church SH. 4-3181 310 Patterson Bldg. CALL MEL REED public and parochial schools. JOHN J. CONNOR, President Home Phone 355-0271 Evenings 4040 Quay. $15,000. $450. down, MAin 3-9333 WESTERN SECURITIES Robert F. Connor, Vice President 222-3771 789-2177 evenings. Thursday, June 13, 1963 The Denver Catholic Register Page Seventeen ^ Art School Opens New Church Phase Seen Under W ay Haarlem, Holland — Cardinal in the circles of his own Church. In New Location Barnard Alfrink, Archbishop of But within less than five years The Bergman Art school is Utrecht, praised the reign of he had become a world figure. Pope John XXIII which he said opening new facilities at 1923 He acquired this position, not by E. Kentucky avenue, Denver, had seen the the highness of his office or three blocks east of Washington enter upon a new phase of its Park. existence. i the splendor of his entourage, In charge of the school is “ Pope John,” he said, “ wasj but by his simplicity, his kind­ New Religious Textbooks Bernice Bergman, who has hardly known in the world, even' ness and his 'humanity.” spent many years as a practic­ ing artist and has conducted classes at the University of Slated for Use Next Year Denver and at the extension Students in Catholic hi,gh The principals also discussed division of the University of schools of the archdiocese will a system now in use at St. Colorado. be using a new series of reli­ Francis de Sales’ high school gion textbooks next year, the for issuing report cards pre­ CLASSES' are offered for ser­ principals of the schools de­ pared by the Remington-Rand ious art students and for hobby­ cided at a meeting May 18. Univac computer. ists. A special course of 10 les­ St. Mary’s academy. Cherry The Univac not only prepares sons is scheduled for sub-teens. Hills, played host to the prin­ the report cards but also fur­ The school has obtained free cipals and served a luncheon placement for many students nishes the principal and faculty preceding the meeting. and is approved for veterans. with detailed breakdowns of stu­ THE NEW SERIES of reli­ Information can be obtained by gion texts, entitled “ The Way, dent records that make possible calling 722-3161. An exhibition the Truth, and the Light,” is an analysis of progress and of students’ art work will be printed by the Sadlier Publish­ problems in the school and held from 2 to 9 p.m. Sun­ Flag Day Recalls History ing company. It is coordinated among the students. day, June 9. with a Sadlier series on reli­ *and sundry other worthwhile purposes This 38-star flag, the official flag that flew ochial school children are scheduled to parti­ gion already in use in archdioc­ over Denver in 1876 when Colorado became cipate in the city’s tribute to Old Glory on esan grade schools. a state, is just as acceptable as the present Flag Day. From left are Jim Eakins, chair­ The texts were adopted up­ American Sanitary Products Co. ,50-star flag to be displayed on Flag Day, man of the Flag Day committee; Gunnery on the recommendation of a June 14, according to civic leaders and mili­ Sgt. Ken Salyards, U.S. Marine Corps; Mas­ “ Largest Janitor Supply Co. in the West” committee headed by the Rt. is proud to announce . . . for you, is our business. Money to build a patio tary men who will participate in the day’s cer­ ter Sgt. James Bollinger, U.S. Army; Chief Rev. Monsignor Gregory Smith, emonies. In fact, they say, any U.S. flag in Warrant Officer 0. K. Halsey, U.S. Coast V.G., P.A. or buy a convertible. Money to take a vacation or good condition, from the original Betsy Ross Guard; Master Sgt. A. N. Dunn, U.S. Air Father Lawrence St. Peter, New Sales Representative furnish a bedroom. Money, available right now 13-star design to the present flag, is suitable Force; and Denver Mayor Richard Batterton. assistant pastor of St. John the the quick, confidential, low-cost ANB way! To for the occasion. Some 5,000 public and par­ Evangelist’s parish, Denver, ANTHONY “Tony” DAWSON make the easy arrangements, just stop in or and Father John Rae, assistant pastor at the Cathedral, pre­ graduate of Cathedral High School phone our Installment Loan Department. The Parochial Students Join in Flag Tribute sented the committee’s report to money you need can usually be ready in less the high school principals. than an hour! The nation’s most impressive THE PAROCHIAL school chil­ the ceremony are fourth, fifth, if you mention this ad to Tony it will be his tribute to the .American flag will dren taking part in the tribute and sixth-grade pupils who ob ALSO PLANNED at the meet­ pleasure to present you with a token for recognition. be held in Denver on Flag Day, will gather at the Centre theater tain the signatures of six neigh ing was a workshop for priests AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK June 14, according to James P, at 9 a.m. for a special showing bors to display the flag on Flag teaching religion in the high PHONE Drive-In Banking / Free In-bank Parking / 17th and Stout / CH 4-S911 Eakins, American Legion Flag of a new picture not yet released Day and other patriotic holidays. schools, which was scheduled 534-311 Day chairman. to the public. Signature blanks are available for Oct. 22. Some 5,000 pupils from the After the show they will march at the American Legion, 1370 city’s public and parochial in a parade to the Capitol Broadway, for any youngster schools will participate with gov­ grounds, where the official cere­ who wishes to take part. ernment officials, civic leaders, monies will be held. P’ree re­ Each child attending the cere­ and representatives of the freshments will be served follow­ mony will be given a 50-star flag Armed Forces in a ceremony ing the ceremony. through the American Legion ST. ROSE that will dwarf observances in and the Public Service com- any other city, Eakins said. ELIGIBLE to participate inipany. of LIMA PARISH BAZAAR Art Lingle Gene Kottenstette Greg Thomas Ray York Mike Marker Rick Egloff To Mullenf Marysrest Students 1310 WEST NEVADA Achievements Bring Scholarship Awards FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, Hard work and a dedication All-Parochial, .\ll-Metro, and MISS FLORA, after passing to achievement brought rewards All-State football player. His a qualifying examination, was JUNE 14 JUNE 15 JUNE 16 in the form of college scholar­ award covers room, board, tui­ granted a three-year scholarship ships to six students of Mullen tion, and fees. to attend the Mercy hospital high school and to two at Mary- school of nursing, awarded by crest high school, according to JEANNIE BAKER plans to the hospital. Su n d ays the principals at the two study speech therapy under a She is the daughter of Mr schools. scholarship awarded by the and Mrs. D. Allen Flora. The Mullen students honored Denver Rehabilitation center. ROAST BEEF with the awards are Art Lingle, The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mt. Carmel Students JUNE 16th Gene Kottenstette, Greg Russell Baker of 2939 S. Zurich, Thomas, Ray York, Mike Har- she has been blind since the age Win 5 Scholarships 3 to 7 p.m. ker, and Rick Egloff. of 12. Her scholarship covers A total of five scholarships ADULTS, $1.00 Receiving scholarships at books, tuition, and room and were awarded to four students Marycrest high are Jeannie Ba­ board at Colorado State college at Mt. Carmel high school, CHILDREN UNDER 12, 50c DINNER ker and Jackie Curran. in Greeley. Reinhard Leinz, Patricia Koche Two scholarships have been var, Patricia Lease, and Sher­ ART LINGLE, the son of Mrs. offered to Jackie Curran, the rie Stalze. A. J. Lingle, received the full daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fran­ The top student in his class four-year scholarship from the cis Curran of 3329 Grove street. CORAL BEAUTY SALON THOM'S VALVERDE Mullen foundation to the Catho- One ij the Kyne Latin scholar­ and the president of the student council, young Leinz was of­ 1303 WEST ALAMEDA olic University of .America ship to Marymount college, Sa- fered two different scholar JEWELRY GROCERY Washington. The award covers lina, Kans., and the other a RA. 2-8570 ships; A four-year President’s 1383 W. Alameda Ave. tuition, board and room, and ex­ scholarship to Sacred Heart col­ 1335 W. ALAMEDA scholarship to Creighton univer­ OPERATORS FREE DELIVERY SERVICE penses. lege in Wichita, Kans. Jackie sity, Omaha, Neb., and a four GENE, GLORIA, ROSE Two different scholarships plans to attend Marymount. RA. 2-6698 RA. 2-6926 were awarded to Gene Kotten­ year Joint Honor scholarship to stette, the son of Mr. and Mrs. St. Joseph’s Students the Colorado School of Mines, Golden. TRINO^S PIZZERIA E. J. Kottenstette. One was a Awarded Scholarships $250-a-year scholarship from the CAIN'S J and J Makers of famous pizza of Three students at St. Joseph’s THE SON of Mr. and Mrs. Central New York First National Bank of Engle­ high school, Denver, have been 2706 W. Alameda 934-1750 wood, to be used at the college Bernhard Leinz, 2400 Bryant Closed Mondays awarded scholarships, accord­ 3 P.M. 'til 12 Weekdays of his choice. The other was a street, he was one of the stu­ ing to Sister Mercedes, prin­ PHARMACY LIQUORS 3 P.M. To 1 A.M. Fri, & Sat. four-year scholarship to Stan­ dents awarded an “ Academic cipal. The students are Joseph Kenneth H. Kimball, Owner ford university in California. Oscar” at the annual Catholic Chavez, Leo Buetlein, and Chris­ (Member St. Rose of Lima Mike Harker plans to major Parent-Teacher league awards 1777 West Mississippi tine Flora. Parish) in biological sciences at Colo- brunch May 23. Young Chavez, the editor of Miss Kochevar and Miss Athmar Park no o n a n tado State university. Ft. Col­ 1343 W. Alameda lins, under a full four-year scho­ the school newspaper, the San­ Lease both received scholarship Shopping Center larship. Mike was an All-Paro­ ta Fe, was awarded three dif­ grants to attend Colorado State Bus. Ph. 777-5692 JOHN & JEAN chial football player and the co­ ferent scholarships, including university in Ft. Collins. ^^Ifiortuaned captain of the Mullen Squad. two four-year grants to the uni­ Miss Kochevar ranked second Home Ph. 935-7210 WE 5-7365 His scholarship covers tuition versity of Denver, a Centennial academically in the school’s and all other expenses. scholarship offered by the uni­ senior class and Miss Lease » 3 n c , Greg Thomas, the son of Mr. versity and a Junior Achieve­ third. Both are members of the COPELAND CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. and Mrs. Charles Thomas, and ment scholarship. student council. DAY HACKETHAL Ray York, the son of Mr. and The other grant was a one- Miss Kochevar is the daugh­ • BIRD BATHS • BARBECUE PITS Mrs. Raymond York, were year Regents scholarship to the ter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf 2406 Federal Blvd. awarded full four-year tuition University of Colorado. Kochevar, 1833 W. 38th ave­ • INCINERATORS scholarships to the University of He recently received an “ Aca­ nue, Denver. Miss Lease’s par­ Open 7 to 5 Monday thru Saturday 433-6575 Colorado, Boulder. demic Oscar” from the Cath­ ents are Mr. and Mrs. James 904 S. Lipan St. W E. 6-2383 A four-year NCAA scholar­ Lease, 9011 Poze boulevard, olic Parent-Teacher league as Best Wishes to St. Rose of Lim a Parish ship for football to the Univer­ the outstanding student in his Thornton. BEST WISHES sity of Wyoming went to Rick class. Besides editing the school Egloff, the son of Mr. and Mrs. paper, he has been an active MISS STALZE, who was the Gbsiqq^ fihinJtinq. Qo. SNOW Edward Egloff. Rick was an president of the Pep club in her member of Junior Achievement QUALITY PRINTING and has been involved as a senior year, was awarded a grant to the university of Colo­ OFFSET AND LETTER PRESS MAMMA ROSASS PIZZERIA leader in most of the student rado, Boulder. 1832 CU RTIS ST. K E . 4-1393 projects at the school. WHITE She is the daughter of Mr. “ Whenever the teachers or and Mrs. Ray Stalze, 2820 W. students wanted to make sure CLEANERS & LAUNDRY 1044 So. FEDERAL BLVD. 38th avenue, Denver. something was done,” accord­ BEST WISHES 2600 W. Alameda Ave. ing to Sister Mercedes, “ they Six Students WE. 4-5373 knew they could always count OPEN ’TIL 10 P.M. on Joe to carry it out.” Get Scholarships FROM A FRIEND George Nishimura, Mgr. Joe’s mother, Mrs. Guadalupe (St. Mary’s High School, Also Coin Operated Dry PE . 3-4695 Chavez, is a widow and Joe, Colorado Springs) Cleaning. a scholarship student at St. Jo­ Six St. Mary’s graduates OF < A seph’s, has worked to pay his received scholarships at com­ mencement exercises May 31 in expenses while attending school. St. Mary’s church. I D R E tL IN G He will accept the two schol­ ST. ROSE OF LIMA PARISH SLATTERY & V M O T O R C O . Students awarded the grants arships to the University of were: Denver. Paul Gardner, Joint Honor Best Wishes for Success COMPANY 'jW EStAlAMEDA scholarship; LEO GUETLEIN was award­ Theresa Lebar, partial tuition PLUMBING ed a four-year scholarship from scholarship to Loretto Heights AND HEATING * CADILLAC Study Award the Evans Scholars’ founda­ college, Denver; Winner of an assistant teach­ tion. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barbara Lukaszwics, Joint CONTRACTORS * STUDEBAKER ing fellowship at the Univer­ .Alexander Guetlein, were born Honor scholarship; Featuring sity of Kansas, Lawrence, in Russia. Both are now dead Lynne McCann, Joint Honor * SCOUT Kans., is Larry E. Beirich, and Leo lives with his sister, scholarship; Neighborhood Mortuaries Kohler Plumbing Fixtures son of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Mrs. Lewina Kuhlman. Tom Rooney, partial tuition * INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 181 Vallejo St. SH. 4-3181 Beirich and a graduate of Re­ His scholarship was obtained scholarship to Regis college gis high school and Regis col­ through the efforts of the West­ Denver; GL. 5-3663 John J. Connor, Robert F. Connor, President Vico President — BANK FINANCING — lege, Denver. Larry will study ern Golf association. Leo will Jane Freeman, partial tuition for a master’s degree in enroll in the University of Colo­ scholarship to Creighton univer­ mathematics. rado. sity, Omaha, Neb. Page Eighteen The Denver Catholic Register Thursday, June 13, 1963 Jesuits' Reception Three newly ordained Fathers will be honored at a re­ ception in the Regis college li­ fo r T h em brary, Denver, Sunday, June Ki from 7 to 9 p.m. The e u ’iit is being sponsored by the Jtogi^ ARCHER Dl R EZZA children. Requiem High Mass In St. An­ was killed In a motorcycle accident near Christine M. Archer, 62, 2741 W. Denver Gene A. Dl Rezza, 21, 6895 S. Sante Fe thony of Padua church June 10. Interment Golden June 4. guild. place. She is survived by her■ husband, drive. He is survived by his parents, Mr. in Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mortuary. He was born In Denver, Jan. 19, 1939. Two of the Jesuits arc natnes Tony T . A rcher; a son, Eugene C., Den­ and M rs. Nero Dl Bezza, Denver; two He served in the United States Coast ve r; four brothers, Mike and John Mal- brothers, David N., and Jam es L ., Den­ LANDON Guard from 1958 to 1960. of Denver. They are FaUu'rs piede, Denver, and Clyde and Tony Mal- ver; a sister, Mrs. Beverly J. Jackson, Mabel Landon, 68, Mt. St. Elizabeth's He was a truck driver for the Jefferson John W. Tallon, S.J., and Joseph Denver; grandson of M rs. Rose Webb and piede, Santa Monica, Calif.; four sisters, Retreat. No known survivors. Requiem Transit M ix Co., and was a member of P. Walsh, S.J. The third is Fa­ Mrs. Mary Sorrentlno, Mrs. Rose Brialo, Mr. Rudolph Struwe, Denver; and three High Mass at St. Elizabeth's church June St. Elizabeth's parish. He attended St. Mrs. Lena Fabrlzio, and Mrs. Josephine nieces and two nephews, Denver. Re­ 10. Interment in Mt. Olivet. Day-Noonan Elizabeth's grade school and St. Joseph's ther Elmer J. Carroll, S.J., a Ingram, all of Denver; and one daughter- quiem Mass in St. John the Evangelist's mortuary. high school. in-law, Dolores Archer, Denver; two sis-, church June 6. interment in Mt. Olivet. native of Cheyenne and a bro­ Howard mortuaries. M r. Carpinelia belonged to the American ters-in-law, Sally Archer and Mabel LOZA Motorcycle association. ther of Mrs. R. W. Neddeau of Stone, both of Denver; and three grand­ Estevan Loza, 64, 1120 Kalamath street. Survivors include his parents, M r. and Assumption parish, Welby. children. Requiem High Mass in St. Cath­ DREILING He is survived by a son, Juan Felipe Raymond F . Dreiling, 67, Denver. He M rs. Je rry Carplnella, Denver; a broth­ erine's church, June 8. Interment in Mt. Lo^a, Denver, and Is the brother-in-law er, Gerald, and two sisters, Mrs. Rose Olivet. Olinger mortuaries is survived by a sister. Sister M. Angeli- of M rs. Frank Villegas, Denver; and Ani­ ta, Hayes, Kan. Requiem High Mass In Marie Hefler and Diana Carplnella, all of ALL WERE ordained June 11 ta N. Eagrete, Oropesa, Leon, N.Mex. Denver; and his grandmothers, M rs. An- BALFE St. Leo's church June 7. interment In Ft. Requiem High Mass In St. Ca|etan's by Archbishop Edward J. Hun- Logan national cemetery. tonette Carplnella and M rs. Margaret Elizabeth A. Balfe, 60, 3200 Gaylord church June 11. Interment In Mt. Olivet. Martinesky, both of Denver. keler of Kansas City, Kans., in Trevino mortuary. street. She is survived by two brothers, FICKLIN Interment In Mt. Olivet. Kansas, in Immaculata Chapel Jack and Ed Balfe, both of Denver; and Edward R. Ficklin, 18, Idaho Springs. MULAR of St. Mary’s college, St. Mary’s three nieces and one nephew. Requiem He Is survived by his parents, Mr. and JOHN DAVIS High Mass in St. Ignatius of Loyola Mrs. Joseph Ficklin; three brothers, Jo­ Andrew George Mular, 72, 3033 S. Sher­ Requiem High Mass was offered in Kans. Stories of the three were church June 10. Interment in Mt. Olivet. seph, J r ., Lakewood; Walter^, Grand Junc­ man. He is survived by his wife, Evelyn; Sacred Heart church, Denver, June 11 for carried in the Denver Catholic Olinger mortuaries. tion; and David, U.S. Navy; five sisters, a son, Paul Andrew M ular, Englewood; John Davis, 57, 6250 Federal boulevard, Mrs. M ary Kratz, Woodrow, Colo.; Mrs. and two grandchildren. Requiem Mass In who died in a local hospital June 7 after Register May 30. BISCHOFBERGER Celia Baird, York, Pa.; Mrs. Nancy St. Louis church, Englewoc^ June 8. In­ a long illness. On Sunday, June 23, the three Mary E. BIschofberger, 85, of Los An­ Woodard, Council Bluffs, ia .; and Lucy terment In Littleton. Nickels-Hill mortu­ He was born in White Hall, HI., April 3, geles, Calif., formerly of Denver. She is and Penny Ficklin, Idaho Springs; and ary. 1906. He attended schools In Illinois and priests will offer Low Masses survived by two sons, Ferman, Denver, one grandmother, Mabel Ficklin. Requiem came to Denver In 1923. simultaneously in the Regis col­ and the Rev. George Bischofberger, S .J., Mass in St. Paul's church, Idaho Springs RYAN M r. Davis was owner of a downtown Milwaukee, Wis.; three daughters, Mrs. June 8. Interment In Idaho Springs. Sarah C. Ryan, 92, 1011 15th st. Golden. tool sale and rental firm . He was a mem­ lege student chapel at 8 a.m. Tyrena K. Brannan, Redlands, Calif., Mrs. She is survived by two brothers, Odele, ber of Sacred Heart parish. in observance of the Regis Neoma Fahey, Ingelwood, C alif., and GABOR Golden, and Em m et, Carnation, W ash.; Surviving him are two brothers, Ed­ guild’s annual homecoming. M rs. Ruby Soma, Los Angeles, C a lif.; a Anton Gabor, Sr. 71, 2808 Um atilla. He six nieces, two nephews. Including Mrs. ward and Orlin Davis, Denver; two sis­ brother, George Powers, Sterling, Colo., is survived by his wife, M ary Ann; a Lawrence Criley, Golden. Requiem Mass ters, Mrs. Florence Rolston and Mrs. A breakfast will follow in the and a sister, M rs. Jessie Tsrutman, El son, Anton V. Gabor, J r ., Denver; two ^ St. Joseph's church. Golden, June 6. Aima Reel, both of Kansas City, Mo.; administration dining room. All Paso, Tex.; five grandchildren, and 10 daughters, Mrs. Mary Usnick and Mrs. Inrerment in Mt. Olivet. and two nephews and a niece. great-grandchildren. Requiem High Mass Mildred Self, both of San Leandro, C a lif.; Interment in White Hall. Olinger guild members are invited to Cornerstone Rifes in Longmont In Most Precious Blood church June 8. and five grandchildren, and seven great­ SANTER mortuaries. attend. Interment in Mt. Olivet. Olinger mortu­ grandchildren. Requiem High Mass in St. Elizabeth Santer, 58, 2696 W. Wesley More than 500 parishioners attended the Smith, O.S.B. (second from left), is assistant aries. Patrick's church June 11. Interment in Mt. avenue. She is survived by her husband, ALBERT J. GIBAS Guests of honor will be fami­ Olivet. Olinger mortuaries. W illiam E . Santer; a son. B ill, and a Requiem High Mass was offered in lies and friends of the newly or­ blessing and laying of the cornerstone for the pastor. The parish choir sang at the ceremony, DENNING daughter, M rs. Norma McMahon, both of Christ the King Church, Denver, June 8 dained. All planning to attend new $325,000 St. John the Baptist church, and the Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus, Eugene Denning, 65, 1124 W. Dartmouth. HAMILL Denver; two brothers, John and George for Albert J. GIbas, 84, 135 Ash street, Longmont, June 2. The Very Rev. Monsignor Assembly 1313, formed an honor guard. Being He is survived by his wife, Josepha; and Alice Estei Hamill, 69, 4042 S. Pennsyl­ Schultz, Denver; a sister, Mrs. Helen De who died in a local hospital June 2 after the breakfast are asked to make three sons, Melvin J ., Littleton, Donald vania street. She Is survived by her Nllson, Denver; and a niece, Nancy-Ann a short illness. reservaitons by calling GE 3- Richard M. Duffy (kneeling), dean of the Fort erected on the site of the old church, the new E., Denver, and Thomas E., Englewood. husband, Charles; and a brother, Arthur McMahon. Requiem High Mass in All Born in Austria, March 7, 1879, he was Collins deanery and pastor of St. Joseph’s par­ edifice wilt have a seating capacity for 700 Requiem High Mass In St. M ary's church, Renner, Hancock, 1a. Requiem Mass in Saint's church June 11. Interment in Mt. a former employe of a Walsenburg whole­ 6565 no later than June 21. Littleton, June 10. Interment In Mt. St. Louis' church, Englewood, June 13. Olivet. Boulevard mortuary. sale grocery firm . He came to Walsen­ ish, Fort Collins, presided at the ceremony. persons. Masses are being ottered temporarily Olivet. NIckeis-HIII mortuary. Interment in Ft. Logan national ceme­ burg in 1906. Father Martin Arno, O.S.B. (standing at left), in the school auditorium. tery. Bullock mortuary. SEVER M r. GIbas worked as coal miner be­ CHAIRMAN FOR the home Joseph Sever, 85, 3633 Lafayette. He fore becoming an employe of the Spor- coming is Mrs. E. L. Curran, is pastor of the parish, and Father Ignatius KIMBERLY Is the brother-in-law of Helena Sever, leder Selling Co. of Walsenburg. assisted by Mrs. Gerald Bann. Nettie A. Kim berly, 82, 3833 Gilpin Denver, and is survived by several His wife died in 1959 and he moved to DENVER EVERGREEN street. She is survived by five sons, nieces. Requiem High Mass in Annuncia­ Denver. Others assisting will be Mmes. MONUMENT CO. George, Torrance, Calif.; Leslie, Big tion church June 10. Interment in Mt. he was a member of the ZNP (Polish W. L. Roberts, Emil Frei, Springs, Neb.; Howard, Portland, Ore.; Olivet. Boulevard mortuary. National Alliance) lodge and the First i. J. McGarry, Ex-Denver Sterling, Hartford, Conn.; and Oliver, Catholic Union lodge. George S. Taylor, Anne Teeling, Denver; three daughters, Madeline Large, STUBERT He is survived by four sons, Joseph, and O. L. Hough. Mrs. Loren D. Livington, Neb.; Irene Norris, Arcadia, John Stubert, Jr., 58, 2530 Cherry. He Mike, and Albert, Jr., Denver, and An­ Neb.; and Doris Petty, Denver; 13 is survived by his wife, Susie, Denver; drew, Circle Pines, Minn.; a daughter, Roberts will be in charge of the grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren; and a son, John W., four daughters. Miss Pau­ M rs. Donald Brewer, Lancaster, C alif.; musical program. Railroad Executive, Dies numerous nephews and nieces. Member la J . Stubert, M rs. Helen D. Haker, and and 15 grandchildren. of Annunciation parish Altar and Rosary Mrs. Catherine Dietz, ail of Denver, and Largest Selection in the society. Interment in Paxton, Neb. Boule­ Mrs. Joan B. Befort, Hayes, Kan.; and ETHEL HOWARD Requiem High Mass was of­ sas, and Mrs. Mary Tucker, Rocky Mountain Area vard mortuary. nine grandchildren. Requiem High Mass Requiem Mass was offered In Mother 'Cleopatra' Rated 11130 W est 44th Ave. in Blessed Sacrament church June 8. In­ fered in Christ the King church, California of God church, Denver, June 10, for (1 mile East of Mount Olivet) LANAGHEN terment In Mt. Olivet. Howard mortu­ Ethel W. Howard, 67, 252 Lincoln street, Denver, June 11 for John Jos­ Interment in Mt. Olivet. Ol­ Frank A. Lanaghen, 77, 5030 W. Ex­ aries. who died June 7 in St. Anthony's hos­ 'B' by Legion eph McGarry, 52, formerly of inger mortuaries. Charles MrFadden Stanley Hail position avenue. He is survived by his pital. H A . 4-4477 wife, Edith M. Lanaghen; a son, Frank CHARLES E. ANTONY She was born in Sedalia, Mo., and at­ New York — The National Denver, who died of cancer E . Lanaghen, Littleton; and two grand- Requiem High Mass was offered in St. tended schools there. M iss Howard came Legion of Decency has charged June 8 in Omaha, Neb. Vincent De Paul church, Denver, June 10 to Denver 34 years ago from Tulsa, Okla. for Charles E. Antony, 53, 1560 S. Bellaire She is survived by a son, Glen W. that the Motion Picture Associ­ He was freight traffic man­ street, who died In a local hospital June Sheeran, Denver; a sister, Mrs. Lulu ation of America “ regrettably ager for Western operations of WILLIAMS RAMBLER, INC, 7 after a long illness. Ainsworth, and a brother, Jess White, He was born in Minster, 0 ., Nov. 5, both of Kansas City, M o.; and three compromised its responsibilities the Burlington Railroad. JERRY BREEN 1909, ,and attended St. Joseph's college Authorized Rambler and Nash Sales & Service grandchildren. to the motion picture public” Mr. McGarry began his rail­ in Rennselaer, Ind. by granting a Production Code Florist M r. Antony came to Denver from Cold- MANUEL MEDINA road career in Denver in 1928 water, 0 ., June 7, 1956. seal of approval to the widely Expert Mechanical Work — All Makes 1521 Champa Requiem High Mass was offered in Sa­ as a messenger boy with the He married Margaret M. Melcher In cred Heart church, Denver, June 12 for publicized “ Cleopatra” movie. 266-3131 Minster, 0., April 12, 1939. Manuel Medina, 44, 2658 Stout street, who Colorado and Southern Railway 230 S. JJniversiiy Ev°n?ngs SH. 4-2781 In addition to his wife, he Is survived died in Veteran's hospital June 8 after a The legion announced it has Co., a Burlington affiliate. by a son, John J ., Denver; a daughter, long Illness. placed the 20th Century-Fox Mrs. W illiam A. Sterling, Denver; two He was born In Denver, Oct. 31, 1918, multi-million dollar production He was named freight agent grandsons, Mike and Joey Sterling; four and attended schools here. in Denver in 1935 and general sisters, Mrs. Homer F. Woehrmyer and Mr. Medina was a World War li vet­ which stars Elizabeth Taylor Mrs. Paul J., Cordonnier, Denver, Mrs. eran. He was a deliveryman for “Dial a and Richard Burton and is agent at Salt Lake City, Utah, SWIGERT BROS. Carrie M. Link, Cincinnati, 0 ., and Mrs. Dinner," In Denver for many years. in 1936 before returning to Den­ Roman H. Heckler, Celina, 0 .; son-in-law He Is survived by three brothers, scheduled to open in Denver of Mrs. Margaret Melcher, Minster, 0.; Henry Medina and Fred Boone, Denver, this month in its Class B cat- ver as freight traffic manager and numerous nieces and nephews. and Victor Medina, La Junta, Colo.; and for the Colorado and Southern OPTOMETRISTS Interment in Mt. Olivet. Boulevard three sisters. Miss Alvera Boone and Cigory — “ morally objectionable mortuary. Mrs. Jennie Martinez, Denver, and Mrs. in part for all.” in 1950. Lucy Navarre, Albuquerque, N.Mex.; In its objection against the LEHM AN M. B E E B E and 36 nieces and nephews. MR. MCGARRY was appoint­ ‘The Satisfaction of a Service Well Rendered’ Requiem High Mass was offered In St. Interment in Ft. Logan national ceme­ film, the legion stated: “ This Devoted To Your Complete Vision Care James church, Denver, June 12 for Leh­ tery. ed assistant freight traffic man­ man M. Beebe, 57, 1620 Vinta street, who pretentious historical spectacle ager of the Burlington in Chi­ Twa CHAPELS l a SERVE Y a u died suddenly near Steamboat Springs HENRY MICHELE is seriously offensive to decency June 8. cago, III., in 1953. OPTICIANS He was born in Ludington, M ich., Aug. Requiem Mass was offered In St. Jo­ because of its continual empha­ CHAPEL OF ROSES MEMORIAL CHAPEL seph's church. Deer Trail, Colo., June 8 He was named assistant to 1, 1905. He married Bernadine SielskI in sis upon immodest costuming 420 E. ALAMEDA AVE. 30b SO . LO G A N S T . H. W. SWIGERT Jr„ O.D. DAVE EVANS Ludington May 9, 1928. for Henry Michele, 87, a retired farmer the vice president of the traffic They came to Denver In 1945. Mr. who died June 3 at Sands House In Edge- throughout its four-hour run­ P h .: P E a r l 3-2762 P h .: P E a r l 3-0013 water, Colo. ning time. Boldly suggestive department in 1958, and freight H. W. ODIL, O.D. FRED SMALDONE A native of Wilber, Neb., he came to traffic manager of the Western Deer Trail In 1924 with his wife, Anna. posturing, dancing and situa­ "FOR PEACE OF MIND" They were married In Dale Valley, tions compound the offense.” operations of Burlington in FUNERAL PLANS AVAILABLE. INSURANCE OR TRUST Neb., in 1900. Omaha June 1, 1959. PLANS THROUGH AMERICA’S LEAUING CORPORATION. 1550 California St. KE. 4-5819 In addition to his wife, he Is survived The legion observed: “ It is by four sons, Paul, Deer Trail, Ray­ also to be noted that the press, He is survived by his wife, mond, Thermc^olis, Wyo., and George even of so-called family appeal, Alvema, Omaha; a daughter, and Leo, both of Albany, Ore.; four daughters, Mrs. Evelyn Rector, Deer has for weeks attempted to con­ Jo Ann McGarry, 1357 Jersey T ra il, M rs. Frances Jo lly, Hugo, Colo., dition the public to expect little street, Denver; and three sis­ FOLLOW ING A R E the names of priests M rs. Irene Clark, Ft. Morgan, Colo., and who have served in the Archdiocese of Mrs. Gertrude Palmer, Fairplay, Colo.; of this film but sensational ters, Mrs. Jean F. Dyer, Den- Denver and died in the month of June. a sister, Mrs. Katie Bass, Ojai, Calif.; 24 sex.” ber, Mrs. Sadie Bogard, Kan- The living faithful are asked to remem­ grandchildren, and 33 great-grandchil. ' ^ e ^ E N V E R ^ R y Q o O D S 0 ) . ber them in their prayers. dren. Interment In Evergreen cemetery, Deer DENVER SHOPS «ITB CONflOENCC O God, who, in raising Thy servants Trail. Howard mortuaries. to the dignity of Bishops and priests, did Tim iani • KEvUone 4-ttll • OExtef S'8S5$ JidaiJIe • CCnetei S-66U give them a share in the priesthood MRS. MARGARET C. VIGNA Requiem Mass Is Offered of the Apostles, we pray Thee admit Requiem High Mass was offered in St. MAIL THIS them now and forevermore into the apos­ John the Evangelist church, Denver, June tolic company. Through Christ Our Lord 8 for Mrs. Margaret C. VIgna, 60, 520 Amen. (Oration from Mass for Departed Jackson street, who died suddenly June Priests.) 3 in her home after a short illness. At Orphanage for Nun, 63 She was born Oct. 14, 1902, In Leaven­ COUPON FOR A IVe're headquarters for worth, Kan, She moved to Ft. Collins Rev. Augustine M. Bertram, S.J., June 26,1938 with her parents In 1910, and moved to A Solemn Requiem Mass was Sister Mary Rosina was 63. Rev. Robert C. Harder, S.J., June 18, Niwot, Colo, before coming to Denver in offered In St. Clara’s orphanage, She was born in Dresden, Kans., 1949 1917. M rs. Vigna was a graduate of North Denver, for Sister Mary Rosina Sept. 7, 1899, and had been a CURRENT LIST Rev. Francis X. Hoefkens, S.J., June 15, BOY'S CAMPING Nf f DS* 1949 Denver high school and attended the Ritter, who died in the orphan­ nun for 44 years. Rpv. W illiam C. Hoctor, C.M ., June 6, School of Business. age June 5 after a long illness. 1953 At the time of her death, she was chief She had been at the orphan­ Rt. Rev. Msgr. William J. Kelly, June clerk In the medical records section at Flt?.simons General hospital. She worked age since January, 1962, but OF CATHOLIC 5, 1960 Rev. Alphonse J . Lebeau, S .J., June 5, at the hospital for 23 years. had lived at the orphanage for Yellow Slicker and Helmet. Weather- 1942 Friends are requested to send contri­ Priest Gives Up Rev. Florence Mahoney, S.J., June 19, butions to the Catholic charity of their many years previously. 1962 choice. tested raincoat with storm fly and Rev. Joseph R. Moriarity, June 13, 1948 She Is survived by her husband, Wil­ $80,000 Parish, Sister Mary Rosina had' CHURCH BONDS Rev. William J . Robison, S .J., June 3, liam, Denver; a son, Ken Harmon Vig. 1944 na, Arvada; two daughters, Mrs. Lor­ served as cook in St. Rose resi­ patented adjustable cuff . . . matching Rev. Felix A. C. Schmitt, June 6, 1934 raine DeLorenzo, Homeword, 111., and Moves to Swamp dence, Denver, before coming to Rt. Rev. Msgr. Matthew Smith, June 15, Mrs. Patricia Murray, Tucson, Ariz.; two brothers, Walter and William Wiliet, the orphanage in 1962. THAT YIELD 1960 — A veteran helmet included. Sizes 6 -1 6 .----- 4.98 Most Rev. Anthony J . Schuler, S .J., both of Los Angeles, C a lif.; and 15 grand­ June 3, 1944 children. mission priest disclosed here The Rt. Rev. Monsignor El­ Rev. John J . Shea, June 7, 1944 Interment in Mt. Olivet. Olinger mortu­ aries. that he has left an $80,000 par­ mer J. Kolka, archdiocesan di­ Rev. George M. Sipchen, S.J., June 26, ish plant he built in Guayaquil, UP TO 5^/4% Khaki Camper Shorts. Heavy Sanfor­ 1949 rector of Catholic Charities, was MRS. MARTHA P. WHELAN Rev. George A. Thomas, C.SS.R., June Ecuador, to four newly recruit­ celebrant of the Mass. 15, 1947 Requiem High Mass was offered In St. ized twill of cotton and nylon blend. (Readers are asked to send Dominic's church, Denver, June 8 for ed U.S. missionaries and pushed in changes and additions.) Mrs. Martha P . Whelan, 68, 2915 Raleigh on across a river to a land of Father Frederick D. McCallin, street, who died in Mercy hospital June Zipper and cargo pockets. Flashlight 5 after a short illness. swamps and desolation. pastor of St. Mary’s parish, She was born In Denver, June 28, Littleton, was deacon and Fa­ Beebe was employed with the Gates Rub­ 1894, and attended schools here. Mrs. Father Enrique Julhes, work­ ther Adam G. Ritter (no rela­ holder and key holder. In sizes 10 to ber Co. for the past 16 years. Whelan graduated from North Denver Good earnings and safety are high school. ing alone as a missionary, in tion), chaplain of Mullen Home He was formerly a Rio Grande railroad yours when you buy bonds of Catholic mploye. She married Frank C. Whelan In Den­ 15 years built a concrete church for the Aged, was subdeacon. 18 ______2.98 In addition to his wife, he is survived ver and was a housewife for most of her seating 700, a parochial school life. Archbishops, Bishops or Religious by three sons, Robert F., Richard M., and for 600 students, and a priest’s The Very Rev. Monsignor Wil­ LeRoy L., Denver; two daughters, Mrs. M rs. Whelan was a member of St. Orders. You can-earn up to 514 % . The Cotton Knit Shirts. Crew neck with Margaret Cummins and Mrs. Shuran L. Dominic's parish for 44 years. residence in Guayaquil. liam J. Monahan, associate di­ Morrison, both of Denver; four sisters In She Is survived by two sons. Jack P. moral obligation is obviously of Michigan; and 14 grandchildren. and Robert H., Denver; and five daugh­ He said that the oppressive rector of Catholic Charities, was Interment in Mt. Olivet. Olinger mor­ ters, Mrs. Virginia W. Cary, Mrs. Fran­ master of ceremonies. the highest, as is the record for prompt 2-button placket. Solid colors with tuaries. ces L. Griffith, Mrs. Rita T. Pottle, Mrs. heat, mosquitoes, and substand­ Lillian M. Jones, and Patricia A. Whelan, ard living conditions would be Sister Mary Rosina is survived payment of principal and interest. contrast trim or stripes in red and FRED BORREGO all of Denver. too hard on the new priests. Requiem High Mass was offered in St. Interment In Mt. Olivet, Boulevard by three sisters, Sister M. Pau- Investments may be made in amounts Ignatius of Loyola church, Denver, June mortuary. “ For me it is the same wheth­ navy. Sizes 8 to 2 0 ------2.98 tor Fred Borrego, 83, 2327 Williams letta, St. Clara’s orphanage; of $500 and $1000. Mail the street, who died June 5 in St, Anthony's er I sleep on the floor or on Mrs. Anna Schubert, Selden, hospital. the bed. But for a new priest below coupon for an up-to-date list of He was born in Mora, N.Mex., and Corpus Christ! Kans.; and Mrs. Rose Jacob, Free Style Racing Suit by Jantzen. lived in New Mexico most of his life. it is bad,” he said as he left Dresden, Kans.; and two bro­ Catholic Church securities. There In 1901, he married Mary Sanchez, who Procession Set to live in his new home — a thers, Joseph Ritter, Littleton, is no charge or obligation for is now living in Clayton, N.Mex. 12-by-30 foot raised bamboo Sleek nylon tricot that fits like a sec­ He moved to Longmont, Colo., 25 years (St. Augustine’ s Parish, and Ben Ritter, Dresden. this information. ago and farmed there before coming to Brighton) structure, which serves as a Denver. Burial was in Mt. Olivet ceme­ ond skin, dries in minutes. Black or In addition to his wife, he is survived The parish will hold its annual church, schoolhouse, and rec­ oy six sons, Ernest, Alfonse, and Richard, Corpus Christi procession at 7 tory—and cost $40 to build. tery. of Denver, Joe Borrego, Cheyenne, royal; sizes 10 to 2 0 ------3.50 tVyo., and Frank and Charles, both of p.m. Sunday, June 16. B O S W O R T H Laram ie, W yo.; two daughters, Mrs. The procession will form in Clorle Lucero, San Francisco, Calif., and Mrs, Tillle Valdez, Denver; 26 grandchil- front of the church and will SULLIVAN & Sturdy Sleeping Bag. Water repellent dr n, and 14 great-grandchildren. march around the block. Bene­ Interment In Mt. Olivet. diction of the Blessed Sacrament COM PANY, INC. cover, filled with 2V2 lbs. DuPont Da­ RONALD L. CARPINELLA will be offered at two altars set Requiem Mass was offered in St. Eliza­ up along the route. MEMBERS, NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE beth's church, Denver, June 8 for Ronald cron® polyester . . . 100-inch alumi­ Lee Carplnella, 24, 550 Yates street, who THE ALTAR and rosary so­ num zipper. Weighs about 5% lbs. ciety will hold its monthly meet­ S ^ .. J' ' ' ■“'**'* ing at 8 p.m. Thursday, June BOSWORTH, SULLIVAN & COMPANY, INC. 36” x80” ______19.95 13, in the parish hall. 660 Seventeenth St., Denver 2, Colorado Other Sleeping Bags, 11.95 to 14.95 / ' ( ;J ’ For Funerals For Fewer Infuries Please send me a current list of Catholic Church securities. In the association of ideas, too many people, says the State Name...... • Drake Work Patrol, think of traffic tickets in TO ORDER BY PHONE • Tune-up • Auto Painting Berkeley Park Chapel Park Avenue Chapel connection with traffic viola­ • Front Wheel Alignment West 46th and Tennyson East 17th and Marion • body & Fender Repair tions. When more drivers come DIAL 292-1800 at entrance of Berkeley Park at Park Avenue to think of death and injury in Corona Auto Service Cl 1-6425 AC 2-1851 connection with traffic viola­ ..Zone...... State.. Boys’ Shop, all 3 “Denvers" Standard Gas & Oils tions, there will be fewer injur­ ies and fewer deaths on our FiMO-au 6th & Corona RA 24867 highways. Thursday, June 13, 1963 The Denver Catholic Register Page Nineteen Denver Students Honor Medal Receive Degrees To Convent Student Wins Graduate Scholarship Four students from Denver were among the 376 candidates Ronald Brian Kirk, senior at the College of Arts and Sciences university to its leading contest­ who received degrees from High School the University of Colorado, has at the university graduation on ant. Creighton university, Omaha, been awarded a scholarship and June 7, was recently elected to Ron attended St. Mary Mag. Neh., in commencement ex­ Colorado Springs — The teacher-assistantship for gradu- Phi Beta Kappa. dalene’s grade school, Regis ercises June 3. , . ^ r George Washington Honor Medal As top scorer of the C. U. en­ high school, and spent two years One of the Denver students, award will be presented to the trants in the 23rd annual Wil­ at St. Thomas seminary college. Lawrence C. Klein, received a St. Joseph Convent high school liam Lowell Putnam Mathema­ He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. doctor of medicine degree. Shar­ at the weekly meeting of the tical competition, Ron won the Fred G. Kirk of 5059 West Mon- on Doyle and Marguerite M. Pikes Peak Sertoma club here prize money offered by Colorado crieff Place, Denver, Colorado. Fraser, were awarded bachelor June 13. of arts degrees, and Maureen The honor was awarded the Cudmore received a bachelor of high school by the Freedom St. Vincent de Paul's Parish science degree. Foundation, Valley Forge, Pa., so. UNIVERSITY BLVD. & E. ARIZONA Klein is the son of Mr. and for a school project on the Amer­ Mrs. V. A. Klein of 7200 W. 31st ican way of life. SUNDAY MASSES 6:45, 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 and 12:15 place, Denver. He is a graduate The students staged skits, pan­ Confessions: Saturdays 3:30 to 5:30 and 7:30 to 9 p.m. of Creighton Preparatory school el discussions, and a variety of Rt. Rev. Msgr. Eugene A. O’Sullivan, Pastor in Omaha. other activities to promote a Both Miss Doyle and Miss deeper knowledge of American 2385 E. Arizona 744-6119 Fraser are graduates of St. principles, history, and govern­ Mary’s academy. Cherry Hills. Camnmpning lor Vocations ment. Miss Doyle is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Doyle, 917 Meeting the press for an interview with Aug. 17-19. The Precious Blood Sisters staff THE PRESENTATION will be Preisser's Red & W hite “ reporter” Margaret Kauffman from Christ Cure d’Ars and Christ the King schools in Den­ made at the club’s luncheon in 4 the King school, Denver, is Sister M. Herman ver and the domestic departments of the % the Swiss Chalet restaurant at Ronald Brian Kirk Grocery and Market Joseph, directress of vocations for the Sisters Archbishop’s residence and St. Thomas’ semi­ p r ; 11:45 a.m. Thursday. Cathoiie* BUY preduets m FANCY MEATS, VEGETABLES of the Precious Blood, Dayton, O. Sister is nary. Next September they plan to send teach­ ate study in mathematics at the •dvorUsod In their AND QUALITY GROCERIES in Denver to tell the story of the community ers to two additional schools in the archdio­ Sister M. Gabriel, principal, California Institute of Tehnol- CATHOLIC PReSM $ will accept the award. Sister M. to Denver girls interested in the religious life. cese, All Saints’, Denver, and St. Anne’s, Ar­ ogy. Free Delivery SPruce 7-4447 She spoke at a local meeting June 4 of the vada. Four Denver-area girls. Sister Herman Colette, dean of studies, also Mr. Kirk, who will be gradu­ 2331 E. Ohio Ave. (S. Univ. and Ohio) Theresians, an organization devoted to spurring Joseph reported, are scheduled to leave in Au­ will attend the meeting. ated SUMMA CUM LAUDE from interest in religious vocations, and is sched­ gust to begin their preparation for the reli­ THE PRESENTATION will be uled to give an address at the national con­ gious life at the Precious Blood mother house — — CURE d'ARS PARISH — — vention of the Theresians in Albuquerque in Dayton. made by W. C. Sawyer, senior Officers Installed E. 32ND & DAHLIA ST. vice president of the Freedom Center Operations, Valley Forge. (Our Lady of Grace Parish, SUNDAY MASSES Denver) Col. Charles C. Thomas, North 6:00-7:00 - 8:00-10:00-11:30 & 7:00 p.m. American Air Defense Com­ Officers of the Altar and Ros­ CONFESSIONS SATURDAY 4:00 & 7:30 mand, Ent Air Force base, Col­ ary sodality were installed at a 3050 Dahlia St. EA. 2-1119 orado Springs, issued the invi­ meeting on May 23. tation. 'The new officers are Mrs. Dorothy Oblock, president; Mrs. News Deadline! Ida Quintana, vice president; Mrs. Isabelle Leader, treasurer, TOLVE LIQUORS The deadline for news and Mrs. Irene Diaz, secretary. Maureen Cudmore stories and pictures to appear Dahlia Shopping Center — 3360 Dahlia in the “ Denver Catholic Reg­ SOME 50 members of the so­ Free Delivery — EA. 2-5977 Adams street, Denver. Miss ister” is Monday at 5 p.m. dality attended a breakfast fol­ Fraser’s parents are Dr. and Correspondents are asked to lowing Mass and Communion NICK FLORA JANICE NICKEY ^ Mrs. C. Glynn Fraser, 27 Sky­ have their material at the on May 26. The breakfast was NANCY JIM JERRY MARY line drive, Denver. “ Register” office at this time served by the young women of The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Altar Meeting Set |and Mrs. Clifford Welch, his­ rice Knapp, secretary; Mrs. Al­ to assure publication in the the parish under the leadership William Cudmore, Jr., Miss torian. fred Lambrecht, treasurer; THELMA KASSON (Mother of God Parish, Denver) following Thursday issue. of Sue Scholl. DUCKWALL’S Cudmore is a member of St. A tea will be served following Mrs, Robert Costello, historian; On Saturday, June 15, about BEAUTY SHOP James’ parish, Denver, and a The meeting of the Altar and the meeting, at which the out­ and Mrs. Edward Garland, aud­ 100 children will receive First Denver's Newest Rosary society, postponed from 2876 Colorado Blvd. graduate of St. Francis de going officers will be hostesses. itor. Cutting Cheese Communion in the 8 a.m. Mass. Hair Styling June 5, will be held Wednesday, Permanent Waving Suburban '\/ariety Store Sales’ high school. She will All women in the parish are Father Leonard Urban is spir­ To cut cheese easily, just The firms listed here deserve to M teach in the Omaha public June 19. invited to attend. remembered when you are distribut­ PHONE DExter 3-1188 DAHLIA SHOPPING CENTER itual director of the PTA. warm the knife first. ing your patronage in the different Thelma Kasson O'Connor, Owner 33rd & Dahlia EA. 2-9035 schools. The Rosary will be recited iines of business. and Benediction of the Blessed Summer School A coffee for the new PTA offi­ cers, committee chairmen, Sacrament given at 1 p.m. in (Cure d’Ars Parish, Denver) Exercise Daily room mothers, and members the church, followed by a busi­ Summer school will begin on Regular exercise — moderate will be held by Father Urban ness meeting and installation of June 17 and will conclude July exercise every day — will help June 18, at 10 a.m. in the new officers in the basement. 26. Classes are held in English get you into condition (and school hall. PARISH PHARMACY GUIDE shape) for beach games and Mrs. Phil Pacheco, president (grades five through eight), mathematics (grades five summer sports, the Colorado of the East Denver section of THE PARISH men’s retreat CALL YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD DRUG STORE FOR PROMPT SERVICE Heart association advises. the ACCW and past president through eight), and reading (all grades). Anyone wishing to take will be held at the Sacred Heart of the parish Altar and Rosary retreat house, Sedalia, begin­ these courses may contact the society, will be the installing ning on Friday evening, June m o s t p r e c io u s BLOOD convent at 322-4688. ALL SAINTS ST. ANNE’S, ARVADA ST. CATHERINE’S officer. 21 and closing Sunday, June 23, ST. PHILOMENA'S Mrs. Agnes Pino, PTA presi­ GR. 7-0549 GL. 5-9904 THE FOLLOWING are offi­ dent, and Sister Dolorita, prin­ Reservations may be obtained REXALL ALLENDALE PARISH cipal, requested a High Mass by calling Robert Watson. FR 7- LINCOLN DRUG BUSY CORNER cers for the coming year: Mrs. PHARMACY J. J. Carabello, president; Mrs. which was offered on May 31 5034; Ted Sevier, EA 2-0388: FREE DELIVERY Prescription Druggists DRUG STORE Leonard A. Tangney, first vice for all officers and committee Joe Tamburello, DU 8-4790; or 33 Gold Bond Stamps With First in Prescriptions 9800 W. 59th Place Professional Pharmacists chairmen of PTA in apprecia­ Dr. J. W. Hovorka, EA 2-7904. This Ad and $1.00 Purchase Betty & Bob’s Beauty president; Mrs. Ralph Burg, Fast Free Delivery HA. 2-2397 W. 38th Ave. & Federal Blvd tion for their cooperation and 2345 So. Fed eral W E. 5-4661 & Barber Shop second vice president; Mrs. 2238 So. Colorado Blvd. Arvada, Colorado Denver, Colo. Specializing in James Mooney, third vice presi­ help throughout the school year. Sodality Meet Sef Your Catholic Druggist Dan Caulfield Phone 757-7677 Permanent Wav­ dent; Mrs. John Shaw, record­ (Cathedral Parish, Denver) ing and Latest in ing secretary; Mrs. Ruth Wead- First Grad Services ST. DOMINIC’S Hair Shaping The monthly meeting of Our ALL SOULS, ENGLEWOOD OUR LADY OF FATIMA ick, corresponding secretary; (Christ the King Parish, Lady’s sodality will be held at 2630 E. 12th Ave EA. 2-4723 Denver) Mrs. Emett Dwyer, treasurer. the Cathedral meeting room “BUD” STEPHENS The first graduation exercises June 19 at 8 p.m. Election of CHERRELYN ten's Pharmacy BLY’S to be held in the new church officers will be held at this DRUG STORE L. C. FEH R , Prop. Prescription Pharmacy took place June 5, with 41 pupils Member of St. Vincent de Paul's meeting. In Sickness and In Health Hours: 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. receiving their grade school di­ Parish Phone SU. 9-2561 Sat. 9 A.M. to 2 A.M. The Rev. John F. O’Shea, S.J., Have Your Doctor Phone plomas. BROADWAY at QUINCY Sacred Heart parish, Denver Us Your Prescription 3120 W. 29th Ave. — G L 5-5191 Stanley Nowack and Steph­ ENGLEWOOD will be the guest speaker. Paramount Heights Shopping Center Free Delivery anie Sadlier were awarded FREE PARKING Corporate Communion for so­ 10041 W. 26th Ave. BE. 7-8181 scholarships to St. Francis de dality members will be June 16 Sales’ high school and St. Mary’s ST. FRANCIS DE SALES’ in the 9 o’clock Mass. [ALL SOULS, ENGLEWOOD NOTRE DAME Your Parish Service Station academy. Here is a helpful directory. Look for the listing of your Program Summary FRIENDLY South Denver Drug nearby “parish” service station. Its friendly operator DIPLOMAS were presented DRUG FAIR LINCOLN DRUG “ Have Your Doctor CaU Us” by Father Edward A. Leyden, (St. Louis’ Parish, Englewood) Complete Drug & Liquor is asking this special means to invite your patronage. FREE DELIVERY DRUG & PHARMACY pastor, who reminded the grad­ A summary of the results of 4204 So. Broadway Department You’ll find that this extra friendliness is matched with 33 Gold Bond Stamps With Alameda & Sheridan uates of their responsibilities in the Offertory program has been For Free Delivery of Prescription This Ad and $1.00 Purchase Wm. N. & KEITH SNIDER cheerful service and expert attention for your car. Jewell & Federal accordance with their intellec­ sent to all parishioners following and Drug Needs 2345 So. Federal WE. 4-4661 Phone 695 So. Pearl St. RA. 2-5191 He’s ready to serve you with gas and oil, tires, bat­ tual endowments. the completion of calls and the Phone 781-5521 Your Catholic Druggist Dan Caulfield WE. 4-4220 teries, lubrication and other convenient services. By A reception and dance followed tabulation of the pledge cards. ST. FRANCIS DE SALES’ “pulling in” at his station regularly, you will recipro­ in the parish hall. The seventh- A total of 756 families pledged CATHEDRAL cate his friendliness and get the best in service. grade mothers were in charge BLESSED SACRAMENT of arrangements. contributions for the completion Alameda Drug Store of the new building and the sup­ CATHEDRAL ST. FRANCIS’ V, 0. Peterson, Prop. DAVID BEACOM, class pre.s- port of the parish. Cut Rate Drugs Phil's Conoco Service ident, on behalf of the class The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Ber­ Fountain Service Sundries Conoco presented Sister Mary Nola, nard J. Cullen, pastor, expresses PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED Your Business Appreciated eighth-grade teacher, with a For Complete CONOCO Products his thanks for the generosity of FOR AND DELIVERED Alameda & So. Broadway gift on the occasion of her Lubrication those who made pledges and to Colfax at Downing Denver Auto Service leaving for Dayton, 0. Oelco Batteries those who, although fliey did not Since 1934 AC. 2-1675 ST. JOHN’S T A . 5-9526 Y Car Washing sign cards, plan to^ oonWbute to ftlO N * 14th Ave. at Pennsylvania Installs Officers EA . 2-7711 Dutch Thomas Conoco the success of the parish pro­ CHRIST THE KING (St- Philomena’s Parish, ject. CAPITOL DRUG Alameda & Logan PE. 3-9840 Denver) CURE D’ARS PAUL O. SCHNEIDER The PTA held its annual in­ The Apothecary Shoppe Member of St. John's Parish ST. JOHN’S SUMMER RELIGION classes ELM stallation tea May 27 in the are being conducted for public Phone; Dudley 8-2409 Choose your Pharmacist Convenient Drive-In new school hall. school pupils each weekday 4332 EAST 8th AVE. at BIRCH, Window Service Mrs. George E. McCaddon, DENVER, COLO. STANDARD from 9 to 11 a.m. Parents are FREE DELIVERY “ Howdy” outgoing president of the Catho­ E. 6th & Fillmore FR. 7-214'J urged to schedule vacations so Prescriptions Exclusively as you would '— ^ SERVICE lic Parent-Teacher league, in­ FREE DELIVERY Bob’s that their children may complete stalled the officers for the com­ Charge Accounts Invited ST. LOUIS, ENGLEWOOD Complete Brake Service & ing school year. the classes. choose a doctor Tune-up Place First Communion for the pu­ Free Pickup & D elivery HOLY CROSS, THORNTON Phone EA. 2-6256 300 So. Colo. Blvd. THE NEW officers are Mrs. pils in the summer school will BUY 4 LESS East 35th & Elm Street COWTOWN, Gerald Filloon, president; Mrs. be held Saturday, June 22. COLO. George Fillis, first vice presi­ Games were held June 9 to CITY VIEW REXALL DRUG dent; Mrs. Robert Lynch, sec­ set up a scholarship fund for HOLY GHOST Professional Pharmacy “Prescriptions for Less*' ST. PATRICK’S ond vice president; Mrs. Mau- the parish choir boys. Ph. AT 7-5535 3421 So. Broadway SU . 1-6697 DOWNTOWN 8796 N. Corona TEXACO SERVICE Arrow Thornton 26, Colo. CONFIDENCE See Bob Robles ST. MARY’S, LITTLETON 1802 Glenarm St. \^inc!airj Service IS VITAL 24-hour Service HOLY FAMILY Station Place complete con­ SELL 4 LESS Phone KE 4-9952 DRIVE IN WITH CONFIDENCE fidence in your QUINN PHARMACY Bexgjt TUNE UP & BRAKE SERVICE pharmacist, as you MOTHER OF GOD Prescription Druggists DRUG STORE W. 35th & Tennyson would your doctor P Y . 4-1266 J>AsuLaniL(BiJdtchX. ST. THERESE’S Phone: GL. 5-7913 in time of sickness 2500 W. Main Littleton, Colo. Have your Doctor call us — for guarding STANDARD HENRY’S your health is his ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SERVICE CONOCO CONOCO HOLY FAMILY ' only profession. & dGe/tt ajuj GARAGE V SERVICE (D ^ Anthony (Butch) Mancinelll Firestone Tires, Batteries, WOODMAN “ Filling Prescriptions Is the Ralph Mancinelll Accessories PHARMACY Most Important Part of Free Pick-Up & Delivery HENRY HENNINGHAKE, Owner Our Business Service — Prescriptions — 11500 East Colfax at Moline APPLEWOOD PHARMACY • Gifts • Cards • Cosmetics 375 Logan St. SP. 7-3114 EM 6-9395 AURORA <4th 8. Tennyson GL. 5-2231 • Free Delivery RA 2-5664 Free Delivery Denver 12, Colo. 33 Gold Bond Stamps With This Ad and $1.00 Purchase 1000 S. Gaylord at Tennessee NOTRE DAME ST. MARY MAGDALENE Free Delivery In North Denver Your Catholic Druggist Dan Caulfield Across the Street from 2098 Youngfield 238-1204 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL NOTRE DAME CHURCH Tune • Ups - Lubricating HOLY NAME, FT. LOGAN Washing - Brake Work GREEN OUR LADY OF LOURDES B & B Science ier Summer Doyle's Pharmacy MEADOWS "The Store of Personal Service" LINCOLN DRUG THE PARTICULAR CONOCO STANDARD Sister Carlos Marie discusses the periodic table of elements LINCOLN DRUG FREE DELIVERY Wesley Pharmacy DRUGGIST COMPLETE SERVICE with a group of students interested in science. Sister will teach 33 Gold Bond Stamps With FREE DELIVERY Prescriptions Our AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE W. 26th & Sheridan BE. 3-6811 science at St. John the Evangelist’s summer school beginning This Ad and $1.00 Purchase 33 Gold Bond Stamps With Prescription Druggists This Ad and $1.00 Purchase Specialty 2195 So. Sheridan Free Pickup & Delivery June 17 and ending July 26. From left to right are Dennis New- 2345 So. Fadoral W E. S-466I G. J. QUINLAN Member St. VInceilt 2345 So. Federal W E. 5-4661 RA. 24856 2707 E. Louisiana YU. 5-9970 Compact & Foreign Car Service come, Mary Lou Ruby, Sister Carlos Marie, Louis Baskall, and Waslay Ave. De Paul Parish Donver, Colorado Your Catholic Druggist Dan Caulfield At So. Downing P Earl 3-9638 Your Catholic Druggist Dan Caulfield Debbie Stander. Worir Conditions Improving Page Twenty The Denver Catholic Register Thursday, June 13, 1963 For Migrants in Colorado MARKET PLACE RENTING*HIRING OF MILLIONS W A N T A D S BUYING-SELLING Improvements have been Paul Salvage bureau has con­ made by many farmers of Nor­ tributed a great deal of cloth­ thern Colorado in the working ing. conditions of migrant workers .4t a general CFM meeting in Phone KE. 4-4206 Today to Place Your Classified Ad in the Registe; — Ask for the Classified Department since a recent state investiga­ St. Vincent de Paul’s cafeteria tion, reported Father Herbert May 21, Father Banigan pointed Banigan, coordinator of the Com­ out to members what they can New Classified Ad Deadline . . . mittee for Migrant Labor in the do to help, such as taking mi­ .Archdiocese. grants to Colorado General hos­ Some farmers, however, he pital. NOW —Tuesday at 5 p.m. added, are not cooperating. Fa­ Other meetings were sched­ Only Want Ads received by phone or mail before 5 P.M. Tuesday can be published in the current week’s paper ther Banigan is also pastor of uled at St. Vincent’s July 10 St. William’s parish, Fort Lup- and Aug. 14, all at 8:30 p.m. ton. The CFM is at present organ­ PERSONALS HOME FOR THE AGED 22 MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS 39!a PPLIANCES 45 “ We have come a long way,” izing clothing and food drives The Salve Regina Home for Aged Ruth M. Cafky will reopen her piano FILTER QUEEN said Father Banigan, “ but we for the migrants. Some chaper­ Retiring Priest Women now has openings for single and studio at 2500 Cherry St. for instruction Guaranteed. Good attachments. $20 buys. still have far to go.” double occupancy. The Home Is a re­ of young beginners, adult beginners or 477-0903. on dances in the migrant areas. modeled old mansion, surrounded by advanced pupils. Teacher of piano for 25 Farmers, he added, are giving Seeks Residence beautiful trees and expanse of lawn. Sun years. EA . 2-2967. BUILDING MATERIALS 46A the migrants better housing. Retiring priest, age 66, in good health, porch opens on park-like area. Dally seeks suitable location. Must have Mass in Chapel. Quiet, Dignified. This PIANO LESSONS 39A The migrants now have more comfortable and convenient convent private room and bathroom; meals Plano lessons In my home or yours. NEW AND USED chance to have their children also in private; complete privacy home Is staffed by the Dominican Sis­ LEGAL NOTICES ters at 975 Pennsylvania Street, Denver Experienced teacher. South Denver area. BUILDING MATERIALS when desired must be available. SU. 9-2656. educated. The red tape to ob- Would prefer to be attached to Sis­ 3, Colo. Phone: ALpIne 5-6082. Write or • PLUMBING • STEEL phone for Immediate reservations. Prices taining surplus foods has been ters' Institution. Term s by arrange­ • WINDOWS • DOORS I IN T H E COUNTY COURT reasonable. SEWING MACHINES 40 I cut considerably this year and In and for the City and County of ment. W rite: The Register, Dept. R .P ., Denver and State of Colorado P.O. Box 1620, Denver, Colo. KERDY WRECKING Cap and Gown in Hospital ' will be cut even more. No. P-29238 HOUSES FOR RENT SINGER DIAL-A-STITCH Many persons and groups, the NOTICE OF FILING OF PETITION UNFURNISHED 24 Zig-zags, monograms, makes buttonholes, Contractors FOR DETERMINATION OF HELP WANTED FEMALE darns and mends, sews on buttons also 2819 W a tt 9th A v a . T A . 5-4011 A cap and gown replaces more traditional hospital attire priest noted, have begun to take HEIRSHIP Experienced typists, stenos, office work­ New 3 bedroom double, large kitchen. decorative designs without buying attach­ for 17-year-oid Antoinette Coibruno as she receives her an interest in the migrant work­ In the matter of the estate of Kath­ ers needed immediaiely for temporary Lovely fenced yard. No dogs. $85 per ments. Assume 3 payments of $4.19 or leen G. Lee, Deceased. office work. month. 620 S. Osceola. B E . 7-4026. $8.00 cash. 623-1566. BICYCLES 56 dipioma in St. Joseph’s hospital, Denver, from Lester Arnold, ers’ lot. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO: MANPOWER, INC. WILL TRADE principal of Adams City high school. Antoinette was recov­ In Greeley, for instance, a K E . 4-7285 1554 California B IC Y C L E S , all sizes. New. Used parts, To ail persons Interested, GREET­ FURNISHED APTS. 25 $500 sewing machine for good outboard repairing. Tires put on any wheels. Fed­ ering from an appendectomy when the rest of her class held council of citizens has been ING: Priest's housekeeper for rural parish. Small, clean buffet apartment. Ideal for motor for boat. Contact B ill, 433-3612. eral Blvd. Garage. T A K E N OTICE that there has been Please write: Box No. 200 R, The Re­ AL'S BIKE SHOP graduation exercises. Along with her diploma she received formed to study the position of filed in the above-named estate a petition working lady. 5295 Tennyson. gister, 934 Bannock St., Denver 4, Colo. Call G E . 3-0345 SINGER DIAL-A-STITCH 334 FEDERAL W E 5-3245 the award for the outstanding achievement of the year. Pres­ the migratory laborer in society asking for a judicial ascertainment and 56 Years In the Same Location ent for the ceremonies were her pastor. Father Mark Fran- and in Northern Colorado. determination of the heirs of such deced­ SITUATIONS WANTED 4-DRAWER CABINET ent, and setting forth that the names, UNFURNISHED Zig-zags, buttonholes, sews fancy de­ AUTOS, NEW 59 ceschini, O.S.M., of St. Catherine s parish. Commerce City, The council, of which Father addresses and relationships to decedent FEMALE 12 APARTMENTS 26 signs. No attachments to buy. $8.00 are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Coibruno. Antoinette at­ of all persons who are or claim to be cash. GR. 7-0903. Banigan is a member, is at heirs of said decedent, so far as known Position as cook, housekeep>er for rectory. Redecorated apartment. Stove, refrig., tended parochial schools tor 10 years before transferring to present striving to obtain sum­ to the petitioner, are as follows, to-wit: 5 years experience. Anna Harrigan, Court auto, washer, utilities and garage fur­ WHITE 1963 MODEL PI. Hotel, Denver. CH. 4-9322. Adams City high. She has served as a helper for three years Katherine Ann Kennelley, 1018 Jeffer­ nished. 3371 W. 30th. Zig-zags, buttonholes, sews fancy de­ mer school sessions for migrant son S E , Albuquerque, New Mexico, / A m i in the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine program, and has Daughter. Middle aged couple. No children or pets. signs. Buy no extra attachments. $8.5C children. MTN. PROPERTY AND cash. 477-0903. Mary Jo Klingler, 1325 S. Josephine, 2 bdrm., '/2 duplex, garage optional. Af­ taught religion classes for first grade pupils for two years. Denver 10, Colorado, Daughter. CABINS 18 ter June 1. For appointment call after Robert Emmet Lee, 1257 St. Paul, Den­ 5:30 p.m. 455-4144. PFAFF - 1963 MODEL PUBLIC SCHOOLS, he con Mountain cabins for sale from $2,000 up. ver 6. Colorado, Son. Zig-zags, sews fancy designs. Not at­ The Wes ft s tinned, are doing a “ wonderful Francell Schrader, 4090 S. Clarkson, Installed anywhere in the Rocky Moun­ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 30 tachments to buy. $10.75 cash. GE. 3- Englewood, Colorado, Daughter. tain area. Cal! SP. 7-6681 or SK. 6-4847 3612. job.” In Platteville the school evenings. Colorado Springs Girl runs a day nursery for the pre­ You are hereby notified to appear and Beauty shop, one operator. Nice living L arg est answer the petition within twenty days quarters. Low rent. Near Our Lady of LIGHT 1963 PORTABLE school brothers and sisters of after service of this notice on you (If ROOMS FOR RENT, Lourdes. P E . 3-6912. Zig-zags, monograms, makes buttonholes. served by publication, within twenty FURNISHED 20 Assume our payments. No extra attach­ SeMcfloft children learning their three Rs. days after the last publication of this REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 33 ments needed, $14.50 cash or 3 payments State Typing Champion A summer school for migrant notice) and in default of an answer or Rooms for Girls. Catholic Daughters of $5.89. 433-6409. appearance the Court will proceed to of America. 765 Penn. Also rooms Moving to Spokane, Wash.? children was inaugurated at Mil- receive and hear proofs concerning the available for weddings or receptions. Have homes in executive neighborhoods. SINGER CONSOLE Priced from Dianne Vanzanta, student at The regional winner wiU com­ heirs of such decedent and enter a de­ liken this year. TA. 5-9597 Owen M iller, Realtors, E . 713 2nd, Spo­ Zig-zags, buttonholes, makes decorative St. Mary’s high school, Colora­ pete against three other region­ cree determining who are the heirs of kane, Wash. K E 5-1911 or R l. 7-4760. These public summer schools, such deceased person. Room, kitchenette. Housekeeping room. stitches. No attachments needed. $8.00 do Springs, was the winner of al winners to determine the na­ $30 and $28. 1 person. 1 block St. Phllo- cash. No equity required. 388-9012. commented Father Banigan, Dated at Denver, Colorado, this 4th By owner. 3 blocks from Holy Fam ily. 2 the state typing championship tional school champion. This day of June, 1963. mena's. 1321 Clayton. FL. 5-8271. houses on 2 lots. Clear. Will take house are possible because principals P A U L W. POMPONIO or other property in or out of Denver In PFAFF CONSOLE in a contest conducted nation­ event will be held in June. Zig-zags, buttonholes, makes fancy stitch­ and teachers are willing to sac­ Acting Clerk trade. 424-4950. 7310 Grant P I., Arvada. ally by Julius Nelson of Balti­ By /$/ R. C. Philips es. $16.00 cash or payments. 333-1244. rifice part of their summer to Deputy Clerk We specialize in NortAwest Denver, $1895 more, Md. LEGAL NOTICES Arvada. Lakewood, and Wheatridge run them. The fact that they Delaney and Costello real estate. Prompt, courteous, sales SINGER 401 SLANT NEEDLE Dianne typed at a rate of 68 Attorneys IN T H E COUNTY COURT service. Your local realtor tor 2U AUTOMATIC are paid does not eliminate the 935 Petroleum Club Building In and for the City and County of DelivereiUn Denver years. Zig-zags and buttonholes. Take over last words a minute for five con­ sacrifice of time. Denver 2, Colorado Denver and State of Colorado Tele. AM 6-3196 No. P-29587 STACKHOUSE REALTY 4 payments of $16.45. 433-2647. secutive minutes on unfamiliar (Published in the Denver Catholic NOTICE OF FILING OF PETITION 3535 W. 38th Ave. GK. 7-1678 copy. Errors were limited to THIS YEAR, said the Ft. Lup- Register) FOR DETERMINATION OF MISC. FOR SALE 44 First Publication: June 13, 1963 U CIDCU ID BY BUILDER PE 3-449S not more than two per cent of ton priest, the efforts of the Last Publication: July 4, 1963 IN T H E M A TTER OF T H E E S T A T E Come In and get acquainted with our OF GEORGE DOMKE, Deceased. Large 3 bdrm. trl-level show homes. l '/2 coin-operated Dry Cleaning, Up to 10 the gross words typed. archdiocesan migrant labor pro­ IN T H E COUNTY COURT THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF baths. Patio with storage. 1,800 sq. ft. of lbs. odor-free cleaning still only $1.50! I DREILING IN AND FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY JP M O T O W Some 21,867 students through­ ject are being concentrated in COLORADO: livable area. Brick veneer. $17,800 F.H.A. MOTHPROOFING WOOLENS THRU OF DENVER AND STATE OF or conventional financing. See one at out the country took part in this COLORADO To all persons interested, GREETING: JUNE 15 AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! V ^ lir \ WEST ALAMEDA I one area. TAKE NOTICE that there has been 5111 So. Meade at Bellview. One at Try It for summer cottons, too. They contest, in which 354 schools No. P-26763 filed in the above-named estate a peti­ 6065 No. Sheridan. Working out of Greeley at NOTICE OF FILING OF PETITION will stay new longer. tion asking for a judicial ascertainment THIS AD WORTH 50c ON sent entries. A total of 32 states Eaton and Ault are seminarians FOR DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP and determination of the heirs of such IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE 1 LOAD THRU JUNE 151 TRUCKS 60 had one or more qualifying en­ Michael Kerrigan and Richard decedent, and setting forth that the Our Personalized Also latest models Maytag washers, OF FRANCES ELLEN OWINGS, De­ names, addresses and relationships to ceased. dryers and large rug washer for your tries. Olona, the latter from the Santa decedent of all persons who are or Service Sells Homes convenience. Our Present Stock — Dianne Vanzant will take an­ Fe archdiocese. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF claim to be heirs of said decedent, so Free Parking in Rear. COLORADO: far as known to the petitioner, are as REMEMBER THE PLACE. 30 NEW 1963 CMC other five minute test against They give religious instruc­ To all persons Interested, GREETING; follows, to-wit: 7016 E. Colfax at Olive winners of seven other states tion, visit families, distribute TAKE NOTICE that there has been Henry Domke, 749 Lipan Street, Denver, TRUCKS filed in the above-named estate a peti­ Colorado, Brother. RCAITOR Will sacrifice Vltasphere electric juicer. in this area (Arizona, Califor­ clothing, and work in conjunc­ tion asking for a judicial ascertainment You are hereby notified to appear and Used short time. Cost $119 new. Will sell V7 ton, % ton, 1 ton and determination of the heirs of such answer the petition within twenty days 2500 S. Broadway SH 4-3318 for $50. AC. 2-8709. and 2 ton models. nia, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, tion with the public health de­ decedent, and setting forth that the after service of this notice on you (If Also large selection Oregon, Utah, and Washington) partment. Missionary Sisters of names, addresses and relationships to served by publication, within twenty APPLIANCES 4S of used pick-ups and trucks. Dianne Vanzant Our Lady of Victory conduct a decedent of all persons who are or claim days after the last publication of this Get Rid of Unneedables in May. to be heirs of said decedent, so far as notice) and in default of an answer through a REGISTER CLASSIFIED class in Ault. known to the petitioner, are as follov/s, or appearance the Court w ill proceed to AD. That Is where folks look when KIRBY VACUUM CLEMES MOTOR CO. to-wIt: receive and hear proofs concerning the they need things. PHONE KE. 4-4205. Guaranteed good condition. Milliken and Johnstown are Verdle Emble Owings, 407 Bliss Blvd., heirs of such decedent and enter a de­ Will sell for $10. — G E . 3-3612. 5555 W. Colfax Ave. next on this group’s list. The Iowa Falls, Iowa, Brother. cree determining who are the heirs of Green Mountain village 3 bedroom brick; 22 yrs. at the same Loren Taylor Owings, 1005 S. Franklin, such deceased person. full basement; attached garage; 1% ELECTROLUX VACUUM seminarians will stay from Dated at Denver, Colorado, this 14th | Klrksvllle, Mo., Brother. baths; fence, nice lawn, view. $16,900. By Complete with all attachments. location. Colorado Springs three to four weeks in one place Jessie Martin Owings, R .F .D ., Green- day of May 1963. owner. 985-0561. Must sell. $3.50 G R. 7-0903. Franchised GMC dealer castle, Mo., Brother. PA U L W. POMPONIO and move on to other towns. Ernest Edmund Owings, R .F.D . No. 4, Acting Clerk of the County Court Working in Keenesburg are Greencastle, Mo., Brother. Thomas Dl Francisca Cleil Owings, R .F .D ., Edina, Mo., Deputy Clerk seminarians Stephen Handen Brother. John B. Carraher and SERVICE DIRECTORY NOLAN FUNERAL HOME and Joe LaVoie, who is from Children of Sylvester Emmett Owings, Ernest F. Gaylord predeceased brother: Attorney "THE ONLY CATHOLIC OWNED AND OPERATED the Santa Fe archdiocese. Sem­ Clyde A. Owings, 401 West Lake St., 741 Equitable Bldg., KE. 4-4205 FUNERAL HOME IN COLORADO SPRINGS" Marceline, Mo., Nephew. Denver, Colorado inarians Mike Delaney and Tom 266-0861 Gene C. Owings, 5305 Pikes Peak Dr., (Published In The Denver Catholic THE NOLAN FAMILY Rotole are working with Father E l Paso, Texas, Nephew. AMBULANCE SERVICE GUTTERS LINEN SERVICE MEMBERS NATIONAL CATHOLIC FUNERAL DIRECIORS GUILD Register) James Ahern, Brush pastor, in Dale F . Owings, 800 West Southerland, First Publication: May 23, 1963. ME. 2-4742 Wichita 15, Kansas, Nephew. Last Publication: June 13, 1963. Wiggins. Margaret A. Libby, R .F .D . No. 5, 24 Hour Service Radio Dispatched Guffers, Spouts WESTERN Father James Overman, as­ Chillfcothe, Mo., Niece. IN T H E COUNTY COURT TOWEL SUPPLY CO. Kathleen L. Head, R .F.D . No. 5, Mi­ In and for the City and County PROFESSIONAL Wa spaciallza In Gutter and sistant in St. Augustine’s parish, lan, Mo., Niece. of Denver and State of Colorado 1720 So. Broadway 733-5591 Spout Replacement. Brighton, conducted a success­ Violet DeKnight, 4025 E. 69 Terr., No. P-23549 AMBULANCES, INC. Kansas City, Mo., Niece. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Gutters Cleaned and PAINTING OXYGEN - RESUSCITATOR LOETSCHER'S DotNEis-iom; ful day of recollection for teen­ Children of Alta Floo Whittom, prede­ Estate of Julia M. Anderson, also Repaired. TRACHEOTOMY KIT age migrants in Keenesburg. ceased sister: known as Mrs. H. W. Anderson, (De­ NICHOLS HOME PAINTING Sybil Carmelita Cowell, 705 S. Sixth ceased) No. P-23549 PHONE 623-6721 Thoroughly Experienced. Aurora, Denver, Lakewood Inferior A Exterior The program there is going into St., K lrksvllle, Mo., Niece. Notice is hereby given that I have Dependable, Guaranteed No Job Too Small SUPER MARKET its third week. Margaret Maxine Gourley, 26 East- filed my final report In the County Court FREE ESTIMATE wood Lane, Liberty, Mo., Niece. of the City and County of Denver, Colo­ Guaranteed — WE. 6-2275 rado, and that any person desiring to COLORADO SPRINGS-AURORA Children of Mary Ethel Mayne, prede­ ASH HAULING American Roofing MEATS CATHOLIC STUDENT Mis­ ceased sister: object to the same shall file written ob­ OOMUr Ruby Ardella Semon, 1417 W. 30, Pu­ jection with the said court on or before PAINTS sion Crusade members have eblo, Colo., Niece. Ju ly 15, 1963.- Miller Trash Service Slieet Metal Co. t PROOVCE volunteered 75 strong to help Lola Audrey Rea, 402 Ryan Street, JOHN J. SULLIVAN Pickup Anytime AL. 5-1932 Paint sale. $3.98 gal. enamel. f f DRIVE IN Thermopolls, Wyo., Niece. Executor €H 4-8466 2159 Downing $2.98 Gal. Laltx Flat the migrants. Some will work Donald Eugene Mayne, Oxford 17, Pu­ John Fleming Kelly SHAFFER’S RUBBISH 845 Santa Fe K E . 4-4429 Nationally. Advertised eblo, Colorado, Nephew. Attorney for the Estate After 6 p.m. SU 1-8035 in Denver and some will work REMOVAL MOTEL Kathryn Haycock, 226 2nd N., Grey- 500 Equitable Building Member of All Souls* Parish PLUMBING Brands of Groceries in the Ft. Lupton camp. bull, Wyo., Niece. Denver 2, Colorado COMMERCIAL AND You are hereby notified to appear and Telephone AM. 6-1461 RESIDENTIAL Stay with “ Jay” Miss Jeanne Wesley of the answer the petition within twenty days (Published In the Denver Catholic 524 W. Colorado Ave. 820 N. Nevada Young Christian Workers will after service of this notice on you (if Register) REASONABLE RATES HEATING ALAMEDA PLUMBING CO. served by publication, within twenty First Publication: June 13, 1963 AL. 5-3310 Repairing, new work, sewers and work in Ft. Lupton. Mr. and days after the last publication of this Last Publication: Ju ly 4, 1963 sink lines cleaned. Our work Is Mrs. Nick Rauseo of the Chris­ notice) and In default of an answer or guaranteed. Free Estimates. appearance the Court w ill proceed to IN THE COUNTY COURT BRICK 609 E. Alameda SH 4-03U0 J. D. CROUCH DISPOSAL SERVICE tian Family Movement will de­ receive and hear proofs concerning the in and for tho City and County of Denver FOLEY HEATING C. D. O’BRIliN COMPANY vote their vacation period to the heirs of such decedent and enter a de­ and State of Colorado Brick Work, Planners, RepalrS; cree determining who are the heirs of David Brofman, Judge Pointing. Estimates BE. 3-1871. QUILTERS GARBAGE-ASHES-TRASH migrants. The St. Vincent de such deceased person. No. P-30660 Dated at Denver, Colorado, this 10th CITATION TO ATTEND "A dirty business operated In a day of May 1963. PROBATE OF WILL BUILDER & CARPENTER WE REPAIR Alaska Quilt Shop — All kinds of clean courteous manner." P A U L W. POMPONIO In the matter of the estate of George quilting, remodel down and wool Featuring the ntw container tystem. Acting Clerk of the County Court comfoners reconditioned. Pillows News Deadline! V. Firestone, Deceased. and rebind blankets. Also sheet and ME. 3-5S68. Martin J. FInnerty, Sr, THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF Deputy Clerk comfort combination. Patented Li­ COLORADO, TO: BUILDING and CONTRACTING FIREPLACES censed Mfg. 1610 Gaylord. DU 8-2662. The deadline for news John B. Carraher and Dora Smith (adult), 2990 Colorado Ernest F. Gaylord For Any Remodeling in Your PETE BERONI stories and pictures to appear Blvd., Denver, Colorado, Sister, Heir, Home ~ Inside or Out — Attorney Legatee, Devisee and Beneficiary. in the “ Denver Catholic Reg­ 741 Equitable Bldg., M ary Jane Griffin (adult), 828 South ROOFING FURNITURE STORE Denver, Colo. CHIMNEYS Smith St., Santa Maria, Calif., Relation­ Quality Apparel- UPHOLSTERING ister” is Monday at 5 p.m. 266-0861 RE UPHOLSIERING AND ship, None; Legatee, Devisee, Benefici­ New roofs, roof repairs, painting. Correspondents are asked to (Published In The Denver Catholic Lie. Insured. AH work guaranteed. REPAIRING Register) ary and Trustee. TA 5-5107 IN COLORADO SPRINGS have their material at the Guy W. Firestone (adult), 422 East Terms, free estimates. TA 5-6495 Slip Covers ond Draperies First Publication: May 23, 1963 Member of SINCE 1872 “ Register” office at this time Last Publication; June 13, 1963 112th St., Chicago, Illinois, Brother, Heir. CALL JACK REIS Made to Order W. S. Firestone, (adult), 119 East Pine HOME REPAIRS Our Lady of Grace Parish Kiowa and Tejon Streets Furniture Made to Order to assure publication in the IN THE DISTRICT COURT St., Rawlings, Wyoming, Brother, Heir. 934-3593 24-22 So. W a h sa fch M E . 2-8401 following Thursday issue. in and for the City and County of Gerard R. TeBockhorst (adult). Public • Home Repairs • Painting Denver and State of Colorado Service Bldg., Denver, Colorado, Rela­ Member of Notre Oeme Perish • Carpentry REROOFING AND REPAIR Civil Action No. B-62457 tionship, None; Executor. • Cabinetwork • Patch Plastering Fast and efficient service on wind dam­ IN THE MATTER OP THE DETER­ You and each of you are hereby noti­ J. M. REISCHMAN age or roof leaks. Shingles, siding, slate VIDMAR ROOFERS MINATION OF INTEREST IN THE fied that the Instrument purporting to FAST DEPENDABLE SERVICE “ The Handyman” and tile. 364-5294. PROPERTY OF ALFRED H. GRE- be the last will and testament of the de­ on any remodeling needs All Work Guaranteed Electrical WE, Deceased. cedent above named will be offered for 2518 Eudora St. EA. 2-3230 • Roofing and Siding • LEGAL NOTICES PETE, SU. 1-6561 Construction Co. NOTICE probate before the County Court of the TRASH HAULING THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF City and County of Denver, State of LAWN MOWERS 2930 W. Pikes Peak Avenue • Estimates • Service Calls NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT COLORADO: Colorado, at the City and County Build­ CURTAIN CLEANERS TRASH HAULING Phone 633-2395 0 Modernization • Reasonable Estate of ESTELLA L. BUXTON (De­ To: ELIZABETH M. GRAY, formerly ing In said City and County of Denver, Any Place in Metropolitan Denver Day or Night Calls Colorado Springs, Colorado O Rewiring • Yard Lighting ceased) No. P-29040 Elizabeth M. Grewe, to all other persons on Monday, the 22nd day of Ju ly, 1963, FRANCIS LACE CURTAIN CLEAN­ Notice is hereby given that I have who are or claim to be heirs of said at 10 o'clock A.M ., or on a date subse­ LLOYD’S EA. 2-3558 1026 S . T e io n M E 5-1533 ERS. CURTAINS, CROCHETEU filed my final report In the County Court decedent, and to ail persons interested, quent thereto to which said hearing re­ T A B L E C L U T U S, UKAPEKIJiS, Lawn Mower Service 2430 High Street of the City and County of Denver, Colo­ GREETING: gularly may be continued, when and BLANKETS, SPREADS, LINENS rado, and that any person desiring to T A K E N O TICE that a petition has been where you may appear if you so desire. CLEANED BY LATEST METHODS. Sharpening & Repairs UPHOLSTERERS object to the same shall file written ob­ W ITN ESS my signature and seal of filed In this cause alleging that the HAND PRESSED ONLY. 1259 KALA ALL WORK GUARANTEED Dr. John A. Ordahl £jdnL (phaAm jaaf, jection with the said court on or before above decedent died leaving the follow­ said Court this 4th day of June, 1963. MATH. TA. 5-3527. July 22, 1963. ing described property: P A U L W. POMPONIO 1710 W. 46th GL 5-9648 Ke. Upholster by a reliable firm. Acting Clerk 35 years experience — terms. OPTOMETRIST PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST GERALD L. BUXTON An undivided one-fourth interest In and NATIONAL UPHOLSTERY Administrator to Lots 25, 26 and 27 lying East of the VICTOR B. GRANDY, DECORATING 2145 Court PL AC. 2-1372 125 NORTH TEJON STREET 802 N. Weher Jam es W. Creamer West 68'/2 feet of said lots, and all Clerk of the County Court, By Thomas DIFrancesca ME..2-3661 434 Majestic Bldg. that portion of lot 28 lying East of the Papering, painting, steaming, textur­ ME. 3-2069 Denver 2, Coio. West 75 feet of said lot, in Block 3, Deputy Clerk. ing, plaster patch. AU work guar­ COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. Colo. Springs 534-4233 McLeod's Addition to the Town of High­ (SEAL) anteed. Free Estimate. Call 238-1044 (Published in the Denver Catholic lands, together with Improvements Wagner and Wyers or SP. 7-9375. Register) thereon known and described as 3623 By Carl A. Wyers ONE DOLLAR SPECIAL First Publication; June 13, 1963 and 3625 West 26th Avenue; except that 926 Equitable Building Last Publication; July 4, 1963 portion conveyed In Book 4689, Page 110, Denver 2, Colorado ELECTRIC WIRING To Introduce You to the Register Classified Section and except the right of way described In (Published in the Denver Catholic J ^ A V r e a l t y IN T H E COUNTY COURT Book 2969, Page 441; together with right Register) 220 volts, remodeling, repairs. Call FOR $1.00 YOU GET 20 WORDS OR LESS In and for the City and County of way conveyed in Book 2990 at Page First Publication: June 13, 1963 anytime. EM. 6-0168. IV l/H 1 in s u r a n c e CO. of Denver and State of Colorado 277. Last Publication: July 4, 1963 TO BUY, SELL OR SWAP No. P-22209 Jim Dwyer Electric That the petition names the above per­ IN THE COUNTY COURT NOTICE OP FINAL SETTLEMENT son as the heir of decedent and the 725 NO. TEJON Estate of KATHERINE R. CHRESICK, In and for the City and County of Denver FILL IN COUPON 1 WORD PER BOX present owner of said property. and State of Colorado FLOOR COVERINGS also known as CATHERINE R. CHRE­ You are notified to answer said peti­ Phone 633-7731 Colo. Springs S IC K , C A T H ER IN E C H R ES IC K and No. P-30287 tion within 20 days after service of this NOTICE TO CREDITORS KATHERINE CHRESICK (Deceased), No. notice on you (if served by publication, Linoleum, Vinyl tile, Ceramic wall P-22209 within 20 days after the last publication Estate of ALBERT L. TRAILOR (De­ tile, Formica counter tops. Notice Is hereby given that I have ceased), No. P-30287 COMPLETE EXPERT ot this notice) and In default of an an­ All persons having claim s against the filed my final report In the County swer the Court w ill proceed to hear the INSTALLATKIN “ Colorado Springs’ Finest and Most Modern’’ Court of the City and County of Den­ matter as provided by law. above named estate are required to file free estimates ver, Colorado, and that any person de­ Dated at Denver, Colorado, this 9th them for allowance In the County Court Archer Floor Coverings. BE. 71007 siring to object to the same shall file day of May, 1963. of the City and County of Denver, Colo­ ullyp IGmu iULTrtnary written objection with the said court on FRA N K H. CONRY rado, on or before the 8th day of Novem­ or before Ju ly 2, 1963. Clerk of said Court ber, 1963, or said claims shall be forever ANDREW WYSOWATCKY By Kathryne M. Lawton barred. Membtr by Invitation National Selected Morticians Administrator Deputy Clerk ALBERT RAY TRAILOR John B. Carraher Jam es W. Creamer Executor Members of the Staff Attorney for the estate Attorney Thomas L. Ford, Attorney 741 Equitable Bldg. 434 Majestic Bldg. 1700 E . 5th Ave. Carroll B. Dunn W. Harley Remington Denver 2, Colorado Denver, Colo. Denver 18, Colo. AM 6-0861 T e l.: 534^233 355-1625 CLIP $1.00 TO IT AND MAIL TO Catholic Funeral Directors (Published In The Denver Catholic (Published In The Denver Catholic (Published in The Denver Catholic Register) Register) Register) Classified Advertising, The Register MElrose 2-6671 Colorado Springs, Colo. First Publication: May 23, 1963 First Publication: May 16, 1963 First Publication: May 23/ 1963 Box 1620, Denver 1, Colo., or phone it in to KE. 4-4205 Last Publication: June 13/ 1963 Last Publication: June 13, 1963 Last Publication: June 13/ 1963 I