University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 11-7-1891 Santa Fe Daily New Mexican, 11-07-1891 New Mexican Printing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sfnm_news Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing Company. "Santa Fe Daily New Mexican, 11-07-1891." (1891). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ sfnm_news/3228 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SANTA FE DAMJ JL EW VOL. 28. SANTA FE. N. M.. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 7, 1891. NO. 223. public in the weekly organ of the iron CONSECRATION OF REV. DR, CHAPELLE, Tho importance) ot BRIEF WIRINGS:- - trade. It is to the effect that knives, keeping tlie blood in a blue a condition la BLAIE" - drills, scythes and sickles nspnine sme Report of the imposing Cmmu) pare BROTHERS, S color U lor any icnssm oi time inevare at the ISrtltinioro Cathedral universally known, SPITZ, left in the sun. The ertye then and yet tliero are ON sharp OIHclatillB Clergy. DEALERS IN EVERYTHING. Gold and Silver SHE KHAN SILVER. disappears and the tool is rendered abper very tew peoplo who lutely useless until it is retemporcd. A Tne Baltimore contain elaborate Iiavo perfectly pure BU View or a Veto-Fr- ee Sliver Hie Is- effect bus been exer- papers Wood. The taint ot scrofula, salt rlicuni, or Goods, CToihiiijr, Glo es, sue in similarly prejudicial on the ceremonies the Dry Hoots, Shoes, H.its, Hardware, JEWELRY the Presidential Campaign. cised by moonlight. Among oilier ex- reports attending other foul humor Is licroclitcd and transmitted Harness, GlassAvarc, (Inns, Pistols, Ainmuni PINE FILIGREE made month consecration of Rev. Dr. Chupello, coad- for generations, causing untold suffering, and (''.invar, periments during the past Granite-wars-, Nov. 7. In in- ordi- we accumulate and of dis- - tion, 'tin ware, "Willow and Wooden ware, Jew- Cleveland, Ohio, an was one that demonstrated that an jutor archbishop of Santa Fa, which took also poison germs terview Senator John Sherman says: cross-cu- t saw had been unt of easo from the air we elry, AVateliCi , Cloeks, Silverware, Hooks, Toys, Diamonds, Watches, Clods and Silverware. nary put place at the cathedral in that city on Stationery "We have won a great victory. In in a siuglo lo the II M the food 31 usieal Bhape night by exposure last. The sa:red edifice was breathe, Instruments, Notions, Trunks, Valises, Carpets, many respects, it is but an endorsement, light of the mco.i. Sunday wo cat, or tore and Factory, or of of the decorated for wo Hugs, Hlankets, Hones, Quilts. Jla Malta eprMent4lo. niii Second National Basfe echo, the fight 1875, upon superbly the occasion and the drink, of Qnod. Next dour "Welcome to a Jiishop. n o li n financial question. President Hayes and repreieiitt.tive members tf the American t g for the Standard Machine, the best myself then made an issue for an honest Kansas Citv, Kits., Nov. 7. Bishop Agents Sewing Doug of Catholic cinrgy were in attendance. 01 clusively in the World. Attention to Mail Diaisfl Setthi ad Watch Repairing Promptly and Efficiaatly dollar and this election, in our common- Fink, of this diocese, taken, possession than tlie positive Special Orders. wealth, only shows that the people of his new quarters in this city this evening, the cerenionv the Sun s:iys ; power of Hood's Sarsaparilla over all diseases - - this state are true to the best elements of and the Catholics of the diocese have Cardinal liihbona was tho uonswrntor of tho blood. This medicine, when fairly San Francisco St Santa Fe, N. M. aU life. Greenbacks and free silver mean arranged to make the event a memora- and was also of the pontificial tried, does expel every trace of scrofula or A. T. CRIGC the same thing and, for the second time ble one. The bishop will arrive on a hudi mass. Archbishop Salpointe, of salt rheum, removes the taint which causes in our political history, the state of Ohio special train from Leavenworth, and will Fe, to whom the new bishop is catarrh, neutralizes all Whol.ial. ft Retail Dealer! la has spoken and decided that question, so be met at the depot by nearly the coadjutor, was one cf the assistants to the the acidify and cures far as they can. Catholics of Wyandotte county. An im- ladinal, while Bishop J.J. Keane, of rheumatism, drives '1 do not mean to Bay that the larilT mense procession will escort Mm to his Wbeelinu. n the other. Hev. Thomas out tho germs of 1 has not played an important part in the new and palaliul Episcopal residence at S. Lee, the present rector of the cathed- malaria, blood poi- n.t MTIOIfilL BANK name. This campaign teaches many use- 12th street and Sandusky avenue, w hero ral, but w ho h.is been appointed to suc- soning, etc. It also Furniture, in- Crockery ful lessons. In the first place, so far as an informal red ption will ut once be ceed I'.ishi p Chapelle at St. Matthew's vitalizes and en the Republican party is concerned, this augurated. 'Ihe mayor, members of the church, in Washington, was the assistant riches the blood, thus overcoming that tired result in Ohio tixes the silver question cily council and citizens without distinc- priest. The deacons of honor were Kev. feeling, and building up the wholo system or - AND GLASSWARE. as one of the issues of the next presi tion of creed will participate m the Dennis O'Callaghan, of St. Augustine's, Thousands testify to tho superiority of Hood's dential contest, and decides it, so far Boston, and Kev. l'eter Manning, of Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier. Full Infor- as this state is concerned. I am con Anarchist, to JWnvl. Md, Father O'Callaghan mation and statements of cures sent free. vinced a free bill will be was a of santa Fe, New Mexico? Becond band (roods bought or that coinage Chicago, Nov. 7. On Wednesday next classmate Bishop Chapelle the w hich assembles wt en were for taken in for new, passnd by congress four will have elapsed August they preparing the priest- exchange in December 1. 1 also believe that sue years and' was auc- Spies, 1'arBons and their asHociiites met hood, Father Maiit.'.ig associated or will sell at public a bill as will be framed will be vetoed with w was r of Jo- by their death upon the scaffold in the coun- him hen he past St. tion. President Harrison, ihis will naturally for their in the terrible seph's church, on Barre street, in this of next ty jail complicity Designated Depository cf tha United States. make free silver the feature the massacre of Ha market To- city. The deacons of the mass were Rev. in it will be the Square. of presidential fight fact, morrow that memorable will be ap- Joseph Barre, the present pastor St. UNDERTAKER. issue upon which there are day Sarsaparilla leading observed by the members of Joseph's church, in this city, and Rev. Soldbyalldrucidsts. vast differences of in both propriately Win. L. of St. ;i;slxforg5. Prepared only opinion the large element in this city that sym- Jordan, pastor Bridget's by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. parties. w views church, at Canton, who was also a fellow-stude- A LOT OF NEW BABY CARRIAGES. pathize ith the enunciated by the FNE "It is exactly like the tariff' local con executed and who have never erased with Dr. Chapelle. Bishop Cha- 100 Doses One Dollar PEDRO President and men, PEREA, ditions interests govern the senti to bemoan their fate. pelle had as his chaplains, Rev. Thomas ment and action. I doubt very much Kerviek and Kev. Augustus Williams, whether trie Democracy in national con A Disastrous Drought. formerly assistants at St. Matthew's Notice. T. B. CAT ROM, Vice Pesident vention will for 1 . con- proclaim free coinage, Columbth, j d , Nov. 7. There is no church. The chaplains to Archbishop Notice is hereby given to all parties If should, there would be no other for were Rev. cerned to no due A. T. Bank they more prospect rain than there was Salpointe Joseph Mackin, pas-to-i pay money Grigg - - National of & The Second ieeiij significance in the next cam two months ago, and everybody views of St. Raul's church, in Washington, Co., undertakers, to A. T. Grigg or an; R.J. PALE ft. Cashier paign. The financial battle that we have the situation with alarm. Wells, streams ni one lime assistant at m. iiaunew s, other person except myself until further fought in Ohio will then be transferred to and ponds are completely dry in this sec- and Rev. James Donahue. Bishop Keane notice. Thomas P. Gahi.k. MEXICO. the nation, and a contest, such as we tion, and, since the oil's, nothing like this had as hia chaplains Rev. John lioland, Santa Fe, N. M., Oct. 211, 1891. OF NEW have never seen, will be the result. Tariff has been known. Tne worst aspect oi of W'oodberry, and Rev. 1'. M. Tandy, of will be but not the vital prominent, point the damage is to wheat and meadows. In New York. The minor positions, such as Nobody can be troubled with constipa- IF1 - oi contest." inland like cross-bearer- croz and SJlTTA.
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