APRIL 21, 2019

ENTRANCE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHIRST INTO (PALM SUNDAY) دخول ربنا يسوع المسيح المجيد إلى اورشليم )أحد الشعانين)

THE FIRST ANTIPHON I am filled with joy, for the Lord will hear the voice of my supplication. The anguish of death encompassed me; the perils of hell beset me. Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, O Savior, save us. I found tribulation and anguish, and I called upon the Name of the Lord. I will walk acceptably before the Lord in the land of the living. Glory… Both now…

THE SECOND ANTIPHON I believed, and therefore have I spoken: but I was deeply humiliated. What shall I render unto the Lord, for all His benefits unto me? Save us, O Son of God, Who didst sit upon the foal of a donkey, who sing to Thee. Alleluia. I will take the cup of Salvation, and call upon the Name of the Lord. I will pay my vows unto the Lord in the presence of all His people. Glory… Both now… O, only begotten Son and Word of God…

THE THIRD ANTIPHON O, give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good: for His mercy endureth forever. Let the house of now say that He is good: for His mercy endureth forever. Let the house of Aaron now say that He is good: for His mercy endureth forever. Let all that fear the Lord now say that He is good: for His mercy endureth forever.

THE EISODIKON (ENTRANCE HYMN) OF PALM SUNDAY Blessed is He Who cometh in the Name of the Lord: God is the Lord and hath appeared unto us. Save us, O Son of God, Who didst sit upon the foal of an ass; who sing to Thee. Alleluia.

مبار ٌك اآلتي باسم الر ّب، هللا الر ُّب ظهر لنا،خلصنا يا ابن هللا يا َمن جلس على جحش ابن أَتان، لنرتل لك هللوييا

APOLYTIKION OF LAZARUS SATURDAY IN TONE ONE In confirming the common Resurrection, O Christ God, Thou didst raise up Lazarus from the dead before Thy Passion. Wherefore, we also, like the children, bearing the symbols of victory, cry to Thee, the Vanquisher of death: Hosanna in the highest; blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the Lord.

طروبارية سبت لعازر الصديقعلى اللحن األول أيها المسي ُح اإللهُ, لما أقم َت لعازر من بين األموات ِقب َل آال ِمك حقَّق َت القيام َة العامة, لذلك ونحن كاألطفال نحم ُل عالما ِت الغلبة والظفر, صارخين إليك يا غال َب المو ِت, أوصنا في األعالي, مبارك اآلتي باسم الرب. APOLYTIKION OF PALM SUNDAY IN TONE FOUR O Christ God, when we were buried with Thee in Baptism, we became deserving of Thy Resurrection to immortal life. Wherefore, we praise Thee, crying: Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the Lord. طروبارية أحد الشعانين على اللحن الرابع

أيها المسي ُح إل ُهنا, لقد دُفنا مع َك في المعمودي ِة, فاستحققنا بقيامتك الحياة الخالدة. فنحن نسب ُح َك هاتفين أوصنا

في األعالي, مبارك اآلتي باسم الرب.

KONTAKION OF PALM SUNDAY IN TONE SIX Upborne upon the heavenly throne, and seated upon the earthly foal, O Christ our God, receive the praises of angels and the hymns of men, exclaiming before Thee: Blessed is He that cometh to restore Adam.

قنداق أحد الشعانين على اللحن السادس أيها المسي ُح اإللهُ, المستوي على عر ٍش في السما ِء, والراك ُب عفواً على األر ِض, لقد قبلت تسبي َح المالئكة ونشيدَ الفتيان الهاتفين إليك: مبارك أنت اآلتي لتحي آدم . THE EPISTLE Blessed is He Who cometh in the Name of the Lord. O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy endures forever. The Reading from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians. (4:4-9) Brethren, rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let all men know your forbearance. The Lord is at hand. Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, these do; and the God of peace will be with you.

الرسالة مبارك اآلتي باسم الرب. احمدوا الرب فإنه صالح, وإن إلى األبد رحمته. فص ٌل من رسال ِة القدي ِس بول َس الرسو ِل إلى أهل فيليبي يا إخوة, إفرحوا دائماً في الر ِب, وأقول أيضا: افرحوا. وليظه ْر لطفُكم لجميعِ البشر. فإن الر َّب قري ٌب. ال تقلقوا أبدا, بل ارفعوا طلبتَكم إلى هللا بالصال ِة والتضرعِ والحمد. وسال ُم هللا الذي يفوق ك ّل إدرا ٍك يحفظ قلوبَكم وعقو َلكم في المسيح يسوع. وبعد, أيها االخوة, فافتكروا فيما هو ح ٌق, وشري ٌف, وعاد ٌل, وطاه ٌر, و ُم ْستَح ٌب وحس ُن السمعة وما كان فضيلةً وأهالً للمديح, واظبوا على عم ِل ما تعلمتموه وتسلمتموه وسمعتموه ورأيتموه في, وإلهُ السال ِم يكون معكم.

THE HOLY GOSPEL The Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. John. (12:1-18) Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus who had died was, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. There they made Him a supper; Martha served, and Lazarus was one of those at table with Him. Mary took a pound of costly ointment of pure nard and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the fragrance of the ointment. But Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, one of His Disciples (he who was to betray Jesus), said, “Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?” This he said, not because he cared for the poor but because he was a thief, and as he had the moneybox he used to take what was put into it. Jesus said, “Let her alone, let her keep it for the day of My burial. The poor you always have with you, but you do not always have Me.” When the great crowd of the Jews learned that He was there, they came, not only on account of Jesus but also to see Lazarus, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. So the chief priests planned to put Lazarus also to death, because on account of him many of the Jews were going away and believing in Jesus. The next day a great crowd who had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying, “Hosanna! Blessed is He Who cometh in the Name of the Lord, the King of Israel!” And Jesus found a young donkey and sat upon it; as it is written, “Fear not, daughter of Zion; behold, your king is coming, sitting on a donkey’s colt!” His Disciples did not understand this at first; but when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that this had been written of Him and had been done to Him. The crowd that had been with Jesus when He called Lazarus out of the tomb and raised him from the dead bore witness. The reason why the crowd went to meet Jesus was that they heard He had done this sign. اإلنجيل المقدس

فص ٌل شري ٌف من بشار ِة القدي ِس مرقس االنجيلي البشير والتلميذ الطاهر. ُ وقب َل ال ِفصحِ بِ ِستَّ ِة أَيَّا ٍم جا َء يسو ُع إِلى بَي َت َع ْنيا، َحي ُث كا َن َلعاز ُر الَّذي أَقا َمه ِمن بَي ِن األَموات. فأقي َم له َعشا ٌء ُهناك، وكانَت َم ْرتا تَخدُم، وكا َن َلعا َز ُر في ُجم َل ِة الَّذي َن معَه على ال َّطعام. فتَناو َلت َمريَ ُم ُحقَّةَ ِطي ٍب ِم َن النَّا َردي ِن الخا ِل ِص الغالي الثَّ َمن، ود َهنَت َقدَ َمي يسوع ثُ َّم َم َس َحتْهما بِ َشع ِرها. فعَبِ َق البَي ُت بِال ِّطيب. فقا َل يهوذا ا ِإلس َخريوط ُّي أَ َحدُ تَالمي ِذه، وه َو الَّذي أَو َش َك أَن يُس ِل َمه: ” ِلماذا لم يُبَ ْع هذا ال ِّطي ُب بِثَالثِ ِمائَ ِة دينار، فتُ ْعطى ِللفُ َقراء؟” و َلم يَقُ ْل هذا الهتِما ِمه بِالفُ َقراء، بل ألَنَّه كا َن سا ِرقاً وكا َن ُصندو ُق الدَّرا ِه ِم ِعندَه، َفيختَ ِل ُس ما يُ ْلقى فيه. فقا َل يسوع: “ دَ ْعها، فإِنَّها َح ِف َظت هذا ال ِّطي َب ِليَو ِم دَ ْفني. إِ َّن الفُ َقراء هم ِعندكم دائِماً أَبَداً، وأَ َّما أَنا َف َلس ُت ِعندكم دائِماً أَبَدا ً”. و َع ِل َم َج ْم ٌع كثي ٌر ِم َن اليَهو ِد أَن يسو َع ُهناك فجاؤوا، ال ِمن أَج ِل يسو َع فقط، بل ِليَ َروا أَيضاً َلعا َز َر الَّذي أَقا َمهُ ِم َن بَي ِن األَموات. فعَ َز َم ُع َظما ُء ال َك َهنَ ِة على أَن يَقتُلوا َلعا َز َر أيضاً، ألَ َّن َك ثيراً ِم َن اليَهو ِد كانوا يَن َص ِرفو َن عن ُهم بِ َسبَبِه ويُؤ ِمنو َن بِيسوع. ول َّما كا َن ال َغ د َس ِم َع ال َج ْم ُع ال َكثي ُر الَّذي َن أَتَوا ِللعي ِد أَ َّن يسو َع قا ِد ٌم إِلى أُو َر َشليم. ف َح َملوا َسعَ َف النَّ ْخ ِل و َخ َرجوا الستِقبا ِله و ُهم يَهتِفون: “ ُهو َش ْعنا ! ت َبا َر َك اآلتي بِاس ِم ال َّر ّب َم ِل ُك إِسرائيل ! “ ف َو َجدَ يسو ُع َج ْحشاً ف َر ِكبَه، كما َو َردَ في ال ِكتاب: ” ال تَخافي يا بِن َت ِص ْهيون ُه َوذا َم ِل ُك ِك آ ٍت را ِكباً على َج ْح ٍش اب ِن أَتان”. هذ ِه األَشيا ُء لم يَف َه ْمها تَالميذُه أَ َّو َل األَم ِر، و َل ِكنَّهم تَذَ َّك روا، بَعدَما ُم ِّجدَ يسوع، أَنَّها في ِه ُكتِبَت، وأَنَّها هي نَف ُسها لَه ُصنِعَت. وكا َن ال َج ْم ُع الَّذي َص ِحبَه، حي َن دَعا َلعا َز َر ِم َن ال َق ْبر وأَقا َمهُ ِمن بَي ِن األَموات، يَش َهدُ له بِذلك. وما َخ َر َج ال َج ْم ُع ال ِستقبا ِله إِالَّ و َقد َس ِم َع أَنَّه أَتى بِتل َك اآليَة.

MEGALYNARION FOR PALM SUNDAY IN TONE FOUR God the Lord hath appeared unto us; let us celebrate the Feast, and let us rejoice and magnify Christ. With palms and branches let us raise our voices unto Him with praise, saying: Blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the Lord, our Savior.

KOINONIKON (COMMUNION HYMN) FOR PALM SUNDAY IN TONE EIGHT Blessed is He Who cometh in the Name of the Lord. Alleluia.  During the Communion of the laity, the choir can sing “Rejoice, O Bethany.”  Post-Communion Hymn: Instead of “We have seen the true light”, sing the Apolytikion of Lazarus Saturday.  During the customary procession around the exterior of the church which follows “Blessed be the Name of the Lord”, the choir can sing the Apolytikia of Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday, “Rejoice, O Bethany” and the Trisagion Hymn.

HOLY BREAD OF OBLATION OFFERED BY: Fr. Samer, the Clergy and the parishioners on the occasion of Holy Week for the good health of those who served, who sang, chanters and choir, and those who contributed, to offer to our Lord the glory and honor at His Resurrection. Many Years!

OFFERED BY: Fr. Samer, the Clergy and the parishioners for the good health of the parish council members and the building committee; Reyad Katwan, Joseph Louis, Bassam Khoury, James Stroud, Mitchel Segal and their families. Many Years!

OFFERED BY: Philipbia Akery for the good health of her children; Daniel, David, Phadia, Lydia and her grandchildren; Stephani, Alexandra, Anthony, Adison, Aiden, Loren, Maria, Dimitri, Dominic and Gabriel. For the good health of her niece Valentina, Mariana Ajlouni and her family. For the good health of Sharon and Karen Ajlouni. Many Years!

OFFERED BY: Elias Hanani and his children; Norma, Fadi, Maher, Mousa and their families for the good health of wife, mother and grandmother, Wardia Hanani on the occasion of her birthday (April 1). For the good health of the Hanani, Alhadad and Jaghab families.

OFFERED BY: Elias and Wardia Hanani, Bachar, Serafina and Serena Alhadad for the good health of Norma Hanani Alhadad on the occasion of her birthday (April 17). Many Years!

OFFERED BY: Doug, June and Paul Strickland for the good health of the Strickland and Raskin families. Many Years!

OFFERED BY: Sami, Hanna and Bachour Haddad for the good health of the Haddad, Sarkis, Khoury and Moussa families. Many Years!

OFFERED BY: The Hanhan, Eideh, Rodriguez, Rantisi and Khoury families for the good health of mother, grandmother and great grandmother Juliette Hanhan wishing her speedy recovery. Many Years!

OFFERED BY: Elia and Micheline Lakkis and their family for the repose of soul of Elia's mother, Tamam Zakhem, who fall asleep in the Lord on April 12 in Lebanon. Memory Eternal!

OFFERED BY: Philipbia Akery in memory of Wahib, Gabriel and Anissa Akery. In memory of Fr. Anis and Mariam Elias and Nadia Azouri. Memory Eternal!

OFFERED BY: Elias and Wardia Hanani and the Hanani family in memory of Souhel Haddad. Memory Eternal!

OFFERED BY: Fr. Samer, the Clergy and the parishioners for the good health of Soulaima, Maya, Mona and Willian Houcheime offering our sympathy for the falling asleep in the Lord Soulaima’s husband Salameh on April 14 in Lebanon. Memory Eternal!

OFFERED BY: The Kreitem, Srouji, Kattuah and Kury families for the good health of Rima, Shawki Khoury and their family for the falling asleep of their son George on April 13 in Michigan. Memory Eternal!

Easter flower offering:  Roula Haddad: For the good health of Afaf Haddad and family. In memory of Bahij Haddad.  Jimmy & Sahar Juha: For the good health of Jimmy, Sahar, Jonathan, Maroun, Tania Juha and Silvana Hanania. In memory of Samir Hanania.  Jim & Gretchen Stroud: For the good health of the Stroud family. In memory of Bronnie and Annabelle Stroud.  Dania & Jonathan Baker: For the good health the Amireh and Baker families. In memory of Mahfouz Amireh and Shyla Baker.  Margaret Hanna: For the good health of Marge Hanna, Henry, Sheila, Gregory & Michael Veizades, David, Tamara, Christopher & Stephen. In memory of Taft Hanna, Louis, Grace, Adaline & Grace, Alexander & Tamara.  Najwa Saah: For the good health of Najwa, David, Rami, Kimberly, Suhair, Andrew, Laith, Dahila, Sabrina and Ryan Saah. In memory of Samaan Saah.  Hanna & Suad Eideh: In memory of Awad & Olga Eideh, Hanna Hanhan & Afaf Rantisi.  Sana Eideh: For the good health of Hanna, Suad & Imad Eideh, Nick & Lena Khoury and family.  Nuha Nasser: For the good health of Cynthia, Randa & Ron, Lora & their families. In memory of John Nasser, Bolus & Nabieha.  Fayez & Rima Abboud: For the good health of the Abboud family.  Nayla Sleiman: For the good health of Sleiman and Kawar families. In memory of Wajih Sleiman.  Najla Jaber & family: For the good health of the Jaber Family. In memory of all the deceased in the Jaber, Jubran and Misleh families.  Elia & Micheline Lakkis: For the good health of the Lakkis family.  Ibtisam Kreitem: For the good health of Ibtisam, Samer, Sara, Laila and Pierre Kreitem, Laila Halteh & family. In memory of Issam Kreitem and Michael Halteh.  Simon & Yvonne Hanhan: For the good health of their children, grandchildren and the family.  Basem & Maha Ajlouni: For the good health of George, Nancy Eways & Family. John, Jennifer Atala & family. Aileen Ajlouni. Maher Kalisse & family. In memory of MaryAnn Ajlouni, Joseph Kalisse, Khalil & Maria Ajlouni.  Samuel & Maya Hage: For the good health of Gabrielle and the Hage, Houcheime, Moujaes, Mapar & Matar families. In memory of Salim & Nora Moujaes and Shirly Dorfman.  Lamia Tarazi: For the good health of Lamia, Mirna and their families, Raouf & Daniel, Yvone, George, Nader, Larry, Nabil, Neveen & Asal. In memory of Habeed Ayad.  Henry & Sheila Veizades: For the good health of Gregory, Michael, Marge, Tamara, David, Chris, Stephen, Jeannette, Tarafina, Harrissis, Tancho, John, Lisa, Stefan, Sofia & Nicholas. In memory of Taft, Nicholas, Virginia, Ray, Gregory, Blankita, Louis, Grace, Stellani, Yianni, Tamara & Alexander.  Doug & June Strickland: For the good health of the Strickland family. In memory of Hans & Aaron de Klerk, Nabiha, Pete, Paul & Tom Dudum.  George & Jeannette Omran: For the good health of the Omran family. In memory of Foud Omran, George Omran Jr., Dib & Arifeh Omran, Saleem & Fareedeh Totah.

To all our parishioners: if you wish to offer holy bread for the good heath or in memory of loved one and you are unable to make the actual bread You can allocate a $35 donation to the church instead.

COFFEE HOUR Offered by: The Ladies Auxiliary- Bake/Craft Sale

(To host the Coffee Hour, please contact Wardeh Asfour at (408) 718-3339 or [email protected] )

We are asking for each family of our parish to sponsor luncheon onceLenten a month Services for every schedule month 2019 of the year. Please see Wardeh Asfour if you like to sponsor luncheon.

ALTAR SERVERS ROBES We ordered new Altar Robes from Greece and the cost is $2,600. We are asking for donations to cover the balance. Thank you to: Eyad and Sally Matar, Donated $1500 Fayez and Rima Abboud, Donated $100 Jimmy and Sahar Juha, Donated $300 Samer and Rana Kassis, Donated $200 Richard and Annette Eid, Donated $200 Please contact Fr. Samer @ 408-375-5673 if you like to donate.

PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS 2019 Congratulations to The Parish Council members’ of 2019. Chair president; James Stroud, Vice-Chair; Henry Veizades, Secretary; Kalli Hulse, Treasurer; Roula Haddad , David Aboujudom, Bassam Khoury, Rana Hanani, Mazen Menassah, Jimmy Juha, Mitchell Segal, and Victoria Mapar (superintendent of the Sunday school).

SOYO (YOUTH GROUP 12-17 YEARS Our SOYO (Youth Group) is being active through the leadership of the advisor; Laila Kreitem and Michael Veizades, Congratulations to the new officers; Dimitry Youssef, president; Taline Kassis, vice-president; Gabi Elserougi, secretary; Serafina Alhadad, treasurer; Jonathan Juha and Salem Jildeh, Public Relation Officers. SOYO Events:  April 26: Good Friday All Night Vigil If you wish to participate in any of the above events, please contact Laila Kreitem ([email protected]; (408) 771-4090) or Michael Veizades ([email protected]; (650) 787-1697). LADIES AUXILIARY 2019 Our ladies auxiliary officers’ will continue for the year of 2019. Sheila Veizades, President; Maha Elserougi, vice president; Maria Segal, secretary; Fadwa Jildeh, treasurer; Wardeh Asfour, coffee hour; Hala Aboujudom, sunshine.

Ladies of the Redeemer- Upcoming Events The Schedule of Upcoming Events for the next two months is as follows. Please mark your calendars and be as involved as you can be. Please contact the chairperson for information on any particular event to volunteer or signup to attend.

Giving Tree: Sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary The Redeemer Ladies are hosting a Lenten "Back to School" drive through the San Jose Giving Tree organization for local needy school children. There are three ways you can participate: 1. In the church narthex there is a "tree" with backpack tags--select one (they are color coded--blue for kindergarten/1st grade, yellow for 2nd to 5th grade, orange for 6th to 8th grade, and lavender for 9th to12th grade), then buy the correct size and style of back pack for that grade and fill it with the supplies listed on the tag. NO RED, BLUE, or TURQUOISE colored backpacks, please! --OR-- 2. Leave a money donation (checks payable to Church of the Redeemer, marked "Back to School Drive") in the envelope on the display table($35 to $50 is suggested). 3. If you have unopened/unused school supplies at home (like unopened packs of pencils or paper, or notebooks---anything on the lists) you can bring them in and put them in the box under the display table. There are samples of the desired items and extra copies of the backpack requirements and fill lists there as well.

It would be fun if you took your own school-aged children to shop for the backpack (who could give better advice about which one would be best loved?!) and the items to fill it--involving them in almsgiving now establishes a good lifelong habit! Either Nancy Godfrey or June Strickland would be happy to answer any questions you have. God bless you for your generosity! Filled backpacks can be returned at any time during Lent, but are due no later than Pascha.

CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER YOUNG ADULTS The Young Adults meet on the first Sunday of each month, typically after church. To join the young adult mailing list for events and announcements, send a request to [email protected]. Friends are encouraged to join discussions and outings. For information and questions, please see Dn. John.

School Schedule: Attendance – Students need to be here on a regular basis and on time for Divine Liturgy. There are a total of 28 lessons. A special certificate and gift will be given at the end of Sunday school for those students who attend 50% or more. A participation certificate will be given to all students who attend at least 25%. Apr 28th: Easter Sunday/ Egg Hunt May 5th: Mother’s Day Crafts May 12th: Last Day of school/ Sunday School graduation/ Ice Cream Social.

Victoria Mapar – Superintendent

UPCOMING EVENTS AT THE CHURCH Please save the date - April 27: Holy Saturday/ midnight potluck. - April 28: Easter/ Egg hunt and BBQ lunch provided by the Parish. - ROMEO Luncheon: Men Fellowship luncheon ( ROMEO ) Thursday May 9 at 12:00noon at the church hall sponsored by the Men Fellowship. Please contact Osama Elmasu @ (408) 612 6907 if you are coming. - May 18: Mother/Daughter Tea Party. Please contact Maria Segal.

FOOD FOR THE HUNGRY As we start this Lenten season, please remember the hungry by picking up a Food for the Hungry box and using the Calendar. Keep it at your home throughout this Lenten season to deposit your change. Boxes will be collected on Easter and contributions will directly help in feeding the hungry people. May "God who is at work in you" make your contributions generous? “He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done.” Proverbs 19:17

Church of the Redeemer Website The church’s website has features that we hope will serve our community. Pledge & Census form can now be filled out and submitted from within the website. To do that, please navigate to Stewardship-Pledge & Census Form. You can also find many other church forms, e.g. Wedding, Baptism, Hall Rental … that you can either complete and submit online, or print and bring to the church office.

For Registration, go to


YOUNG ADULT RETREAT May 3-5, 2019 Meet us in Boston for a weekend of thoughtful discussions, fellowship with friends and fun exploring the great city of Boston! All young adults 21+ and older are invited.For information and registration, go to:

PROJECT MEXICO JULY 9-15, 2019 Home building for children of a local orphanage at Baja California. All ages are welcomed. The group will primarily be made up of young adults, but We encourage SOYO members, parents, and parish members to join us! All participants need a valid passport to travel to Mexico For information, please contact Laila Kreitem ([email protected]; (408) 771-4090) Fr. Samer ([email protected] (408)375-5673).


Monday, April 22 6:30 pm – Bridegroom Service

Tuesday, April 23 6:30 pm - Bridegroom Service

Wednesday, April 24 6:30 pm – Holy Oil Service “Unction”

Thursday, April 25 10:30 am – Liturgy – Holy Thursday Service 6:30 pm – Passion Gospels

Friday, April 26 10:00 am – Decorating of the Tomb 4:00 pm – Vespers – Great Vespers 6:30 pm – Funeral Service (Lamentations)

Saturday, April 27 10:00 am – Holy Saturday Liturgy 10:00 pm Pascha (Easter) liturgy (Breakfast of love following evening Liturgy)

Sunday, April 28 12:00 pm – Pascha (Easter) Day Agape Service & Procession. Easter picnic and Egg hunt at the Church ground.

+Please note the change of the time of the Easter Day Agape Service, April 28th will be at 12:00 noon.

New Iconography phase (Last Judgment Icon in the Narthex) Icons are available for donations for the Good Health or In Memory of loved ones. The Name of the Icon The Location Donation Last Judgment (Christ $ 25,000 Eastern Wall (Center) Enthroned with the Disciples). Angel Blowing the Horn Right Eastern Wall $ 2,500 Angel Scrolling Down the Left Eastern Wall $ 2,500 Universe Angel Blowing the Horn Left Eastern Wall $ 2,500 Writing Down the Chosen One Right Eastern Wall $ 2,500 The Hand of God with the Western Wall (Center Righteous. The Soul with the $ 5,000 over the door) Scale & Angel The Door of Heaven Guided by the Seraphim with the March of Left Western Wall $5,000 Saints Theotokos Enthroned with Left Western Wall Angels $5,000

Abraham with infants Left Western Wall $5,000 The Wise Thief Left Western Wall $1,500 Angels are guarding the Gate Right Western Wall $2,000 The Earth, Water & the Animals Right Western Wall $2,000 returning the Dead for judgment Unquenched Fire Right Western Wall $500 Complete Darkness with Warms Right Western Wall $500

PASCHA PICNINC / EGG HUNT Sunday April 28, 2019 @ Church of the Redeemer Please join us for our annual Pascha (Easter) Potluck Picnic On Sunday April 28, 2019 after the Agape Vespers at 12:00noon Bring your own traditional side dish and dessert to share with everyone And the Parish will provide the meat and chicken. Donations accepted at the Door Children’s Egg Hunt, Bouncy House, lots of fun, fellowship, Delicious food, music and dancing Please RSVP to [email protected]

The Ladies Auxiliary

of the Orthodox Church of the Redeeemer

Cordially invite you to attend our

Annual Mother-Daughter Potluck Tea

Saturday, May 18, 2019

at the Parish Hall

from 1-3 PM

380 Magdalena Avenue

Los Altos Hills

Please bring your favorite tea cup and an appetizer or

finger food to share. Tea, coffee and beverages will be

provided. Bring your mothers, grandmothers, daughters, sisters, cousins and friends! RSVP Maria Segal [email protected]


We will be visiting -Ouranoupoli, Kalambaka, Corfu, Patra, , , Sidon-Tyr, Al Chouf, Baalbek, Balamand-Byblos. Package price based on: Open for 20 participants: DBL 4500 USD Single Supplement: Extra 790 USD For More information contact: V. Rev. Fr. Samer Youssef: 408-375-5673 Email: [email protected] Office Email: [email protected] Spaces are almost full, only 4 spots left. Please register your name with $500.00 nonrefundable deposit to reserve your place ASAP Please contact Ibtisam Kreitem at 650-941-1570. [email protected]

Welcoming Note

What a joy to have you as a participant at the Divine Liturgy today. We love having the church overflowing with faithful to celebrate Palm Sunday! Let us worship together with joy and reverence, remembering we are in the House of the Lord. Please let us keep our voices low and maintain prayerful environment for everyone. Today’s Liturgy will end with a procession for all of us outside around the church to commemorate our Lord’s entrance into Jerusalem; afterwards, the bake sale/ coffee hour can begin!