
June 20, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1357 The more than 26,000 residents of West little time. However, today, though I cannot list soon met Dick Blake who, recognizing John’s Milford and their neighbors in surrounding them, I would like to recognize all of those comic talents, introduced him to ‘‘Big Chuck’’ communities rely on the post office for serv- achievements. Schodowski. ‘‘Big Chuck’’ invited John to do ices from passport needs to mail delivery. Like I urge my colleagues to join me in paying guest spots on his late-night Hoolihan and Big most towns today, the mailman has become tribute to this wonderfully gifted musician. Chuck Show. In 1979, the Big Chuck and Lil’ more than just a person in our neighborhood; f John Show was born when Hoolihan moved he has become an integral part of the overall ´ on, and a local legend was born. For the en- community. Under the able leadership of their WELCOMING OLDRICH KULHANEK suing twenty-eight years ‘‘Lil’ John’’ has de- Officer in Charge, Emil Cimorelli, the men and TO CHICAGO lighted Northeast Ohio with his unique wit. women who work at the West Milford Post Of- Hardly one to contain his exuberance, ‘‘Lil’ fice have lived up to a high standard of excel- HON. RAHM EMANUEL John has volunteered countless hours of com- lence and community service. And, the special OF ILLINOIS munity service to and has helped raised funds designation for which they are being honored IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for local organizations. John has won numer- today demonstrates that this excellence car- Wednesday, June 20, 2007 ous accolades for his commitment to North- ries through not only to the customers of the east Ohio’s success. facility, but also to the staff there. Mr. EMANUEL. Madam Speaker, I rise Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join f today to welcome the world-renowned artist, me in honoring Emmy Award winner and Oldrich Kulha´nek, to my home city of Chicago Broadcaster Hall of Fame inductee ‘‘Lil’ John’’ A TRIBUTE TO HARVEY MASON to exhibit his drawings and prints. Rinaldi. His humor has been an invaluable gift Mr. Kulha´nek’s work is displayed in Chi- to Northeast Ohio, and his efforts to create a HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS cago’s Art Institute, the Centre Georges healthier and more vibrant Northeast Ohio are OF NEW YORK Pompidou in Paris, Prague’s National Gallery appreciated by all. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and in more than twenty other of the world’s f Wednesday, June 20, 2007 most prestigious museums. A TRIBUTE TO REVEREND IDA R. Mr. TOWNS. Madam Speaker, I rise today Mr. Kulha´nek’s dedication to his work came MIRANDA to pay tribute to a masterful drummer and an at a high personal cost. His conviction that all around great musician, Mr. Harvey Mason. ‘‘the artist should reveal the pretence (or lies) Harvey Mason was born in Atlantic City, New of the establishment, unmasking what is hap- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS Jersey. He began taking formal drum lessons pening to man a showing how man is manipu- OF NEW YORK at the age of 7, playing in school bands and lated and dehumanized’’ led to his arrest in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1971 by the Czechoslovak Secret Police. He finally buying his first drum set at age 16. Har- Wednesday, June 20, 2007 vey Mason’s talents were so captivating that was accused of ‘‘disgracing the representa- an Atlantic City club owner obtained a special tives of communist countries,’’ with depictions Mr. TOWNS. Madam Speaker, I rise today license allowing the teenager to play at the of Josef Stalin in many of the prints he cre- to pay tribute to Reverend Ida R. Miranda. club hassle free. ated from 1968 through 1971—an offense that Reverend Miranda is a woman who has al- Harvey Mason continued his education at led to a charge of sedition. ways placed her faith and confidence in the Berklee School of Music, later going on to the Mr. Kulha´nek spent a month in jail on this Lord. New England Conservatory of Music and stud- charge, and he was interrogated every 14 Reverend Miranda was born in Corentyne, ied performance, composing, arranging, per- days for 2 years afterward. Although the laws Guyana, South America, the ninth child of cussion and mallets on a full scholarship. under which he was charged were revoked by Richard Leonard and Rosalind King. She re- Harvey Mason toured Europe with the great the president, his work was not immune from ceived her education in Guyana and went on Errol Garner before moving with his family to the government’s hand. to work as a teacher in Guyana Public Los Angeles. He played with George Shearing In a scene the artist has described as Schools. and did one semester of practice teaching at ‘‘Kafkaesque,’’ eleven of his prints stood trial Reverend Miranda and her husband, Frank Hoover High School in Glendale to complete in a Prague Local Court and were sentenced Miranda (deceased) migrated to the United his Bachelor’s of Arts Degree. In 1986, Harvey to destruction. He was forbidden to show his States in 1962. She proceeded to continue her went to Southwestern Law School and in 1988 work or to collaborate with publishers. Despite education attending Elizabeth Seton College to UCLA. this artistic exile he continued to create. Many and graduating with an Associate’s Degree in Harvey Mason’s precision time keeping and of his pieces were shown illegally under a Accounting. In 2000, she earned a Bachelor’s versatility have placed him as one of the most pseudonym or smuggled to European coun- Degree from the College of New Rochelle and in-demand and most recorded session drum- tries for exhibition. a Certificate Degree from the New York Theo- mers of all time. He has been hired by a host But today the Czech Republic celebrates logical Seminary. Reverend Miranda was em- of recording artists including: Barbara Oldrich Kulha´nek. He was commissioned to ployed by A&T Importers for 25 years and she Streisand; James Brown; ; design the new Czech Banknotes, and was later worked for the James A. Cole Company. Reba McIntyre; Sergio Mendes; and the Lon- one of the principal designers of new Czech Reverend Miranda is a longstanding mem- don Symphony Orchestra. stamps, including one depicting President ber of the historic Berean Baptist Church of Harvey Mason signed a 5-year deal with Va´clav Klaus. Brooklyn. It was there she was ordained a Clive Davis at in 1976 as a Madam Speaker, I am honored to welcome minister and where she currently serves as an solo artist. There he recorded 5 stylistically di- Oldrich Kulha´nek to Chicago and I thank him Associate Minister. She a Senior Sunday versified albums that captured the complete for his fine work and commitment to art and School Teacher and sits on the Board of arc of his musical artistry. These albums freedom of expression. Trustees. Reverend Miranda loves to work showcased the writing, arranging, and per- f with children and for many years has served formances by both A-list artists and gifted as a counselor for the Berean Youth Lay newcomers including: Earth, Wind and Fire; IN RECOGNITION OF JOHN League. ; and Marvin Gaye. He has also RINALDI Reverend Miranda served on the Board of composed songs recorded by artists ranging East New York’s Diagnostic and Treatment from to . He HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH Center as well as the Board of Leadership added to his credits a television commercial OF OHIO Council which offers assistance to the Cypress for Mattel Toys and a percussion piece for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Day Care Center. In addition to her ministry, Reverend Miranda serves as the Treasurer of Quincy Jones’ ‘‘The Color Purple.’’ Wednesday, June 20, 2007 Harvey Mason is a founding member of the my Women’s Caucus and volunteers her time contemporary group , using this Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise as a Tax Aide for the AARP Foundation. as a platform to flex his writing, playing and today to recognize John Rinaldi, for the gift of Reverend Miranda is the mother of arranging skills with partners , Na- over twenty-five years of laughter and commu- Marcelle, Mark, Pamela and Paul and a proud than East and who later re- nity service to Northeast Ohio. grandmother of five. placed . After graduating from Ohio State University, Madam Speaker, I would like to recognize The accomplishments of Harvey Mason are John moved back to Cleveland and began all of the good works of Reverend Ida R. Mi- many. It is difficult to sum them all up in such working at Cowell and Hubbard Jewelers. He randa who believes in her community and

VerDate Aug 31 2005 07:12 Jun 21, 2007 Jkt 059061 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20JN8.009 E20JNPT1 cnoel on PRODPC60 with REMARKS E1358 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 20, 2007 works tirelessly both in the U.S. and Guyana SBA VETERANS’ PROGRAMS ACT Roughly 6 percent of deployed soldiers to further her ministry as a wise and caring OF 2007 have small businesses depending on them. counselor to all. Veterans face a number of unique challenges, SPEECH OF Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to from increasing lengths and number of deploy- join me in paying tribute to this wonderful HON. PETER WELCH ments overseas, to translating their military ex- perience into business ventures. Yet, there is woman for her kindness and compassion. OF VERMONT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a lack of substantive programs to help these businesses survive through deployment, and f Monday, June 18, 2007 to assist veterans returning home. This pro- CONGRATULATING PRESA COMMU- Mr. WELCH of Vermont. Mr. Speaker, I rise gram is designed to meet current, real-time NITY CENTER FOR 30 YEARS OF in support of H.R. 2366, the SBA Veterans’ needs of people on active duty in business SERVICE Programs Act of 2007. This legislation will as- who now need to leave for protracted periods, sist our soldiers when they return home with or for those who have just come back and opportunities and information about starting a really ‘‘need’’ to do something new with their small business. lives. HON. CIRO D. RODRIGUEZ More than a million and a half men and I urge all of my colleagues to support H.R. OF TEXAS women have answered the call to serve their 2366. country since 2001. They interrupted their ca- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f reers, put their families economic security at A TRIBUTE TO DOUGLAS Wednesday, June 20, 2007 risk, and face big personal challenges upon MCARTHUR NELSON returning home. Mr. RODRIGUEZ. Madam Speaker, I rise I recently visited Iraq and Afghanistan. That today to congratulate the Presa Community trip gave me an even greater appreciation for HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS Center on 30 years of outstanding service to the significant sacrifices our soldiers must OF NEW YORK the Southside community of San Antonio. make and must cope with for the rest of their IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In 30 years, the Presa Community Center lives. If our soldiers faced mortal danger every Wednesday, June 20, 2007 has grown from a small collaborative effort be- day abroad, let us help them have economic Mr. TOWNS. Madam Speaker, I rise today tween five local churches able to lend a hand security when they return home. to pay tribute and honor to the work and to a few needy families to an organization with It isn’t just the veteran who makes the sac- achievements of Douglas McArthur Nelson. the ability to help hundreds of people daily. rifice, their families do as well: their parents, Douglas, a Brooklyn transplant, is a native of The Presa Community Center has success- their spouses, their children, girlfriends and Eau Gallie, FL. Upon his arrival to Brooklyn, fully developed multi-faceted programs for our boyfriends and siblings. They give up so much he attended Junior High School in East New community, including educational enrichment in defense of our country. York, Brooklyn, and was later recruited by programs for students, emergency food and It is our job, as Members of Congress, to New York City Public School’s legendary foot- clothing assistance for families, free tax prepa- make sure that our Nation lives up to its com- ball coach Moe Finkelstein at Thomas Jeffer- mitment to our veterans. It is a simple pact we ration through the Volunteer Income Tax Pro- son High. Douglas was the star running back have made with our troops—and one we are gram, and many senior programs like coordi- on the varsity team that won the P.S.A.L. He obligated to fulfill: after they have sacrificed to nated transportation to medical appointments, was later a starting fullback for 3 years at the serve our country on the battlefield, we must activities and food assistance, just to name a University of Iowa. do all we can to serve them here at home. few. Douglas McArthur Nelson began his career The cost of any war must include caring for in law enforcement for the Iowa Department of Just in the past year, Presa Community the warrior. Corrections and Parole. He transferred those Center has developed three innovative pro- This legislation helps our veterans get start- skills to Crisis Intervention, Addiction Coun- grams to provide additional services to the ed with business opportunities in their commu- seling, and Juvenile Habilitation. He was able community of South San Antonio. One is nities. It does so by providing grants, informa- to enhance his talent for leadership during his Project Drive to Live which takes court officials tion services, and personal assistance to help 20 years of active involvement in church and directly into the classrooms with senior and veterans evaluate business opportunities; in- community services in both Cedar Rapids and junior high students to address underage creasing the number of veteran business out- Iowa City. drinking and driving under the influence. The reach centers around the country, and encour- Douglas McArthur Nelson returned to Brook- second program is designed to keep fourth aging further assistance to women veterans. lyn 16 years ago and has continued to fulfill through sixth grade students in school by Countless soldiers are returning from their his mission for human services in Crisis Inter- building a support network for children and tours of duty with new confidence and skills vention, Addiction and Substance Abuse their parents with volunteer mentors and staff. developed during their time in the military. Counseling, Employee Mentoring, Coaching The third program brings the services of the This SBA program will help to ensure that and Leadership Development for a large treat- Presa Community Center directly into the those new abilities are put to good use when ment facility. community by teaming up trained volunteers they return to civilian life. Douglas McArthur Nelson currently serves with families in need to help locate available This bill because it is the right thing to do as the Program Director for the Berean Com- resources and become financially stable. for those who have given so much but also munity Family Life Center, BCFLC, which was because it will directly impact Vermont and The successes of the Presa Community created as a non-profit community develop- every state around the country. Ninety-seven Center are a result of effective partnership ment corporation by the historic Berean Bap- percent of all Vermont firms are small busi- with many community organizations and local tist Church in Brooklyn. nesses. My office has been involved in helping Douglas McArthur Nelson left the private governments including United Way, University the Vermont Small Business Development sector in July of 2006 to work for the Berean of Incarnate Word, Presa Real, San Antonio Centers (SBDC) run business readiness class- Baptist Church’s First Lady Angela Farr Griffin, Independent School District, Alamo Area es for veterans. The Vermont SBDC is the pri- the Executive Director of the BCFLC and Dr. Council of Governments, Warm Spring Reha- mary small business assistance resource Arlee Griffin, Jr., who is the President of bilitation Hospital, and San Antonio City and sought out by small business clients, lenders, American Baptist Churches, Pastor of Berean Bexar County officials. government agencies and other economic de- and President of the BCFLC’s Board of Direc- Congratulations to the Presa Community velopment partners. The Vermont SBDC is the tors. Douglas is the Chairman of the Deacon Center and all of the partners that have been keystone in a statewide business assistance Ministry of Berean Baptist Church and is ac- vital to the development of this community re- infrastructure tying together all appropriate re- tive with the Men’s Caucus for the Unity source. As a resident of South San Antonio, I sources and serving as a ‘‘one-stop’’ gateway Democratic Club. would like to thank the Presa Community Cen- and clearinghouse to serve small businesses’’’ Douglas McArthur Nelson is strong, gentle ter, its partner organizations, and all the hard needs. Drawing on collaborative relationships and devoted husband to Lynn and father of working staff for their 30 years of dedication to among service providers, Vermont SBDC Ruperta, Denise, and Adrian. His 5-year-old the community and I look forward to many leverages economic development resources of granddaughter has lovingly dubbed him ‘‘the more years of continued work in our commu- all kinds for advancement of small businesses, weakest link.’’ He is an avid gardener, poet, nity. growing the local economy. and artist.

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