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Nowruz Exclusive Edition een ng today, a gr li p A sa Afghanistan tomorrow Nowruz Exclusive Edition E-mail:[email protected] No:245 Vol:LVI Hoot 29, 1397 HS Wednesday, March 20 2019 The Kabul Times congratulates advent of New Solar Year 1398 to entire brave Afghan nation President Ghani congratulates Contract signed to provide electricity for Badakhshan residents KABUL: The contract on energy, Mohammad Gul Khul- and would provide electricity New Year to Afghan nation Electricity Utility project for mi, Amanullah Ghalib CEO of to the residents of northern Badakhshan Province and The Afghanistan Breshna province. The duration of the “1398 is the year of development, democracy and peace.” construction of Shewa dam Sherkat (the only electricity contract was proposed for 30 was signed in presence of utility company in Afghani- years and implementation of KABUL: President of the festival, the president congrat- could give promising news of ment and the elections commis- President Mohammad Ashraf stan) and Agha Khan Econom- Islamic Republic of Afghani- ulated the nation and said he fertility, however with the pos- sion—but also the people to get each of the phases would take stan Mohammad Ashraf Ghani has named 1398 the year of de- sibility of floods’ dangers,” the preparation for the process and Ghani here yesterday, a presi- ic Development Fund, the state- dential statement said. ment added. seven years, the statement in a message to the nation velopment, democracy and message said, urging the organs by attending the election to concluded. take part in the country’s des- The contract was signed The Agha Khan funded tiny,” the president said in the by acting minister of water and project worth 631 million USD The Kabul Times message. He said peace was the de- sire of the country’s martyrs, the hope of the whole people and the main goal of the Na- tional Unity Government. “We have neared peace and hope that the year 1398 be— not only the end of drought— but to witness the rise of the sun of an overall peace in the country,” said the president. While the nature gets younger, there was a need to renew commitment for keep- ing the environment clean and safe and through this to thank God for His blessings. “We have to keep environment, water and Dr. Abdullah, UNAMA chief air clean, and protection of hoped the New Year (based on peace, hoping to achieve great concerned to be attentive in trees, bushes and forests and discuss elections, peace process the Islamic calendar) to be the success in the three areas, the this field to minimize the their fertility is the national year of peace, security and well- message read. harms of any possible floods. and moral duty of all of us,” being, the Presidential Press “Last year, it rained “On the other, we have elec- said the president in his mes- Office said yesterday. enough, negating any possibil- tion ahead, and there was a sage. On the advent of Nowruz ity of drought. These rainfalls need for—not only the govern- The Kabul Times MoIC’s message on advent of New Solar Year 1398 The Ministry of Informa- tion and Culture (MoIC) con- gratulates advent of the New Solar Year 1398 to all Afghans throughout the country. New Year is annually cel- ebrated by launching different cultural programs and games such as Buzkashi, National At- tan, etc. To celebrate New Year, KABUL: Chief Executive his office the other day, a state- extension of the UNAMA man- the ministry plans to launch Dr. Abdullah Abdullah met ment from the CE press office date. The two sides also dis- various cultural programs in with United Nation Secretary said yesterday. During the cussed elections, peace pro- the center and other provinces of the country. General’s Special Envoy for meeting, the UNAMA head cess and the political situation MoIC leadership thanking Afghanistan and UNAMA head briefed Dr. Abdullah on his in the country, the statement National Unity Government’s leadership that has tasked a Tadamichi Yamamoto here in recent trip to New York and added. The Kabul Times commission to celebrate New Year. This year has been passing Liberty Printing Press High Council holds session with the slogan of ‘A Sapling for US and One for Afghani- stan’ and New Year will start with the slogan of ‘Peace, De- velopment and Democracy.’ The outgoing year has been full of achievements in the ued imposed war have been region and the world. ed by imposed war. Happy New fields of politics, military, econ- among the challenges this year. The ministry once again Year! omy and culture, but there We believe that ending war congratulates New Year to all Hasina Safi were also some challenges. in Afghanistan will lead to res- Afghans particularly the wom- Acting Minister of Informa- Lack of security and contin- toration of lasting peace in the en who have mostly been affect- tion and Culture MoWA congratulates advent of New KABUL: Chaired by Acting of the rooms of the Liberty the challenges would definite- Minister of Information and Printing Press as well as pro- ly lead to increasing revenue Solar Year 1398 Culture, Hasina Safi, the Lib- curement of required raw ma- of the enterprise. “The enti- Dear and honorable mothers and sisters! erty Printing Press Enter- terials in the coming solar ties should pay their debts.” Leadership of the Ministry for Women Affairs (MoWA) congratulates arrival of New Solar Year, 1398 to you and your dear prise High Council held ses- year. Addressing the session, The meeting was also at- families. sion yesterday, BNA reported. minister Safi said solution to tended by representatives of We hope the New Year to be a year of peace, security and safety to all people particularly the Afghan women and everyone lives According to the agency, the problems should be sought ministries of Finance, Econo- in a peaceful atmosphere. the session discussed finan- through coordination and mu- my and Zia Bumia, Director Dear countrymen! lets we all step up to end war and violence in the country and illuminate our hearts with flexibility, cohesion cial programs, organization tual understanding of the line General of the Liberty Print- and coordination. The Kabul Times chart, evacuation and renting organs. She said addressing ing Press. The Kabul Times ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� Wednesday, March 20, 2019 Nowruz festival; historic THE KABUL TIMES tradition of Afghans A wish for peace, arking the ancient year. pal festival for Nowruz. It is cel- number of people and govern- festival of Nowruz Some believe that the splen- ebrated in Mazar-i- Sharif dur- ment officials. New Solar Year 1398 Mhas a long and dor of the Babylonian festivities ing the first 40 days of the year Jashn-e Dehqan: Jashn-e rich historical background in at this season led people to de- when the Tulip flowers grow in Dehqan means the Festival of owruz which is the beginning of solar year is coincided with Afghanistan. Residents of old velop their own spring festival the green plains and on the Farmers. It is celebrated on the the beginning of the spring season and people welcome the Aryana (Iran, Afghanistan and into an established New Year hills surrounding the city. Peo- first day of year, on which the new season after the cold winter ends in Afghanistan. Now- Tajikistan) marked the first day feast, while some writers say ple from all over the country farmers walk in the cities as a N of spring and new solar year by that the root of Nowruz goes to travel to Mazar-i-Sharif to at- sign of encouragement for the ruz has been celebrated for the past three to four thousands of years holding particular ceremonies Zoroastrian. tend the Nowruz festivals. Var- agricultural production. In re- and the UN’s General Assembly in 2010 recognized the International and considered the New Year as In Afghanistan, the festival ious activities and customs are cent years, this activity is being Day of Nowruz, describing it a spring festival of Persian origin. a good omen. In Afghanistan, of Nowroz is celebrated in vari- performed during the Gul-e- performed only in Kabul and the people celebrate the beau- ous cities. Surkh festival, including the other major cities, in which the Nowruz is an event of happiness and the people of Afghanistan en- tiful Nowruz festival with spe- The celebration of Nowruz Jahenda Bala event and the mayor and other high govern- joy this day with family gatherings, special dishes, wearing new cloths cial tradition. in the Persian-speaking world Buzkashi games. In Herat, peo- mental personalities participate and other customs. Undoubtedly, Nowruz gives the message of peace, Why Nowruz? A number of goes back hundreds of years. In ple usually gather in recre- in watching and observing. researchers and writers call the 2010 the United Nations Gen- ational parks inside and outside It is worth mentioning that prosperity and unity but during the last forty years of conflict in Af- day as ‘Jamshidi Nawruz’. eral Assembly recognized the of Herat city and celebrate Now- the celebration of Nowruz in ghanistan, the people of the country have never been able to celebrate The Shahnameh credits the International Day of Nowruz, ruz and the first days of the New the Persian-speaking world it with full spirit and true happiness. Every year of the past four de- foundation of Nowruz to the describing it as a spring festival Year as well as the first Wednes- goes back hundreds of years. In mythical Iranian King Jam- of Persian origin which has been day of the year.
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