University of Texas at El Paso ScholarWorks@UTEP Combined Interviews Institute of Oral History 11-26-1975 Interview no. 333 William Flores Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Oral History Commons, and the Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons Recommended Citation Interview with William Flores by Oscar J. Martinez, 1975, "Interview no. 333," Institute of Oral History, University of Texas at El Paso. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Institute of Oral History at ScholarWorks@UTEP. It has been accepted for inclusion in Combined Interviews by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@UTEP. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. UI.IIVERSITYOF TEXASAT EL PASC INSTITTJTEOF ()RALI{ISTORY II.ITERVIEI{EE: William INTERVIEi.IER: 0scarJ. Martinez PIIOJECT: DATEOF II'ITERVIEI.I: November26 December4 TERi''iSOF USE: Unrestricted TAPENO.: 333 TRAI,ISCRIPTi,10.: 333 TRA}ISCRIBER: SarahE. John DATETP.A|,ISCRIBEDI BIOGRAPHICALSYIiOPSIS OF INTERVIEI'IEE: (FormerNational President of LULAC)Born on his family/s ranch in socorro, Texason February23, 1897. Formerlyemployed by l^lilliam BeaumontGeneral Hosp'ital; veteran of WorldWar I. SUliilARY0F I['ITEP'VIEl'l: Biographyteducationa'l experiences; Anglo/Mexican relations jn El Paso; experienlei with LULAC;the word "Ch'icanoiland the ChicanoMovement; iob experiences;di scrimination. t hour, 15 minutes;34 Pages M: F',Mr. Flores,could you tell mewhen and where you were born? F: I was born in Socorro, Texas on the family ranch, on February 23,1897. M: Could you give me a little bit of backgroundabout your parents? 'in F: We1l, I got it thene that /boog.