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\ ' ' . ' I Jt',;J~?~l & COMPAN'. LiMl~~-~-. f\;J[.. JJJJ.d::U-- . ..J... • , "2~:'~t•' ' ' I,' ' ~ '" ' ·Agree On Suez IsSUes': _______.:;.._~~----------_:__ _____;__ ____ -,-!- _________:_:__ _ ___:._____ ...:..._ _ _.:__~--··~ ... \l'EATIIER Plti::SI::N'oS REPORT THE DAlLY NEWS. \ . C'HOPIN .•. ,. ll~ht showrrs this nailable at ~~~:·:·;;:lh 1wrmittent driz:le •, r·:·~: ~;, :hrou~h thr day. High \ r·: . l •• "' ST. JOHN:s, NEWFOUNDLAND,_ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1956 (Price ·5 cents) 1: Charles Hutton &Sons . I ---- Refuses prop Nina I • I Ballet Still Goes I ress or ~nternationa '• . 1 ~ :Rr~~rr· •-Rritnln re· law. Icome tor rear they might encoun· tA~: . '" 11 drop ~ht•plilt· I'E.\RS "GROU;IIDJ.ESS" , tcr U1e same "provocation" as ::, ·::;, '·;~ .. :n·l r:u;,inn alb· Tite discus t h row e r wa~ ·Nina.- ' ·::· r.·~··m.rna. At th~ i char;:cd with stealing five hal~ But Thursday, Bolshoi director • '_' \ir-e 1•.r\ !1obhni hal· worth about $j from a London Mihal! Chulakl said the company : · r. r.·d;cd doll n on it~ ! store during a visit by a Russian will make the London trip aftet 1 .ontro •• · ,_, c mr !·• t.ontlon un track and rteld team. A Soviet em· all, He said he was Influenced by roops. ti aitin • ~H ;.:::·n·l :O:ina wa• bass)' offlcial stood $14 ball lor j a massage from the BrlUsh Coun. her, but a wnrrnnt was ls~ucd for ell, a stale • sponsored cultural By DA\'ID ~IASON U.S. reluctance on this.point.
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