![(Iowa City, Iowa), 1956-06-20](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
,ead ... eague.le/ldlng lng leads In -. '. Serving The State University of Iowa find the People of Iowa City Member or ASSOciated Pre.;s--AP teasea Wire ana WtrephOto servlce 10wa (Aly. 10wa ..... e<IJle$(1ay. June :III. 1!b6- .- .· It. Was HOT~ 'R. '8.· McLeaish its;.. , tension ~ST DAY, Probe Claims --Vlf' SUI Physicists Plan. ~x·Goyernor MI'-. t TO Of Drinking, IEET" Three·-Pho~e Study Nominated for 1:111 ~ SUI phvsicists and graduate students will center their interests on Girl Kissing ~ three subjects in the coming International Gcophysical year. Prof, Barkley Term .. James Van Allen, head of the SUI Departmcnt of Physics, said Tue . WASHINQTO 1.4'1- The head of DAY . ~ day. LO lSVILLE, Ky. I.fI - Former the Farmer. Ho~ Admlnistra· - The three subjects are cosmic ray activity in the north and south po. tlon re liDed "bec4u or hyperlen. Gov. Lawrence Wetherby. th key slon" TuC$d y Congre ell'plor· .AY lar regions, the erfects of supposed figure in a divided Democratic electrical currents in th e lono· ed char,cs of fre(!-wheeHn, whi,· ~d sphere on the earth's magnetism r-nrty in Kentucky. WO'i nominated kt'y drinking, glrl·k~. Ing lind poli· ~ ticking among high h Ion lif til I Will , and the investiga' Nixon Man by parly I aders Tu day to run ·.·tlml ., tion of a theory (or thl.' unexplrl.'d U.S, Senate tcrm fed r I agency. Jam s C. Hagerly, 'pre i()('ntial concerning sort x· of the late Alben W. Barkley. { rays in the auro· If Ike Quits, pr r Lary. announced thal ras, Vart Allen 1110 State Democratic Central Robert B. MclA!al h h d turned In ExecutIve Committee chose the 011" , , m.llylow... Pilot. by 11111 Kellt.' told members oC his resignation and that "it will be WH'EW, WHAT A RELIEF' TO BE OUT OF THERE-was a typlc.1 rlm.rk of many m•• Tuesday by the Iowa City KI· 48-year-old Wetherby without con· Robert B. McLeaish ccepted." Hagerty said Pr Id nt SUI Laundry Imployes. Here, five employ .. "avi thl .idl entrancl of thl laundry, 2t N. Gilbert St., after wanls Club. S'ays Porter siderntion Cor Gov . A. B. Chand· COllf!.'C s ProiJes Activitie.r Eisenhower hadn't asked for lh , ler 's appointm nt or Joseph J . ....ndl'" • hour. workln, in one of the hottest places In Iowa City. The "m~rature In.ide the laundry In pursuit oC By DERYL FLEMING r slpatlon and that he didn't know stayed more than 100 detree. during thl day. From top 10 bottom: Mrs. Bin" RIos, Mrs. IreM H'l'1Ir.vo, th.,ese things, SUI Leary Monday to ervc unt.ll the whether Secretary of Agriculture Mrs. Op.1 W"tfall. Mrs. Ella LenllY, Mrs. Aliel McDonald. personnel will be Vice·Prcsident Rlchar() ' Nixon oveml>er election. Benson had don so. 1cLeal h . ~ I TtC __ ----------------------,------ scattered Crom would definitely be the rruln Cor th Four years remain In the Bark· To Pay conC rred with Benson lind was re· .."1l1li'" 1 \' ley t rm . u.s. ported to have com away lookin, '/ II ' Ch · . d· Hudson Bay to the presidential candidate ~"r'':':''. Antarctic, he said. Presid~nt Dwight D. Eisenhower Strnngely. the Chandler faction ,Ium. Possible End n uence argel In The International Geophysical should withdraw from tile race, oCf red no nominee at the pecial For A-Bomb McLeai h ht!d be n d scribed be· , N k I I year, from July I , 1957. to Decem· ProC. Kirk Porter, head oC th SUI committee m eUng. The vote ta o for a Senate committee as a man : CARToON "j 35..Q. who drank heavily and who once '. ,: ,IC ber 31, 1958, is perhaps the great.· Department of Political Science, voring Weth rby was with I .~· ' H -, W' , e Pan' t Pr%ecl : '0 ea ave . '. est scientific quest in the hjstory told the SUI Young Republicans three member abstaining in the polished off "n arly a fifth of FREEDOM of the world, Van Allen said. Tuesday. rgIlcaIl vote and two others ab nt. Testing Sites whisky" In two or three hours II" T , • WASHINGTON lA'I-Democratic House investigators charged Tuesday SUI's part in the study will start Porler further stated that th The political si,nificance of the UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. til - aCter a conf r DC with Elsenhow r lews - '0\ . Th d that "political and priVate influence" marked the 1954 award ar con· about October. 1957, when part of Republican National Convc:1tion to aellon was not obvious, but on the on drought probl ms. tracts for a 43-million-dollar government nickel plant project. the SUI gro up will embark on an be held in San Francisco this sum- surfllc the party br ach might be The United Stales promised und r Mrs. Kathryn Carter, a curva· t .' , ue urs ay Republicans issued a ':blanket rejection" of the allegations and ac· icebreaker for Antarctica for the mer will be a dull affaIr If Eisen. xpectcd to continue or even wid· pre ure Tuesday to pay Its lO­ ceous Bozeman, Monl., housewife t'. Partn.r" cused lhe Democrats of "an amaz· firing oC about 100 cosmic ray hower seeks the nomination. If he en. y ar-old real c lat debt to th 304 and form r mploye oC the Farm· Iowa Citians will continue to bat· ing suppression of evidence." tracing rockets. he ~aid. These ex· doesn 't, the convention will be Wetherby. associated with U.S. Pacific i land rs from Bikini and ers Home Adminl traUon, said that at on ,atherln, of Its t ad r , Ue the hot, humid weather which NaSSe,r ays The charges and countercharges periments will represent the Cirst thrown into chaos, hc said . Scn . Earle C. Clements In the fae· Eniwetok DlolL , which It uses Cor S were made In separate reports by attempts to get such data Crom the As to Secretary of A'lrlculture tion opposiLe Chandler. bitterly op· som of the aICency's boss s im­ ii.lJ: 'has blanketed the area for the past atomic and hydrogen bomb tests. bibed , nerously and tllen w l!zed Democratic and RepllbHcan mem· atmosphere above Antarctica, he Ezra Taft Benson's futul'c po ltion, posed Chandler's bid for the guo JSI few days, as there is no relief in gypt ust explained. Porter indicated that he would bernatorial nomination 13 t year ewsweek magazine. meanwhil , "around the table ki Ing all the sight until possibly Thursday. E M " bers of the House Gover'nment Op· SUI men also will gather inCor. probably be retained in that job, and then declincd to actlvely sup· in its Jun 25 issue, r port d the girl ." Some of the husbond pul­ WE'RE Today's predipted high will be in .... eraUons Committc(,. They split In tnation Crom Ute Arctic region on unless pressure was brol1ght to port Chand I rafter h won the death of II RDng lap I lande ex· l d their wlvea away, he said. but the .90s again. The temperature 'Ge,t S-trong' " .sUmming uR a subcommittee's jn: the aurora borealis In an attemp( bear. Tn that case BenGoll might nomination over Bert T. Combs. po ed to radioactive fallout from a olhers with promotion on their ... n ' quiry earl. ~ t,h,is y~ar into thc ex· to prove a theory concerning X·ray regreUully resign and Ej~enhowcr Chan41er said in Frankfort he 1954 H·bomb test. HIs death k mind "let th Ir wlvcs gel {awnt:d Tuetdar, _erllO{Ul reae to 94 de., ., di U [ th N·a...-. ld I I II ilia!! pansion 0 'llie 'b g federal nickel ra a ons rom e Ort.m:'ltt YlOU ceremon ou y accept I s would .b v noUlin" to say about currcd Lay l3, U said, and OV r." .E GUI., due to heart dj5ease. The magavn Carload grees with the relative humidi ty at CAIRO, Egypt IA'I .- Premier Lights which could be having pro· resignation with sincere (egret, he the commlttee's acLlon. Th Senate committee probed 65"per cent. Gamal Abdel Nasser said Monday plant at Nlca\,o, Cuba. found effects on radio communica. said. Democratic interelt turns now to 48id the body was not beln, tested Tu aday into canc lJation of a ature lo:,va's url~asonable heat \~ ave is Egypt must get strong "so that we The eight·mall subcommiuee's tlon in that region. "It has about Cad cd away," was continuation oC the big baltie Cor ror radioactivlly. The report could Farmers Home Administration In· ,.. d " d th three Republicans declared tbe De· As a tIUrd phase in SUI's part in Porler's reply to a query on the control oC party affairs In Ken· 110t be confirmed immediately with surance contract which one wit· we II In t 0 I1.0 secon wee".m e may be able to restore Lhe rights tucky. It will be waged the r 5t of authorities. ness tesUfied resulleci il! higher . wea' th erman sees no Imn. wd 'la tere· 01 freedom and exislell:e to the mocrats hael ,only "scanty ' evi· the international search for great· farm program as a campaign I - lief.' Today will be the ninth day in . " dence" for their charges. They er knowledge about the earth and sue. He said that the Democrats· this month al th courthouse level. The U.S.
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