,/ ■■ • »- . •Mo n d a y a u g u s t i, 19W V AvsfRgs Dally Nst Praaa Raa fO U B T E E ir fW Mm Waok BMad ,<■ iianrtiratrr $rralb JalySS.ltSS a t- The DAV No. 17 AuxiUary wiU Fete Future Bride You Can't luy lETTER Auto Insuranoo 11,223 bnM A regular meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m., at the VFW Home. Brittoh'Barrett Wedding r oC On AoMt . At Shower Here I M OtowlaUwn . Manche*ter—^A City o f ViUago Charm K*ry S. Bdimmdt of W. Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Cadder p" *.-*■ 'R WHY PAY MORE? and Mrs. Gadder’s mother, Mrs. White .gladioli and palmsT CMtor 8 t, end Miu OoomUo Miss Nancy J.., MscAlplne of' Son why AMstott sold moro ciuto Insuronco i(i 1954 (OtaMlllaS AivwUillBC m Pa«o IS) niictpivBcm E OuBon of S. Moln St., left ftom Rose J. Mayer, have returned to formed the setting at St. Bridget's Church at 10 o'clock this morning 1 103 Henry St., was guest of honor ^SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY. AUGUST *, 1985 tatewUd Airport Saturday for a their home, 247 Summit St:, after St a miscellaneous bridal shower than ony^ othtr eompohy'\|^s#d on direct writton YOU L X ^ , NO. 157 Sve WMka trip touring: Burope. an auto trip to the Pacific Coast foV the marriage of Miss Cynthia ■ Veronica Barrett, daughter of Mr. i Saturday evening, given by the tiMy plan pa visit several countries and return, during which they vis mother of her fiance, Mrs.
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