Ion Racket Probed

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Ion Racket Probed •*- . .■ ■ .T*' ■’ ■ ■ 4 :■ V \ I ■■ . j. FRIDAY, JULY 15. 1955 ■\ ' ■> n ® m . iianrlif^ati^r lEtt^ntns AYcrafft Dally Net Preas Rhr The Wtiilbi Far tha Wdak Ended . f hwianfll at D. S. We Fairfield St.; Aija Oaols, 28 Server Diane Jochimaen, 41 Jarvis Rd.; St!; Lealie Kenny, Wappiiig; David July 8. 1888 ‘ lUiNMinciida Own Hospital Notes St.; Mra. Irene Smith', Main St., Mrs. Julia Juknis, RFD, Wapping; Fody, 358 Hartford Rd.; Carlysle Ohmdy toiRght. tut Town ^ Scatene* DObsonville; Mrs. Mary Simmons, John 'KanUbs, 213 Highland St.; Teabo, 102 Drive A; Mrs. Kath­ ara. ■ Una flay aflhmoee,' 50 Margaret Rd.; Gerald Qagnon, Mrs. Anna Logoyke. SUfford erine Haberem. 97 Blsacll St.; Mra. 1 1 0 9 0 ahaat-28 .tanlgl^ Mimff '^ ^ tb tfb ^ 'Y & w on k l, SS7 Wick- A Hartford man arreated ADMITTED YESTERDAT: 303 Cooper Hill St. Springs; George R. Macha, Hamp­ Beverly Dood.v and son. RFD 1, Momher of tha Audit Bonnie Rae Donnelly, 50 Bunce ADMITTED TODAY* Francis ton; Mary Maadn, Coventry; Mrs. •8., V ^ ’=-~' fUL. Olutoittmry. » *<»nitr Wedneaday and charged with Rockville; John ^odda. 65 Slimmer Buronu at OIreuInttMi Memche$tmr— A CUy of,Village Charm UMUr rMkIent, la raoupar- Vagrancy after he was found Dr.; Frederick Majin, 91 Autumn Mello, 356 Adams St.; Gregory Miriam McCormick, 154 New'Bol­ St.; Ann Marie Morriasey, 128 \ , . _ _ athiahomafromlnjurica ra- aitthig on me railroad tracks St.; Douglas Hansen, 137 Green Sodders, RFT> 2, Manchester; Mrs. ton Rd.; Mra. Beyerly McNichol, Campfleld Rd.; Mlsk Mbrilee and / catvad In an acddant which oc- a t . Bucklahd took a hand in Manor Rd.: Mrs. Oaenor Hamble- Minhie Cartwright, 150 Summit 615 Main St.; Mrs. Angela McMa­ .Ijohn Hill, RFD 2, Coventry* Mrs. curad when ha waa butnlnf rub- setting hfa'own 10 day Jail ton. South Wlndsoi^ Mra. Marilyn St. hon. 32 Washington St.; John W. Beverlie ' Davis, 4 Oakland Sl'I V 0L.XXXIV , NO. 243 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, COlW., SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1955 (OaMUlad aa Paaa 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS MMl Ha waa admitted to Man- sentence in Town Court this Findlay, 129 BretlonvRd.: Leslie ly S T h S Y M TER D A Y : a son I^elpa, 36g, Oakland St.; Michael I Michafl Gorman, 78 Cottage St. Kenny, Wapping; Mra. Arline to Mr. and Mra. Francis Furphy, - . A diaatar Memorial HcNqdttd Junp morning. , ■PlochanWk. 235 Union St.: Anne \ ■ ‘ S6 and dlaoharsad JtUy S. Maver, 27 N, Lakewood Circle; 187 Hackmatack St. Shay.'. 85 Brookfield St.V Rov GRANfiK NOTE Prosecutor Philip Bayer aug- Frank Loomis; 140 EIHridge St.; l> ' geated Arnold V. Henienway, BIRTHS TODAY: a son to Mr. Thompson'. .25 Orchard S t : An­ Membrr.H of Manchester Grange ■ *’•*Hia Biambe’ra of Sunaet Rebekah Elwood Howies, 69 Jensen St.;. and Mra. George Willard. 47 Ste­ thony Zutautas, 156 Union St,; I will meet tonight at 7:30 at the 40, be given a Jail sentence so d i r T H K W e s t T h r e e iLiodco ara requaated to meet In he could get cleaned up. He Mrs. Katherine Wallentlne, 75 Fos­ phen St. ^ Robert Clarke, 63 St. Johns St. ■ Holmes Funeral Home to pay re­ I . {rant of the HoMiea Funeral Home obviously needed a ahaVe. ter St.; David FOdy, 358 Hartford DISCHARGED YESTERDAY; DISCHARGED TODAY; Mrs. spects to Mrs. EliJuiWth Stannage, ion a t T o’clocjt tonight to pay re- While discussing hia case Rd.; Mrs. Letty Armstrong, 11 Johii Foote, RFD 2, Andover; Ann Sullivan and son, 9 Emerson who was a member df the Grange. V K A i l t l apacU to i i n . iBiaabeth S ta i^ e, with Judge Wesley Oryk, Hem- P la n V o te d who waa a member of the lodge. enway suggested he needed a few days In 'Jail to -get T' ..Sunaet Oouacll No. 45,. Degree of straightened out. Judge Gryk. -pocahontaa; wlU hold lU monthly asked, "How m any?” Hem- •/ B y NATO >. Racket Probed maetlng .tonight a t 8 O'clock In enway said, "OI| about 10." ...only the s'.' • Tinker Kail. Inatallation of officera "All right,” the judge agreed, y TMi* i« * V Paris, July 16 (/P) — The will baheld and alx montha reporta "10 days In the County Jail.” Chicago, July 16 (/P)— A Duluth, Minn., woman, described will he read. The PocahonUa re- 15-nation North Atlantic Al­ quegta the officera who aerved the 88 part of a baby adoption ring, is one of many witnesses ex* liance gave unanimous en­ paat alx montha to be preaent to be pectfld to be called t^ a y before g Senate subcommittee in* Mrs. Roger Williams presented dorsement today to the. plans buitalled. Refreahmenta and a ao- vestigatjng “quick baby adoptions.” of the West Big Three for the S a l hour will be enjoyed after the th e. Golden Age Club at the last 0 ^, She l8 Mrs. Agnes meeting. regular meeting with a beautiful. who, a subcommittee spokesman ^ _ - impendihg meeting at the American flag. Mrs. Williams I. Bald, is "the source of expectant ^ a O V O QV B u m eC l* summit in Geneva. The White Eagle Deep Sea Fiah- also gave a well received talk mothers for a Chicago attorney.”] v W Seia'etary of. State John Foster Ing a u b wUl hold iU monthly about the birth of the flag. The Witnesses have testified that Dulles. British 'Foreign Secretary R e d C h ie fs meeting lit White Ragle Hall, 71 club gave Iier a hearty thanks for ■ , A SAFETY-tE^TED a aorhe lawyers placed babies in fos­ Left with Garbage Hai'Old hl4coi"l4ni and French Hopes Geneva North 8L, Sunday at 2 p.m. Ar- the i^ft. kn ow s... ter homes at fees ranging to. Foreign Minister Antoine Pinay reported to' the Ndrth Atlantic rangementa for the July 30 trip 85i000. The subcommittee coun­ New York, .July 18 (F)—A O n W a y to to Rnckport Will be diacuaaed. All The Manchester Fire Depart­ i . sel did not name the attorney In Treaty Organisation (NATO) ment will hold a drill at 7 o’clock ■. s ' 13-hpur old baby waa alive Council and received it., approval. membera are urged to attend. , . VACAnON S(>ECIAl question. , today aftar ah apparently in- ^tep Toward Peace tonight in the fUrehouse, comer of ■ Others expected to testify to-, A spokesman said - after the Main and Hilliard Sts. ' , U S E D d A R day include Judge Nathan Cauf- B ig _ man of Detroit’s Juvenile Court: JssnMAM YISMS I|5"Uc. •**" VV, When vou hit the road—hit Mylel can Most of the 15 ministers spokbN ByEDCFiEAGH Mra. Mary Leduc, president of Sw in g off on thu .''lop in—lake your pick froht our Safety, Miss Mildred Arnold, director of The Infant waa discovered . London, July 16 (/P)— leetwe-aeawuw Anderson-Shea Post 2046, VFW, most snjoyabis Social Services, U.S. Children’s last night by Mrs. Isabelle during the 3-hoiir meeting, putting Waahrilgton, July 16 (A») —- Pripsident Eisenhower flew Te«ted srstion Specials''—fhe smart their nation's views on record, in-- I*rjme Minister Eden flew to Aiialliary, appointed her' commit­ Vacation trip c l used car buys in io»n! Take .off ~ Bureau. Wasliihgton; Miss Mar­ MannuXxa, 46, when she heard across the j^jantic today toward a. Big Four conference at garet Thornhill of Washington, eluding a West German insistence GeilgVa today to attend thfl tee chairmen this week for the you've aver known I the best Tscslinn of your life! faint cries..'iD the (lan in front Geneva after expressing hope that mankind’s srrefftest step coming year: Lucille Hlrth, mem- the children’s bureau's adoption of her house 437 Evergreen St. that the unification of Germany is Big Four summit conference SA\ARF consultant; Robert Taylor, a Hospital doctors who paramount to European security. toiyard peace and prosperity may be tjiken there in the next ^rshtp; Muriel Auden, national Informed of Plane opening Monday. Eden was MAKIS home and Connecticut cottage; E Tdemphis attorney, and Miss Ber- treated- the six-pound boy for few fateful days. \ n«Mine Healy, a social worker at first degree bums, gave him a The NATO powers have been accompanied by his wife and TOUOH Edith Mason, hospital work; Flor­ kept informed of the thinking of The Eiswihower plane reach Keflavik, Iceland, Air Force ence Streeter, legislative; Florence NEW St. Vincent’s Infant and Mater­ • "fair” chance to live., Hb waa. advisers.. He told newsmen Base approximately” 10 ^urs after takihg off from Wash- CUTTMO nity Hospital, Chicago. placqd In an oxygen tent. the Big Three in preparation for he hoped the conference n itt. Civil defense; Jeanne . Irish, the Geneva conference, but to­ ington at 9:18 ,p;m. (EDT) night. It was the only stop cancer; Muriel. Auden, publicity; Five Chlago lawyers, who Police said the baby had would result in some progress J A I Y l- been stuffed into a ohopping day’s meeting was designed . to planned enroute to Geneva. ■ ^ . iik> u nr Helen Beebe, memorial building yvers not idrivuffed. and . three provide an official opportunity for toward reuniting Germany. fund, and Lucille Hirth, chairman RAYON natural .mothers,x also unidenti­ bag and there were charred ^ fte r HxSUip of about two hc£)urs the plane took off at 9 :0 ^ "Jw nUr" A you re wearing newspaperf around him, indi­ an exchange of views. of card parties.
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