NIER Annual Report 2021
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NIER Annual Report 2021 2021 ANNUAL REPORT • JULY 2021 4 5 CONTENTS Message from the President Part. 1 About NIER Part. 2 Achievement in 2020 The National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) in Korea has the best infrastructure in the entire environmental research areas, including Environmental Health, Climate&Air, Water, Message from the President 5 2020 NIER Achievements at a Glance Resources, and the Living Environment. Through innovative research based on the outstanding infrastructure, we have served •NIER in the Press a key role in supporting environmental policies that people feel Introduction (Outline of Major Coverage) 28 deeply related to. For a better environment we have put our energy •History 8 •2020 NIER Achievements and time in the research areas. •2021 NIER Projects Overview 9 at a Glance 38 •Vision & Mission 10 In the Climate and Air research area, we have laid the foundation •Goal 12 Major Research Outputs in 2020 to take preemptive action on particulate matter and air pollutants •Organization 13 •Environmental Health with air quality information disclosed from environmental satellite •Workforce 14 Research Department 40 verified data. And in the Environmental Health area, we have put •Budget 14 •Climate and Air Quality efforts assessing the impact of biocide substances from household •Research Volume 15 Research Department 48 chemical products on people’ health to ensure people can use these products safely. •Research Equipment 15 •Water Environment •Research Facility 16 Research Department 58 As part of our efforts in the water environment, we have conducted •Affiliated Centers 16 •Environmental Resources research to provide scientific basis to establish water-related Research Department 64 policies and legal provisions. Through these efforts, we are to Research Field •Environmental Infrastructure reach the goal of improving water resources management for •Environmental Health Research 18 Research Department 73 a sustainable future between people and nature. What’s more, •Climate and Air Quality Research 19 •Transportation Pollution our endeavor made in the Resource area leads to the improved •Water Environment Research 20 Research Center 80 standards diversifying sterilization and pulverization system to •Environmental Resources Research 21 •Four Major River deal with increasingly growing number of medical waste in a safe •Environmental Infrastructure Research 22 Research Centers 82 NIER will lead innovation manner. •Transportation Pollution Research 23 NIER’s contribution to the Living Environment area was that a wide •Four Major River Research 24 AnnexⅠ: Research Achievement in 2020 in research supporting range of detailed investigations were conducted from drinking •Research Project List in 2020 88 water to sewage for trace chemicals management, resulting •Science Citation Index (SCI) environmental policies for in strengthening environmentally safe water supply and sewer Paper List in 2020 98 future generations and infrastructures. Annex Ⅱ : International Cooperation in 2020 Slowly but surely, we will move forward a better environment living a clean environment. up to people’s expectations. With the aim of becoming a world- •International Conference and leading environmental research institute, NIER will continue to Academic Activities 108 make efforts for its development. •International Joint Research 110 •International Partnership 110 We ask for your continued support. Thank you. Y.S. Chang, President of NIER Part. 1 ● Introduction ● Research Fields About NIER • History • Environmental Health Research • 2021 NIER Projects Overview • Climate and Air Quality Research • Vision & Mission • Water Environment Research • Goal • Environmental Resources Research • Organization • Environmental Infrastructure Research • Workforce • Transportation Pollution Research • Budget • Research on the Four Major Rivers • Research Volume • Research Equipment • Research Facility • Affiliated Centers 2021 ANNUAL REPORT • JULY 2021 8 9 Introduction History 2021 NIER’s Strategic Plans Through our Research and Knowledge Vision NIER will create a Safe Environment with Improved Evironmental Quality for the Public 1978. 7. Established as the National Environmental Protection Institute (NEPI) in Seoul 1980. 1. Reorganized as a subsidiary body of the National Environment Agency Future-oriented Environmental 2014. 5. Environmental Research for Quality Research Reorganized into 5 Departments, 17 Research Strategy Safety Network Supporting Carbon to Research toward 2000. 7. Divisions, 5 Research Centers and 3 Centers Neutrality and Environmental Pleasant Living Relocated at the Environmental Green New Deal People’s Environment Research Complex in Incheon 2018. 3. Policy Satisfaction Extended to the Environmental Satellite Center (5 Departments, 17 Research Divisions, 2005. 7. 5 Research Centers and 4 Centers) Renamed as the National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) 2019. 2. Extended to the Humidifier Disinfectant Health ① Climate Change Research with Strong International Center(5 Departments, 17 Research Divisions, Cooperations 5 Research Centers and 5 Centers) ② Enhanced Support for GHG Emission Source Management Policy ③ Supporting Carbon Neutrality in Industry 2019. 5. ④ Scientific Support for Fine Dust Reduction Projects ⑤ Creation of a Healthy Aquatic Environment based on Integrated Wetlands center integrated into the National Institute of Ecology Water Resource Management ⑥ Capacity Building on Test/Inspection Quality Control and Impact Assessment 2020. 10. ⑦ Plastic-Free Society and Safe Treatment of Waste Transfer of work to the ⑧ Stringent Monitoring System for Environmental Hazards Biosafety Research Team ⑨ Creation of a Safe and Pleasant Living Environment National Institute Of Environmental Research 2021 ANNUAL REPORT • JULY 2021 10 11 Introduction Vision Mission Support for environmental policy based on science technology Research Support Securing Establishing outstanding research researchers database and in Korea releasing data 1 2 from Key research projects for a sustainable future MISSION 1 2 3 Buidling up Upgrading an effective communication system and promotion supporting skills Environmental To protect public Future-oriented 3 policy 4 improvement health, environmental comes with key points are policies include ① Strict air quality ① Solid environmental ① The 4th industrial management health safety net revolution technology Informati Communi ② Sustainable water ② Environmental ② Environmental forensics -zation -cation circulation system protection and resource technique development ③ People-centered circulation society ③ International research for quality ③ Risk management partnership & national of life related with chemicals competitiveness National Institute Of Environmental Research 2021 ANNUAL REPORT • JULY 2021 12 13 Introduction Goal Organization Research Fields Core Projects (12) Key findings (5 largest) 01. Prevention and control of environmental diseases • National environmental health monitoring President • Environmental health surveillance of vulnerable areas/populations I. • Investigating the victims of toxic humidifier disinfectant Environmental 02. Risk prevention and reduction of harmful • Chemicals: hazard/risk assessment environmental factors based on risk assessment • Chemicals: registration and hazard review Health • Tracking the sources of chemical pollution and identifying Research environmental impacts 03. Chemical safety management and identification • Managing the safety of consumer chemical products and of environmental impacts biocides Research Support Division Research and Planning Division Strategy Research Center Research Pollution Transportation Centers Research Major River Four • 04. Integrated management of the atmosphere Intensive monitoring of the national air quality Environmental Climate and Water Environmental Environmental •Forecasting air quality (PM10, PM2.5 etc.) and the use Health Air Quality Environment Resources Infrastructure and developing a foundation for a low carbon of advanced technology for forecasting Research Research Research Research Research II. • society Managing the sources and studying the Department Departmen Department Department Department Climate and Air characteristics of emissions • Integrated management of the climate and the Quality atmosphere Research 05. Revealing the environmental impact of mobile • Development of an environmental satellite payload and researching the use of data from satellite technology sources of pollution • International joint research on the air quality of Northeast Asia • Evaluation of emissions control using real driving conditions Indoor Resource Environmental Air Quality Water Quality Environment • Improving the technology used for monitoring the water Recirculation Health Research Research Assessment and environment and forecasting Natural Division Division Research Noise Research III. • Improving watershed management and the establishment of a Environment 06. Response to changes in the water Division Division Water environment and the development of a highly system for recycling water • Upgrading the current system used for managing the water Environment advanced system to manage the water environment environment • Enhancing the health of the water ecology Watershed Research Global Water Supply •Establishment of an advanced system in response system to Risk and Total Load Waste to Energy Environment and Sewerage algal bloom Assessment Management Research Research Research Division Research Division