Web Developer Extension Features List

Disable: Disable Cache Disable Entire Cache Check For Newer Version Of Page Check For Newer Version Of Page When Page Is Out Of Date Check For Newer Version Of Page Every Time Check For Newer Version Of Page Once Per Session Never Check For Newer Version Of Page Disable DNS Cache Disable Java Disable JavaScript Disable All JavaScript Disable Strict JavaScript Warnings Disable Meta Redirects Disable Minimum Font Size Disable Page Colors Disable Popup Blocker Disable Proxy Use No Proxy Use Auto-detect Proxy Use Con guration URL Proxy Use Manual Proxy Use System Proxy Disable Referrers


Cookies: Disable Cookies Disable All Cookies Disable Third-Party Cookies Add Cookie... Delete Domain Cookies Delete Path Cookies Delete Session Cookies View Cookie Information


CSS: Disable Styles Disable All Styles Disable Browser Default Styles Disable Embedded Styles Disable Inline Styles Disable Linked Style Sheets Disable Print Styles Disable Individual Style Sheet Add User Style Sheet... Display Style Information Display Styles By Media Type Display Handheld Styles Display Print Styles Edit CSS Reload Linked Style Sheets Use Border Box Model View CSS


Forms: Clear Form Fields Clear Radio Buttons Convert Form Methods Convert GETs To POSTs Convert POSTs To GETs Convert Select Elements To Text Inputs Convert Text Inputs To Textareas Display Form Details Display Passwords Enable Auto Completion Enable Form Fields Expand Select Elements Make Form Fields Writable Outline Form Fields Without Labels Populate Form Fields Remove Maximum Lengths Toggle Checkboxes Check All Checkboxes Uncheck All Checkboxes View Form Information


Images: Disable Images Disable All Images Disable External Site Images Disable Image Animations Display Alt Attributes Display Image Dimensions Display Image File Sizes Display Image Paths Find Broken Images Hide Background Images Hide Images Make Images Full Size Make Images Invisible Outline Images Outline All Images Outline Background Images Outline Images With Adjusted Dimensions Outline Images With Empty Alt Attributes Outline Images With Oversized Dimensions Outline Images Without Alt Attributes Outline Images Without Dimensions Reload Images Replace Images With Alt Attributes View Image Information


Information: Display Abbreviations Display Access Keys Display Anchors Display ARIA Roles Display Div Dimensions Display Div Order Display Element Information Display Id & Class Details Display Link Details Display Object Information Display Stack Levels Display Tab Index Display Table Depth Display Table Information Display Title Attributes Display Topographic Information Find Duplicate Ids View Anchor Information View Color Information View Document Outline View Document Size View JavaScript View Link Information View Meta Tag Information View Page Information View Response Headers


Miscellaneous: Clear Private Data Clear Cache Clear History Clear HTTP Authentication Clear All Private Data... Display Hidden Elements Display Line Guides Display Page Magni er Display Ruler HTML Linearize Page Make Frames Resizable Toggle Visited Links Mark All Links Unvisited Mark All Links Visited


Outline: Outline Block Level Elements Outline Custom Elements... Outline Deprecated Elements Outline External Links Outline Floated Elements Outline Frames Outline Headings Outline Non-Secure Elements Outline Positioned Elements Outline Absolute Positioned Elements Outline Fixed Positioned Elements Outline Relative Positioned Elements Outline Tables Outline Table Captions Outline Table Cells Outline Tables Show Element Tag Names When Outlining


Resize: Display Window Size Display Window Size In Title Resize Window... Edit Resize Dimensions... View Responsive Layouts


Tools: Edit Tools... Display Page Validation DOM Inspector Error Console Validate Local CSS Validate Local HTML


View Source: View Frame Source View Generated Source Edit View Source With Applications...


Options: Pin Features Active Features Reset Page Options... Help... About...


Web Developer Firefox Extension Features List Created by Ken Saunders for the Access Firefox Project http://www.AccessFirefox.org

Shared under the following licence. Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ Please provide attribution to http://www.AccessFirefox.org


Web Developer Homepage http://chrispederick.com/work/web-developer/

Firefox Add-ons Page https://addons.mozilla.org/ refox/addon/web-developer/
