
January 12, 2019

Autoprefixer: Autoprefixer warns you if you use deprecated CSS properties, e.g., text- decoration-skip: ink instead of text-decoration-skip-ink: auto . Josh Aas: Let’s Encrypt has stopped checking domains against the Safe Browsing API before issuance (content safety is outside the scope of certificates).

Rachel Andrew: CSS multi‑column layout (e.g., column-count: 4 ) is currently the only layout method that can create Masonry‑style layouts with unequal height items. Zach Leatherman: On macOS, buttons seem to lose their native styles if they become multi‑ line. Anne van Kesteren: The DOM Standard lists the 18 built‑in HTML elements that can be

shadow hosts (the attachShadow method works on them). Rick Viscomi: The median Lighthouse accessibility score is only 62%.

January 11, 2019

Sven Wolfermann: A “spinbutton” is an input widget that restricts its value to a set or range of discrete values (screenshot).

Heydon Pickering: supports the CSS gutter properties ( row-gap , column-gap , and gap ) in flexbox layouts as well. Rob Dodson: Reminder: Shadow DOM provides style encapsulation, but CSS custom properties do pierce the shadow boundary (as an exception).

Potch: The CSS next‑sibling combinator ( + ) is underrated (e.g., li + li is more concise than undoing things with :first-child ). Carie Fisher: The most reliable way to add additional descriptive content to SVG graphics is

+ role="img" + + + aria-labelledby="[ID]" . Nicolas Steenhout: Opening in new windows or tabs (without warning) is an accessibility barrier because it changes the which can be disorienting for some ; if you can’t avoid it, notify the user via an “Opens in a new window” message.

January 10, 2019

Chris Heilmann: Google’s Ad Experience Report allows you to test your for negative ad experiences that Chrome would filter out.

Zach Leatherman: A JavaScript snippet that returns all the unique CSS font-size values on the current web page (you can run it in the browser’s console). Dinsan Francis: The

Sjoerd Langkemper: Same‑site cookies ( SameSite cookie attribute) provide adequate protection against cross‑site request forgery (CSRF). Kyle Simpson: Some screen readers have a mode that masks the screen or even turns it off.

Addy Osmani: Babel’s “env” preset has an experimental { "useBuiltIns": "usage" } option for importing individual polyfills when they are used in each file.

Marcy Sutton: Google doesn’t translate aria-label values along with text content.

January 9, 2019

Amelia Bellamy‑Royds: An outline is a more reliable focus indicator than a color change, especially for high contrast users and users who view content heavily zoomed. Jeff Posnick: If you use workbox and want to serve cached audio and video, you should cache the media ahead of time (runtime caching isn’t guaranteed to work in all browsers).

Eric Portis: The attribute is experimentally supported in Chrome; by specifying the intrinsic sizes of images, the browser can perform fewer layout events during page load (“no jank”).

Derek Featherstone: Poll: Why do people use

instead of