BC President Speaks on First Year Scheduled Hour of Work in the Renegade Pantry
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The RenegadeBakersfield College Rip Vol. 85 ∙ No. 9 www.therip.com Wednesday, September 25, 2013 “When I came into the presidency, we had several administrative vacancies, and rather than hiring interim people from the outside to come and help out the college, what I did was I Scrutiny opened it up for our own faculty and staff.” BC President Sonya Christian comments on some of her first actions as president directed toward SGA pres By Kennedy Thomas Reporter Student Government President Travis Tillis received a Vote of Censure during the Student Government Association Senate meeting on Sept. 20. The censure serves as a final warning from the rest of the SGA before an investigation is launched and the impeachment process begins. Tillis, who began his term as SGA president during the summer session, has been charged with neglect of office duties; assaults on the floor; disorderly conduct; reference to personalities; misconduct in office, including making false statements to The Renegade Rip; disobedience to instructions by committees [sic]; con- spiracy; and refusal to recognize members entitled to the floor. PHotos BY BERNIE REJON / THE RIP Tillis defended himself against the Sonya Christian intently listens to the questions posed to her about her late start as president, and ponders BC’s future. charges listed in a document passed out to all senators during the meeting, beginning with the first charge of neglect of office duties. The charge cited missed office hours, failure to attend an SGA class pre- sentation on Sept. 3, and failure to attend a BC president speaks on first year scheduled hour of work in The Renegade Pantry. “The next step is impeachment, and I don’t think this is even worthy of being c e n s u r e d ,” Christian lays said Tillis in a prepared ONLINE statement. “I To see a full copy of the missed my Censure report visit groundwork pantry hour www.therip.com because I was answer- ing some important emails. This is not to justify missing my hour, but to take action for the future without notice is unethical, and doesn’t By Myrissa Johns say very much about us wanting to work Reporter together. I am saying please dismiss this accusation because this was not deliber- Sonya Christian, president of Bakersfield ate, and it is not something that is ongoing, College, discussed her transition to the presi- which is a detriment to the organization.” dency, chief goals, and other plans for the fu- Tillis denied the charge of assaults on the ture of BC. floor, as well. The charge states that Tillis Christian, who started as president in the “neglected to relinquish his chair during middle of the last school year, described what his involvement in debate,” and instructed it was like for her starting such a key adminis- a board member to restate a motion for trative role at that time. which discussion had been closed. “It feels completely natural,” Christian said. “I didn’t commit an act of assault on the “Maybe that’s because I was here as a faculty floor,” said Tillis. “I didn’t use any foul member. language, I didn’t make any derogatory re- “I got my first full-time job at BC, so it’s marks. I have shown steady improvement like coming back home,” she said. “I feel I meeting after meeting, and this is a grow- understand our student population very, very January. “The sanctions and the issues related Christian also came to BC at a time when ing process, and I am trying my best to be well. I feel I know what the issues are. I know to football started in January,” she said. “just there were many administrative vacancies. an effective chairman and president.” our faculty and staff community. I know our two weeks after I arrived on campus. She explained that she felt that the turnover in Regarding the charge of conspiracy, in external community. “It has been really difficult but I do see it administration has taken its toll on instructors which Tillis is accused of attempting to “Because I feel connected, I feel comfort- as an opportunity because what it showed and staff at BC. create an alliance with certain SGA mem- able where we are. There’s a lot to do. Our me was that the community came on to sup- “When I came into the presidency, we had bers, Tillis again denied the charge in his faculty and staff are very ambitious.” port BC because they knew we were going several administrative vacancies and rather statement, feeling that it was exaggerated. Christian explained that her only daughter through difficulty.” than hiring interim people from the outside to “Conspiracy is a strong word, and I de- currently lives in Los Angeles where she is Christian explained that she received many come and help out the college, what I did was nounce that all the way,” he said. working on her residency. “So in many ways letters, phone calls, and emails from members I opened it up for our own faculty and staff,” Tillis asked for the charges to be dropped coming back to Bakersfield, from a family of the community to express their concerns. she said. altogether, so that the SGA could continue perspective, is really great,” she said. She said that she has used that as an opportu- “So now when you look at our list of people to move forward as a team. Christian expressed her delight about get- nity to get them to reconnect. that are working on the different issues, we’ve “I need my team to support me, and help ting to drive to see her daughter on weekends “I think it’s just going to make us even stron- got a team of administrators, but we also have me,” he said, “because we are a unit, and rather than only communicating through text ger and more close-knit,” she said. “The whole a lot of faculty that are taking on lead roles. I it does not look favorable upon the SGA messaging. thing on the sanctions completely sucks, but I think with that kind of distributed leadership to be informally in conflict with the presi- Christian started her presidency this year in think it’s also a way for us to recognize how we can build the confidence on our vision dent when these issues can be resolved much our community supports us.” Please see SONYA, Page 6 Please see SGA, Page 6 Smoking issue at BC not forgotten as new semester underway By Kennedy Thomas smoking areas. The majority of poll Shelby Sward, 20, has taken up the a year is a little embarrassing,” she Reporter participants opted for a full ban on responsibility of pursuing the ban. said. smoking. Still planning on achieving a Sward said that the KCCD wish- Initially intended to go into effect Since the results, SGA propo- complete smoking ban, Sward ac- es to enact gradual change across this semester, Bakersfield College’s nents of the ban have continued to knowledged that there have been the entire district by first establish- smoking ban has been delayed due have difficulty in seeing the policy some roadblocks. ing designated smoking areas at to administrative conflict between through to its fruition. “The students here voted to have a BC before eventually shifting to a the Student Government Associa- While the SGA is adamant about smoke-free campus,” she said. “So fully smoke-free environment on all tion and the Kern Community Col- a smoke-free BC, the KCCD wants everyone thought that we would campuses. lege District. to enact a district wide policy incor- have one by this year, but it doesn’t Despite the KCCD’s desires for The policy, originally overseen by porating designated smoking areas, actually work like that, it has to go an initial shift to designated smok- last semester’s Student Government currently in place at both Cerro through the administration.” ing areas, Sward wishes to pursue General Counsel Nick Acosta, was Coso and Porterville colleges, into Though she remains dedicated to the full ban on smoking, as she a result of a campus-wide online BC before eventually moving to PRISCILLA DAUVEN / THE RIP the task, Sward did not hesitate to feels that honoring the decision of poll for students, who were given a completely smoke-free policy share her disappointment in the lack the majority of BC students should the choice between a completely throughout the district. at the end of last semester, Student of action so far. come first. smoke-free campus and designated Government Legislative Liaison With Acosta’s departure from BC “To have nothing to show after Please see SMOKING, Page 6 KERN COUNTY FAIR Page 2 The Renegade Rip www.therip.com Wednesday, September 25, 2013 Attracting locals for days of fun BERTIN RODRIGUEZ / THE RIP Friends and families from all over Kern County come together to enjoy the many attractions provided at the fair; many enjoy the various rides at the carnival. MJ INGUITO / THE RIP The All Alaskan Racing Pigs take off at the KC Lane Loop. MJ INGUITO / THE RIP Students from Global Sikaran Arnis, a Phillipine martial arts, warm up on the Frontier Stage. BERTIN RODRIGUEZ / THE RIP MAYAN LARA / THE RIP Entertainer Greg Frisbee performs his swallowing fire trick, at the Frontier Stage, in his solo act. Vertigo, the fair’s new attraction, spins particapants at 100 feet. MAYAN LARA / THE RIP A large crowd gathers to cheer on their favorite dachshund during the annual Wienerschnitzel Wiener Nationals at the Bolthouse Courtyard near the fair entrance.