2013 10–23, OCT Top Under #525 30 30 The countdown culminates in Superfriend

@dailyxtra and super geek Justin Saint E15 More at at More 2 OCT 10–23, 2013 XTRA! ’S GAY & LESBIAN NEWS VANCOUVER’S GAY & LESBIAN NEWS It’s our 20th anniversary – time to party!

THURSDAY, OCT 17 9pm until close Free admission before 10:30pm 1022 Davie St

MORE AT DAILYXTRA.COM XTRA! OCT 10–23, 2013 3 4 OCT 10–23, 2013 XTRA! VANCOUVER’S GAY & LESBIAN NEWS ’S Published by GAY & LESBIAN NEWS PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Brandon Matheson Roundup #525 OCT 10–23, 2013 Get EDITORIAL FRESH MANAGING EDITOR Robin Perelle STAFF REPORTER Natasha Barsotti COPY EDITOR Lesley Fraser at Nesters EVENT LISTINGS [email protected] CONTRIBUTE OR INQUIRE Xtra’s editorial content: [email protected] ABDERRAHIM ANNAG ANNAG ABDERRAHIM EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE belle ancell, David P Ball, Niko Bell, Tom Coleman, Matthew DiMera, Tyler Dorchester, Jeremy Hainsworth, Michael Harris, Shauna Right in the Heart of Your Community Lewis, Raziel Reid, Pega Ren, Rob Trinh Great Selection U Great Prices U Quality Products ART & PRODUCTION Convenient Locations UÊFriendly Staff CREATIVE DIRECTOR Lucinda Wallace GRAPHIC DESIGNERS IN PRINT Darryl Mabey, Bryce Stuart, Landon Whittaker ADVERTISING ADVERTISING & SALES DIRECTOR Ken Hickling NATIONAL SALES MANAGER Jeff rey Hoff man DISPLAY ADVERTISING Corey Giles, Teila Smart CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Jessie Bennett Found in ADVERTISING COORDINATOR Lexi Chuba DISPLAY ADVERTISING Call 604-684-9696 Yaletown 990 Seymour St. Vancouver or email [email protected] Monday - Friday 7am - 10pm, Weekends 8am - 10pm LINE CLASSIFIEDS Call 604-684-9696 translation or email classifi [email protected] The publication of an ad in Xtra does not mean A conversation with that Xtra endorses the advertiser. SPONSORSHIP AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Abdellah Taïa, hailed Erica Bestwick, [email protected] Printed and published in Canada. ©2013 as Morocco’s fi rst openly Pink Triangle Press. Xtra is published every two E weeks by Pink Triangle Press. ISSN 1198-0613 gay author 21 Address: 501–1033 Davie St, Vancouver, BC, V6E 1M7 Offi ce hours: Mon–Fri, 9am–5pm Phone: 604-684-9696 Fax: 604-684-9697 Editorial The Top 30 Cover story Website: Email: [email protected] Under 30 By Robin Perelle E6 Top 30 Under 30 Xtra’s SUBSCRIPTIONS $55 for one year (26 issues); Feedback E6 celebration of BC’s brightest $65 (US) in the US; $100 (US) overseas. young queer people E15 [email protected], 800-268-XTRA Xcetera E7 PINK TRIANGLE PRESS Founded 1971 Out in the City DIRECTORS Jim Bartley, Gerald Hannon, Upfront Glenn Kauth, Didier Pomerleau, Ken Popert, Gillian Rodgerson Nyet: the political cabaret Davie Street Party HONORARY DIRECTOR Colin Brownlee Zee Zee hopes to keep PRESIDENT & EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Ken Popert ‘not ideal’: Regan WEBIA discussion going on anti-gay CEO, DIGITAL MEDIA David Walberg focused on revitalizing CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Andrew Chang Russian laws E22 and promoting West End, AGM hears E9 First Nations erotic art RezErect celebrates healthy, How homophobic is UBC? playful native sexuality E23 Recent rape and racist chants part of bigger problem, some Blitz & Shitz E say E10 Dear By Raziel 24 News Gender-neutral public What’s On E25 washrooms; Coroners to consider sexual orientation in suicide; West End plan on Daily Xtra Travel E11 schedule 10 great destinations for Ask the Expert women ‘Gay-friendly’ often Coming too slowly means there’s lots for men, but By Dr Pega Ren E13 what about the sisters? E26 Stepping back in time in New Hope Charming Pennsylvania town fi lled with historical gems E28 E online Real Estate E31 E E Kuwait: Government Index 32 to consider screening The Brotherhood tests to block gays from By Tyler Dorchester E33 entering country E India: Gujarat celebrates fi rst Pride parade COVER PHOTO: BELLE ANCELL

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FREE the Trans March; Joshun Dulai, from 20,000 AUDITED CIRCULATION Totally Outright, a leadership program FEEDBACK HASTINGS VANCOUVER’S GAY & LESBIAN NEWS BUS BASHING for young gay men; and multidimen- E10 RUSSIAN sional artist Kim Villagante, who last Breath of fresh air KIDS E

2013 9, 26–OCT SEPT 10

The Top 30 Under 30 #524 year also worked as a facilitator for RAE SPOON I’d like to compliment you on the “One FILM E19 EDITORIAL As I listened to Matthew advocate ’s Routes to Roots program Locker Room at a Time” article [Xtra ROBIN PERELLE passionately for the various nomi- for immigrant youth and queer youth #524, Sept 26]. It was a welcome and nees, I began to realize how beautiful of colour and organized a conference well-written breath of fresh air, giving The idea was suggested a list he had compiled and how much for queer women of colour.

hope that the most popular sport in @dailyxtra over coff ee this spring. each person on it contributes to our All people I had never heard of be- Canada is becoming more inclusive Little did Yogi Omar know that he community’s continued growth, fore. All people I’d like to get to know of diversity. Game face would later make the list of BC’s strength and evolution. better. Josh McKissock plays hockey at SFU, the first The words from the featured play- Canadian college team to partner with You Can Play E14 brightest young queer people. People like Cellouin Eguia, who Soon Matthew and I had profi les ers surely resonate with so many at More Little did I know the project would moved to BC when he was 16 years old strewn all around us, and a tentative youths who simply want equal accep- be so moving. hoping to enroll in a gay-friendly high order emerged. In this issue, you’ll tance in the sport. The photographs Yogi’s idea was simple: profi le the school, only to discover that if he want- meet the top seven. Online, you’ll fi nd accompanying the article are stunning young people in our community who ed a welcoming school environment, the other 23 members of our Top 30 and capture these fresh faces of a new A bathroom for both men and women are making a diff erence. he would have to help create it himself. Under 30, all equally deserving of our generation of hockey players. is not going to change anything. Peo- Its execution proved a little more Undeterred, Cellouin restarted and respect and appreciation. Please consider giving photogra- ple need to change. The same person challenging. First we had to fi nd the led Byrne Creek Secondary School’s On the Facebook event page that we phers equally visible credit for their who harasses transgender people in youth. gay-straight alliance, then began vol- created specifi cally for this project, professional contribution. This article the men’s bathroom will harass people For more than a month, freelance unteering with the Vancouver Queer you’ll fi nd hundreds of people who fol- would have much less impact without in the gender-neutral bathroom. reporter Matthew DiMera canvassed Film Festival and its educational arm, lowed the countdown and posted their the excellent photos, yet one has to I think spending money and teach- a wide cross section of our commu- Out in Schools. This year, he sat on congratulatory comments and ques- search hard to fi nd the photo credit. In ing kids at an early age what it means nity, looking for the Top 30 Under 30. the youth steering committee for its tions as we revealed each day’s profi le publishing, words and images work to- to be gay and transgender will benefi t Each nominee was asked to nominate Rise Against Homophobia video con- for 30 days. (Search for “Vancouver’s gether. Please give them equal respect. more. I was taught in elementary more people. test. His courage and contributions Top 30 Under 30” on Facebook.) CHRISTOPHER WEEKS school that drugs can kill you and The list began to grow. As the pro- moved me. What better way to celebrate our (EMAIL) I don’t take drugs. Parents taught me fi les took shape, it became harder and So did Jaedyn Starr’s. “I was sup- 20th anniversary of publishing Xtra to not make fun of people who are harder to rank them all. Matthew put posed to be a Jewish girl who would in Vancouver than by paying tribute Gender-neutral diff erent ... same thing. together a tentative order, trying to grow up to be a straight Jewish to our community’s next generation washrooms Thank you for wasting my tax dol- refl ect the nominees’ contributions woman,” Starr says. “I tried to be the of leaders? Glad to see a municipality vote on this lars, and I want to thank this news and their endorsement by their peers. person that’s called ‘normal,’ and I hope you’ll join me in thanking the issue and help address the needs of publication for being proud of some- One afternoon in July, we laid out it didn’t work.” Jaedyn, too, joined Top 30 Under 30 — and all the other the LGBTQ community [“Vancouver thing so useless. all the fi nished profi les on the couch the fi lm fest and now coordinates its queer youth out there who are leading Passes Gender-Neutral Washrooms in PLKTS (DAILYXTRA.COM) in the offi ce, then debated for hours League of Diversicorns, in addition to the way in all the ways that they do. Public Buildings,”, Sept about art, advocacy and the impor- independently running workshops on It’s been an absolute pleasure to share 25]! Universities have been making Of course, this is only one very small tance of creating community groups consent and gender issues. their profi les and celebrate their work. gender-neutral washrooms across step towards fighting transphobia, and gathering spaces where none had Then there’s Brad Therrien, from And I hope you’ll join us for our Canada for a while, including just re- and Plkts is right that simply creat- previously existed. Okanagan Pride; Ander Gates, from 20th birthday party on Oct 17 at Ce- cently at Grenfell Campus, Memorial ing gender-neutral bathrooms isn’t lebrities. Doors open at 9pm. See you University of Newfoundland. So it’s enough. However, I can assure you The outcome that we seek is this — gay and lesbian there. good to see municipalities catching that it’s really hard to go out and fi ght people daring together to set love free. up. Well done, Vancouver! for justice if you constantly have to pee. Xtra is published by Pink Triangle Press, at 2 Carlton St, Ste 1600, Toronto, M5B 1J3. Robin Perelle is the managing editor CHARLIE NMM3 of Xtra Vancouver. (DAILYXTRA.COM) (DAILYXTRA.COM)

Sensible BC proposes an amendment to the Police Act, instructing police not to spend any time, money or resources on cases of simple possession of cannabis. This simple change, called the Sensible Policing Act, would effectively decriminalize the possession of cannabis in BC, while leaving the rest of the laws in place. How Can I Help? Register today as a canvasser to help collect signatures. Over 400,000+ Join the campaign for a signatures are needed within a 90-day period. Marijuana Referendum The clock started ticking on September 9! Don’t delay, register now to help us gather signatures. Together we can change the law in BC! The time is now: Decriminalize! the Sign up online at or stop by The Dispensary and sign the official petition today! medicinal cannabis dispensary Tel 604.255.1844 | Open 11-7 (except posted holidays) The Dispensary is proud to 880 East Hastings St. (@ Campbell) | 1182 Thurlow (@ Davie) support Sensible BC

6 OCT 10–23, 2013 XTRA! VANCOUVER’S GAY & LESBIAN NEWS COUGH . . . SPLUTTER . . . CHOKE XCETERA Water, please! The International Academy for Spiritual Unity and Cooperation of Peoples of the World has nominated Russian President Vladimir Putin for the Nobel Peace Prize for his “eff orts to maintain peace and tranquility not only on the territory of his own country, but also actively promotes settlement of all confl icts arising on the planet.” SPIEGEL.DE

PROTEST? Nein–fashion OPERAGASM.COM statement NOODLEHEAD Germany’s unveiling of the Olympic uniforms its athletes will wear in Sochi set tongues a-wagging about whether the colourful couture is meant to be a political protest against Russia’s anti-gay legislation. Bitte . . . nein, say the designer and the German Olympic Confederation. NOT SO AL DENTE They were “created using colours and materials specially tailored to Guido Barilla anti-gay remark, take one: “We won’t include gays in our ads, the conditions in Sochi.” because we like the traditional family. If gays don’t like it, they can always eat R-i-i-i-ght . . . conditions. another brand of pasta.” Anti-gay remark, take two: “I have no respect for adoption by gay families because this concerns a person who is not able to choose.” Apology, take one: “I have the utmost respect for homosexuals and freedom of expression. I also said, and repeat, that I have respect for marriages between people of the same sex.” Apology, take four: “I have heard the countless reactions around the world to my words, which have depressed and saddened me. It is clear I have a lot to learn about the lively debate concerning the evolution of the family.”

GUTSY GRANDPA A good old-fashioned SERBIAN STONEWALL schooling “Kicking Chad out of your home simply because he told you he was gay is the ‘We don’t give up’ real ‘abomination’ here . . . I now have a fabulous (as the gays put it) grandson Approximately 6,500 police offi cers were set to protect Belgrade’s to raise, and I don’t have time for Pride parade Sept 28, but the Bureau for the Coordination of Security heartless B-word of a daughter.” Services cancelled the event, because of threats of violence from Guido Barilla, head nationalist groups. No matter. Hundreds of LGBT Serbs and their allies of Barilla pasta. — a father’s viral scolding of his daughter gathered outside the prime minister’s offi ce anyway, chanting, “This is POLPIX.SUEDDEUTSCHE.COM for evicting her son because he’s gay Serbia” and “We have Pride.”

MORE AT DAILYXTRA.COM XTRA! OCT 10–23, 2013 7 #news #arts #travel #events

Everything gay, every day.

8 OCT 10–23, 2013 XTRA! VANCOUVER’S GAY & LESBIAN NEWS It was going on for 20 years. People don't know where to go. Upfront Sarah King, Pride UBC E 10 Davie Street Party ‘not ideal’: Regan

“We decided in that role not to have WEBIA focused Coastal Health or people with some sort of physical or mental disability doing on revitalizing street cleaning or picking up litter,” Regan said. “Our focus is that we’ve got and promoting a fantastic neighbourhood. There’s a ton of community pride here. We need West End, happy, healthy, proud residents of the West End ... young and old people work- AGM hears ing together.” According to its financial statement, GAY VILLAGE WEBIA finished the fiscal year with a SHAUNA LEWIS surplus of $187,347. In 2012, the orga- nization faced a $56,000 deficit. The West End Business Improvement Regan says former executive di- Association (WEBIA) hopes to build on rector Lyn Hellyar’s payout fee and existing, popular West End events as a costs associated with the organiza- way to promote, revitalize and bring tion’s Streetscape Design and Guideline revenue to the area in 2014. Report contributed to last year’s deficit. Executive director Stephen Regan WEBIA’s operating budget is expect- told attendees at WEBIA’s annual gen- ed to increase from $700,684 in 2013 to eral meeting Sept 25 that he’d like to a projected $747,041 for the 2014/2015 organize a trolley tour of the neigh- fiscal year. bourhood to coincide with St Paul’s Regan said much of the upcoming Hospital’s annual display of decorative operating budget will be dedicated lights for the holidays. to promotions and revitalization, WEBIA also partnered this year with with $262,875 allocated to revitaliza- the Vancouver Pride Society (VPS), tion efforts and $252,125 set aside for hoping to find ways to attract business promotion. to Davie Street and the West End during Administration costs account for the Pride celebrations. $202,540 of the projected 2014 budget. But, Regan said, because of the gated “We’re spending a whole lot less on beer garden that segregated consumers administration,” Regan said, adding from businesses, some businesses in the that the organization is focusing pri- gay village were more hurt than helped marily on ways to form and solidify by the Davie Street Dance Party. “It partnerships, leverage attention from wasn’t great [for business] again,” he told As part of WEBIA’s retail analysis to like the Bute Street plaza gathering existing events and do what it can to Xtra after the meeting. Businesses were strategy, the organization hosted three space piloted by the city this summer. bring revenue to businesses in the affected all day long and, other than for Pride needs small community focus groups in early However, businesses around the West End. the bars, “it’s not ideal for businesses.” to think about September. Each group attracted be- plaza aren’t as thrilled with the space, “We’re in the relationship business,” Regan said he hopes to work with the tween four and 10 people, Regan said. Regan admitted. Some businesses have he said. “And we’re doing our best to VPS to find a way to possibly make the why it needs One group focused on seniors, another complained about losing the area as an meet those opportunities.” gated beer garden smaller, so businesses on St Paul’s hospital staff and the third unloading zone, he said. The plaza is Members elected two new directors won’t be as affected. to have a beer on members of the LGBT community. “an inconvenience,” he acknowledged. to WEBIA’s nine-person board: Tania “Pride needs to think about why it garden to raise Regan said group participants were “It does stop traffic flow.” Gorton, from Homewerx and Room needs to have a beer garden to raise asked where they shop and what at- WEBIA is also monitoring the area in in Order, and John Webber, from the money,” Regan said. “Is that the best money. tracts them to shop, both in the West the hope that it doesn’t attract vagrants, Royal Bank. They join returning di- way to celebrate?” STEPHEN REGAN, WEBIA End and other areas of the city. Regan added. rectors Lisa Arthurs (Quick Nickel), The remaining rainbow banners that EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR “There were a lot of thoughtful people Regan announced that WEBIA will Michael Makowy (HSBC Bank), Gary hang throughout the gay village will be [in the LGBT focus group] who really no longer employ people with dis- Gohren (Gohren & Associates Char- removed and replaced with WEBIA know the neighbourhood,” Regan said. abilities on its street maintenance and tered Accountants), Joe Skocan (No banners next week, Regan noted. Regan said concerns were raised in beautification team. Frills), Mary Phelps (Vancity), David WEBIA changed the Village’s ban- the LGBT group, which attracted only Street maintenance is an important Buddle (Prima Properties) and Michel ners in phases this year. The “Davie” Stefan Oeser and Skeeter four people, about an increase in pan- aspect of promotion and revitalization, Duprat (The Fountainhead Pub). Stanbak enjoy this summer’s banners, adorned with a small rainbow Davie Street Dance Party, handling in the West End. he said, and the beautification team Buddle was elected chair of the attached to the bottom of the banner, inside the gated beer garden. But overall, he said, the groups’ feed- plays an important role in setting the board, Arthurs vice-chair and Duprat were replaced in the spring. JON HAYWOOD back was positive, and members seemed right tone. the treasurer.

MORE AT DAILYXTRA.COM XTRA! OCT 10–23, 2013 9 How homophobic is UBC? Recent rape and racist chants part of bigger problem, some say


As the University of British Columbia continues to reel from revelations of pro-rape and anti-aboriginal chants during its frosh orientation-week cel- ebrations, many are warning that the problem is more systemic and includes homophobia and transphobia. The director of UBC’s Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and So- cial Justice says the frosh chants are merely one part of the “ritualization of inequality” on campus revealing a “failure of public education,” which will take significantly more effort to address than two new staff positions or a $250,000 payment by commerce students, as pledged by the university. “We need to make sure that public ed- ucation is keeping a finger on the pulse of where things are going drastically wrong,” Mary Bryson says. “It’s very convenient to focus on people who led Pride UBC co-chair Ivan Leonce feels less than welcome in UBC’s heterosexist the first-year students in those chants. climate. “I feel on the periphery of events and advertising — they’re directed “I’m more concerned with the re- towards straight, cisgender people,” he says. DAVID P BALL sponse of the administration, faculty members and staff,” she says. larly distressing to Pride UBC’s online “It’s connected to the kind of sex- This fall’s scandal led to UBC’s Saud- media coordinator, who says it’s gone ism found in the chant — the ways in er School of Business cancelling future unchallenged for many years. which gender-normative ideas about frosh activities and the resignation Public incidents targeting women what women and men are supposed of the leadership of the Commerce and aboriginal people may silence gay to be on campus constricts what queer Undergraduate Society (CUS). In is- students who feel they have no avenue and trans students can be on campus. suing its own apology for the chant, for complaint, Sarah King says. “It was If they don’t fit the mould, then they UBC declared that the CUS would going on for 20 years. People don’t don’t fit in.” pay $250,000 toward sexual assault know where to go.” “My own personal experience is prevention services. In the eight years since UBC publicly that it isn’t exactly homophobia I feel In an emailed response, UBC’s vice- raised its rainbow Pride flag for the first directly on campus; it’s more a climate president of students — who spear- time, homophobia has continued to be of heterosexism,” says Ivan Leonce, headed the university’s investigation a reality for some students. co-chair of Pride UBC. “I feel on the into the frosh incidents — says she Sociology instructor Rachael Sul- periphery of events and advertising received no specific reports of homo- livan completed her PhD last year on — they’re directed towards straight, phobic or transphobic incidents as part 26 LGBT students’ UBC experiences. cisgender people.” Dr. Dean Wershler of her inquiries. The rape chant, she says, reveals a ten- Leonce says educating students “All of these behaviours are con- sion between administrators’ “desire about anti-oppression is key, for in- General Dentistry nected,” Louise Cowin acknowledges. to claim” the campus a safe place and stance through a mandatory anti- New patients welcome. Saturday and “These incidents are indicators of “what actually happens.” oppression course for all students. evening appointments available. larger systemic issues present in our The assumption that being straight “And not just a single workshop North American culture. We see sex- is normal and acceptable remains “per- that folks can attend, but a prolonged ism, racism, homophobia in popular vasive” on and off campus, she adds. educational experience and outreach, music, television, movies and print Sullivan says her interviewees would advertising and posters.” media every day.” initially say UBC is “for the most part” Sullivan says frosh week’s “hyper- The rape chant — and reports that safe. “But then they’d go on to tell me normative” culture reveals the im- some commerce students chanted how it wasn’t — ‘It was safe, except this portance of addressing heterosexism, T/ “White man, steal our land” as part one time when ...’ — fill in the blanks, sexism and racism — “and how they’re of a “Pocahontas” team — is particu- they’d describe an incident. interconnected.”

10 OCT 10–23, 2013 XTRA! VANCOUVER’S GAY & LESBIAN NEWS Coroners to consider sexual Gender-neutral orientation in suicide

YOUTH children or youth who die by suicide, public washrooms JEREMY HAINSWORTH coroners need to consistently inquire about it during the course of their in- Coroners investigating youth suicide vestigation,” the report says. “This should pay special attention to a sub- should include thoughtful and sensitive This is a fantastic ject’s sexual orientation and whether consideration on the types of questions the youth was harassed because of it, asked, how they are asked and who the Deputy provincial health officer Dr Evan Adams. ‘leadership step,’ says a report released Sept 26. questions are directed towards.” “Youth who identify with a sexual The BC report follows a June report says Drew Dennis orientation other than heterosexual that Canada’s coroners are debating coroners should evaluate whether appear to be at greater risk for at- instituting protocols to record data on issues regarding their sexual orienta- tempting suicide compared to their the suicides of queer and transgender tion or gender identity play a part in TRANS ISSUES heterosexual peers,” says the BC Coro- teenagers. their actions. SHAUNA LEWIS ners Service’s “Child Death Review Dr Dirk Huyer, regional supervising At present, data regarding the sexual Panel: A Review of Child and Youth coroner for the Guelph branch of the orientation or gender identity of youth City council passed a motion to amend Suicides 2008–2012,” a report to the Offi ce of the Chief Coroner and chair who commit suicide is not recorded. Vancouver’s building codes Sept 25, chief coroner of BC. of the Pediatric Death Review Com- making it the fi rst large municipality “To accurately and systematical- mittee, said that since queer and trans For more on this story, in Canada to clearly include provision ly capture the sexual orientation of youth are at greater risk of self-harm, go to for gender-neutral washrooms in public buildings, according to city staff . “It’s fantastic news, I think for every- in favour of proceeding with the West LGBTQ advisory committee member body in Vancouver, for city council to End plan as scheduled. Many West Drew Dennis welcomes the bylaw West End plan on schedule take this leadership step toward build- change to include provision for Enders were involved in the plan- ing broader inclusion within building- non-gender-specific washrooms in GAY VILLAGE satisfi ed that planners reached out to ning process through open houses, code bylaw,” says Drew Dennis, who Vancouver’s public buildings. SHAUNA LEWIS “thousands upon thousands of people” walkshops and workshops, online sits on the city’s LGBTQ advisory SHAUNA LEWIS who live in the West End to draft the surveys and other forms of engage- committee. caregivers who have clients that are the The West End plan will proceed as area’s new community plan. “I think ment, he said. Trans and gender-variant people opposite sex and so on,” Dennis says. scheduled, Vancouver City Council people are quite happy and just want Randy Helten, from the West End whose gender expression may not align “There’s myself and many others — a decided Sept 26, after considering staff to get on with it,” says Councillor Tim Neighbours community group, urged with their biological sex are often ha- whole spectrum of people — who are recommendations. Stevenson. “Maybe everyone didn’t council to extend the plan’s consulta- rassed or accused of being in the wrong harassed based on the choice of the Council voted to extend the con- get everything that they wanted, but tion period. He blamed a “high level washroom, Dennis explains. washroom that they choose to use. Al- sultation period on the other three people are obviously keen to get on of fatigue and disillusionment in city The amendment will give people more lowing more flexibility, and allowing neighbourhood plans currently be- with the plan as recommended, and hall” for the low turnout to address the fl exibility in “single-stalled washrooms for diff erent types of washrooms and ing formulated by city planners. The that’s what’s going to happen.” West End plan at council. that don’t have to be specifi ed by gen- diff erent destinations, is a great step Marpole, Grandview-Woodlands and Approximately 76 people signed up “We’re not trying to push anything der,” says Dennis, who identifi es as trans. forward in eliminating some of that,” Downtown Eastside plans have been to speak to council during the two-day down people’s throats,” Stevenson “It recognizes that there is a broad Dennis says. extended by six months, 12 months and public hearing on all four plans. Only says. “The staff have done a fi ne and range of users that might benefi t from Councillor Tim Stevenson enthusias- three months, respectively. two of the speakers addressed the West thorough job in their consultations.” this fl exibility — of course, trans and tically supported the amendment and Brian Jackson, Vancouver’s general End, Stevenson says. The fi nal draft of the West End plan gender-variant folks, but as well, par- called the bylaw changes “historic” and manager of planning and development Dean Malone, co-chair of the city’s is scheduled to go before council for ents of children of the opposite sex, “a very, very signifi cant step for the city.” services, told council Sept 25 he is LGBTQ advisory committee, spoke approval in November.

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12 OCT 10–23, 2013 XTRA! VANCOUVER’S GAY & LESBIAN NEWS RETRO DESIGN Coming too slowly & ANTIQUES FAIR 175 tables of fun, fabulous finds for you and your eclectic abode! Retro glam accessories, pop culture Wherever you fall on the classics, mid-century Modernist décor, memorabilia, vintage and estate jewelry, holiday decorations, continuum, focus on pleasure textiles and linens, primitives, and much more... Plus Drop-In Appraisals All Day! Info on Website ASK THE EXPERT Health concerns can also contrib- DR PEGA REN ute, including type 1 diabetes, neuro- Sunday sOCTOBER 20 s 10am-3pm logical illnesses, multiple sclerosis, Dear Dr Ren, bladder or prostate surgeries, low After reading your col- testosterone and plain old aging. Croatian Cultural Centre umn about PE (premature ejaculation), Underlying relationship issues 3250 Commercial Drive at 16th Avenue I thought you might be able to help me (wrong sex/wrong partner) some- with the opposite problem. I can’t come times also prevent men from being Vancouver s Near Broadway Skytrain with a partner! willing or able to “let go.” This used to mean that I just came Concentrating on performance Admission $5 at Door s Free Parking s Food Services last, but over the years it is becom- rather than pleasure doesn’t help Info s 604.980.3159 s ing more difficult to reach orgasm at either. all when I’m having sex with a boy- Retarded ejaculation, then, is best friend. It’s easier with hookups, and understood as a response to the in- with masturbating I’m okay, but after teraction of biological, psychologi- a while with the same guy, nothing pops cal, relationship and cultural factors. The Gay Poz Sex my cork. Once he notices, I become a Check with your healthcare provider to “cause,” with him trying to make me eliminate physiological or drug-related (GPS) program takes come, and me trying, too. Eventually, I causes before assuming the problem is avoid sex and leave feeling inadequate in your head or your hand. a sex-positive, and guilty. Once you become aware of your Is there something I can do to turn “problem,” anxiety may draw your at- this around? I want to be normal! tention away from the erotic cues that holistic approach —Never Premature would normally enhance your arousal. Men with RE often fail to experience and understands Dear Never Premature, sufficient erotic stimulation to reach You are describing what we called RE the point of ejaculation. Remember, sex is about more (retarded ejaculation) or DE (delayed getting hard isn’t the problem; get- ejaculation). It affects about three ting off is. than where you put percent of men and is defined as Men with DE are usually sensitive “repeated delay in achieving, or the and attentive lovers who concentrate complete failure to achieve, ejacu- on their partners’ responses and ig- your penis. lation, despite receiving the level nore their own. Focusing on your of sexual stimulation which would own fantasies and desires helps you normally trigger it, and where the respond to your own arousal. man cannot control the timing of his What to do? Be empowered ejaculation.” Remember the impact of erotic Men with DE usually complain of cues — look at your lover and/or watch with skills and little or no difficulty attaining or main- arousing porn during sex. taining erections, in spite of which If partnered sex doesn’t feel as good tools so you get the they don’t feel particularly aroused. as solo sex, try switching up how you And, although PE and DE are on op- wank. Change hands, lessen your pres- sex you want and posite sides of the coming spectrum, sure or alter your pace to approximate the problem with both is your focus sex with your lover. on the timing of ejaculation rather Assess your relationship. Familiar- not what you don't. than on the pleasure you could be ity decreases arousal, so keep your experiencing. intimate relationships fresh and DE can be caused by, or a side ef- innovative. fect of, SSRIs (antidepressants) and Just as I suggested for the guy who For more information other drugs such as blood pressure came too fast, you need to lose the medication, antipsychotics, diuretics stopwatch and concentrate on plea- contact: and even some painkillers. sure. Embrace intense desire. Stop There also seems to be an unde- trying to come and simply enjoy your Jonathan and Michael niable connection between strict sensations. Be a little selfish. religious orthodoxy (and attendant The “cure” comes when you learn cultural sexual shame) and DE. your particular erotic turn-ons and [email protected] Some factors associated with mas- indulge them sufficiently to increase or turbatory habits encourage DE, such your physiological arousal with your as a death grip or idiosyncratic style partner. call or position, differing from what would 604.240.7205 be associated with the sensations of Have a question for Dr Ren? Send an partnered sex. email to [email protected].

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14 OCT 10–23, 2013 XTRA! VANCOUVER’S GAY & LESBIAN NEWS COVER STORY 30Top Under 30 Xtra’s celebration of BC’s brightest young queer people


For 30 days this fall, starting Sept 10, Xtra celebrated the best and brightest of BC’s young queer leaders. Each morning, we posted the day’s Top 30 Under 30 profile to and to a special Facebook event page that we created specifically for this project. Hun- dreds of people followed the countdown and cheered on the youth. Now it’s your turn to meet the activists, artists, orga- nizers and educators who are building our community on a daily basis. Nominations were solicited from a wide cross-section of community members, including many of the nominees themselves. The rankings are based on all the nomina- tions received and each person’s contributions. The countdown isn’t meant to be viciously competitive; it’s more of a fun competition in the context of celebrating each and every one of the Top 30 Under 30. Here, then, are the final Top 7. To see the full Top 30 list and read the rest of the profiles, go to and search for Vancouver’s “Top 30 Under 30” on Facebook.

MORE AT DAILYXTRA.COM XTRA! OCT 10–23, 2013 15 Paige Frewer It started with a dare. Party promoter Paige Frewer was bartending at Lick — the now-defunct Vancouver lesbian bar — in 2007, when she got her first taste of performing in drag. She had asked a friend to help organize a show for her birthday party at the bar, and many of the enlisted acts were drag kings. Under pressure from the performers, she ended up onstage herself that night and the rest is history. Frewer, who now regularly performs as Po- nyboy, had seen a little bit of drag from her time working at Lick but didn’t know much about it. The success of her fundraiser birthday party led to the creation of Man Up, a monthly drag-king show and queer dance party. “Suddenly, people seemed excited about drag again,” she says. While helping to promote Man Up, she slowly became a convert herself. “I was in love, and I haven’t turned back since.” Five and a half years later, Man Up is still go- ing strong and has inspired the spinoff Amateur Hour, a rookie night for drag performers who can compete for a paid slot at upcoming Man Up 7 events, at The Cobalt in East Vancouver. For Frewer, drag is multifaceted: it’s a form of entertainment, it’s a way to exercise a political voice, and it’s a way to reclaim a sense of identity that mainstream society — and even mainstream Carven Li gay and lesbian society — may not offer. “A lot of events in the queer community, and Carven Li’s path to the queer community women’s events, seem a little bit more prescriptive started with looking for a good place to dance. to a particular type of gay or a particular type of “Through looking at dance parties, I learned lesbian, and not everybody feels comfortable in about social-justice issues, and I learned about those spaces,” the 27-year-old says. why I enjoyed some dances more than others,” “What I aim to do with Man Up is to have it be says Li, who uses the gender-neutral pronoun an inclusive space where any kind of gay woman they. “I found out that the dances I really had can go — but you’ll also find all kinds of other the most fun in, and felt the most safe in, were people as well.” the most inclusive — they removed financial, physical and cultural barriers,” they say. Li now sits on the board of Our City of Co- lours, which has produced a series of cultur- ally and linguistically diverse posters to share queer lives with minority communities in their mother tongues. Ander Gates A long-time resident of Richmond, the 23-year-old is also working to make the Van- Ander Gates chose his graduation ceremony to couver suburb more welcoming to queer youth. come out publicly to his classmates and to the vil- “Richmond has a huge immigrant population, lage of Masset in Haida Gwaii, BC, population 864. and it lacks a lot of LGBTQ resources.” “In a small town, everyone comes to graduation,” Li is frustrated that the Richmond School the trans man explains. He wore a suit to accept an District still doesn’t have an anti-homophobia LGBT bursary offered by two local openly queer policy. The lack of clear direction from the top nurses. He had applied thinking that since there makes some principals reluctant to invite queer were only 20 people in his class, his odds of win- workshops into Richmond schools, they say. ning were high. Li hopes to work with the City of Richmond “I wore a suit and I stood in the back row with the to create drop-in programs for gay youth and boys. There was a front row with girls in dresses.” for young people of colour. Though some students gave him a hard time A member of the QTIPOCalypse collective and objected that he was “ruining graduation,” his for queer or trans indigenous people and teachers were very supportive. people of colour, Li also had the opportunity Through the application process, his parents this summer to be a cabin leader at CampOUT. and some of his teachers became aware that he “After going to CampOUT, it made me feel was questioning his gender, although most of his that being a youth educator is really rewarding. classmates were clueless. “I started going to school I was able to see myself in others.” 6 dressed as a boy sometimes,” he says, laughing.

16 OCT 10–23, 2013 XTRA! VANCOUVER’S GAY & LESBIAN NEWS John Kuipers While many young gays can’t wait to leave the awareness about and advocating for queer youth suburbs for queerer neighbourhoods closer to and issues. the city, John Kuipers has decided to stand his This past spring, Kuipers helped lead a team ground in his community. of youth volunteers who organized the first-ever Part of Kuipers’s fight started in 2008 when, as Fraser Valley annual Pride March. president of the Pride society at the University According to Kuipers, while is there still much of the Fraser Valley, he co-organized a social- more to be done, change is coming. More local justice rally in Abbotsford, the heart of BC’s Bible organizations and businesses are willing to lend 5 Belt, after the school district chose not to offer their support publicly, he notes. the Social Justice 12 course in local classrooms. “It communicates something to the youth,” “It was a real cornerstone to really find out the 28-year-old says. “There are other people who was an ally and who wasn’t,” he says of their out there that say it’s okay to be gay, that you initial effort. “It was the start of people saying don’t have to repress that part of who you are that we shouldn’t have to deal with [homopho- and get the hell out of here as soon as you can bia] in the Valley. It was a fight, but it was one and go to Vancouver.” that we won.” For now, his focus is on training and empower- For nearly six years, Kuipers has also coordi- ing the next generation of activists to take over nated the Fraser Valley Youth Society (FVYS), and keep up the fight. “My philosophy, both pro- which formed in 2006 after Youthquest stopped fessionally and personally, is that if you’re going funding gay youth drop-ins in Abbotsford. to take on a task, you need to take it from start Over the years, FVYS has grown from being to finish and do the best job you can,” he says. a drop-in to also hosting events and spreading “There’s work to be done.”

“People just thought I was having a sloppy day. nity’s Gab youth program and with Vancou- They didn’t understand what it was.” ver Coastal Health’s Condomania, a program More than his detractors, Gates remem- designed to shape positive attitudes around bers his cheerleaders and says the support he sexual health. 4 received has motivated him to give back and “We have had lots of workshops where, after- support other youth and the queer and trans ward, a student comes up to us and comes out, community. or thanks us. It’s rewarding to know that we’re The 24-year-old now organizes cabarets making a difference.” featuring drag, dance, burlesque, music and Three years after moving to Vancouver in poetry every few months at the Purple Thistle, 2007, Gates responded to an open call to help a youth-driven arts and activism centre on organize the Trans and Genderqueer Liberation Commercial Drive. and Celebration March. He’s been involved with “They’re a space for youth to see and perform the march ever since. drag. Most of the venues where drag and bur- “We’re kind of a group that doesn’t have a lot lesque are performed are spaces where youth of visibility or focus in the larger [Pride] march can’t go,” he points out. “We support a lot of or in queer organizing in general,” he says. emerging young drag artists.” “It’s also very [do-it-yourself] and anti-cor- When he’s not creating youth performance porate. It doesn’t have any banks marching in spaces, Gates facilitates workshops with Qmu- it. It has more of a political edge.”

MORE AT DAILYXTRA.COM XTRA! OCT 10–23, 2013 17 Melanie Matining When Melanie Matining came out of the closet in thing that’s a bit too big,” the 26-year-old says. university, she came to the startling realization that Since forming last fall, the group has held a she was expected to choose which part of herself showcase for QTIPOC performers, singers and was more important. spoken-word artists, a dance party and potlucks. “As a queer woman of colour, I felt there were The group has received some pushback from really big blocks,” she recalls. Then, taking women’s people who haven’t agreed with their policy of studies at the University of Victoria and working holding events for only self-identified QTIPOCs. for a non-profit that targets women of colour, she “The whole point of QTIPOC-only space is to found herself wanting to discuss queerness at work listen to the community and ask what they need,” or sexuality with students of colour on campus but Matining says. “People were saying, ‘Sometimes was repeatedly met with resistance. we feel really in the margins. We’re hanging out in “We all have these multiple layering identities, spaces where people don’t want to talk about race, 3 but we only really seem to talk about one thing. but there’s very blatant racism.’ Either we’re going to be women or people of colour “We wanted to create a platform for that. This or queer. It’s such a shame that all of these con- is a really important piece of us and we don’t want versations are happening in isolation,” she says. to be quiet anymore, but we also want to do it in a Last year, Matining was one of several Van- way that’s really celebratory and healing. We want couverites who helped found the QTIPOCalypse to do it in a place that feels safer.” collective, a group for queer or trans indigenous Matining says that collectives like QTIPOCalypse people or people of colour (QTIPOCs). are only one part of addressing racism and that “In queer and LGBT spaces in Vancouver, the change also needs to happen within existing groups. conversation of race sometimes seems like some- “We just want to be cheerleaders for people.”

Dave Deveau Dave Deveau may divide his time between two been mounted in Dublin and returned to Vancouver worlds — in the theatre, as an award-winning for a second run last February. playwright, and in the scene, as an Eastside party Deveau says audiences often found themselves promoter and as drag queen Peach Cobblah — but relating to characters in ways they hadn’t even he sees them as intertwined and connected. considered and finding common ground with “They’re both about building spaces for people voices that they wouldn’t ordinarily care to listen who feel like they don’t have any,” the 29-year-old to. “For me, theatre has always been a way to ask says. questions that I don’t have the specific answers to. Though his work with his husband’s theatre It becomes a means to generate conversation or to company, Zee Zee Theatre, has been based heavily elicit something in someone that surprises them.” on gay themes, he says he isn’t necessarily writing Deveau is also proud of his work promoting for gay audiences. events, including the dress-up party Queer Bash, “My body of work is pretty darn queer,” he says, the drag show Apocalypstick, and the gay hip-hop laughing. “But I’ve never been of the belief that the night Hustla. He and business partner Brandon queer community are the people who need work Gaukel were the first to partner with the owners about queer issues. I think it’s actually quite the of The Cobalt to introduce queer programming — reverse. I think it’s everyone else.” three years later, the venue is the de facto Eastside His critically acclaimed 2011 play My Funny . Valentine delves into the murder of teenager Law- “There’s something really magical about really, 2 rence King, who was shot in the head after he asked really gay space happening in a non-gay commu- another boy to be his Valentine. The production has nity,” he says.

18 OCT 10–23, 2013 XTRA! VANCOUVER’S GAY & LESBIAN NEWS 1Justin Saint The first time Justin Saint showed up in full costume as Queen Amidala — Natalie Portman’s character from Star Wars — at a fan convention, people weren’t sure what to make of him. “They didn’t know how to react,” the 24-year- old says. “A lot of people thought I was a girl, and then when I opened my mouth . . .” he trails off, laughing. “The second year that I did it, they already knew who I was and they were really excited.” Since then the self-described hardcore gamer and geek has thrown himself into cosplay (short for costume play), making appearances as Harry Potter’s Lord Voldemort and husband and wife Khal Drogo and Daenerys Targaryen, from Game of Thrones. Saint is the director of the BC Superfriends, a newly formed group for queer geeks and their allies in the Lower Mainland. The Superfriends plan to throw three parties each year: at Pride, for Halloween and in the spring. Their mission is to create events where everyone can be their geeky selves, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. Four years ago, Saint also founded and started organizing the Vancouver Gaymers, after running into homophobic behaviour at other board-game meet-ups. “In the gaming community, there was a lot of discriminatory language going on,” he says. “We needed a safe space.” The Gaymers now host two monthly meetings: a board-game night and a second night focused on video games. Saint also helps to raise money for AIDS chari- ties through his alter ego, Sister Sweet Cherribum, a nun with the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. “I grew up Catholic with a strong respect for nuns,” he says. “I can continue that tradition in a queer way that makes people smile.”

MORE AT DAILYXTRA.COM XTRA! OCT 10–23, 2013 19 directed by Rebecca Oben OCT 24 OCT 30 -27 Wed – Sat 8pm,-NOV Sun 2pm 3 Preview Oct 23 – Feel-good, Vancity Culture Lab 1895 Venables St $10 hysterical comedy! Tickets available at The Cultch box office 604 251-1363 Wall Street Journal or online at:

media sponsor ghost light projects, LaughingD Monkey productionsWIG & Carpe Ictus Music presents HEAnd the Angry Inch written by John Cameron Mitchell & Stephen TrasK music direction by mark reid directed by randie parliament & greg bishop October 2-November 2, 2013 THE COBALT 917 Main Street, Vancouver, BC

Photography by Chicknskratch Productions Tickets: $15-$45 Media Sponsors: For info or to buy tickets visit

20 OCT 10–23, 2013 XTRA! VANCOUVER’S GAY & LESBIAN NEWS Lovebirds sloppy and wet. Out inthe City Corrine Hunt, RezErect E23 Found in translation And that gay identity intersects with class and A talk with Abdellah cultural background. All these parts of you sort of run into each other in your writing. Is there a hierarchy, do you think, between these aspects Taïa, hailed as of identity? Morocco’s first There’s no hierarchy at all. Never. There’s a lot of chaos, in my head and on the paper. Everything openly gay author is mixed up: politics, sexuality, love, social prob- lems ... What’s very important for me is to succeed in fi nding the right form for this endless chaos. IN PRINT To fi nd a little phrase with a certain rhythm. Not MICHAEL HARRIS to be descriptive, but to be poetic. And to never, never let go until the end of the story. The fi rst Arab writer to publicly declare his ho- In Salvation Army the protagonist seems to have mosexuality, Abdellah Taïa, grew up in Rabat, a driving ambition to “become,” to achieve his Morocco, where poverty and queerness both potential, both sexually and professionally. stunted and stoked his literary ambitions. This made me wonder about your own sense Today, as he edges into his 40s, his work has of ambition. become a necessary, and perhaps unique, bridge between the Arab world and the West. Well, I think one has to be ambitious. Obsessed with To the English-speaking world, his best-known things, ideas, projects. Otherwise nothing happens. work is his autobiographical novel Salvation I’m not interested in money or having some great Army — a brief and heart-wrenching account of house with great furniture. But I want to make a his coming-of-age and eventual departure from good book, a good fi lm, to live an inspirational love Morocco. By speaking unabashedly about sex story with someone, a man older than me. tourists, the latent sexuality of invisible popula- Where did your ambition fi rst become real? tions, and his fi rst contacts with a bewildering Europe, Taïa scandalized the Moroccan press When I was 22; I founded a literary circle with three even while he won international acclaim. Moroccan friends from the University Mohamed V The English translation of his new novel, Infi - [in Rabat], where I was studying French literature. dels, will be published this spring. On Oct 23 he We called it Le Cercle Littéraire de l’Océan. We met participates in the Beyond Queer event at the once a month and brought our sto- Vancouver International Writers Festival. ABDELLAH TAÏA ries, which we wrote in French. This Vancouver International was the biggest experience of my life: Xtra: Your Wikipedia page says you’ve been in Writers Festival self-imposed exile from Morocco since 1998. Is Beyond Queer Program I understood there that I could do Wed, Oct 23, 8pm something, create something. that what it feels like? Exile? Studio 1398 1398 Cartwright St We were just poor students, but Abdellah Taïa: To be honest, I’m not totally con- we managed to give to ourselves the fortable with the expression “self-exiled.” But I legitimacy to talk about literature, did decide, when I was 13, to go one day to Paris about writing, theories. Everything I wrote in my in order to be who I am: a free individual. books later came from that literary circle. Why Paris? You speak Arabic, French, English and Spanish. What language do you dream in? Because this city represented the idea of freedom in Morocco [Morocco was colonized by France I dream and write in French, with a taste of Arabic. from 1912 to 1956]. Even in the very poor world I But Arabic dominates the languages in my head. lived in, Paris stood for freedom. Author Abdellah Taïa left his Moroccan home for Paris, in search of freedom. “Morocco couldn’t Do you think something is always lost when your give me the possibilities to be, just to be,” he says. COURTESY OF ABDELLAH TAÏA Life is a conscious choice. You just know where meaning, your writing, jumps from one language you have to go, and you do what it takes. Morocco to the next? couldn’t give me the possibilities to be, just to be. And I love that, to fi ght. inside of me. Homosexuality is here, in me, in that There, poverty was my trademark. The young and world. But homosexuality is not my subject; it’s Well, I don’t think humans have invented a lan- Being gay has become integral to your identity naive gay boy I was at that time understood this as a writer. Do you think this will change as your a subject for everyone, even for heterosexuals. guage that can express everything they feel and very essential truth: in order to grow up, you have career develops? I don’t say to myself that I have to write about want to say. I always write with the feeling that to leave your family, your city and your country. homosexuality. This very important part of me something is missing, forever lost, without me Now Paris has become my battlefi eld. Nothing No, this will never change. I create from a world simply comes out every time I write, in a very knowing what it is. is easy in this city, but you can fi ght for something. that I know very intimately — what’s happening natural way.

MORE AT DAILYXTRA.COM XTRA! OCT 10–23, 2013 21 Nyet: the political cabaret Zee Zee hopes to keep discussion going on anti- gay Russian laws


About a month after Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the now infamous law banning propaganda of “non-tradi- tional sexual relations,” a friend asked Vancouver playwright David Deveau when he would start writing about it. “Right away,” Deveau thought and went to talk to his husband, Cameron Mackenzie. Mackenzie, the artistic director of Zee Zee Theatre Company, immedi- ately grabbed an idea popularized by The Wrecking Ball series of political theatre shows: a handful of short plays, each by a different author, snatched from today’s headlines, rehearsed no more than a week before opening, and performed in bare-bones simplicity. But who would want to write a 10-minute play about the politics of being gay in Russia? Zee Zee Theatre’s Cameron Mackenzie says the production is a way to fight Everybody, it turns out. apathy and the sense that there’s no hope for LGBT Russians. PARKER IAIN DESIGN Mackenzie and Deveau have put to- gether a program for the show, entitled Panych says he is working on a hu- Nyet: A Cabaret of Concerned Canadi- morous take on the propaganda laws. ans, that will make any Canadian the- “I am preaching to the converted, so If we can keep our atre buff spit-take his vodka: Governor it needed to be something that was audience aware of OCT. NOV. General’s Award–winning playwrights interesting and new to an audience of 26, 31 1, 2, 3(matinée) Daniel MacIvor (Never Swim Alone, sympathizers,” he tells Xtra by email. the plight of gay Twitch City), Morris Panych (Girl in the But what can theatre really do to In Italian with people in repressive Goldfish Bowl, The Ends of the Earth) change the political situation in Rus- English SURTITLESTM countries, we can and George F Walker (Niagara Motel, sia? Not much, Panych says, but that Queen Elizabeth Theatre This Is Wonderland), as well as Emmy does not mean we should stop talking remind them that Award–winning puppeteer Ronnie about it. something similar Burkett, comedian Jan Derbyshire and “The audience here is largely aware half a dozen others. and on the right side of history,” he is always possible Mackenzie hopes the production says. “But if we can keep our audience here. tickets will jump-start the conversation about aware of the plight of gay people in Russia’s beleaguered gay community. repressive countries, we can remind MORRIS PANYCH, PLAYWRIGHT “This event, for me them that something and for my husband, is similar is always pos- (604) 683-0222 a way for us to fight that NYET sible here. plans. The Nyet show will end with a apathy and that sense Sun, Oct 27, 8pm “As for changing the panel discussion to hash out new ideas. that there’s no hope,” he Granville Island Stage 1585 Johnston St minds of the average Because the production happened so says. “It’s our contribu- Russian living in Russia, fast, Mackenzie says, he never found any tion to trying to keep I don’t see a lot of hope Russian writers for the show. “It was, the momentum going.” on our own,” he says. ‘These are the people we know; these Mackenzie says he has tried to invite “We need to make people here aware are the people who will jump on board.’” a wide range of playwrights, both queer so that they can bring pressure to bear Asked what he hopes to come out of and allied, to sign on. “I’m interested on our government to act internation- his work, Mackenzie groans: “Journal- in creative debate,” he says. “I’m not ally against homophobia.” ists and grant applications always ask interested in us all agreeing with one Mackenzie points to the Stolichnaya me this question. Discussion. Dialogue. another and clapping our hands and Vodka boycott as one example of how Community coming together to hash patting ourselves on the back and say- ordinary people can put pressure on out some of these issues. Open dialogue ing, ‘What a good job, we all believe the Russia. He hopes a continuing con- about what’s going on and ways in same thing.’” versation will germinate new, better which we can aid.”

22 OCT 10–23, 2013 XTRA! VANCOUVER’S GAY & LESBIAN NEWS RezErect co-curator Kwiaahwah Jones, left, with Haida artist Gwaai Edenshaw. SHAUNA LEWIS First Nations erotic art BALLETWALKING MAD BY JOHAN INGER BC WORLD PREMIERES BY EMILY MOLNAR & JORMA ELO VISUAL ART it shows another part of who we are SHAUNA LEWIS as First Nations people.” Mainstream media representations Lesbian love on leather and genitally of native sexuality too often focus on carved limestone are two of the dozens stories of abuse, says Haida artist and of artworks on display at the RezErect co-curator Gwaai Edenshaw. First Nations erotic art exhibition that “It’s within this context of dysfunc- opened Sept 25 at the Bill Reid Gallery tion, and it’s always sort of a painful in Vancouver. story that we hear associated with it, “The words say statements like ‘No and that’s our experience,” he says. “But penis required’ and ‘Lovebirds slop- it’s not the whole of our experience. py and wet,’” says Kwakwaka’wakw/ “Native people have full sexual lives TILT Tlingit artist Corrine Hunt, translating outside of all that hard stuff,” he says. the lesbian narratives in her leather, “I think it’s good to reinforce those wood and metal piece titled Gwa’wina messages.” + Kwikw. Hunt, who is two-spirited, is Edenshaw, who trained under mas- well known for her carving, jewellery ter Northwest Coast artist Bill Reid, and mixed-media artworks. She also has submitted five works of art to the designed the 2010 Vancouver Winter show. His pieces examine aspects Olympic medals. of voyeurism, nudity, group sex and Hunt says she jumped at the oppor- sexual positions through sculptures tunity to be a part of RezErect because carved out of fishing floats, paintings she wanted to help change society’s and other mixed media. perception of First Nations sexuality. Two-spirited references in indig- “I think that there’s a conservative enous art have “been part of our con- idea of what First Nations are like,” sciousness,” Edenshaw says, even if it’s she explains. “You have not blatantly apparent the drunken Indian or REZERECT in some of the art in the you have the hyper-ex- Runs until Sun, Feb 16 exhibit. Bill Reid Gallery OCTOBER 17-19, 2013 otic, can-do-no-wrong 639 Hornby St Tlingit carver Robin type person who’s not Lovelace’s exhibition QUEEN ELIZABETH THEATRE mischievous and who piece is nothing if not doesn’t make mistakes. I want people blatant, celebrating masculine and BALLETBC.COM | TICKETMASTER.CA to consider that we are healthy in feminine energy with a sexually styl- many ways and to show that there is ized limestone carving tool depicting PLATINUM SEASON SPONSOR HOTEL SPONSOR a well-rounded human being in all both a vulva and penis. of this. “To me, this work is not so much MEDIA SPONSOR SUPPORT FOR BALLET BC HAS BEEN GENEROUSLY PROVIDED BY

“To see the art as playful is also about the package. It’s about the en- DANCER DARREN DEVANEY. very important,” she adds, “because ergy. It transcends form,” she says. PHOTO BY MICHAEL SLOBODIAN.

MORE AT DAILYXTRA.COM XTRA! OCT 10–23, 2013 23 NO or ? EST. FLIP TOP BOTTOM Mr. Mattress mattresses are VERSATILE!! 1964 JUST SAY NO Padded on both sides. This means you can FLIP your mattress. Two sides, twice the life.

Sensible Prices s Friendly Service s Zero Pressure 1315 Venables St | 604.255.2113 A+ Rating Since 1975 Dear Le1f Why would an up-and-coming gay rapper’s PR team refuse an interview with Xtra?

ENTER TO WIN BLITZ & SHITZ Raziel poses with Valynne RAZIEL REID Vile and Travis Battaglia at Xtra and Raving Theatre Jerk It. VICTOR BEARPARK bring you the chance to With the emergence of win a pair of tickets to gay rappers like Le1f see My Big Gay Italian and , and straight rap- Wedding, Thursday, Oct pers like ASAP Rocky to support them, 24–Sunday, Nov 3 at The “no homo” has become passé and Cultch, 1895 Venables we’ve officially entered a new “werk St. Winning tickets homo” era. exclude Friday and Le1f is the hipster idol du jour. His Saturday shows. debut EP Dark York and the Tree To enter, send your House Party mixtape deliver some name and phone number to of the best rap of the past year, his [email protected] videos are eccentric and cool, and before Tuesday, Oct 22. his stage presence is in-your-face Some restrictions apply. and undeniable. Often styled with a Only winners will be contacted. weave down to his ass and disco pants so tight they look painted on, he is an unapologetic and refreshing modern force in rap music. He has never attempted to hide his flamboyancies and has so far built a ca- Where reer on celebrating them, so I thought an interview with Xtra would be the Jerk it, pussy boi troubles perfect collaboration. The scenesters But whatever the reason for my being are already gagging, but I hoped to denied access to the up-and-coming Jerk It (a Quinn Peters/Junita Werk melt like talk backstage with Le1f at Celebri- rapper, it’s disappointing, because as experience) has found a home at Oasis lemon drops ties, where he came to perform with we enter this new era of rap, gay media since Pride, leaving its former residence Antwon and Lakutis for the Tree House should be at its forefront. at The Cobalt and helping bring the Party Tour. This is especially important as we see Eastside to the West End with perfor- It didn’t happen. more and more straight artists taking mances by the baddest bitch of East Van the frank theatre company presents His publicist at Biz3 turned down inspiration from gay artists and culture herself, Peach Cobblah, and members my interview request and wouldn’t without giving proper credit, getting of the “Cobalt family,” including my fa- even let me get a picture for this col- rich in the process. Le1f himself has vourite bio-queen Anna Propriette, who umn. He gave no reason, and so I don’t spoken out about ’s hit always proves girls just wanna have fun. ALL IN have one, but I do wonder if this isn’t “.” The weekly Friday party has switched Written & Directed by Jan Derbyshire a continuation of the Adam Lambert/ “That time that straight white dude to a monthly, so you better save that Out magazine fiasco of 2009. ripped off my song then made a video load and Jerk It the third Friday of October 15-17, 2013 To refresh your memory, Out editor- about gay interracial love and made every month. 8 pm (with a 5 pm show Oct 16) in-chief Aaron Hicklin wrote an open a million dollars,” Le1f tweeted, even The first Friday of the month is as- letter to the American Idol runner-up going so far as to call the exploitation signed to the Club La parties, which PAL Studio Theatre over his conditions regarding par- “evil.” commemorate the best in superficial- (581 Cardero St, off West Georgia) ticipation in the magazine’s annual Rapper Mykki Blanco has also criti- ity and self-destruction by honouring “Out 100.” cized the appropriation of gay art by celebs like Lindsay Lohan, Britney According to Hicklin, Lambert’s PR straight artists, calling out Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. That’s still hot! team insisted that the magazine not Spears’s latest single “Work Bitch” as a And for the second and fourth Fri- make him look “too gay” and that he blatant rip-off and attempt to capitalize days of the month, I have finally decid- appear on the cover not solo, but with on her gay fan base. ed to do more than just get messy/write a “straight female” so as not to alienate From Madonna’s “Vogue” to Gaga’s... about getting messy at parties and have his hetero fan base. well, everything, these blonde bitches joined forces with Davie mascots Ber- I don’t know if Le1f’s representatives are shameless in their thievery, which lin M Stiller and Peter Breeze to bring are concerned about marginalizing is why Le1f should have sat down with you Pussyboi, a biweekly glorification his straight audience; that seems un- me so that we could show the world that of fems, twinks and spoiled sluts, with likely to me, given his unabashed self- this is what gay is, this is where it comes DJ Maxwell Maxwell and introducing EmbraceBC expression and lyrics on Dark York, from, and this is where it belongs. Ammonia Moss to the Village. The which highlight his homosexuality. Bitch. gold-digging starts Oct 11.

24 OCT 10–23, 2013 XTRA! VANCOUVER’S GAY & LESBIAN NEWS P-CAN Thanksgiving advance at Little Sister’s, 1238 T-Dance The Pacifi c-Canadian Davie St; $27 door. Association of Nudists hosts an Ron Kearse Reading Local afternoon dance. 3–8pm. 8x6 author Ron Kearse reads from Men’s Club, 1775 Haro St. $15- his new book, Road Without End, $20. Proud sponsor of the about two young men in the WHAT'S ON Bearracuda Hundreds of spring of 1979. 7pm. Little Sister’s, furry faces are expected at 1238 Davie St. Free. FOR MORE EVENT LISTINGS, GO TO DAILYXTRA.COM the closing party of Wildbear Prairie Fairies Fowl Supper TH Lipstick Jungle Ginger62 hosts MEET HERE FOR BUSES TO THE EVENT OCTOBER 19 weekend, featuring DJ John this lesbian lounge every third Junction Pub, 1138 Davie St. LePage (San Fran). 9pm–2am. Thursday, with drag queen Thurs, Oct 10 Five Sixty, 560 Seymour St. Symone and DJ Miss Angel. DJ Deko-ze DJ Deko-ze, $16 advance at , 1148 RUFFwild 2013 MN Events 8pm–2am. Ginger62, 1219 known for his ability to Davie St, or and Steamworks present the Granville St. $6. seamlessly meld genres into vancouver. Wildbear weekend kickoff party. his own signature mixes, “Meat and greet” pre-party, Hershe Bar spins at Liberace. Doors 9pm. DJs Riki Rocket Fri, Oct 18 4–6pm at the , Celebrities Nightclub, 1022 and Jenna J spin at the popular 1167 Davie St. Later, DJ Chris Stutz Friday Yoga Drop-In The Davie St. $10 advance at lesbian party. 10pm–2am. (Chile) spins at RUFFwild. 9pm. Health Initiative for Men off ers Red Room Ultra Bar, 398 The Pint, 455 Abbott St. $16 Richards St. $15 advance at yoga sessions every Friday. The Rocky Horror Picture advance, $21 day-of at Priape, Little Sister’s, 1238 Davie St; Bring your own mat and towel. Show Fighting Chance 1148 Davie St, or Kokopelli, 2052 Commercial Dr; 7–8:15pm. Scotiabank Dance Productions presents the and fl Centre, 677 Davie St. Call 604- kitschy classic about a sweet 488-1001 for more info. Free, but United transvestite and his motley Sat, Oct 12 Big Roger hosts this donations gratefully accepted. crew. 8pm. Runs until Sat, Hustla Turns Two Peach late-night/early-morning party, 1025 DAVIE ST | THEFOUNTAINHEADPUB.COM Oct 26, with midnight shows Cobblah and Bambibot host with DJs Nick Bertossi and Eddie on Oct 12, 19 and 25. Jericho Hustla’s second anniversary, Martinez. Midnight–5am. Gorg- Sat, Oct 19 Arts Centre, 1675 Discovery with performances by Celestial O-Mish, 695 Smithe St. $30 Apocalypstick Join the Queen St. $35, $30 students/ Seasons and Big Dipper. 9pm. advance at Priape, 1148 Davie of East Van, Isolde N Barron, and seniors at The Cobalt, 917 Main St. $15 St; Little Sister’s, 1238 Davie St; special guests Jaylene Tyme, fi advance at Little Sister’s, 1238 and Davie St, and Red Cat Records, Vera Way and Kiki Lawhore for Hedwig and the Angry Inch When your marriage 4332 Main St. Tues, Oct 15 some early Halloween realness. Laughing Monkey Productions, 9pm door. The Cobalt, 917 Main Ghost Light Projects and Carpe Monroe Alyssa Edwards and All In Jan Derbyshire’s new St. $10. Ictus Music present the cult hit DJ DomTop perform at this hot play is inspired by the real- or relationship ends . . . about a girly boy from East Berlin Saturday party. 9pm. Oasis life stories of the diverse Mon, Oct 21 and what he did to become Ultra Lounge, 1240 Thurlow St. participants of this year’s All the internationally ignored $15–20 advance at Priape, 1148 the World’s a Stage. 8pm. PAL Safety Skills for Gay Guys know your RIGHTS and songstress Hedwig. 8pm. Runs Davie St. Theatre, 581 Cardero St. $20 This two-session workshop advance at screamingweenie. focuses on techniques to safely until Sat, Nov 2. The Cobalt Hotel, BlowPony Deviants Dance 917 Main St. $15–45 at hedwig. com. Runs until Thurs, Oct 17. escape an assailant and avoid RESPONSIBILITIES San Francisco queens physical harm. 6:30–8:30pm. VivvyAnne ForeverMore and Men on Men A weekly Gordon Neighbourhood House, Glamamore join BlowPony discussion group for men who Rainbow Refugee Committee 1019 Broughton St. Free. For DJs Airick X, Jay Douglas and have sex with men to explore This information and support more info or to register, email G-Luve. 9:30pm–2am. Astoria the joys and complexities group for LGBT people making [email protected] or Pub, 769 E Hastings St. $5. of not identifying as hetero, refugee claims meets the call 604-488-1001. second Thursday of each with a focus on skills-building month. 7:30pm. Qmunity, 1170 and lively interaction. Every Genderqueer Genderqueer Bute St. Sun, Oct 13 Tuesday, 6:30pm. Gordon is a support group and social -9,, Neighbourhood House, 1019 space for people who identify 0UP[PHS Bizarre Bazaar Some of the Broughton St. outside the male/female binary. Fri, Oct 11 city’s best queens are cleaning The fi rst and third Monday *VUZ\S[H[PVU VML Social The Vancouver out their closets! Tables set Wed, Oct 16 of every month, 6–7:30pm. Men in Leather host their up 3–6pm. , Qmunity, 1170 Bute St. Updates monthly social in the back of 1138 Davie St. $2 to peruse. Bingo for Life Joan-E’s weekly at the PumpJack, for everyone fundraiser for Friends for Life features brilliant prizes, Condom Packing Party Join from the curious to the serious. Truckerdisco An alternative cheap drinks and snappy drag the Health Initiative for Men every 9pm until late. PumpJack disco party for guys, grrls, queens. 8–10pm. Celebrities, other Monday to help package Pub, 1167 Davie St. No cover. homos, str8s and folks of all 1022 Davie St. $10 donation condoms and lube for distribution persuasions. 9pm–2:30am. at door for bingo cards. to gay guys. This social group is AJ’s Café Join other HIV- Electric Owl, 926 Main St. $10 known for its lively conversation positive gay men every Friday door before 10pm, $12 after; $7 and free meals from donors. for this free social gathering/ advance at Little Sister’s, 1238 Sex Tape Davie Street’s 6–9pm. HIM, Room 310, 1033 SCOTT & COMPANY support group sponsored by Davie St; Priape, 1148 Davie St; newest, dirtiest weekly features Davie St. Drop in, or let them Positive Living BC. 3–6pm. The and celebrity sex tapes, spin the know you’re coming by emailing DIVORCE AND FAMILY LAW bottle, dirty dice, strippers and [email protected]. the Wet N Wild Contest. With DJs Adam Dreaddy and Lisa Wed, Oct 23 Serving the LGBTQ community in Metro Vancouver and Delux; hosted by Joey Vanity. the Fraser Valley with commitment, compassion and pride 9pm. Oasis Ultra Lounge, Between the Sheets A 1240 Thurlow St. No cover. free community forum on W. LAURENCE SCOTT, B.A., M.A., LL.B. sexual health for people living with HIV. 6–8pm. Chateau Thurs, Oct 17 Granville, 1100 Granville St. Register at 604-893-2239 or SCOTT & COMPANY Jami Sieber Sounds sexualhealthhiv-es2.eventbrite. %DUULVWHUVDQG6ROLFLWRUV‡)DPLO\/DZ0HGLDWRUV & Furies presents the ca by Oct 20. renowned cellist as she 6XLWH4XD\VLGH'ULYH Bearracuda — Five celebrates the release Gab Youth Drop-In This 1HZ:HVWPLQVWHU%ULWLVK&ROXPELD Sixty, Sun, Oct 13 of her new CD, Timeless. fun, inclusive group for LGBT COURTESY OF BEARRACUDA Doors 7pm, show youth and their allies meets TELEPHONE: (604) 527-8845 7:30pm. Western Front Wednesdays at 4pm and Fridays at 7pm. Qmunity, 1170 Submit your event listing to oitc.vancouver@dailyxtra. Performance Space, 303 East 8th Ave. $22 Bute St. Email gabyyouth@ com. Deadline for the Oct 24-Nov 6 issue is Wed, Oct 16. for more info.

MORE AT DAILYXTRA.COM XTRA! OCT 10–23, 2013 25 A world of gay adventure Travel ‘Gay-friendly’ often means there’s a good men’s scene, but what about the sisters? great destinations for women

AEFA MULHOLLAND 2 New York Where are the best vacation spots for You’ll find vibrant scenes in both gay women? Does gay-friendly also Manhattan and in Brooklyn’s Park mean lesbian-friendly — or will wom- Slope neighbourhood, plus lots more en find themselves the sole sisters in a in between. Grab coffee and maybe sea of men? Here are 10 destinations some admiring glances at the East AEFA MULHOLLAND Clockwise from above: the cozy rooftop oasis at Praktik Metropol hotel in where women will not only find a Village’s Mudspot Café, or linger over Madrid; Berlin’s romantic café scene; the Castro is the lesbian epicentre of San warm welcome, but will also discover literature in Bluestockings feminist Francisco; the lesbian-owned Lobster Pot in Provincetown is always bustling; a wealth of places to meet and mingle bookstore/café on the Lower East folk art at Pioneer Courthouse Square in Portland. with other women, from bars to book- Side. In Manhattan, meet locals at stores to cafés to clubs. the legendary Henrietta Hudson bar, edgier options, such as Babe Cave, are gargantuan women’s events at or make new friends at a backyard happen at the hip Holocene. Savour the Pied, May through mid-October. barbecue at Ginger’s in Park Slope. In cocktails at lesbian-owned Mint. Be Choose accommodation from the 1 San Francisco Williamsburg in Brooklyn, Metropoli- sure to check out stunningly designed array on offer from the Women Inn- San Francisco is still the number-one tan is the main drinking and dancing The Nines hotel, right on Pioneer keepers of Provincetown. getaway for girls. Explore the lesbian- address. Spend the night at 70 Park Square and the MAX light rail. popular Mission, Castro and Bernal Avenue, a chic Murray Hill hotel with Heights neighbourhoods to get a feel a daily free-wine hour. 5 Tokyo for San Francisco’s feminine charms. 4 Provincetown Things seem pretty strait-laced in Miniscule but welcoming Kinswomyn By day, visit lesbian-loved coffeehouse It’s hard not to love laidback P-town, Tokyo. Well, until you encounter is the dowager dyke den here, hav- Dolores Park Cafe. Scene stalwart the 3 Portland the LGBT-adored town at the tip of the Shinjuku Ni-chōme district, that ing lasted longer than all others. The Lexington is the city’s only exclusively The alternative, lesbian-adored Haw- Cape Cod. Streets fill with vacation- is. Sometimes called Ni-chō, it’s the current hottest women’s option is the lesbian bar. With a jukebox, pool thorne neighbourhood is home to ing folks, and you’ll find particularly LGBT epicentre of Japan, with its sleek Motel #203, owned by a legend- table and friendly regulars, it’s a women-owned businesses, bars and high concentrations of community flashing neon, streets awash with peo- ary lesbian club promoter. Be sure good first stop. End your night at abodes, but you’ll find family all over at Spiritus Pizza on Commercial and ple, and hundreds of bars crammed to seek out Gossip, an LGBT café/ the hip Phoenix Hotel in the gritty the city, particularly around the Mis- the lesbian-owned Lobster Pot. The into unlikely spaces, many in what bookstore in Omotesandō; it’s a good Tenderloin district. Crammed with sissippi, Alberta and Burnside areas. section to the left of the parking lot look like office towers. Bars are often place to get online or get information creative types and visiting rock gods Have coffee at Haven, where the mu- at Herring Cove beach is where you’ll no bigger than a spare bedroom. For a about events. In the heart of the Shin- and goddesses, the poolside scene is sic sounds like Lilith Fair on repeat. find the women. Let big names from flirty, friendly, femme crowd, try cor- juku action, straightforward Lonestar one to watch. The E Room — or Egyptian Club — is the women’s comedy scene entertain ner café/bar Advocates, popular with has small rooms that are clean and Portland’s lesbian pub and club, but you at the Crown & Anchor. There a mixed local and international set. convenient.


Spend an afternoon at bookstore/ gallery Violette & Co. Hotel 10 Madrid Beaubourg markets to the LGBT A seriously sexy city to start with, community and provides a perfect Madrid is an amazing mecca for launch pad for saunters along the mujeres. The bars and clubs of LGBT Seine and for exploring the city. neighbourhood Chueca overflow into the streets from early evening, but things don’t really get going until 9 Berlin midnight or later. Head for Plaza de Sometimes it seems that everyone with Chueca and find yourself surrounded even the slightest artistic bent is mov- by women carousing over cocktails ing to Berlin. It makes for a hectic city, and tapas. Truco is one of the busiest where something new is always starting bars, with an under-30 crowd and bingo or try lesbian speed-dating at include Blush, the site of Sunday and there’s always someone who speaks great people-watching tables on the the iconic Imperial in Erskineville. roasts and rambunctious parties in English. The lesbian scene stays fresh plaza. Escape is the most popular After a leisurely dip in the outdoor a secret garden, and mixed LGBT with a seemingly constant supply of dancing destination. Daytime Coogee Women’s Pool and a quick local The Oak. If the weather’s good, new nights and new faces. At the other distractions include the well-stocked AEFA MULHOLLAND pick-me-up at LOTL Espresso Bar, go north to the Hampstead Heath end of things, old-school women’s bar bookstore Libreria Berkana and the run by Sydney’s lesbian magazine women’s pond. Outlet offers short- Begine has been around since the old slew of incredible tapas options at 6 Sydney publisher, lay down your head at Dar- term (or long, if you like) apartment days. More up-to-date antics can be Mercado San Miguel; vermouth on Although the shinier village scene is in linghurst’s stylish Altamount. lets and shares with LGBT folks. encountered at the weekly Mondo Klit tap and gargantuan portions of olives Darlinghurst and adjacent Surry Hills, Rock Club, at Roadrunner’s Paradise, are particular standouts. Stay at chic and the settled ladies love Leichhardt, or at women’s parties at the eclectic boutique bargain Praktik Metropol, Newtown is the neighbourhood to 7 London 8 Paris Sudblock, near the grimy Kottbusser just a few minutes’ walk from the head for if you just want to see girls A thrilling array of bars and clubs A sultry scene spills over the streets Tor U-Bahn station. To relax after all action. The hotel’s two-level roof go by. Grab coffee at lesbian-run cater to London’s boisterous women. around the River Seine. Women flock the excitement, sink into the steam at terrace is perfect for sunning, reading Corelli’s, eat at the women-adored A bold, bright scene centres on to hip Le Sofa for lunch and dinner. the women-only Turkish baths at Scho- or sipping an apéritif. Bank Hotel and drink at Sapphic- Soho, home to the Candy Bar, but Former boulangerie Le Nix is an kofabrik, part of a women’s centre in a central Sly Fox. Just around the head north to the Stoke Newington ideal place to start your soirée before converted chocolate factory. Book into The online version of this story, corner, revisit scenes from Priscilla: neighbourhood to see where many continuing to Gertrude Stein’s old one of the bright, airy rooms at women- on, has links Queen of the Desert at Tuesday’s LGBT London ladies live. Places to play haunt, dance bar Le Rive Gauche. only hotel Artemisia Frauenhotel. to most of the businesses mentioned.

MORE AT DAILYXTRATRAVEL.COM XTRA! OCT 10–23, 2013 27 A world of gay adventure Travel


ANTHONY SINAGOGA, VISIT BUCKS COUNTY Stepping back in time in New Hope Charming Pennsylvania town filled with historical gems ANTHONY SINAGOGA, VISIT BUCKS COUNTY

DANNY GLENWRIGHT England institution that over the years semble performance of “Total Eclipse Clockwise from top left: enjoy stunning fall colours in Bucks County; the attracted dozens of Broadway stars, in- of the Heart” I’ve yet come across. entire town comes out for New Hope’s annual Pride parade in May; dining at There is a scene in the film Mary Pop- cluding Grace Kelly, Bea Arthur, Walter The Raven is everything a small- Marsha Brown, a tasty Creole restaurant in a converted stone church. pins in which the magical nanny clasps Matthau and Angela Lansbury. town gay bar and entertainment com- the hands of the young children in her It’s recently undergone a major reno- plex should be, and a trip there is a one of many ghosts you can track down Bucks County Playhouse charge and jumps with them out of the vation with the help of Tony Award– vacation within a vacation. It boasts an on one of New Hope’s hair-raising eve- dirty streets of London and into a side- winning producer Jed Bernstein, who’s outdoor swimming pool, 10 furnished ning ghost tours, on which you’ll also walk chalk painting. once again helping the theatre bring in hotel rooms, a piano bar, an award- surely meet some of the town’s more 1870 Wedgwood Inn — The group find themselves in a bu- big names. Its 2013 summer season saw winning restaurant, cute barkeeps colourful living characters. Aaron Burr House colic wonderland of wooden bridges, Tyne Daly tread the boards in the world and, of course, a gaggle of lovable drag Look out for Marsha Brown, the horse-drawn carriages and bubbling premiere of Terrence McNally’s Moth- queens. All that’s missing is a gay sauna. Southern-belle owner of the eponymous New Hope Celebrates brooks. It is not unlike New Hope, a ers and Sons. But if you’re looking to be horizontal Creole kitchen and lounge, which was tiny anachronistic tourist hamlet an New Hope has long been a destination after a long day exploring, don’t fret — built into a 125-year-old converted stone hour’s drive from the unsightly indus- for artsy types from surrounding cities, New Hope has many options. Start with church on New Hope’s Main Street. The Raven trial suburbs of Philadelphia. A journey and tourism remains its bread and but- the Wedgwood Collection of Historic Marsha Brown’s pricey seafood dishes to the Pennsylvania town of 2,500, ter. We were there for the 10th instal- Inns, three quaint guesthouses run are worth every penny — especially the Marsha Brown which the local Bucks County tourism lation of its annual Pride, New Hope lovingly by Carl Glassman and Nadine stuffed lobster — and its knowledge- restaurant bureau refers to as an “eclectic commu- Celebrates, an event that attracts gays Silnutzer. I lodged at the Victorian able servers are eager to go “off menu” nity,” is as intriguing (and gay) as any from across the region, including from Aaron Burr House, a Dutch clapboard for those who want to experiment with jolly holiday Mary has to offer. Lambertville, New Jersey, which is di- the couple revived in 1990. Ask Nadine their own Creole combinations. Don’t New Hope ghost tours My travelling companions and I rectly across the river from New Hope. (who’s a great resource for information forget to also savour the church’s origi- called New Hope “unbearably cute” — Each May, the denizens of what is about New Hope) to sample her home- nal stained-glass windows and other not because it’s actually intolerable, surely the Keystone State’s most queer- made liqueur and peanut butter cook- artwork, especially the striking Redemp- but more due to the endearing charm friendly square mile line New Hope’s ies while she regales you with stories tion, a 12-by-6-metre mural of St George that oozes from each of its historic at- main drag for the parade and to catch a about the ghost of the United States’ hunting lions by Russian artist Valeriy tractions. At the top of this list is the glimpse of Miss Pumpkin, arguably its third vice-president, Aaron Burr, who Belenikin that would be equally at home Bucks County Playhouse, a celebrated star attraction. The stout drag queen is is said to hang out on the home’s sec- in the Philadelphia Museum of Art. theatre that dates back to the 1930s. the putative leader of a motley group of ond floor. (I chose a room on the main That’s the thing about when you’re in That’s when a group of local artists queens who call New Hope home. After floor just to be safe.) New Hope, just like when you’re with teamed up to convert what was then the parade, our group stumbled to the Burr took refuge at the house after Mary Poppins: suddenly you’re in plac- a crumbling grist mill on the banks of local homo hangout, The Raven, where killing Alexander Hamilton, the coun- es you never dreamed of. A weekend the Delaware River into a functional a delightfully soused Miss Pumpkin and try’s first treasury secretary, in a famous in this quirky little town is a very jolly playhouse. The theatre was soon a New her posse executed the best drag en- 1804 duel in nearby New Jersey. His is holiday indeed.

28 OCT 10–23, 2013 XTRA! VANCOUVER’S GAY & LESBIAN NEWS discover black rock

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MORE AT DAILYXTRA.COM XTRA! OCT 10–23, 2013 29 A world of gay adventure Travel

City of Tel Aviv launches free municipal WiFi Visitors to Tel Aviv can smartphones with bandwidths now access free WiFi of at least 20 MB. connections in 80 lo- The Wall Street Jour- cations throughout the nal has previously hailed Tel city. The initiative is part Aviv as one of the “three most of a new project by Tel Aviv innovative cities in the world.” Municipality. Locales include the city’s For more information about tourism Mediterranean promenade, Yarkon to Israel, visit Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai Park and Old Jaff a, as well as checks out the city’s WiFi Dizengoff Square, Hilton Beach and For the most up-to-date travel connectivity. (GOISRAEL.COM) major city streets. The service is information on gay Tel Aviv, visit accessible via computers, tablets or

Maya Angelou to speak MontrealMY at summit on Olivia cruise Maya Angelou — celebrated author, educator, actor, historian, fi lmmaker and civil rights activist (the list goes on) — will be the keynote speaker on Olivia Travel’s fl oating Equality and Leadership Summit in February. The summit will take place during a seven-day eastern Caribbean cruise, Feb 1 to 8, 2014, aboard the Holland America MS Westerdam. “This year we have already seen groundbreaking progress for LGBT rights and equality, and we felt the Eva B is part vintage store, part theatre, part café. EVA-B.CA time was right to hold a gathering with infl uential women whose words and actions carry a powerful message of leadership and success,” says Judy Dlugacz, Olivia Travel’s founder and The place to B president. “By having Dr Angelou lead the From must-attend events to hidden ant mass of clothes where customers summit as our keynote speaker, fol- gems off the beaten path, My Montreal can take off their shoes and jump in lowed by messages of strength from gets the inside scoop from local to dig for treasures. You know you’ve our other invited guests, we are ex- residents about what not to miss when found it when you see Michael Jack- pecting that the 1,900 women who will visiting the city. In this installment, we son dangling his baby from their be taking part in the cruise will leave asked photographer Nick Bostick to third-storey window.” invigorated and inspired to take on the Maya Angelou will be part of Olivia Travel's Equality and Leadership summit. name a favourite city haunt. Located at 2015 St Laurent Blvd, world in new ways,” Dlugacz says. DWIGHT CARTER Eva B is open Monday–Saturday, Angelou will join a roster of Florida Congresswoman and chair of winning Indigo Girls and comedians “Eva B is a magical place. Part vin- 11am–9pm; Sunday, noon–7pm. more than a dozen notable guests, the Democratic National Committee; Judy Gold and Karen Williams. tage store, part theatre, part café — Visit for more information. including civil rights pioneer Edie and Kate Kendell, executive director well, it’s a lot of things. The owners Windsor, whose court challenge led of the National Center for Lesbian For more information on the 2014 are constantly reworking the space For more in this series, to the defeat of the Defense of Mar- Rights. Featured entertainers on the Equality and Leadership Summit cruise and changing stuff around. They go to and riage Act; Debbie Wasserman Schultz, cruise include the Grammy Award– or other Olivia off erings, visit recently turned one room into a gi- search for “My Montreal.”

30 OCT 10–23, 2013 XTRA! VANCOUVER’S GAY & LESBIAN NEWS DAVID TUNG PREMIER REALTY Real Selling Homes In Our Community for Over 20 Years 604.805.0825 | WWW.DAVIDTUNG.COM P rofessional VOTED BEST REALTOR Estate Xtra! Reader’s Poll R esponsive Top 10% of all Lower Mainland Knowledge, experience and advice for all your real estate needs I n Touch Realtors - 17 years Former Gay & Lesbian Business Xtra’s D ependable Association Board Director Dave Kenny E thical Donates 5% of commissions to your favourite charity upon purchase guide of a new home (604) 788-7706 Award-winning service to the Gay and to the ,ESBIAN#OMMUNITYFOROVERYEARS lucrative Re/Max Real Estate Services 0HONEs&AX gay & New Listing! 4OLL&REEsIAN IANHOLTCOM lesbian Top Producing Agents & Team Royal LePage City Centre Just Sold in 11 Days! True Waterfront Mike and Will Team Under 1M!



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Great Value City-View Decks New York Loft Olympic Village Real Estate 707 1010 Howe PH3401 1255 Seymour 213 1177 Hornby 403 138 W 1st We help both 1 bed, 1 bath 2 bed, 2.5 bath 1 bed, 1 bath Junior 1 bedroom Buyers and Sellers 10 FT ceilings 2-level penthouse Exposed pipes Brand NEW Modern interior 270 degree views Sleek renovation South facing balcony Give us a call to Central Downtown Central Yaletown Great building Premium finishings see how we can PROFILE Parking & a locker 3 Parking & a locker 2 lockers Best Value in area! be of help to you. RECENTLY SOLD! 2401-1020 HARWOOD ST. $339,000 $1.438M $364,900 $300,000 More listings and information online at JUST SOLD… MULTIPLE OFFERS… FULL PRICE!

This Buyer realized the potential for long term equity growth for this particular location – because every property’s Susan location is unique. When looking for a property, whether for investment or Cameron owner-occupancy, you should research the surrounding buildings, commercial LISTED: amenities, neighborhood features, as well as any future community and Bringing you home... $1,538,000 commercial plans for new development. You don’t want any surprises! This with pride! SOLD: neighborhood will not only enjoy the $1,538,000 benefits of the city’s implementation of () . its community plan, but will also benefit ™ 3 Bed from new adjacent developments currently in the works… making this ™ 2 Bath property more desirable as these ™ 1844 Sq.ft. developments materialize. TO ADVERTISE Dave Kenny - (604) 788-7706 CALL 604-684-9696 PREMIER REALTY

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