Joann Gulizio
JOANN GULIZIO 4515 Avenue G, Unit B Department of Classics Office: (512) 471-5742 Austin, TX 78751 University of Texas at Austin Home: (512) 524-0160 Austin, TX 78712 Cell: (843) 214-6645 AREAS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Greek Archaeology Ancient Greek Religion Linear B Studies Mycenaean Ceramic Studies Minoan and Mycenaean Religion Latin Pedagogy EDUCATION University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX Ph.D. in Classical Archaeology, 2011 Dissertation: Mycenaean Religion at Knossos M.A. in Classics, 2000 Thesis: Hermes and Ares in the Linear B Texts: The Continuity of their Cult from the Bronze Age to the Classical Period B.A. in Classics, 1998 Honor’s Thesis : Handmade Burnished Ware and the LH IIIB2/IIIC Early Transitional Phase American School of Classical Studies, Athens, Greece Regular Member, Bert Hodge Hill Fellow, 2002–2003 New York University, New York, NY B.A. in Classical Archaeology, 1993 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE University of Texas at Austin, Department of Classics Lecturer: 2013–Present College of Charleston, Department of Classics Special Adjunct Instructor: 2007–2013 University of Texas at Austin, Department of Classics Assistant Instructor: 2001–2007 Distance Education Instructor: 2004–2006 Teaching Assistant: 2000–2001 Research Assistant, Program in Aegean Scripts and Prehistory: 1999 PUBLICATIONS AND CONFERENCES Edited Book KE-RA-ME-JA: Studies Presented to Cynthia W. Shelmerdine, (co-edited with Dimitri Nakassis and Sarah James). INSTAP Academic Press, (in press). Book Chapters Chapter 6: “The Pottery,” (co-authored with Cynthia W. Shelmerdine). In Iklaina I: The Archaeological Survey, edited by Michael Cosmopoulos, (in progress). Appendix: “The Catalogue of Sites,” (co-authored with Michael Cosmopoulos, Jennifer Glaubius and Cynthia W.
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