[email protected] Dutch Architects Register, #1.01070-1.022 1971 Born in Kulmbach, Germany 1991 - 1998 Technical University Karlsruhe, Germany / Student 1994 - 1995 Erasmus exchange programme University TTKK Tampere, Finland / Student 1999 - 2001 OMA/AMO, Rotterdam / Senior architect 2006 - 2008 PhD candidate, metropolitan and regional design, TU Delft, The Netherlands / Researcher 2001 - ... Artgineering, Rotterdam / Director and co-founder 2013 - 2014 Akademie der Bildenden Künste, IKA / Wien, Oosterrijk / Univ. Professor, Roland Rainer Chair 2014 - ... Artgineering, Brussels / Director and co-founder 2015 - ... Embassador of the Dutch Cycle Embassy TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2015 Master tutor International Masterclass ‘Bridges’ Brussles, VUB and ULB Teacher and co-organizer International Summerschool Arnhem Academy of Architecture Teacher Citylab Arnhem Academy of Architecture 2014 Professor Architecture Roland Rainer Chair Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, IKA Teacher and co-organizer International Summerschool Konstanz 2013 Professor Architecture Roland Rainer Chair Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, IKA Coordinator specialisation ‘Context’ Arnhem Academy of Architecture Teacher Stehgreif msa Münster Teacher ‘Research by Design’ Rotterdam Academy of Architecture 2012 Coordinator specialisation ‘Context’ Arnhem Academy of Architecture Co-curator exhibition ‘Smart Cities’ IABR, NAI Rotterdam Rotterdam South Research Safari MaHKU Utrecht 2011 Coordinator specialisation ‘Context’ Arnhem Academy of Architecture Visiting lecturer,