Robert Forczyk | 288 pages | 24 May 2016 | Pen & Sword Books Ltd | 9781783462780 | English | South Yorkshire, United Kingdom Tank Warfare on the Eastern Front 1943-1945: Red Steamroller PDF Book

I knew he was chain-smoking cigarettes in his turret, peering through his primary daylight sight and laughing at the stupidity of it all. Speer was also able to get forced labor from the occupied countries. Make no mistake, unless the reader is genuinely interested in the subject and has necessary prior knowledge needed to appreciate the detail and absorb the contents, this book will with all probability be a horribly dry read. The 2. Malyshev had worked wonders during the industrial evacuations of and jump-starting tank production at Chelyabinsk and Nizhniy Tagil. Like Stalingrad, German losses in North Africa were per cent of equipment. There's a problem loading this menu at the moment. The main German tank, the Pz IV Ausf G, was being out-built 6—1 by its main competitor, the T; this production imbalance handicapped the Panzer-Divisionen on the Eastern Front since they were always fighting at a huge numerical disadvantage. The way to the Dnepr River was open. Top reviews from United Kingdom. By mid-February , von Manstein would be forced to conduct counter-attacks with Heer Panzer-Divisionen that had been reduced to fewer than a dozen operational tanks and this tended to become increasingly commonplace throughout much of You already recently rated this item. What a bland boring account of an exciting war. All the German vehicles were white-washed to blend in with the snow. Gunnery training was particularly deficient and handed a major advantage to German tankers. When I read about single German Panther or Tiger tanks in —44 engaging masses of T tanks and destroying a dozen of them, I think back to my own experiments with armoured mass versus armoured firepower. Print version: Forczyk, Robert. Then the gunner would adjust the elevation and deflection knobs on his primary sight, to put the gun tube and sight in synch, followed by a zeroing fire with 3—5 rounds. A large part of the problem was Popov himself, who was a drunk and frequently negligent commander. In January , south of Lake Ilmen, the 16th German Army clashed with the Morozov's 11th Soviet Army for possession of the strategic Russian city of StelaiaIn this battle, which has gone almost unnoticed in studies of the Eastern Front, Tank Warfare on the Eastern Front 1943-1945: Red Steamroller Writer

For their part, 1. The Tigers were camouflaged with whitewash, but were noisy enough to be heard at a distance. Advanced Search Find a Library. However, Hollidt had to commit all his available armour to hold both his left and right flanks, leaving only the threadbare It is slightly dry in places - but not to the level of David Glanz. Guderian favored focusing on boosting Pz IV production to at least per month and delaying the introduction of the Panther until it was thoroughly tested and its technical defects remedied. This was the first time that the Leningrad Front had managed to get a significant number of tanks across the Neva. Altogether, the Hungarian 2nd Army was supported by about Axis tanks and 40 assault guns, in the following units:. Normally, replacement tanks were sent in small groups, usually 10—20, to specific Panzer-Divisionen. At Fort Knox, we got to compare both tanks on a daily basis and I came away with the impression that the M1 is better suited to offensive warfare speed, firepower, protection , but the M60A3 is probably a better defensive tank better fuel economy with its diesel engine. In terms of support, the tank battalion was authorized a man supply platoon, which was supposed to have 13 trucks including three for fuel and two for ammunition. Combat experience from the 67th Army shows that the employment of tank units had major deficiencies that resulted in unjustifiable heavy losses of tanks. Few Westerners are aware of Rokossovsky, Vatutin and Meretskov, who were just as effective as Zhukov, if not more so. Panzer-Division on 16 January. Shortages of copper and rubber also made it difficult to increase tank production; Germany imported most of its copper and a large percentage of it went for ammunition production, but each Pz IV required kg of copper. Order No. The tide of the war had turned. A typical training battalion had about 1, students and staff, while the training regiments had over 4, trainees. In a four-hour action, the Soviet tankers destroyed two companies of German infantry and killed the battalion commander of I. But if you fulfill these criteria, then this book will be priceless for you! I learned a great deal about operating, fixing and breaking tanks that I never could have learned from a book. Initially, the German attacks achieved little, due to the difficulty of manoeuvreing through deep snow and inadequate support. Consequently, the Don Front did not have a significant numerical superiority over the 6. Infanterie-Division to protect Belgorod. For my money, the men who held the Wehrmacht together for so long — the real talent — were Model, Hube, Nehring and a host of mid-level officers who are almost unknown today. As the threat of unexpected Allied amphibious landings increased throughout , Hitler directed that a Panzer-Reserve would be created to cover contingencies in Western Europe. A few surviving Romanian battle groups were still at the front, but their combat value was minimal. Show all links. My main criticisms are a lack of good maps and the seemingly rushed ending in which and were dealt with in just some 40 pages. I was told that the Soviets were concerned that troops might try to sabotage their vehicles to avoid combat apparently this was a common occurrence in early WW2 , so even basic maintenance had to be done at depot level. On 6 February, Hitler finally authorized Model to evacuate the Rzhev salient, although the operation would not begin until 1 March. Three days after the Tigers moved by rail, the Soviet 55th Army launched a major attack against the Spanish Blue Division Moskalenko was a veteran commander who had led the 1st Tank Army in July-August and now he was provided with plenty of veteran infantry and supporting troops. Panzer-Division to deal with the crisis on his left flank. Similar Items. In , 1V. As a tanker, running out of fuel is a traumatic event. When Zhukov went front to front as a representative, he had an aide or two, but no staff with him. By , after the catastrophic German defeat at Stalingrad, the Wehmacht s panzer armies gradually lost the initiative on the Eastern Front. Write a review Rate this item: 1 2 3 4 5. Tank Warfare on the Eastern Front Red Steamroller , the follow-up to the book Tank Warfare on the Eastern Front Schwerpunkt , hit the bookstores this past week. In the south, the collapse of XXIV Panzerkorps forced the Axis forces to abandon Starobelsk and retreat behind the Donets River; this unfortunate formation lost two more commanders between 20—21 January. In this sector that was over km wide, von Manstein had Armee-Abteilung Lanz with the Gruppe Kreysing, consisting of 6, German troops from the 3. Tank Warfare on the Eastern Front 1943-1945: Red Steamroller Reviews

Gruppe Hollidt then fell back to the Mius River, where it established a solid front for the rest of the winter. Boris Kavalerchik. In January the tank regiment consisted of either 32 T and seven T or 21 KV-series heavy tanks. Instead, the Tigers knocked out 13 Soviet tanks and several artillery pieces. Why was German tank production decisively out-stripped by Soviet tank production? After this, the battle began to slow down as Rokossovsky shifted toward more deliberate tactics, relying upon his superior artillery to decide the issue. He decided to split the reinforcements, sending all the Tigers to assist Hoth and 7. In Kassel, the Henschel plant, the sole manufacturer of the Tiger tank, continued to devote two-thirds of its production space to the construction of locomotives, not tanks. Fewer types of tank were built than during the wartime period, but Lots of unit designation, town and river names, orders of battles and a narrative dedicated one hundred percent to analysis of events at operational level. Product Details Table of Contents. As the threat of unexpected Allied amphibious landings increased throughout , Hitler directed that a Panzer- Reserve would be created to cover contingencies in Western Europe. The day after Vasiliy Krysov finished school, on 22 June , Germany attacked the Soviet Union and provoked a war of unparalleled extent and cruelty. Sep 21, Les rated it really liked it Shelves: great-patriotic-war. Saving Private Ryan no mention of bocage! Soviet industry had developed the ZIS halftrack based upon the ZIS-5 truck and the GAZ halftrack in the mids, but only about 1, were built before the German invasion and most were lost in the first year of the war. Panzer-Division tanks just arriving from France and 2. We even tried dismounting with a few troops and low-crawling with an AT-4 light anti-tank weapon, but we were spotted and the adversary fired upon us with his. You are commenting using your Twitter account. Good job and we'll written. After three years of operating well below capacity, the Third Reich finally got serious about increasing its tank production output after the reality of the Stalingrad debacle began to sink in. German gunnery training was very advanced and began with training gunners to conduct a proper boresight of the main gun. Ashley rated it really liked it Dec 05, Nevertheless, if German theatre logistics had been adequate, this approach might have sufficed. Brigade size and smaller tank units could be consumed in a single action, which often caused Soviet offensive pulses to lose momentum at critical moments. Bottom line, the Germans knew that the Red Army had a new heavy tank but the handbook stated that existing anti-tank weapons could still handle it. Rather, these men usually had the advantage of prior combat service, often in tanks, although some candidates came from other branches as well. Kuznetsov thought he could pry the 7. However, definitely the best unbiased and researched Eastern front book concerning I have yet read. Even the heretofore reliable V2 diesel engine suffered an increased rate of failures and tests in indicated that the mean-time-between-failure for the engine was —km instead of the design specification of 1,km. In , the Red Army had six different kinds of armoured units with a variety of missions committed on the Eastern Front:. For decades, the Eastern Front literature has essentially been sub-divided into Barbarossa, Stalingrad, Kursk and Berlin. Author picks up the story where he left it off in first volume and starts with coverage of the end of 6th Army at Stalingrad and simultaneous German retreat from Caucasus toward Rostov. However, the introduction of the Tiger and Panther complicated the spare parts situation again. Rommel recommended pulling these veteran troops back to mainland Europe where they could be re-equipped and provide a formidable mobile reserve for Western Europe. Panzer-Division to envelopment. When Zhukov went front to front as a representative, he had an aide or two, but no staff with him. These two volumes are not intended to be a comprehensive chronological account of every action involving armour in four years of conflict, which would require many more volumes. South of the Hungarian 2nd Army, the remnants of the Italian continued to hold a sector along the Don. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Out in front was General-major Trofim I. Allow this favorite library to be seen by others Keep this favorite library private. Taken together, the shift to reliance upon heavily-armoured and up-gunned tanks like the Panther and Tiger meant that previous German mobile tactics became impractical; these tanks could not slash cross-country, covering up to km in a day, and would have to rely upon shock effect rather than manoeuvre.

Tank Warfare on the Eastern Front 1943-1945: Red Steamroller Read Online

Shopbop Designer Fashion Brands. Top notch analysis. Although the 2nd Shock Army had tanks including 83 T and about 20 KV-1 in its four tank brigades, one guards tank regiment and four OTBs, it could only employ company-size detachments of armour due to the marshy, restricted terrain. General-leytenant Ivan A. Without a reserve of spares, natural attrition meant that German Panzer-Divisionen at the front could not be kept at authorized strength levels. Even the heretofore reliable V2 diesel engine suffered an increased rate of failures and tests in indicated that the mean- time-between-failure for the engine was —km instead of the design specification of 1,km. Guderian also, was really only influential in the period September December and thereafter held no commands. The Soviet T was not much of a tank but in this terrain, it was worth more than a road- bound Tiger since it could manoeuvre across the frozen marshland without bogging down. Armee was trying to hold too much terrain with too few troops and the only logical solution was to withdraw into a tighter perimeter, but Hitler would not accept even modest tactical adjustments at this point of a losing battle. The E-mail Address es field is required. Typically, the Germans moved Panthers by rail whenever they could, even short distances. Members save with free shipping everyday! The way to the Dnepr River was open. Tanks may be strong on the armored offense, but they seem even more powerful on the 'shoot-and-scoot' defense. Panzer-Division tanks just arriving from France and 2. Early in the war, the NKO had raided tank schools to harvest trained cadre for front-line service, which greatly impacted the quality of training in Panzer-Division and the 7. Soviet intelligence did help decide where best to strike, like against the Romanians near Stalingrad, but was never decisive. Up to November , the Red Army had spent more time retreating than advancing and had been able to rely upon resupply from nearby railheads. One example was year-old Leutnant der Reserve d. However, that perception began to change when Commonwealth forces conducted the Dieppe Raid in August , which included landing part of a battalion of Churchill tanks. A typical training battalion had about 1, students and staff, while the training regiments had over 4, trainees. In three tense days of action, the Tigers knocked out 40 Soviet tanks and helped to shut down the Soviet offensive. Lobanov formed a composite tank group from five separate tank units. What other items do customers buy after viewing this item? Armee was surrounded at Stalingrad and the relief operation had failed, it became increasingly clear to even Hitler and his inner circle that Germany was facing a real crisis and needed to quickly restore its combat power on the Eastern Front as well as preparing for the increased likelihood of a Western Front. For short periods of time, the Germans demonstrated that they could defeat Soviet mass, but echeloned offensive operations enabled the Red Army to conduct protracted offensives that gradually exhausted a German-style defence. This major study of the greatest tank war in history is compelling reading. The attack on Stavropol was noteworthy as the first major combat experience of the Tiger tank on the Eastern Front and the first time that the Germans encountered the new-style Soviet mechanized corps on the defence. At the operational and tactical level. Von Kleist had successfully completed a difficult km-long winter withdrawal under extremely unfavourable conditions and saved over , of his troops to fight again another day. Panzer-Division and Get to Know Us. https://files8.webydo.com/9585872/UploadedFiles/71A0DE75-16C8-E957-4854-E3757E7F512E.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9585518/UploadedFiles/A6944973-7236-71EF-8618-9F50079CEE94.pdf https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/26d6ee02-3709-47e8-b962-e00b456d4f56/i-married-you-740.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9585661/UploadedFiles/5A236BC4-A483-4BB4-0432-A399C6B07127.pdf