Before the Judge of the County- Court of Brecknockshire, Holden At
891 Manufacturers, under the firm of Brierley, Smithson, and John Bennet, formerly of Bold-place, in Liverpool, in the Company (sued with the said Thomas Jackson Stubbs). county of Lancaster, afterwards of Bedford-street, Tox- Thomas Jackson Stubbs, late a lodger at No. 3, Olive- teth-park, at Liverpool aforesaid, and afterwards of grove, Chapman-street, Great Jackson-street, Hulme, and Wellington-road, in Toxteth-park aforesaid, Book-keeper occupying a Warehouse, No. 34, Booth-street, Mosley- and Accountant street, both in Manchester, Lancashire, in copartnership Thomas Adamson, formerly residing in Hunter-street, •with John Barlow Brierley and Sidney Smithson, as Silk Liverpool, in the county of Lancaster, and occupying a Manufacturers, under the firm of Brierley, Smithson, and Shop in Dale-street, Liverpool aforesaid, Saddler and Company (sued with the said John Barlow Brierley). Harnessmaker, afterwards in Dale-street, Liverpool Sidney Smithson, formerly of Oxford-street, Manchester, aforesaid, then in Seaforth, near Liverpool aforesaid, at Tailor and Draper, and late of Booth-street, Chorlton- the same time occupying a Shop and Beer-house, in Dale- upon-Medlock, Manchester, and carrying on business at street, Liverpool aforesaid, Saddler, Harnessmaker, and . No. 34, Booth-street, Mosley-street, Manchester, all in Beerhouse Keeper, afterwards near Bedford-place, and Lancashire, in copartnership with John Barlow Brierley then in Bedford-place, Bootle, near Liverpool aforesaid, and Thomas Jackson Stubbs, as Silk Manufacturers, and late of Douglas-street, Kirkdale, Liverpool aforesaid, under the firm of Brierley, Smithson, and Company. out of business. John Augustine Jackson, formerly of Red-bank, and occu- John Dean, late of Pollard-street, Manchester, in the county pying Park-street Works, Red-bank aforesaid, all in Man- of Lancaster, Grocer, Tea, Coffee, Provision Dealer, chester, Lancashire, Screw and Bolt Manufacturer, and and Greengrocer, and a part of the time whilst residing late of Red-bank aforesaid, out of business.
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