CELEBRATION ‘Pastors of souls must realise that when liturgy is celebrated, something more is required than the observance of the laws governing valid and lawful celebration. It is their duty also to ensure that the faithful take part, fully aware of what they are doing, actively engaged in the rite and enriched by it.’ (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Para 11) ‘The celebration of the Eucharist, and the entire liturgy, is carried out by the use of outward signs. By these signs faith is nourished, strengthened and expressed. It is thus very important to select and arrange the forms and elements proposed by the Church, which, taking into account individual and local circumstances, will best foster active and full participation and promote the spiritual welfare of the faithful.’ (General Instruction of the Roman Missal No. 5) Order of Divine Office and Mass Compiled, edited and © 2009 by Rev. John Ealey LITURGICAL YEAR 1st SUNDAY OF ADVENT, 29th NOVEMBER, 2009 — 27th NOVEMBER, 2010 In 2010, there are 33 weeks of ORDINARY TIME Of these 6 are before Lent, 11th January — 16th February The remainder commence the day after Pentecost 24th May, the 8th week — 27th November LECTIONARY CYCLE SUNDAYS and MAJOR FEASTS: YEAR C FERIAL WEEKDAYS of ORDINARY TIME: YEAR II DIVINE OFFICE Vol. 1 1st Sunday of Advent, 29th November — 16th February Vol. 2 Ash Wednesday to Pentecost Sunday 17th February — 23rd May Vol. 3 Week 8 of Ordinary Time, 24th May — end of Ordinary Time 27th November

1 ABBREVIATIONS Adv: Advent Ant(s): Antiphon(s) Ap. App: Apostle. Apostles B: Cr: Creed Comm: Common Cps: Companions D: Doctor E.P: Eucharistic Prayer Ev. Pr: Evening Prayer G: Gospel GIRM: General Instruction of the Roman Missal GILH: General Instruction on the Liturgy of the Hours Gl: ‘Glory to God ...’ L1, L2: First and Second Reading at Mass LY: General Norms for the Liturgical Year and the Calendar (Roman Missal). M. M M: Martyr. Martyrs N. Pr: Night Prayer P: p. pp: page. pages Pf: Preface pr: Proper Ps(s): Psalm(s) R.M: Roman Missal V: Virgin Wk: Week TABLE SHOWING WHEN RITUAL MASSES; MASSES FOR VARIOUS NEEDS; VOTIVE MASSES; AND MASSES FOR THE DEAD, ARE PERMITTED AND WHEN THEY ARE PROHIBITED a) Ritual Masses are related to the celebration of certain sacraments and sacramentals. b) Masses for Various Needs occur either occasionally or at fixed times. c) Votive Masses of the Mysteries of the Lord, or in honour of Mary and the saints, may be freely chosen in accord with the piety of the faithful. SYMBOL (in the table which follows) R1 = a) Ritual Masses. b) Masses for Various Needs and Votive Masses as the order or with the permission of the local Ordinary for a serious need or for a pastoral advantage. R2 = Masses for Various Needs and Votive Masses appropriately chosen at the discretion of the priest or the celebrant himself, because of some genuine need or for a pastoral advantage. R3 = Masses for Various Needs and Votive Masses chosen by the celebrating priest in accord with the piety of the faithful. D1 = Funeral Mass. D2 = Mass for the Dead, on learning of the death; on the occasion of the final burial; and on the first anniversary. D3 = ‘Daily’ Masses for the Dead. (Note: when D1 and D2 or not permitted, obviously D3 is also prohibited).

2 For Ritual Masses see Roman Missal pp. 752-788. For Masses for Various Needs and Occasions see Roman Missal pp. 789-852. For Votive Masses see Roman Missal pp. 854-870. For Funeral Masses and Masses for the Dead see Roman Missal pp. 872-909. There should be frequent use of all the above Masses when opportune. + = permitted - = prohibited

1HolydaysofObligation R1- D1- 2 The Sundays of Advent, Lent and Easter R1- D1- 3 The Easter Triduum and Maundy Thursday R1- D1- 4SolemnitiesnotofobligationandAllSoulsDay R1- D1+ 5 Ash Wednesday, and Mon., Tues. & Wed. of Holy Week R1- D1+ 6 Days within the Octave of Easter R1- D1+ 7 Sundays of Christmastide and Sundays of Ordinary Time R1+ R2- D1+ D2- 8 Feasts R1+ R2- D1+ D2- 9 Days of Advent from 17th to 24th December R1+ R2- D1+ D2+ 10 Days within the Octave of Christmas Day R1+ R2- D1+ D2+ 11 Days of Lent R1+ R2- D1+ D2+ 12 Obligatory Memorials R1+ R2+ D1+ D2+ 13 Days of Advent up to 16th December R1+ R2+ D1+ D2+ 14 Days of Christmastide from 2nd January R1+ R2+ D1+ D2+ 15 Days of Eastertide R1+ R2+ D1+ D2+ 16 Ordinary Days (ferials) R1+ R2+ R3+ D1+ D2+ D3+

MASSES WITH CHILDREN AND CHILDREN AT THE PARISH MASS For the see the ‘Directory on Children’s Masses’ (CTS/Do 459) and ‘The Parish Mass’ (CTS) prepared by the Liturgical Commission of the Bishop’s Conference.

3 DATES OF MOVABLE CELEBRATIONS 1st Sunday of Advent 2009 …………………………..…...... ………...…………….... 29th Nov Holy Family ………………………………………….....……………………………… 27th Dec Epiphany…………………………………………………………..…………………… 3rd Jan Baptism of the Lord …………………………………...... ……………………..…..….. 10th Jan Ash Wednesday ………………………………..…...... …..……...…..……………..…... 17th Feb Palm Sunday ……………………………………….....………………..….……...……. 28th Mar Easter Sunday ……………………………………...... ………………………..…….....…. 4th Apr Ascension Day …………………….………………...... ……...…………...…...….….. 16th May Pentecost Sunday ………………………………….....……………..……..……….... 23rd May Trinity Sunday ……………………………………...... ……………..……….…………. 30th May Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ ……………...... ……………..……....….….… 6th Jun Sacred Heart of Jesus ………………………………...... ……….…..…..…..….….... 11th Jun Christ the King ………………………………………...... ………………………..……. 21st Nov 1st Sunday of Advent 2010 …………………………...... …..…………..…..…… 28th Nov

HOLYDAYS OF OBLIGATION 2010 Saints Peter and Paul (Tue) 29th Jun Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Sun) 15th Aug AllSaints (Sun) 31stOct Christmas Day (Sat) 25th Dec

4 CALENDAR CHANGES 2010 According to the rules set out by the ’ Conference 1985 there is one transferred Holyday of Obligation in 2010 The solemnity of All Saints is transferred from Monday 1st November to Sunday 31st October. The National Calendar for England, which was approved by our Bishops’ Conference in 1993, received the recognitio from the in June 2000. The changes to our calendar, which this National Calendar makes, are incorporated in the pages of this Ordo, viz: JANUARY 12 AELRED OF RIEVAULX, abbot (opt. mem.) 19 WULSTAN, bishop (opt. mem.) APRIL 23 GEORGE, martyr, patron of England (raised to Solemnity) 24 ADALBERT, bishop and martyr (opt. mem.) 29 CATHERINE OF SIENA, virgin and doctor of the Church, patron of Europe (feast) MAY 4 THE ENGLISH MARTYRS (mem.) 19 , bishop (opt. mem.) 27 , bishop (mem.) JUNE 9 COLUMBA, abbot (opt. mem.) 16 RICHARD OF CHICHESTER, bishop (opt. mem.) 20 ALBAN, protomartyr (opt. mem.) 23 ETHELREDA (Audrey), abbess (opt. mem.) JULY 1 OLIVER PLUNKETT, bishop, martyr (opt. mem.) 23 BRIDGET, religious, patron of Europe (feast) AUGUST 9 TERESA BENEDICTA OF THE CROSS (Edith Stein), virgin, martyr, patron of Europe (feast) 31 AIDAN, bishop, and SAINTS OF LINDISFARNE (opt. mem.) SEPTEMBER 3 GREGORY THE GREAT, pope, doctor of the Church (mem.) 4 , bishop (opt. mem.) 19 THEODORE OF CANTERBURY, bishop (opt. mem.) 24 OUR LADY OF WALSINGHAM (replaces Our Lady of Ransom) (mem.) OCTOBER 10 PAULINUS OF , bishop (opt. mem.) 12 , bishop (opt. mem.) 13 (opt. mem.) 26 CHAD and , bishops (opt. mem.) NOVEMBER 3 WINEFRIDE, virgin (opt. mem.) 7 WILLIBRORD, bishop (opt. mem.) 17 HILDA, abbess (opt. mem.) HUGH OF LINCOLN, bishop (opt. mem.) ELIZABETH OF HUNGARY, religious (opt. mem.) DECEMBER 29 THOMAS OF CANTERBURY, bishop, martyr (opt. mem.)

5 TITULAR SAINT’S DAY and the ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEDICATION OF A CHURCH These are observed as Solemnities. These Solemnities yield in precedence only to the following: Holy Week and Easter Week. The Sundays of Advent, Lent and Eastertide including Pentecost. Solemnities of the Lord, Our Lady or of the Saints in the Universal Calendar; Ash Wednesday and All Souls Day. On such days the Solemnity should be transferred to the nearest following day that is free. However, if it is a Sunday of Advent, Lent or Eastertide, which takes precedence, the Solemnity should be anticipated on the previous Saturday, assuming this is free. Throughout this ordo Titular Saint’s Days of places in the Archdiocese which are celebrated in their respective places but which cannot be entered in the general ordo for the Archdiocese will be entered in Italics.

CONCELEBRATION Reminder: in those parts of the Eucharistic Prayer which are to be said by all the concelebrants together, the one voice of the Chief Concelebrant should be clearly heard, the rest saying the words quietly. (G.I.R.M. No. 170 and Ad Clerum reminder Aug 1988).

EUCHARISTIC PRAYER No. 4 This must always have its own preface. It should not be used on days when the Mass has a proper Preface. When, however, the Preface in seasonal, e.g. during Eastertide (but not on Easter Sunday itself) Eucharistic Prayer No. 4, or No. 2, may be used with its own Preface, except on Sundays in Lent. OFFICE Rules governing how the Office is arranged on Memorials whether obligatory or optional are to be found in Vol. 1 paras. 234-240 of the General Instruction on the Liturgy of the Hours (GILH) p.lxxxi.

HOLY COMMUNION (General Instructions of the Roman Missal §56 (h) ‘It is most desirable that the faithful should receive the body of the Lord in hosts consecrated at the same Mass and should share the cup when it is permitted. Communion is thus a clearer sign of sharing in the sacrifice that is actually being celebrated.’ Communion under Both Kinds. In accord with a reply from the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship, the Bishops’ Conference has extended the occasions for exercising the option of receiving Holy Communion under Both Kinds now to include all weekdays and Sundays. (1985) The primary purpose of reservation of hosts in the tabernacle is for Viaticum. The secondary reasons are for the giving of Holy Communion and the Adoration of Our Lord present in this sacrament. None of these reasons warrants the reservation of more hosts than is commensurate with the needs of the dying, the sick and housebound, and the giving of Communion outside of Mass. To consecrate one host for the priest at Mass, and then use hosts reserved in the tabernacle, (sometimes consecrated days before) for communion of the faithful is to ignore the Instruction No. 56 of the GIRM and reasons behind it. Hosts can be used for Communion of the sick consecrated at Mass on the day they are to receive, especially in the growing practice of taking Communion to the sick from a parish Mass using the Ministry of commissioned laypersons.

6 SOLEMN EXPOSITION OF BLESSED SACRAMENT (‘40 Hours’ Devotions) During the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, the celebration of Mass is prohibited in the body of the church. If the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is extended for entire day, or over several days, it is to be interrupted during the celebration of Mass (E.M.5).* The Blessed Sacrament may be replaced in the tabernacle ... not more often than twice during the day. The following form of simple reposition may be observed: the priest or deacon, vested in alb, or a surplice over a cassock, and a stole, replaces the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle after a brief period of adoration and prayer said with those present. The exposition of the Blessed Sacrament may take place in the same manner. (E.M.65)* *E.M. = Sacred Congregation of Rites, instruction Eucharisticum Mysterium, 25th May, 1967. PARTICULAR FEASTS, ANNIVERSARIES AND DATES OF IMPORTANCE FOR THE ARCHDIOCESE OF 2009 - 2010 2009 Dec 8 Solemnity of Our Lady Immaculate Principal Patron of the Diocese. 2010 Jan 14 Saint Kentigern, Secondary Patron of the Diocese. Feb 8 14th Anniversary (1996) of the death of Archbishop 1976 - 1996. Feb 11 Our Lady of Lourdes. Feb 18 48th Anniversary (1962) of Priestly Ordination of Archbishop Patrick Kelly Mar 19 Solemnity of St. Joseph, Patron of the Diocese. April 2 5th Anniversary of the death of Pope John Paul II Apr 1 Maundy Thursday. (Mass of Chrism and renewal of Priestly vows celebrated in the Cathedral the previous evening.) April 3 26th Anniversary (1984) of Episcopal Ordination of Archbishop Patrick Kelly Apr 10 22nd Anniversary (1988) of the death of Bishop Anthony Hitchen, of Liverpool 1979 - 1988. Apr 19 5th Anniversary (2005) of the Election of Pope Benedict XVI May 5 17th Anniversary (1993) of the death of Bishop Kevin O’Connor. Auxiliary Bishop of Liverpool 1979 - 1993. May 13 43rd Anniversary (1967) of the Dedication of the Cathedral. May 21 14th Anniversary (1996) of of Patrick Kelly as Archbishop of Liverpool. May 27 7th Anniversary (2003) of Episcopal Ordination of Bishop Thomas Williams May 30 28th Anniversary (1982) of Pope John Paul’s visit to Liverpool. July 3 21st Anniversary (1989) of Episcopal Ordination of Bishop Vincent Malone. 14th Anniversary (1996) of the Installation of Archbishop Patrick Kelly. Aug 30 3rd Anniversary (2007) of the death of Bishop Augustine Harris. Auxiliary Bishop of Liverpool 1966 – 1978, Bishop of 1978 - 1992 Nov 21 Solemnity of Christ the King, Titular Feast of Metropolitan Cathedral. Also Liverpool Youth Sunday.

7 THE CYCLE OF PRAYER 1 Because of the increase in the Days of Special Prayer and widespread concern that they might appear to dominate the liturgy, especially on Sundays, the Bishops Conference decided in November 1994 that a Cycle of Prayer should be instituted with effect from Advent 1996. The Cycle will subsume the present system of Days of Special Prayer.

2 The main feature of this new arrangement is that the faithful will be asked to pray for the intentions set out in the Cycle in their personal prayers throughout the period specified, and not only at Mass on a particular day. It is hoped that this will take some of the pressure of the celebration of the Sunday liturgy and ensure that a Day of Special Prayer does not detract from the authentic celebration of the Lord’s Day.

3 The parish priest will at appropriate times notify his parishioners of the intentions set out in the Cycle of Prayer. The Days of Special Prayer will be focal points in the ongoing cycle of prayer. On these days, it will be sufficient to announce the Day of Special Prayer in the opening remarks at the beginning of Mass and to include the special intention in the General Intercessions.

4 In addition to private and communal prayer, it is hoped that there will be active and practical support for the certain areas of Christian concern, such as peace, unity, evangelisation, the sick, and the welfare of prisoners and their families.

5 On a Day of Special Prayer occurring on a Sunday, the Mass proper and the Lectionary texts of the Sunday are to be used, except in the cases noted, and the homily should be related to the structural reading(s) of that Mass. A suitable petition may be included in the General Intercessions (Prayer of the Faithful), with the remaining petitions being formulated in accordance with the usual norms.

6 In connection with intentions in the Cycle of Prayer, the use on a weekday of ‘Masses for Various Needs and Occasions’ or ‘Votive Masses’ is recommended. When it is desired to have a form of extended prayer for one of the intentions in the Cycle of Prayer, consideration should be given to holding a special service (other than the Mass) for that purpose, such as a Vigil, the Evening Prayer of the Church, a Liturgy of the Word, a procession with litanies, or Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.

ADVENT/CHRISTMAS Openness to the Word of God especially on Bible Sunday (Second Sunday in Advent) Migrants and Refugees especially on Migrants’ Day (3 December) Expectant Mothers especially on 4th Sunday in Advent

8 ORDINARY TIME: WINTER Peace on Earth especially on the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Christian Unity especially during the Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity (18-25 January) The Sick and Those Who Care for Them especially on the World Day for the Sick (11 February) Students and Teachers especially on the ecumenical Education Day (3 Sundays before 1st of Lent) The Unemployed especially on the Day for the Unemployed (Sunday before 1st Sunday of Lent) LENT Candidates for the Sacraments especially on the Sundays of Lent Women especially on Women’s World Day of Prayer (first Friday in March) The Needy and Hungry of the World especially on Lent Fast Day (Friday of the first week in Lent) Penitents and Wanderers EASTER New Members of the Church Vocations especially on the World Day of Prayer for Vocations (4th Sunday of Easter) The Right Use of the Media especially on World Communications Day (Ascension Day) The Church especially at Pentecost Human Work especially on St. Joseph the Worker (1 May) ORDINARY TIME: SUMMER A Deeper Understanding between Christians and Jews Those Who Suffer Persecution, Oppression and Denial of Human Rights especially on the feast of St. and St. Thomas More (22 June). Europe especially on the Feast of St. Benedict (11 July) also Ss. Cyril & Methodius (14 February), St. Catherine of Siena (29 April), St. Bridget (23 July), St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (9 August) Seafarers especially on Sea Sunday (2nd Sunday in July) Human Life especially on last Sunday in July

9 ORDINARY TIME: AUTUMN The Spread of the Gospel especially in England and Wales on Home Mission Day (3rd Sunday in September) and on World Mission Day (penultimate Sunday in October) The Harvest, the Fruits of Human Work, and the Reverent Use of Creation especially Sunday between 22-28 September or whenever Harvest Festivals are held Justice and Peace in the World especially on Racial Justice Day (2nd Sunday in September) and on Harvest Fast Day (1st Friday in October) All Victims of War especially on Remembrance Sunday (2nd Sunday in November) Young People especially on Youth Day (Christ the King) Prisoners and their Families especially on the Day of Prayer for Prisoners and their Dependants (3rd Sunday in November)

OBLIGATION OF PARISH TO CELEBRATE MASS FOR THE PEOPLE ENTRUSTED TO THEIR CARE In accordance with the 1983 Code of Law, all parish priests are bound to offer, or cause to have offered, Mass for the people entrusted to them, viz:- Canon 534 §1 When he has taken possession of his parish, the parish priest is bound on each Sunday and holyday of obligation in his diocese to apply the Mass for the people entrusted to him. If he is lawfully impeded from this celebration, he is to have someone else apply the Mass on these days or apply it himself on other days. §2 A parish priest who has the care of several is bound to apply only one Mass on the days mentioned in §1, for all the people entrusted to him. §3 A parish priest who has not discharged the obligations mentioned in §§1 and 2, is, as soon as possible, to apply for the people as many Masses as he has omitted.

Throughout this Ordo a  will be placed on each day that this requirement is applicable.

10 IMPORTANT REMINDER 1. Marriages: In 2010 avoid booking Nuptial Masses for the days of Holy Week, 29th March  3rd April inclusive. 2. Funeral Masses 2010: These are forbidden during the Sacred Triduum, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd April. 3. Marriages: In 2011 avoid booking Nuptial Masses for the days of Holy Week, 18th  23rd April inclusive. 4. Funeral Masses 2011: These are forbidden during the Sacred Triduum, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd April. FASTING AND ABSTINENCE (for Catholics in England and Wales as decided by the Bishops Conference)

Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fasting and abstinence. Fasting means that the amount of food we eat is considerably reduced. Abstinence means that we give up a particular kind of food or drink or some form of amusement. In place of abstinence other forms of penance may be substituted: e.g. by making the special effort involved in family prayer; taking part in the Mass; visiting the Blessed Sacrament; praying the Stations of the Cross; by making a special effort to help someone who is poor, sick, old or lonely. ‘The law of abstinence binds those who have completed their fourteenth year. The law of fasting binds those who have attained their majority, until the beginning of their sixtieth year.’ (Canon 1252) Friday Penance. The form of Penance we adopt each Friday is a matter of personal choice and does not have to take the same form every Friday. Failure to undertake this Penance on a particular Friday would not constitute a sin. However, Penance is part of the life of every Christian and the intention to do penance on Friday is of obligation. ‘The days and times of penance for the Universal Church are each Friday of the full-year and the season of Lent.’ (Canon 1250)

11 ADVENT Advent has a twofold character: as a season to prepare for Christmas, when Christ’s first coming to us is remembered; as a season when that remembrance directs the mind and heart to wait Christ’s Second Coming at the end of time. Advent is thus a period for devout and joyful expectation (LY 39). During Advent NOTE: 1. Except on the Third Sunday, Solemnities and Feasts, musical instruments should only be used to sustain singing. 2. At weddings the Nuptial Blessing is always given. 3. Ferial Masses are proper each day. 4. Ordinary Votive Masses, Masses for various needs and occasions, and daily Masses for the dead are not permitted from 17th December until the end of Advent. Before 17th December they may be celebrated to meet a genuine pastoral need. (Cf. Table p.3) 5. In both ferial and memorial Masses, during the period to 16th December inclusive, Preface 1 of Advent, or of the Saints, may be used as appropriate. 6. In the Divine Office: a) Until 16th December Invitatory ant. is ‘Let us adore the Lord...’ b) At the Office of Readings, Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer, there are proper hymns assigned to the first part of Advent. c) At Prayer During the Day and at Night Prayer the hymns assigned to the day are to be used.

NOTE Divine Office: page numbering: Throughout the Ordo the first page number given each day for the Divine Office refers to the 3 volume full Divine Office. The second page number in brackets is to be used with the 1 volume edition called ‘Daily Prayer from the Divine Office’, consisting of Morning and Evening Prayer, Prayer During the Day, and Night Prayer.

12 NOVEMBER 2009

The Cycle of Prayer

During Advent and Christmastide we are asked to pray for these intentions: Openness to the Word of God; Migrants and Refugees; Expectant Mothers. Migrants’ Day Thursday 3 December Bible Sunday Sunday 6 December [2nd Sunday of Advent] Expectant Mothers especially on 4th Sunday in Advent, 20 December


28 Purple Office: Ev. Pr. 1 of 1st Sunday of Advent Vol.1 p.3 (3) Saturday Mass: 1st Sunday of Advent Evening: Night Prayer as after Ev. Pr. 1 p. [573] ([465])

29 Purple 1st SUNDAY OF ADVENT (LECTIONARY YEAR C) Sunday  Office: of the day p.7 (7). Psalter Week 1. Readings p. 46 Mass: pr. R.M. p.2. Cr., Pf. 1 Adv. Readings: L1 Jer 33:14-16 L2 1 Th 3:12 — 4:2 G Lk 21:25-28, 34-36 Anniversary: Rev. Deacon Stefan Swietlik (1999)

30 Red Feast Monday ST. ANDREW, APOSTLE Brother of St. Peter, Patron of Scotland Office: of the Feast p.4* (283*). At Prayer During Day Ants. of Advent and Pss. Monday. Psalter Week 1 Mass: pr. R.M. p.669 Gl., Pf. App. Readings: L1 Rom 10:9-18 G Mt 4:18-22 Anniversary: Canon Paul Montgomery (1991)


1 Purple Ferial (Week 1 Advent) Tuesday Office: of the day p.23 (21). Psalter Week 1. Readings p.55 Mass: of the dayR.M. p.5 Pf1 Adv Readings: L1 Is 11:1-10 G Lk 10:21-24

2 Purple Ferial (Week 1 Advent) Wednesday Office: of the day p.28 (26) Psalter Week 1. Readings p.59 Mass: of the day R.M. p.6 Pf. 1 Adv Readings: L1 Is 25:6-10 G Mt 15:29-37 Anniversary: Rev. Deacon Anthony Callaghan (2006)

13 DECEMBER 2009

3 White Memorial Thursday St. Francis Xavier, SJ, P. (16th c.) (Migrants Day) One of the first Jesuits who became a great missionary, possibly the greatest since St. Paul. His life was full of hardships and danger, but he was full of joy. Office: of the memorial p.11* (287*). Psalter Week 1 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.670 Pf. 1 Adv or Saints Readings: L1 Is 26:1-6 G Mt 7:21, 24-27

4 Purple Ferial (Week 1 Advent) Friday Office: of the day p.38 (36). Psalter Week 1. Readings p.66 or: (White) St. John Damascene, P.D. (7th/8th c.) Office: p.13* (287*) Mass: of the day or memorial Pf. 1 Adv or Saints Readings: L1 Is 29:17-24 G Mt 9:27-31 Anniversary: Rev. Ambrose Hickey (2008)

5 Red Memorial Saturday St. John Almond, P.M. (17th c.) Morning: Born in Allerton, Liverpool, educated at Much Woolton, Reims and Rome. Ordained in 1598 he worked on the English Mission from 1602 until martyred for priesthood, Tyburn, Dec 5, 1612. Office: Common of One Martyr p.304* (433*). Psalter Week 1 Mass: Common R.M. p.704 or 706 Pf. 1 Adv or Saints Readings: L1 Is 30:19-21, 23-26 G Mt 9:35 — 10:1, 6-8 Anniversary: Mgr. Joseph Gibb (2008) Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.3 (3). Psalter Week 2 NOTE: BIBLE SUNDAY - The importance of Sacred Scripture in Christian living should be emphasised.

6 Purple 2nd SUNDAY OF ADVENT (YEAR C) Sunday  (Bible Sunday) Office: of the day p.7 (7). Psalter Week 2. Readings p.72 Mass: pr. R.M. p.10 Cr. Pf. 1 Adv Readings: L1 Bar 5:1-9 L2 Phil 1:4-6, 8-11 G Lk 3:1-6 Anniversaries: Rev. Frederick Turner (1994) Rev. Paul Benbow (2008) * St. Nicholas – see note p.6

14 DECEMBER 2009 7 White Memorial Monday St. Ambrose, B.D. (4th c.) Dramatically elected Bishop of Milan while still a Catechumen. His daily life was of hard work combined with accessibility to all. He was an eloquent preacher; he encouraged monasticism, and played an important part in the conversion of St. Augustine. He composed hymns for the people of Milan, some of which survive in the Divine Office. Office: of the memorial p. 18* (288*). Psalter Week 2 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.672 Pf. 1 Adv or Saints Readings: L1 Is 35:1-10 G Lk 5:17-26 Ev. Pr. 1 Solemnity following p.21* (289*) N. Pr. as after Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday 8 White Solemnity Tuesday IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE B.V.M. Office: of the Solemnity p. 23* (291*). At Prayer During Day Ants. pr. with Complementary Pss. Mass: pr. R.M. p.673 Gl. Cr. Pf. pr. Readings: L1 Gen 3:9-15, 20 L2 Eph 1:3-6, 11-12 G Lk 1:26-38 Anniversary: Rev. Francis Goodall CSSR (2002) 9 Purple Ferial (Week 2 Advent) Wednesday Office: of the day p. 28 (26). Psalter Week 2. Readings p.82 or: (White) St. John Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, hermit (15th/16th c.) Office: Common p.386* (482*) Mass: of the day or memorial Pf. 1 Adv or Saints Readings: L1 Is 40:25-31 G Mt 11:28-30 Anniversaries: Rev. Gerard Donnelly (1989) Rev. Francis Frayne (1995) 10 Purple Ferial (Week 2 Advent) Thursday Office: of the day p. 33 (31). Psalter Week 2. Readings p.86 Mass: of the day R.M. p.15 Pf. 1 Adv Readings: L1 Is 41:13-20 G Mt 11:11-15 11 Purple Ferial (Week 2 Advent) Friday Office: of the day p. 38 (36). Psalter Week 2. Readings p.90 or: (White) St. Damasus I, Pope (4th c.) Office: p.31* (296*) Mass: of the day or memorial Pf. 1 Adv or Saints Readings: L1 Is 48:17-19 G Mt 11:16-19 Anniversary: Rev. James Charles Stringer (1998) 15 DECEMBER 2009

12 Purple Ferial (Week 2 Advent) Saturday Office: of the day p.43 (41). Psalter Week 2. Readings p.93 Morning: or: (White) Our Lady of Guadalupe Office: Common p. 229* (382*) Mass: of the day or memorial Pf. 1 Adv or B.V.M Readings: Ferial: L1 Sir 48:1-4, 9-11 G Mt 17:10-13 or when celebrating the Mass of Our Lady: L1 Is 7:10-14; 8:10 G Lk 1:39-48 Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.3 (3). Psalter Week 3

13 Purple 3rd SUNDAY OF ADVENT (YEAR C) or Rose Office: of the day p.7 (7). Psalter Week 3. Readings p.96 Sunday  Mass: pr. R.M. p.18 Cr. Pf. 1 Adv Readings: L1 Zeph 3:14-18 L2 Phil 4:4-7 G Lk 3:10-18

14 White Memorial Monday St. John of the Cross, ODC, P.D. (16th c.) Closely associated with St. Teresa of Avila in the reform of the Carmelite Order, and like her a great mystic. Suffering and prayer brought him very close to God. He was a fine poet and a warm and lovable person. Office: of the memorial p.38* (298*). Psalter Week 3 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.677 Pf. 1 Adv or Saints Readings: L1 Num 24:2-7, 15-17 G Mt 21:23-27 Anniversary: Rev. William A. Mills (2004)

15 Purple Ferial (Week 3 Advent) Tuesday Office: of the day p.23 (21). Psalter Week 3. Readings p.103 Mass: of the day R.M. p.21 Pf. 1 Adv Readings: L1 Zeph 3:1-2, 9-13 G Mt 21:28-32 Anniversary: Canon Edward Murphy (1993)

16 Purple Ferial (Week 3 Advent) Wednesday Office: of the day p.28 (26). Psalter Week 3. Readings p.107 Mass: of the day R.M. p.22 Pf. 1 Adv Readings: L1 Is 45:6-8, 18, 21-25 G Lk 7:19-23 Anniversary: Rev. Kenneth Thomas Earlam (2007)

16 DECEMBER 2009

NOTES: December 17th to 24th 1. Ferial Masses are proper with Pf. 2 Adv. 2. Readings for both Mass and Office are proper. From 17th to 23rd the Invitatory Ant. is ‘The Lord is at hand ...’ On 24th it becomes ‘Know today that the Lord will come ...’ 3. Antiphons at Morning and Evening Prayer are proper. 4. Optional Memorials may be commemorated as follows: — at Mass, the opening prayer of the saint may be said instead of the prayer of the day. — at Morning and Evening Prayer, after the final prayer (which is then said without its ending), the antiphon and prayer of the saint may be added. — at the Office of Readings, after the patristic reading and its responsory, the proper hagiographical reading with its responsory and the prayer of the saint may be added.

17 Purple Ferial Thursday Office: of the day p.117 (44). Psalter Week 3 Mass: pr. R.M. p.27 Pf. 2 Adv Readings: L1 Gen 49:2, 8-10 G Mt 1:1-17 Anniversary: Mgr. James J. Rigby (1992)

18 Purple Ferial Friday Office: of the day p.125 (47). Psalter Week 3 Mass: of the day R.M. p.28 Pf. 2 Adv Readings: L1 Jer 23:5-8 G Mt 1:18-24 Anniversary: Rev. Michael Joseph Ryan (1991)

19 Purple Ferial Saturday Office: of the day p.132 (51). Psalter Week 3 Morning: Mass: of the day R.M. p.29 Pf. 2 Adv Readings: L1 Judges 13:2-7, 24-25 G Lk 1:5-25 Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.3 (3). Psalter Week 4

20 Purple 4th SUNDAY OF ADVENT (YEAR C) Sunday  Office: of the day p.7 and (7). Psalter Week 4. Readings p.132 Mass: pr. R.M. p.25 Cr. Pf. 2 Adv Readings: L1 Mic 5:1-4 L2 Heb 10:5-10 G Lk 1:39-45

17 DECEMBER 2009

21 Purple Ferial Monday Office: of the day p.146 (57). Psalter Week 4 Mass: of the day R.M. p.31 Pf. 2 Adv Readings: L1 Cant 2:8-14 (or Zeph 3:14-18) G Lk 1:39-45 (St. Peter Canisius, SJ, P.D. - 16th c.) cf. note 4 p.17

22 Purple Ferial Tuesday Office: of the day p.154 (60). Psalter Week 4 Mass: of the day R.M. p.32 Pf. 2 Adv Readings: L1 1 Sam 1:24-28 G Lk 1:46-56

23 Purple Ferial Wednesday Office: of the day p.161 (64). Psalter Week 4 Mass: of the day R.M. p.33 Pf. 2 Adv Readings: L1 Mal 3:1-4, 23-24 G Lk 1:57-66 (St. John of Kenty, P. - 14th/15th c.) cf. note 4 p.17 Anniversary: Rev. Deacon Vincent Conyngham (2005)

24 Purple Ferial Thursday Office: of the day p.169 (67). Psalter Week 4 Morning: Mass: of the day R.M. p.34 Pf. 2 Adv Readings: L1 2 Sam 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16 G Lk 1:67-79 Anniversary: Rev. Arthur T. Brady (1996)


24 White VIGIL Thursday  Office: Ev. Pr. 1 Solemnity p.176 (70) Evening: N. Pr. as after Ev. Pr. 1 of Sunday Mass: pr. of Vigil Gl. Cr. Pf. pr. (that night) N.B. 'In union with ...' proper in E.P.1. Readings: L1 Is 62:1-5 L2 Acts 13:16-17, 22-25 G Mt 1:1-25 (or 18-25)

18 DECEMBER 2009

NOTES: 1. At each Christmas Mass (incl. the Vigil) at words 'by the power of the Holy Spirit...was made man' - all should genuflect. If this text is sung - all kneel. 2. On Christmas night it is fitting to celebrate a solemn Vigil before Midnight Mass, making use of the Office of Readings. Night Prayer is not said by those attending such a vigil. 3. Priests may celebrate or concelebrate three Masses and accept three stipends. Masses should be celebrated at the appropriate times. Priests saying only one or two Masses should choose according to the hour of celebration. 4. The faithful may receive Communion at Midnight Mass and again on Christmas Day.

25 White CHRISTMAS DAY Friday  Office: proper of the Solemnity p.180 (74) Mass: proper at Midnight, Dawn, and During Day - each proper with Gl. Cr. Pf. Christmas. Special form E.P.1. Readings: at Midnight L1 Is 9:1-6 L2 Tit 2:11-14 G Lk 2:1-14 at Dawn L1 Is 62:11-12 L2 Tit 3:4-7 G Lk 2:15-20 During Day L1 Is 52:7-10 L2 Heb 1:1-6 G Jn 1:1-18 (or 1-5,9-14) Anniversary: Rev. Deacon James Macardle (2001) Ev. Pr. 2 of Solemnity. Night Pr. as after Ev. Pr. 2 Sunday

26 Red Feast Saturday ST. STEPHEN, The First Martyr (1st c.) Morning: First Martyr to shed his blood for Christ and, like his Master, full of forgiveness for his persecutors. Office: of the Feast p.45* (300*). At Prayer During Day Ants. pr. with Pss. of Saturday Psalter Week 4 Mass: pr. R.M. p.46 Gl. Pf. Christmas and special form E.P.1 Readings: L1 Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59 G Mt 10:17-22 Anniversary: Rev. Joseph Patrick Holland (1998) Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Feast following p.203 (89) and 225* (378*). Psalter Week 1

19 DECEMBER 2009

27 White Feast Sunday  HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH (YEAR C) Office: of the Feast p.204 (90). At Prayer During Day Ants. pr. with Pss. of Sunday. Psalter Week 1 Mass: pr. R.M. p.44 Gl. Cr. Pf. Christmas and special form E.P.1 Readings: L1 Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 L2 Col 3:12-21 G Lk 2:41-52 or at choice: L1 1 Sam 1:20-22, 24-28 L2 1 Jn 3:1-2, 21-24 G Lk 2:41-52 Anniversary: Rev. Gerard Reynolds (1989) Ev. Pr. 2 Feast Night Pr. as after Ev. Pr. 2 Sundays * St. John – see note p.6 28 Red Feast Monday THE HOLY INNOCENTS, MM. This feast can appear to introduce a harsh note into the Christmas season. Yet it underlines the Christmas message of Christ's sharing in our nature - even in the suffering of those who bear witness "not by speaking but by dying." Office: of the Feast p.63* (306*). At Prayer During Day Ants. Christmas with Pss. of Monday. Psalter Week 1 Mass: pr. R.M. p.48 Gl. Pf. Christmas and special form E.P.1 Readings: L11Jn1:5—2:2 G Mt 2:13-18 Anniversary: Rev. Reginald McCurdy (2002) Ev. Pr. 2 Christmas p.197 (84) and pr. p.215 (97) N. Pr. as after either Ev. Pr. 1 or 2 Sundays 29 White Fifth Day of Nativity Octave Tuesday Office: of the day p.216 (98). At Prayer During Day Ants. Christmas with Pss. of Tuesday. Psalter Week 1 Mass: pr. R.M. p.49 Gl. Pf. Christmas and special form E.P.1 Readings: L1 1 Jn 2:3-11 G Lk 2:22-35 (St. Thomas Becket (of Canterbury), B. M. - 12th c.) - c.f. note 4 p. 17 Ev. Pr. 2 Christmas p.197 (84) and pr. p.225 (101) N. Pr. as after either Ev. Pr. 1 or 2 Sundays 30 White Sixth Day of Nativity Octave Wednesday Office: of the day p.227 (102). At Prayer During Day Ants. Christmas with Pss. of Wednesday. Psalter Week 1 Mass: pr. R.M. p.50 Gl. Pf. Christmas and special form E.P.1 Readings: L1 1 Jn 2:12-17 G Lk 2:36-40 Anniversary: Rev. Cyril Kennedy, SDB (1997) Ev. Pr. 2 Christmas p.197 (84) and pr. p.236 (105) N. Pr. as after either Ev. Pr. 1 or 2 Sundays 20 DECEMBER 2009

31 White Seventh Day of Nativity Octave Thursday Office: of the day p.237 (106). At Prayer During Day Ants. Christmas with Pss. Thursday. Psalter Week 1 Mass: pr. R.M. p.51 Gl. Pf. Christmas and special form E.P.1 Readings: L1 1 Jn 2:18-21 G Jn 1:1-18 (St. Sylvester I, Pope - 3rd/4th c.) - c.f. note 4 p. 17 Anniversary: Rev. James Anderson (1991) Ev. Pr. 1 Solemnity p.247 (108) N. Pr. as after Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday


1 White SOLEMNITY OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD Friday (Octave of Christmas) Office: of the Solemnity p.248 (110). At Prayer During Day Ants. pr. Pss. Complementary. Mass: pr. R.M. p.52 Gl. Cr. Pf. 1 B.V.M. (Motherhood) and special Christmas form of E.P.1 Readings: L1 Num 6:22-27 L2 Gal 4:4-7 G Lk 2:16-21 Anniversary: Rev. Joseph Brown (1992)

NOTES: January 2nd to Baptism of the Lord Ferial Masses of this period are proper to each weekday and vary according to whether they precede or follow the Epiphany. 2. On these days ordinary votive Masses, Masses for various needs and occasions, and daily Masses for the dead may be celebrated if necessary or if pastoral good requires it.(cf. Table on p.3)

2 White Memorial Saturday St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory Nazianzen, Bps. Ds. (4th c.) Morning: Two close friends and saints of the Eastern Church. Both were teachers, coming from families which produced several saints. Basil became Bishop of his native city of Caesarea (modern Turkey); Gregory became bishop of Constantinople, but resigned his see to return to a monastic life. Office: of the memorial p.75* (3*). Psalter Week 1 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.521 Pf. Christmas or Saints Readings: L1 1 Jn 2:22-28 G Jn 1:19-28 Evening: 1st Mass andEv.Pr.1Solemnityfollowingp.303 (141) N. Pr. as after Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday NOTE: At today’s Masses, after the Gospel, the announcement may be made of movable feasts according to the formula given in the Roman Pontifical (see p. 4 of this Ordo). 21 JANUARY 2010

3 White Solemnity Sunday  THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD Office: of the Solemnity p.308 (145) Mass: pr. R.M. p.62 Gl. Cr. Pf. Epiphany with special form E.P.1 Readings: L1 Is 60:1-6 L2 Eph 3:2-3, 5-6 G Mt 2:1-12 * Most Holy Name of Jesus – see note p.6

4 White Weekday after Epiphany Monday Office: of the day p.328 (155). Psalter Week 2 Mass: of the day R.M. p.64. Pf. Epiphany or Christmas Readings: L1 1 Jn 3:22 — 4:6 G Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 Anniversary: Rev. Deacon Christopher Doyle (2006)

5 White Weekday after Epiphany Tuesday Office: of the day p.335 (158). Psalter Week 2 Mass: of the day R.M. p.65 Pf. Epiphany or Christmas Readings: L1 1 Jn 4:7-10 G Mk 6:34-44

6 White Weekday after Epiphany Wednesday Office: of the day p.343 (162). Psalter Week 2 Mass: of the day R.M. p.66 Pf. Epiphany or Christmas Readings: L1 1 Jn 4:11-18 G Mk 6:45-52 Anniversary: Rev. Deacon Gerard Anwyl (2003)

7 White Weekday after Epiphany Thursday Office: of the day p.350 (165). Psalter Week 2 or: (White) St. Raymond of Penyafort, OP, P (12th/13th c.) Office: p.78* (4*) Mass: of the day or memorial. Pf. Epiphany or Christmas or Saints Readings: L1 1 Jn 4:19 — 5:4 G Lk 4:14-22 Anniversary: Canon Francis Ripley (1998)

8 White Weekday after Epiphany Friday Office: of the day p.357 (169). Psalter Week 2 Mass: pr. R.M. p.68 Pf. Epiphany or Christmas Readings: L1 1 Jn 5:5-13 G Lk 5:12-16

22 JANUARY 2010

9 White Weekday after Epiphany Saturday Office: of the day p.365 (172). Psalter Week 2 Morning: Mass: of the day R.M. p.69. Pf. Epiphany or Christmas Readings: L1 1 Jn 5:14-21 G Jn 3:22-30 Evening: 1stMassandEv.Pr.1Feastfollowingp.371(175)

10 White Feast Sunday BAPTISM OF THE LORD (YEAR C) This feast concludes the Christmas season. At the Jordan Christ is manifested as the Beloved Son of the Father in terms which echo Isaiah‘s prophesies of the Suffering Servant. A link is thus drawn between our celebration of Christmas and the Easter Mystery. Office: of the Feast p.373 (177). At Prayer During Day Ants. pr. with Pss. of Sunday. Psalter Week 3 Mass: pr. R.M. p.70 Gl. Cr. Pf. pr. Readings: L1 Is 42:1-4, 6-7 L2 Acts 10:34-38 G Lk 3:15-16, 21-22 or at choice: L1 Is 40:1-5, 9-11 L2 Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7 G Lk 3:15-16, 21-22

23 JANUARY 2010 ORDINARY TIME The 6 weeks before Lent (the last one interrupted) from 11th January - 16th February then resuming with Monday, 24th May (the 8th week) to 27th November. On Ferial days, the celebrant may choose any of the following: i. One of the 34 Masses of Sundays of Ordinary Time. The prayers or just the Opening Prayer may be taken from a different Sunday of the Year, or from the prayers for various needs and occasions. Missal pp. 789-852. ii. The Mass of any saint in the of that day. iii. A Votive Mass. iv. One of the Masses for various needs and occasions (as above). v. A Mass for the Dead (only if the offering of the Mass is being applied for the dead). [See Table: p3] NOTE: Choice of Readings, Prayers and Prefaces 1. In the weekday lectionary, readings (which are often continuous) are provided for each day of the year. Unless a Solemnity or Feast occurs, these readings are to be used regularly on the days to which they are assigned. (G.I.R.M. 319). 2. At Memorial Masses, obligatory or optional, the Opening Prayer is either proper or from any Common Mass appropriate to the Saint. The Prayers over the Gifts and After Communion, unless proper, are either from a Common Mass as above or from the current ferial day. 3. Prefaces of Martyrs, Pastors, Virgins and Religious, and the two assigned for Holy Men and Women are used on Solemnities or Feasts of such saints. On the Memorials, obligatory or optional, the Preface may be either of the Saint, or of the weekday, or of the season as appropriate. 4. On Sundays of Ordinary Time, for the pastoral good of the faithful and for their devotion, a celebration may be observed which occurs during the following week, provided it is of higher rank than the Sunday itself. (In practise, this means Feasts of Our Lord and all Solemnities.) This applies to all public Masses on such a Sunday. The Cycle of Prayer During Ordinary Time (Winter), i.e. up to Lent, we are asked to pray for these intentions: Peace on Earth; Christian Unity; The Sick and Those Who Care for Them; Students and Teachers; The Unemployed Peace Day Sunday 17 January [2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time] Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity 18-25 January World Day for the Sick Thursday 11 February Education Day Sunday 31 January [3 Sundays before 1st of Lent] Day of the Unemployed Sunday 14 February[Sunday before 1st Sunday of Lent] Ordinary Time - Winter

11 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 1) Monday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.385 Mass: at choice. Readings: L1 1 Sam 1:1-8 G Mk 1:14-20 NOTE: In votive Masses, and in Saturday Masses of Our Lady, vestments may be of the customary proper colour, of the colour of the day or of the season (GIRM 347). 24 JANUARY 2010

12 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 1) Tuesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.389 or: (White) St. Aelred of Rievaulx, OSB Cist. Abbot (12th c.) Office: Common p.386* (482*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Sam 1:9-20 G Mk 1:21-28 Anniversary: Canon John O’Connor (1996)

13 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 1) Wednesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.392 or: (White) St. Hilary, B. D. (4th c.) Office: p.80* (5*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Sam 3:1-10, 19-20 G Mk 1:29-39

14 White Memorial Thursday St. Kentigern, B. (Secondary Patron of the Archdiocese) Born about 516. Brought up in the discipline and piety of St. Servanus, Abbot of Gilross, he was sent to Glasgow and became Bishop there. Known as Mungo, ‘one dearly beloved‘, he was vigorous in defence of the faith against pelagianism, and he was outstanding in piety and missionary zeal. For a time he had to flee Glasgow, and he lived with St. David in Menevia. He built a monastery and a school which he left in the care of St. Asaph. He returned to Scotland and ruled as Bishop for the next 40 years, dying in 601. An eminent saint of the ancient Church of North Britain. Office: of the memorial p.198* (352*). Psalter Week 1 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.1* Readings: L1 1 Sam 4:1-11 G Mk 1:40-45

15 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 1) Friday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.400 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Sam 8:4-7, 10-22 G Mk 2:1-12

25 JANUARY 2010

16 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 1) Saturday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.403 Morning: or: (White) B.V.M. on Saturday or Green) Office: Common p.252* (394*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Sam 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1 G Mk 2:13-17 Anniversaries: Rev. Bernard Boardman (2000) Rev. Richard Coughlan (2006) Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.407 (507). Psalter Week 2 NOTE: Announce Octave of Christian Unity 18th-25th Jan.

17 Green SECOND SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  (Day of Prayer for Peace) Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.408 Mass: pr. R.M. p.288 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 Is 62:1-5 L2 1 Cor 12:4-11 G Jn 2:1-11 * St. Antony – see note p.6

18 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 2) Monday (Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity begins today) Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.411 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Sam 15:16-23 G Mk 2:18-22

19 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 2) Tuesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.415 or: (White) St. Wulstan, OSB, B. (11th c.) Office: Common p.325* (449*) or p.435* (482*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Sam 16:1-13 G Mk 2:23-28 Anniversaries: Canon Thomas G. Naughton (2005) Canon John Pennington (2008)

26 JANUARY 2010

20 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 2) Wednesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.419 or: (Red) St. Fabian, Pope, M. (3rd c.) Office: p.85* (6*) or: (Red) St. Sebastian, M. (3rd/4th c.) Office: p.88* (6*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Sam 17:32-33, 37, 40-51 G Mk 3:1-6

21 Red Memorial Thursday St. Agnes, V.M. (3rd/4th c.) One of the most famous and universally celebrated of the early Roman martyrs. She was a young girl who preferred death rather than the loss of her virginity. Office: of the memorial p.90* (7*). Psalter Week 2 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.525 Readings: L1 1 Sam 18:6-9; 19:1-7 G Mk 3:7-12

22 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 2) Friday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.427 or: (Red) St. Vincent, deacon M. (3rd/4th c.) Office: p.94* (9*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Sam 24:3-21 G Mk 3:13-19

23 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 2) Saturday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.431 Morning: or: (White B.V.M. on Saturday or Green) Office: Common p.252* (394*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 2 Sam 1:1-4, 11-12, 19, 23-27 G Mk 3:20-21 Anniversary: Rev. Anthony Foy CSsR (2009) Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.435 (508). Psalter Week 3 NOTE: Announce Day of Prayers and obligatory collection for next Sunday

27 JANUARY 2010

24 Green THIRD SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.435 Mass: pr. R.M. p.290 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time (One Mass For Unity of Christians allowed - R.M. p.810 ...) Readings: L1 Neh 8:2-4, 5-6, 8-10 L2 1 Cor 12:12-30 (or 12-14, 27) G Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21 Anniversary: Rev. Joseph Russell OFM Conv (1995) * St. Francis de Sales – see note p.6

25 White Feast Monday CONVERSION OF ST. PAUL, APOSTLE Office: pr. p.99* (10*). At Prayer During Day Ants. pr. with Pss. of Monday. Psalter Week 3 Mass: pr. R.M. p.527 Gl. Pf. App. Readings: L1 Acts 22:3-16 (or Acts 9:1-22) G Mk 16:15-18

26 White Memorial Tuesday Saints Timothy and Titus, Bps (1st c.) Both were disciples of St. Paul who was very devoted to them. Both have New Testament letters addressed to them. Office: of the memorial p.107* (15*). Psalter Week 3 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.528 Readings: L1 2 Tim 1:1-8 (or Titus 1:1-5) G Lk 10:1-9

27 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 3) Wednesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.448 or: (White) St. Angela Merici, V. (15th/16th c.) Office: p.110* (16*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 2 Sam 7:4-17 G Mk 4:1-20

28 White Memorial Thursday St. Thomas Aquinas, OP, P.D. (13th c.) As a Dominican friar, he spent his life studying, writing and lecturing. He was a great contemplative. Office: of the memorial p.112* (17*). Psalter Week 3 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.529 Readings: L1 2 Sam 7:18-19, 24-29 G Mk 4:21-25 Anniversary: Rev. Francis Mooney (1990)

28 JANUARY 2010

29 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 3) Friday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.457 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 2 Sam 11:1-10, 13-17 G Mk 4:26-34 Anniversary: Rev. Kevin Finn (2009)

30 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 3) Saturday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.460 Morning: or: (White B.V.M. on Saturday or Green) Office: Common p.252* (394*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 2 Sam 12:1-7, 10-17 G Mk 4:35-41 Anniversary: Rev. Denis Meehan (1991) Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.463 (508). Psalter Week 4 NOTE: Day of Special Prayer for those involved in education and their work and obligatory collection.

31 Green FOURTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  (Education Sunday) Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.464 Mass: pr. R.M. p.292 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 Jer 1:4-5, 17-19 L2 1 Cor 12:31 - 13:13 (or 13:4-13) G Lk 4:21-30 Anniversaries: Rev. Eugene Daly (2001) Rev. Michael McPake SVD (2006) * St. John Bosco – see note p.6


1 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 4) Monday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.468 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 2 Sam 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13 G Mk 5:1-20 Anniversary: Rev. Joseph Burns (1990)

29 FEBRUARY 2010

2 White Feast Tuesday PRESENTATION OF THE LORD Originally a celebration of the Jerusalem Church, the feast recalls the recognition of Jesus as Messiah by Simeon and Anna. As we process into church with lighted candles we echo them in acclaiming Christ as "Light to the Nations" Office: pr. p.122* (21*). At Prayer During Day Ants. and Pss. Of Tuesday. Psalter Week 4 Mass: pr. R.M. p.530 Gl. Pf. pr. Readings: L1 Mal 3:1-4 (or Heb 2:14-18) G Lk 2:22-40 (or 2:22-32) Anniversary: Rev. Peter Nicholson (2004) NOTE: Candles may be blessed before Mass with procession or solemn entrance as described in the Missal. Mass then begins with the Entrance Antiphon followed immediately by Gl. and Opening Prayer. The people hold unlighted candles which are lit while the opening antiphon or hymn is said or sung. In procession the celebrant wears white chasuble or cope.

3 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 4) Wednesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.475 or: (Red) St. Blaise, B.M. (3rd/4th c.) Office: p.135* (27*) or: (White) St. Ansgar, OSB, B. (9th c.) Office: p.137* (28*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 2 Sam 24:2, 9-17 G Mk 6:1-6 Anniversary: Rev. Vincent O'Reilly (1995)

4 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 4) Thursday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.479 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12 G Mk 6:7-13 Anniversary: Mgr. Sidney Breen (2007)

5 Red Memorial Friday St. Agatha, V.M. (3rd c.) She died in Catania; her name occurs in the Roman Canon. All the stories about her are best described as legend. Office: of the memorial p.140* (28*). Psalter Week 4 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.535 Readings: L1 Sir 47:2-11 G Mk 6:14-29 Anniversary: Rev. Cornelius McEnroe (1995) 30 FEBRUARY 2010

6 Red Memorial Saturday St. Paul Miki, SJ and his Companions, MM (16th c.) Morning: A Japanese Jesuit who preached the gospel with great effect. On 6th February, 1597 he and his companions were martyred in Nagasaki. From his cross, Paul prayed for his executioners. Office: of the memorial p.143* (29*). Psalter Week 4 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.535 Readings: L1 1 Kgs 3:4-13 G Mk 6:30-34 Anniversary: Rev. Deacon Frank Dobson (1993) Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sundays p.489 (509). Psalter Week 1 7 Green FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.490 Mass: pr. R.M. p.294 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 Is 6:1-2, 3-8 L2 1 Cor 15:1-11 (or 3-8, 11) G Lk 5:1-11 8 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 5) Monday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.493 or: (White) St. Jerome Emiliani, Religious (15th/16th c.) Office: p.145* (30*) or: (White) St. Josephine Bakhita, FDCC, V (19th/20th c.) Office: Common p.366* (470*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13 G Mk 6:53-56 Anniversary: Archbishop Derek Worlock (1996) 9 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 5) Tuesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.497 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Kgs 8 :22-23, 27-30 G Mk 7:1-13 Anniversaries: Rev. Patrick Heffernan (1995) Rev. James Beirne (1999) 10 White Memorial Wednesday St. Scholastica, OSB, V. (5th/6th c.) The sister of St. Benedict and the foundress of a monastery of nuns. Like her brother she was a great contemplative. Office: of the memorial p.148* (31*). Psalter Week 1 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.536 Readings: L1 1 Kgs 10:1-10 G Mk 7:14-23 31 FEBRUARY 2010

11 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 5) Thursday (World Day of Prayer for the Sick) Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.505 or: (White) Our Lady of Lourdes Office: p.151* (32*) Mass: at choice Readings: Ferial: L1 1 Kgs 11:4-13 G Mk 7:24-30 Our Lady: L1 Is 66:10-14 G Jn 2:1-11

12 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 5) Friday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.509 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Kgs 11:29-32; 12:19 G Mk 7:31-37

13 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 5) Saturday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.512 Morning: or: (White B.V.M. on Saturday or Green) Office: Common p.252* (394*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Kgs 12:26-32; 13:33-34 G Mk 8:1-10 Anniversary: Canon Bernard Catterall (1992) Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.515 (510). Psalter Week 2

14 Green SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  (Day of Prayer for the Unemployed) Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.516 Mass: pr. R.M. p.296 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 Jer 17:5-8 L2 1 Cor 15:12, 16-20 G Lk 6:17, 20-26 Anniversary: Mgr. Canon Charles Glass (1998)

15 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 6) Monday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.520 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 James 1:1-11 G Mk 8:11-13 Anniversary: Rev. John James White (2003)

32 FEBRUARY 2010

16 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 6) Tuesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.524 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 James 1:12-18 G Mk 8:14-21


33 FEBRUARY 2010

LENT Divine Office Vol. 2 is now used This season — the Church‘s preparation for the celebration of Easter — is marked by two related themes: one baptismal, the other penitential. In the liturgy and liturgical catechesis of Lent the reminder of Baptism already received or the preparation for its reception, as well as the theme of repentance renew the entire community to celebrate the Paschal Mystery. (SC 109 & RCIA 125) A daily homily is recommended during this season. The two Eucharistic prayers for reconciliation are appropriate for use during Lent. They are to be found in ‘Eucharistic Prayers for Masses with Children and Masses of Reconciliation’.

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults The Season of Lent is articulated by a series of ancient rites which prepare the candidates for the Easter Sacraments: RITE OF ELECTION (1st Sunday): all those who are to be Baptised or to be received into Full Communion at Easter are presented to the Archbishop in the Cathedral. THE SCRUTINIES, normally celebrated during one of the Masses on the THIRD, FOURTH AND FIFTH Sundays of Lent. When, for pastoral reasons, these ritual Masses cannot be celebrated on their proper Sundays, they are celebrated on other Sundays of Lent or even convenient days during the week. (RCIA No. 133) The texts and readings for Mass are always those given for the Scrutinies in the Missal and Lectionary for Mass. PRESENTATION OF THE CREED AND THE LORD‘S PRAYER, on a weekday of the third and fifth weeks respectively — preferably in the presence of the community of the faithful, within Mass after the Homily. Optional RITES FOR THE IMMEDIATE PREPARATION of those who are to be baptised during the Easter Vigil may be celebrated during Holy Saturday.

Throughout Lent 1. ‘Alleluia’ is omitted in every Mass and Office. ‘Te Deum’ and ‘Gloria’ are said on Solemnities and Feasts. 2. Each day of Lent has its own proper Mass and Office. Votive Masses, Masses for Various Needs and Occasions and daily Masses for the Dead are not to be celebrated. Ritual and Funeral Masses are permitted on ferial days. 3. Memorials of saints occurring on weekdays of Lent will be indicated in brackets. They may be commemorated, except in Holy Week, as follows: — at Mass, the Opening Prayer of the Saint may be said instead of the prayer of the day. — at Morning and Evening Prayer, after the final prayer (which is then said without its ending) the antiphon and prayer of the Saint may be added. — at the Office of Readings, after the patristic reading and its responsory the proper reading with its responsory and the prayer of the Saint may be added. 4. The organ, or other instruments, may be used but only to sustain singing. 5. At weddings the Nuptial Blessing is always given. The couple should be advised in planning the wedding to take into account the special character of this season.

34 FEBRUARY 2010 The Cycle of Prayer During Lent we are asked to pray for these intentions: Candidates for the Sacraments; The Needy and Hungry of the World; Women; Penitents and Wanderers. Candidates for the Sacraments especially on the Sundays of Lent Lent Fast Day Friday 26 February [Friday of 1st Week in Lent] Women’s World Day of Prayer Friday 5 March [1st Friday in March] Lent 17 Purple ASH WEDNESDAY Wednesday 1. Day of fasting and abstinence. 1. Ashes are blessed and imposed during Mass after the Gospel and homily. The Penitential Rite at the beginning of Mass is omitted. Ashes may also be blessed outside Mass, when it is proper to compose a liturgy as follows: Entry antiphon or Hymn, Prayer, Liturgy of the Word with Responsorial Psalm as at Mass. After the homily the Ashes are blessed and imposed and the service ends with Prayers of the Faithful. Office: (Vol. 2) of the day p.3 (182). Psalter Week 4. At Morning Prayer Pss. of Friday Psalter Week 3, p.[311] ([320]), may be used because of their penitential nature. Mass: pr. R.M. p.74 Pf. 4 Lent Readings: L1 Joel 2:12-18 L2 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2 G Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 No other Mass liturgy permitted, except Funeral Mass. NOTE: Provide a box for Lenten Alms in church throughout Lent. 18 Purple Thursday after Ash Wednesday Thursday Office: of the day p.11 (186). Psalter Week 4 Mass: pr. R.M. p.77 Pf. Lent Readings: L1 Deut 30:15-20 G Lk 9:22-25 Anniversary: Priestly Ordination Archbishop Patrick Kelly (1962) 19 Purple Friday after Ash Wednesday Friday Office: of the day p.19 (189). Psalter Week 4 Mass: pr. R.M. p.78 Pf. Lent Readings: L1 Is 58:1-9 G Mt 9:14-15 Anniversary: Rev. Denis Harvey (2005) 20 Purple Saturday after Ash Wednesday Saturday Office: of the day p.26 (193). Psalter Week 4 Morning: Mass: pr. R.M. p.79 Pf. Lent Readings: L1 Is 58:9-14 G Lk 5:27-32 Anniversary: Rev. John Fitzsimons (1991) Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.32 (195). Psalter Week 1 NOTES: 1. Announce next Friday is Family Fast Day (CAFOD). 2. Announce CAFOD Collection next Sunday 28th February

35 FEBRUARY 2010

21 Purple FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT (YEAR C) Sunday  Office: of the day p.34 (198). Psalter Week 1. Readings p.92 Mass: pr. R.M. p.80 Cr. Pf. pr. Readings: L1 Deut 26:4-10 L2 Rom 10:8-13 G Lk 4:1-13 Anniversary: Rev. Thomas Cummins (2000) RCIA: RITE OF ELECTION Mass: pr. R.M. p. 752 Pf. 1st Sunday of Lent Readings: as above RCIA: Nos. 116-124 See also note on p.34 above. 22 White Feast Monday THE SEE OF PETER THE APOSTLE Office: of the Feast p.26* (36*). At Prayer During Day Ants. of the season and Pss. of Monday. Psalter Week 1 Mass: pr. R.M. P.539 Gl. Pf. App. Readings: L1 1 Pt 5:1-4 G Mt 16:13-19 Anniversary: Rev. Connor Hannon (1997) NOTE: Use Lenten form of Gospel Acclamation (no Alleluia) 23 Purple Tuesday of Week 1 Lent Tuesday Office: of the day p.42 (210). Psalter Week 1. Readings p.99 Mass: pr. R.M. p.83 Pf. Lent Readings: L1 Is 55:10-11 G Mt 6:7-15 (St. Polycarp, B. M. - 1st/2nd c.) cf. Note 3 p.34 Anniversary: Rev. Charles Lynch (2007) 24 Purple Wednesday of Week 1 Lent Wednesday Office: of the day p.46 (215). Psalter Week 1. Readings p.103 Mass: pr. R.M. p.84 Pf. Lent Readings: L1 Jonah 3:1-10 G Lk 11:29-32 25 Purple Thursday of Week 1 Lent Thursday Office: of the day p.50 (222). Psalter Week 1. Readings p.107 Mass: pr. R.M. p.85 Pf. Lent Readings: L1 Esther 14:1, 3-5, 12-14 G Mt 7:7-12 26 Purple Friday of Week 1 Lent Friday (Lent Fast Day) Office: of the day p.55 (228). Psalter Week 1. Readings p.111 Mass: pr. R.M. p.86 Pf. Lent Readings: L1 Ezek 18:21-28 G Mt 5:20-26

36 FEBRUARY 2010

27 Purple Saturday of Week 1 Lent Saturday Office: of the day p.59 (234). Psalter Week 1. Readings p.114 Morning: Mass: pr. R.M. p.87 Pf. Lent Readings: L1 Deut 26:16-19 G Mt 5:43-48 Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.62 (195). Psalter Week 2 NOTE: CAFOD Family Fast Day Collection

28 Purple SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT (YEAR C) Sunday  Office: of the day p.63 (198). Psalter Week 2. Readings p.118 Mass: pr. R.M. p.88 Cr. Pf. pr. Readings: L1 Gen 15:5-12, 17-18 L2 Phil 3:17 — 4:1 (or 3:20 — 4:1) G Lk 9:28-36

MARCH 2010

1 White Feast Monday ST. DAVID, B. (6th c.) PATRON OF WALES Very little is known of the life of David (Dewi Sant). He belonged to that great monastic movement which became influential in Wales in the sixth century and which had links with monasticism in Gaul and in Ireland. The earliest references to David are in Irish Annals. Many churches across South Wales claim David as their founder. His chief foundation was at Mynyw or Menevia in Dyfed. He was canonised by Pope Callistus II in 1123. Office: of the Feast p.202* (317*). At Prayer During Day Ants. of Common and Pss. of Monday. Psalter Week 2 Mass: of the Feast R.M. p.2* Gl. Pf. Holy Men and Women 1 or 2 Readings: L1 Phil 3:8-14 G Mt 5:13-16 or at choice from Common of Pastors or of Holy Men and Women NOTE: Use Lenten form of Gospel Acclamation (no Alleluia)

2 Purple Tuesday of Week 2 Lent Tuesday Office: of the day p.72 (210). Psalter Week 2. Readings p.126 Mass: pr. R.M. p.91 Pf. Lent Readings: L1 Is 1:10, 16-20 G Mt 23:1-12 Anniversary: Canon Sylvester Cowell (1991)

3 Purple Wednesday of Week 2 Lent Wednesday Office: of the day p.76 (215). Psalter Week 2. Readings p.130 Mass: pr. R.M. p.92 Pf. Lent Readings: L1 Jer 18:18-20 G Mt 20:17-28 Anniversary: Rev. Robert Starkey (2004)

37 MARCH 2010

4 Purple Thursday of Week 2 Lent Thursday Office: of the day p.80 (222). Psalter Week 2. Readings p.133 Mass: pr. R.M. p.93 Pf. Lent Readings: L1 Jer 17:5-10 G Lk 16:19-31 (St. Casimir - 15th c.) cf. Note 3 p.34 5 Purple Friday of Week 2 Lent Friday (Womens World Day of Prayer) Office: of the day p.84 (228). Psalter Week 2. Readings p.137 Mass: pr. R.M. p.94 Pf. Lent Readings: L1 Gen 37:3-4, 12-13, 17-28 G Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 6 Purple Saturday of Week 2 Lent Saturday Office: of the day p.89 (234). Psalter Week 2. Readings p.141 Morning: Mass: pr. R.M. p.95 Pf. Lent Readings: L1 Mic 7:14-15, 18-20 G Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Anniversary: Rev. Martin Lydon (1995) Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.32 (195). Psalter Week 3 7 Purple THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT (YEAR C) Sunday  Office: of the day p.34 (198). Psalter Week 3. Readings p.145 Mass: pr. R.M. p.96 Cr. Pf. Lent (or pr. when Year A readings used) Readings: L1 Ex 3:1-8, 13-15 L2 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12 G Lk 13:1-9 or, at choice, from Year A L1 Ex 17:3-7 L2 Rom 5:1-2, 5-8 G Jn 4:5-42 (or 4:5-15, 19-26, 39-42) Anniversaries: Rev. Edward Taylor (1992) Rev. Gerard K. Stirzaker (1993) Rev. Patrick Ryan (1995) RCIA: FIRST SCRUTINY Mass: pr. R.M. pp. 753-755 Pf. 3rd Sunday of Lent Readings: as for Year A above RCIA: Nos. 137-143 See also note on p.34 above. During the course of this week: PRESENTATION OF THE CREED Mass: of the day. Readings: Lectionary Vol. III pp. 6-10 L1 Deut 6:1-7 L2 Rom 10:8-13 (or 1 Cor 15:1-8a) G Mt 16:13-18 (or Jn 12:44-50) RCIA: Nos. 144-150

38 MARCH 2010

8 Purple Monday of Week 3 Lent Monday Office: of the day p.38 (204). Psalter Week 3. Readings p.149 Mass: pr. R.M. p.98 Pf. Lent Readings: L1 2 Kgs 5:1-15 G Lk 4:24-30 (St. John of God, Religious - 15th/16th c.) cf. Note 3 p.34 In order to promote baptismal catechesis, it is permissible to take once more, on the most suitable day within this week, the Gospel of the Samaritan Woman, assigned to the previous Sunday, instead of those of the weekday. Where this is done, the readings are as follows: L1 Ex 17:1-7 G Jn 4:5-42 The matching proper preface and Communion antiphon of the preceding Sunday should also be used. 9 Purple Tuesday of Week 3 Lent Tuesday Office: of the day p.42 (210). Psalter Week 3. Readings p.152 Mass: pr. R.M. p.99 Pf. Lent Readings: L1 Dan 3:25, 34-43 G Mt 18:21-35 (St. Frances of Rome, Religious - 14th/15th c.) cf. note 3 p.34 Anniversary: Rev. Joseph (2001)

10 Purple Wednesday of Week 3 Lent Wednesday Office: of the day p.46 (215). Psalter Week 3. Readings p.156 Mass: pr. R.M. p.100 Pf. Lent Readings: L1 Deut 4:1, 5-9 G Mt 5:17-19

11 Purple Thursday of Week 3 Lent Thursday Office: of the day p.50 (222). Psalter Week 3. Readings p.160 Mass: pr. R.M. p.101 Pf. Lent Readings: L1 Jer 7:23-28 G Lk 11:14-23

12 Purple Friday of Week 3 Lent Friday Office: of the day p.55 (228). Psalter Week 3. Readings p.164 Mass: pr. R.M. p.102 Pf. Lent Readings: L1 Hos 14:2-10 G Mk 12:28-34

13 Purple Saturday of Week 3 Lent Saturday Office: of the day p.59 (234). Psalter Week 3. Readings p.167 Morning: Mass: pr. R.M. p.103 Pf. Lent Readings: L1 Hos 5:15 — 6:6 G Lk 18:9-14 Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.62 (195). Psalter Week 4 39 MARCH 2010

14 Purple FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT (YEAR C) or Rose Office: of the day p.63 (198). Psalter Week 4. Readings p.171 Sunday  Mass: pr. R.M. p.104 Cr. Pf. Lent (or pr. when Year A readings used) Readings: L1 Jos 5:9, 10-12 L2 2 Cor 5:17-21 G Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 or at choice from Year A L1 1 Sam 16:1, 6-7, 10-13 L2 Eph 5:8-14 G Jn 9:1-41 (or 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38) Anniversaries: Rev. Bernard Forshaw (1993) Mgr. Vincent Hughes (2000) Rev. Thomas Cheetham (2001) RCIA: SECOND SCRUTINY Mass: pr. R.M. pp. 753-755 Pf. 4th Sunday of Lent Readings: As above RCIA: Nos. 151-157 See also Note on page 34 above.

15 Purple Monday of Week 4 Lent Monday Office: of the day p.68 (204). Psalter Week 4. Readings p.175 Mass: pr. R.M. p.106 Pf. Lent Readings: L1 Is 65:17-21 G Jn 4:43-54

In order to promote baptismal catechesis, it is permissible to take once more, on the most suitable day within this week, the Gospel of the Man born Blind, assigned to the previous Sunday, instead of those of the weekday. Where this is done, the readings are as follows: L1 Mic 7:7-9 G Jn 9:1-41 The matching proper preface of the preceding Sunday should also be used.

16 Purple Tuesday of Week 4 Lent Tuesday Office: of the day p.72 (210). Psalter Week 4. Readings p.179 Mass: pr. R.M. p.107 Pf. Lent Readings: L1 Ez 47:1-9, 12 G Jn 5:1-3, 5-16 Anniversary: Rev. James Purcell (2006)

40 MARCH 2010

17 White Feast Wednesday ST. PATRICK, B. (4th/5th c.) PATRON OF IRELAND Born in Roman Britain about the end of the 4th century, Patrick died in Ireland about the middle of the 5th century. As a missionary bishop, he faced hardship and opposition even from his friends and fellow Christians. Yet he worked to conciliate, to evangelise, and to educate local chieftains and their families. Patrick is remembered for his simplicity and pastoral care, for his humble trust in God, and for his fearless preaching of the gospel to those who had enslaved him in his youth. Office: of the Feast p.49* (45*) cf. p.203* (318*) Mass: pr. R.M. p.4* Gl. Pf. Pastors or Holy Men and Women Readings: L1 Jer 1:4-9 (or Acts 13:46-49) G Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 or at choice from Common of Pastors NOTE: Use Lenten form of Gospel Acclamation (no Alleluia).

18 Purple Thursday of Week 4 Lent Thursday Office: of the day p.80 (222). Psalter Week 4. Readings p.188 Mass: pr. R.M. p.109 Pf. Lent Readings: L1 Ex 32:7-14 G Jn 5:31-47 (St. Cyril of Jerusalem - 4th c.) cf. Note 3 p.34 Ev. Pr. 1 Solemnity following p.54* (47*) N. Pr. as after Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday

19 White Solemnity Friday ST. JOSEPH, HUSBAND OF MARY Patron of the Universal Church, Patron of the Diocese We know no words of his, but God gave him great responsibility as the foster father of the Child Jesus. He accepted with great faith and was described as a just man. Office: of the Solemnity p.57* (50*). At Prayer During Day Ants. pr. with Complementary Pss. Mass: pr. R.M. p.545 Gl. Cr. Pf. pr. Readings: L1 2 Sam 7:4-5, 12-14, 16 L2 Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22 G Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24 (or Lk 2:41-51) Anniversary: Rev. Richard Colbert (2005) Ev. Pr. 2 Solemnity p.64* (53*) N. Pr. as after Ev. Pr. 2 Sunday NOTE: Use Lenten form of Gospel Acclamation (no Alleluia).

41 MARCH 2010 20 Purple Saturday of Week 4 Lent Saturday Office: of the day p.89 (234). Psalter Week 4. Readings p.196 Morning: Mass: pr. R.M. p.111 Pf. Lent Readings: L1 Jer 11:18-20 G Jn 7:40-53 Anniversary: Rev. John O’Hara (1998) Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.200 (238). Psalter Week 1 NOTE: In church Crosses should be veiled until the end of the Celebration of the Lord‘s Passion on Good Friday. Statues should be veiled until the beginning of the Easter Vigil. 21 Purple FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT (YEAR C) Sunday  Office: of the day p.201 (239). Psalter Week 1 Mass: pr. R.M. p.112 Cr. Pf. Lent (or pr. when Year A readings used) Readings: L1 Is 43:16-21 L2 Phil 3:8-14 G Jn 8:1-11 or at choice from Year A L1 Ezek 37:12-14 L2 Rom 8:8-11 G Jn 11:1-45 (or 11:3-7, 17, 20-27, 33-45) RCIA: THIRD SCRUTINY Mass: pr. R.M. pp. 753-755 Pf. 5th Sunday of Lent Readings: As for Year A above RCIA: Nos. 158-164 See also Note on page 34 above. During the course of the week: PRESENTATION OF THE LORD‘S PRAYER Mass: of the day. Readings: Lectionary Vol. III pp. 10-13 L1 Hosea 11:1, 3-4, 8-9 L2 Rom 8:14, 26-27 (or Gal 4:4-7) G Mt 6:9-13 RCIA: Nos. 165-171 22 Purple Monday of Week 5 Lent Monday Office: of the day p.209 (243). Psalter Week 1 Mass: pr. R.M. p.114 Pf. 1 Passion Readings: L1 Dan 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 (or 13:41-62) G Jn 8:1-11 Anniversary: Rev. Paul Thompson (1993) In order to promote baptismal catechesis, it is permissible to take once more, on the most suitable day within this week, the Gospel of Lazarus, assigned to the previous Sunday, instead of those of the weekday. Where this is done, the readings are as follows: L1 2 Kgs 4:18-21, 32-37 G Jn 11:1-45 The matching proper preface of the preceding Sunday should also be used. 42 MARCH 2010

23 Purple Tuesday of Week 5 Lent Tuesday Office: of the day p. 216 (246). Psalter Week 1 Mass: pr. R.M. p.115 Pf. 1 Passion Readings: L1 Num 21:4-9 G Jn 8:21-30 (St. Turibius of Mongrovejo - 16th/17th c.) cf. note 3 p.34

24 Purple Wednesday of Week 5 Lent Wednesday Office: of the day p.223 (250). Psalter Week 1 Mass: pr. R.M. p.116 Pf. 1 Passion Readings: L1 Dan 3:14-20, 91-92, 95 G Jn 8:31-42 Ev. Pr. 1 Solemnity following p.69* (56*) N. Pr. As after Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday

25 White Solemnity Thursday THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD Office: of the Solemnity p.74* (61*). Prayer During Day has Ants. pr. with Complementary Pss. Mass: pr. R.M. p.546 Gl. Cr. Pf. pr. Readings: L1 Is 7:10-14, 8:10 L2 Heb 10:4-10 G Lk 1:26-38 NOTE: 1. Use Lenten form of Gospel Acclamation (no Alleluia). 2. Genuflexion at words By the power of the Holy Spirit ... and was made Man. One knee if recited, two knees if sung.

26 Purple Friday of Week 5 Lent Friday Office: of the day p.237 (257). Psalter Week 1 Mass: pr. R.M. p.118 Pf. 1 Passion Readings: L1 Jer 20:10-13 G Jn 10:31-42

27 Purple Saturday of Week 5 Lent Saturday Office: of the day p.244 (261). Psalter Week 1 Morning: Mass: pr. R.M. p.119 Pf. 1 Passion Readings: L1 Ezek 37:21-28 G Jn 11:45-56 Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.251 (264). Psalter Week 2

43 MARCH 2010


The Solemn Ceremonies of Holy Week may be held in all chapels (except private oratories) provided that when these chapels are not used as parish churches the following standards of worthy celebration be maintained.

There should be: — a fitting number of ministers — the possibility of singing at least some of the parts — a reasonable number of faithful present.

The ceremonies are carried out according to the rites in the Roman Missal.

28 PALM SUNDAY Sunday  This celebration is a great opportunity for us to lead the people into their following of Christ throughout the days of His passion, death and resurrection. A formal entrance into the church, with blessed palms, gives the principal Mass of the day special solemnity, representing as it does the Lords entry into Jerusalem. Other Masses that day may have a simple entrance rite, though without palms. 1. Red vestments throughout. 2. At every mass the entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem is commemorated: a) by a procession or solemn entrance before the principal Mass, or: b) by a simple entrance before all other masses. The solemn entrance (but not the procession) may be repeated before other Masses that are usually well attended. 3. Cope or chasuble for the procession. 4. It is not permitted to celebrate only the blessing of palms without a following procession or solemn entrance and Mass. 5. After the procession or solemn entrance, Mass continues with the Opening Prayer. The sign of the Cross and the Penitential Rite are omitted. 6. Care should be taken with regard to the reading or singing of the Passion. Additional significance is often gained if the three parts are read by distinct persons, the words of Christ traditionally being entrusted to a priest. The Passion is proclaimed without candles or incense. The greeting of the congregation and signs of the Cross are omitted. Only a deacon asks the blessing before reading the Passion. At the end the book is not kissed. 7. It can be beneficial and is encouraged that the congregation say aloud together those parts of the Passion reading which pertain to words spoken by the crowd.

44 MARCH 2010

28 Red PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD Office: of the day p.252 (265). Psalter Week 2 Mass: pr. R.M. p.122 Cr. Pf. pr. Readings: L1 Is 50:4-7 L2 Phil 2:6-11 G Mk 14:1 — 15:47 (or 15:1-39) A good way of helping your people to maintain the spirit of Holy Week is to arrange special Masses, devotions or sermons on the evening of the first three days of the week. It is also an excellent opportunity to provide for services of Reconciliation, with opportunity for the Sacrament of Penance.

29 Purple MONDAY IN HOLY WEEK Monday Office: of the day p.260 (269). Psalter Week 2 Mass: pr. R.M. p.133 Pf. 2 Passion Readings: L1 Is 42:1-7 G Jn 12:1-11 No other Mass liturgy permitted, except Funeral Mass.

30 Purple TUESDAY IN HOLY WEEK Tuesday Office: of the day p.268 (273). Psalter Week 2 Mass: pr. R.M. p.134 Pf. 2 Passion Readings: L1 Is 49:1-6 G Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 No other Mass liturgy permitted, except Funeral Mass.

31 Purple WEDNESDAY IN HOLY WEEK Wednesday Office: of the day p.274 (276). Psalter Week 2 Mass: pr. R.M. p.135 Pf. 2 Passion Readings: L1 Is 50:4-9 G Mt 26:14-25 Anniversary: Rev. Deacon Clifford Torode (2002) No other Mass liturgy permitted, except Funeral Mass.

45 APRIL 2010

HOLY THURSDAY 1 Purple For Office Thursday Office: of the day p.282 (280). Psalter Week 2 In Office of Readings Ants. and Ps 68 of Friday of Week 3 may be used since they speak of the Lords Passion. Ev. Pr. omitted by celebrants of the Evening Mass. N. Pr. as after Ev. Pr. 2 Sunday with Ant. ‘Christ humbled ...’ in place of short responsory. White For Mass of Chrism White ForMassoftheLordsSupper Anniversary: Rev. Deacon Thomas Lynch (1995)

1 White MASS OF CHRISM at the Cathedral (celebrated on Wednesday evening) Thursday Celebrated by the Archbishop and bishops and to which all priests and deacons in the Archdiocese are invited to be present. The Mass of Chrism not only manifests the bond of unity between bishops, priests and deacons, but is also a sign of the unity of all the faithful. At this Mass the Holy Oils are blessed. After the homily, the priests are invited to renew their priestly dedication, and the people to pray for them.

Notes 1. All oil stocks should be emptied and cleaned. 2. Pastoral Area Leaders to take Pastoral Area Oil stocks to Cathedral in good time before the Mass and to have new Holy Oils available for Pastoral Area parishes and chaplains. 1. Old oils should be burnt or used in Sanctuary lamps. 2. Priests who celebrate this Mass may celebrate or concelebrate the Evening Mass of the Lords Supper. The Mass of Chrism is proper with Gl., no Cr., Pf. pr. Readings: L1 Is 61:1-3, 6, 8-9 L2 Apoc 1:5-8 G Lk 4:16-21


Through his Easter Mystery, the Lord Jesus redeemed the human race. By dying, he destroyed our death. By rising he restored our life. For this reason the Easter Triduum when we celebrate the suffering, death, and resurrection of Our Lord is the high point of the liturgical year. The Easter Solemnity is to the year, what the Sunday is to the week. The celebration of the Easter Triduum opens with the Evening Mass of the Lords Supper, reaches its climax in the Easter Vigil, and closes with Evening Prayer 2 on Easter Sunday.

46 APRIL 2010

1 White MASS OF THE LORDS SUPPER Thursday pr. R.M. p.148 Gl., no Cr., Pf. Euch 1. Special Form in E.P.1 Readings: L1 Ex 12:1-8, 11-14 L2 1 Cor 11:23-26 G Jn 13:1-15 a) As we are recalling the Last Supper the Mass ought to be celebrated in the evening. b) The newly blessed oils should be received by the priest before Mass, rather than added as an “extra” to the liturgy of the day. c) The feast of the Body and Blood of Christ is a more appropriate day for Eucharistic Ministers to renew their commitment and this should not be added to the Maundy Thursday celebration. d) The Washing of the Feet by the celebrant after the homily of the Mass can communicate suitably and powerfully a message of humble and loving service which words can never adequately express. In spite of fears by some priests, men parishioners are by no means always reluctant to take part in this ceremony. The use of boy altar servers cannot have the same meaning.


1. Holy Communion may be taken to the sick at any hour today. Otherwise no Communion outside Mass. 2. Before Mass the tabernacle should be emptied. Enough hosts should be consecrated at this Mass for Holy Communion at this Mass and on Good Friday. 3. Bells are rung at the Glory and then remain silent until the Easter Vigil. 4. At the end of Communion, the Blessed Sacrament is placed on the altar, the Prayer after Communion is said and the Concluding Rite is omitted. 5. At the end of Mass the Blessed Sacrament is taken in procession to the Altar of Repose. N.B. This ceremony does not take place in any church or chapel unless the Good Friday Liturgy is also celebrated in the same church or chapel. 6. The faithful should be encouraged to spend time in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. Watching may continue beyond Midnight but should then be without solemnity in the decoration or adornment of the Altar of Repose. 7. After the ceremony all altars are stripped and all crosses are removed from the church, or are veiled. 8. Funeral Masses, Wedding Masses and all other celebrations are not allowed during the Sacred Triduum. 9. Remove Holy Water from all stoups.


1. Priests are not to offer Mass on this day without a congregation. 2. The Mass of the Lords Supper may not be anticipated or duplicated without the permission of the Ordinary.

47 APRIL 2010

GOOD FRIDAY 2 Notes: Friday 1. DayofFastingandAbstinence. 2. Holy Communion may be received by the faithful only during the celebration of the Lords Passion; the sick who cannot be present may receive at any hour of the day. 3. It is highly recommended that there be public celebration with the faithful of the Office of Readings and Morning Prayer today and tomorrow. 4. The Solemn Liturgy should never be overshadowed by other devotions like Stations of the Cross or a Walk of Witness. These additional devotions should be observed on Good Friday Morning. 5. Evening Devotions, such as Watching at the Tomb, should be quietly meditative and focus on mourning and penitence after the celebration of Our Lord‘s death. Office: of the day p.289 (284) cf. note 3 above. Evening Prayer may be omitted by those taking part in the Solemn Liturgy of the Passion. N. Pr. as after Ev. Pr. 2 Sunday with ant. ‘Christ humbled ...’

THE CELEBRATION OF THE LORD‘S PASSION 1. The time of the Liturgy of the Passion on Good Friday is significant and should be at 3 o‘clock. Red vestments are worn throughout. 2. The altar should be completely bare and unadorned. 3. One large Cross should be used at the Veneration even for large numbers. Many will welcome the opportunity to venerate the Cross personally after the main liturgy is complete 4. After the ceremony, the Blessed Sacrament is taken without ceremony to a place of reservation, where a lamp should be lit. The altar is stripped privately, but crucifix and candles remain. 5. A genuflexion is made to the crucifix after its unveiling and until the start of the Easter Vigil. 6. The obligatory collection which is taken up at this celebration is for the support of the Holy Places in Jerusalem. The problems faced by Christians in the Holy Land merit our generous support and the people should be advised as to the purpose of this collection. GOOD FRIDAY The Ceremony: 1. Liturgy of the Word. L1 Is 52:13 — 53:12 L2 Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9 G Jn 18:1 — 19:42 2. Adoration of the Cross. 3. Communion Rite. Anniversary: Pope John Paul II (2005) NOTE: The Divine Mercy Novena begins today.

48 APRIL 2010

3 Purple HOLY SATURDAY Saturday The Sacraments other than Penance and the Anointing ofthe Sick are not to be celebrated today. Holy Communion may be given only as Viaticum. Office: of the day p.315 (308) (cf. Good Friday Note 3 p.48) N. Pr. as after Ev. Pr. 2 Sunday (Ant. ‘Christ humbled ...‘) said only by those not participating in the Easter Vigil. Anniversary: Episcopal Ordination of Archbishop Patrick Kelly (1984) Candidates for baptism are to be advised that on Holy Saturday they should refrain from their usual activities, spend their time in prayer and reflection, and, as far as they can, observe a fast. When it is possible to bring them together on Holy Saturday for reflection and prayer, some of the rites provided in Nos. 172- 197 of RCIA may be celebrated as an immediate preparation for the Sacraments. (RCIA 172) It should be noted that these rites mark the final - and very personal - preparation of the candidates; it would be wrong to celebrate them as public liturgies. All the faithful should remain in recollection at the Lord‘s tomb meditating on his sufferings and death, refraining from any celebration except public offering of the Office of Readings and Morning Prayer. Only tonight during the Easter Vigil does mourning give way to the joy of the Risen Christ.

EASTERTIDE During the Easter Season

1. The Paschal Candle is placed near the altar or the ambo until and including Pentecost Sunday. It should be lit at all liturgical services. 2. After Night Prayer the Regina Coeli is said until Pentecost.

The Cycle of Prayer During Easter we are asked to pray for these intentions: New Members of the Church; Vocations; The Right Use of the Media; the Church; Human Work World Day of Prayer for Vocations Sunday 25 April [4th Sunday of Easter] St. Joseph the Worker, Saturday 1 May World Communications Day Sunday 16 May [Ascension] The Church especially at Pentecost, 23 May Easter

49 APRIL 2010

3 White EASTER SUNDAY Saturday RESURRECTION OF THE LORD SATURDAY NIGHT VIGIL MASS: pr. R.M. p.187 Gl.(with bells), no Cr. Pf. Easter 1 N.B. changes in the Roman Canon Vigilbeginswith: 1.ServiceofLight. 2. Liturgy of the Word. Care should be taken in the readings so that they outline salvation history. Skimping the readings is no service to those present. There should be at least three readings from the Old Testament before the epistle and gospel readings. Particular importance should be attached to the reading from Exodus 14 which is never to be omitted. Mass begins with: the ‘Glory’ Notes: 1. It is important that the Easter Vigil should not begin before sunset. Unless darkness has fallen, much of the symbolism of the celebration is lost and symbols must be allowed to speak for themselves. 2. It is not permitted to celebrate the Mass only without the Vigil rites. 3. The Vigil may be celebrated in churches or chapels where the Holy Thursday and Good Friday liturgies did not take place. 4. The Easter Proclamation (Exsultet) may be sung, if necessary by one who is neither a priest nor a deacon. In this case the section ‘My dearest friends...’ and the ‘Lord be with you’ salutation and response are omitted. 5. Holy Communion only during Mass. Those who receive at this Mass may receive again on Easter Day. 6. Priests who celebrate the Easter Vigil, may celebrate, binate or trinate on Easter Day if pastorally necessary. 7. Attendance at the Easter Vigil satisfies the Sunday Mass obligation. 8. Provide a box in church for collecting for Friends of the Holy Land throughout Eastertide

4 White Solemnity with Octave Sunday  EASTER DAY Office: of the day p.339 (329). The Office of Readings can be omitted by those who participated in the Easter Vigil. Mass: pr. R.M. p.219 Gl. Sequence, Cr* Pf. Easter 1. Special Form in E.P.1. Double Allel at dismissal and response. Readings: L1 Acts 10:34, 37-43 L2 Col 3:1-4 (or 1 Cor 5:6-8) G Jn 20:1-9 (or Lk 24:1-12) At Evening Mass Gospel Lk 24:13-35 may be read. *At all Masses today, after the homily, the celebrant should invite the people to renew the profession of their baptismal faith, as done during the Easter Vigil. When this is done, it replaces the Creed.

50 APRIL 2010

5 White MONDAY OF EASTER OCTAVE Monday Office: of the day p.362 (338) Mass: pr. R.M. p.222 Gl. Seq. optional, Pf. Easter 1, Special Form in E.P.1. Double Allel at dismissal and response. Readings: L1 Acts 2:14, 22-33 G Mt 28:8-15 No other Mass liturgy permitted, except Funeral Mass.

6 White TUESDAY OF EASTER OCTAVE Tuesday Office: of the day p.375 (342) Mass: pr. R.M. p.223 Gl. Seq. optional, Pf. Easter 1, Special Form in E.P.1. Double Allel at dismissal and response. Readings: L1 Acts 2:36-41 G Jn 20:11-18 Anniversary: Rev. James Carter (1990) No other Mass liturgy permitted, except Funeral Mass.

7 White WEDNESDAY OF EASTER OCTAVE Wednesday Office: of the day p.387 (346) Mass: pr. R.M. p.224 Gl. Seq. optional, Pf. Easter 1, Special Form in E.P.1. Double Allel at dismissal and response. Readings: L1 Acts 3:1-10 G Lk 24:13-35 Anniversary: Rev. Gerard Neary (1992) No other Mass liturgy permitted, except Funeral Mass.

8 White THURSDAY OF EASTER OCTAVE Thursday Office: of the day p.400 (350) Mass: pr. R.M. p.225 Gl. Seq. optional, Pf. Easter 1, Special Form in E.P.1. Double Allel at dismissal and response. Readings: L1 Acts 3:11-26 G Lk 24:35-48 No other Mass liturgy permitted, except Funeral Mass. * St. Julie Billiart – see note p.6

9 White FRIDAY OF EASTER OCTAVE Friday Office: of the day p.411 (353) Mass: pr. R.M. p.226 Gl. Seq. optional, Pf. Easter 1, Special Form in E.P.1. Double Allel at dismissal and response. Readings: L1 Acts 4:1-12 G Jn 21:1-14 No other Mass liturgy permitted, except Funeral Mass.

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10 White SATURDAY OF EASTER OCTAVE Saturday Office: of the day p.423 (357) Morning: Mass: pr. R.M. p.227 Gl. Seq. optional, Pf. Easter 1, Special Form in E.P.1. Double Allel at dismissal and response. Readings: L1 Acts 4:13-21 G Mk 16:9-15 Anniversary: Bishop Anthony Hitchen (1988) No other Mass liturgy permitted, except Funeral Mass. Evening: 1stMassandEv.Pr.1Sundayp.433(360)

11 White SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER (YEAR C) Sunday  DAY OF DIVINE MERCY Office: of the day p.434 (361) Mass: pr. R.M. p.228 Gl. Seq. optional, Cr. Pf. Easter 1. Special Form in E.P.1. Double Allel at dismissal and response. Readings: L1 Acts 5:12-16 L2 Apoc 1:9-13, 17-19 G Jn 20:19-31 Anniversary: Canon Cornelius Mullane (1990) Other Mass liturgies are not permitted.

Season of Easter 1. On weekdays the ferial Mass is proper. Masses for various needs and occasions, votive Masses and ordinary Masses for the Dead are not permitted, unless there is pastoral need. Optional Memorial Masses may be celebrated, also Masses in honour of the Saints occurring on these days in the Martyrology. 2. In the Office of Saints, there are parts proper to this Season. 3. At Mass, a single Alleluia should be added to the Entrance and Communion antiphons, unless these are not fitting in view of the text. The Easter Preface I may continue to be used throughout Eastertide with the words ‘in this Easter Season’ after the Easter Octave.

12 White Weekday of Easter (Week 2) Monday Office: of the day. p.450 (374). Psalter Week 2. Readings p.506 Mass: of the day R.M. p.230 Pf. Easter Readings: L1 Acts 4:23-31 G Jn 3:1-8

13 White Weekday of Easter (Week 2) Tuesday Office: of the day. p.455 (380). Psalter Week 2. Readings p.510 or: (Red) St. Martin I, Pope M. (7th c.) Office: p.103* (73*) Mass: of the day or memorial. Pf. Easter or Saints Readings: L1 Acts 4:32-37 G Jn 3:7-15 Anniversary: Rev. Michael Gaughran SSC (2008)

52 APRIL 2010

14 White Weekday of Easter (Week 2) Wednesday Office: of the day p.459 (387). Psalter Week 2. Readings p.513 Mass: of the day R.M. p.232. Pf. Easter Readings: L1 Acts 5:17-26 G Jn 3:16-21 15 White Weekday of Easter (Week 2) Thursday Office: of the day p.464 (394). Psalter Week 2. Readings p.517 Mass: of the day R.M. p.233 Pf. Easter Readings: L1 Acts 5:27-33 G Jn 3:31-36 16 White Weekday of Easter (Week 2) Friday Office: of the day p.469 (401). Psalter Week 2. Readings p.521 or: (White) St. Bernadette, Rel. (19th c.) Office: Common p.391* (470*) Mass: of the day R.M. p.234 Pf. Easter Readings: L1 Acts 5:34-42 G Jn 6:1-15 Anniversary: Rev. Brian Edmund Fitzsimons OSB (1993) 17 White Weekday of Easter (Week 2) Saturday Office: of the day pp.473 (407). Psalter Week 2. Readings p.524 Morning: Mass: of the day R.M. p.235 Pf. Easter Readings: L1 Acts 6:1-7 G Jn 6:16-21 Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.477 (365). Psalter Week 3 NOTE: Announce Day of Prayer and collection for next Sunday 18 White THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER (YEAR C) Sunday  Office: of the day p.478 (367). Psalter Week 3. Readings p.528 Mass: pr. R.M. p.236 Gl. Cr. Pf. Easter Readings: L1 Acts 5:27-32, 40-41 L2 Apoc 5:11-14 G Jn 21:1-19 (or 1-14) Anniversaries: Rev. Dermot Casey (2002) Rev. Thomas Lambe (2006) Rev. Cyril Thomas (2007) 19 White Weekday of Easter (Week 3) Monday Office: of the day p.483 (374). Psalter Week 3. Readings p.532 Mass: of the day R.M. p.238 Pf. Easter Readings: L1 Acts 6:8-15 G Jn 6:22-29 Anniversary: please pray for Pope Benedict XVI on this 5th anniversary of his election as Pope. The Mass for the anniversary of the election may be said. Occasional Mass No. 2. R.M. p.794 (N.B. Prayers for His Holiness in today's Bidding Prayers)

53 APRIL 2010

20 White Weekday of Easter (Week 3) Tuesday Office: of the day p.487 (380). Psalter Week 3. Readings p.535 Mass: of the day R.M. p.239 Pf. Easter Readings: L1 Acts 7:51 — 8:1 G Jn 6:30-35

21 White Weekday of Easter (Week 3) Wednesday Office: of the day p.491 (387). Psalter Week 3. Readings p.539 or: (White) St. Anselm (11th/12th c.) Office: p.106* (74*) Mass: of the day or memorial. Pf. Easter or Saints Readings: L1 Acts 8:1-8 G Jn 6:35-40 Anniversary: Mgr. Canon Thomas Adamson (1991)

22 White Weekday of Easter (Week 3) Thursday Office: of the day p.495 (394). Psalter Week 3. Readings p.542 Mass: of the day R.M. p.241 Pf. Easter Readings: L1 Acts 8:26-40 G Jn 6:44-51 Anniversary: Rev. Bernard Bimson (2009)

23 Red Solemnity Friday ST. GEORGE, PATRON OF ENGLAND, M. (3rd/4th c.) George was martyred at Lydda (Israel) around 303, in the persecution of Diocletian. His cult, which predates the legend of his slaying the dragon, spread quickly through East and West. During the crusades, George was seen to personify the ideals of Christian chivalry, and he was adopted as patron saint of several city-states and countries. King Richard I of England placed his crusading army under his protection, and in 1222 his feast was proclaimed a holiday. Office: of the Solemnity p.108* (74*). Hymn at Morning Prayer is pr. p.204* (318*) Mass: of the Solemnity R.M. p.8* Gl. Cr. Pf. Martyrs Readings: L1 Apoc 12:10-12 G Jn 15:18-21 (or Jn 15:1-8)

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24 White Weekday of Easter (Week 3) Saturday Office: of the day p.503 (407). Psalter Week 3. Readings p.548 Morning: or: (Red) St. Adalbert, OSB, B.M. (10th c.) ‘Apostle of the Slavs’ Office: Common p.325* (433*) or 350* (449*) or: (Red) St. FidelisofSigmaringen, P.M. (16th/17thc.) Office: p.111* (75*) Mass: of the day or memorial. Pf. Easter or Saints Readings: L1 Acts 9:31-42 G Jn 6:60-69 Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.444 (365). Psalter Week 4 NOTE: Day of Special Prayer for Vocations and special collection for Priests Training Fund.

25 White FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (YEAR C) Sunday  (World Day of Prayer for Vocations) Office: of the day p.445 (367). Psalter Week 4. Readings p.552 Mass: pr. R.M. p.244 Gl. Cr. Pf. Easter Readings: L1 Acts 13:14, 43-52 L2 Apoc 7:9, 14-17 G Jn 10:27-30 Anniversary: Rev. Patrick Breen (2005) * St. Mark – see note p.6

26 White Weekday of Easter (Week 4) Monday Office: of the day p.450 (374). Psalter Week 4. Readings p.555 Mass: of the day R.M. p.246 Pf. Easter Readings: L1 Acts 11:1-18 G Jn 10:1-10 Anniversary: Rev. Morgan O’Healey (1992)

27 White Weekday of Easter (Week 4) Tuesday Office: of the day p.455 (380). Psalter Week 4. Readings p.559 Mass: of the day R.M. p.247. Pf. Easter or, in the Isle of Man: White Memorial St. Maughold, B. (5th c.) Nothing is known of him beyond a legend which makes him a pirate in Ireland, who was told by St. Patrick to put to sea in a coracle without oars as a penance for his misdeeds. He landed on the Isle of Man where, after suitable reparation, he was made bishop. Office: Common p.350* (449*) Mass: Common R.M. p.714/6 Pf. Easter or Saints Readings: L1 Acts 11:19-26 G Jn 10:22-30 Anniversary: Rev. Michael O‘Donoghue (1994) 55 APRIL 2010

28 White Weekday of Easter (Week 4) Wednesday Office: of the day p.459 (387). Psalter Week 4. Readings p.563 or: (Red) St. Peter Chanel, SM, P.M. (19th c.) Office: p.121* (80*) or: (White) St. Louis Marie de Montfort, SMM, P. (17th/18th c.) Office: Common p.350* (449*) Mass: of the day or memorial. Pf. Easter or Saints Readings: L1 Acts 12:24 — 13:5 G Jn 12:44-50

29 White Feast Thursday ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA, Tert OP., V.D. (14th c.) Born in Siena, Tuscany, in 1347, the twenty-fifth child of a wool dyer. Catherine Benincasa received the habit of the third order of St. Dominic at the age of sixteen, continuing to live at home. Her sanctity attracted a number of followers – the Caterinati – of who she was a sort of leader. She became known for her work among the poor of Siena and the successful conversion of hardened sinners. At heart, she had a special care for the unity and welfare of the Church. She was instrumental in persuading Pope Gregory XI to abandon Avignon and return to Rome. She tried to heal the great schism of the West, rallying all Italy around Pope Urban VI. She has left over 400 letters and a Dialogue, which is one of the most remarkable mystical works of all time. She was canonised in 1461 and declared Doctor of the Church in 1970. She is co-patroness of Europe. Office: of the Feast p.124* (81*). Psalter Week 4 Mass: of the Feast. R.M. p.554. Pf. Saints Readings: L11Jn1:5—2:2 G Mt 11:25-30 Anniversary: Canon John S. Tickle (1998)

30 White Weekday of Easter (Week 4) Friday Office: of the day p.469 (401). Psalter Week 4. Readings p.570 or: (White) St. Pius V, Pope (16th c.) Office: p.126* (82*) Mass: of the day or memorial Pf. Easter or Saints Readings: L1 Acts 13:26-33 G Jn 14:1-6 Anniversaries: Rev. William Lawlor (1995) Canon Patrick McCannon (2006)

56 MAY 2010

1 W hite Weekday of Easter (Week 4) Saturday Office: of the day p.473 (407). Psalter Week 4. Readings p.574 Morning: Mass: of the day R.M. p.250 Pf. Easter Readings: L1 Acts 13:44-52 G Jn 14:7-14 or: (White) St. Joseph the Worker Office: p.129* (83*) and 57* (50*) Mass: pr. R.M. p.556 Pf. pr. Readings: L1 Gen 1:26 — 2:3 or Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24 G Mt 13:54-58 Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.477 (365). Psalter Week 1

2 White FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (YEAR C) Sunday  Office: of the day p.478 (367). Psalter Week 1. Readings p.578 Mass: pr. R.M. p.252 Gl. Cr. Pf. Easter Readings: L1 Acts 14:21-27 L2 Apoc 21:1-5 G Jn 13:31-35

3 Red Feast Monday ST. PHILIP AND ST. JAMES, APOSTLES According to John's Gospel, Philip was one of the first disciples to be called by the Lord. James, traditionally known as "The Less" was the leader of the Jerusalem Church during the first Christian decades. Office: of the Feast p.137* (87*). At Prayer During Day Ants. Eastertide Pss. of Monday. Psalter Week 1 Mass: pr. R.M. p.558 Gl. Pf. App. Readings: L1 1 Cor 15:1-8 G Jn 14:6-14 Anniversary: Canon Eugene Hopkins (2001)

4 Red Memorial Tuesday The English Martyrs (16th/17th c.) On this day in 1535 there died at Tyburn three Carthusian , the first of many martyrs, and Protestant, of the English . Of these martyrs, forty two have been canonised and a further two hundred and forty two declared blessed, but the number of those who died on the scaffold, perished in prison, or suffered harsh persecution for their faith in the course of a century and a half cannot now be reckoned. They came from every walk of life; there are among them rich and poor, married and single, women and men. They are remembered for the example they gave of constancy in their faith, and courage in the face of persecution. Office: of the memorial p.204* (319*). Psalter Week 1 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.9* Pf. Easter or Martyrs Readings: L1 Acts 14:19-28 G Jn 14:27-31 57 MAY 2010

5 White Weekday of Easter (Week 5) Wednesday Office: of the day p.491 (387). Psalter Week 1. Readings p.589 Mass: of the day R.M. p.256 Pf. Easter Readings: L1 Acts 15:1-6 G Jn 15:1-8 Anniversaries: Bishop Kevin O‘Connor (1993) Rev. Peter Sibert (2005) 6 White Weekday of Easter (Week 5) Thursday Office: of the day p.495 (394). Psalter Week 1. Readings p.592 Mass: of the day R.M. p.257 Pf. Easter Readings: L1 Acts 15:7-21 G Jn 15:9-11 7 White Weekday of Easter (Week 5) Friday Office: of the day p.499 (401). Psalter Week 1. Readings p.595 Mass: of the day R.M. p.258 Pf. Easter Readings: L1 Acts 15:22-31 G Jn 15:12-17 8 White Weekday of Easter (Week 5) Saturday Office: of the day p.503 (407). Psalter Week 1. Readings p.598 Morning: Mass: of the day R.M. p.259 Pf. Easter Readings: L1 Acts 16:1-10 G Jn 15:18-21 Anniversary: Rev. Deacon Ronald Strickland (2004) Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.444 (365). Psalter Week 2 NOTE: Announce Special Prayers and obligatory collection next Sunday.

9 White SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER (YEAR C) Sunday  Office: of the day p.445 (367). Psalter Week 2. Readings p.602 Mass: pr. R.M. p.260 Gl. Cr. Pf. Easter Readings: L1 Acts 15:1-2, 22-29 L2 Apoc 21:10-14, 22-23 G Jn 14:23-29 10 White Weekday of Easter (Week 6) Monday Office: of the day p.450 (374). Psalter Week 2. Readings p.605 Mass: of the day R.M. p.262 Pf. Easter Readings: L1 Acts 16:11-15 G Jn 15:26 — 16:4 11 White Weekday of Easter (Week 6) Tuesday Office: of the day p.455 (380). Psalter Week 2. Readings p.608 Mass: of the day R.M. p.263 Pf. Easter Readings: L1 Acts 16:22-34 G Jn 16:5-11 Anniversary: Rev. Deacon Thomas Gates (1993)

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12 White Weekday of Easter (Week 6) Wednesday Office: of the day p.459 (387). Psalter Week 2. Readings p.612 or: (Red) Ss. Nereus and Achilleus, MM (1st c.) Office: p.142* (91*) or: (Red) St. Pancras, M. (3rd/4th c.) Office: p.144* (91*) or: (Red) St. John Stone, OSA, M. (16th c.) Office: Common p.325* (433*) Mass: of the day or memorial Pf. Easter or Saints Readings: L1 Acts 17:15, 22 — 18:1 G Jn 16:12-15 Anniversary: Mgr. Thomas Gerard McKenna (2003)

13 White Feast (for Cathedral a Solemnity) Thursday 43rd Anniversary of Dedication of Liverpool Cathedral of Christ the King Office: Common p.485* (365*) Psalter Week 2 Mass: pr. R.M. p.688 Gl., (Cr.) Pf. pr. Readings: Common at choice.

14 Red Feast Friday ST. MATTHIAS, APOSTLE (1st c.) The Acts of the Apostles tells us that he was elected to fill the place of Judas, after which the New Testament has nothing more to say about him. Like the other Apostles he was a witness to the Resurrection. Office: of the Feast p.3* (92*). At Prayer During Day Ants. and. Pss. Friday. Psalter Week 2 Mass: pr. R.M. p.560 Gl. Pf. App. Readings: L1 Acts 1:15-17, 20-26 G Jn 15:9-17

15 White Weekday of Easter (Week 6) Saturday Office: of the day p.655 (407). Psalter Week 2. Readings p.655 Morning: or: (White) Our Lady of Fatima Office: Common p.258* (382*) Mass: of the day or memorial. Pf. Easter or Our Lady Readings: Ferial: L1 Acts 18:23-28 G Jn 16:23-28 Our Lady: L1 Is 61:9-11 G Lk 11:27-28 Anniversary: Rev. Thomas Patrick Buckland (2004) Evening: 1st Mass andEv.Pr.1Solemnityfollowingp.617 (412) NOTE: Special Prayers and obligatory collection.

59 MAY 2010

16 White Solemnity Sunday  THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD (YEAR C) (World Communications Day - Obligatory Collection) Office: of the Solemnity p.621 (416) Mass: pr. R.M. p.266 Gl. Cr. Pf. pr. (Special form in E.P.1) Readings: L1 Acts 1:1-11 L2 Eph 1:17-23 (or Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23) G Lk 24:46-53 Anniversary: Rev. Dan Hogan SMM (2009) * St. Brendan – see note p.6 Ev. Pr. 2 Solemnity p.634 (419) N. Pr. as after Ev. Pr. 2 Sundays No other Mass liturgy is permitted. NOTE: Eastertide continues until Pentecost and so the Paschal Candle should remain on the Sanctuary until after Pentecost Sunday

17 White Weekday of Easter (Week 7) Monday Office: of the day p.661 (435). Psalter Week 3 or: (White) St. Paschal Baylon, OFM, lay brother (16th c.) Office: Common p. 644* (482*) Mass: of the day or memorial. Pf. Easter or Ascension or Saints Readings: L1 Acts 19:1-8 G Jn 16:29-33 Anniversary: Rev. Thomas Lyng (1994)

18 White Weekday of Easter (Week 7) Tuesday Office: of the day p.668 (438). Psalter Week 3 or: (Red) St. John I, Pope M. (5th/6th c.) Office: p.150* (93*) Mass: of the day or memorial. Pf. Easter or Ascension or Saints Readings: L1 Acts 20:17-27 G Jn 17:1-11 Anniversaries: Canon Peter Wilkinson (2001) Rev. Gerard Snape (2008)

19 White Weekday of Easter (Week 7) Wednesday Office: of the day p.675 (442). Psalter Week 3 or: (White) St. Dunstan, OSB, B. (10th c.) Office: Common p.350* (449*) or 412* (482*) Mass: of the day or memorial. Pf. Easter or Ascension or Saints Readings: L1 Acts 20:28-38 G Jn 17:11-19

60 MAY 2010

20 White Weekday of Easter (Week 7) Th ursday Office: of the day p. 682 (445). Psalter Week 3 or: (White) St. Bernardine of Siena, OFM, P (14th/15th c.) Office: p.153* (94*) Mass: of the day or memorial Pf. Easter or Ascension or Saints Readings: L1 Acts 22:30; 23:6-11 G Jn 17:20-26 Anniversary: Rev. Michael O'Donohue (1992)

21 White Weekday of Easter (Week 7) Friday Office: of the day p.689 (448). Psalter Week 3 or: (Red) St. Christopher of Magallanes, P.M., and Companions MM. (19th/20th c.) Office: Common p.299* (417*) Mass: of the day or memorial. Pf. Easter or Ascension or Saints Readings: L1 Acts 25:13-21 G Jn 21:15-19 Anniversaries: translation of Patrick Kelly to Liverpool as Archbishop (1996) Rev. John Cyril Higham (2002)

22 White Weekday of Easter (Week 7) Saturday Office: of the day p.696 (452). Psalter Week 3 Morning: or: (White) St. Rita of Cascia, OSA, Religious (14th/15th c.) Office: Common p.440* and 457* (494*) Mass: of the day or memorial. Pf. Easter or Ascension or Saints Readings: L1 Acts 28:16-20, 30-31 G Jn 21:20-25 Evening: Solemnity Red VIGIL OF PENTECOST** Mass: pr. R.M. p.280. Gl., Seq., Cr., Pf. pr. (Special Form in E.P.1) Readings: L1 Gen 11:1-9 (or Ex 19:3-8, 16-20 or Ez 37:1-14 or Joel 3:1-5) L2 Rom 8:22-27 G Jn 7:37-39 Ev. Pr. 1 Solemnity p.702 (455) N. Pr. as after Ev. Pr 1 Sunday **NOTE: If any Evening Mass tonight is the 1st Mass of Sunday the Mass text to be used is that of the Sunday, even though it has its own Vigil.

61 MAY 2010

2 3 Red Solemnity Sunday  PENTECOST SUNDAY Office: of the Solemnity p.706 (459). Mass: pr. R.M. p.282. Gl., Seq., Cr., Pf. pr. (Special Form of E.P.1) Readings: L1 Acts 2:1-11 L2 1 Cor 12:3-7, 12-13 or Rom 8:8-17 G Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 14:15-16, 23-26

Eastertide ends today: The Paschal Candle is best kept in a place of honour near the font. The candles used in the celebration of Baptism should be lighted from it. It should also be used at Funeral Masses, being placed near the coffin as the sign of hope in everlasting life.

ORDINARY TIME (RESUMED) Office: Vol. 3 Please refer to notes on p.24 COMMENCE with Week 8 Lectionaries: Sundays and Major Feasts YEAR C Ferial Weekdays YEAR 2 Psalter Week 4

The Cycle of Prayer During Ordinary Time (Summer), i.e. up to September, we are asked to pray for these intentions: A Deeper Understanding between Christians and Jews; Those Who Suffer Persecution, Oppression and Denial of Human Rights; Europe; Seafarers; Human Life St John Fisher and St Thomas More Tuesday 22 June Europe [St. Benedict, St. Bridget, St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross as below also Ss Cyril & Methodius (14 February) and St. Catherine of Siena (29 April) St. Benedict [Sunday 11 July] St. Bridget Friday 23 July St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross Monday 9 August Sea Sunday 11 July [2nd Sunday in July] Day for Life Sunday 25 July [4th Sunday in July]

Ordinary Time - Summer

24 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 8) Monday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.112 or: (White) Our Lady Help of Christians Office: Common p.506* (382*) cf. p.427* (314*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Pt 1:3-9 G Mk 10:17-27

62 MAY 2010

25 White Memorial Tuesday St. The Venerable, OSB, P.D. (7th/8th c.) Born at Wearmouth in 673, Bede died in Jarrow on this day in 735. He was educated at the monasteries of Wearmouth and Jarrow, where he was a for the rest of his life. He was the first historian of the English church and people, a master of the Scriptures and of the teaching of the Fathers. Known for his delight in learning, teaching and writing, he is venerated as the ‘light of the Church’ in the period called the Dark Ages, and as a forerunner of the 8th and 9th century renaissance of the Western Church. Office: of the memorial p.11* (94*). Psalter Week 4 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.11* Readings: L1 1 Pt 1:10-16 G Mk 10:28-31 Anniversary: Rev. Deacon Leonard Barton (2009)

26 White Memorial Wednesday St. Philip Neri, Cong Orat, P. (16th c.) First he set up an active lay apostolate, only later did he become a priest. He carried out his apostolate with a great sense of humour. Office: of the memorial p.18* (96*). Psalter Week 4 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.564 Readings: L1 1 Pt 1:18-25 G Mk 10:32-45 Anniversary: Rev. Joseph Connery (2003)

27 White Memorial Thursday St. Augustine (Austin) of Canterbury, OSB, B. (6th/7th c.) Gregory the Great sent him to England and he was very diffident about it. He founded Canterbury and Rochester, later the See of London. He organised the Church well in the Home Counties. Office: of the memorial. p.20* (97*). Psalter Week 4 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.12* Readings: L1 1 Pt 2:2-5, 9-12 G Mk 10:46-52 Anniversary: Episcopal Ordination of Bishop Thomas Williams (2003)

28 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 8) Friday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.126 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Pt 4:7-13 G Mk 11:11-26 Anniversary: Rev. Thomas Rattigan (1996)

63 MAY 2010

29 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 8) Saturday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.595 Morning: or: (White B.V.M. on Saturday or Green) Office: Common p.252* (394*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Jude 17:20-25 G Mk 11:27-33 Anniversary: Rev. Edmund Geoghegan (1993) Evening: 1st MassandEv.Pr.1Solemnityfollowingp.3 (468). NOTE: Announce obligatory collection for next Sunday.

30 White Solemnity Sunday  THE MOST HOLY TRINITY (YEAR C) Office: of the Solemnity p.7 (472). At Prayer During Day Ants. pr. with Pss. of Sunday Psalter Week 1 Mass: pr. R.M. p.356 Gl. Cr. Pf. pr. Readings: L1 Prov 8:22-31 L2 Rom 5:1-5 G Jn 16:12-15 Ev. Pr. 2 Solemnity p.16 (476) N. Pr. as after Ev. Pr. 2 Sundays No other Mass liturgy is permitted.

31 White Feast Monday VISITATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Office: of the Feast p.22* (98*). At Prayer During Day Ants. and Pss. Monday. Psalter Week 1 Mass: pr. R.M. p.566 Gl. Pf. B.V.M. Readings: L1 Zeph 3:14-18 or Rom 12:9-16 G Lk 1:39-56

JUNE 2010

1 Red Memorial Tuesday St. Justin, M. (2nd c.) A pagan philosopher whose desire for truth brought him to . Then he defended the reasonableness of the faith. He left us a useful description of Mass celebrated in Rome in the second century. Office: of the memorial p.32* (103*). Psalter Week 1 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.568 Readings: L1 2 Pt 3:12-15, 17-18 G Mk 12:13-17

64 JUNE 2010

2 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 9) Wednesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.145 or: (Red) Ss. Marcellinus and Peter, MM. (3rd/4th c.) Office: p.35* (104*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 2 Tim 1:1-3, 6-12 G Mk 12:18-27

3 Red Memorial Thursday Saints Charles Lwanga and Companions (19th c.) The first martyrs of central Africa who died in 1885. Some of them held high positions of state but preferred death to infidelity. Their persecutor was their own King Mwanga. Office: of the memorial p.37* (105*). Psalter Week 1 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.570 Readings: L1 2 Tim 2:8-15 G Mk 12:28-34 Anniversaries: Rev. Thomas Loughlin OSB (1994) Rev. John Joseph Byrne (2002)

4 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 9) Friday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.152 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 2 Tim 3:10-17 G Mk 12:35-37

5 Red Memorial Saturday St. Boniface, OSB, B.M. (7th/8th c.) Morning: Born as Winfrith possibly at Crediton (Devon), about 675, Boniface was killed in the Netherlands on this day in 754. After several years as monk and teacher at Nursling (Hampshire), he went to evangelise the Germanic peoples. Ordained bishop, he was given wide-ranging papal commissions throughout Germany and Gaul. With much support from England in materials and personnel, he founded monasteries and established dioceses, presided at synods, and liaised with kings. He is remembered as a determined missionary, and as a church organiser and reformer, whose work shaped the future of Europe. He is buried in his abbey of Fulda, and is honoured as apostle of Germany. Office: of the memorial p.40* (105*). Psalter Week 1 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.571 Readings: L1 2 Tim 4:1-8 G Mk 12:38-44 Evening: 1st MassandEv.Pr.1Solemnityfollowingp.21(481) NOTE: Obligatory collection for Priests in Retirement.

65 JUNE 2010

6 W hite Solemnity Sunday  THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST (YEAR C) Office: pr. p.26 (486). At Prayer During Day Ants. pr. and Pss. Complementary p.[514] ([485]) Mass: pr. R.M. p.358 Gl., Sequence (optional), Cr., Pf. Eucharist Readings: L1 Gen 14:18-20 L2 1 Cor 11:23-26 G Lk 9:11-17 Anniversary: Rev. John Kavanagh SDB (1992) Ev. Pr. 2 Solemnity p.36 (490) N. Pr. as after Ev. Pr. 2 Sundays

7 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 10) Monday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.162 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Kgs 17:1-6 G Mt 5:1-12

8 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 10) Tuesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.165 or: (White) St. , B (12th c.) Office: Common p.591* (449*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Kgs 17:7-16 G Mt 5:13-16

9 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 10) Wednesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.170 or: (White) St. Columba, Abbot (6th c.) Office: Common p.591* (449*) or 644* (482*) or: (White) St. Ephraem, Deacon (4th c.) Office: p.189* (107*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Kgs 18:20-39 G Mt 5:17-19 Anniversaries: Rev. John Connolly (1992) Rev. Ladislaus Juozapaitis, SSS (2002) Rev. Vincent Cunningham (2008)

66 JUNE 2010

10 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 10) Thursday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.174 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Kgs 18:41-46 G Mt 5:20-26 Ev. Pr 1 of Solemnity following p.42 (495) N. Pr. as after Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday Anniversary: Rev. Deacon Francis Spreadbury (1990) 11 White Solemnity Friday THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS (YEAR C) Office: pr. p.46 (499). At Prayer During Day Ants pr. with Pss. Complementary. Mass: pr. R.M. p.360 Gl. Cr. Pf. pr. Readings: L1 Ez 34:11-16 L2 Rom 5:5-11 G Lk 15:3-7 Ev. Pr. 2 Solemnity p.54 (502) N. Pr. as after Ev. Pr. 2 Sundays Anniversary: Rev. Edward Maguire (2004) 12 White Memorial Saturday The Immaculate Heart of Mary Morning: Office: of the memorial p.30* (102*). Psalter Week 2 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.567 Pf. BVM Readings: L1 Is 61:9-11 G Lk 2:41-51 Anniversary: Rev. Deacon Charles Killen (1999) Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.186 (513). Psalter Week 3 13 Green ELEVENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.186 Mass: pr. R.M. p.306 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 2 Sam 12:7-10, 13 L2 Gal 2:16, 19-21 G Lk 7:36 - 8:3 (or 7:36-50) * St. Anthony of Padua - see note p.6 14 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 11) Monday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.191 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Kgs 21:1-16 G Mt 5:38-42 Anniversary: Rev. Charles Brady (1999) 15 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 11) Tuesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.195 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Kgs 21:17-29 G Mt 5:43-48

67 JUNE 2010 16 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 11) Wednesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.198 or: (White) St. Richard of Chichester, B (12th/13th c.) Office: Common p.591* (449*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14 G Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 17 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 11) Thursday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.203 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Sir 48:1-14 G Mt 6:7-15 18 Red Memorial Friday St. John Rigby, Layman, M. (16th/17th c.) Born at Harrock Hall, near Wigan. A servant martyred for being reconciled to the . Died at Southwark, 21st June, 1600. Office: Common p.573* (424*). Psalter Week 3 Mass: Common R.M. pp.704 or 706 Pf. Martyrs Readings: L1 2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20 G Mt 6:19-23 Anniversary: Rev. Deacon Gerard Buckley (2008) 19 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 11) Saturday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.211 Morning: or: (White) St. Romuald, OSB, Abbot (10th/11th c.) Office: p.54* (113*) or: (White B.V.M. on Saturday or Green) Office: Common p.525* (394*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 2 Chr 24:17-25 G Mt 6:24-34 Anniversaries: Rev. Deacon Lawrence Prior (1998) Rev. Deacon Thomas Pritchard (2005) Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.214 (514). Psalter Week 4 20 Green TWELFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.215 Mass: pr. R.M. p.308 Gl., Cr., Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 Zec 12:10-11; 13:1 L2 Gal 3:26-29 G Lk 9:18-24 Anniversary: Rev. Austin Stirzaker (1992) St. Alban * see note p.6

68 JUNE 2010

21 White Memorial Monday St. Aloysius Gonzaga, SJ, Religious (16th c.) Became a Jesuit at the age of 17, and developed greatly in holiness. Six years later, while helping to nurse the sick, he caught the plague and died. He had single-minded devotion to God and his neighbour. Now he is the patron of youth. Office: of the memorial p.56* (113*). Psalter Week 4 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.575 Readings: L1 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15, 18 G Mt 7:1-5

22 Red Feast Tuesday SS. JOHN FISHER AND THOMAS MORE, MM. (15th/16th c.) Two great Englishmen who laid down their lives for the faith against the flow of the tide. John Fisher was a scholar, a man of prayer, and a devoted Bishop. Thomas More, Chancellor of England, was a man of letters and renowned as a wit. Office: of the Feast p.61* (115*). Psalter Week 4 Mass: of the Feast R.M. p.16* Gl. Pf. Martyrs Readings: L1 Macc 6:18, 21, 24-31 G Mt 24:4-13 Anniversary: Rev. Joseph Marsh (2007)

23 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 12) Wednesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.226 or: (White) St. Ethelreda (Audrey), OSB, Abbess (7th c.) Office: Common p.627* (470*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3 G Mt 7:15-20 Evening: Solemnity White VIGIL OF THE BIRTHDAY OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Mass: pr. R.M. p.577 Gl. Cr. Pf. pr. Readings: L1 Jer 1:4-10 L2 1 Pt 1:8-12 G Lk 1:5-17 Ev. Pr. 1 Solemnity p.63* (116*) N. Pr. as after Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday

69 JUNE 2010

24 White Solemnity Thursday THE BIRTHDAY OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Office: pr. p. 65* (118*). At Prayer During Day Ants. pr. with Pss. Complementary. Mass: pr. R.M. p.578 Gl. Cr. Pf. pr. Readings: L1 Is 49:1-6 L2 Acts 13:22-26 G Lk 1:57-66, 80 Ev. Pr. 2 Solemnity p.72* (121*) N. Pr. as after Ev. Pr. 2 Sundays 25 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 12) Friday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.232 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 2 Kgs 25:1-12 G Mt 8:1-4 26 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 12) Saturday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.237 Morning: or: (White B.V.M. on Saturday or Green) Office: Common p.525* (394*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19 G Mt 8:5-17 Anniversary: Canon Michael Casey (1999) Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.241 (515). Psalter Week 1 27 Green THIRTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.242 Mass: pr. R.M. p.310 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 1 Kgs 19:16, 19-21 L2 Gal 5:1, 13-18 G Lk 9:51-62 Anniversary: Rev. Christopher Crowley (2003) 28 Red Memorial Monday St. Irenaeus, B.M. (2nd c.) Morning: Notable Father of the early church. Second Bishop of Lyons, then the most important city of Gaul. He worked hard for peace and unity, as his name implies. Also an important theologian, strongly emphasising the importance of tradition. Office: of the memorial p.76* (124*). Psalter Week 1 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.581 Readings: L1 Amos 2:6-10, 13-16 G Mt 8:18-22 Anniversary: Rev. John Francis Murphy (2003)

70 JUNE 2010

Evening: Solemnity Red VIGIL OF SAINTS PETER AND PAUL, APP.** Mass: pr. R.M. p.582 Gl. Cr. Pf. pr. Readings: L1 Acts 3:1-10 L2 Gal 1:11-20 G Jn 21:15-19 Ev. Pr. 1 Solemnity p.78* (124*) N. Pr. as after Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday **NOTE: If any Evening Mass tonight is the 1st Mass of the Holyday the Mass text to be used is that of the Holyday, even though it has its own Vigil. NOTE: Peters Pence Collection (Obligatory)

29 Red Solemnity (Holyday of Obligation) Tuesday  SAINTS PETER AND PAUL, APOSTLES The pillars of the Church of Rome. Peter stood out as the one who took the initiative while the twelve were with Jesus. Paul is possibly the most powerful personality in the history of the Church. Office: pr. p.81* (127*). At Prayer During Day Ants. pr. with Pss. Complementary. Mass: pr. R.M. p.584 Gl. Cr. Pf. pr. Readings: L1 Acts 12:1-11 L2 2 Tim 4:6-8, 17-18 G Mt 16:13-19 Ev. Pr. 2 Solemnity p.88* (130*) N. Pr. as after Ev. Pr. 2 Sunday

30 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 13) Wednesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.253 or: (Red) The First Martyrs of the See of Rome (1st c.) Office: p.90* (132*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Amos 5:14-15, 21-24 G Mt 8:28-34 Anniversary: Rev. Frederick Fox SVD (2000)

JULY 2010

1 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 13) Thursday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.257 or: (Red) St. Oliver Plunket, Archbishop of Armagh, M. (17th c.) Office: Common p.573* (433*) and cf. p.447 (336*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Amos 7:10-17 G Mt 9:1-8

71 JULY 2010

2 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 13) Friday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.261 or: (White) St. Swithin, Bishop of Winchester (9th c.) Office: Common p.591* (449*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Amos 8:4-6, 9-12 G Mt 9:9-13 Anniversary: Rev. George Songhurst (1993) 3 Red Feast Saturday ST. THOMAS, AP Morning: The Apostle who was slow to believe and understand. Nevertheless, when he saw the risen Lord he gave us the prayer 'My Lord and My God'. Office: of the Feast p.93* (133*). At Prayer During Day Ants. and Pss. Saturday. Psalter Week 1 Mass: of the Feast R.M. p.587 Gl. Pf. App. Readings: L1 Eph 2:19-22 G Jn 20:24-29 Anniversaries: Episcopal Ordination of Bishop Vincent Malone (1989) Installation of Patrick Kelly as Archbishop (1996) Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.268 (516). Psalter Week 2 NOTE: Announce Special Prayers and Obligatory Collection next Sunday. 4 Green FOURTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.268 Mass: pr. R.M. p.312 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 Is 66:10-14 L2 Gal 6:14-18 G Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 (or 1-9) 5 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 14) Monday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.273 or: (White) St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria, P. (16th c.) Office: p.101* (137*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Hos 2:16-18, 21-22 G Mt 9:18-26 6 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 14) Tuesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.277 or: (Red) St. Maria Goretti, V.M. (19th/20th c.) Office: p.103* (138*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Hos 8:4-7, 11-13 G Mt 9:32-38 Anniversary: Rev. Gerard Gilbertson (1994) 72 JULY 2010

7 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 14) Wednesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.282 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12 G Mt 10:1-7 8 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 14) Thursday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.285 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Hos 11:1-4, 8-9 G Mt 10:7-15 9 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 14) Friday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.288 or: (Red) St. Augustine Zhao Rong, P.M.,& Companions, MM. (17th/20th c.) Office: Common p.557* (417*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Hos 14:2-10 G Mt 10:16-23 10 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 14) Saturday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.292 Morning: or: (White B.V.M. on Saturday or Green) Office: Common p.525* (394*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Is 6:1-8 G Mt 10:24-33 Anniversary: Rev. Francis Calderbank (2006) Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.295 (517). Psalter Week 3 NOTE: Special Prayers and Obligatory Collection 11 Green FIFTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  (Sea Sunday – Obligatory Collection) Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.296 Mass: pr. R.M. p.314 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 Deut 30:10-14 L2 Col 1:15-20 G Lk 10:25-37 St. Benedict* see note p.6 12 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 15) Monday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.300 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Is 1:10-17 G Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Anniversaries: Mgr. Thomas Barry (1995) Rev. Cyril Brownbill (2002)

73 JULY 2010

13 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 15) Tuesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.304 or: (White) St. Henry, Holy Roman Emperor (10th/11th c.) Office: p.108* (140*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Is 7:1-9 G Mt 11:20-24

14 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 15) Wednesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.308 or: (White) St. Camillus ofLellis, P.(16th/17th c.) Office: p.110* (140*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Is 10:5-7, 13-16 G Mt 11:25-27 Anniversary: Rev. John Magee (1994)

15 White Memorial Thursday St. , OFM, B.D. (13th c.) Friar, Bishop, Cardinal, and General of the Franciscans, he achieved a great deal in theology and government, but his first characteristics were gentle courtesy, compassion and accessibility. He was nominated in 1265, but he declined. In 1273, when the papal messenger reached him with the news that he was made a Cardinal, he was washing the dishes and asked him to wait until the job was finished. Office: of the memorial p.112* (141*). Psalter Week 3 Mass: of the memorial. R.M. p.592 Readings: L1 Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19 G Mt 11:28-30

16 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 15) Friday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.316 or: (White) Our Lady of Mount Carmel Office: p.114* (142*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8 G Mt 12:1-8 or when celebrating the Mass of Our Lady: L1 Zac 2:14-17 G Mt 12:46-50

74 JULY 2010

17 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 15) Saturday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.320 Morning: or: (White B.V.M. on Saturday or Green) Office: Common p.525* (394*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Mic 2:1-5 G Mt 12:14-21 Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.324 (517). Psalter Week 4 NOTE: Announce Day of Prayer and obligatory collection for next Sunday.

18 Green SIXTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.324 Mass: pr. R.M. p.316 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 Gen 18:1-10 L2 Col 1:24-28 G Lk 10:38-42

19 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 16) Monday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.328 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Mic 6:1-4, 6-8 G Mt 12:38-42 Anniversary: Rev. Anthony Colm Grogan (2002)

20 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 16) Tuesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.332 or: (Red) St. Apollinaris, B. M. (2nd c.) Office: Common p.573* (433*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Mic 7:14-15, 18-20 G Mt 12:46-50

21 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 16) Wednesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p. 335 or: (White) St. Laurence of Brindisi, P.D. (16th/17th c.) Office: p.117* (142*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Jer 1:1, 4-10 G Mt 13:1-9

75 JULY 2010 22 White Memorial Thursday St. Mary Magdalen She stood at the foot of the Cross, went to anoint the body in the tomb, and the risen Lord appeared to her the first Easter Sunday morning. Office: of the memorial p.119* (143*). Psalter Week 4 Mass: of the memorial. R.M. p.594 Readings: L1 Cant 3:1-4 (or 2 Cor 5:14-17) G Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 23 White Feast Friday ST. BRIDGET, Religious (14th c.) Born in Sweden in 1303 she married before fifteen to a Swedish prince and lived happily married for twenty-eight years, having eight children. She was a member of the Third Order of St. Francis, but after the death of her husband, she decided to lead a more ascetical life. She founded the Bridgettine Order and became renowned, particularly in Rome for her practise of virtue. She was also famous for the visions and revelations with which God favoured her and about which she wrote. She died in Rome after returning from a penitential pilgrimage to the Holy Land in the year 1373. She was canonised eighteen years later (1391). She is co-patroness of Europe. Office: of the Feast p.124* (146*). Psalter Week 4 Mass: of the Feast R.M. p.595 Gl. Pf. Holy Men and Women Readings: L1 Gal 2:19-20 G Jn 15:1-8 Anniversary: Rev. Gerald Willacy (1995) 24 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 16) Saturday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.345 or: (White) St. Sharbel Makhluf, P. (19th c.) Office: Common 591* (448*) or 644* and 674* (482*) or: (White B.V.M. on Saturday or Green) Office: Common p.525* (394*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Ex 19:1-2, 9-11, 16-20 G Mt 13:10-17 Anniversary: Rev. Martin Ring (1991) Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.348 (518). Psalter Week 1 NOTE: Special Prayers and obligatory collection.

25 Green SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  (Day for Life) Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.349 Mass: pr. R.M. p.318 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 Gen 18:20-32 L2 Col 2:12-14 G Lk 11:1-13 St. James* / St. Christopher* see note p.6 76 JULY 2010

26 White Memorial Monday Saints Joachim and Anne Neither is mentioned in the Scriptures but in honouring them as the parents of Our Lady, we honour their child and Christ himself. Office: of the memorial p.133* (151*). Psalter Week 1 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.597 Readings: L1 Jer 13:1-11 G Mt 13:31-35

27 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 17) Tuesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.356 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Jer 14:17-22 G Mt 13:36-43

28 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 17) Wednesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.359 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Jer 15:10, 16-21 G Mt 13:44-46

29 White Memorial Thursday St. Martha She received Christ into her home at Bethany, which was specially loved by him. Christ once again had supper there six days before his Passion. It was she who elicited from him the words "I am the Resurrection and the Life." Office: of the memorial p.136* (153*). Psalter Week 1 Mass: of the memorial. R.M. p.598 Readings: L1 1 Jn 4:7-16 G Jn 11:19-27 (or Lk 10:38-42)

30 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 17) Friday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.367 or: (White) St. Peter Chrysologus, P.D. (4th/5th c.) Office: p.139* (154*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Jer 26:1-9 G Mt 13:54-58

77 JULY 2010

31 White Memorial Saturday St. Ignatius Loyola, P. (15th/16th c) Morning: One of the great Christian leaders, founder of the Jesuits. He wished them to be willing to go anywhere, or undertake any work that was for the good of the Church. Obedience to the Pope was to be their hallmark. Office: of the memorial p.141* (154*). Psalter Week 1 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.600 Readings: L1 Jer 26:11-16, 24 G Mt 14:1-12 Anniversaries: Rev. John Carr (1992) Rev. Gerard Grealey (1997) Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.375 (519). Psalter Week 2


1 Green EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.375 Mass: pr. R.M. p.320 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23 L2 Col 3:1-5, 8-11 G Lk 12:13-21 Anniversary: Mgr. Charles Jackson (1991) * St. Alphonsus Ligouri – see note p.6

2 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 18) Monday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.380 or: (White) St. Eusebius of Vercelli. B. (4th c.) Office: p.146* (156*) or: (White) St. Peter Julian Eymard, SSS, P. (19th c.) Office: Common p.591* (449*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Jer 28:1-17 G Mt 14:13-21

3 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 18) Tuesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.384 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22 G Mt 14:22-36 Anniversary: Rev. Thomas Carroll (1997)

78 AUGUST 2010

4 White Memorial Wednesday St. John Vianney. P. (18th/19th c.) Reached the priesthood with great difficulty. He was put in charge of the backward parish of Ars and made it famous by transforming that small community. He excelled at counselling and spent up to 16 hours a day hearing confessions. He is the model and patron of parish priests. Office: of the memorial p.148* (157*). Psalter Week 2. Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.602 Readings: L1 Jer 31:1-7 G Mt 15:21-28 Anniversary: Rev. Vincent O'Reilly (1996) 5 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 18) Thursday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.392 or: (White) Dedication ofthe Basilica ofSt.MaryMajor Office: p.150* (157*) Mass: at choice Readings: Ferial: L1 Jer 31:31-34 G Mt 16:13-23 Our Lady: L1 Apoc 21:1-5 G Lk 11:27-28 6 White Feast Friday THE TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD (YEAR C) Office: pr. p.157* (162*). At Prayer During Day Ants pr. and Pss. Friday. Psalter Week 2 Mass: pr. R.M. p.604 Gl. Pf. pr. Readings: L1 Dan 7:9-10, 13-14 or 2 Pt 1:16-19 G Lk 9:28-36 7 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 18) Saturday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.399 Morning: or: (Red) St. Sixtus II, pope and his Companions, MM. (3rd c.) Office: p.170* (169*) or: (White) St. Cajetan, P. (15th/16th c.) Office: p.172* (169*) or: (White B.V.M. on Saturday or Green) Office: Common p.525* (394*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Hab 1:12 — 2:4 G Mt 17:14-20 Anniversary: Rev. Michael Cronin (1996) Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.403 (520). Psalter Week 3

79 AUGUST 2010

8 Green NINETEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.403 Mass: pr. R.M. p.322 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 Wis 18:6-9 L2 Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 (or 1-2, 8-12) G Lk 12:32-48 (or 35-40) St. Dominic* see note p.6

9 Red Feast Monday ST. TERESA BENEDICTA OF THE CROSS, ODC, V.M. (19th/20th c.) Edith Stein was born at Breslau, Poland, in 1891, the youngest of seven children of a rich Jewish family. Brilliantly gifted, she became a philosopher with an interest in phenomenology. She was converted to Catholicism and was baptised in 1922 in Cologne cathedral, entering Cologne Carmel in 1933. Due to the rise of National Socialism, she was transferred to the Carmel in Echt, Holland. Arrested by the Nazis, she was sent with her sister Rosa to Auschwitz in 1942, where she was gassed. She was a great daughter of Israel and the church. She is co-patroness of Europe. Office: (until publication of Office and Mass in English) Common p.573* (433*) or 627* (470*). Psalter Week 3 Mass: Common R.M. p.704 or 731 Gl. Pf Martyrs or Virgins Readings: L1 Hos 2:16-17, 21-22 (Lect. Vol II p.1273) G Mt 25:1-13 (Lect. Vol II p.1274) as for St. Cecilia St. Oswald* see note p.6

10 Red Feast Tuesday ST. LAWRENCE, DEACON, M. (3rd c.) Rome's most famous post-apostolic martyr. With St. Stephen, he is the patron saint of Deacons. Many of the details of his martyrdom, including the famous gridiron are unhistorical. Office: of the Feast p.176* (171*). At Prayer During Day Ants. and Pss. Tuesday. Psalter Week 3 Mass: pr. R.M. p.607 Gl. Pf. Martyrs Readings: L1 2 Cor 9:6-10 G Jn 12:24-26 Anniversaries: Rev. Joseph Flynn (1990) Rev. Philip Orrell (1990) St. Philomena* - see note p.6

80 AUGUST 2010

11 White Memorial Wednesday St. Clare. V. (12th/13th c.) She was moved by the preaching of St. Francis, joined him at the Portiuncula, and became a nun. A great contemplative, her life was characterised by joy. She is the patron saint of television. Office: of the memorial p.183* (174*). Psalter Week 3 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.608 Readings: L1 Ezek 9:1-7; 10:18-22 G Mt 18:15-20 Anniversary: Rev. John Harvey (2002)

12 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 19) Thursday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.416 or: (White) St. Jane Frances de Chantal, OV, Rel (16th/17th c.) Office: p.33* (Vol I) (297*) (NOTE change of date for this memorial) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Ezek 12:1-12 G Mt 18:21 — 19:1 Anniversary: Rev. Deacon Raymond J. Stevenson (2002)

13 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 19) Friday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.420 or: (Red) Ss.Pontianus,PopeandHippolytus,P.MM.(3rdc.) Office: p.185* (174*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Ezek 16:1-15, 60, 63 (or 16:59-63) G Mt 19:3-12 Anniversaries: Rev. Owen O'Sullivan (1998) Rev. Deacon James William Cox (2003)

14 Red Memorial Saturday St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe, OFM Conv, P.M. (19th/20th c.) Morning: Maximilian Kolbe's act of volunteering to die for another in Auschwitz is justly well-known. However, his rise to heroic holiness was not a sudden thing: had there been no concentration camps he would still have been an extraordinarily holy man. He was a member of the Order of Friars Minor, Conventual and his life was built on a vigorous devotion to Our Blessed Lady and a determination to use every modern means to win the world for Christ. Office: (until publication of Office and Mass in English) from the Common of a Martyr: p.573* (433*). Psalter Week 3 Mass: Common R.M. p.704 or 706 Readings: L1 Ezek 18:1-10, 13, 30-32 G Mt 19:13-15

81 AUGUST 2010

Evening: Solemnity White VIGIL OF THE ASSUMPTION OF THE B.V.M.** Mass: pr. R.M. p.609 Gl. Cr. Pf. pr. Readings: L1 1 Chron 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2 L2 1 Cor 15:54-57 G Lk 11:27-28 Ev. Pr. 1 Solemnity p.187* (175*) N. Pr. as after Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday **NOTE: If any Evening Mass tonight is the 1st Mass of the Holyday the Mass text to be used is that of the Holyday, even though it has its own Vigil.

15 White Solemnity (Holyday of Obligation) Sunday  ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY (DAY) Office: pr. p.190* (178*). At Prayer During Day Ants. pr. with Pss. Complementary p.[514] ([485]) Mass: pr. R.M. p.611 Gl. Cr. Pf. pr. Readings: L1 Apoc 11: 19; 12:1-6, 10 L2 1 Cor 15:20-26 G Lk 1:39-56 Ev. Pr. 2 Solemnity p.197* (181*) N. Pr. as after Ev. Pr. 2 Sunday

16 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 20) Monday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.432 or: (White) St. Stephen of Hungary, King (10th/11th c.) Office: p.200* (183*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Ezek 24:15-24 G Mt 19:16-22

17 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 20) Tuesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.436 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Ezek 28:1-10 G Mt 19:23-30

18 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 20) Wednesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.439 or: (White) St. Helen, Queen (3rd/4th c.) Office: Common p.661* (494*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Ezek 34:1-11 G Mt 20:1-16 Anniversary: Rev. Godfrey Carney (2008)

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19 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 20) Thursday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.442 or: (White) St. John Eudes, P. (17th c.) Office: p.202* (184*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Ezek 36:23-28 G Mt 22:1-14 Anniversary: Rev. Thomas B. Taylor (1993)

20 White Memorial Friday St. Bernard, OSB Cist, Abbot D. (11th/12th c.) A charismatic figure from the Middle Ages. Though he chose a life of seclusion his fame spread over the world, his advice was sought by Popes and Kings, and he lived on the move, attending Councils, preaching, and founding monasteries. Under his influence, the Cistercian Order was transformed. Office: of the memorial p.204* (184*). Psalter Week 4 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.614 Readings: L1 Ezek 37:1-14 G Mt 22:34-40

21 White Memorial Saturday St. Pius X, Pope (19th/20th c.) Morning: The Pope who wished 'to restore all things in Christ', was gentle and humble in character, but courageous and decisive in policy. He encouraged frequent Communion, the admission of children to Communion, the reform of Church music and Canon Law, and the re-inspiration of Catholic Action. Office: of the memorial p.207* (185*). Psalter Week 4 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.615 Readings: L1 Ezek 43:1-7 G Mt 23:1-12 Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.453 (521). Psalter Week 1

22 Green TWENTY FIRST SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.454 Mass: pr. R.M. p.326 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 Is 66:18-21 L2 Heb 12:5-7, 11-13 G Lk 13:22-30 Anniversary: Rev. Michael Moran (2007) Queenship of Blessed Virgin Mary* see note p.6

83 AUGUST 2010

23 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 21) Monday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p. 458 or: (White) St. Rose of Lima. OP Tert, V. (16th/17th c.) Office: p.211* (187*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 2 Thess 1:1-5, 11-12 G Mt 23:13-22 Anniversary: Reverend Cornelius Murphy, SDB (2002)

24 Red Feast Tuesday ST. BARTHOLOMEW, APOSTLE Office: of the Feast p.213* (188*). At Prayer During Day Ants. and Pss. Tuesday. Psalter Week 1 Mass: pr. R.M. p.618 Gl. Pf. App. Readings: L1 Apoc 21:9-14 G John 1:45-51

25 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 21) Wednesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p. 466 or: (White) St. Louis, King (13th c.) Office: p.216* (188*) or: (White) St. Joseph Calasanz, P. (16th/17th c.) Office: p.218* (189*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 2 Thess 3:6-10, 16-18 G Mt 23:27-32 Anniversary: Rev. William Cook (2007)

26 White Memorial Thursday Bl. Dominic Barberi, of the Mother of God, CP, P. (18th/19th c.) Beatified by Pope Paul VI during Vatican II on 27th October, 1963. Italian, came to England in 1841 as a Passionist and gave missions and retreats and founded 4 Passionist houses. He received John Henry Newman into the Church. He died, aged 57, on 27th August, 1849 and his remains are enshrined at St. Anne's Monastery, Sutton, St. Helens. Office: of the memorial p.433* (322*). Psalter Week 1 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.18 Readings: L1 1 Cor 1:1-9 G Mt 24:42-51

84 AUGUST 2010 27 White Memorial Friday St. Monica (4th c.) Famous as the mother of St. Augustine, but she is a saint in her own right. She was a great peacemaker, very patient with her difficult husband, mother-in-law, and son. She was highly esteemed by St. Ambrose. Before her death, she attained the height of mystical prayer with Augustine. She is a model for all Christian wives and mothers. Office: of the memorial p.220* (190*). Psalter Week 1 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.620 Readings: L1 1 Cor 1:17-25 G Mt 25:1-13 Anniversary: Rev. Jeremiah McCarthy (1998) 28 White Memorial Saturday St. Augustine, B. D. (4th/5th c.) Morning: A great saint; as a theologian, preacher, pastor, or spiritual director. He was on fire with the love of God and of his neighbour. One wonders how he managed to combine so much activity with so deep an intellectual life. His writings have influenced Christian thought more than any other writer has since St. Paul. Office: of the memorial p.223* (191*). Psalter Week 1 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.621 Readings: L1 1 Cor 1:26-31 G Mt 25:14-30 Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.482 (522). Psalter Week 2 29 Green TWENTY SECOND SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.483 Mass: pr. R.M. p.328 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29 L2 Heb 12:18-19, 22-24 G Lk 14:1, 7-14 30 Red Memorial Monday St. Edmund Arrowsmith, P.M. (17th/18th c.) Born in Haydock, Lancs. Educated Douai. Martyred for his priesthood in Lancaster, 28th August, 1628. His hand is venerated in St. Oswald's, Ashton, nr. Wigan. Office: Common p.573* (433*). Psalter Week 2 Mass: Common R.M. pp.704 or 706 Readings: L1 1 Cor 2:1-5 G Lk 4:16-30 Anniversaries: Rev. Brendan Flynn (1993) Bishop Augustine Harris (2007) 31 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 22) Tuesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.491 or: (White) St. Aidan, B. (7th c.) and the Saints of Lindisfarne Office: Common p.591* (449*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Cor 2:10-16 G Lk 4:31-37 85 SEPTEMBER 2010 The Cycle of Prayer During Ordinary Time (Autumn), i.e. from September to Christ the King we are asked to pray for these intentions: The Spread of the Gospel; The Harvest, the Fruits of Human Work, and the Reverent Use of Creation; Justice and Peace in the World; All Victims of War; Young People; Prisoners and their Families. Racial Justice Day Sunday 12 September [2nd Sunday in September] Home Mission Day Sunday 19 September [3rd Sunday in September] The Harvest, etc Sunday 26 September [Sunday between 22-28 September] or whenever Harvest Festivals are held Harvest Fast Day Friday 1 October [1st Friday in October] World Mission Day Sunday 24 October [penultimate Sunday in October] Remembrance Sunday Sunday 14 November [2nd Sunday in November] Day of Prayer for Prisoners Sunday 21 November [3rd Sunday in November] and their Dependants Youth Day Sunday 21 November [Christ the King] Ordinary Time - Autumn 1 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 22) Wednesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.494 or: (Red) Ss. Margaret Clitherow, Anne Line, and Margaret Ward, V., MM (16th c.) Office: Common p.556* (417*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Cor 3:1-9 G Lk 4:38-44 2 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 22) Thursday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.497 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Cor 3:18-23 G Lk 5:1-11 Anniversaries: Rev. Wilfrid Kelly (1996) Rev. Cyril Brookes, OSB (2001) 3 White Memorial Friday St. Gregory the Great, pope, D. (6th/7th c.) Born about 540, Gregory died in Rome in 604. While prefect of Rome, he founded monasteries there and in Sicily and himself became a monk. Called to be a deacon of Rome by Benedict I, he was then sent as papal legate to Constantinople. Elected pope in 590, he reorganised church life and administration in a time of crisis, sponsored liturgical reform, and initiated the evangelisation of the English. He sent Augustine and his monks on their mission in 596, provided them with continuing advice and support, and sent reinforcements in 601. He is remembered also for his extensive writings on pastoral care, spirituality and morals, and for his self-designation as “servant of the servants of God.” Office: of the memorial p.232* (196*). Psalter Week 2 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.623 Readings: L1 1 Cor 4:1-5 G Lk 5:33-39 86 SEPTEMBER 2010

4 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 22) Saturday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.504 or: (White) St. Cuthbert, OSB, B (7th c.) Office: Common p.591* (449*) or: (White B.V.M. on Saturday or Green) Office: Common p.525* (394*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Cor 4:6-15 G Lk 6:1-5 Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.507 (523). Psalter Week 3 5 Green TWENTY THIRD SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.508 Mass: pr. R.M. p.330 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 Wis 9:13-18 L2 Philemon 9:10, 12-17 G Lk 14:25-33 6 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 23) Monday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.512 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Cor 5:1-8 G Lk 6:6-11 Anniversary: Rev. Peter Smith (2005) 7 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 23) Tuesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.515 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Cor 6:1-11 G Lk 6:12-19 Anniversary: Rev. George E. Grime (1998) 8 White Feast Wednesday THE BIRTHDAY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Office: pr. p.235* (197*). At Prayer During Day Ants. pr. with Pss. Wednesday. Psalter Week 3 Mass: pr. R.M. p.624 Gl. Pf. B.V.M. Readings: L1 Micah 5:1-4 or Rom 8:28-30 G Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 (or 18-23) 9 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 23) Thursday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.523 or: (White) St. Peter Claver, SJ, P. (16th/17th c.) Office: Common p.591* (449*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Cor 8:1-7, 11-13 G Lk 6:27-38 87 SEPTEMBER 2010

10 Red Memorial Friday St. Ambrose Barlow, OSB, P. M. (17th c.) Benedictine, born at Barlow Hall, near Manchester. Educated at Douai and Valladolid, martyred for his priesthood in Lancaster on this date 1641. Office: Common p.573* (434*). Psalter Week 3 Mass: Common R.M. pp.704 or 706 Readings: L1 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-27 G Lk 6:39-42

11 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 23) Saturday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.532 Morning: or: (White B.V.M. on Saturday or Green) Office: p.525* (394*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Cor 10:14-22 G Lk 6:43-49 Anniversary: Rev. Deacon Brian Norman (2008) Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.535 (523). Psalter Week 4 NOTES: 1. In observing Racial Justice Sunday we are asked to remember in a special way our need for prayer and effort in working for racial justice in the world. 2. Announce optional collection for next Sunday.

12 Green TWENTY FOURTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  (Racial Justice Day) Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.536 Mass: pr. R.M. p.332 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 Ex 32:7-11, 13-14 L2 1 Tim 1:12-17 G Lk 15:1-32 (or 1-10) Anniversaries: Rev. Kenneth Young (1993) Rev. Maurus Green OSB (2001)

13 White Memorial Monday St. John Chrysostom D. (4th/5th c.) A fearless and eloquent preacher and a great friend of the poor. He suffered exile because he was so outspoken. Office: of the memorial p.242* (201*). Psalter Week 4 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.625 Readings: L1 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33 G Lk 7:1-10


14 Red Feast Tuesday THE EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS The feast originated in Jerusalem where from the 5th century the wood of the true Cross was shown to the people the day after the Feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of the Resurrection. Office: pr. p.249* (206*). At Prayer During Day Ants pr. and Pss. Tuesday. Psalter Week 4 Mass: pr. R.M. p.626 Gl. Pf. pr. Readings: L1 Num 21:4-9 or Phil 2:6-11 G Jn 3:13-17 Ev. Pr. 2 Feast p.258* (209*) Anniversaries: Rev. Gerard Greaves (1998) Rev. Anthony Hodgetts CSsR (2008)

15 White Memorial Wednesday Our Lady of Sorrows First celebrated in the 17th century by the Servite Order. Our Lady's supreme sorrow was witnessing her Divine Son‘s Crucifixion. We honour Mary, the Mother of our Saviour, and our Mother. Office: of the memorial p.262* (213*). Psalter Week 4 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.627 Sequence optional, Pf. B.V.M. Readings: L1 Heb 5:7-9 G Jn 19:25-27 (or Lk 2:33-35)

16 Red Memorial Thursday Saints Cornelius, Pope, and Cyprian, B. MM. (3rd c.) A Pope of Rome and a Bishop of Carthage, deep friends united in their care of the people, their faith, and their martyrdom. Office: of the memorial p.267* (217*). Psalter Week 4 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.628 Readings: L1 1 Cor 15:1-11 G Lk 7:36-50 Anniversary: Rev. Michael O‘Callaghan (1997)

17 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 24) Friday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.553 or: (White) St. Robert Bellarmine, B.D. (16th/17th c.) Office: p.271* (218*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Cor 15:12-20 G Lk 8:1-3


18 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 24) Saturday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.557 Morning: or: (White B.V.M. on Saturday or Green) Office: Common p.525* (394*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49 G Lk 8:4-15 Anniversary: Rev. Deacon Peter Francis Callaghan (2000) Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.561 (525). Psalter Week 1 NOTE: Optional Collection for Catholic Missionary Society 19 Green TWENTY FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  (Home Mission Day) Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.561 Mass: pr. R.M. p.334 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 Am 8:4-7 L2 1 Tim 2:1-8 G Lk 16:1-13 (or 10-13) Anniversary: Rev. Jeremiah Bourke (1994) 20 Red Memorial Monday Ss. Andrew Kim Taegon, P.M., and Companions MM. (19th c.) Fr. Andrew was the first Korean priest and pastor. Paul Chong Hasang was a lay apostle. They were all executed for their faith during the four main persecutions in Korea in the 19th century. Office: Common p.556* (417*). Psalter Week 1 Mass: Common R.M. pp.699-704 Readings: L1 Prov 3:27-34 G Lk 8:16-18 21 Red Feast Tuesday ST MATTHEW, APOSTLE AND EVANGELIST The tax-gatherer who answered Christ's call promptly. He has given us a very full account of the life and teaching of Jesus. Office: pr. p.276* (219*). At Prayer During Day Ants. and Pss. Tuesday. Psalter Week 1 Mass: pr. R.M. p.630 Gl. Pf. App. Readings: L1 Eph 4:1-7, 11-13 G Mt 9:9-13 Anniversary: Rev. Leslie Daley (1992) 22 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 25) Wednesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.572 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Prov 30:5-9 G Lk 9:1-6 Anniversary: Rev. Deacon William Strype (2008)


23 White Memorial Thursday St. Pius of Pietrelcina, OFM Cap, P (19th/20th c.) Padre Pio was born at Pietrelcina, near Benevento, Italy, on 25th May, 1887. He entered as a cleric in the Capuchin order of Friars Minor in 1903 and was ordained priest in 1910. In 1916 he went to San Giovanni Rotondo and stayed there except for a brief interruption until his death on 23rd September, 1968. On the morning of 20th September, 1918 whilst praying before the crucifix he received the stigmata which remained fresh and bleeding until his death. He dedicated his life to his ministry, starting prayer groups and founding a modern hospital. He was canonised in 2002. Office: Common p.591* (449) or 644* and 674* (482*) Mass: Common R.M. p.717f or 742f Readings: L1 Ecc 1:2-11 G Lk 9:7-9 24 White Memorial Friday Our Lady of Walsingham This feast celebrates the shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham in Norfolk, one of the great pilgrimage centres of medieval times. The lady of the Manor of Walsingham, Richeldis de Faverches, was instructed by a vision of the Virgin Mary to build in her village an exact replica of the house in Nazareth in which the Annunciation had taken place. The vision occurred, according to tradition, in 1061, though a more likely date for the construction of the shrine is a hundred years later. The original house was destroyed at the Reformation, but during the 19th and early 20th centuries pilgrimage to Walsingham was revived both for Anglicans and for Catholics. Office: Common p.506* (382*) Mass: Common R.M. p.690 Readings: at choice from the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary Anniversary: Rev. Louis Rotherham (2000) 25 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 25) Saturday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.582 Morning: or: (White) St. Finbar, Bp. (6th c.) Office: Common p.591* (449*) or: (White B.V.M. on Saturday or Green) Office: Common p.525* (394*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Ecc 11:9 — 12:8 G Lk 9:43-45 Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.584 (525). Psalter Week 2 NOTES: 1. Next Friday is Harvest Fast Day (CAFOD). N.B. CAFOD Collection next Sunday week, 10th October. 2. Announce Day of Prayer for Nugent Care Society for next Sunday with optional collection 91 SEPTEMBER 2010

26 Green TWENTY SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  (Day of Special Prayer for Thanksgiving for Harvest and/or fruits of Human Work) Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.585 Mass: pr. R.M. p.336 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 Amos 6:1, 4-7 L2 1 Tim 6:11-16 G Lk 16:19-31 27 White Memorial Monday St. Vincent de Paul, CM, P. (16th/17th c.) Even in his lifetime he became a legend. Clergy and laity, rich and poor, outcasts and convicts, all experienced his charism and selfless devotion. His influence is felt in the Church today by the societies he founded and by the lay confraternities of which he is patron. Office: of the memorial p.282* (221*). Psalter Week 2 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.633 Readings: L1 Job 1:6-22 G Lk 9:46-50. Anniversary: Mgr. J. Leo Alston (2006) 28 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 26) Tuesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.591 or: (Red) St. Wenceslas, King M. (10th c.) Office: p.285* (222*) or: (Red) St. Laurence Ruiz and Companions, MM. (17th c.) Office: Common p.556* (417*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Job 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23 G Lk 9:51-56 Anniversary: Rev. John Maguire (1995) 29 White Feast Wednesday SAINTS MICHAEL, GABRIEL, RAPHAEL, ARCHANGELS Three of the seven angels who stand before God (cf Tobit 12 and Apoc 8). Michael is leader of the heavenly armies (Apoc 12:7) and is mentioned in the epistle of St. Jude as “rebuking the devil”. Gabriel is the one sent to Zechariah and to Our Lady (Luke 1) and is thus described as the “Angel of the Annunciation”. Raphael is commonly identified with the angel of the sheep-pool (Jn 5). His name means “the Healer of God”. Office: pr. p.287* (222*). At Prayer During Day Ants. pr. with Pss. Wednesday. Psalter Week 2 Mass: pr. R.M. p.635 Gl. Pf. Angels Readings: L1 Dan 7:9-10, 13-14 or Apoc 12:7-12 G Jn 1:47-51

92 SEPTEMBER 2010 30 White Memorial Thursday St. Jerome, P.D. (4th/5th c.) A man of immense learning, passionate devotion, and asceticism. He wished the Church to have as accurate a text as possible of the Bible, and he wished religious life to be based on a prayerful serious study of the scriptures. Office: of the memorial p.301* (230*). Psalter Week 2 Mass: of the memorial. R.M. p.636 Readings: L1 Job 19:21-27 G Lk 10:1-12 Anniversaries: Rev. Stephen Diggins (1997) Bishop Thomas Holland (1999) Rev. Michael Reilly (2004) OCTOBER 2010 (During this month the Rosary should be commended to the faithful and the nature of the prayer and its importance should be stressed). 1 White Memorial Friday St. Teresa of the Child Jesus, ODC, D. V. (19th c.) (Harvest Fast Day) In a very short life she achieved a deep, intimate union with God. She was always ready to serve others. From her enclosed convent she prayed for the conversion of souls, and so became patroness of foreign missions. Office: of the memorial p.304* (231*). Psalter Week 2 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.637 Readings: L1 Job 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5 G Lk 10:13-16 2 White Memorial Saturday The Guardian Angels Morning: In recent times there has been a resurgence of interest in angels and in all things spiritual, often not for the right reasons. Today would be a good occasion to speak about the goodness of God to his people as seen in the care shown to us by His angels. Office: of the memorial p.306* (232*). Psalter Week 2 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.638. Pf Angels Readings: L1 Ex 23:20-23 G Mt 18:1-5, 10 Anniversary: Canon John Short (2007) Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.606 (526). Psalter Week 3 NOTES: 1. Optional collection and special prayer Nugent Care Society 2. Announce CAFOD Collection next Sunday, 10th October. 3. Annual Mass Count to be taken today and next three weeks. 3 Green TWENTY SEVENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  (Rosary Sunday) Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.607 Mass: pr. R.M. p.338 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 Hab 1:2-3; 2:2-4 L2 2 Tim 1:6-8, 13-14 G Lk 17:5-10 Anniversary: Rev. Stanley Baker (1999) 93 OCTOBER 2010

4 White Memorial Monday St. Francis of Assisi OFM (12th/13th c.) A man of generosity, simplicity and devotion to God, rather than the sentimental nature lover of popular legend. His strength of character, love of God, and identification with the love of Christ alone makes sense of his life. Office: of the memorial p.315* (239*). Psalter Week 3 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.639 Readings: L1 Gal 1:6-12 G Lk 10:25-37 Anniversary: Rev. Francis O’Leary MHM (2000)

5 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 27) Tuesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.614 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Gal 1:13-24 G Lk 10:38-42 Anniversary: Rev. Michael Kennedy (2002)

6 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 27) Wednesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.618 or: (White) St. Bruno, OSB, P. (11th c.) Office: p.317* (240*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Gal 2:1-2, 7-14 G Lk 11:1-4 Anniversaries: Rev. James Vincent Higham (1998) Rev. Patrick John Taaffe (2001) Mgr. Patrick Doran (2004)

7 White Memorial Thursday Our Lady of the Rosary St. Pius V instituted this feast in thanksgiving for the naval victory over the Turks at Lepanto, which prevented Islam overrunning Europe. In modern times, successive Popes have urged the faithful to pray the Rosary - to meditate on the mysteries of Christ in union with Mary. Office: of the memorial p.319* (240*). Psalter Week 3 Mass: of the memorial. R.M. p.641. Pf. B.V.M. Readings: L1 Acts 1:12-14 G Lk 1:26-38 Anniversary: Mgr. John Patrick Mahony (1998)

8 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 27) Friday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.625 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Gal 3:7-14 G Lk 11:15-26 94 OCTOBER 2010

9 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 27) Saturday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.628 Morning: or: (Red) St. Denis, B. and his Companions. MM. (3rd c.) Office: p.324* (244*) or: (White) St. John Leonardi, P. (16th/17th c.) Office: p.326* (244*) or: (White B.V.M. on Saturday or Green) Office: Common p.525* (394*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Gal 3:22-29 G Lk 11:27-28 Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.632 (527). Psalter Week 4 NOTES: 1. CAFOD Harvest Fast Collection 2. Annual Mass Count (week 2)

10 Green TWENTY EIGHTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.632 Mass: pr. R.M. p.340 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 2 Kgs 5:14-17 L2 2 Tim 2:8-13 G Lk 17:11-19

11 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 28) Monday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.636 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1 G Lk 11:29-32 Anniversaries: Rev. William Brian Foley (2000) Rev. Deacon Gordon James Peter Hughes (2007)

12 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 28) Tuesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.639 or: (White) St. Wilfrid, B (7th/8th c.) Office: Common p.591* (449*) or 674* (482*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Gal 5:1-6 G Lk 11:37-41 Anniversary: Rev. Matthew C. McGlade (1990)

95 OCTOBER 2010

13 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 28) Wednesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.643 or: (White) St. Edward the Confessor, King (11th c.) Office: p.437* (324*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Gal 5:18-25 G Lk 11:42-46 Anniversary: Rev. John Gough (2007) 14 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 28) Thursday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p. 647 or: (Red) St. Calistus I, Pope. M. (3rd c.) Office: p.329* (245*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Eph 1:1-10 G Lk 11:47-54 15 White Memorial Friday St. Teresa of Avila, ODC, D. V. (16th c.) The reformer of the Carmelites became a great mystic herself. Her common sense, prudence, and trust in God were allied with an extraordinary capacity for work and organisation. One of her sayings was 'Remember that the Lord walks among the pots and pans and he will help you with inward tasks and outward ones too'. Office: of the memorial p.331* (246*). Psalter Week 4 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.644 Readings: L1 Eph 1:11-14 G Lk 12:1-7 16 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 28) Saturday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.655 Morning: or: (White) St. Hedwig, OSB Cist, Religious (12th/13th c.) Office: p.333* (246*) or: (White) St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. OV, V. (17th c.) Office: p.335* (247*) or: (White B.V.M. on Saturday or Green) Office: Common p.525* (394*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Eph 1:15-23 G Lk 12:8-12 Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.659 (528). Psalter Week 1 NOTES: 1. Announce collection for A.P.F. next Sunday. 2. Annual Mass Count (week 3) 96 OCTOBER 2010

17 Green TWENTY NINTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.659 Mass: pr. R.M. p.342 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 Ex 17:8-13 L2 2 Tim3:14 —4:2 G Lk 18:1-8

18 Red Feast Monday ST. LUKE, EVANGELIST The Evangelist of the infancy of Christ and of Our Lady. He shows Christ‘s great concern for the poor, the weak, and the defenceless. The Acts of the Apostles gives an invaluable picture of the Apostolic Church. Office: pr. p.340* (249*). At Prayer During Day Ants. and Pss. Monday. Psalter Week 1 Mass: pr. R.M. p.647 Gl. Pf. 2 App. Readings: L1 2 Tim 4:10-17 G Lk 10:1-9

19 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 29) Tuesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.667 or: (Red) Ss. John de Brebeuf and Isaac Jogues Ps. and Cps. MM. (17th c.) Office: p.348* (253*) or: (White) St. Paul of the Cross. P. (17th/18th c.) Office: p.350* (254*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Eph 2:12-22 G Lk 12:35-38 Anniversary: Canon Joseph D’Arcy (2008)

20 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 29) Wednesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.670 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Eph 3:2-12 G Lk 12:39-48

21 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 29) Thursday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.674 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Eph 3:14-21 G Lk 12:49-53 Anniversary: Rev. Robert Billington (1998)

97 OCTOBER 2010

22 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 29) Friday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.678 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Eph 4:1-6 G Lk 12:54-59 Anniversary: Rev. Deacon Gerard Holmes (2004)

23 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 29) Saturday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.682 or: (White) St. John ofCapestrano.P. (14th/15th c.) Office: p.353* (255*) or: (White B.V.M. on Saturday or Green) Office: Common p.525* (394*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Eph 4:7-16 G Lk 13:1-9 Anniversary: Rev. Kevin Walsh (2004) Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.686 (529). Psalter Week 2 NOTES: 1. Obligatory collection for A.P.F.. 2. Annual Mass Count (week 4)

24 Green THIRTIETH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  (World Mission Day) Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.686 Mass: pr. R.M. p.344 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 Sir 35:12-14, 16-18 L2 2 Tim 4:6-8, 16-18 G Lk 18:9-14

25 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 30) Monday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.689 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Eph 4:32 — 5:8 G Lk 13:10-17

26 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 30) Tuesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.692 or: (White) Ss. Chad & Cedd, Bps (7th c.) Office: Common p.591* (449*) or 644* (482*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Eph 5:21-33 G Lk 13:18-21 Anniversary: Rev. Martin Alphonsus McCawley (1993) 98 OCTOBER 2010 27 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 30) Wednesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.696 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Eph 6:1-9 G Lk 13:22-30 Anniversary: Rev. Edward O’Toole (2009) 28 Red Feast Thursday SAINTS SIMON AND JUDE, APOSTLES In the gospels, Simon is called ‘the Zealot’. His name appears only in the list of the apostles. Western tradition places the scene of his labour in Egypt and Mesopotamia but there are several other traditions particularly among the Christians of the East and nothing positive can be stated about his life and activities. Jude ‘Thaddaeus’ was brother of St. James ‘the Less’ and therefore related to the Lord. Jude is regarded as the patron of difficult cases or problems. Office: of the Feast p.357* (256*). At Prayer During Day Ants. and Pss. Thursday. Psalter Week 2 Mass: pr. R.M. p.651 Gl. Pf. App. Readings: L1 Eph 2:19-22 G Lk 6:12-19 29 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 30) Friday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.702 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Phil 1:1-11 G Lk 14:1-6 Anniversary: Rev. Donal Coffey (2006) 30 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 30) Saturday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.705 Morning: or: (White B.V.M. on Saturday or Green) Office: Common p.525* (394*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Phil 1:18-26 G Lk 14:1, 7-11 Anniversary: Rev. Patrick O’Sullivan (2000) Evening: 1st Mass and Ev.Pr.1 Solemnity following p.360*(257*) NOTE: Announce L.A.M.P. Collection for next week 31 White Solemnity Sunday  ALL SAINTS Office: pr. p.364* (261*). At Prayer During Day Ants. pr. with Pss. Sunday Psalter Week 1 Mass: pr. R.M. p.652 Gl. Cr. Pf. pr. Readings: L1 Apoc 7:2-4, 9-14 L2 1 Jn 3:1-3 G Mt 5:1-12 Ev. Pr. 2 Solemnity p.373* (264*) Anniversary: Canon George J. Waring (1991) 99 NOVEMBER 2010

1 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 31) Monday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.713 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Phil 2:1-4 G Lk 14:12-14

2 Purple COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED Tuesday Office: pr. p.377* (269*) Mass: pr. R.M. p.654 Pf. Christian Death Readings: at choice from those given for the dead. Anniversary: Rev. John J. Coyne (1991)

NOTE: Every priest may celebrate three masses today. One for any intention for which a stipend can be accepted. The second must be offered, without stipend, for all the faithful departed; the third, without stipend, for the intentions of the Holy Father. (Apos. Const. Aug 10th 1915). The faithful may gain a Plenary Indulgence applicable only to the souls in Purgatory, by: 1. Visiting a church or chapel and saying the usual prayers (Our Father, Creed and prayers for the Pope's intentions). This indulgence may be gained from midday of All Saints to midnight on All Souls Day. 2. By visiting a cemetery and praying, even mentally only, for the dead. This indulgence may be gained on each of the first eight days of November.

3 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 31) Wednesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.720 or: (Red) St. Winefride, V.M. (7th c.) Office: Common p.573* (433*) or: (White) St. Martin de Porres, OP, Religious (16th/17th c.) Office: p.380* (269*) or: (White) St. Malachy, B. (11th/12th c.) Office: Common p.591* (449*) or 674* (482*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Phil 2:12-18 G Lk 14:25-33 Anniversaries: Rev. Gerard Rimmer (1992) Mgr. Peter Whitty (1993) Rev. Edmond Leahy (2006)

100 NOVEMBER 2010 4 White Memorial Thursday St. Charles Borromeo, Bp. (16th c.) A person of great influence in the final session of the Council of Trent, and its subsequent implementation. As a bishop he lived simply, worked hard for the good of his diocese, and was very concerned about the education of the clergy. He was an utterly devoted reforming pastor in an important diocese at the time he was most needed. Office: of the memorial. p.382* (270*). Psalter Week 3 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.658 Readings: L1 Phil 3:3-8 G Lk 15:1-10

5 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 31) Friday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.727 or: (White) St. Elizabeth, Mother of St. John the Baptist (1st c.) Office: Common p.661* (494*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Phil 3:17 - 4:1 G Lk 16:1-8 Anniversary: Rev. William Bush (1991)

6 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 31) Saturday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 3. Readings p.731 Morning: or: (White B.V.M. on Saturday or Green) Office: Common p.525* (394*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Phil 4:10-19 G Lk 16:9-15 Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.734 (530). Psalter Week 4 NOTE: Collection for L.A.M.P.

7 Green THIRTY SECOND SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  (LAMP SUNDAY) Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.734 Mass: pr. R.M. p.348 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 2 Macc 7:1-2, 9-14 L2 2 Th 2:16 - 3:5 G Lk 20:27-38 (or 27, 34-38) Anniversary: Rev. William Naylor MHM (2003)

8 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 32) Monday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.738 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Titus 1:1-9 G Lk 17:1-6

101 NOVEMBER 2010

9 White Feast Tuesday THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA Office: pr. p.384* (271*). At Prayer During Day Ants. and Pss. Tuesday. Psalter Week 4 Mass: Common R.M. p.688 Gl. Pf. Dedication of Church 2 (Purple) NOTE: One Mass allowed today for those who died in the two World Wars. R.M. p.884 C, D or E. Readings at choice from those given for the dead. Readings: L1 Ezek 47:1-2, 8-9, 12 or 1 Cor 3:9-11, 16-17 G Jn 2:13-22 Ev. Pr. 2 Feast p.496* (370*)

10 White Memorial Wednesday St. Leo the Great, Pope D. (5th c.) His 143 letters and 96 sermons show his clarity of thought and his skill with words. He was important as a theologian and a statesman. Some of the Collects in the Roman Missal may be his work. He was magnanimous, consistent, and devoted to the Church. Office: of the memorial p.387* (271*). Psalter Week 4 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.660 Readings: L1 Titus 3:1-7 G Lk 17:11-19 Anniversary: Rev. Trevor Cotter (2003)

11 White Memorial Thursday St. Martin of Tours, B. (4th c.) As a bishop, he lived a simple, austere life, visiting all the parishes of his diocese. He fought heresies but was merciful to heretics. Office: of the memorial p.389* (272*). Psalter Week 4 Mass: of the memorial. R.M. p.661 Readings: L1 Phil 7-20 G Lk 17:20-25

12 Red Memorial Friday St. Josaphat, B.M. (16th/17th c.) A martyr for union between the Russian Orthodox Church and Rome. Office: of the Memorial p.394* (276*). Psalter Week 4 Mass: of the Memorial R.M. p.662 Readings: L1 2 Jn 4-9 G Lk 17:26-37

102 NOVEMBER 2010

13 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 32) Saturday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 4. Readings p.756 Morning: or: (White B.V.M. on Saturday or Green) Office: Common p. 525* (394*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 3 Jn 5-8 G Lk 18:1-8 Evening: 1st Mass and Ev. Pr. 1 Sunday p.759 (531). Psalter Week 1 NOTE: Announce Obligatory Collection for National Youth Sunday next week

14 Green THIRTY THIRD SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Sunday  (Remembrance Sunday) Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.759 Mass: pr. R.M. p.350 Gl. Cr. Pf. Sundays in Ordinary Time Readings: L1 Mal 3:19-20 L2 2 Th 3:7-12 G Lk 21:5-19

15 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 33) Monday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.764 or: (White) St. Albert the Great, B.D. (13th c.) Office: p.397* (277*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Apoc 1:1-4; 2:1-5 G Lk 18:35-43

16 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 33) Tuesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.768 or: (White) St. Edmund of Canterbury, B. (12th/13th c.) Office: Common p.591* (449*) or: (White) St. Margaret of Scotland, Queen (11th c.) Office: p.399* (277*) or: (White) St. Gertrude, V. (13th c.) Office: p.401* (278*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Apoc 3:1-6, 14-22 G Lk 19:1-10

103 NOVEMBER 2010

17 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 33) Wednesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.772 or: (White) St. Hilda, Abbess (7th c.) Office: Common p.661* (494*) or: (White) St.HughofLincoln,B.(12thc.) Office: Common p. 591* (449*) or: (White) St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Queen, OFM Tert (13th c.) Office: p.404* (279*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Apoc 4:1-11 G Lk 19:11-28

18 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 33) Thursday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.776 or: (White) Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter & Paul, App. Office: p. 406* (279*) Mass: at choice Readings: ferial: L1 Apoc 5:1-10 G Lk 19:41-44 optional memorial: L1 Acts 28:11-16, 30-31 G Mt 14:22-33 Anniversary: Rev. Patrick McCambridge SDB (2001)

19 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 33) Friday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.779 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Apoc 10:8-11 G Lk 19:45-48

20 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 33) Saturday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 1. Readings p.782 or: (White B.V.M. on Saturday or Green) Office: Common p. 525* (394*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Apoc 11:4-12 G Lk 20:27-40 Evening: 1st Mass andEv.Pr.1Solemnityfollowingp.786 (532) NOTE: Obligatory Collection for National Youth Sunday

104 NOVEMBER 2010

21 White Solemnity Sunday  OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, UNIVERSAL KING (YEAR C) (Titular Feast of the Cathedral) (Youth Sunday) (Day of Prayer for Prisoners & their Dependants) Office: pr. p.790 (536). At Prayer During Day Ants. pr. with Pss. Sunday Week 1 Mass: pr. R.M. p.352 Gl. Cr. Pf. pr. Readings: L1 2 Sam 5:1-3 L2 Col 1:12-20 G Lk 23:35-43 Anniversaries: Rev. Edward Formby (1991) Rev. John P. O‘Hara (1991) Rev. Frederick Ness (1999) Rev. Deacon Alan Mee (2005) 22 Red Memorial Monday St. Cecilia, V.M. (3rd c.) A Roman who is invoked as the patroness of musicians. Office: of the memorial p.411* (281*). Psalter Week 2 Mass: of the memorial R.M. p.667 Readings: L1 Apoc 14:1-5 G Lk 21:1-4 Anniversary: Rev. Bernard Doyle (1993) 23 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 34) Tuesday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.807 or: (Red) St. Clement, Pope M. (1st c.) Office: p.413* (282*) or: (White) St. Columbanus, Abbot (6th/7th c.) Office: p.415* (282*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Apoc 14:14-19 G Lk 21:5-11 24 Red Memorial Wednesday St. Andrew Dung-Lac, P. and Companions, MM. (18th c.) Canonised 19th June, 1988 by Pope John Paul II, numbering 117 martyred in Vietnam. 96 are Vietnamese, 11 are Spanish Dominicans and 10 are members of the Paris-based Foreign Missionary Society. The Gospel was brought to Vietnam in the 16th century and over the next three centuries many Christians were martyred, giving witness to the faith. Many were bishops, priests and religious men and women, along with laymen and women. Now the Universal Church honours them by a Roman Decree of 1st June, 1989. Office: Common p.556* (417*). Psalter Week 2 Mass: Common R.M. p.699f. Readings: L1 Apoc 15:1-4 G Lk 21:12-19 105 NOVEMBER 2010

25 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 34) Thursday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.813 or: (Red) St. Catherine of Alexandria, V.M. Office: Common p.573* (433*) or 627* (470*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Apoc 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9 G Lk 21:20-28

26 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 34) Friday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.817 Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Apoc 20:1-4, 11 — 21:2 G Lk 21:29-33

27 Green Weekday of Ordinary Time (Week 34) Saturday Office: of the day. Psalter Week 2. Readings p.821 Morning: or: (White B.V.M. on Saturday or Green) Office: Common p.525* (394*) Mass: at choice Readings: L1 Apoc 22:1-7 G Lk 21:34-36 Anniversary: Rev. Arthur Mulcahey (2008) St. Catherine Laboure* see note p.6



For convenience the remainder of the 2010 Calendar is given:

NOVEMBER 28 Sunday  1st SUNDAY OF ADVENT 29 Monday Ferial 30 Tuesday St. Andrew, Apostle, Feast

DECEMBER 1 Wednesday Ferial 2 Thursday Ferial 3 Friday St. Francis Xavier, Memorial 4 Saturday Ferial or St. John Damascene, P.D. 5 Sunday  2nd SUNDAY OF ADVENT 6 Monday Ferial or St. Nicholas, Bp. 7 Tuesday St. Ambrose, B.D., Memorial 8 Wednesday SOLEMNITY OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF B.V.M. 9 Thursday Ferial 10 Friday Ferial 11 Saturday Ferial or St. Damasus I, Pope 12 Sunday  3rd SUNDAY OF ADVENT 13 Monday St. Lucy, V.M., Memorial 14 Tuesday St. John of the Cross, P.D., Memorial 15 Wednesday Ferial 16 Thursday Ferial 17 Friday Ferial 18 Saturday Ferial 19 Sunday  4th SUNDAY OF ADVENT 20 Monday Ferial 21 Tuesday Ferial (St. Peter Canisius, P. 22 Wednesday Ferial 23 Thursday Ferial (St. John de Kielty, P.) 24 Friday Ferial 25 Saturday  SOLEMNITY OF THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD 26 Sunday  FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH 27 Monday St. John, Apostle & Evangelist, Feast 28 Tuesday The Holy Innocents, MM, Feast 29 Wednesday Of Octave (St. Thomas of Canterbury) 30 Thursday Of Octave 31 Friday Of Octave (St. Sylvester)