CELEBRATION ‘Pastors of souls must realise that when liturgy is celebrated, something more is required than the observance of the laws governing valid and lawful celebration. It is their duty also to ensure that the faithful take part, fully aware of what they are doing, actively engaged in the rite and enriched by it.’ (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Para 11) ‘The celebration of the Eucharist, and the entire liturgy, is carried out by the use of outward signs. By these signs faith is nourished, strengthened and expressed. It is thus very important to select and arrange the forms and elements proposed by the Church, which, taking into account individual and local circumstances, will best foster active and full participation and promote the spiritual welfare of the faithful.’ (General Instruction of the Roman Missal No. 5) Order of Divine Office and Mass Compiled, edited and © 2009 by Rev. John Ealey LITURGICAL YEAR 1st SUNDAY OF ADVENT, 29th NOVEMBER, 2009 — 27th NOVEMBER, 2010 In 2010, there are 33 weeks of ORDINARY TIME Of these 6 are before Lent, 11th January — 16th February The remainder commence the day after Pentecost 24th May, the 8th week — 27th November LECTIONARY CYCLE SUNDAYS and MAJOR FEASTS: YEAR C FERIAL WEEKDAYS of ORDINARY TIME: YEAR II DIVINE OFFICE Vol. 1 1st Sunday of Advent, 29th November — 16th February Vol. 2 Ash Wednesday to Pentecost Sunday 17th February — 23rd May Vol. 3 Week 8 of Ordinary Time, 24th May — end of Ordinary Time 27th November 1 ABBREVIATIONS Adv: Advent Ant(s): Antiphon(s) Ap. App: Apostle. Apostles B: Bishop Cr: Creed Comm: Common Cps: Companions D: Doctor E.P: Eucharistic Prayer Ev. Pr: Evening Prayer G: Gospel GIRM: General Instruction of the Roman Missal GILH: General Instruction on the Liturgy of the Hours Gl: ‘Glory to God ...’ L1, L2: First and Second Reading at Mass LY: General Norms for the Liturgical Year and the Calendar (Roman Missal). M. M M: Martyr. Martyrs N. Pr: Night Prayer P: Priest p. pp: page. pages Pf: Preface pr: Proper Ps(s): Psalm(s) R.M: Roman Missal V: Virgin Wk: Week TABLE SHOWING WHEN RITUAL MASSES; MASSES FOR VARIOUS NEEDS; VOTIVE MASSES; AND MASSES FOR THE DEAD, ARE PERMITTED AND WHEN THEY ARE PROHIBITED a) Ritual Masses are related to the celebration of certain sacraments and sacramentals. b) Masses for Various Needs occur either occasionally or at fixed times. c) Votive Masses of the Mysteries of the Lord, or in honour of Mary and the saints, may be freely chosen in accord with the piety of the faithful. SYMBOL (in the table which follows) R1 = a) Ritual Masses. b) Masses for Various Needs and Votive Masses as the order or with the permission of the local Ordinary for a serious need or for a pastoral advantage. R2 = Masses for Various Needs and Votive Masses appropriately chosen at the discretion of the parish priest or the celebrant himself, because of some genuine need or for a pastoral advantage. R3 = Masses for Various Needs and Votive Masses chosen by the celebrating priest in accord with the piety of the faithful. D1 = Funeral Mass. D2 = Mass for the Dead, on learning of the death; on the occasion of the final burial; and on the first anniversary. D3 = ‘Daily’ Masses for the Dead. (Note: when D1 and D2 or not permitted, obviously D3 is also prohibited). 2 For Ritual Masses see Roman Missal pp. 752-788. For Masses for Various Needs and Occasions see Roman Missal pp. 789-852. For Votive Masses see Roman Missal pp. 854-870. For Funeral Masses and Masses for the Dead see Roman Missal pp. 872-909. There should be frequent use of all the above Masses when opportune. + = permitted - = prohibited 1HolydaysofObligation R1- D1- 2 The Sundays of Advent, Lent and Easter R1- D1- 3 The Easter Triduum and Maundy Thursday R1- D1- 4SolemnitiesnotofobligationandAllSoulsDay R1- D1+ 5 Ash Wednesday, and Mon., Tues. & Wed. of Holy Week R1- D1+ 6 Days within the Octave of Easter R1- D1+ 7 Sundays of Christmastide and Sundays of Ordinary Time R1+ R2- D1+ D2- 8 Feasts R1+ R2- D1+ D2- 9 Days of Advent from 17th to 24th December R1+ R2- D1+ D2+ 10 Days within the Octave of Christmas Day R1+ R2- D1+ D2+ 11 Days of Lent R1+ R2- D1+ D2+ 12 Obligatory Memorials R1+ R2+ D1+ D2+ 13 Days of Advent up to 16th December R1+ R2+ D1+ D2+ 14 Days of Christmastide from 2nd January R1+ R2+ D1+ D2+ 15 Days of Eastertide R1+ R2+ D1+ D2+ 16 Ordinary Days (ferials) R1+ R2+ R3+ D1+ D2+ D3+ MASSES WITH CHILDREN AND CHILDREN AT THE PARISH MASS For the see the ‘Directory on Children’s Masses’ (CTS/Do 459) and ‘The Parish Mass’ (CTS) prepared by the Liturgical Commission of the Bishop’s Conference. 3 DATES OF MOVABLE CELEBRATIONS 1st Sunday of Advent 2009 …………………………..….........………...…………….... 29th Nov Holy Family ………………………………………….....……………………………… 27th Dec Epiphany…………………………………………………………..…………………… 3rd Jan Baptism of the Lord …………………………………........……………………..…..….. 10th Jan Ash Wednesday ………………………………..….......…..……...…..……………..…... 17th Feb Palm Sunday ……………………………………….....………………..….……...……. 28th Mar Easter Sunday ……………………………………......………………………..…….....…. 4th Apr Ascension Day …………………….………………........……...…………...…...….….. 16th May Pentecost Sunday ………………………………….....……………..……..……….... 23rd May Trinity Sunday ……………………………………......……………..……….…………. 30th May Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ ……………...........……………..……....….….… 6th Jun Sacred Heart of Jesus ……………………………….........……….…..…..…..….….... 11th Jun Christ the King ………………………………………......………………………..……. 21st Nov 1st Sunday of Advent 2010 …………………………............…..…………..…..…… 28th Nov HOLYDAYS OF OBLIGATION 2010 Saints Peter and Paul (Tue) 29th Jun Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Sun) 15th Aug AllSaints (Sun) 31stOct Christmas Day (Sat) 25th Dec 4 CALENDAR CHANGES 2010 According to the rules set out by the Bishops’ Conference 1985 there is one transferred Holyday of Obligation in 2010 The solemnity of All Saints is transferred from Monday 1st November to Sunday 31st October. The National Calendar for England, which was approved by our Bishops’ Conference in 1993, received the recognitio from the Holy See in June 2000. The changes to our calendar, which this National Calendar makes, are incorporated in the pages of this Ordo, viz: JANUARY 12 AELRED OF RIEVAULX, abbot (opt. mem.) 19 WULSTAN, bishop (opt. mem.) APRIL 23 GEORGE, martyr, patron of England (raised to Solemnity) 24 ADALBERT, bishop and martyr (opt. mem.) 29 CATHERINE OF SIENA, virgin and doctor of the Church, patron of Europe (feast) MAY 4 THE ENGLISH MARTYRS (mem.) 19 DUNSTAN, bishop (opt. mem.) 27 AUGUSTINE OF CANTERBURY, bishop (mem.) JUNE 9 COLUMBA, abbot (opt. mem.) 16 RICHARD OF CHICHESTER, bishop (opt. mem.) 20 ALBAN, protomartyr (opt. mem.) 23 ETHELREDA (Audrey), abbess (opt. mem.) JULY 1 OLIVER PLUNKETT, bishop, martyr (opt. mem.) 23 BRIDGET, religious, patron of Europe (feast) AUGUST 9 TERESA BENEDICTA OF THE CROSS (Edith Stein), virgin, martyr, patron of Europe (feast) 31 AIDAN, bishop, and SAINTS OF LINDISFARNE (opt. mem.) SEPTEMBER 3 GREGORY THE GREAT, pope, doctor of the Church (mem.) 4 CUTHBERT, bishop (opt. mem.) 19 THEODORE OF CANTERBURY, bishop (opt. mem.) 24 OUR LADY OF WALSINGHAM (replaces Our Lady of Ransom) (mem.) OCTOBER 10 PAULINUS OF YORK, bishop (opt. mem.) 12 WILFRID, bishop (opt. mem.) 13 EDWARD THE CONFESSOR (opt. mem.) 26 CHAD and CEDD, bishops (opt. mem.) NOVEMBER 3 WINEFRIDE, virgin (opt. mem.) 7 WILLIBRORD, bishop (opt. mem.) 17 HILDA, abbess (opt. mem.) HUGH OF LINCOLN, bishop (opt. mem.) ELIZABETH OF HUNGARY, religious (opt. mem.) DECEMBER 29 THOMAS OF CANTERBURY, bishop, martyr (opt. mem.) 5 TITULAR SAINT’S DAY and the ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEDICATION OF A CHURCH These are observed as Solemnities. These Solemnities yield in precedence only to the following: Holy Week and Easter Week. The Sundays of Advent, Lent and Eastertide including Pentecost. Solemnities of the Lord, Our Lady or of the Saints in the Universal Calendar; Ash Wednesday and All Souls Day. On such days the Solemnity should be transferred to the nearest following day that is free. However, if it is a Sunday of Advent, Lent or Eastertide, which takes precedence, the Solemnity should be anticipated on the previous Saturday, assuming this is free. Throughout this ordo Titular Saint’s Days of places in the Archdiocese which are celebrated in their respective places but which cannot be entered in the general ordo for the Archdiocese will be entered in Italics. CONCELEBRATION Reminder: in those parts of the Eucharistic Prayer which are to be said by all the concelebrants together, the one voice of the Chief Concelebrant should be clearly heard, the rest saying the words quietly. (G.I.R.M. No. 170 and Ad Clerum reminder Aug 1988). EUCHARISTIC PRAYER No. 4 This must always have its own preface. It should not be used on days when the Mass has a proper Preface. When, however, the Preface in seasonal, e.g. during Eastertide (but not on Easter Sunday itself) Eucharistic Prayer No. 4, or No. 2, may be used with its own Preface, except on Sundays in Lent. OFFICE Rules governing how the Office is arranged on Memorials whether obligatory or optional are to be found in Vol. 1 paras. 234-240 of the General Instruction on the Liturgy of the Hours (GILH) p.lxxxi. HOLY COMMUNION (General Instructions of the Roman Missal §56 (h) ‘It is most desirable that the faithful should receive the body of the Lord in hosts consecrated at the same Mass and should share the cup when it is permitted. Communion is thus a clearer sign of sharing in the sacrifice that is actually being celebrated.’ Communion under Both Kinds. In accord with a reply from the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship, the Bishops’ Conference has extended the occasions for exercising the option of receiving Holy Communion under Both Kinds now to include all weekdays and Sundays. (1985) The primary purpose of reservation of hosts in the tabernacle is for Viaticum.
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