r cat I.J I • Art, Spirituality • entertainment Robert Bateman lifestyles talk a hit B4

• What's On Your entertainment calendar B8 SIMS' Body biographies, • TV Listings B5 see pg. B10 a weekly supplement to the gulf islands driftwood WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2000

•*\jkj by DW.:Y tundy From the only girl on the base to the top of her field By GAIL SJUBERG Ostapowich Engineering Services Ltd. and ination and was not made to feel uncomfort­ "You have to tailor technology to the pub­ Driftwood Staff does consulting work in the forest sector, able, even as the only woman in a bunkhouse lic, not just the company you work for," says t was May of 1972 and Glynnis Horel mainly in terrain stability, road reactivation in the bush. Horel. Iwas being cleared for security at her and deactivation, watershed assessment and "We don't want your long hair in our sink" That means gathering opinions and infor­ first summer job as an engineering assistant restoration. was about the harshest remark she heard. mation from public interest groups such as at the Esquimalt naval base. In 1999 she received a joint Association of The trick, she says, was to just do your job local canoe clubs and incorporating them With the paperwork complete, she was set B.C. Professional Foresters and Association well to gain their respect, and not walk onto into designs. to begin work. The clerk telephoned of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists a site with a feminist agenda — such as t creates an interesting dynamic — engi­ Lieutenant-Commander Baker and said, of B.C. award for "excellence in forest engi­ demanding your own toilet. Ineers can't get involved emotionally in "Your summer student has arrived. She'll be neering." The year before she was granted a While Horel was only one of two women their projects, but they have to respect peo­ down in two minutes." He quickly hung up watershed restoration award by the Coastal among 289 first-year engineering students at ple's emotions in coming up with solutions. before Baker could say "she?" Forest Site Rehabilitation Workshop. UBC in 1971, Canadian university engineer­ The process can be frustrating, draining When Horel walked into Baker's office, he has worked for both governments ing departments now average about 30 per and stressful, she says, "but it feels really she recalls, "the place was dead quiet" — Sand corporations. As director of the cent women. good when you make it all work out." and there were these strange patches on the transportation main­ These days, she One might assume that public pressure otherwise bare, green-painted walls. tenance branch for — . says, the young men has a unified, environmentally-concerned "Why are you here?" he barked. the Yukon govern­ and women in camps face. Yet one thing Horel has learned is that "I'm an engineering student and I'm here ment, she managed The process can be even share bathroom "you have to be careful about identifying to learn everything you can teach me," she 23 camps and a head frustrating, draining facilities at the same 'the public.' There are many different replied. office unit, and even time. 'publics'." With females being an absolute rarity in took an assignment and stressful . . . "but But changes in her The most vocal one may be urban the field of engineering, Horel could have as assistant deputy it feels really good field over the past 30 dwellers who want to see the forest around been treated with disdain or worse. But the minister of the trans­ years have gone far them remain intact, but there is another opposite was true. She learned so much and portation division. when you make it all beyond the realm of vociferous group Horel has met in the more was treated so well that it left no doubt about Horel did not personal hygiene remote areas of B.C. and the Yukon: its work out." practices. members want unlimited access to the the career she would pursue. expect to return to ike most pro­ wilderness for hunting and fishing to the She describes it as one of the "key experi­ Salt Spring or to spe­ ences you have early that really set your fessionals, point that they will bring out heavy equip­ cialize in the forest industry, but in both L vision of the world and what it's like." chief among them is dealing with an ment to re-open old logging roads de-acti­ ways she has come "full circle" — several Oh — those patches on the walls? She informed and concerned public, whose vated by forest companies. family members were historically involved later learned that's where the "girlie posters" members don't necessarily trust you. Having Horel has also learned that one must be in logging. were plastered right up until she walked in a solid technical background and using it in "completely transparent" in dealing with the the door. When Horel graduated from Gulf She and Ostapowich arc settled for now isolation is no longer enough — although public. Islands Secondary School in 1970, girls on Salt Spring, allowing son Kevin to finish some engineers are able to specialize solely "You have to give them the bad with the wanting a career were still being funnelled his schooling in one place. Geological engi­ in technical aspects. good. Give them the bad news first," she into nursing and teaching, just as their moth­ neers often move regularly, says Horel, fol­ "The biggest change has been the need for says. "If you're not completely transparent ers were. But having spent so much time lowing infrastructure development. professionals to interact with many other with the public they won't trust you." outdoors while growing up on Salt Spring, She even knows some female colleagues people, other disciplines, to understand At the same time, Horel says, you can't Horel knew she wanted to work outside. The who felt they could not combine their career social concerns in a lot more depth and to be expect everyone to be happy with what you brother of a classmate suggested she might with a family. sensitive to them," says Horel. say or come up with. "If you can achieve want to try geological engineering. But Horel states with confidence that Bringing technical solutions to the table is their grudging respect, grudging acceptance, Almost 30 years later, Horel is a principal engineering is a wonderful career for still the engineer's basic role, but it has with her husband Dale Ostapowich in women. Even years ago she felt no discrim- become more complex. GLYNNIS HOREL B2

1->V • /""(Gulf Islands • PUBLISHED BY Driftwoods •llltl^l.'.IAlllJUt'JJUVLHJJ-JJ;! B2 * WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2000 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD A path to discover the inner self IN CONCERT two rivers at spirit-based, island school

GLYNNIS HOREL: 'Interesting times' From Page B1 Come Out you can have success." key part of Horel's work. ging roads in the Clayoquot, Horel Engineers also have to keep up A class-A salmon-bearing creek came across dislocated salmon fry with all the data that is continually was one of the obstacles to a forest swimming up those roads. of the Cold being gathered in their fields of company accessing valuable tim­ With fisheries technicians on specialty. ber at Phillips Arm on the main­ site trapping the fish, Horel and a "When the facts change, you land coast. colleague then designed the Special Rates better be prepared to adjust," she Horel and a colleague found proper channels for them to trav­ Jan. 1 - March 30,2000 says. traditional solutions, such as a el in. • Weekly from $245 Many years ago working for bridge, unsuitable — the site was As controversy and new infor­ B.C. Rail, material from rock cuts in an avalanche chute — so they mation floods into every area of • Monthly from $899 Downtown Vancouver, B.C • Nightly from $49 was routinely placed on frozen came up with the idea of building her field, "it's an interesting time 1176 Granville St. rivers and would "disappear" with a huge rock ford, which an to be an engineer," she says. the spring thaw. avalanche would travel over. Horel is still so pumped about Special Rates www.tiojavancouver.cnni No one questioned the impact In the past few years, the struc­ the career she chose 30 years ago Apr. 1 - May 30,2000 that giving it up isn't in her life­ Toll Free: 1-888-654-6336 that would have on salmon habitat ture has been pressed by up to 35 • Nightly from $75 down the river. feet of snow, "and not one boulder time plans, although she might Finding ways to protect or has moved." have to cut down a little on the restore salmon habitat is now a Setting out to de-activate log­ bush-whacking. Amnesty Granted If you love beautiful tnudic played by beautiful people.., In concert at Return those long overdue books ArtSpring to the GISS Library...no questions asked...no fines charged Tuesday February 15 Relieve your guilt as you support the Library at 8:00 pm Gulf Islands Secondary School. If you have any long overdue library books that have managed to Ticket: $16 disappear onto your book shelves or into your Reserved Seating attic or behind your chesterfield, we would dear­ ly love them back. It does not matter how old the books are by now...they could still be of great use to students. Simply drop the books off at the high school office...BO questions asked. GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD AM 3 Csi. E IN 1 L M A 1 IN IVl L IN 1 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2000 * B3 VALENTINE'S SALE • • IS fl i^lov^yi/^ori SAVE COMMUNITY

Sale ends February 16 In stock items (except sale items) O-VVORK AK WORLD k i f£ di?«

"CREEKHOUSE" Call Marlie Kelsey 152 Fulford-Ganges Rd. who will bring gifts & greetings Mon.-Fri. 9:30 - 5:30, Sat. 9-5 along with helpful information Open Sundays 11-3 / 537-2999 about your new community.

537-5261 MM_


Grab your 'pardner' Salt Spring gum- boots mixed with cowboy boots and country music at Fulford school's Family Country Dance. The event featured fabulous food, a silent auc­ tion, square danc­ ing and a foot- stomping good time. Young and old enjoyed the event which took place Saturday night.

flwlos by Deintk Lundy

THE 3RD ANNUAL DANCE-A-THON IALONS RESTAURANT CINEMAL CENTRAL Saturday, Feb. 12th 4pm - 2am at the Activity Centre

Nonstop Music 11111111 TTTI The Tail Drapers / the Blues Band AWARD WINNING PERFORMANCES! Black Velvet / Salt Spring Marimba AWARD WINNING MEALS! POP, HIP HOP, RAP & MORE! i i i i I I I i I l l l l DANCE-A-THON THE #1 EVENT OF FEBRUARY! CONTEST Two THUMBS UP!!! Minimum pledges: 14 and younger (student) - $20 /15 and older (adult) $50 BUY ANY ENTREE ENJOY A FILM! 3 cash prizes of $100 for last dancers / $100 cash prize for most $ raised by an aduit Receive a Receive a Four $50 prizes for most $ raised by students L00NIE COUPON LOONIE COUPON ($1 OFF a movie ticket at ($1 OFF off any meal at UP SYNC CONTEST Cinema Central. Tues. excluded) '(alons Restaurant) 1ST PRIZE: $75, 2ND PRIZE: $50, 3RD PRIZE: $25 Consolation prizes for everyone. Please remember that this is a drug and alcohol free event. Judged on costume, choreography, syncability & attitude. Pre-register at 537-9130 by Friday 3pm. li'il=i'lH=l;i;MII=f.i:H'IHi:i = RESTAURANT Just want to dance? Tickets $5 student, $7 adult, $20 family Open for lunch 11:30am Mon.-Sat. Open lor dinner 5-9 / 7 nights a week Central Hall • 537-4656 (24 hr.) Sunday brunch 11am FOR MORE INFO: CENTRE SCHOOL 537-9130 See our ad in Arts and Entertainment for Licensed on the waterlront next to dates and times of current movies. Centennial park. 537-8585 A LOONIE TOONIE EVENT *8X4$ft£ ra*MW< THIS EVENT ENDS FEB. 29. 2000 B4 * WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2000 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD Bateman offers 'roller coaster' ride through time and space

By FLORENCE COOK REID He sees these bigger prob­ Special to the Driftwood lems as a result of artistic and Last Friday evening, 1 left home creative minds working as ser­ early enough to get a seat near the vants to the marketplace, play­ front in the United Church lower ing on human vices such as hall. greed, lust and enjoyment of I was anxious to hear Robert cruelty. Our culture encourages ENJOY THE SOUNDS OF BARRINGTON PERRY ON THE PIANO Bateman talk on "art and nature, worship of consumer products, ethics and spirituality," and I was celebration of sex without ^_^ Our full menu available, plus v wondering how a subject suitable love, and entertainment using for a six-week course of lectures violence for amusement. could be squeezed into a space of Bateman suggested that some jLyamantie Specials * two or three hours. I'm glad 1 went. of these areas have been I wouldn't have wanted to miss pushed far enough to be con­ GRACE PT. SQUARE «P RESERVATIONS 537-5979 sidered evil — "a word not die tour de force it turned out to be. used much these days." Well-positioned in the third row, 1 never expected that within min­ In conclusion, he related utes of my arrival, the hall would Robert Bateman some positive examples of overflow into the entry and a deci­ Photo by De

DON'T PAY TIL INCOME TAX TIME! KILLER I2PWCE JL AUDIO-" Have a Seat! #8 clarion' The ArtSpring theatre seat plaques are now in! If «SWS" CLEARANCE! you have already purchased a seat, please drop by before February 29 to select "your" seat. ^r On the Other Hand: clarion' If you haven't yet purchased "your" seat, now is DRB 5575 PRO AUDIO e__ CD PLAYER WITH REMOTE S259 your chance. We hope to match, dollar for dollar, every tax deductible $1,000 seat sale. What a great way to make you: mark, or remember a friend! 951 A Canada Avenue (OAC) tor 90 days Call Paul at 537-2125 for more information. "}• some items SOUblP 748-4847 rirt nnt :anrilw 2000 IVCWI-lliUfJ EXCURSION

1-800-748-2155 (TOLL FREE) free Service Loaners! that's On TV Shuttle Service Available From Croll'on! GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD PAGE B5 FEBRUARY 9, 2000 DUNCAN, B.C. PL. #5964 www.kenevansford.com

S - SALT SPRING ISLAND 0 - OUTER ISLANDS WEDNESDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 9 S 0 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 0 CD- CBC Deqrassi Deqrassi Simpsons Jonovision Broadcast One Rd Again Country The Fifth Estate DaVinci's Inquest The National News Broadcast O SUPER Running Home (1998 Claudia Christian. Deep Impact (1998) Elijah Wood. Fast Track Velvet Goldmine (1998) Ewan McGregor. is Killing Time o CD KOMO Rosie O'Donnell KOMO News News News Fortune Jeopardy 2 Guys.. |Norm D.Carey | Spin City 20/20 Wednesday News 35 News 0 m KING Oprah Winfrey Show KING News News News Maqazine Hollyw'd Dateline NBC The West Winq Law & Order News :35Toniqht o CD CHEK Inside Ed. [Hollyw'd CHEK News News Ch. Heart Hollyw'd 2 Guys.. ]Norm The West Winq Nikita News C.Club 54 a 14 VTV E.R. News D.Carey News Frasier Friends Butty Vampire Slayer D.Carey Spin City Law & Order News N3TV a 3D BCTV Oprah Winfrey Show News Canada News Fortune Jeopardy 2 Guys- Norm A Vision of Murder: The Story of Donielle News News Spt o CD KCTS Zoom DraqonT. Arthur Business News Travel Outdoors Greeks so The Greeks |:40 The Greeks SharkFeed Red Dwarf Wrld News CD 23 SRC Tohu Debrouill. Watatatow ..mens Lonqueur..|Ce soir Virginie Cas. 24 C. Charette direct Chartrand et... Telejoumal/Point Ce soir Cinema CD CD KNOW Mechanic Maqic Bs Greqg PacificPro Planet Education Renovatr Rider BC Now A Season of Change My Art Will Rise Up Dotto on Data Live CD (13) CKVU Rosie O'Donnell The Younq & Restless News E.T. Simpsons Beverly Hills 90210 TV Guide's Truth Chicago Hope SportPaqe News CD BRAVO Videos | In Workshop Alisee (1991) Elsa Zylberstein. Trial and Retribution NYPD Blue Homicide: Life on St Latcho Drom (1994) Tony Gatlif. CD (3D CMT CMT Hod's ShowArtist 1 on 1 All Access CMT Sonqbook ShowArtistp on 1 All Access CMT After Hours CD m TLC Trauma Center Extreme Machines ScrtsFrnscScn Secrets of Forensic Extreme Machines ScrtsFrnsc Sen Secrets of Forensic Trauma Center CO 32) CNN 3:3o$$iine Crossfire WldTod. CNN Newsstand SprtsT. Moneyline Larry King Live CNN Newsstand SprtsT. Moneyline CD FAM Pumbaa Hercules Douq Disney Clarissa Microsoap Gargoyles A. Dark? Pufnstuf (1970) Jack Wild. 3s Gold Rush Charlie Chaplin. 05 A.Dark? Gargoyles © (3D A&E Law & Order Biography Investigative Reports American Justice Law & Order Bioqraphy |lnvestiqative Reports American Justice © as TSN Hockey Mart.Arts Classic's Boxing Classic's Boxing Classic's Boxing Sportsdesk Golf 99 REMAX World Lonq Drive | Fins.Skins Sportsdesk © as NET Snowbrd World FIS Slide Ride G. Grizzlies S.Central Hockey Calqary Flames vs Vancouver Canucks NHL Sports Central Hockey AIIStarGame © as KSTW PepprAnn Disney J. Judy J. Judy D.Carey Frasier D.Carey Seinfeld Seven Days Star Trek: Voyaqer M.A.S.H. M.A.S.H. Frasier Home I. © 02) KVOS The Nanny Full House Star Trek: Next Gen. Fam.Feud Blind Date Home I. Mad You Star Trek: Voyaqer Earth: Final Conflict Seinfeld NwsRadio Cheers M.A.S.H. © 35) KCPQ Beast Wr Diqmon Simpsons 3rd Rock Friends 3rd Rock Friends Simpsons Beverly Hills 90210 TV Guide's Truth Q-13Rep 35MadYou as Star Trek: Voyaqer © (25) NEWS Newsworld Reports Health CSpin The National Antiques Roadshow Newsworld Reports National CSpin TBA Business National Venture tu­ 0JD KIRO Inside Ed. Fam.Feud KIRO News News News E.T. Real TV City of Anqels A Vision of Murder: The Story of Donielle News Letterman rn VISION All Creatures G&S Wnd.Yrs Cosby Little House Prairie Skylight Refl. Islam HalLjah Rainmaker Wanda Koop Spiritual Skylight 100 Huntley Street

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S - SALT SPRING ISLAND O - OUTER ISLANDS THURSDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 10 S O 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 o CD CBC Deqrassi Deqrassi Simpsons Jonovision Broadcast One Mr. Bean Red Green Witness The Edge The Edge The National News Broadcast a SUPER Patch Adams (1998) Robin Williams. Firestorm (1998) Howie Lonq. Reel Ent Aleqria (1997) Rene Bazinet. Virus (1998) Jamie Lee Curtis. Movie a CD KOMO Rosie O'Donnell KOMO News News INews Fortune Jeopardy Line? Line? Who Wants to Be 20/20 Downtown News 35 News o 16 KING Oprah Winfrey Show KING News News Magazine Hollyw'd Friends Jesse Frasier Ravin'Mad E.R. News 3SToniqht CD CHEK I CHEK News News Ch. Heart Hollyw'd Ally McBeal Charmed E.R. News Club 54 o Inside Ed. |Hollyw'd o m VTV E.R. News D.Carey News Frasier Basketball Vancouver Grizzlies vs Los Anqeles NBA Who Wants to Be News Fashion o CD BCTV Oprah Winfrey Show News Canada News Fortune Jeopardy Power Play Charmed E.R. News News Spt o CD KCTS Zoom DraqonT. Arthur Business News Trv Euro KeepApp KeepApp KeepApp Mystery! Remarkable 20th Cent Red Dwarf CD 23 SRC Mecanix Maqazine Watatatow ..mens Clan dest. |Ce soir Virginie Gars, fille Gypsies L'Ecuyer Telejournal/Point Ce soir Icinema m CD KNOW Mechanic Maqic Bs BCNow Fishing on the Brink Harr'wsm. Gardens Imprint Rebels: Underground Saints and Sinners BC Now fa as CKVU Rosie O'Donnell The Younq & Restless News E.T. Simpsons Friends Jesse Frasier Ravin'Mad Traders SportPaqe News CD BRAVO Videos |lqnatieff Book TV R. Davies My Cousin Rachel 45 News NYPD Blue Homicide: Life on St Jamaica Inn Charles Lauqhton. :45 News CB ss CMT Faith's Video Bio ShowArtist 1 on1 Top 12 Choice |CMT Sonqbook ShowArtist|lnd. Scene Top 12 Choice CMT After Hours fa 65® TLC Trauma Center Raqinq Rivers Civil Rights Martyrs Raqinq Rivers Civil Rights Martyrs Trauma Center ra (32 CNN 3:30$$iine Crossfire The World Today Larry Kinq Live CNN Newsstand SprtsT. Moneyline Larry King Live |CNN Newsstand SprtsT. Moneyline CD FAM Pumbaa Hercules Douq |Disney ShrunkKid 45. .Angels osDinosrs A.Dark? Mickey's V 50Mq.Jers •is Batteries Not Included Hume Cronyn. io A.Dark? Garqoyles © C31) A&E Law & Order Bioqraphy Investiqative Reports Law & Order Bioqraphy Investigative Reports © a® TSN Hockey Cheerlead. StrqMan9s|strq Man Strq Man |Strq Man ] Strongest Man Sportsdesk Motor'00 IsnowTrax NHLPA Icheerlead. Sportsdesk © as NET SCentral Hockey Edmonton Oilers vs Philadelphia Flyers NHL S.Central Skiing Alpine Worio FIS Snowbrd Worlo FIS Sports Central Goin' Deep © az) KSTW Pepp'rAnn Disney J. Judy |j. Judy D.Carey Frasier D.Carey Seinfeld WWF Smackdown! M.A.S.H. M.A.S.H. Frasier Home I. © 32) KVOS The Nanny Full House Star Trek: Next Gen. Fam.Feud Blind Date Home I. Mad You Cleopatra IJackTrade Xena: Princess Seinfeld Paid Proq. Cheers M.A.S.H. © 534) KCPQ Beast Wr Diqmon Simpsons 3rd Rock Friends 3rd Rock Friends Simpsons The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997) Jeff Goldblum. os Mad About You © 20 NEWS Newsworld Reports Health CSpin The National The Fifth Estate Newsworld Reports National CSpin TBA Business National MarketP © 11 KIRO Inside Ed. Fam.Feud KIRO News News News E.T. Real TV Diagnosis Murder Chicago Hope 48 Hours News Letterman © VISION All Creatures G&S Wnd.Yrs Cosby Little House Prairie Skylight Main St. AfterHenry Virtues Bread and Stone Scatter.. Skylight 100 Huntley Street B6 4 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2000 WHAT'S ON TV GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD

S - SALT SPRING ISLAND 0 - OUTER ISLANDS FRIDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 11 S 0 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 O CD) CBC Deqrassi Deqrassi Simpsons Jonovision Broadcast One 22 Mins Lauqhs Air Farce Red Green Good for a Cowboy The National News Broadcast o SUPER Pleasantville (1998) Reese Witherspoon. Black Dog Patrick Swayze. Simply Irrestible Sarah Michelle Gellar. Soldier (1998) Kurt Russell. o 3D KOMO Rosie O'Donnell KOMO News News News Fortune Jeopardy Boy Meets World Sabrina |Huqhleys 20/20 Friday News 35 News o C16) KING Oprah Winfrey Show KING News News News Maqazine Hollyw'd Providence Dateline NBC Law & Order: S.V.U. News 35Toniqht o (23 CHEK Inside Ed. Hollyw'd News News Ch. Heart Hollyw'd Kids Say Cosby Power Play The City News WCW u (14) VTV E.R. News D.Carev News Frasier Friends Boy Meets World Dilbert | Line? Law & Order: S.V.U. News J. Byrnes o (8) BCTV Oprah Winfrey Show News Canada News Fortune Jeopardy Providence Now and Aqain Nash Bridges News News Spt o L9J KCTS Zoom DraqonT. Arthur Business News Travel Wall Street Serious SS Wash. Wk Antiques Roadshow That's Entertainment! (1974) Frank Sinatra. tit) (23) SRC C.Croise Intrepides Insectia ..mens MotsMaux Ce soir Jst farce! Catherine La fureur Zone libre Telejournal/Point Ce soir Cinema (D 5 KNOW Mechanic Magic Bs Imprint WholoNot. Footnotes How Cook Herbs Classic Theatre Ruth Rendell Planet Education CD 03) CKVU Rosie O'Donnell The Younq & Restless News E.T. Simpsons 70'sShow|Bob&Marq Greed: The Series 20/20 Friday SportPaqe News CD BRAVO Videos Star TV Movies Telescope Deadly Advice Jane Horrocks. 35 News Beqqars and choosers Sex & City :« Haunted (1995) Aidan Quinn. 35 News CD (35) CMT CMT Hip Trip FaceMusic 1 on 1 Top 12 Choice CMT Songbook FaceMusicl Showcase Top 12 Choice Commercial Freezone CMT Hip Trip CD (33) TLC Trauma Center Camera. Action! Ancient Technologies Mysteries of the Bible Camera, Action! Ancient Technologies Mysteries of the Bible Trauma Center CD (32) CNN 3:30$$ line Crossfire The World Today Larry King Live CNN NewsStand SprtsT. |Moneyline Larry Kinq Live CNN NewsStand SprtsT. |Moneyline CD FAM Pumbaa Hercules Douq | Disney Mentors Gargoyles So Weird |A.Dark? The Great Muppet Caper 1 40 Harry and the Hendersons :i5The Affairs of An.. go (31) A&E Law & Order Bioqraphy Investigative Reports Poirot Law & Order Biography Investigative Reports Poirot go (15) TSN Hockey Strongman Classic's Boxinq Boxinq Blackshear vs Siderofi Isportsdesk All-Star Preview Istrongman Sportsdesk go (19) NET Ar'dGreen Golf Ace Classic SPGA S.Central Rewind Lacrosse Rochester Knighthawks vs Toronto Rock NLL Sports Central Golf Ace SPGA CD 17 KSTW Pepp'rAnn Disney J. Judy |j. Judy D.Carey Frasier D.Carey Seinfeld Operation Sandman (2000) Ron Perlman. M.A.S.H. M.A.S.H Frasier Home I. gd (12) KVOS The Nanny Full House Star Trek: Next Gen. Fam.Feud Blind Date Home 1. Mad You Murphy's War (1971) Peter OToole. Seinfeld NwsRadio Cheers M.A.S.H. 63 34 KCPQ Beast Wr Diqmon Simpsons [3rd Rock Friends 3rd Rock Friends Simpsons Wild Police Videos Greed: The Series Q-13Rep 3SMadYou :05 star Trek: Vovaqer 63 125) NEWS Newsworld Reports Pamela Wallin The National Hot Type On Arts @ The End National |From Hip Pamela Wallin National Culture 60 (ID KIRO Inside Ed. IFam.Feud KIRO News News News E.T. Real TV Charlie Brown Now and Aqain Nash Bridqes News Letterman 63 VISION All Creatures G&S Wnd.Yrs Cosby Little House Prairie Skylight Shine TV Time Go Mahalia Dolly Skylight 100 Huntley Street

m We've got the right #;/»« satellite system for you! STAY TUNED— Complete Automotive Repair / In store demonstration of both systems at Radio ALL MAKES & MODELS / Shack. You compare picture quality, sound, program­ ming etc. and decide what suits you. • Tune Ups • Brakes • Shocks • Batteries Ask us for details n • Tires • Cooling Systems • Lube & Oil -s!L ML ° • Safety Inspections • Exhaust Systems pricing specials, • Computer Component Analysis • Engine Overhauls program credits, etc. HAROLD HARKEMA REPAIRS QSI ELECTRONICS Automotive Repairs • Batteries & Tires RADIO SHACK ASC / 162 Fulford Ganges Rd.,537-452 2 427 Fulford Ganges Rd. • 537-4559 • Mon. • Fri. 8-5

S - SALT SPRING ISLAND O - OUTER ISLANDS SATURDAY DAYTIME FEBRUARY 12 S O 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 O CD CBC 7:oo CBC Playground Bowling 70 Pin Journal Curling Canadian Junior Championships CoolShot Olympians Report Labatt Sat. o SUPER 73oBarney's Great.. Grizzly Mountain (1997) Dan Haqqerty. |Deep Impact (1998) Elijah Wood. Sphere (1998) Dustin Hoffman. Movie o (3) KOMO 7:00 KOMO News How That ISabrina Disney's One Saturday Morning Paid Proq. Paid Proq. Basketball Arizona vs Washington NCAA FiqSkate o 16 KING Weekend News Weekend News NBA Inside Stuff Boxinq U.S. Olympic Trials Gravity Games Hanq Time One World o CD CHEK Paid Proq. Get Up House Wrldvision Punjabi Profile Worldvision Movie Sh G. Fishinq Computer Wine Gold Trails Reel Adv. Skatinq Worlo o (14) VTV 730One Sat. Mominq Mousewrk' MythWar's MythWar's Leap Bnds Roadcrew NewMusic N3TV Home Fisherman Wrldvision Cottage Electric Circus o CD BCTV 700BCTV Saturday Morning News Investors on Line House Wrldvision News Speed Skating World Championships Worldvision o 3D KCTS Noddy DraqonT. Arthur Zoboo.. M. Group Brown Money Serious $$ Child Duke Ellinqton's W.. ]Old House I Workshop Cooking Southwest Weir Cook CB 23 SRC Dalmation' Hercule Princesse La famille :05 Lulu Titi et...... Croise Clan dest. Le Midi Les Aventures de la 4eme dimension L'accent francophone Franc jeu ra (5) KNOW Magic Bs Sci Squad Kratt's C. DreamSt. Sew Fun Sewinq The Earth's Garden Castinq S. DeathTax Renovatr Router Rider Dotto's Harr'wsm. Gardens SH as CKVU Gadqet NASCAR Godzilla Hang Time City Guys One World Sabrina Sabrina Student Student Jouney Eerie Shelby W. Mechanic PSI Factor Chronicle O BRAVO 20 News Around the World in 80 Days (1956) David Niven. The Comancheros (1961) John Wayne. Five Weeks in a Balloon 45 News Art Mind |Perform*rs ra (3D CMT Chevy Top 20 Countdown Rock N' Country CMT Hip Trip Rock N' Country Today's New Country ra 38 TLC Hometime Hometime Bob Vila Bob Vila Critical Condition Breaking News Vietnam: Soldiers Vietnam: Soldiers Sports Disasters Future Cars (9 (3D CNN TravelNow Paqe One Saturday DotCom Saturday Sci. Tech. Saturday Health $$ Week |Movers Saturday HIpMoney Saturday Evans Worldview Source CD FAM GummiBrs Madeline Gadg'tB. Bug Juice CrashZ. Sherlock A.Dark? So Weird Horse Sense Andrew Lawrence. Bill Nye Art Attack Darkwinq Aladdin Pumbaa 6) 31: A&E House Beautiful The New Explorers Child Bride of Short Creek Investigative Reports City Confidential Investigative Reports 6) 15 TSN SnowTrax|NHLPA Bowling Women's 5 Pin HockeyMapleLeai'Skills |winter X Games Winter X Games Basketball All-Star Rookie Game NBA Strongman Sprtsdsk © NET 7:oo Soccer EPL Soc. Cent. Soccer EPL Gold Dest. Curling Nokia Cup S.Central Skiing © a? KSTW Party of Five HappyDay In House The Man with Two Brains Steve Martin. The Goonies (1985) Sean Astin. Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Bob Hoskins. © (12) KVOS The Tick MerrieMel. PowerRnq Bill Nye Sonic Playqrnd Paid Proq. Paid Proq. Paid Proq. Paid Proq. Paid Proq. Paid Proq. No Time for Sergeants (1958) Andy Griffith. © (341 KCPQ Diqmon NASCAR Godzilla Diqmon BeastMch Avengers Malibu Paid Proq. No Holds Barred (1989) Hulk Hoqan. Beast Master Starqate: S-G1 © 20 NEWS SShow MarketP Newsworld From Hip The Fifth Estate Antiques Roadshow Life and Times of.. |$ Show Fashion Newsworld Editors BBC News Culture © 11 KIRO 700 KIRO News Auto Racing Davtona 500 Pole Qualifying Golf Buick Invitational PGA Paid Prog. Paid Prog. © VISION Mass | Punjab Hinduism W. Indians Panorama | Gurbani Punjabi |TV Asia Z-TV lAshirvad JMuslim C. |Dil Dil |Pakistan |Orthod. Calvary Evangel

S - SALT SPRING ISLAND O - OUTER ISLANDS SATURDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 12 S O 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 O CD CBC Hockey Vancouver Canucks vs Toronto Maple Leats NHL Hockey Calgary Flames vs Phoenix Coyotes NHL Hockeyt'lk 111 th Hour | @ The End O SUPER 330 As Good as It Gets Jack Nicholson. A Simple Plan (1998) Bill Paxton. Blast From the Past (1999) Brendan Fraser. jPayback (1999) Mel Gibson Movie o 14: KOMO 3:3oFigSkate U.S. Championships\News News News Fortune jJeopardy Home Videos Figure Skaling U.S. Championships News Baywatch 0 KING J. Hanna Criminals KING News News News Amazon The Pretender Profiler The Others News :35S.N.L o 7): CHEK 300Speed Skatinq News News Little Men The Pretender Profiler The Others Niklta 14 VTV sooElectric Media TV Movie TV Ent Now News I First Stop/ Twice in a Lifetime VI Am. Most Wanted Cold Squad Forever Knight 18 BCTV HomeCh'k Movie Sh Fortune Jeopardy News Starqate: S-G1 Little Men Amazon The City News News Spt o - o CD KCTS Cooking Br'kBread CIA Cook Julia: Lawrence Welk Show Nature Lite ot Birds by Nova Served ? Served? Independent Lens ra SRC Hockey Senators d'Ottawa vs Canadiens de Montreal LNH Jour/Point Sports / 55 Pret-a-porter (1994) Sophia Loren ' Le siecle du peuple 40 Noe CD 5 KNOW Foodstuff Baker's How Cook Herbs T-Tubbies Mechanic Magic Bs Kratt's C. Heartbeat Wyclifte Saturday Night& Sunday Mo.. Hungarian ra 13 CKVU Back to Back Action Xena: Princess News Flash Addams Jake and the Kid PSI Factor Chronicle The Outer Limits The Outer Limits ra BRAVO 330 Great performers Andrea Bocelli 15 News E.Sullivan Sex & City 45..Pony is Kicking and Screaming 55 News 15 Man of the Year ra 35 CMT All Access Xtreme 1 on 1 Top 12 Choice All Access Xtreme Ind. Scene Top 12 Choice Commercial Freezone ra 38 TLC 3:00 Future Cars The Secret World of.. The Greatest Boxer Tough 2 The Secret World of... The Greatest Boxer Tough 2 Extreme Machines ra '32 CNN Capital G. SprtsT. Worldview Movers Larry King Weekend Worldview Capital G. Sports Tonight WldBeat $S Week Larry King Weekend SprtsT. HIpMoney ra FAM Goot Trp Gargoyles Believe Otter Franklin [Lulu Show H. Hounds|M.Anqels Splash (1984) Tom Hanks Gidget (1959) Sandra Dee. Movie © 31 A&E The Love Chronicles Biography A Touch of Frost A&E Top 10 Biography A Touch of Frost © 15" TSN NBA in the Paint Basketball All-Star Game NBA Sportsdesk X Games X Games X Games I Ext Sports Sportsdesk © 19 NET Skiing Alpine Wortg FIS |Golf Ace Classic SPGA S.Central Ice Time Figure Skating Japan Open WWF Live Wire Sports Central Snowbrd Worlo FIS © m KSTW The Mighty Ducks (1992) Emilio Estevez. Star Trek: Voyager D.Carey | Seinfeld Star Wars: A New Hope (1977) Mark Hamill. Home I. The Outer Limits © 12 KVOS Movie | Paid Prog Star Trek Baywatch Hawaii Touched By An Angel Shallow Grave (1994) Kerry Fox Taxi Cheers |Paid Prog © 34 KCPQ Earth: Final Conflict Star Trek: Next Gen. Star Trek: DSN Friends 3rd Rock Cops Cops Am. Most Wanted Q-13R8P Friends Mad TV © 20 NEWS Fashion On Arts Antiques Roadshow Report Venture Rough Cuts Hot Type Undercur Report |Venture @ The End Rough Cuts 11 KIRO Animal WAmerica KIRO News News News Entertain. Week Lines Candid C. Martial Law Walker, Texas Ranger News 35Grammy © 1 GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD AKn & hNlhRlAlNMhNl WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2000 * B7


'*££. ., d£ PRIME RIB" _ &2 L& c£ Wednesday night HOSTED BY: ,il r.,t\ Charles WiltoriLlVl Riley and Rensby I ?fc UVE 9:00M r Oscar Riley and Jenny Rensby performed origi­ Variety Affair, Celebrations in Poetry and LIVE LIVE LIVE U nal works at Lion's Hall Sunday night in A Song, with poet Cherie Geauvreau. Photo by Detnok Lunch/ SUNDAY DINNER Lip sync contest at Dance-a-thon It's time to step out from in front of the mirror, grab between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. your favourite cut on CD or cassette and leap onto the Three finalists will be determined by a panel of stage for the Dance-a-thon 2000 Lip Sync Contest. judges awarding points on the following basis: up to The bonus event has been added to the February 12 five points each for appearance/costume; choreogra­ Salt Spring Centre School Dance-a-thon after organiz­ phy; lip sync ability; attitude; and three potential ers recalled how lots of kids were spontaneously lip bonus points for surprising the judges — although I VALENTINE'S DAY synching the music at last year's dance-a-thon. contestants are reminded that it is a family event and SUSHEELA Three cash prizes of $75, $50 and $25 will be people should act accordingly. A/Ml of JLQVS. & awarded to the top three acts — individuals or groups The top three acts will repeat their performance in who perform one song. Consolation prizes go to all the finals, with winners being determined by audience _cJ\ ornanca Mml^gx entrants. applause. Dance-a-thon 2000 runs at the Activity Centre in Registration fee is admission to the Dance-a-thon, Salt Spring Elementary from 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. which is $7 for adults, $5 for students and $20 for 7PM Saturday. Lip sync acts will be spread throughout the families. event and entrants can choose their performance time Both live and canned music runs all night. Menu Available when they register. People should register by calling The lip sync contest and Dance-a-thon are drug and Salt Spring Centre School at 537-9130 by Thursday alcohol-free events. until Midnight 'MOBY'S Seven Days a Week! DRIFTWOOD CLASSIFIEDS www.mobyspub.com ^ _ 537-5569 124 Upper Gonges Road "At the head of Ganges Harbout't New cable program set 537-9933 The charm of Charlie and some ence as a professional wilderness escapading kayakers form the two guide and kayak instructor is shared parts of a new program airing on in Adventures With Island Salt Spring TV (STV) Friday night Escapades. at 7 p.m. Kayakers from all walks of'life are Peter Prince, community program­ featured as they learn to become bet­ mer for STV — cable Channel 12 — ter paddlers, while taking in islands' has put together his second program natural wildlife. Both programs were since taking on the position at Salt shot and edited by Prince at his Spring Cablevision in December. Island Video Works studio. Phoenix Elementary School's In addition to Friday's premiere delightful musical Charlie and the broadcast, the Charlie-Island Chocolate Factory was captured by Escapades show will repeat on three Prince on November 17, 1999, and Mondays at 7 p.m.: February 14, 21 edited for Channel 12. The play was and 28. produced and directed by Phoenix Prince invites submissions from school teachers, parenLs and friends, any islanders who have created pro­ and features Virginia Newman grams they would like to see broad­ accompanying the studenLs on piano. cast on STV. Call him at 537-1335 Jack Rosen's 20 years of experi­ for more information.

inding the perfect love takes timing, Wednesday Feb. 9 - Saturday Feb. 12 patience, and tuck. 0 ENTIRE STORE 'finding the perfect gift is easy...at OFF SELECTED BRAS & SLEEPWEAR NEW STOCK ARRIVING DAILY! foxglove Luxurious Egyptian Cotton 0(pses, fresh Arrangements and'Bouquets Sleepwear 537-5531 9 GIFT CERTIFICATES^ — We 'Deliver — Comer of %t fans and 133 McPHILLIPS AVE. — Lower Qanges 'J(oads 537-2745 (Just past the library) Mon. - Sat. 10-5 B8 A WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2000

stage The Beauty of All-Wheel Drive A Lady of Letters, a one-woman show writ­ ten by Alan Bennett, performed by Deb Toole and presented by Active PASS at The Studio SAUNDERS SUBARU in Vesuvius, Friday-Saturday, February 11- Sales & Service 12, 8 p.m. Tickets are $10 at et cetera. Final two shows! 1-888-898-9911 1784 Island Hwy DL5932 music www.Victoriacar.com • Phil Fischer and friends entertain at OAPO SEEN IT ALL? Branch 32 social afternoon. Central Hall, THINK AGAIN Wednesday, February 9,2 p.m. THINK • Wednesday Night LIVE! at Moby's, hosted by Charles Wilton, February 9,9 p.m. VJDE0 • Valentine Dance with old-time, unamplified dance music by The Islanders. Meaden Hall, KUINDmYIMOl Island Star: * large $*tecton o* ne-w releases * vcr rentals * vdeo game* A machines The Sequel Saturday, February 12, 7 to 10 p.m. Tickets * open 7 dav* a wee* YOUR CALENDAR O 1 SBC (uFtad Ganges Ra., 537-8334 hent to Work Worlcf) What's On is a reader service designed to highlight arts and cul are $11 at Love My Kitchen and Patterson's. S*k Sprtng Island, B.C. atGVM Presented by the "I'm Off My Rocker" social 537-9933, fax 537-2613 or email: [email protected] the club. , • Kenny Byron and the Tragically Hick %dwMm^ b%eekmd FEBRUARY 9 FEBRUARY 10 FEBRUARY Valentine's Dance is at the Harbour House IN THE BISTRO wed thurs fri Hotel, Saturday, February 12, 8:30 to 12:30 Feb. 11,12,13 & 14 • Phil Fischer and friends • Lady of p.m. Tickets $10 at the Harbour House. TABLE D'HOTE ; Wednesday Night LIVE! Letters • Valentine's Swing Dance with Swing Shift STARTERS: Big Band, Fulford Hall, Saturday, February • Pesto Roma Tomato Salad w Gtuyere • French Onion Soup 12. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. and door ticket ENTREES CHOICE OF: sales end at 8:30. Free swing dance instruc­ 1) Filet Mignon Tornedos Rossini (Filel Mignon on a Crouton with Pepper Pate and feuTllft BMrlrBA tion is offered before the dance. The dance is topped with Demi-Glace) a fundraiser for the GISS music program. 2) Pork Tenderloin w/Cranberry Salsa Admission is $10 with advance tickets at 3) Salmon Beaufort fFflej of Salmon, Poadwd FEBRUARY 14 FEBRUARY 15 FEBRI £r Topped with 4 Tiger Prawns and a Creamy Acoustic Planet. Brandy Sauce) mon tues wed All entires include your choice of rice • Dance-a-thon 2000 and Lip Sync Contest or potato plus a vegetable medley Susheela at Moby's • Gryphon Trio ' Phil Fischer and fi — the third annual fundraiser for Salt Spring DESSERT: 'Wednesday Night Centre School. Activity Centre, Saturday, • Chocolate Mousse & Strawberry February 12, 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. Contestant Shortcake forms at Acoustic Planet. Register for lip sync $19.95 + tax per person contest by calling 537-9130. General RESERVATIONS RECOMMENDED admission is $7 for adults, $5 for students, 537-4700 $20 families. IN THE WHEELHOUSE CIII1 FEBRUARY 20 FEBRI • Brent Streeper performs on keyboards at the Feb. 12, 2000 FEBRUARY 19 Harbour House lounge, Saturday, February Valentine's Dance with Tragically Hick sat mon 12,8 p.m. to midnight. Tickets available at front desk Jazz dinner/dance • Pat Coleman Trio • Michaela Richards Trio is the Sunday Dinner IN THE LOUNGE "Brent Streeper" on keyboards, R&G game dinner Jazz act at Moby's, February 13,7 p.m. Saturdays from 8pm-12 am • Anastacia Wilde • Choral Evensong — All Saints By-the-Sea, Sunday, February 13,4 p.m. /fi/t&ricwtetr/kg' ot( Cke, &t*%ro('te?att6e, • Dent/Mosely/Moberg • Susheela, Songs of Love and Romance, a HARBOUR HOUSE Valentine's Day treat at Moby's, Monday, 537-5571 FOR MORE DETAILS ON THE EVENTS ABOVE February 14,7 p.m. • The Gryphon Trio, one of Canada's finest ensembles, performs at ArtSpring on UTJGtLQHE ASIA: 16 CITIES! I Tuesday, February 15, 8 p.m. Tickets are airfare $16 through the ArtSpring box office, 537-2102. Pacific Travel Ltd. $ www.saltspring.provoyage.com from Vancouver.. up to 16 destinations in Asia 537-5523 1499 EVERY WEEK: for Adults 55 and over, from: $1399. Air taxes and fees not included. • Argentinian Tango Practice at 104 Langs i Road, every Thursday, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. $3 nets one SS hour. United Church, lower hall, Saturday, February 12,10 drop-in. Info: Margie, 537-2707. meetings Thursday, February 10, 6 p.m. admission. • Alfresco Restaurant — Barrington Perry • Gulf Islands School Board meets at plays piano every Saturday evening starting Fernwood Elementary School, Wednesday, at 6 p.m. for famil February 9,1 p.m. activities • Harbour House Bistro — Pianist Murray • Men's Breakfast, a meal and discussion, EVERY WEEK: • Salt Spring Rod and Gun Club, annual Anderson performs every Saturday and United Church, lower hall, Thursday, • Story Time at the Libra general meeting, 221 Long Harbour Road. Sunday at lunch or dinner. February 10,8-10 a.m. Voaden, every Tuesday fro Wednesday, February 9,8 p.m. • Fulford Inn — Buck and Dave Roland play • Community Meditation — Marg Simons for kids aged 3-5 and their p every Sunday from 4 to 7 p.m. • GISS Parents Advisory Council meeting. speaks on art and spirituality, United Church, • West of the Moon — Stor Includes a presentation on youth crime • Midnight Mondays Cafe — at Rose's in upper hall. Thursday, February 10, 11:30 every Monday morning fron prevention. At GISS, Wednesday, Fulford. The cafe is open until midnight every a.m. to 12:30 p.m. the ! February 9,7 p.m. Monday for an after-hours acoustic jam • Seedy Saturday, a community seed • Fairy tales and myths wit: session with all musicians (and audience • Salt Spring Hours Barter Network Potluck. exchange. Bring your seeds, come and buy at Mary Hawkins Library members) welcome. See the Money Masters video. Potluck attendance some or just meet your friends. Mahon Hall. from 3-4 p.m. Surf the internet up to 90 hours per month E-mail address included Here's a BIG Valentines Offer! Personal website page $ ENLARGEMENTS W (up to 2 megabytes) 8x10 5.99 ea / 8x12 6.99 ea "HAII Toll free support line I "Ai (Just bring in your 35mm colour EXTR/i 18^ q^ '* negative tor these machine | ^^p MONTH 127 L S&UNISERVE: enlargements) V e s Ganges Auto Marine Salt S| HUNDREDS OF FRAMES fN STOCK #3 - 290 Park Dr. "ftfipcriAIICT Britisf TRIBAL DRUM COMPUTERS 537-0099 Below Dagwoods. =OrCll/lllJI 105 Hereford Ave., 537-991 7 behind car wash ii LSi UPPER GANGES CENTRE Mon.-Fri. 8am - 5Dm 537-9221 531 Seedy Saturday workshops FEBRUARY 1 2TH • Living Language Sacred Dance class — Comtmtmty covers ceremony, movement, intent. At Seed Exchange Beaver Point Hall, Wednesday, February 16, MAHON HALL 10AM -2PM 2-3 p.m. $10. Info: Tamu Miles, 653-4573. "Proudly supporting our community' *gt THRIFT* FOODS, cable tv ooo^ A new program airs on Friday, February 11 and Monday, February 14 at 7 p.m. It ROD & GUN CLUB features Phoenix School's delightful musical, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which ANNUAL GAME DINNER was performed at ArtSpring in November, and Saturday, Feb. 19 was a collaborative effort of Phoenix Dinner at 7pm teachers, students, parents and friends. Tickets 653-4495 or 537-2409 Charlie is followed by Adventures With "Proudly supporting our community' Island Escapades, which takes viewers out ft THRIFT* FOODS, on sparkling island waters along with \\ i 11. i. . lower our i .n nl.i i . i . d cultural events. To have your event listed here please call Ju«l.mrprk«.'« S.V7-1522 professional guide Jack Rosen and kayakers t the Driftwood by noon Monday preceding publication. who are improving their paddling skills while sharing Gulf Islands beauty with splashing / j»s&£^. seals and soaring seabirds. UARY11 sat FEBRUARY 12 sun FEBRUARY 13 •The Islanders Michaela Richards Trio cinema 1 Dance-a-thon Choral • The Talented Mr. Ripley — Matt Damon • Swing Shift Evensong stars as Tom Ripley, a chameleon-like crea­ 'Tragically Hick ture who takes on the identity of a rich brat • Lady of Letters through an amazing set of circumstances. •Seedy Saturday Gwyneth Paltrow and Jude Law also star in this suspenseful romance from director Anthony Minghella. FEBRUARY 16 FEBRUARY 17 FEBRUARY 18 Friday-Saturday, February 11-12, 6:30 p.m.; thurs fri Monday, February 14, 7:30; Tuesday, and friends Texadaland purchase February 15,9:15 p.m. Night LIVE! benefit • Snow Falling on Cedars — Australian film­ maker Scott (Shine) Hicks' visually poetic film version of David Guterson's bestseller about a murder trial in a racially mixed Pacific MIMB. lmim Northwest town is a sombre, meticulously understated and intricate historical drama. Hicks' use of understatement and leisurely FEBRUARY 21 FEBRUARY 22 FEBRUARY 23 pacing results in a film that's a refreshingly tues wed stirring and emotionally satisfying look back in Wednesday Night LIVE! anger. Stars Ethan Hawke and Youki Kudoh. Friday, Saturday, February 11-12, 9:15 p.m.; Sunday, February 13, 7:30 p.m.; Tuesday, February 15,6:45 p.m. -Ifrfa MuTiln liJrnW arts & crafts Tues. only S5 all seats - Adults S7 / Students S6 / Seniors 55 VE, SEE SURROUNDING INFORMATION. Kids under 14 S4/Sun. & Mon. einemaniac rewards • Reflections on Rowboats, a series of water- colours by Margaret Threlfall, can be seen at FREE FREE Bristol Hair Cutter Co. ~H0ME DELIVERY HOME DELIVERY • Susan Haigh's paintings are on display at IN FULFORD fULFORD PB2A IN FULFORD Moby's Marine Pub. 2 fori • Photography by Joe Benge is now at Sweet Arts Cafe. 653-2363 MIX OR MATCH OR BUILD YOUR OWN! 653-4432 Quilts by Donna Johnstone are hanging at 2,10 a.m. to 2 p.m. $2 • Family Place drop-in hours are Monday a.m. Drop-in $8. Island Savings Credit Union. through Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to noon. Info: • Salt Spring Centre Free Yoga Class, at the • Art by Carmen Profitt is on the walls at Family Place, 537-9176. Counselling by centre, Saturday, February 12, 9:30-11 a.m. Barb's Buns. nilies appointment. • Natural Healing Fair at Fulford Hall. Healing • Margaret McKenzie's paintings are at Salt • Roller-blading to music for the whole family specialists will be offering their services and Spring Roasting Co. in Ganges. at Fulford Hall, every Friday, 7:30 to 10 p.m. products, with at least 40 per cent of proceeds • Images of Tuscany, acrylic paintings by Library — with Jean $2 for kids, $4 for adults. being donated to The Land Conservancy's Maureen Garbarino, can be seen at Luigi's ay from 10-10:30 a.m., Salt Spring Appeal to purchase Texada lands. pizzeria. heir parents. Sunday, February 13, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Info: Story time with Susan for health Tine, 653-9856. galleries gfrom 10-11 a.m. Note • Nia Dance/Fitness Classes led by Leslie • Medication and Nutrition for Arthritis, Jill Louise Campbell Fine Art is exhibiting a DeAthe, at All Saints. It's a fun aerobic presented by Elaine Kilpatrick, R.N. new original, called Open Hearts, in Jill's s with Shauna Grylls, workout to music, using yoga, martial arts Sponsored by the Wellness Progam. At Salt Community Blues series. irary every Thursday and dance. Thursday, Saturday and Spring Seniors Services Society, Pegasus Gallery is featuring a new collection Monday, February 10, 12, 14, 10:15-11:30 Wednesday, February 16,2 p.m. of antique basketry. -^ the r—» SWEET ARTS READQ^D JIHMIHH "HAIR DRESSER ^4i3Aa,'.6Ta>9uU EXTRAORDINAIRE" Bakery & Cafe 127 Langley Road > INTERNET $5.00/hour* / e s u v i u s BEST BREAD ON THE ISLAND > BOOK RENTALS Hard cover $4.00/2 wks Monday - Saturday 7:30am - 5:30pm OFF ISLAND PRICES alt Spring Island Soft cover $3.00/2 wks ritish Columbia Sunday 7:30am - 4:00pm ON ISLAND! 104 McPhllllps Ave., (next to the Moka House) 378 LOWER GANGES RD., GVM CENTRE 537-5002 Tel. 537-Z812 Fax 537-1926 537-4205 #2-111 ROBINSON RD. 537-2876 B10 A WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9,2000 ARTS & ENTERTAINMEN GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD

ART SMART: Jacqueline Midget, left, and Genny McGregor check out a body biography by Jamie Foley — one of the cre­ ations by middle school students displayed at an art show last week.

Photo by Cofntlt Luooy Golden IslandV . CHINESE RESTAURANT-LICENSED LUNCH Tues.-Fri. 11:30-2 DINNER Tues.-Thurs. 5-10 Fri.-Sat. 5-11; Sun. 5-9 DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS $5.75 Closed Mondays Upper Ganges Centre, Ganges 537-2535 r Don Irwin Collision Ltd. Salt Spring's only ICBC accredited shop

Students' body biographies give Fifefe: an inside look at SIMS art show i&wt By TANYA LESTER blazed and his friend lost his eye­ His early memories were "most­ Driftwood Staff lashes while both were lucky to get ly about me and my friends doing 5flii It was a body of work as unique away with nothing more than a stupid stuff like "mooning" a as the 50 Salt Spring Island Middle valuable lesson learned. classroom of students when he was 115 DESMOND CRESCENT 537-2513 We are qualified to do your job fully guaranteed School students who created the Sloan's "I am" fantasy poem four years old. pieces for the art show and guided was more 'cool' (pun intended). It Computer games were also fea­ answers on B15 adults through it in the student cen­ began with: "I am Brad Pitt walk­ tured in his collage. tre Friday. ing down the street, signing auto­ More than one parent who The only things more polished graphs to all my fans ..." attended the lunch hour show men­ ^ Driftwood + than the glossy magazine clippings Fellow student Kyler Bantel had tioned how interesting it was to in the art collages were the stu­ an interesting story to relate on read the biographies and find out dents' public relations skills and paper about what his name might how the young people had changed the trays of tasty treats. have been. "My name was going to from the way they were in elemen­ Crossword Called "body biographies," be Elvis because my dad loves tary school. 1 2 3 |4 5 6 7 |8 9 10 Grade 8 students in Deb Miller's Elvis Presley but my mom would­ Elaine Huser's smile reflected and Biuce Creswick's classes used n't let him name me that ... I am her enjoyment of examining both 11 12 1 B13 traced images of their bodies glued very happy with my name," he her niece's and her daughter's con­ 15 • 16 B 17 on cardboard as a backdrop to wrote. tributions. She liked reading her highlight who they are. Bantel also wanted to set the niece Angela Huser's piece on the 18 19 • 20 21 Pictures ripped out of magazines record straight on the Bacardi rum family tradition of getting together were pasted inside or around the magazine clipping in his body col­ with the extended family (includ­ • 22 23 • 24 student body images to let fellow lage. He does not drink alcohol but ing Elaine) in a cabin during the 25 26 27 • 28 29 30 31 32 33 students, teachers and parents know he was running out of pictures to summer. • a little bit more about each one of complete the artwork, he said. "I hope we carry on this tradition 34 36 37 1 38 them. Stories typed up or written Katrina Ball's piece included an when I'm older," Angela wrote. on white paper and distributed interview with someone in her "I'm very proud of my daugh­ 39 • 40 41 42 1 M43 around the traced body images class who she had previously not ter," Elaine continued. "She spent a completed each installation. known well. She discovered that lot of time (three long nights) on 44 « • 46 48 "In Grade 8 they're really George Soloff had lived in Hawaii hers." 49 50 521 53 involved with who they are as a and other tropical locales. Kara Huser's contribution • person and maybe it helps (to The fall fair ribbon adorning included a tropical umbrella to 54 55 1 56 57 explore it in this way)," said Miller. Ball's body biography was given to indicate her love of warm weather • "And it helps children work and her hedgehog for the "most unusu­ and many clippings from at least 58 59 60 61 I 62 63 64 65 learn about writing as they develop al pet" category in 1998. The seven magazines. There were lots 66 68 • 69 their writing voice." hedgehog, no doubt, is cute but so of stories, too. 72 The art show was a reminder of are Ball's baby shoes which also Both mother and daughter 70 I how each human is an individual decorated the piece. agreed with what was top on her • I but, at the same time, how kids David Bartle explained the list of what she thinks she is like. 73 •74 • 75 will be kids no matter what. image of his body that he was "I'm a very smiley girl," it read. Student Boyd Sloan, for exam­ inspired to create was modelled Miller said the body biographies ACROSS 56. City "porch" 21. Tote ple, used a picture of soap to repre­ after the chalk tracings of mur­ concept was the brainchild of Gulf 58. Pinball palaces 23. Blimp shots sent his enjoyment of being clean. dered bodies often seen on the Islands Secondary School teacher 1. Cold and unfriendly 62. O'Hare or Kennedy 25. Having debts Candy bars and ketchup served as pavement in cop television shows. Bill Underwood, who initiated the 4. Passing fashions 66. Brewing choices 26. Inside layer 8. Polka pattern part glossy images illustrating his food Bartle wrote about his family's project with one of his classes and 67. Scarlet Letter 27. Capture 11. Pretty pitiful grades preferences. tradition of going to Hornby Island then wrote about it in the English daughter 29. Bivouac bed One of his stories told of the each summer. 'The beach is awe­ teachers'journal. 13. Two-fisted type 69. At any time 31. Miscalculated scary incident in which he and a some," he said. "It's the good kind Her own son. Miller said, kept 14. Work animal 70. Ms. Hart of Peter 32. Alienated friend found a red gas container. To of sand, the nice stuff. It's a really his body biography on his bed­ 15. She, in Paree Gunn 33. Salamanders see if there was anything in it, long beach and the water's really room wall for a long time and she 16. Happen next 71. Abates 35. Disdainfully ironic 17. Finishes Sloan threw in a lit match. Fire cool." still has it in her possession. 72. Playmate for Pebbles 37. Slangy assent 18. Said to be 73. Rene's refusal 41. "Luck Lady" 20. Least hairy 74. Benevolent, (2 wds.) 22. She was jilted by protective ones 42. Chopper Blade Jason • ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 75. Banned insecticide: 45. Lower 24. Defective bomb abbr. 48. Left the waiter 25. Author Tillie • PLANNING money 28. Cookbook item: abbr. DOWN 50. Billy the • PROJECT MANAGEMENT 30. Follow the reaper 52. Gapes 34. Pane locale 1. Notion 55. Cheyenne abode 36. Singer Orbison 2. Battery Unit As design professionals, 57. Fixes a squeak 38. Author Gardner 3. Whoop 58. Egyptian solar disk we are committed to 39. tizzy (2 wds.) 4. Car feature 59. Tackle anew creating buildings of lasting 40. One who decides a 5. Noon preceders: 60. Novelist James value which evolve from a matter abbr. 61. point (Siamese 43. Squabble 6. Besmear genuine collaboration with type) 44. Guy with a pocket 7. Sam or J.C. of golf 63. Poet exiled by our clients. protector 8. Sand hill Augustus 46. Indeed, in Psalms 9. Auto pioneer 64. Rive 47. Powerful 10. Take for a trial run 65. Move, like an RCHITECTS 49. Mercouri, for one 12. Appeared to be exploring dog I RVING 51. Pacino and Capone 13. Consider 68. Pump, in a way C-8 Gallagher Bay Road, Mayne Island, BC VON 2J0 MEMBER ARCHITECTURAL 53. Ocean movements 14. Interfere Tel: 250 539 5225 email: [email protected] NStirUTE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 54. Bridal adjunct 19. Salami variety GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD vv n A i U IN I V WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2000 * B11

S - SALT SPRING ISLAND 0 - OUTER ISLANDS SUNDAY DAYTIME FEBRUARY 13 S 0 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 O 2 CBC Man Alive Coronation Street Curling Canadian Junior Championships Garden. Moving On Riverdale o SUPER Movie The Land Girls (1998) Nigel Sinclair. Major League: Back to the Minors My Giant (1998) Billy Crystal. Practical Maqic Nicole Kidman. o 4 KOMO KOMO News This Week w/Sam Paid Proq. Paid Proq. Magazine Basketball NCAA Skiinq BumpsA Jumps a L16J KING Weekend News Weekend News NBA Inside Stuff City Guys City Guys Gravity Games Skiinq Alpine Worlo Basketball All-Star NBA o 7 CHEK Ernest Anqley Key David Paid Proq. Sanjha Punjab Is Written JVImpe Faces |Gordie'W. Makin' 8 Travel Paid Proq. HomeCh'k An American Tail o 14 VTV Katie Roadcrew Nature Nut Why? Worldvision Pacific Mad. TV Vicki Gabereau MasonLee First Story Mating Calls Jungle Basketball AII-StarNQA o CD BCTV BCTV Sunday Morning News Robert Schuller Worldvision News Computer Pet Guys Travel Paid Proq. Paid Proq. Movie o CD KCTS Wish Park DraqonT. Arthur Zoboo.. Newton's In the Mix Sewinq Quilt Day Greeks so The Greeks 40 The Greeks Heal Story Garden Wood shop CD 23 SRC Souris.. Pumbaa Animan. :45 Soleil Le Jour du Seigneur Presse Medias Le Midi La semaine verte ..reqard | Scully E. artistes Jamais sans mon livre €D CD KNOW Maqic Bs Sci Squad Kratfs C. Dudley D. Fishinq Router Renovatr C. Rider Dotto on Data Live Glob.Fam. A Season of Change Detectives Classic Theatre CD 33) CKVU Gadqet Crypt Addams Addams Eerie Shelby W. Shelby W. Mechanics Dinner? Dinner? G. Turner Money Sinbad Game On |spill CD BRAVO Movie Inside Daisy Clover (1965) Natalie Wood. 40 News The Girl Can't Help It 45 News E.Sullivan Edna IAS Bravo! Bio CD C3§) CMT 6ooChapel of Love FaceMusic Today's New Country CD (3D TLC Bob Vila Bob Vila Home [Home How. 2. How. 2. Bob Vila | Bob Vila Extreme Machines Camera, Action! Raqinq Rivers The Greatest Boxer ra (338 CNN Evans Source Late Edition With Earth World Report Health [widBeat Sunday DotCom Sunday Both Sides Worldview Business CD FAM Mad Libs Microsoap Clarissa | Blossom The Cat From Outer Space Ken Berry. The Secret of N.I.M.. uoM'rmaid Bill Nye Rescue Darkwing Aladdin Pumbaa © (33) A&E House Beautiful Ancient Mysteries The Unexplained | American Justice The Story of Pretty Boy Floyd The Great Santini (1979) Robert Ouvall. © 3D TSN Racing Daytona 500 Sh Racing Daytona 500 Sh Racing | Auto Racing ARCA 200 NASCAR |off Dock Iwinter X Games StronqmanlSprtsdsk © NET Fish On W'rldSport Ruqby 7999 National League Grand Finai Hockey Rouyn-Noranda Huskies vs Sudbury Wolves CHL Soccer Canada vs Costa Rica © 32) KSTW Douq Sabrina Pepp'rAnn Disney Home I. In House Home I. Home I. Only the Lonely (1991) John Candy. Only You (1994) Marisa Tomei. © 32) KVOS DayDisc. Paid Proq. Paid Proq. Paid Prog. Paid Proq. Paid Proq. Paid Proq. Paid Proq. Paid Prog. Paid Proq. Paid Proq. Computer : A Friend in Deed . © (54) KCPO Paid Proq. Paid Proq. Paid Proq. Paid Proq. Little House Prairie Full House Full House Jewel of the Nile (1985) Kathleen Turner. Days of Thunder © 20' NEWS News Century Newsworld Today SShow Assignmnt Antiques Roadshow Hot Type Moral Div Fashion |On Arts | Newsworld Today BBC News Assiqnmnt © 3D KIRO 7:30 Sunday Morninq Sports Spectacular Basketball NCAA Golf Buick Invitational PGA Old House MythWar's © VISION R.Martin IBen.Hinn Creflo I Key David Copeind lArm.God |Reft. Islam|The Hour of Power |j Meyer |The People's Church |700Club |Food Life JVImpe TBA LAURIE'S Recycling f> Waste Service DROP-OFF: Waste & Recycling Tuesday through Saturday 8am - 5pm Next to Ganges Village Market PICK-UP: Commercial & Residential AAI I £E4 AOTu Large clean-ups & recycling CALL u5wa9Z79 An island family serving Islanders since 1861

S - SALT SPRING ISLAND O - OUTER ISLANDS SUNDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 13 S O 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 0 (2) CBC FoodShow Fashion 101 Dalmatians (1997 Glenn Close. Wind at My Back Bean (1997) Rowan Atkinson. CBC News Current CBC News Reflect O SUPER Movie Mafia! (1998) Lloyd Bridges. Holy Man (1998) Eddie Murphy. A Civil Action (1998) John Travolta. Primary Colors (1998 John Travolta. o 3D KOMO Baywatch KOMO News News [News 101 Dalmatians (1997) Glenn Close. Who Wants to Be The Practice News 35 Ebert 0 3© KING 3oo Basketball All-Star Game NBA News Getting Even With Dad Macaulay Culkin. Homicide: The Movie (2000) Andr Brauqher. News Sport Mach o CD CHEK 3:oo An American Tail [News News Life Doq |M. Island Liar, Liar (1997) Jim Carrey. lonce and Again Comedy at Club 54 o 34) VTV 3:oo Basketball All-Star Game NBA News | Mason Lee Earth: Final Conflict Who Wants to Be Homicide: The Movie (2000) Andr Brauqher. Forever Knight a CD BCTV 3 3owe're Back! Din.. Worldvision News McCardell Candid C. Touched By An Anqel Touched By An Anqel Once and Again News News Spt o CD KCTS Workshop House Old House Hometime All Creatures G&S Ballykissanqel Nature Mast. Theatre Hermitage Master. Red Green Time Go CD 23) SRC De bouche a oreille Blanche Journal Decouverte Vie artiste Ridicule (1996) Charles Berling. Pacifiq. Jour/Point Idees 35 Sports CD GO KNOW 3:00 Classic Theatre Heartbeat: Series T-Tubbies Art Attack Kratt'sC. Spill Milk Noah's Ark Kavanaqh Q.C. Detectives BC Now m 3© CKVU Score Golf Sabrina Entertain. Tonight News 60 Minutes Simpsons Malcolm X-Files (from Feb 6) The Practice SportPaqe Hitchcock CD BRAVO Art Mind Figure Lan Visual Arts so News The Party (1968) Peter Sellers. The Wrong Box John Mills. | so News Being There (1979) Peter Sellers. CD ODD CMT CMTHoM's Austin City Limits Chevy Top 20 Countdown Austin City Limits CMT'sTop 10 CD's CMT After Hours CD 138) TLC Trauma - Life&Death The Human Sexes Wild Weddings OutrageousWeddings The Human Sexes Wild Weddings OutrageousWeddings The Secret World of... CD 92) CNN Worldview SprtsT. Worldview Pinnacle CNN & TIME Cold War SprtsT. Wk in NBA CNN & TIME Cold War SprtsT. Movers CD FAM Goof Trp Gargoyles Ripley's Sherlock So Weird Mentors Mickey's Happy Valen Can't Buy Me Love Romance Romance Romance Romance Movie © (3D A&E A&E Top 10 Poirot Poirot Poirot Poirot © 3© TSN Leqends of Hockey Bowlinq Empire State Open PBA Billiards Billiards/Snooker |Sportsdesk Last Call...|Billiards Billiards | Strongman Sportsdesk © 3D NET WWF Heat Golf Ace Classic SPGA S.Central Curling Nokia Cup Sports Central WWF Heat © 37) KSTW Singles (1992) Bridget Fonda. Deceived (1991) Goldie Hawn. Pretty Woman (1990) Richard Gere. Home I. Wild Things 63 32) KVOS Fish' Diary Paid Proq. Murphy B. |Roseanne Star Trek: Next Gen. Seinfeld Blind Date To Serve and Protect Lexx: The Series Wheels Rock Hudson. 2/3 (cont'd Feb 20) © 94 KCPQ 3:oo Days of Thunder Top Gun (1986) Tom Cruise. Futurama King Hill Simpsons | Malcolm X-Files (from Feb 6) Q-13Rep |35Q It Up |:05X-Files © 29) NEWS The Passionate Eye Century Sun. Reprt One /One Pamela Wallin Antiques Roadshow Sun. Reprt|Assignmnt The Passionate Eye Moral Div © 11 KIRO Rescue H. Rhino J.H. News Eve. News News 60 Minutes Touched By An Anqel Sally Hemings: An American Scandal News 35 Relic © | VISION JYoungren Sea Sea Gospel TBA TBA Iworid DayDisc. D'pLife Let's Sing Again B. Gerard Ministies iCatch Fire I Door Hope John Hagee Today

S - SALT SPRING ISLAND O - OUTER ISLANDS MONDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 14 S O 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 O CD CBC Degrassi Degrassi Simpsons St. Cent Broadcast One Air Farce It's Living 22 Mins Drop Beat The Nature of Things The National News 55 Omerta o SUPER The Odd Couple II (1998) Jack Lemmon. Wild Thing s (1998) Matt Dillon. The Red Violin (1998) Samuel L. Jackson. Hurricane Streets o (47) KOMO Rosie O'Donnell KOMO News News News Fortune Jeopardy Liar, Liar (1997) Jim Carrey. Once and Aqain News 35 News 0 3® KING Oprah Winfrey Show KING News News News Magazine Hollyw'd Freaks and Geeks Dateline NBC Third Watch News 35Toniqht 0 CD CHEK Inside Ed. |Hollyw'd News News Ch. Heart Hollyw'd K Queens |L. Man Raymond | Becker Total Recall News News o 14: VTV E.R. News D.Carey News Frasier Friends Roswell Prelude to a Kiss (1992) Meg Ryan. News Media TV 0 CD BCTV Oprah Winfrey Show News Canada News Fortune Jeopardy Freaks and Geeks Ally McBeal Third Watch News News Spt a CD KCTS Zoom DraqonT. Arthur Business News Travel Diqital Duo Antiques Roadshow American Experience Odyssey Capt.Healy Red Dwarf News GD I23 SRC Art Attack Olympiqu.. Watatatow ..mens Tele-relais|Ce soir Virqinie Petite Vie 4 et demi... L'omhre de I'epervier Telejournal/Point Ce soir Sports CD f5 ) KNOW Mechanic Magic Bs Readers.. Gregg Days Shook World Foodstuff Family.. Heartbeat Valentine's Day ISearchJoy Dotto's Gregq €9 13 CKVU Rosie O'Donnell The Younq & Restless News E.T. Simpsons 70"s Show 70's Show Dawson's Creek The Outer Limits SportPaqe News (D BRAVO Videos Art Mind FtNotes I Perform. Mother Wore Tiqhts so News NYPD Blue Homicide: Life on St Zieqfeld Follies Fred Astaire. 50 News CS I.35I CMT 300 Chapel of Love Chapel of Love Faith's Video Bio Top 12 Choice CMT After Hours G3 38 TLC How'd The f Do That? Paramedics Hostage Rescues Operation Thunderbolt Paramedics Hostage Rescues Operation Thunderbolt How'd The y Do That? © 32 CNN 3:30$Sline Crossfire The World Today Larry King Live CNN Newsstand SprtsT. Moneyline Larry King Live CNN Newsstand SprtsT. Moneyline (D FAM Pumbaa Hercules Douq iDisney ShrunkKid 45,.Angels 05 Dinosrs A.Dark? Ronnie and Julie Teri Garr. |:40Romanc Romance I Romance A.Dark? Gargoyles © (3D A&E Law & Order Biography City Confidential Law & Order Biography City Confidential © 35; TSN Hockey Boxing Blackshear vs Sideroft |WCW Nitro Sportsdesk WWF Raw is War Sportsdesk © (19) NET GameNat' Hockey Vancouver Canucks vs Pittsburgh Penguins NHL S.Central Soccer Middlesbrough vs Aston Villa EPL S.Central S.Central H. News CoolShot © 17 KSTW Pepp'rAnn Disney J. Judy |j. Judy D.Carey Frasier D.Carey Seinfeld Moesha Parkers |GrownUps Mai & Ed M.A.S.H. M.A.S.H. Frasier Home I. © 32) KVOS The Nanny Full House Star Trek: Next Gen. Fam.Feud Blind Date Home I. Mad You Miller's Crossing (1990) Gabriel Byrne. Seinfeld Cheers M.A.S.H. © (341 KCPQ Sherlock Dlqmon Simpsons 3rd Rock Friends 3rd Rock Friends Simpsons 70's Show |70's Show Ally McBeal Q-13Rep 35MadYou 05 Star Trek: Voyager © 20 NEWS Newsworld Reports Health CSpin The National Pass. Eye Newsworld Reports National CSpin Health Business National Century © w KIRO J. Mills Inside Ed. KIRO News News News E.T. Real TV K Queens L. Man Raymond Becker 48 Hours News Letterman © VISION All Creatures G&S Wnd.Yrs Cosby Little House Prairie Skylight Spirit Con. Highway Sonqs Singing Stream Moral Div. Skylight 100 Huntley Street B12 * WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2000 WHAT'S ON TV GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD S - SALT SPRING ISLAND O - OUTER ISLANDS TUESDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 15 S O 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 O 2 CBC Deqrassi Deqrassi Simpsons Jonovision Broadcast One Olympians Pit Pony MarketP Venture Life and Times of.. The National News ssLazarus o SUPER Wide Awake Joseph Cross. Sphere (1998) Dustin Hoffman. Gloria (1999) Sharon Stone. An American Werewolf in Paris Movie o (33 KOMO Rosie O'Donnell KOMO News News News Fortune Jeopardy Who Wants to Be Dharma & Sports N. NYPD Blue News 35 News o 16 KING Oprah Winfrey Show KING News News News Magazine Hollyw'd Just Shoot Me Will Grace Will Grace Dateline NBC News 35 Toniqht o [7 J CHEK Inside Ed. |Hollyw'd CHEK News News Ch. Heart Hollyw'd JAG 2/2 (from Feb 8) Third Watch Judqinq Amy News News o 14 VTV E.R. News D.Carey News Frasier Friends Who Wants to Be DoubleEx. Sports N. W-FIVE News Movie TV o CD BCTV Oprah Winfrey Show News Canada News Fortune Jeopardy Just Shoot Me Will Grace Will Grace The West Winq News News Spt 0 C9D KCTS Zoom DraqonT. Arthur Business News Travel Diary Nova Nova Frontline Red Dwarf Wrld News CD C23) SRC Tohu Sandieqo Watatatow ..mens Tele-relais|Ce soir Virqinie La Facture Bouscotte Enjeux Telejournal/Point Ce soir Sports ID OD KNOW Mechanic Maqic Bs Pacific Business Saints and Sinners DeathTax Dorto's Chrysler Festival Catherine Cookson Imprint €9 (13) CKVU Rosie O'Donnell The Younq & Restless News E.T. Simpsons 3rd Rock From Sun Dharma & iBob&Marq NYPD Blue SportPaqe News CD BRAVO Videos |Cafe Campus Blues TomJones You're the Top P. Cline so News NYPD Blue Homicide: Life on St The Emperor Waltz Binq Crosby. so News CB (353 CMT CMT Hot 1 's Country 1 on1 Top 12 Choice CMT Sonqbook Country |lnd. Scene Top 12 Choice CMT After Hours €9 38 TLC How'd They Do That? Trauma - Life&Death Bizarre Phenomena Mysterious Skies Trauma - Life&Death Bizarre Phenomena Mysterious Skies How'd They Do That? CD 32 CNN 3 3o$iine Crosstire The World Today Larry Kinq Live CNN Newsstand SprtsT. | Moneyline Larry Kinq Live CNN Newsstand SprtsT. Moneyline CO FAM Pumbaa Hercules Douq | Disney Lulu Show IH. Hounds Garqoyles lA.Dark? Herbie the Best Man Movie I AONO Dessert Dad,'Til You M.. ioA.Dark? :35 Gargoy. 63 C3J) A&E Law & Order Bioqraphy Investigative Reports The Love Chronicles Law & Order Bioqraphy llnvestiqative Reports The Love Chronicles Q) (15) TSN Hockey | NBA Paint Basketball Los Anqeles Lakers vs Chicaqo Bulls NBA Sportsdesk WCW Nitro Sportsdesk CJfl 19 NET Triathlon 99 Woria ITU Skiinq World Freestyle H. News S.Central Goin' Deep Soccer Canada vs South Korea Sports Central Darts 99Wor1dMtchplay © C1TJ KSTW Pepp'rAnn Disney J. Judy |J. Judy D.Carey Frasier D.Carey Seinfeld I Dare You Shasta loilbert MASH. M.A.S.H. Frasier Home I. 63 (12) KVOS The Nanny Full House Star Trek: Next Gen. Fam.Feud Blind Date Home I. Mad You Relic Hunter V.I.P. Seinfeld NwsRadio Cheers M.A.S.H. © (34) KCPQ Beast Wr Diqmon Simpsons 3rd Rock Friends 3rd Rock Friends Simpsons Who Wants To Marry A Multi-Millionaire? Q-13Rep 35MadYou os Star Trek: Vovaqer © (2® NEWS Newsworld Reports P. Wallin CSpin The National Rouqh Cuts Newsworld Reports National |cSpin Health Business National S Show © (S) KIRO J.Mills llnsideEd. KIRO News News INews E.T. Real TV JAG 2/2 (from Feb 8) 60 Minutes II Judqinq Amy News Letterman © VISION All Creatures G&S Wnd.Yrs |Cosby Little House Prairie Skylight Millennium S. Wine Ispiritual Chanqinq Voices Dreams ISkyliqht 100 Huntlev Street S - SALT SPRING ISLAND O - OUTER ISLANDS WEEKDAY DAYTIME FEBRUARY 9 TO FEBRUARY 15 | S O 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 0 CD CBC 6:30 News CBC Playground Playqrd Dressup Sesame Raccoons Midday Urban P P. Wallin North of 60 Various Various 0 SUPER Various Movies Various Ivarious Movies Various Movies Various Movies o GD KOMO 7:oo Good Mominq Live Reqis & Kathie The View News Charles All My Children One Life to Live General Hospital Northwest Afternoon 0 a® KING 7:oo Today Show Martha Stewart Livinq Later Today Ainsley Harriott Shw News Days of Our Lives Passions Donny and Marie o C7J CHEK 630Canada AM Martin Short Show The Price is Riqht CityLine News Various Iconcrete House |B & B Passions o 14 VTV 6:oo VTV Breakfast Live Reqis & Kathie The View Vicki Gabereau 3rd Rock | Ellen One Life to Live Vicki Gabereau Dini Petty o CE) BCTV Canada AM Various |Various Hollyw'd Ch. Heart News House B&B Passions Martin Short Show 0 CE) KCTS DragonT. |zoboo.. Noddy | Barney Sesame Street Mr Rogers C.Couch Tuqboat Rainbow Tots TV Puzzle PI. Kidsonqs Wishbone Zoboo.. Kraft's C. CD (23! SRC zoo Matin express Les 3 mousquetaires Liza La vraie vie Le Midi ..mens Les soeurs Reed Variees Babar Variees Variees CD 5 KNOW Zoboo.. T-Tubbies ElliotMse I Various Various I Various Various Various Various Various Various |Various Various Various Various Various CD (13) CKVU Mechanic Carebears 100 Huntley Street It's a New Day Various Dinner? Mechanic Addams Bynon General Hospital Days of Our Lives CD BRAVO Various w (40 News Various IM Mts Various |M 4S News Various Movies Various Various |w OK Key Various Ivarious Various CD '35 CMT Top 12 Choice Heart and Home Ch.of Love / Heart Hm w CMT Hip Trip RockN'Cntry/FaceMsc Ch.of Love / Request CD 38 TLC Various ISkinna.. Wed.Story Various Various Ivarious Ivarious Ivarious Wed.Story |wed.Story Various Wed.Story Various Ivarious Various Various CD 32 CNN In The Money Newsday Burden CNN Toda / Talkback Live Street Sp. Showbiz Various Various CD FAM GummiBrs I Various Various so Katie tsBilly Cat 45 Scarry loArlAtt'k Ivarious Pumbaa Clarissa Lulu Show Franklin Art Attack |Darkwing Goof Trp Aladdin © 93) A&E Maqnum, P.I. L.A. Law Law & Order Northern Exposure Niqht Crl Niqht Crl Murder She Wrote Maqnum, P.I. L.A. Law © (3® TSN M AutoRacin'/Sprtsdsk Off Record Various Fitness Various Various Rinkside2 Various Various w Golf u Classic's Boxing Off Record Sprtsdsk © NET S.Central Is.Central S.Central S. Central S.Central S.Central S.Central S.Central Various 1 Fit Effect Various F Grizzlies Various Various Various Various © (17) KSTW Screen Gems Lucy The Nanny In Heat of Niqht Judge Joe Judqe Joe The People's Court Div. Crt Div. Crt Various Various Doug Sabrina 63 (12) KVOS Sc'byDoo ISabrina Various WFM Paid Donny and Marie Jenny Jones Leeza Gibbons Show Maury Povich Show Montel Williams Sally Jessy Raphael © (34) KCPQ 600 Morninqs on O Maury Povich Show Judqe Greq Mathis Judqe Mills Lane Judqe Greq Mathis Forqive or Forget Enquirer | Magic Bs Maqic Bs PoworRnq * q 63 20 NEWS Business News Newsworldl Dayside Absolutely Canadian Newsworlc Dayside Newsworldl Various Politics BBC News Business Newsworldl Various © 11 KIRO The Early Show Sally Jessy Raphael The Price is Riqht The Younq & Restless News B&B As the World Turns The Guiding Light Montel Williams 63 VISION Mass Ivarious J. RobisonlCopelnd Skylight Ivarious Various Ivarious Various Various Iskyliqht Halleluiah! J. Robison QuickSt. | Various RAV4^ mi-am-i TOYOTA mclRU DUNCAN == THE JIM PMTCSCN TOYOTA GKXJP DU6343

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WEDNESDAY, FEB 9 use rts electromagnetic form lo conquer Earth. Jamie woman must confront a lifetime of lies when her hus­ of a woman who marries a song and dance man IVTATTO ' Lee Curtis, William Baldwin jinAS) TV MOVIES band is killed. Goldie Hawn, John Heard(2h) Betty Grabie, Dan Dailey (1 h50) ft) Deep Impact (I998.Action) A high school 11:45 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM astrologist discovers a meteor about to hit Earth 0 Babytace (1998,Drama) A daughter begins an complications arise. BS Paxton, Biity Bob Thorton (2h) OQD *** 101 Dalmatians (1997,Family) 0 The Red Violin (1998,Drama) A priceless violin Elijah Wood. Morgan Freeman (2h) affair with her over-sexed mother's Irve-in boyfriend 800 PM Cruefia de Vil kidnaps a liner of Dalmatian pups to passes through differeni lives and changes them for­ 8:00 PM Lenore Zann. Elisabeth Rosen (2h) 0 Blast From the Past (1999,Comedy) Adam, make a tur coat. Glenn Close. Jeff Daniels (2h) ever. Samuel L Jackson. Don McKeltar (2h30) who has been looked in a bomb shelter all his life, 0C4.) Liar, Liar (1997,Comedy) A successful (E) ** Pufnstut (1970.Fantasy) Young boy is led FRIDAY. FEB tl OCtfD * Getting Even With Dad (1994,Comedy) ventures out for the first time. Brendan Fraser, Alicia lawyer wakes up one day with the curse of only by his talking flute lo a fantastic kingdom full ol ani­ nlYlPM Money gained through a robbery is stolen by a man's Sifverstone (2h) son as revenge. Macaulay CuHrin. Ted Danson (2h) speaking the truth. Jim Carrey. Maura Tiemey (2h) mals. Jack Wild. Martha Raye (1 h3S) O Deadly Advice (1993,Comedy) Woman discov­ O * * * Splash (1984,Fantasy) A beautiful mer­ 8:00 PM 4IJ Ronnie and Julie (1997,Romance) A charming 9.00 PM ers a book on Ihe great British murderers. Jane maid ventures into New York in search ol a man f^f2") Bean (1997,Comedy) A bumHing London and inspiring look at Ihe power and innocence ol 0 Velvet Goldmine (1998.Drama) A reporter Homxks. Sir John Mi»s(1h35) she's rescued twice. Tom Hanks, Daryt Hannat) (2h) museum guard accompanies a famous painting lo young love. TeriGarr. Joshua Jack$on( 1h40) investigates the career of the 1970s glam-rock star 6.30 PM £Q ,1?) * * * * Star Wars: A New Hope Los Angeles. Rowan Atkinson. Sandra Oh (2h) lEXS] ** Miller's Crossing (1990,CnYne Story) A Brian Slade. Ewan McGregor. Jonathon Rhys- 0 Black Dog 11996.Suspense) A man drives suspi­ rVleyere(2h15) (1977,Sci-Fi) A young man and friends rescue a 0 A Civil Action (1998,Drama) A lawyer is gangster loves a woman whose brother he is supposed cious cargo across country to save his family's house princess from the evil Darlh Vader. Mark Hamill, determined lo bring down a company responsible tor to murder, GabnelByme, Maroa Gay Harden (2h30) CI 8 Qi 11 A Vision ol Murder: The Story ol from foreclosure. Fainck Sweyae. Charles Dutlon{\hX) Donieile (2000,Suspense) A woman possessing a Hamson Ford (2r\30) dumping toxic waste. John Travolta. Robert DuvaS (2h) 9:00 PM 8:00 PM ££) 121 * * * Shallow Grave (1991.Suspense) 0 CD Uar> Uar (1997,Comedy) A successful 0 14 *** Prelude to a Kiss (1992,Romance) harrowing psychic gilt struggles lo live a normal titer. 0 Simply Irrestible (1999.Romance) An execu­ Melrssa Gilbert, Mana Conchita Alonso (2h) Roommates face a dilemma when their new room­ lawyer wakes up one day with the curse ol only An uninvited wedding guest kisses the bride and tive resists his attraction lo a woman who may pos­ mate dies and leaves a lot ol cash and drugs, Kerry speaking the truth. Jim Carrey, Maura Tiemey(2h) instantly exchanges their personalities. Meg Ryan, 9:35 PM sess supernatural abilities. Sarah Michelle Gellar. O **** Gold Rush (1925,Comedy) A man Fox, Chn$topherEceleston(2h) 43 **•* The Wrong Box (1966,Comedy> Two Alec Baldwin (2h) Sean Patnck Flanery (2h) 9:15 PM brothers scheme to kid each other in order to receive a 1000 PM stuck in a cabin with two prospectors finds his moun­ O AAA The Great Muppet Caper tain of gold. Charlie Chaplin. Georgia Rale (1 h30) 43 ** Kicking and Screaming (1995.Drama) larger inheritance. John Milts, Ralph Rxfraroson {1 h50) 43 •** Ziegfeld Follies (1946,Musical) A lavish (1961,Comedy) Group of hapless reporters Iravet to Grover is a young graduate who still gneves the loss of 4Q *** Can't Buy Me Love (19B7,Comedy) A nerd all-star musical revue from heaven including, 10:00 PM London to follow up on a major jewel robbery. The C3 Latcho Prom (1994,Documentary) Look at the his gjrl fnend. Jane. Ere Stottz. Parker Posey {1 h40) pays a senior heartthrob money to pose as Ins girlfriend "Limehouse Blues." FredAstaire, Gene Kelfy (1 h50) Mupoets. Charies Grodm (1h40) 10:00 PM lor a month Patnck Dempsey. Amanda Fteterson (t b35) 10:30 PM Gypsy culture in different countries. Tony Gatlif(2h) QDii?; Operation Sandman (200G,Horror) A three 11:15 PM 411 5 ***** Saturday Night and Sunday @(J7) *** Pretty Woman (1990pRomanceJ A 0 Hurricane Streets (1998,Drama) A boy must week military sleep deprivation study devolves into Morning (1960.Drama) Portrays the industrial envi­ wealthy man hires a free-spirited call girl to be his com­ decide whether to move to a new city or continue his We 0 Killing Time (1998.Act!on) A cop hires an massive lerror. Ron Pedman (2h) Italian hit woman to avenge a colleague's death al ronment of working-class lite in postwar England. panion tor a week. Richard Gere, Jute 8c*erts (2h30) of crime. Brendan Sexton III. Antome AfcLean(1h30) (Q eg) AAA Murphy's War (1971,Drama) Albert Finney. Rachel Roberts {1 h30) 9:00 PM (he hands of a murderer. Nigel Leach. Craig Seaman out tor revenge against U-boat which TUE5DAV.FEB15 SJi) ** Gldget (1959,Comedy) A teenage girl. 0 C16) O (14) Homicide: The Movie Farrhrass (1h30) slaughtered his fellow crew members. Peter OToote, S:MPM invofved with college-aged surfers, discovers romance (2000.Drama) The mysterious public shooting of a THURSDAY FEB 10 Sian Philips (2h) (9 Gloria (1999,Drama) A street-wise moll reluc­ and wisdom. Sandra Dee. James Darren (1h35) leading mayoral candidate reunites defectives. Andr 5.00 PM 9:40 PM tantly takes a young orphaned boy under her wing. 0 Payback (1999,Action) After being double Brauoher. Daniel Baldwin (2h) Sharon Stone, Jeremy Northern (2h) 0 Firestorm (1998,Action) A prison break pits a iyi} A A Harry and the Hendersons crossed following a robbery, a thief fights lor his half fTi 11 Sally Hcmings: An American Scandal man against a cunning, psychotic killer. Howie Long. 4Q Herb+e the Beat Man (1982^00160^) A groom- (t987,Comedy) A small town hunter brings home a of the loot. MelGibson, Gregg Henry (1h45) (2000,Drama) Explores (he love relationship lo-be leaves his bode at the altar when he discovers Scon Glenn (1h30) seven loot tall Sasquatch named Harry. John 11:15 PM between Thomas JeHerson and his slave mistress. crj AAA My Cousin Rachel (1952.Mystery) Herbie is in a crusher. Dean Jones, Patricia Harty (1 h) Lilhgow. Melinda Dillon (1h35) 43 *** Man of Ihe Year (1995,Documentary) Sam Neili, Dtahann CarroU (2h) 9:00 PM Mysterious relative throws a lamily mlo chaos with 9 45 PM Gay filmmaker Dirk Shaler recreates his experience 10:00 PM her suspicious ways. Olivia de Havitland, Richard 43 Calling Dr. Herbie (1982.Comedy) Herbie tries O AAA Haunted (1995,Horror) A man seeing as a Playgirl centerfold. Calvin Bartlett. Beth 43 **** Being There (l979.Comedy) A garden­ to inconspicuously sneak into a hospital to visit a Burton (1h45) his dead sister's ghost in a haunted house questions Brodenck (1h35) er is welcomed as a political genius into a wealthy 8:00 PM young friend. Dean Jones. Patnoa Harty (40m) his sanity. Aidan Quinn. Kale Bectunsdale (1 h50) 11:35 PM man's home. Peter Sellers. Shirley MacLame (2h10) 9 40 PM 0 Alegria (1997,Drama) Two performers fail in 10:00 PM 4fJ *** Trade Winds (1938,Classic) A debonair S)(i2) Wheels (1978,Drama) Boardroom intrigue love and learn to overcome the obstacles lor a happy 43 No Dessert Dad, Til You Mow the Lawn 0 Qjh AAAA That's Entertainment! detective travels around world after a beautiful mur­ at a giant automobile company struggling under the (1994,Comedy) Boy and girl manipulate their par­ future. Rene Bazinel, Julie Cox (2h) (1974.Musical) Excerpts from nearly 100 MGM der suspect. Frednc March. Joan Bennett {1 h35) high competition. Rock Hudson, Lee Remick (2h) (23 34 * * The Lost World: Jurassic Park ents by planting their desires in hypnosis tapes. musical classics, with many cherished moments. 11:45 PM 0 Primary Colors (1998,PolHlcal> A governor Joanna Kerns, Robert Hayes (1 h30) {1997.Adventure) Madman John Hammond left Fiank Sinatra. Fred Asiaire (2h30) 0 The Pass (1998,Suspense) A comic-slnp syn- seeks a presidential nomination amidst scandal and behind a menagerie of dinosaurs on a second island. 10 00 PM 0 Soldier (1998,Action) A defeated sergeant dtcalor picks up a hitchhiker who wanls more than a bad press. John Travolta. Emma TbonTpson (2h30> 43 ** The Emperor Waltz (1948,Musical) A Jell Gotdbium. Julianne Moore (3h5) must save a peaceful community Irom destruction. free nde. James Le Gros. Elizabeth Pena (1h30) 11:30 PM 9:15 PM salesman tries to interest the Emperor in his wares Kurt Russell. Jason Scott Lee (2h) SUNDAY, FEB 13 4Q ** Quality Street (1937,Romance) A pair of while pursuing his niece. Bmg Crosby. Joan Fontaine O AAA Batteries Not Included U987.Comedy) 11:15PM lovers separate when he leaves to fight in Napoleonic Two tenants save Iheir home with help horn tiny (1h50) O AAA The Allaire ot Annabel (1938,Comedy) ™™ Wars. KathennHepburn, Francho(Tone(1h25) aliens from outer space. Hume Cronyn, Jessica 0 An American Werewolf in Paris (1997,Honor) An adolescent 2ooms to movie stardom by her press 0 Hofy Man (1998,Comedy) A sleazy salesman MONDAY, FEB U Tancfy(1h55) An American tounst undergoes an unusual irajisforma- agents endless stunts. Lucille Ball. Jack Oakie (f h 15) makes an inspirational guru famous on a home 10:60'PM S'MPwr tion after saving a kfe. Tom Everett, JufteOefpy (1h45) shopping network. Eadte Murphy. Jeff Gokfbtum (2h) 11:45 PM O AA Jamaica Inn (1939,Adventure) A woman SATURDAY. FEB 13 43 *** The Party <1968.Comedy) A disaster- 0 Wild Things (1998\Suspense) A cop is suspi­ becomes inMolved with a gang of smugglers, headed by 6.00 PM cious when a high-school teacher is accused ol f0 Homegrown (1998,Drama) A marijuana farmer prone Indian actor wreaks havoc at a Hollywood and his helpers attempt to sell the goods on their a nobleman. Chades Laughton. Maureen OHara (1 h45) 0 A Simple Plan (1998,Suspense) Three men parry. Peter Sellers. Ciaudtne Longer (2h) seducing a student, Matt CVfon. Denise Richards (2h) SEW w:...» rrooo euni A„ a« lie ' -• »- CXTtfml*. -A..*. tN. *. 1 I4AA4 T4.JII.J * *•-* B13 * WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2000, GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD


ANDERSON I SPECIAL OFFER Legion APPLIANCE REPAIR I Dryer Clean & Check 0mJ25 Prompt, reliable service on all IS YOUR DRYER SAFE? tulip makes and models, large or small. Lint build up close to the element in Hot water tank, your dryer can cause a fire. appliance & pump Be on the safe side. campaign installation. Take advantage of our winter special. Sam Anderson Sam Anderson 537-5268 537-5268 grows pager: 538-9000 pager: 538-9000 Salt Spring will form part of a nationwide bouquet of six million tulips being created to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Royal WHO ARE THE WOMEN WHO Canadian Legion next spring. MAKE OUR COMMUNITY STRONG? Three varieties of Darwin hybrid tulips are now for sale by To honour and celebrate women of all ages who contribute Legion Branch 92 through mem­ so much to our community, please send your nomination bers Betty Gait and Janet Butler. by Tuesday, Feb. 29 to: Acquired by special arrange­ SWOVA, 390 Upper Ganges Road, S.S.I., BC, V8K1R7, ment with Dutch bulb growers, email: [email protected], Fax: 537-1336 the varieties are known as Legion Gold (a golden yellow tulip), NAME: Legion Crimson (a bright red tulip) and Legion Brilliant (a red Reason for nomination: tulip with feathered yellow edges). "Our objectives in this cam­ paign are to help beautify Canada, to maintain our links Sponsored by SWOVA for International Women's Day 2tXK) with the Netherlands which grew during World War II and to raise funds for Legion programs," said Salt Spring branch president Randy Sloan. THE LIONS CLUB He invites everyone to take part in the coast-to-coast floral cele­ OF SALT SPRING ISLAND bration. Tongue tied Bulbs will be shipped for plant­ SCHOLARSHIPS Kyle Nash shows how this Star Wars character (a Jar Jar) says ing in the fall of 2000 to bloom GULF ISLANDS SECONDARY SCHOOL hello, according to the silkscreened impression on his shirt. next spring during the anniver­ WwMO by Derrick lundy sary year. THE LIONS CLUB OF SALT SPRING ISLAND is proud to Cost is $6 for a package of 10 continue its tradition of awarding two $1,000 scholarships to bulbs, or $55 for boxes of 100. worthy students. One scholarship will be awarded in memory of (Taxes are included.) Ernest Read. Nominations call for The Legion was founded in 1926 as an amalgam of existing Both awards will be based on a number of factors including veterans organizations. passing grades, community work, interests, involvement and community women Its aim was to help ex-service­ activities. men readjust to civilian life and Applications must include resume, scholastic standing, three Women's rights have come a acknowledged. ensure that veterans and their long way since the Royal They could be your neighbours, families receive fair pensions, written references from persons other than relatives and a Commission on the Status of women who have contributed to disability allowances and ade­ synopsis of future educational objectives. Scholarship money Women released its report 30 years education, social issues or business quate medical or rehabilitation will be awarded to the selected applicants when proof of accep­ ago. in the community — the possibili­ treatment. tance to an accredited institution of higher learning is received. But there's still few ways to rec­ ties are wide open. Today's Legion organization ognize the significant contributions Nomination forms are in this has 500,000 members in more APPLICATIONS BY MARCH 15, 1999 to the LIONS CLUB women make to their communities. week's issue of the Driftwood. than l ,600 branches across OF SALT SPRING ISLAND, care of Maggie Allison, On Salt Spring that will change McLean said several were also Canada, and its role has expanded Chairperson, Scholarship Committee, Gulf Islands Secondary with a March 9 International received at SWOVA's information to include service to seniors, School, 537-9944. Women's Day event which will table at the Our Lsland, Our serving military personnel, youth honour "women who make our World festival at the end of and communities. community strong." January. Salt Spring's branch con­ Nominations are now being Twenty women, determined by tributes about $22,000 each year invited by a committee of Salt the number of nominations they to the island community, and RETAIL SPACE Spring Women Opposed to receive, will be specifically hon­ holds the annual Canada Day cel­ Violence and Abuse (SWOVA). oured at the March 9 gala, which ebration. FOR LEASE Committee member Janice will be held at ArtSpring. To order the tulips, contact Gait McLean says it gives people a Also being planned is a March at 537-2266 or Butler at 537- The premises currently occupied by The Tangled Web, Unit #3 chance to honour women whose 4-1() women's art show, with a spe­ 9632 — not the legion branch Jessie Toynbee Building, will become vacant on February 29, 2000. volunteer time is not often cial opening event on March 5. itself. The Landlord (Mouat's Trading Co.) is prepared to enter into a five-year lease, with renewal option, for the subject space. Salt Spring Island Community Services Fitness 268 Fulford-Ganges Rd. The premises is well maintained & shares the complex with 537-9971 Fun! 5 first-rate businesses. There is a large parking lot associated •0 EBBK ALL OF OUR SERVICES ARE FREE with the building/premises. Other features of the premises include: 4-week series of 24 HR. CRISIS LINE: Dial 0 and ask for ZENITH 2262 (no charge). • skylights • large front & side windows Caller is connected with the Need Crisis Centre in Victoria. • large roof overhang & covered walkway Nio Fitness Classes EMERGENCY FOOD BANK: Open Tuesday 11-3. Nia mind/body/spirit fitness COUNSELLING SERVICES: Crisis and short-term counselling PLEASE CONTACT: KEVIN BELL, MOUAT'S TRADING CO., 537-5593 classes will be held AAon., provided by Community Workers. Thurs., & Sat. 10:15 to 11:30 SUPPORT GROUP: For parents of special needs children - behaviour, am from Feb. 14 to M,arch 11 school issues, etc. 2nd Wed. each month 537-1232. ALCOHOL & DRUG PROGRAM: Prevention & treatment service is free & at All Saints Anglican confidential. Church, upstairs hall. Nia is FAMILY PLACE: DROP IN - for parents & children under 6 yrs. a fun aerobic workout set to Mon.-Thurs. 9:30-12 noon. CLOTHING EXCHANGE- open daily. music, suitable for all 537-9176 fitness levels, using yoga, RECYCLE DEPOT: Open Tuesday - Saturday from 10:00am-5pm, martial arts and dance. 349 Rainbow Rd., 537-1200. Drop in $8. Bring your COMMUNITY WELLNESS PROGRAMS COORDINATOR: Call Sharon Glover at 537-4607. playful spirit and join us! Emergency Mental Health Services available: 4pm to midnight. Call Leslie DeAthe, Certified Access is available through the Emergency Room at Lady Minto Nia Teacher, at 537-0884. Hospital call: 538-4840 B14 * WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2000 PEOPLE & COMMUNITY GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD 'Social event of the year' celebrates bard's birthday

The haggis season Bowie Keefer dealt with the times direct references to the bard and tickets ahead of time. Reservations on these islands is in which Bums lived as well. Not his works, but not appreciated by may be had from Lee Anne at 536- now complete. North GALIANO long before Burns' birth date, everyone present. Bums spoke out 3329, information from Sheila at Galiano, always the Scotland's Bonnie Prince Charles in his day; Keefer followed the pat­ 539-5869. Adults pay $10, children last to celebrate the had been defeated at Culloden. tern set. (13 and under), $5. Family dis­ bard's natal day, held NOTES WITH ALISTAIR ROSS Highland clearances were in effect. Others contributing to the counts are available. its 18th Bums Supper Now dispossessed, thousands of evening's success were: MC John on Saturday. Scots were heading to the new Davidson, Harold Wike (toast to Early arrival It was a sell-out as always, local Speakers are traditional fare at world and a new way of life. This the Queen), Allister McCorquodale Concert organizer Elizabeth people asking for a place at the Bums suppers and this one was no was also the age of west coast (the Selkirk grace), Aini Haksi Bosher was somewhat surprised board before the tickets were even exception. If there was a differ­ exploration — Captains Cook, (table flowers), this writer (printing when the concert group she expect­ printed. Some claim it to be the ence, it was in the study done to Vancouver and Galiano were to and hall decoration) and Brian ed on Galiano this Wednesday social event of the year. Certainly prepare the various offerings. explore and chart these waters Cowperthwaite (ticket sales). arrived here to give their perfor­ those in attendance were well Nicholas Hunt gave the toast to the towards the end of his lifetime. Walter and Monica Roots arranged mance last Friday. turned out — long dresses, plaids lassies. Bums knew many women Bowie, an environmentalist and a the program and led the dancing They did perform, however, at a and more kilted gentlemen than — both high and low in station. He forest lot owner whose land lies with which the evening ended. hastily-arranged concert for the one would expect to see on this spoke gently of them for the most "beyond the pale" as he describes school children. It proved impossi­ tree-clad island. pan but scorned hauteur and osten­ it, gave a spirited talk on life as it Pasta night ble to go with the evening concert Salt Spring pipers John tation. Elizabeth Bosher replied to might have been had these explor­ Our community school is now as there was no way to get in touch Williamson and Jan McPhail cere­ Nick's toast. With the rights and ers not come this way, had Galiano preparing for its "Big Night" and a with the ticket holders on such moniously piped in the haggis car­ freedoms women enjoy today in not been an island but part of delicious pasta dinner. short notice. The concert at the ried by this writer in his ancient mind, Bosher wondered what con­ Vancouver Island as explorer Prepared by Chef Glen Coyle school received an "A-plus" rating dress Ross finery. Waller Balfour ditions were like for the fair sex in Galiano had supposed it to be at and friends, the event is in the from former teacher Bosher, the of Victoria in green Hunting Ross Burns' time. Their social status one point and, referring to his own Activity Centre gymnasium on musicians taking the time to identi­ recited Burns' famous ode with was dealt with in a book of the land-use problems, had the Islands Saturday, February 12 from 6 to 8 fy by appearance and sound the excellent delivery — Balfour spent period by James Burgh. Burns Trust not been created and there­ p.m. Live entertainment is instruments featured in the various his early years in Rosshire, his would have been familiar with fore not be attempting its own mod­ promised. selections. The group hopes to home just beyond the walls of the these writings, but would not, ern-day "clearances." It was a well As seating is limited, diners are return to Galiano in March to give Ross family seat Balnagowan. Bosher thought, have admired the prepared address with plenty of asked to purchase their admission its cancelled concert. After the traditional meal of rulings nor the "product" they cre­ glazed ham, haggis, tatties and ated. More likely, his sympathies vegetables, mince tarts and 'Tipsy would have been with those who, OPEN EVERYDAY: with few material comforts, sought Laird" were served. The latter Thursday & Friday til 9pm proved to be Scottish trifle. It was to live as required by the visionar­ FOODS a fine meal, the creation of ies of the French revolution. Prices SINCE islanders Jim and Judy Tocher. Immortal memory speaker Effective 1964 Feb. 9-15,2000" Ask Wayne - the smiling &* dairy man about our WE RESERVE 2531 BEACON AVE. THE RIGHT TO YOUR SWEETHEART "Sidney By The Sea' I DCCC1 line of organic yoghurts! LIMIT QUANTITIES UWMENTI CL Something special for Someone special... WE OFFER YOU QUALITY BEEF, QUALITY MEAT PRODUCTS AND FRESH PRODUCE AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD .5 1» a luxurious, revitalizing Swedish rnassase fCUT FROM CANADA GR. A BEEF FRESH AUSTRALIAN FRESH B.C. GROWN "AIR CHILLED" BONELESS BOTTOM ROUND rf W a facial, a salt glow, a moor wrap Leg of Lamb 8.77 kg 3.98 BACK ATTACHED FAMILY PACK BARON OF BEEF„, CHICKEN flL '*J or choice of treat with a gift certificate OVEN ROAST 028 Lamb Loin Chops 13.18 kg 5.98 LEGS RR0 .5.03 kg 2 lb J.50 kg 68' FRESH FRESH Rack of Lamb 15.39 kg 6.98 szfiK CALL NOW m Give a gift of love. LEAN BEEF HIP SCHNEIDERS FROZEN Maple Lodge sliced Mini GROUND HONEY GARLIC OR BBQ CHICKEN FRENCH 537-4111 BEEF 177 STEW 0 Aft Chicken Wings 908 g box 5.98 BREAST 1 1Q BREAD I QQ 3.90kg I 11 I li per100g I • I 3 1460 Beach Road 5.47kg LltUl! FRESH FARM RAISED 4 varieties liUwt FRESH ISLAND GROWN BC GROWN AIR CHILLED T7T7TOJM Boneless Fresh Frying PUiiLL| Salt Spring Island Spring Salmon Steaks per icog 1.10 Deli World LEG OF PORK CHICKEN Venice pane www.saltysprings.com ITALIANO LIGHT ROAST 1 QQ 1.32 BREASTS 1 QQ Spring Salmon Fillets per ioog BREAD RYE 4.37kg I lJUlb 4 37kg IIVVI 450 g loaf 'CUT FROM CANADA GR. A BEEF "^ 454 g loaf .99 1.19 FRESH ISLAND GROWN RESER'S FROZEN BEEF TENDERLOIN Venice Oberlander WONDER BREAD Boneless 4 Varieties SCHNITTEN PORK LEG 'PREMIUM OVEN ROAST 98 CUTLETS 0 CQ 'GRILLING STEAKS RYE *100%w.w. 5.93kg Ll V VII 142 g pkg .79 19.80 kg 8 454g loaf 1.19 570g loaf .89 GENERAL FOODS INTERNATIONAL CALIFORNIA I CALIFORNIA FROZEN FOODS Libra Flavoured Instant Coffee 125-283 9 tin 3.' I CANTALOUPE CARROTS heemoPerogiesikgpkg .... 2.19 March 21-April 20 September 23-October 23 KRAFT I WELCH'S ASSORTED February is the perfect month to Expect a relationship to take a turn lb 15 lb bag consider a self-Improvement class. tills week. The relationship could Handi-Snacks 87g pkg IFruit Punch or Juice Minn tin .99 TEXANA WHITE OR BROWN VANCOUVER ISLAND I CALIFORNIA You have enough time to register be a personal or work-related, 0RRED I GREEN GIANT and rearrange your schedule for but nonetheless, be prepared for Long Grain Rice 21b pkg ^J RUSSET te ableS "all varities" 1kg pkg 2.79 a class that could end up being change. Be careful who you take producUve for you. Someone at advice from. Someone doesn't really RED OVAL FARMS IBREYERS'ALL NATURAL" work needs your undivided have your best interest at heart. Mini Stoned Wheat Thins 250g box .. Ice Cream 2L tub 5.19 attenUon. Scorpio SOCKEYE CALIFORNIA BC EXTRA FANCY TOMATO Taurus E D D E US October 24-November 22 SALMON GREEN ONIONS i p p L Es'° JUICE 448 April 21-May 21 It may seem as though you + dep. 213gtin 3 for on 1 36L tin Don't expect a very happy don't have anyone to celebrate 3< SAVE UP TO S1.08 bunch i09 1.30kg SAVE UP TO 80C Valentine's Day. External factors Valentine's Day with. Not true. * Royal Tea may cause problems for your Someone close to you would READY TO SERVE iifiiryr partner. Even though your plans really like to be your valentine. POTATOES 2% * Snap Jacks OATMEAL * * Mashed 4 R fall through, don't put all the blame This Isn't the best of times for YOGURT g on your partner. Instead, take time you to consider a big investment. 325- 1 88 * Sliced -j 29 29 to plan something special later. Wait a couple weeks. * Ginger Snaps 470g t>ox .... I 141-2l5g box . . I 796ml tin 98 500g tub V Pasta 9oog SAVE UP TO $1.00 SAVE UP TO 41C SAVE UP TO $2.43 Gemini Sagittarius * Rich Tea SAVE UP TO $1.11 * Pasta May 22-June 21 K GE f^3S2S> November 23-December 21 PEKO2pJ„ Er RED ROSE FACIAL Sauce 680mi Your spouse or partner will weigh Don't rush into a friendship that 250-400g pkg TOMATO SOUP NUTS'N heavily on your mind all week. Don't could end up in disaster. This new TEA CRUNCH TISSUE push your feelings aside. Delve Into person in your life is really just ! BAGS them before it's too late. This is not using you lo get ahead. Remember 284ml tin 199 98 150's box ,87 YOUR 2 for O 00 '98 425g box .. the best time lo get involved In a to schedule some special family SAVE UP TO 48» 144's box 2 SAVE UP TO 41 f CHOICE possible Investment situation. A new time this month. Face up to a 98' 3' BEEKIST NO 1 SAVE UP TO $2.38 SAVE UP TO 81C plan is not guaranteed. task you have been avoiding. CREAMED QUICK Cancer Capricorn HONEY 49 OATS m June 22-July 22 December 22-January 20 1kg tub 4 1 kg box ... 1 Those ol' winter blues getting Hope you like surprises. After F0LGERS TREEHOUSE EE23 you down? How about planning all, it's Valentine's Day. and you GROUND J0D a Valentine's Day parly for your haven't made any big plans yet. COFFEE 139 APPLE BLEND CQ friends? If you're down in the It's Important you use tact and 300g pkg .... I dumps, others probably are too diplomacy when Involved In any v and could use a pick-me-up. Start communication or meetings at KELLOGG'G AUSTRAL IrjioEvnl the planning close to home. work In the near future. T MARGARINE PEANUT MARMALADE LAUNDRY DETERGENT Raisin Bran, Leo Aquarius * Peaches BUTTER •199 reg. 8L fi49 * Corn Flakes July 23-August 23 January 21-February 18 * Pears 67* 59 Ultra 4L box . .V 500giar 500 ml jar You'll start noticing signs this week A great career opportunity may be 454g pkg . U I 2 SAVE UP TO S2.50 350g that will help you feel more positive headed your way. You've worked * Fruit Cocktail SAVEUPT0 30C CRACKER rtoyale about the year as it progresses. hard and deserve any chance that BARREL "RANDOM CUT" Your goals for the millennium will comes along. With that decision MOZZARELLA CHEDDAR CHEESE BATHROOM for 00 become clearer, and you'll be able on your plate, steer clear of making 398ml CHEESE 049 CHEESE TISSUE £78 lo focus on the really important any kind of financial decisions for tin all var. 099 454g pkg 227g pkg . . . tm 20 24 roll pkg 5' the limp heina 99 issues in vour life. School kids nurture eggs for Lyall Creek release

Saturna's salmon enhancement project is up and running again this year. SMJRNA On Thursday, over 90,000 chum salmon NOTES eggs were delivered WITH GAIL TRAFFORD to Lyall Creek. The local team of volunteers was there Gulf Islands for re-establishing to meet Fisheries representatives salmon stock. and they helped place the eggs in the incubator. The team delivered Winter Cove 200 chum eggs to the school on An amalgamation of loca Thursday so the local children groups has undertaken a project to could care for and raise some of make improvements to Saturna's the salmon in a classroom incuba­ baseball park. tor. Located in Winter Cove, the These fish will be released into baseball diamond is also the site of Lyall Creek in the spring. the annual Canada Day Lamb Last fall there was a good return Barbecue. The group envisions a of about 30 or 40 mature salmon 10-year plan to upgrade the facili­ but unfortunately the otters deci­ ties at the park and islanders will mated them. see changes this year. The project is working but it is Before the July 1 barbecue, the at the predator stage — it's an group hopes to erect new perma­ Year of the dragon example of nature at work. The nent outhouses. In past years the Students and teachers at Salt Spring Centre parade was followed by a Chinese noodle team will continue seeding the barbecue committee has rented School celebrate Chinese New Year with a lunch and student-made fortune cookies, creek until the return exceeds the portable ones, and it's an expense parade along the "woodland trail." The Photo by Deinc* Luody predators' demand and the run that must be paid from funds becomes self-sustaining. raised for community projects. This year there was an innova­ Picking up outhouses from off- tion in moving the eggs. Rather island the day before the picnic 'Rainbows' sparkle again CROSSWORD ANSWERS than arriving wrapped in rolls of and returning them afterwards can FROM PAGE B10 cloth the eggs were transported in also be a logistical nightmare. A new session of Rainbows, the All Saints By-the-Sea on Tuesdays support group for children, begins from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. It runs for i c v| fl F / osl Bo O T tubes which made the job of gently An added benefit to permanent DEE SWH E S A N BM U outhouses is that extra facilities February 22. 12 weeks, and is both free and placing the eggs in the incubator Nancy Wigen, one of the group completely confidential. ELLEIENIJ u EIE N D S will always be on hand for public ALLEGJEDI much simpler and easier. facilitators, explains that Rainbows A healthy snack, play time, (BALDEST Fisheries workers and the volun­ use. This will make baseball tour­ • M E)D E ; jRD u D| helps children aged six through 12 crafts or story reading are aug­ O L si E N|R E CIGLEAN teers walked the river banks and naments and picnics much easier who are going through life changes mented with program work in discovered a large cut-throat trout to plan and more enjoyable for W 1 N | D O VV pi F1 O VIIE RLE due to separation, divorce or the groups of fiveo r fewer children. N A |A R I B everyone. T E RIR O W skeleton. death of a family member. A parallel group for parents is N F R DWt YE/.>| P O T E N T This was heartening since the Other projects the group hopes "We use a very effective, age- sometimes created, but will not be G R E E !<•• A I [SIIT IDES species is endangered and Lyall to complete in the future are an specific program which the chil­ running for this session. IB I TpdjJ T OO Pi' Creek provides an ideal environ­ extension on the baseball shed and dren respond well to," says Wigen. To register and for more infor­ ARCADE S| (A 1 R P O R T ment for their repopulation. Lyall erection of a new and permanent "We encourage peer support and mation, call co-facilitator TEA SHP E I1 R LIE V E R tea and coffee booth. Donations of E D 1 EIE A !> E s[p 1 N O Creek seems to be one of the caring among the children." Maryanne Benwood at 537-4115 N O N • • E 1 1 . | :|0 0 1 healthiest streams in the Outer supplies and labour are welcome. Rainbows is held downstairs at or Wigen at 537-1041. B16 A WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2000 PEOPLE & COMMUNITY GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD RCMP constables' pay was increased to $4,180 per year Thirty-five years ago three shops — $53,000; 10 acres groups meeting with Saanich-Gulf welcome in Mouat Park, despite a • A pay raise for all constables in with water and a view, $38,000. Islands MP Lynn Hunter. shortage of space for such units on the RCMP had just been DOWN THE • Close to $4,000 had been long weekends in previous year. Fifteen years ago raised to help send cancer patient Starting this season, access to the announced. The pay rale (up about • A reduced school board budget nine per cent) would start a new YEARS Jarrod Booth and his family to 15 campsites would be limited to would cut teaching staff in district campers who walked or cycled into constable at $4,180 per year. It was schools by six positions, warned England. Eight-year-old Jarrod expected the increased salary Mount's Mall. It would consist of planned to talk with officials from the park. three double-sided notice boards superintendent Mike Marshall. would assist in recruiting "suit­ Marshall said he would be negoti­ the Guinness Book of World • Recent sex-related abductions mounted on an iron mast and Records about inclusion of his and murders in British Columbia able" new applicants. would be "for the use of all resi­ ating with Ministry of Education • Flooding in Ganges was officials to have the budget Christmas card campaign in the — including that of Melanie dents and groups who have some­ Carpenter in Surrey — prompted blamed on a combination of high thing to say." increased. record book. The youngster had tides and a heavy run-off of melt­ received 200,000 cards from SWOVA (Salt Spring Women • A public meeting in Ganges ing snow and heavy rain. The Ten years ago around the world. Opposed to Violence and Abuse) to registered sweeping support for • The environment and the feder­ circulate mail-in cards, a petition newspaper was "informed by reli­ Mike Larmour's plea to establish able authorities that this run-off al government's proposed Goods Five years ago and fact sheet as part of a cam­ 10-acre minimum lot sizes in and Services Tax topped concerns • Campers, tent trailers and paign called Not One More water is surfaced with all and watershed areas. sundry kinds of lethal microbes expressed by various Salt Spring motor homes would no longer be Woman, Not One More Child. that can cause serious illness." Twenty years ago Thirty years ago • "Eat chicken with discretion" was the advice of Salt Spring farm­ WE CAN HELP YOU PERSONALLY... - *£^ f • Ganges Hill was described as a ers who may have fed their birds bottleneck in need of an alternate with PCB-contaminated grain the route. Mrs. E. Worthington told a previous summer. community planning committee • Five acres of oceanfront with a Get Healthy for Lrfef meeting that with only one road driveway in — $69,900; five-bed­ linking north and south Salt room, three-bathroom home on > Did you know that in order to reduce the risk of all major Spring, one severe accident could Hundred Hills — $69,500; com­ degenerative diseases, the ideal Body Fat range for break all connections between the mercial building in Ganges with women is 18-22% and for men is 15-19%? If you want two ends of the to lose Body Fat and maintain Muscle then Living Strong island. is the place to come for expert advice. First, we can measure • A brief encounter your Body Fat in a private, comfortable setting and then between an eagle and create a plan that is safe, realistic and fun to achieve your a light plane flying Body Fat goal. Maintaining ideal Body Fat is a balance into Fulford Harbour between nutrition, exercise and hormonal health. Our left the eagle dead team of experts can look after all three areas and the plane dam­ for you. Give us a call! aged. Two bald eagles The first reportedly attacked 10 people to the plane as the pilot For further sign up for a prepared to land. The information program in pilot dodged one bird or to book an February will but didn't see the appointment, C&<* receive a other until it crashed call Swiss ABS into the plane's wind­ Body Ball shield, shattering the • -SPORTSMEN- absolutely LChUl SIA»I At LC» AS -_<>''. (HI 537-5382 glass. . free! ' More Now - More in the Future 538-0095 ^ _ Twenty-five More from IMPERIAL years ago NORMAN O.MOl AT • An information CANOf 5 tHONIi 5,, .Ji.'t kiosk would be erect­ Email: [email protected] ed at the entrance of This ad ran in a Feb. 1965 Driftwood

GEORGIA PLANNING FOR THE PIPELINE STRAIT CROSSING PROJECT The Georgia Strait Crossing Project is a joint proposal by 1998 BC Hydro issued invitations to qualified firms for proposals BC Hydro and Williams to build a pipeline to transport to design, construct and operate a marine pipeline. natural gas from Sumas, Washington to Vancouver Island. The pipeline will supply the fuel needed by two new 1999 The Williams proposal was selected. Of the three received, privately owned natural gas-fired electricity generating facili­ it was considered superior on the basis of technical feasibility, ties on Vancouver Island. technical expertise, cost and the lowest environmental and socio­ economic impact. 'The future supply require­ In a move toward developing independent power production, ments for Vancouver Island BC Hydro initiated a request-for-proposal process in order to: One natural gas-fired generating station, to be located in are driven by regional load Campbell River, is presently under construction and expected • meet the anticipated increase in demand for electricity on growth and the planned to be in service in November of this year. The second plant is Vancouver Island staged retirement of the currently planned for Port Alberni. existing high voltage direct • provide economic development opportunities for the current transmission link to private sector GSX Proposed Project Schedule the Island.' 1994/95 BC Hydro issued a request for proposals for independent Nov. 1999 -Aug. 2000 Studies and Public Consultation power production. Ten projects were short-listed, including two Aug. 2000 Submission of applications to National 1999 Integrated Electricity natural gas-fired electricity generating plants on Vancouver Island. Energy Board (Canada)/Federal Energy Plan p 15. Regulatory Commission (US) 1996/97 Following review by a government-appointed panel, the two Vancouver Island projects were selected and BC Hydro has 2000 Comprehensive Environmental proceeded with arrangements to purchase the electricity output. Assessment

As part of the electricity purchase agreements, BC Hydro is 2000 - 2001 Regulatory and Environmental Review responsible for supplying natural gas to the new generating 2002 Construction of Pipeline plants. Recognizing that the existing Vancouver Island natural gas transmission system - owned and operated by Centra Gas - would not be able to accommodate the additional gas needed to fuel these two new plants, BC Hydro commenced planning ---<--->> THE POWER IS YOURS for a second marine pipeline - the Georgia Strait Crossing (GSX). Williams, BC hydro

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