
US INTELLIGENCE AND AL QAEDA Analysis by Contrasting Narratives Online Appendix

PETER DE WERD US INTELLIGENCE AND AL QAEDA Analysis by Contrasting Narratives

Peter de Werd

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Chapter 2

Selection of texts In chronological order, key texts underlined.

Fisk, Robert, ‘Anti-Soviet Warrior Puts His Army on the Road to Peace: the Saudi Businessman Who Recruited Mujahedin Now Uses Them for Large- Scale Building Projects in . Robert Fisk met him in Almatig’, , 6 December 1993, 10. Abd-al-Karim, Ali, Ahmad Al-Nur, ‘Usama Bin Ladin Denies “Terrorism” Link, Al-Quds Al-Arabi, 9 March 1994, 4, as translated in FBIS, Compi- lation of Usama Bin Ladin Statements, 1–3. Al-Quds al-Arabi, Saudi Opposition Opens Offi ce, Al-Quds Al-Arabi, 8 August 1994, 1, as translated in FBIS, 3. Bin Laden, Osama, ‘Our Invitation to Give Advice and Reform’, open letter to King Fahd, April 14, 1994, available at: http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/ Our_Invitation_to_Give_Advice_and_Reform, last accessed 20 April 2018. Bin Laden, Osama, ‘ Supports the Communists in ’, 7 June 1994, available at: http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Saudi_Arabia_supports_ the_Communists_in_Yemen, last accessed 20 April 2018. Bin Laden, Osama, ‘The Banishment of Communism from the Arabian Pen- insula, the Episode and the Proof’, 11 July 1994, available at: https:// en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Banishment_of_Communists_from_the_ Arabian_Peninsula, last accessed 20 April 2018. Bin Laden, Osama, ‘Quran Scholars in the Face of Despotism’, 19 July 1994, available at: http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Quran_Scholars_in_the_Face_ of_Despotism, last accessed 20 April 2018. Bin Laden, Osama, ‘Saudi Arabia Unveils Its War against Islam and Its Schol- ars’, 12 September 1994, available at: http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Saudi_ Arabia_Unveils_Its_War_Against_Islam_and_Its_Scholars, last accessed 28 April 2018. Bin Laden, Osama, ‘Urgent Letter to Security Offi cials’, 16 September 1994, avail- able at: http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Urgent_letter_to_security_offi cials, last accessed 28 April 2018.

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Bin Laden, Osama, ‘Do Not Have Vile Actions in Your Religion’, 16 Septem- ber 1994, AFGP-2002-003345, 11-04-1415, available at: https://ctc.usma .edu/programs-resources/harmony-program, last accessed 28 April 2018. Bin Laden, Osama, ‘Important Telegram to Our Brothers in the Armed Forces’, 19 September 1994, AFGP-2002-003345, 14-4-1415, available at: https:// ctc.usma.edu/programs-resources/harmony-program, last accessed 28 April 2018. Bin Laden, Osama, ‘Higher Committee for Harm!!’ 15 October 1994, avail- able at: http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Higher_Committee_for_Harm, last accessed 28 April 2018. Bin Laden, Osama, ‘Open Letter for Shaykh Bin Baz on the Invalidity of his Fatwa on Peace with the Jews’, 29 December 1994, available at: http://en.wikisource. org/wiki/Open_Letter_to_Shaykh_Bin_Baz_on_the_Invalidity_ of_his_Fatwa_on_Peace_with_the_Jews, last accessed 20 April 2018. Bin Laden, Osama, ‘Second Letter to Shaykh Abd Al Aziz Bin Baz from the Reform and Advice Foundation’, 29 January 1995, available at: http:// en.wikisource.org/wiki/Second_Letter_to_Shaykh_Bin_Baz, last accessed 20 April 2018. Bin Laden, Osama, ‘Prince Salman and Ramadan Alms’, 12 February 1995, available at: http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Prince_Salman_and_Ramadan_ Alms, last accessed 28 April 2018. Bin Laden, Osama, ‘Saudi Arabia Continues its War against Islam and its Scholars’, 9 March 1995, available at: http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/ Saudi_Arabia_Continues_Its_War_Against_Islam_and_Its_Scholars, last accessed 28 April 2018. Bin Laden, Osama, ‘Scholars Are the Prophet’s Successors’, 6 May 1995, avail- able at: http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Scholars_are_the_Prophet%27s_ Successors, last accessed 28 April 2018. Bin Laden, Osama, ‘Prince Sultan and the Air Aviation Commissions’, 11 July 1995, available at: http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Prince_Sultan_and_the_ Air_Aviation_Commissions, last accessed 28 April 2018. Bin Laden, Osama, ‘Open Letter to King Fahd on the Occasion of the Recent Cabinet Reshuffl e’, Communiqué 17, 3 August 1995, available at: http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/An_Open_Letter_to_King_Fahd_on_the_ Occasion_of_the_Recent_Cabinet_Reshuffl e, last accessed 20 April 2018; and AFGP-2002-000103-HT-NVTC, https://www.ctc.usma.edu/ v2/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Open-Letter-to-King-Fahd-from-bin- Laden-Translation.pdf, last accessed 21 February 2016. Bin Laden, Osama, ‘The Bosnia Tragedy and the Deception of the Servant of the Two Mosques.’, 11 August 1995, available at: http://en.wikisource. org/wiki/The_Bosnia_Tragedy, last accessed 28 April 2018.


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Macleod, Scott, ‘The Paladin of Jihad, Fearless and Super-rich, Finances Islamic Extremism. A TIME Exclusive’, 6 May 1996, TIME Magazine. Sa’d, F., ‘Osama bin Laden Interviewed’, Cairo Rose al-Yusuf, 17 June 1996, 25–7, as translated in FBIS, 4–11. Fisk, Robert, ‘Arab Rebel Leader Warns the British “Get Out of the Gulf”, Robert Fisk Tracks Saudi Arabia’s Most Wanted Man to His Lair in ’, The Indepentent, 10 July 1996, 11. Bin Ladin, Osama, ‘Ladenese Epistle’, 23 August 1996, as in Bruce Law- rence (ed.), Messages to the World: the Statements of Osama Bin Laden (London: Verso, 2005), 23–30; Gilles Kepel and Jean-Pierre Milelli, Al Qaeda in its Own Words, trans. Pascale Ghazaleh (Cambridge MA: Har- vard University Press, 2008), 47–50. Also as in Al-Quds Al-Arabi, ‘Bin Laden Calls for Guerrilla War to Expell “The American Occupiers” from Saudi Arabia’ (Bin Ladin Yadú li-Harb ‘Isabat li-Ikhraj ‘Al-Muhtallin Al- Amrikiyin’ min Al-Sa’udiyyah), Al-Quds Al-Arabi, 31 August/1 Septem- ber 1996, 1, as described by Flagg Miller, The Audacious Ascetic: What the Bin Laden Tapes Reveal about Al-Qaeda, Kindle edition (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015), location 4873–5598; MSANEWS, ‘The Ladenese Epistle, Declaration of War against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places’, 2 October 1996, available at: http:// msanews.mynet.net/MSANEWS/199610/19961012.3.html, last accessed 14 January 2016). Furthermore, Osama Bin Laden, ‘Declaration of War’, 1996, trans. CTC West Point, available at: http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/ Osama_bin_Laden%27s_Declaration_of_War, last accessed 20 April 2018; Al-Islah, ‘Bin Ladin Declares Jihad on Americans, Message From Usama Bin-Muhammad Bin Ladin to His Muslim Brothers in the Whole World and Especially in the Arabian Peninsula, Declaration of Jihad against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Mosques, Expel the Heretics From the Arabian Peninsula’, 2 September 1996, 1–12, as translated in FBIS, 11–28. Nuda’ul Islam, ‘Mujahid Usamah Bin Ladin Talks Exclusively to “NIDA’UL ISLAM” about the New Powder Keg in the ’, October/Novem- ber 1996, available at: http://web.archive.org/web/20050206231030/ http://www.islam.org.au/articles/15/LADIN.HTM, last accessed 28 April 2018). See also Lawrence, Messages to the World, 31–44. Atwan, Abdul Bari, ‘Bin Ladin Interviewed on Jihad Against US’, Al-Quds Al-Arabi, 27 November 1996, 5, as translated in FBIS, 28–36. Roberts, Gwynne (director and reporter) ‘The Saudi Tapes’, Channel 4 Dis- patches, 20 February 1997, London, RWF World, available at: https:// vimeo.com/48150820, last accessed 15 March 2016.


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Al-Islah, ‘Bin Ladin Cited on Prince Sultan’s US Visit’, 3 March 1997, as trans- lated in FBIS, 38–9. The Muslim, ‘Bin Ladin Charges US Involvement in China Bombings’, Islamabad, 15 March 1997, as translated in FBIS, 39–41. Mir, Hamid, ‘ Interviews Usama Bin Ladin’, 18 March 1997, as trans- lated in FBIS, 41–8. Fisk, Robert, ‘Muslim Leader Warns of a New Assault on US Forces’, The Independent, 22 March 1997, 1. See also FBIS, 48–9. Fisk, Robert, ‘The Man Who Wants to Wage Holy War against the Americans: A Pilgrimage through a Broken and Dangerous Land of Death’, The Inde- pendent, 22 March 1997, 14. See also FBIS, 49–52. Bin Laden, Osama, ‘The Saudi Regime and the Reputed Tragedies of the Pilgrims’, 16 April 1997, AFGP2002-003345, available at: https://ctc. usma.edu/programs-resources/harmony-program, last accessed 28 April 2018. Mir, Hamid, ‘Usama Bin Ladin Dares US Commandos to Come to Afghani- stan’, Pakistan, 6 July 1997, 1, 7, as translated in FBIS, 52. Pakistan, ‘Usama Bin Ladin Urges “Befi tting Reply” to Horan, 7 August 1997, 1, 7, as translated in FBIS, 52–3. Malik, Zafer Mehmood, ‘Usama Bin Ladin Backs Harkatul Ansar against US’, Rawalpindi Jang, 20 October 1997, 7–8, as translated in FBIS, 53–4. Rawalpindi Nawa-i-Waqt, ‘Daily Reports Usama Bin Ladin’s Threat Against Americans’, 27 November 1997, 1, 5, as translated in FBIS, 54. Shaw, Bernard (anchor), ‘Impact, Holy Terror?: Osama bin Ladin Interview by ’, CNN Impact, New York, CNN, 10 August 1997. Interview conducted in March 1997, transcript retrieved from LexisNexis and at: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article7204.htm, video viewed online via Confl ict Studies (YouTube publisher), Osama bin Laden Inter- view (1997), 14 September 2014, available at: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=IcVV9snalOI, last accessed 20 April 2018. See also Lawrence, Messages to the World, 44–57. Pakistan, ‘Bin Ladin Claims Foiling of UN’s Afghan “Conspiracy”’, 17 January 1998, 8–9, as translated in FBIS, 55. Al-Quds Al-Arabi, ‘Bin Ladin Condoles with Al-Bashir on Salih’s Death’, 16 February 1998, 1, as translated in FBIS, 55–6. Bin Laden, Osama, ‘Text of World Islamic Front’s Statement Urging Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders’, 23 February 1998, Al-Quds Al-Arabi, 1, 3, as translated in FBIS, 56–8. Also in Lawrence, Messages to the World, 58–62 and Kepel and Milelli, Al Qaeda in Its Own Words, 53–6. Fur- thermore, see Federation of American Scientists, ‘World Islamic Front statement, Jihad against Jews and Crusaders’, February 1998, available at: http://fas.org/irp/world/para/docs/980223-fatwa.htm, last accessed 21


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March 2015, and original text in retrieved from: https://middleeast. library.cornell.edu/fatw2.htm. Bin Laden, Osama, ‘Bin Ladin Urges Expulsion of “Invaders”’, Al-Quds Al- Arabi, 23 March 1998, 4, as translated in FBIS, 58–61. Siddiqui, Azeem, ‘Interview with Usama Bin Ladin Reported’, Al-Akhbar, 31 March 1998, 1, 8, as translated in FBIS, 61–2. Al-Quds Al-Arabi, ‘Bin Ladin Warns against US Plan to Eliminate Arab Afghans’, 15 April 1998, 1, as translated in FBIS, 62–3. Al-Quds Al-Arabi, ‘Clerics in Afghanistan Issue Fatwa on Necessity to Move US Forces Out of the Gulf, Saudi Oppositionist Usama Bin Ladin Sup- ports It’, 14 May 1998, 4, as translated in FBIS, 63–5. See also Osama Bin Laden, ‘Supporting the Fatwa by the Afghani Religious Scholars of Eject- ing the American Forces from the Land of the Two Holy Mosques’, May 1998, as translated by CTC West Point, available at: https://en.wikisource. org/wiki/Supporting_the_Fatwa_by_the_Afghani_Religious_Scholars_of _Ejecting_the_American_Forces_from_the_Land_of_the_Two_Holy_ Mosques, last accessed 20 April 2018. Al-Quds Al-Arabi, ‘Bin Ladin, Afghanistan’s Inclusion on US “Terrorism List” is “Certifi cate of Good Conduct” for Taliban’, 18 May 1998, 3, as trans- lated in FBIS, 66–7. Salah, Muhammed, ‘World Islamic Front Backs “Intifadah of Palestine’s Sons”’, Al-Hayah, 19 May 1998, 4, as translated in FBIS, 67–8. The News, ‘Bin Ladin Creates New Front against US, ’, 28 May 1998, 12, as translated in FBIS, 68–9. Dalbah, Muhammad, ‘United States Admits that Keeping Its Troops in the Gulf is Causing Dissatisfaction, Bin Ladin Threatens to Launch Attack Soon’, Al-Quds Al-Arabi, 28 May 1998, 1, as in FBIS, 70–1. Al-Quds Al-Arabi, ‘Bin Ladin Congratulates Pakistan on Its Possession of Nuclear Weapons’, 1 June 1998, 2, as translated in FBIS, 71. Jennings, Peter (host), ‘A Closer Look: a Very Dangerous Man Targets Ameri- cans’, World News Tonight with Peter Jennings, New York, ABC News, 10 June 1998. Koppel, Ted (anchor), ‘ABC Nightline, One of America’s Most Dangerous Ene- mies’, ABC Nightline, New York, ABC News, 10 June 1998; Apalach32 (YouTube publisher), ‘ABC reporter John Miller asks Shaykh OBL 1998’, video fi le, 9 April 2009, available at: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=GW8_Zbsirdw, last accessed 27 April 2018. Also reproduced in Derek McGinty (anchor), ‘President Bush on Terrorist Attacks, Interview with Usama Bin Ladin from 1998’, , New York, ABC News, 18 September 2001, as translated in FBIS, 103–6. Yusufzai, Rahimullah, ‘In the Way of Allah’, The News, 15 June 1998, internet version, as translated in FBIS, 72–4.


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Al-Zawahiri, Ayman, ‘Bin Ladin Calls on Moslem Ummah (Nation) to Con- tinue Jihad against Jews and Americans to Liberate Their Holy Places. In the Meanwhile, He Denies Any Involvement in the Nairobi and Dar es Salaam Bombings’, The News/Agence France Presse, 21 August 1998, as translated in FBIS, 74–5. Atwan, Abdul Bari, ‘Bin Ladin Tells al-Quds al-Arabi, “The Battle Has Not Yet Started, We Will Reply to Clinton in Deeds”’, Al-Quds Al-Arabi, 22/23 August 1998, 1, as translated in FBIS, 75–6. , ‘Bin Ladin Praises Pakistanis for Love of Islam’, 2 September 1998, 16, as translated in FBIS, 76–7. Al-Akhbar, ‘Usama Bin Ladin Sends Message to Anti-US Conference’, 12 Sep- tember 1998, 7–8, as translated in FBIS, 77. Khan, Jamil, ‘Bin Ladin, Expel Jews, Christians From Holy Places’, Rawalpindi Jang, 18 November 1998, 1, 7, as translated in FBIS, 78. Al Jazeera, ‘Bin Laden Interview’, December 1998, as translated and transcribed in Lawrence, Messages to the World, 65–94. See also , ‘Osama bin Laden’s 1998 Interview’, 8 October 2001, available at: https://www. theguardian.com/world/2001/oct/08/afghanistan.terrorism15, last accessed 28 April 2018. Furthermore, see AbuOsamaBinLaden (YouTube publisher), ‘Al Jazeera – Osama Bin Laden Interview 1998’ (in Arabic), 12 September 2010, available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOQn4W-nwy0, last accessed 6 June 2016; Kepel and Milelli, Al Qaeda in Its Own Words, 57–9. Agence France Presse, ‘Bin Ladin Denies Role in Bombings of US Missions’, 24 December 1998, as in FBIS, 78–9. Yusufzai, Rahimullah, ‘Taliban let Bin Ladin Break His Silence’, The News, 6 January 1999, internet version, as translated in FBIS, 79–82. Yusufzai, Rahimullah, ‘Osama bin Laden, Conversation with Terror’, TIME, 11 January 1999, available at: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/ article/0,9171,989958,00.html, last accessed 27 April 2018. Also as in FBIS, 83–6. Ismail, Jamal, ‘I Am Not Afraid of Death’, , 11 January 1999, online version, available at: http://www.newsweek.com/i-am-not-afraid- death-165374, last accessed 27 April 2018. Pyle, Richard, ‘Associate Press Carries Excerpts From bin Ladin Interviews’, , 4 January 1999, as in FBIS, 86–8. Rather, Dan (anchor), ‘Target: Terror (Terrorism/Bin Laden) Part I’, 12 Janu- ary 1999, CBS Evening News, New York, CBS News, available at: http:// tvnews.vanderbilt.edu/program.pl?ID=384069, last accessed 27 April 2018. See also Thalia Assuras (anchor), ‘Accused Terrorist Leader Usama bin Ladin Declares War on all Americans’, CBS This Morning, New York, CBS News, 13 January 1999, as in FBIS, 102–3.


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Miller, John, ‘Greetings, America. My Name is Usama Bin Ladin. Now that I Have Your Attention . . .’, Esquire, online, February 1999, available at: http://classic.esquire.com/my-name-is-osama-bin-laden, last accessed 27 April 2018. See also FBIS, 88–102. Shiraz, Abu, ‘May 1998 Interview with Bin Laden Reported’, Pakistan, 20 Feb- ruary 1999, 10, as in FBIS, Compilation of Usama Bin Ladin Statements, January 2004, 111–17. Wahdat, ‘Usama Bin Ladin Pens Letter in Support of Kashmir Jihad’, 8 June 1999, 1, 5, as translated in FBIS, 118–19. Najm, Salah (anchor), ‘Usama Bin Ladin, the Destruction of the Base’, Al Jazeera, 10 June 1999, as translated in FBIS 119–33. Rawalpindi Jang, ‘Bin Ladin Calls on Muslims to Declare Jihad against US’, 25 June 1999, 1, 6, as translated in FBIS, 133–4. Islamabad Khabrain, ‘UBL Orders Mujahidin to Shoot US Commandos “on Sight”’, 12 September 1999, 1, 6, as translated in FBIS, 134–5. Malik, Zafer Mehmood, ‘UBL Denies Providing Military Aid to Kashmiris’, Rawalpindi Jang, 28 September 1999, 1, 7, as translated in FBIS, 135. Hasrat, Bakht U. J., ‘Usama Bin Ladin Denounces US-Sponsored “World Order”’, Pakistan, 9 January 2000, 1, 7, as translated in FBIS, 135–6. Pakistan, ‘UBL Sees Holy War in “Every Street” of US’, 2 May 2000, 6, 8, as translated in FBIS, 136–7. Supporters of Shariah, ‘Usama Speaks on Hijrah and the Islamic State?’ Al-Jihad online newsletter, 22 June 2000, as translated in FBIS, 137–42. Pakistan Observer, ‘Usama Bin Ladin Renews Call for Jihad’, 26 June 2000, as translated in FBIS, 143. Al-Rayyan, Jamal (anchor), ‘Bin Ladin, Others Pledge “Jihad” to Release Pris- oners in US, Saudi Jails’, Today’s Harvest, Doha, Al Jazeera, 21 Septem- ber 2000, as translated in FBIS, 144–6. Nawa-i-Waqt, ‘Usama Bin Ladin “Letter” Calling for “Global Islamic State”’, 7 January 2000, 1, 11, as translated in FBIS, 146–7. Islamabad Ausaf, ‘Ausaf Receives Bin Ladin’s Poem on Resolve to Continue Jihad’, 3 March 2001, 1, 7, as translated in FBIS, 147–8. Al Jazeera excerpt in FBIS, ‘Bin Ladin Implicitly Praises USS Cole Bombng at Son’s Wedding’, 7 March 2001, 148–50. See also Intelcenter, ‘Video ID # 2071’, 7 June 2001, available at: https://icd.intelcenter.com/fmi/ webd/?homeurl=https://icd.intelcenter.com/icd.html#IntelCenterDatabase, last accessed 15 March 2016. Sattar, Abdul, ‘Usama Urges Ummah to Continue Jihad’, The News, 7 May 2001, as translated in FBIS, 153–5. As Sahab, ‘The Destruction of the American Destroyer USS Cole’, June 2001, as in US Military Videos (YouTube publisher), ‘The Al Qaida Plan, Videos by


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the Terrorist, for the Terrorist’, 31 May 2012, available at: https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=wZqbZeQmInk, last accessed 7 June 2016. As Sahab, ‘Knowledge is for Acting Upon: the Manhattan Raid, Part 1 & 2’, available at: https://archive.org/details/AsSahab-TheManhattanRaid1, https://archive.org/details/AsSahab-TheManhattanRaid2, last accessed 7 June 2016.

Chapter 3

Public Papers of US President In chronological order, key texts underlined.

Government Printing Offi ce, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 1998 II (Washington, DC: Offi ce of the Federal Register, 2000). Text selec- tion (based on search queries ‘BIN L’, ‘EMBASSY’, ‘TERRORI*’): Remarks on Signing the Workforce Investment Act 1998, 7 August 1998. The President’s Radio Address, 8 August 1998. Letter to Congressional Leaders Reporting on the Deployment of United States Forces in Response to the Embassy Bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, 10 August 1998. Remarks at the Harry Tracy Water Filtration Plant in San Bruno, California, 11 August 1998. Memorandum on Assistance for Federal Employees Affected by the Embassy Bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, 12 August 1998. Remarks at a Memorial Service at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland, for the Victims of the Embassy Bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, 13 August 1998. Videotaped Address to the People of Kenya and Tanzania, 14 August 1998. The President’s Radio Address, 15 August 1998. Letter to Congressional Leaders Reporting on the Deployment of United States Forces To Protect the United States Embassy in Albania August 18, 1998 Remarks in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, on Military Action Against Terrorist Sites in Afghanistan and Sudan August 20, 1998 Letter to Congressional Leaders on Terrorists Who Threaten to Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process, 20 August 1998. Address to the Nation on Military Action Against Terrorist Sites in Afghani- stan and Sudan August 20, 1998. Letter to Congressional Leaders Reporting on Military Action Against Terror- ist Sites in Afghanistan and Sudan, 21 August 1998. The President’s Radio Address August 22, 1998. Statement on the Bombings in South Africa and Uganda, 26 August 1998. Opening Remarks at a Roundtable Discussion on Education in Herndon, Virginia, 31 August 1998.


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Exchange with Reporters Prior to Discussions with Prime Minister Bertie Ahern of Ireland in , 4 September 1998. Remarks at a Memorial Service for the Victims of the Embassy Bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, 11 September 1998. Remarks to the 53d Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, 21 September 1998.

Government Printing Offi ce, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 1999 I (Washington, DC: Offi ce of the Federal Register, 2000). Text selection (based on search queries ‘BIN L’, ‘EMBASSY’, ‘TERRORI*’): Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the State of the Union, 19 January 1999. Letter to Congressional Leaders on Continuation of the National Emergency Regarding Terrorists Who Threaten to Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process, 20 January 1999. Interview with Judith Miller and William J. Broad of , 21 January 1999. Remarks at the National Academy of Sciences, 22 January 1999. Letter to Congressional Leaders Reporting on the Deployment of United States Military Personnel to Kenya and Tanzania, 25 February 1999.

Government Printing Offi ce, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 1999 II (Washington, DC: Offi ce of the Federal Register, 2001). Text selection (based on search queries ‘BIN L*’, ‘AL Q*’, ‘TERRORI*’): Letter to Congressional Leaders Reporting on the National Emergency with Respect to the Taliban, 4 July 1999. Statement on the National Emergency with Respect to the Taliban, 6 July 1999. Statement on United Nations Security Council Action against International Terrorism and the Taliban, 15 October 1999. Statement on United Nations Sanctions Against the Taliban, 15 November 1999. Statement on House Action on Proposed Legislation to Provide Assistance to African Nations, 16 July 1999. Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report on the National Emergency with Respect to Terrorists Who Threaten to Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process, 29 July 1999. Statement on the Anniversary of the United States Embassy Bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, 6 August 1999. Remarks at the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States 100th National Convention in Kansas City, Missouri, 16 August 1999. Message to the Senate Transmitting the International Convention for the Sup- pression of Terrorist Bombings, 8 September 1999. Statement on the Terrorist Attacks in Russia, 17 September 1999.


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Remarks to the 54th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, 21 September 1999. Remarks on the Nuclear Accident in Japan and Social Security and an Exchange with Reporters, 1 October 1999. Remarks at a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Luncheon in Las Vegas, Nevada, 1 October 1999. Remarks on Signing the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000, 5 October 1999. Remarks on the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, 6 October 1999. The President’s Radio Address, 9 October 1999. Joint Statement on Norway–United States Cooperation, 15 October 1999. Message to the House of Representatives Returning Without Approval Foreign Operations Appropriations Legislation, 18 October 1999. Remarks at a Democratic Assembly Dinner in Elizabeth, New Jersey, 18 October 1999. Message to the House of Representatives Returning Without Approval Appro- priations Legislation for Commerce, Justice, and , 25 October 1999. Message to the Congress on Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Sudan, 29 October 1999. Remarks at an Anti- League Dinner in Atlanta, 29 October 1999. Remarks Following Discussions with Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik of Norway and an Exchange with Reporters in Oslo, 1 November 1999. Statement on Senate Action on Appropriations Legislation for the District of Columbia and Labor, Health, and Education Programs, 2 November 1999. Remarks at Georgetown University, 8 November 1999. Remarks in an On-Line Townhall Meeting, 8 November 1999. Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Hispanic Leadership Forum Dinner, 9 November 1999. Message to the Senate Transmitting the Ukraine–United States Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, 10 November 1999. Remarks to the Turkish Grand National Assembly in Ankara, 15 November 1999. Remarks at the Opening of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Summit in Istanbul, 18 November 1999. Remarks on the Budget Agreement and an Exchange with Reporters in Istanbul, 18 November 1999. Remarks to Business and Community Leaders in Athens, 20 November 1999. Remarks at a Dinner for the Conference on Progressive Governance for the 21st Century in Florence, Italy, 20 November 1999. Remarks at a ‘Stop the Violence’ Benefi t in Beverly Hills, California, 30 Novem- ber 1999. The President’s News Conference, 8 December 1999.


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Remarks to the Chamber of Commerce in Little Rock, Arkansas, 10 December 1999. United States–European Union Summit Statement on Chechnya, 17 December 1999. Exchange with Reporters at the D.C. Central Kitchen, 22 December 1999. Interview with of CNN’s ‘’, 22 December 1999. Interview with Charlie Rose of CBS’ ‘ II’, 22 December 1999. Letter to Congressional Leaders on Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Libya, 29 December 1999.

Government Printing Offi ce, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 2000 I (Washington, DC: Offi ce of the Federal Register, 2001). Text selection (based on search queries ‘BIN L’, ‘AL Q’, ‘TERRORI*’): Interview with Francine Kiefer and Skip Thurman of the Christian Science Monitor in , 18 January 2000. Letter to Congressional Leaders on Continuation of the National Emergency Regarding Terrorists Who Threaten to Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process, 19 January 2000. Interview with Jim Lehrer of PBS’ ‘NewsHour’, 26 January 2000. Remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast, 3 February 2000. Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report on the National Emergency with Respect to Terrorists Who Threaten to Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process, 7 February 2000. Remarks on the Employment Report and an Exchange with Reporters, 5 May 2000. Interview with on CNN.com, 14 February 2000. Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Dinner in Baltimore, Maryland, 15 March 2000. Remarks on the Gun Safety Agreement with Smith & Wesson and an Exchange with Reporters, 17 March 2000. The President’s News Conference with Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee of India in New Delhi, 21 March 2000. Agreed Principles: Institutional Dialogue between the United States and India, 21 March 2000. Interview with Peter Jennings of ABC’s ‘World News Tonight’ in New Delhi, 21 March 2000. Remarks at the Council of the Americas 30th Washington Conference, 2 May 2000. Commencement Address at the United States Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut, 17 May 2000. Statement on the Arrests in the 1963 Bombing of Birmingham’s 16th Street Baptist Church, 18 May 2000.


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Government Printing Offi ce, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 2000 II (Washington, DC: Offi ce of the Federal Register, 2001). Text selection (based on search queries ‘BIN L’, ‘AL Q’, ‘TERRORI*’): Letter to Congressional Leaders on Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to the Taliban, 30 June 2000. Interview with Joe Klein of in New York City, 5 July 2000. Statement on House of Representatives Action on Foreign Operations Appro- priations, 14 July 2000. Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report on the National Emergency with Respect to Terrorists Who Threaten to Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process, 27 July 2000. Statement on Terrorist Attacks in Spain, 9 August 2000. Remarks at the Signing Ceremony for the Tanzania–United States Open Skies Agreement in Arusha, Tanzania, 28 August 2000.

Government Printing Offi ce, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 2000 III (Washington, DC: Offi ce of the Federal Register, 2002). Text selec- tion (based on search queries ‘COLE’, ‘BIN L’, ‘AL Q’, ‘TERRORI*): Remarks on the Attack on the USS Cole and the Situation in the Middle East, 12 October 2000. Message to the Senate Transmitting the International Convention for the Sup- pression of the Financing of Terrorism, 12 October 2000. The President’s Radio Address,14 October 2000. Remarks to the Colorado Coordinated and State Senate Democratic Fund in Denver, 14 October 2000. Letter to Congressional Leaders Reporting on the Deployment of United States Forces in Response to the Attack on the USS Cole, 14 October 2000. Remarks at a Reception for Governor Gary Locke in , 14 October 2000. Remarks at a Dinner for Governor Gary Locke of Washington and Representa- tive Jay Inslee in Seattle, 14 October 2000. Remarks at the Memorial Service for Crewmembers of the USS Cole in Nor- folk, Virginia, 18 October 2000. Remarks at the Opening Ceremonies of the 2000 President’s Cup in Lake Manassas, Virginia, 18 October 2000. Presidential Determination No. 2001-02 – Memorandum on Waiver and Certi- fi cation of Statutory Provisions Regarding the Palestine Liberation Orga- nization, 19 October 2000. Remarks at a Reception for Representative Maurice D. Hinchey in Kingston, New York, 23 October 2000. Remarks at a Reception for in Flushing, New York, 23 October 2000.


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Statement on Congressional Action on the Foreign Operations Appropriations Legislation, 25 October 2000. Statement on Signing the Victims of Traffi cking and Violence Protection Act 2000, 28 October 2000. Remarks to the Congregation of Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, Virginia, 29 October 2000. Remarks on the Budget and the Legislative Agenda and an Exchange with Reporters, 30 October 2000. Interview on the Tom Joyner Morning Show, 2 November 2000. Interview with Jann Wenner of Magazine, 2 November 2000. Remarks on Departure for , California, 2 November 2000. Message on Returning Without Approval to the House of Representatives Intel- ligence Authorization Legislation for Fiscal Year 2001, 4 November 2000. Statement on Signing Legislation for Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations, 2001, 6 November 2000. Letter to Congressional Leaders on the National Emergency Regarding Prolif- eration of Weapons of Mass Destruction, 9 November 2000. Remarks at the Dinner Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the White House, 9 November 2000. Remarks at a Veterans Day Ceremony in Arlington, Virginia, 11 November 2000. Remarks at the Groundbreaking Ceremony for the World War II Memorial, 11 November 2000. Interview with Terence Hunt and Walter M. Mears of Associated Press, 14 November 2000. Interview with of CNN in Ho Chi Minh City, 19 November 2000. Interview with Forrest Sawyer for the Discovery Channel, 6 December 2000. Interview with Ellis Rubinstein of Science Magazine, 6 December 2000. Remarks at the University of Nebraska at Kearney, Nebraska, 8 December 2000. Remarks to the People of in , 13 December 2000. Remarks at the University of Warwick in Coventry, United Kingdom, 14 December 2000. Exchange with Reporters Aboard Air Force One, 14 December 2000. Statement on Action against International Crime, 15 December 2000. Declaration by the United States and the European Union on the Responsibili- ties of States and on Transparency Regarding Arms Exports, 18 December 2000. Statement on Signing the Departments of Commerce, Justice, State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2001, 21 December 2000. Statement on Signing the Consolidated Appropriations Act, FY 2001, 21 December 2000.


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Letter to Congressional Leaders on Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Libya, 4 January 2001. Remarks at an Armed Forces Tribute to the President in Arlington, Virginia, 5 January 2001. Remarks at an Israel Policy Forum Dinner in New York City, 7 January 2001. Interview with Steve Holland and Debbie Charles of , 11 January 2001. Interview with Mark Knoller of CBS Radio in Dover, New Hampshire, 11 January 2001. Remarks to the United States Conference of Mayors, 16 January 2001. Farewell Address to the Nation, 18 January 2001. Letter to Congressional Leaders Transmitting a Report on the National Emer- gency with Respect to Terrorists Who Threaten to Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process, 19 January 2001/ Letter to Congressional Leaders on Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Terrorists Who Threaten to Disrupt the Middle East Peace Process, 19 January 2001.

News Media Reporting Selected transcripts retrieved from LexisNexis, chronological order.

Chen, Wei (TV anchor), ‘The Hunt Continues for an International Gang of Mass Murderers Following the East African Bombings’, CTV National News, Toronto, CTV Television, 8 August 1998. Dhue, Laurie (TV anchor), ‘Dual Objectives in US Embassy Bombings, Treat the Injured, Find Who’s Responsible’, CNN Saturday, New York, CNN, 8 August 1998. Randall, Gene (TV anchor), ‘Finding Culprits Responsible for Bombings May be Diffi cult’, CNN Worldview, New York, CNN, 8 August 1998. Vargas, Elizabeth (TV anchor), ‘Global Search Underway Bombing Suspects’, ABC World News Saturday, New York, ABC News, 8 August 1998. Newman, Kevin (TV host), ‘Kenya Bombing Investigation’, ABC Good Morn- ing America, New York, ABC News, 13 August 1998. Kolbe, Marina (TV anchor), ‘Man Arrested in Pakistan in Connection with Embassy Bombings’, CNN Saturday, New York, CNN, 15 August 1998. Rather, Dan (TV anchor), ‘President Clinton Addresses the Nation Regarding Today’s US Military Strikes on Terrorist Sites in Afghanistan and Sudan’, CBS News Special Report, New York, CBS News, 20 August 1998. Rather, Dan (TV anchor), ‘The Decision to Strike Osama bin Laden and His Organization after it was Learned They Were Trying to Acquire Chemical Weapons and Utilize Them in Future Terrorist Activities’, 48 Hours, New York, CBS News, 20 August 1998.


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Rather, Dan (TV anchor), ‘Timing of the Attack against Terrorists in Afghani- stan and Sudan’, CBS Evening News, New York, CBS News, 20 August 1998. Dobbs, Lou (TV host), ‘America Strikes Back, Markets Unmoved, Merger Mania Hits Insurance Industry, Union Pacifi c Announces Reorganization’, CNN Moneyline News Hour With Lou Dobbs, New York, CNN, 20 August 1998. Chen, Joie (TV anchor), ‘US Air Strikes Catch Many by Surprise and Leaves Questions’, CNN The World Today, New York, CNN, 20 August 1998. Harris, Leon (TV anchor), ‘America Strikes Back, US Citizens Abroad Urged to Exercise Greater Caution, Stray Missile Hits Pakistan’, CNN Early Edition, New York, CNN, 21 August 1998. Kagan, Daryn (TV anchor), ‘America Strikes Back, Clinton Claims Retaliation for African Embassy Bombings’, CNN Early Edition, New York, CNN, 21 August 1998. Henderson, Cassandra (TV co-host), ‘Newsroom Worldview’, CNN Worldview, New York, CNN, 21 August 1998. Robelot, Jane (TV anchor), ‘Battle Plans for US Missile Strike Were in Effect Last Week’, CBS This Morning, New York, CBS News, 21 August 1998. Osgood, Charles (TV reporter), ‘Idea That Yesterday’s US Missile Attacks Were a Ploy to Distract Nation From Lewinsky Matter is Preposterous’, The Osgood File, New York, CBS News, 21 August 1998. Robelot, Jane (TV co-host), ‘Orlando Family’s Reaction to US Bombing in Retaliation for Embassies being Bombed in Africa’, CBS This Morning, New York, CBS News, 21 August 1998. McRee, Lisa (TV host), ‘America Strikes Back’, ABC Good Morning America, New York, ABC News, 21 August 1998. Randall, Gene (TV anchor), ‘America Strikes Back, What are the Capabilities of Osama bin Laden?’ CNN Saturday, New York, CNN, 22 August 1998. Dhue, Laurie (TV anchor), ‘America Strikes Back, Clinton Blocks Financial Transactions’, CNN Saturday, New York, CNN, 22 August 1998. Kolbe, Marina (TV anchor), ‘America Strikes Back: Satellite Photos Show Sub- stantial Damage’, CNN Sunday Morning, New York, CNN, 23 August 1998. Meserve, Jeanne (TV anchor), ‘Just in Time, Combating International Terror- ism, Quickly’, CNN Newsday, New York, CNN, 31 August 1998. Lehrer, Jim (TV anchor), ‘The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, Staying the Course, Swissair Crash, Cancer War, The President and the Press, Should He Resign?’, PBS News Hour, New York, PBS, 3 September 1998. Jennings, Peter (TV host), ‘A Closer Look’, World News Tonight with Peter Jennings, New York, ABC News, 4 September 1998.


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Assuras, Thalia (TV anchor), ‘White House Sex Scandal Affecting President Clinton’s Ability to Govern the Country’, CBS This Morning, New York, CBS News, 15 September 1998. Lehrer, Jim (TV anchor), ‘The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, Going Public? Wall Street Wrap, Reporting on Race, Dialogue’, PBS News Hour, New York, PBS, 18 September 1998. Koppel, Ted (TV anchor), ‘What in the world is Going On?’, ABC Nightline, New York, ABC News, 24 September 1998. Miller, Judith and William J. Broad, ‘Clinton Describes Terrorism Threat for 21st Century’, New York Times, 22 January 1999. Foley, James, ‘State Department Regular Briefi ng by James Foley, Deputy Spokesman’, Federal News Service, 6 July 1999. Mann, Jonathan (TV anchor), ‘Millennium 2000, UN Offi cials Praise Taliban’s Handling of Hostage Crisis’, CNN Live Event/Special, Friday, 31 Decem- ber 1999. Kelley, Donna (TV anchor), ‘US Investigators Uncover Ties Between bin Laden and Suspects Under Investigation for Smuggling Explosives into US’, CNN Early Edition, New York, CNN, 27 January 2000. Schieffer, Bob (TV anchor), ‘President Clinton Comments on the Terrorist Attack on the USS Cole in Yemen’, CBS News Special Report, New York, CBS News, 12 October 2000. Jennings, Peter (TV anchor), ‘USS Cole Hit by Terrorist Bomb in Port of Yemen, Intelligence Sources Suspect Osama Bin Laden’s Group’, World News Tonight, New York, ABC News, 12 October 2000. Chen, Julie (TV anchor), ‘President Clinton Promises to Find Those Respon- sible for the USS Cole Attack’, , New York, CBS News, 13 October 2000. Rather, Dan (anchor), ‘Investigation Continues into the Bombing of the USS Cole’, CBS Evening News, New York, CBS News, 13 October 2000. Gumbel, Bryant (anchor), ‘Who May Have Caused the Attack on the USS Cole and Why’, The Early Show, New York, CBS News, 13 October 2000. Rather, Dan (TV anchor), ‘Investigation into the USS Cole Bombing is Leading Investigators to Osama Bin Laden’, CBS Evening News, New York, CBS News, 18 October 2000. Hemmer, Bill (TV anchor), ‘Osama bin Laden’s Organization No. 1 Suspect in USS Cole Bombing’, CNN Morning News, New York, CNN, 19 October 2000. Woodruff, Judy (TV anchor), ‘Osama bin Laden Presence in Afghanistan Could Expose Country to US Attack’, CNN Worldview, New York, CNN, 19 October 2000. Lin, Carol (TV anchor), ‘Attack on the Cole, Former CIA Counterterrorism Offi cial Points Finger at bin Laden’, CNN Early Edition, New York, CNN, 20 October 2000.


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Rather, Dan (TV anchor), ‘Concerns are Growing About How and Where Osama Bin Laden May Strike Next’, CBS Evening News, New York, CBS News, 20 October 2000. Stahl, Lesley (TV co-host), ‘Dick Clarke, US Counterterrorism Teams Working to Prevent Attacks, Overseas And Domestic, By Terrorists’, 60 Minutes, New York, CBS News, 22 October 2000. Sesno, Frank (TV anchor), ‘Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing on USS Cole Attack Moves Behind Closed Doors’, CNN News Day, New York CNN, 25 October 2000. Borger, Julian, ‘Middle East Crisis, US Ponders Air Strikes against Bin Laden’, The Guardian, 25 October 2000. Sale, Richard, ‘Clinton Administration Considers Strike Options’, United Press International, 28 November 2000.

Chapter 4

Reports by Robert Fisk In chronological order, key texts underlined.

Fisk, Robert, ‘Anti-Soviet Warrior Puts His Army on the Road to Peace: the Saudi Businessman Who Recruited Mujahedin Now Uses Them for Large- Scale Building Projects in Sudan. Robert Fisk met him in Almatig’, The Independent, 6 December 1993, 10. Fisk, Robert, ‘Lebanon Moves to Enforce Its Will: a Standoff with a Palestinian Group’s Leader Threatens War, Robert Fisk Reports’, The Independent, 12 January 1996, 9. Fisk, Robert, ‘A Muslim Extremist Financier Now in Afghanistan Says British and French Forces in Saudi Arabia Will Be Bombed Like the Americans Unless They Quit’, Associated Press International, 9 July 1996. Fisk, Robert, ‘Saudi Dissident Warns West to Withdraw Troops, Bombing Start of War with Muslims, US Guerilla Leader Says’, The Ottawa Citizen, 10 July 1996, A11. Fisk, Robert, ‘Why We Reject The West – By the Saudis’ Fiercest Arab Critic: At Home in His Afghanistan Fastness, Osama Bin Laden Tells Robert Fisk Why He Wants to Drive the Americans and British Out of the Gulf’, The Independent, 10 July 1996, 14. Fisk, Robert, ‘The Mined Land of the Mujahidin: Robert Fisk is Taken on a Perilous Journey Through Blitzed Towns and Dead Fields’, The Indepen- dent, 10 July 1996, 14. Fisk, Robert, ‘Arab Rebel Leader Warns the British “Get Out of the Gulf”, Robert Fisk Tracks Saudi Arabia’s Most Wanted Man to His Lair in Afghanistan’, The Indepentent, 10 July 1996, 11.


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Fisk, Robert, ‘Small Comfort in Saudi Rebel’s Dangerous Exile: Agents Mix with Gun Runners and Drug Dealers in the Hunt for Gulf State’s Most Wanted Man, reports Robert Fisk in Afghanistan’, The Independent, 11 July 1996, 11. Fisk, Robert, ‘Circling Over a Broken, Ruined State, Robert Fisk Reports from Afghanistan on the Shipments of Guns and Drugs Which are Fueling a New Round of the Great Game’, The Independent, 14 July 1996, 12. Fisk, Robert, ‘Saudi Calls for Jihad against US “Crusader”, Is Not the Only Source of Concern for America in the Gulf, reports Robert Fisk’, The Independent, 2 September 1996, 8. Fisk, Robert, ‘Missile Diplomacy, How the US Fired First and Asked Questions Later’, Sydney Morning Herald, 7 September 1996, 29. Fisk, Robert, ‘Moments that Made the Year: Middle East Ruled by Death and Hypocrisy, From Qana to , Western Blindness Only Ensured That Things Got Worse, writes Robert Fisk’, The Independent, 26 December 1996, 14. Fisk, Robert, ‘Muslim Leader Warns of a New Assault on US Forces’, The Independent, 22 March 1997, 1. Fisk, Robert, ‘The Man Who Wants to Wage Holy War against the Americans: a Pilgrimage Through a Broken and Dangerous Land of Death’, The Inde- pendent, 22 March 1997, 14. Fisk, Robert, ‘The Door to Peace is Opened in Vain’, The Independent, 4 May 1998. Fisk, Robert, ‘Lebanon’s New Beginning Held Back by History: Robert Fisk in Charts the Crazy Voting Patterns of Tomorrow’s Elections’, The Independent, 22 May 1998. Fisk, Robert, ‘The West’s Poisonous Legacy: In Britain, Depleted Uranium is Treated as a Hazard. In Iraq, it Still Lies in the Soil, by Robert Fisk’, The Independent, 27 May 1998. Fisk, Robert, ‘Macabre Auction of Soldiers’ Corpses: a Dead Sergeant’s Remains are at the Centre of a Gruesome Wrangle between Israel and Hizbollah, reports Robert Fisk in Beirut’, The Independent, 6 June 1998. Fisk, Robert, ‘Pristina’s Reporters in a No-Chance Saloon, Robert Fisk, Who Last Night Won Top Prize at the Press Awards, Concludes His Series on Kosovo at the Offi ces of the “Koha Ditore” Newspaper’, The Independent, 26 June 1998. Fisk, Robert, ‘Leading Article: Let the Dust Settle First’, The Independent, 9 August 1998, 4. Fisk, Robert, ‘The Saudi Connection: Robert Fisk Believes America’s Broken Promises and its Blind Support for Israel Created the Conditions for Fri- day’s Atrocities’, The Independent, 9 August 1998, 19.


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Fisk, Robert, ‘Wealthy Arab Who Hates the US: Is He the Man Behind the Bombs?’, The Independent, 10 August 1998, 1. Edwards, Bob (Radio host), ‘Osama bin Laden’, NPR Morning Edition, Wash- ington, DC, NPR, 21 August 1998. Fisk, Robert, ‘US Air Strikes, Bin Laden Will Take His Revenge: Robert Fisk, the First Western to Meet Osama bin Laden, says the Saudi Dis- sident Will Strike Back against Bill Clinton’, The Independent, 21 August 1998, 1–2. Fisk, Robert, ‘Terror Chief is Just a Small Cog in the Raw Fury Machine, Anal- ysis: US Strikes Back’, Sydney Morning Herald, 22 August 1998, 23. Fisk, Robert, ‘Public Enemy No. 1, a Title He Always Wanted’, The Indepen- dent, 22 August 1998, 3. Fisk, Robert, ‘As My Grocer Said, Thank You Mr Clinton for the Kind Words, Talk of an “International Terrorist Conspiracy” is as Exotic as the Arab Belief in the “Zionist Conspiracy”’, The Independent, 22 August 1998, 3. Fisk, Robert, ‘America’s No. 1 Enemy, Profi le, Osama Bin Laden, Robert Fisk says that President Bill Clinton has Taken on a Dangerous Foe, a Fire- breathing Preacher Who Damns Secular Governments and Won’t Do Deals’, The Independent, 23 August 1998, 26. Fisk, Robert, ‘So Just How Wealthy is America’s New Public Enemy No. 1?’ The Independent, 24 August 1998, 9. Fisk, Robert, ‘Saudi’s Secretly Funding Taliban’, The Independent, 2 September 1998, 9. Fisk, Robert, ‘Thousands Massacred by Taliban’, The Independent, 4 Septem- ber 1998, 11. Fisk, Robert, ‘Once Again, it’s the World’s Most Serious Confrontation, How Long Will Europeans, Let Alone Arabs, Go on Accepting America’s Astonishing Theatricals?’, The Independent, 6 November 1998, 4. Fisk, Robert, ‘Why Desert Fox “Degrades” Us All: the Operation to Take Out Iraqi “Weapons of Mass Destruction” has also Twisted Truth, Judgment – and even Language, the War Game’, The Independent, 20 December 1998, 17. Fisk, Robert, ‘We Have Lost this Foolish War: Instead of Admitting the Truth about this Confl ict, Our Leaders Have Consistently Lied to Us’, The Inde- pendent, 9 April 1999, 5. Fisk, Robert, ‘A Foolish War: the West has All But Lost’, Hamilton Spectator, 9 April 1999, C3. Fisk, Robert, ‘US Delivers Suspect to a Saudi Execution’, The Independent, 13 October 1999, 15. Fisk, Robert, ‘The West’s Fear of Islam is no Excuse for Racism’, The Indepen- dent, 3 November 1999, 5.


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Fisk, Robert, ‘No End in Sight to the 1,000-year-old Struggle between Arabs and the West’, The Independent, 3 January 2000, 4. Fisk, Robert, ‘Clinton Visit to give Pakistan’s Military Strongman a Boost’, The Independent, 25 March 2000, 17. Fisk, Robert, ‘Clinton gives Coup Leader an Easy Ride: He was Expected to Read the Riot Act to Pakistan’s Dictator, but He Offered Only Clichés, says Robert Fisk in Islamabad’, The Independent, 26 March 2000, 21. Fisk, Robert, ‘Where the Taliban’s Warriors for Islam are Born’, The Indepen- dent, 31 March 2000, 14. Fisk, Robert, ‘Middle East Crisis, Arab World: Lies, Hatred and the Language of Force’, The Independent, 13 October 2000, 2. Fisk, Robert, ‘Intelligence that Barely Deserves the Name’, The Independent, 24 November 2000, 2. Fisk, Robert, ‘Review of the Year, Foreign – The Middle East: Forget the Peace Process, this is a Murderous ’, The Independent, 29 December 2000, 9.

Reports by Peter Bergen In chronological order.

Edwards, Bob (Radio host), ‘Osama bin Laden’, NPR Morning Edition, Wash- ington, DC, NPR, 20 August 1998. W aters, Lou (TV anchor), ‘US Strikes “Terrorist” Targets in Afghanistan, Sudan’, CNN Breaking News, New York, CNN, 20 August 1998. Bergen, Peter, ‘Face to Face with Vengeful Terrorist, American Missile Strikes. British TV News Producer Talks about His Meeting with Osama bin Laden’, The Mirror, 22 August 1998, 9. Greenfeld, Jeff (TV co-host), ‘Dispatches from Washington, Back to School, Uneasy Gambling’, Newsstand CNN & TIME, New York, CNN, 23 August 1998. Battista, Bobbie (TV host), ‘US Embassy Bombing Suspects Face Justice in New York, Iraq Continues to Stonewall UN Weapons Inspectors’, CNN Talk- back Live, New York, CNN, 27 August 1998. B ergen, Peter and Frank Smyth, ‘Holy Warrior’, , 31 August 1998, 20. Greenfeld, Jeff (TV co-host), ‘Holy Warriors, the Body Politic, the Dalai Lama, a Visit’, Newsstand CNN & TIME, New York, CNN, 8 November 1998. Woodruff, Judy (TV anchor), ‘Terrorism Remains a Sore Spot for Pakistani–US Relations’, CNN Worldview, New York, CNN, 2 December 1998. Greenfeld, Jeff (TV co-host), ‘Split Screen, The Week That Was, Down with Crime, Osama bin Laden, American Ties, Newsstand CNN & TIME, New York, CNN, 20 December 1998.


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Chen, Joie (TV anchor), ‘Bin Laden Associate Turned Over to US Custody’, CNN Sunday, New York, CNN, 21 December 1998. Callaway, Catherine (TV anchor), ‘FBI Adds Osama bin Laden to 10 Most Wanted List’, CNN Saturday Morning News, New York, CNN, 5 June 1999. Wiliams, Brian (TV anchor), ‘FBI to Add Osama bin Laden to 10 Most Wanted List’, CNN The World Today, New York, CNN, 5 June 1999. Susteren, Greta van (TV co-host), ‘Additions to the FBI “10 Most Wanted” List, James Kopp and Osama bin Laden’, CNN Burden of Proof, New York, CNN, 7 June 1999. Callaway, Catherine (TV anchor), ‘Osama bin Laden Remains at Large One Year After African Embassy Bombings’, CNN Saturday Morning News, New York, CNN, 7 August 1999. Greenfeld, Jeff (TV co-host), ‘Mr. Rogers’ Neighorhood, Padre Pio’, News- stand CNN & TIME, New York, CNN, 8 August 1999. Hemmer, Bill (TV anchor), ‘One Year After US Strikes, bin Laden and his Fol- lowers Remain Active and At-Large’, CNN Morning News, New York, CNN, 29 August 1999. Bergen, Peter, ‘London Calling’, The New Republic, 5 June 2000, 15. Peltz, Perri (TV anchor), ‘Investigating the Attack on the USS Cole, Examining the Crisis in the Middle East’, CNN Live Event/Special, New York, CNN, 12 October 2000. Waters, Lou (TV anchor), ‘Terrorism Analyst Peter Bergen Discusses Possible Sus- pects in USS Cole Attack’, CNN Today, New York, CNN, 13 October 2000. Battista, Bobbie (TV host), ‘America Searches for Answers After Attack on USS Cole’, CNN Talkback Live, New York, CNN, 13 October 2000. O’Brien, Miles (TV anchor), ‘USS Cole Attacked, Peter Bergen Discusses Who Might Be Responsible for the Attack on the Cole’, CNN Saturday Morning News, New York, CNN, 14 October 2000. Blitzer, Wolf (TV anchor), ‘Crisis in the Middle East: Palestinian and Israeli Lead- ers Agree to Summit, US Offi cials Launch Investigation into Attack on USS Cole’, CNN Live Event/Special, New York, CNN, 14 October 2000. Kagan, Daryn (TV anchor), ‘USS Cole Attacked, Peter Bergen Discusses Who Might be Responsible for the Attack on the Cole’, CNN Morning News, New York, CNN, 14 October 2000. Nelson, Brian (TV anchor), ‘Osama Bin Laden No. 1 Suspect in USS Cole Bombing’, CNN Saturday, New York, CNN, 14 October 2000. Nelson, Brian (TV anchor), ‘Who was Behind the Attack on the USS Cole?’, CNN Sunday, New York, CNN, 15 October 2000. Lin, Carol (TV anchor), ‘USS Cole Attack, Osama Bin Laden Considered “Very High” on Suspect List’, CNN Sunday Morning, New York, CNN, 15 October 2000.


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Chen, Joie (TV anchor), ‘Crisis in the Middle East’, CNN Live Event/Special, New York, CNN, 16 October 2000. Susteren, Greta van (TV co-host), ‘USS Cole Investigation, New Clues Discov- ered in Deadly Bombing’, CNN Burden of Proof, New York, CNN, 18 October 2000. Susteren, Greta van (TV co-host), ‘Threats against US Forces Elevate Military to Highest State of Alert’, CNN Burden of Proof, New York, CNN, 25 October 2000. Randall, Gene (TV anchor), ‘Is the FBI Any Closer to Finding a Suspect in the USS Cole Attack?’, CNN Saturday, New York, CNN, 28 October 2000. Allen, Natalie (TV anchor), ‘Jury Convicts Four on All Charges in Embassy Bombings’, CNN Breaking News, New York, CNN, 29 May 2001.

Other reports on Bin Laden interviews In chronological order.

Macleod, Scott, ‘The Paladin of Jihad, Fearless and Super-rich, Osama bin Laden Finances Islamic Extremism. A TIME Exclusive’, TIME Magazine, 6 May 1996. Roberts, Gwynne (TV director and reporter), ‘The Saudi Tapes’, Channel 4 Dispatches, 29 February 1997, London, RWF World, available at: https:// vimeo.com/48150820, last accessed 15 March 2016. Shaw, Bernard (TV anchor), ‘Impact, Holy Terror? Osama bin Ladin Interview by Peter Arnett’, CNN Impact, New York, CNN, 10 August 1997. Inter- view conducted in March 1997, transcript retrieved from LexisNexis and http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article7204.htm, video viewed online via Confl ict Studies (YouTube publisher), Osama bin Laden Inter- view (1997), 14 September 2014, available at: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=IcVV9snalOI, last accessed 20 April 2018. Miller, John, ‘Greetings, America. My Name is Usama Bin Ladin. Now that I Have Your Attention . . .’, Esquire, online, February 1999, available at: http://classic.esquire.com/my-name-is-osama-bin-laden, last accessed 27 April 2018. See also FBIS, 88–102. See also Jennings, Peter (TV host), ‘A Closer Look: a Very Dangerous Man Targets Americans’, World News Tonight With Peter Jennings, New York, ABC News, 10 June 1998; Koppel, Ted (TV anchor), ‘ABC Nightline, One of America’s Most Dan- gerous Enemies’, ABC Nightline, New York, ABC News, 10 June 1998; Apalach32 (YouTube publisher), ‘ABC Reporter John Miller asks Shaykh OBL 1998’, video fi le, 9 April 2009, available at: https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=GW8_Zbsirdw, last accessed 27 April 2018); Chang, Juju (TV anchor), ‘Osama Bin Laden Speaks Out’, ABC World News This Morning, New York, ABC News, 25 December 1998.


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