Reforging the Sword FORCES FOR A 21ST CENTURY SECURITY STRATEGY diplomacy training doctrine allies leadership weaponry FULL REPORT COL. DANIEL SMITH (RET.) · MARCUS CORBIN · CHRISTOPHER HELLMAN The goal of the Center for Defense Information's Military Reform Project is to regenerate vigorous debate over the uses, strategy, doctrine, and forces of the U.S. military, and to address the deep institutional problems currently vexing the mili- tary. Its products are being designed as tools for expression of a wide range of analysis and views. Interested parties are invited to contact the project for further information:, Marcus Corbin,
[email protected], 202-797-5282. The authors would like to thank reviewers of the report, particularly CDI Distinguished Military Fellows Gen. Charles Wilhelm (Ret.) and Gen. Anthony Zinni (Ret.), as well as Adm. Stephen Baker (Ret.), The Hon. Philip Coyle, Dr. Alan Gropman, Adm. Robert James (Ret.), Adm. John Shanahan (Ret.), and Col. John Tillson (Ret.), for sharing their broad experience and providing invalu- able comments and suggestions. The study, however, represents the views of the authors alone. Special thanks also to Theresa Hitchens, senior advisor at the Center for Defense Information, for editing the study. CDI gratefully acknowl- edges the generous support for this project provided by the Education Foundation of America. To encourage the intellectual freedom of the staff, the Center for Defense Information does not hold organizational positions on public policy issues. The views expressed in CDI publications are those of the authors. Center for Defense Information 1779 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20036-2109 ©2001 Center for Defense Information Reforging the Sword FORCES FOR A 21ST CENTURY SECURITY STRATEGY FULL REPORT COL.